
Employed leaders

A leader is a named character that leads a significant part of the Empire, as Governor, Scientist, Admiral or General. The ruler is a specific subtype of Leader and in many cases elected from the existing leaders.

The name of a leader can be changed at any time by clicking on it.

Gaining and losing leaders[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

All values in this section can be modified by leader traits, edicts, technology, policies, traditions, civics, and ruler traits.

Leaders other than Rulers may be dismissed at any time. Dismissal is irreversible.

Leader pool[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

While some events and diplomatic options may give leaders, the most common way to get leaders is to recruit them from the leader pool. There is one pool for each type of leader, other than Rulers who cannot be recruited directly. Each leader pool will contain 3 leaders, or 4 if the empire has the 模塊化功能 Delegated Functions 模塊化功能Delegated Functions civic. If a leader is recruited another one will be added to the pool.

A leader can be recruited from the pool for a cost of 50 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity + 50 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity for every leader beyond the initial five (the leader, one governor and three scientists), modified by the following:

Source Cost
活力四射 Eager 活力四射Eager leader trait -50%
活力四射 Eager Newboot leader trait -50%
政策 Policy Selected Lineages Leader Enhancement policy +50%
政策 Policy Capacity Boosters Leader Enhancement policy +100%

Leaders in the pool are replaced every year. Alternatively it is possible, but potentially expensive, to "re-roll" leaders in the pool by recruiting and immediately dismissing them to generate a replacement.

Once recruited, leaders can be freely assigned to different posts (for example, moving a governor from one planet to another sector), be left without an assignment, or be dismissed.

Each Leader save for the Ruler has a monthly upkeep of 2 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity, halved with either the 活力四射 Eager 活力四射Eager or 活力四射 Eager Newboot leader trait.

Lifespan[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Each leader has an age in years and has a base guaranteed 領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan lifespan of 80 years, which can be improved by certain species traits, leader traits, and technologies.

After passing their guaranteed lifespan, leaders have a chance of dying every month. The probability is 0.2% per year that has passed since their guaranteed lifespan. After 20 years past their guaranteed lifespan this increases to 2% per month. The mean lifespan with no modifiers is 88 years, 6 months.

Hovering over a leader's age will show the leader's guaranteed lifespan and current chance to die each month. Rulers of 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Gestalt empires are immortal.

The following modifiers affect Leader Lifespan:

Source 領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan 領袖預期壽命Leader Lifespan Requirements DLC
機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical Immortal
機械 Machine 機械Machine Immortal 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
天選之人 Chosen One 天選之人Chosen One Immortal 超凡入聖 Transcendence Shroud vision outcome 烏托邦 Utopia
尊者 Venerable Namarian Immortal No.png 寰宇企業 Megacorp
尊者 Venerable 尊者Venerable +80
屍化體 Necrophage 屍化體Necrophage +80 食屍文化 Necrophage 食屍文化Necrophage 死靈類物種包 Necroids Species Pack
石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid +50 石質生物物種包 Lithoids Species Pack
強健 Robust 強健Robust +50 掌控進化 Evolutionary Mastery 掌控進化Evolutionary Mastery ascension perk
基因重組 Genetic Resequencing 基因重組Genetic Resequencing technology
烏托邦 Utopia
神經機械 Cybernetic 神經機械Cybernetic +40 血肉苦弱 The Flesh is Weak 血肉苦弱The Flesh is Weak ascension perk 烏托邦 Utopia
同化鬥士 Driven Assimilator 同化鬥士Driven Assimilator civic 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
輻照化 Irradiated 輻照化Irradiated +30 Pre-sapient species
政策 Policy Capacity Boosters 政策Policy +20 能力增強 Capacity Boosters Capacity Boosters technology
No.png平等主義 Egalitarian極端平等主義 Fanatic Egalitarian Egalitarian
超凡入聖 Transcendence Covenant: Composer of Strands +20 超凡入聖 Transcendence Shroud vision outcome 烏托邦 Utopia
延年益壽 Enduring 延年益壽Enduring +20
賈沃疹樣本 Javorian Pox Sample 賈沃疹樣本Javorian Pox Sample +20 Irassian Concordat precursor event chain 上古之遺故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Tradition harmony mind and body.png Mind and Body +20 Harmony tradition
Tradition harmony mind and body.png Cloned Organs +20 Synchronicity tradition
No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
No.png食屍文化 Necrophage 食屍文化Necrophage
烏托邦 Utopia
烏托邦 Utopia Ageless +15 Science Nexus Fountain of Youth event chain special project
No.png 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
No.png 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical main species
智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack Inoculated Population +10 Request from the Ancient Caretakers fallen empire 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
有限再生 Limited Regeneration 有限再生Limited Regeneration +10 Orbital Speed Demon anomaly event
Menu icon policies.png Selected Lineages policy +10 擇優血脈 Selected Lineages Selected Lineages technology
No.png極端平等主義 Fanatic Egalitarian 極端平等主義Fanatic Egalitarian
倖存者 Survivor 倖存者Survivor +10 後啟示錄 Post-Apocalyptic 後啟示錄Post-Apocalyptic origin 啟示錄 Apocalypse
活性增強劑 Vitality Boosters 活性增強劑Vitality Boosters technology +10
細胞活力 Cell Revitalization 細胞活力Cell Revitalization technology +5 per level
快節奏 Fleeting 快節奏Fleeting -10 No.png 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
-25 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid 石質生物物種包 Lithoids Species Pack
藥物依賴 Substance Abuser 藥物依賴Substance Abuser -20
傷殘 Maimed 傷殘Maimed -40 考古遺址 Archaeology site 考古遺址Archaeology site bad outcome 遙遠繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
克隆人士兵 Clone Soldier 克隆人士兵Clone Soldier -40 人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack

Initial age[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The initial age of a new leader can vary. The 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid initial age overrides all others.

Condition Age Effective lifespan DLC
Default 28-50 30-52 (41)
帝制 Imperial Imperial Heir 18-26 54-62 (58)
機械體 Mechanical機械智能 Machine Intelligence Robotic species 2-10 Immortal
蜂巢思維 Hive-Minded 蜂巢思維Hive-Minded species 10-20 60-70 (65) 烏托邦 Utopia
石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid species 50-80 50-80 (65) 石質生物物種包 Lithoids Species Pack
克隆人士兵 Clone Soldier 克隆人士兵Clone Soldier species 5-20 20-35 (27.5) 人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack
克隆人士兵先裔 Clone Soldier Ascendant 克隆人士兵先裔Clone Soldier Ascendant species 5-20 60-75 (67.5) 人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack

Death by accident[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

While 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical and 機械 Machine 機械Machine leaders are immortal, they can still die by accident, regardless of their age. Every 10 years, there is the following chance of a leader suffering a fatal accident:

  • 88%: nothing happens
  • 2%: Survey Ship scientist dies
  • 2%: Engineering Research Leader dies
  • 2%: Society Research Leader dies
  • 2%: Physics Research Leader dies
  • 2%: Admiral commanding a fleet dies
  • 2%: Governor governing a sector dies

Note that this is rolled per empire, not per leader. For a role with exactly one leader, this represents a mean active lifespan of 500 years. An exploit to negate the chance for accidental death entirely exists: remove each leader before the decade begins then returning the leaders after a month passes.

機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence empires can adopt the Tradition synchronicity self preservation.png Self-Preservation Protocols Tradition to reduce the weight of accidents by half, reducing the chance for an accident to occur for each role to 1.06% (6.38% total), for a mean active lifespan of 940 years.

Skill level[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The skill level of a leader determines their basic bonuses, which depend on leader type (ruler, governor, etc.). By default, skill ranges from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 5. The skill cap can be increased to a max level of 10 through certain traditions, traits, civics, and the leader enhancement policy.

A leader's skill increases after accumulating a certain number of experience points, shown in the table below. Upon gaining a level, a leader's experience total resets to 0 and they have a chance to gain a leader trait. A leader who has previously gained a trait from leveling cannot get another trait from leveling. Leaders who already have three or more traits cannot gain a leader trait.

XP 200 475 825 1250 1750 2325 2975 3700 4500
Total XP 200 675 1500 2750 4500 6825 9800 13500 18000
Trait gain chance (admirals and scientists) 10% 14.3% 21.7% 35.7%
Trait gain chance (generals, governors, and rulers) 20% 27.3% 38.5% 55.6%

Leader experience gain[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The following modifiers affect the speed at which a leader gains experience:

Source 領袖經驗獲得 Leader Experience Gain Experience Notes
Ap transcendent learning.png Transcendent Learning ascension perk +50%
開明 Adaptable 開明Adaptable trait +25%
開明 Adaptable Flexible Programming trait +25%
聰穎 Quick Learners 聰穎Quick Learners trait +25%
學習算法 Learning Algorithms 學習算法Learning Algorithms trait +25% 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical with 合成人人格矩陣 Synthetic Personality Matrix 合成人人格矩陣Synthetic Personality Matrix, or 機械 Machine 機械Machine
法令 Edict Education Campaign edict +25% Requires 行星統一 Planetary Unification 行星統一Planetary Unification
法令 Edict Learning Campaign edict +25% Requires 行星統一 Planetary Unification 行星統一Planetary Unification
法令 Edict Machine Learning Campaign edict +25% Requires 行星統一 Planetary Unification 行星統一Planetary Unification
神經組織工程 Neural Tissue Engineering 神經組織工程Neural Tissue Engineering technology +25% Leader trait scroll.png Marvels of Medicine event outcome
Tradition discovery polytechnic education.png Polytechnic Education tradition +25%
議程 Agenda Skill Development agenda +25%
Leader trait glory seeker.png Dragonbane general trait +25% General.png Generals
伯樂之眼 Eye for Talent 伯樂之眼Eye for Talent ruler trait +20% Requires 星系管理 Galactic Administration 星系管理Galactic Administration
集中知識 Pooled Knowledge 集中知識Pooled Knowledge civic +10%
超負荷工廠 Factory Overclocking 超負荷工廠Factory Overclocking civic +10%
惡性競爭 Ruthless Competition 惡性競爭Ruthless Competition civic +10%
上古之遺故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Management Insights Peaceful Applications modifier +10% Requires 奧術解密 Arcane Deciphering Arcane Deciphering
上古之遺故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Pheromone Enhancement Peaceful Applications modifier +10% Requires 奧術解密 Arcane Deciphering Arcane Deciphering
上古之遺故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Algorithm Refinement Peaceful Applications modifier +10% Requires 奧術解密 Arcane Deciphering Arcane Deciphering
Trait primitive.png Conservative trait -25%
Repurposed hardware.png Repurposed Hardware trait -25% 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical with 合成人人格矩陣 Synthetic Personality Matrix 合成人人格矩陣Synthetic Personality Matrix, or 機械 Machine 機械Machine
愚笨 Slow Learners 愚笨Slow Learners trait -25%
頑固 Stubborn 頑固Stubborn trait -25%
頑固 Stubborn Rigid Programming trait -25%

Leader level cap[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The following modifiers can raise the leader level cap, up to a maximum of ten:

Source 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap Cap Notes
政策 Policy Capacity Boosters 政策Policy +2
哲人王 Philosopher King 哲人王Philosopher King civic +2 Ruler.png Ruler
強化存儲 Enhanced Memory 強化存儲Enhanced Memory species trait +2 Requires 合成人人格矩陣 Synthetic Personality Matrix 合成人人格矩陣Synthetic Personality Matrix
Tradition discovery science division.png Science Division tradition +2 Scientist.png Scientists
Tradition domination colonial viceroys.png Colonial Viceroys tradition +2 Governor.png Governor
Tradition domination grand council.png Grand Council tradition +2 Ruler.png Ruler
Tradition supremacy war games.png War Games tradition +2 Admiral.png Admirals
天賦異稟 Talented 天賦異稟Talented species trait +1
博學多識 Erudite 博學多識Erudite species trait +1
貴族精英 Aristocratic Elite 貴族精英Aristocratic Elite civic +1 Governor.png Governors
卓越海軍 Distinguished Admiralty 卓越海軍Distinguished Admiralty civic +1 Admiral.png Admirals
精英政治 Meritocracy 精英政治Meritocracy civic +1
惡性競爭 Ruthless Competition 惡性競爭Ruthless Competition civic +1
集中知識 Pooled Knowledge 集中知識Pooled Knowledge civic +1
超負荷工廠 Factory Overclocking 超負荷工廠Factory Overclocking civic +1
Tradition discovery polytechnic education.png Polytechnic Education tradition +1
Tradition harmony mind and body.png Mind and Body tradition +1
Ap transcendent learning.png Transcendent Learning ascension perk +2
政策 Policy Selected Lineages 政策Policy +1
伯樂之眼 Eye for Talent 伯樂之眼Eye for Talent ruler trait +1 Requires 星系管理 Galactic Administration 星系管理Galactic Administration
Leader trait glory seeker.png Dragonbane general trait +1 General.png Generals
集體自我 The Collective Self 集體自我The Collective Self technology +1 No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
具現物力論 Embodied Dynamism 具現物力論Embodied Dynamism technology +1 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
神經組織工程 Neural Tissue Engineering 神經組織工程Neural Tissue Engineering technology +1 Leader trait scroll.png Marvels of Medicine event outcome
Federation military.png Martial Alliance level 3 members perk +1 Admiral.png Admirals
Leader trait percussive maintenance.png Percussive Maintainer -1 Ruined Station Archaeology Site outcome
Leader trait arrested development.png Arrested Development -2

Leader classes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Leaders are divided into 5 classes that determine their possible assignments, bonuses, experience sources, and available traits.

Class Bonus per level Experience gain Assignment Notes
Ruler.png Ruler File:Mod edict cap add.png +5 Edict Fund 5 per month if ruler
1 per month if heir
  • Rulers are elected from leaders based on an empire's Government type, unless using the 帝制 Imperial 帝制Imperial authority or the 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness ethic
  • An empire's first ruler's name and appearance can be customized at empire creation but its traits are randomized
  • Leaders that become rulers receive a new set of ruler traits
  • Rulers that return to their pre-ruler class return to their previous traits and can be reassigned
  • Rulers can be assassinated by the Contingency during the Crisis
  • When an empire's first ruler steps down it becomes a governor
Governor.png Governor 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +2% Resources from Jobs
Empire sprawl.png -2% Empire Sprawl from Pops
犯罪與異常 -3 Crime
5 per month when governing Sectors
Scientist.png Scientist 研究速度 Research Speed +2% Research Speed
調查速度 Survey Speed +10% Survey Speed
異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +1 Archaeology skill
研究 Research +2% Research Assist Output
3.5 per month when leading research
0.1 per day when assisting research
10 per celestial object surveyed
50 per researched anomaly
100 per completed special project
75 per archaeology site chapter
Research departments
Science ships
  • 研究速度 Research Speed 研究速度Research Speed in a department is reduced by -25% if no scientist is assigned to it
  • Science ships require a scientist to perform any action except exploring wormholes
  • Scientists can gain new traits from certain anomalies and special projects
  • Certain anomalies and special projects award large amounts of additional experience when completed
  • 異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed 異常現象研究速度Anomaly Research Speed is determined by comparing a scientist's skill level to the level of the anomaly
  • Scientists have a small chance to be killed by random 考古遺址 Archaeology site 考古遺址Archaeology site events
Admiral.png Admiral 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +3% Fire Rate 0.05 per day when suppressing piracy
5 per space battle
+0.5 per destroyed ship on either side
+0.25 per disengaged ship on either side
Military fleets
  • New admirals can be created by the Promising Officer event after winning space battles
  • Admirals can gain new traits from leader events based on what the fleet they're assigned to is doing
  • Admirals have a 10% chance to die when their ship is destroyed
General.png General 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +5% Army Damage 100 per ground battle
+0.25 per destroyed army on either side
Transport fleets
  • Generals have a 5% chance to die each time they lose an army

Leader traits[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Non-ruler leaders are generated with one pre-existing positive trait suitable for their class. Rulers get two.

Every time a leader gains a level, they have a chance to receive an additional trait, unless they:

  • Already have 3 traits.
  • Have already gained a trait via level-up.

Some traits are only available when recruiting a leader from the leader pool and can't be gained from level-up, and vice versa.

Immortal leaders that aren't members of a 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness empire can gain traits with no effect beyond modifying their lifespan, effectively wasting their level-up trait slot with no benefit or penalty. This is most likely to occur with 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical or Namarian leaders.

A leader can gain a trait that's the opposite of one they already have as long as its absence isn't listed as a requirement - a Scientist with a Sapient AI Assistant can also gain a Custom AI Assistant, for example. Since leaders can't start with negative traits and can only gain one trait from level-up, you'll usually only see this happen for opposite traits where both are beneficial.

Governors are significantly more likely to gain a negative trait from level-up since almost half their possible positive traits (5/12) are only available at recruitment.

Class Trait Effect R L Requirements Opposites Description

Generic Leader traits

Any Leader trait adaptable.png Adaptable 領袖經驗獲得 Leader Experience Gain +25% Leader experience gain Yes.png Yes.png No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness 頑固 Stubborn 頑固Stubborn This leader is quick to adapt new methods and ideas if they prove superior.
Leader trait adaptable.png Flexible Programming No.png 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness Leader trait stubborn.png Rigid Programming This leader has unusually flexible programming, and is capable of quickly adapting new methods and procedures if they prove superior.
Any Leader trait eager.png Eager 領袖招募花費 Leader Recruitment Cost −50% Leader cost
領袖招募花費 Leader Recruitment Cost −50% Leader upkeep
Yes.png No.png No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness This leader is particularly eager for an assignment.
Leader trait eager.png Newboot 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness This leader was only recently upgraded to a sufficiently autonomous state to allow for command positions.
Any Leader trait resilient.png Resilient 領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan +25 Leader lifespan Yes.png Yes.png No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness 藥物依賴 Substance Abuser 藥物依賴Substance Abuser This leader is resilient and in excellent physical condition, dramatically increasing life expectancy.
Any Leader trait arrested development.png Arrested Development 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap −2 Leader Level Cap No.png Yes.png No.png唯一意志 One Mind 唯一意志One Mind
No.png哲人王 Philosopher King 哲人王Philosopher King if Ruler.png Ruler or Governor.png Governor
The personal development and skills of this leader seem to have plateaued at their present level.
Any Leader trait stubborn.png Stubborn 領袖經驗獲得 Leader Experience Gain −25% Leader experience gain No.png Yes.png No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
No.png哲人王 Philosopher King 哲人王Philosopher King if Ruler.png Ruler or Governor.png Governor
開明 Adaptable 開明Adaptable This leader is stubborn and slow to accept new methods and ideas, even if they have proven superior.
Leader trait stubborn.png Rigid Programming 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence Leader trait adaptable.png Flexible Programming This leader has particularly rigid programming that only rarely permits behavioral modifications, even when such changes would improve efficiency.
Any Leader trait substance abuser.png Substance Abuser 領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan −20 Leader lifespan No.png Yes.png No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
No.png哲人王 Philosopher King Philosopher King if Ruler.png Ruler or Governor.png Governor
快速復原 Resilient Resilient This leader has fallen to substance abuse to cope with the stress, which has had a detrimental effect on physical health.

Ruler.png Ruler traits

Ruler.png Trait ruler architectural sense.png Architectural Sense 建築花費 Building Cost −10% Building cost
建築花費 Building Cost −10% District cost
Mod planet building build speed mult.png +10% Planet building speed
Yes.png Yes.png This leader is an architect at heart, investing in more efficient construction practices.
Ruler.png Trait ruler champion of the people.png Champion of the People 幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness Yes.png Yes.png This leader seems really to be concerned about the welfare of his people.
Ruler.png Trait ruler charismatic.png Charismatic 法令花費 Edict Cost −10% Edict cost
法令持續時間 Edict Duration +20% Edict Duration
Yes.png Yes.png This leader is exceptionally charismatic, enforcing their will with ease.
Ruler.png Trait ruler deep connections.png Deep Connections 每月影響力 Monthly Influence +1 Monthly Influence Yes.png Yes.png 行星統一 Planetary Unification 行星統一Planetary Unification technology This leader is firmly entrenched in the labyrinthine web that makes up the political machine.
Ruler.png Trait ruler expansionist.png Expansionist Mod country spaceport cost mult.png −15% Outpost Build cost
恆星基地影響力花費 Starbase Influence Cost −15% Starbase Influence cost
Yes.png Yes.png This leader aims to expand their borders, reducing the Outpost build cost and Colony Influence cost.
Ruler.png Trait ruler explorer.png Explorer 造艦費用 Ship Build Cost −25% Science Ship Build cost
異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +33% Anomaly Research Speed
Yes.png Yes.png This leader is known for their insatiable curiosity, valuing space exploration above all else.
Ruler.png Trait ruler eye for talent.png Eye for Talent 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +1 Leader Skill Levels
領袖經驗獲得 Leader Experience Gain +20% Leader experience gain
Yes.png Yes.png 星系管理 Galactic Administration 星系管理Galactic Administration technology
Much more likely than other traits during level-up[1]
This leader is considered to be unusually perceptive, spotting talent where others see only eccentricity or incompetence.
Ruler.png Trait ruler fertility preacher.png Fertility Preacher Pop resource food mult.png +10% Food from Jobs
Mod pop growth req.png +5% Pop Growth Speed
Yes.png Yes.png No.png石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid This leader feels strongly about securing and protecting agrarian food sources.
Ruler.png Leader trait fleet organizer.png Fleet Organizer 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +15% Naval Capacity Yes.png Yes.png 學說:靈巧編隊 Doctrine: Reactive Formations 學說:靈巧編隊Doctrine: Reactive Formations technology 神經質 Nervous 神經質Nervous[2] This leader is an expert at organization possessing the necessary micromanagement skills to command very large starship formations.
Ruler.png Trait ruler fortifier.png Fortifier 恆星基地升級費用 Starbase Upgrade Cost −10% Starbase Upgrade cost
Build cost.png −33% Defense Platform Build cost
Yes.png Yes.png Tech space defense station 1.png Deep Space Outposts technology This ruler understands the value in using military station to secure territory.
Ruler.png Trait ruler from the ranks.png From the Ranks 陸軍士氣 Army Morale +20% Army morale
Army experience gain +33% Army experience gain
Yes.png No.png 集中指揮 Centralized Command 集中指揮Centralized Command technology This leader rose through the ranks of military command.
Ruler.png Trait ruler frontier spirit.png Frontier Spirit 艦船建造速度 Ship Build Speed −35% Colony Ship Build cost
殖民地發展速度 Colony Development Speed +25% Colony Development Speed
Yes.png Yes.png 新世界協議 New Worlds Protocol 新世界協議New Worlds Protocol technology This leader is eager to reign over distant stars.
Ruler.png Trait ruler home in the sky.png Home in the Sky 恆星基地模塊花費 Starbase Module Cost −20% Starbase Module Build cost
恆星基地升級費用 Starbase Upgrade Cost −10% Starbase Upgrade cost
Yes.png Yes.png This leader reaches for the stars.
Ruler.png Trait ruler industrialist.png Industrialist Mod resource minerals mult.png +10% Empire Mineral Production Yes.png Yes.png This leader has a firm grip on the means of production.
Ruler.png Trait ruler investor.png Investor Trade value.png +10% Trade Value Yes.png Yes.png This leader is a shrewd economist, capable of maximizing financial potential.
Ruler.png Trait ruler logistic understanding.png Logistic Understanding 艦船維護費 Ship Upkeep −5% Ship Upkeep
陸軍維護費 Army Upkeep −10% Army upkeep
Yes.png Yes.png 學說:艦隊支援 Doctrine: Fleet Support 學說:艦隊支援Doctrine: Fleet Support technology This leader is well aware of the importance of properly-structured supply chains.
Ruler.png Trait ruler military pioneer.png Military Pioneer 艦船升級花費 Ship Upgrade Cost −10% Ship Upgrade cost
造艦費用 Ship Build Cost −10% Shipyard Build cost
Yes.png Yes.png Tech doctrine refit standards.png Doctrine: Refit Standards technology This leader is enthusiastic about advancements in military technology and ship construction.
Ruler.png Trait ruler recruiter.png Recruiter 陸軍建造速度 Army Build Speed +50% Army Build Speed
陸軍花費 Army Cost −20% Army cost
Yes.png Yes.png 集中指揮 Centralized Command 集中指揮Centralized Command technology This leader is particularly charismatic, and fresh recruits are practically lining up to serve their nation.
Ruler.png Trait ruler reformer.png Reformer 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +10% Monthly Unity Yes.png No.png This leader is a reformer, dedicated towards building the society of tomorrow.
Ruler.png Trait ruler space miner.png Space Miner 礦物 Minerals +10% Mining Station Output
Build cost.png −25% Mining Station Build cost
Yes.png No.png This leader recognizes just how vital the exploitation of offworld resources is for a star nation.
Ruler.png Leader trait fist.png Warlike 艦船武器傷害 Ship Weapons Damage +5% Ship weapons damage
陸軍傷害 Army Damage +10% Army damage
Yes.png Yes.png This leader does not shy away from conflict reducing the Cede Planet and Cede Frontier Outpost War Demand costs.
Ruler.png Trait ruler world shaper.png World Shaper 環境改造速度 Terraforming Speed +25% Terraforming Speed
清除障礙花費 Clear Blocker Cost −15% Clear blocker cost
Yes.png Yes.png 地表塑造 Terrestrial Sculpting 地表塑造Terrestrial Sculpting technology This leader seeks to remake worlds in their image.
Ruler.png Trait ruler corvette focus.png Corvette Focus 造艦費用 Ship Build Cost −20% Corvette Build cost Yes.png Yes.png 驅逐艦 Destroyers Destroyers technology
No.png 驅逐艦專精 Destroyer Focus 驅逐艦專精Destroyer Focus
No.png 巡洋艦專精 Cruiser Focus 巡洋艦專精Cruiser Focus
No.png 戰列艦專精 Battleship Focus 戰列艦專精Battleship Focus
驅逐艦專精 Destroyer Focus 驅逐艦專精Destroyer Focus
巡洋艦專精 Cruiser Focus 巡洋艦專精Cruiser Focus
戰列艦專精 Battleship Focus 戰列艦專精Battleship Focus
This leader is intent on promoting the construction of Corvettes.
Ruler.png Trait ruler destroyer focus.png Destroyer Focus 造艦費用 Ship Build Cost −20% Destroyer Build cost Yes.png Yes.png 驅逐艦 Destroyers Destroyers technology
No.png 護衛艦專精 Corvette Focus 護衛艦專精Corvette Focus
No.png 巡洋艦專精 Cruiser Focus 巡洋艦專精Cruiser Focus
No.png 戰列艦專精 Battleship Focus 戰列艦專精Battleship Focus
護衛艦專精 Corvette Focus 護衛艦專精Corvette Focus
巡洋艦專精 Cruiser Focus 巡洋艦專精Cruiser Focus
戰列艦專精 Battleship Focus 戰列艦專精Battleship Focus
This leader is intent on promoting the construction of Destroyers.
Ruler.png Trait ruler cruiser focus.png Cruiser Focus 造艦費用 Ship Build Cost −20% Cruiser Build cost Yes.png Yes.png 巡洋艦 Cruisers Cruisers technology
No.png 護衛艦專精 Corvette Focus 護衛艦專精Corvette Focus
No.png 驅逐艦專精 Destroyer Focus 驅逐艦專精Destroyer Focus
No.png 戰列艦專精 Battleship Focus 戰列艦專精Battleship Focus
護衛艦專精 Corvette Focus 護衛艦專精Corvette Focus
驅逐艦專精 Destroyer Focus 驅逐艦專精Destroyer Focus
戰列艦專精 Battleship Focus 戰列艦專精Battleship Focus
This leader is intent on promoting the construction of Cruisers.
Ruler.png Trait ruler battleship focus.png Battleship Focus 造艦費用 Ship Build Cost −20% Battleship Build cost Yes.png Yes.png 戰列艦 Battleships Battleships technology
No.png 護衛艦專精 Corvette Focus 護衛艦專精Corvette Focus
No.png 驅逐艦專精 Destroyer Focus 驅逐艦專精Destroyer Focus
No.png 巡洋艦專精 Cruiser Focus 巡洋艦專精Cruiser Focus
護衛艦專精 Corvette Focus 護衛艦專精Corvette Focus
驅逐艦專精 Destroyer Focus 驅逐艦專精Destroyer Focus
巡洋艦專精 Cruiser Focus 巡洋艦專精Cruiser Focus
This leader is intent on promoting the construction of Battleships.
Ruler.png 蜂巢思維 Hive-Minded Hive Mind 領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan Immortal Yes.png No.png 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind This leader is the immortal nexus of the vast cognitive apparatus that constitutes a Hive Mind.
Ruler.png 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence 領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan Immortal Yes.png No.png 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence This leader is the core intelligence that oversees and directs all actions in a Machine Empire.

Governor.png Governor traits

Governor.png Leader trait agrarian upbringing.png Agrarian Upbringing Pop resource food mult.png +10% Food from Jobs Yes.png No.png No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
No.png石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
This leader was raised around hydroponic farms, and has several ideas on how agrarian yields may be improved.
Governor.png Leader trait architectural interest.png Architectural Interest 建築花費 Building Cost −10% Building cost
建築花費 Building Cost −10% District cost
Mod planet building build speed mult.png +10% Planet Build Speed
Yes.png Yes.png This leader is an architect at heart, investing in more efficient construction practices.
Governor.png Leader trait army veteran.png Army Veteran 陸軍建造速度 Army Build Speed +20% Army Build Speed
陸軍花費 Army Cost −20% Army cost
陸軍傷害 Army Damage +20% Defense Army damage
Yes.png No.png 集中指揮 Centralized Command 集中指揮Centralized Command technology
No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
退伍海軍軍官 Retired Fleet Officer 退伍海軍軍官Retired Fleet Officer This leader is a veteran of the armed forces, with intimate experience of its structural inefficiencies.
Leader trait hammer.png Warbot Tinkerer 集中指揮 Centralized Command 集中指揮Centralized Command technology
機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
AI輔助設計 AI-Aided Design AI輔助設計AI-Aided Design This leader has an unusual interest in warbot design, and is constantly improving and tinkering with our existing models.
Governor.png Leader trait bureaucrat.png Unifier 凝聚力 Unity +10% Unity from 官僚 Bureaucrat Administrators Yes.png No.png No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness This leader is peculiarly good at making sure everyone around are on the same page.
Leader trait bureaucrat.png Mindfulness 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind This drone entity has the ability to improve synaptic connections in its vicinity.
Leader trait bureaucrat.png Amplifier 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence This unit has the ability to boost unifying data flows in its vicinity.
Governor.png Leader trait environmental engineer.png Environmental Engineer 清除障礙花費 Clear Blocker Cost −25% Clear blocker cost
清理地塊障礙速度 Clear Blocker Speed +25% Clear blocker speed
Yes.png Yes.png No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence This leader has a background in landscaping, eventually turning their attention towards larger projects.
Leader trait environmental engineer.png Bulldozer 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence This leader has mastered the art of quickly and efficiently transforming alien terrain into a parking lot.
Governor.png Leader trait iron fist.png Iron Fist 奴隸人口資源產出 Slave Pop Resource Output +10% Slave pop resource output Yes.png Yes.png 政策 Policy Allowed Slavery policy
No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
This leader is infamous for their ruthless pursuit of efficiency, and is capable of getting the most out of slave labor.
Governor.png Leader trait intellectual.png Intellectual Research.png +10% Research from Jobs Yes.png Yes.png No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence This leader is naturally inclined towards the sciences, and seeks to foster a curiosity about the natural world in their subjects.
Leader trait intellectual.png Analytical 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence This leader devotes an unusually large percentage of its processing power towards analyzing the natural sciences and promoting their study to others.
Governor.png Leader trait retired fleet officer.png Retired Fleet Officer 艦船建造速度 Ship Build Speed +20% Shipyard Build Speed
Mod spaceport module cost mult.png −10% Shipyard Build cost
Yes.png No.png 星際艦隊傳統 Interstellar Fleet Traditions 星際艦隊傳統Interstellar Fleet Traditions technology
No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
Leader trait army veteran.png Army Veteran This leader is a former fleet officer, and is personally invested in promoting a strong inter-planetary presence.
Leader trait ai aided design.png Ai-Aided Design 星際艦隊傳統 Interstellar Fleet Traditions 星際艦隊傳統Interstellar Fleet Traditions technology
機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
殺器焊匠 Warbot Tinkerer 殺器焊匠Warbot Tinkerer This leader constantly runs theoretical models on a secondary memory core for the purpose of improving starship construction efficiency.
Governor.png Leader trait righteous.png Righteous 犯罪與異常 −25 Crime Yes.png Yes.png No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
No.pngLeader trait corrupt.png Corrupt
貪婪腐敗 Corrupt 貪婪腐敗Corrupt This leader is incorruptable and harbors strong convictions regarding what is right and wrong.
Governor.png Leader trait corrupt.png Corrupt 犯罪與異常 +25 Crime No.png Yes.png No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
No.png哲人王 Philosopher King 哲人王Philosopher King
No.pngLeader trait righteous.png Righteous
正義凌然 Righteous 正義凌然Righteous This corrupt leader is willing to sell out anyone and anything if it increases their personal wealth.

Scientist.png Scientist traits

Scientist.png Leader trait archaeologist.png Archaeologist 異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +25% Archaeology Excavation Speed (with Ancient Relics)
異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +50% Precursor Anomaly Research Speed (without Ancient Relics)
Yes.png Yes.png This leader excels at the study of alien artifacts and structural remnants in the field.
Scientist.png Leader trait carefree.png Carefree 異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +35% Anomaly Research Speed Yes.png Yes.png 細緻 Meticulous 細緻Meticulous This leader is perhaps less meticulous than others.
Scientist.png Leader trait meticulous.png Meticulous 異常現象發現機會 Anomaly Discovery Chance +10% Anomaly Discovery Chance Yes.png Yes.png 無憂無慮 Carefree 無憂無慮Carefree This leader is thorough in their examinations of unknown phenomena.
Scientist.png Leader trait roamer.png Cataloguer 調查速度 Survey Speed +25% Survey Speed Yes.png Yes.png 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence This leader can conceive no greater calling that to catalog the entirety of the universe.
Leader trait roamer.png Roamer No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence This leader was born to roam the stars.
Scientist.png Leader trait maniacal.png Maniacal 研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research Speed
Unknown.png Improved draw chance for dangerous technologies
Yes.png Yes.png This leader pursues their research with unusual fervor.
Scientist.png Leader trait spark of genius.png Spark of Genius 研究速度 Research Speed +10% Research Speed
Unknown.png Improved draw chance for rare technologies
Yes.png Yes.png This leader is prone to sudden bursts of inspiration.
Scientist.png Leader trait custom AI assistant.png Custom AI Assistant 研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research Speed
調查速度 Survey Speed +10% Survey Speed
異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +15% Anomaly Research Speed
Yes.png Yes.png 自我演化邏輯 Self-Evolving Logic 自我演化邏輯Self-Evolving Logic technology
No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
智能AI副官 Sapient AI Assistant 智能AI副官Sapient AI Assistant This leader has created a simple neural network to help with data processing tasks.
Scientist.png Leader trait sentient AI assistant.png Sapient AI Assistant 研究速度 Research Speed +10% Research Speed
調查速度 Survey Speed +20% Survey Speed
異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +30% Anomaly Research Speed
Yes.png No.png 正電子人工智能 Positronic AI 正電子人工智能Positronic AI technology
政策 Policy Artificial Intelligence Policy is not Outlawed
No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
定製AI助理 Custom AI Assistant 定製AI助理Custom AI Assistant This leader has created a complex neural network capable of independent decision-making and even introspection.
Scientist.png Computing.png Expertise: Computing 研究速度( 物理學) Research Speed (Physics)、​ 研究速度( 物理學) Research Speed (Physics) +15% Research speed (Computing) Yes.png Yes.png Other Expertise traits This leader is, following years of study, considered an expert within the field of Computing.
Scientist.png Field Manipulation.png Expertise: Field Manipulation 研究速度( 物理學) Research Speed (Physics)、​ 研究速度( 物理學) Research Speed (Physics) +15% Research speed (Field Manipulation) Yes.png Yes.png Other Expertise traits This leader is, following years of study, considered an expert within the field of Field Manipulation.
Scientist.png Particles.png Expertise: Particles 研究速度( 物理學) Research Speed (Physics)、​ 研究速度( 物理學) Research Speed (Physics) +15% Research speed (Particles) Yes.png Yes.png Other Expertise traits This leader is, following years of study, considered an expert within the field of Particles.
Scientist.png Biology.png Expertise: Biology 研究速度( 社會學) Research Speed (Society)、​ 研究速度( 社會學) Research Speed (Society) +15% Research speed (Biology) Yes.png Yes.png Other Expertise traits This leader is, following years of study, considered an expert within the field of Biology.
Scientist.png Military Theory.png Expertise: Military Theory 研究速度( 社會學) Research Speed (Society)、​ 研究速度( 社會學) Research Speed (Society) +15% Research speed (Military Theory) Yes.png Yes.png Other Expertise traits A sound understanding in the craft of war gives this leader innovating insight into the process of military reform.
Scientist.png New Worlds.png Expertise: New Worlds 研究速度( 社會學) Research Speed (Society)、​ 研究速度( 社會學) Research Speed (Society) +15% Research speed (New Worlds) Yes.png Yes.png Other Expertise traits This leader is, following years of study, considered an expert on settling on New Worlds.
Scientist.png Psionics.png Expertise: Psionics 研究速度( 社會學) Research Speed (Society)、​ 研究速度( 社會學) Research Speed (Society) +15% Research speed (Psionics) Yes.png Yes.png 靈能理論 Psionic Theory 靈能理論Psionic Theory technology
No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
No.png機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical
Other Expertise traits This leader is, following years of study, considered an expert within the field of Psionics.
Scientist.png Statecraft.png Expertise: Statecraft 研究速度( 社會學) Research Speed (Society)、​ 研究速度( 社會學) Research Speed (Society) +15% Research speed (Statecraft) Yes.png Yes.png Other Expertise traits This leader is, following years of study, considered an expert within the field of Statecraft.
Scientist.png Industry.png Expertise: Industry 研究速度( 工程學) Research Speed (Engineering) +15% Research speed (Industry) Yes.png Yes.png Other Expertise traits This leader is, following years of study, considered an expert within the field of Industry.
Scientist.png Materials.png Expertise: Materials 研究速度( 工程學) Research Speed (Engineering) +15% Research speed (Materials) Yes.png Yes.png Other Expertise traits This leader is, following years of study, considered an expert within the field of Materials.
Scientist.png Rocketry.png Expertise: Propulsion 研究速度( 工程學) Research Speed (Engineering) +15% Research speed (Propulsion) Yes.png Yes.png Other Expertise traits This leader is, following years of study, considered an expert within the field of Propulsion.
Scientist.png Voidcraft.png Expertise: Voidcraft 研究速度( 工程學) Research Speed (Engineering) +15% Research speed (Voidcraft) Yes.png Yes.png Other Expertise traits This leader is, following years of study, considered an expert within the field of Voidcraft.
Scientist.png Leader trait paranoid.png Paranoid 研究速度 Research Speed −5% Research Speed
異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed −10% Anomaly Research Speed
No.png Yes.png No.png唯一意志 One Mind 唯一意志One Mind This leader is unwilling to collaborate with others.

Admiral.png Admiral traits

Admiral.png Leader trait aggressive.png Aggressive 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +5% Fire Rate
亞光速航速 Sublight Speed +10% Sublight Speed
Yes.png Yes.png Can be gained from victories (0.6%) 謹慎 Cautious 謹慎Cautious This leader is an aggressive admiral, always looking to pour as much fire on the enemy as possible within the least amount of time.
Admiral.png Leader trait cautious.png Cautious 艦船武器射程 Ship Weapons Range +20% Weapons Range Yes.png Yes.png Can be gained from defeats (2.8%) 火力全開 Aggressive 火力全開Aggressive This leader is a cautious admiral, avoiding unnecessary risks and taking care to always maintain in which fleet units can mutually support each other against the enemy.
Admiral.png Leader trait engineer.png Engineer 船體修復速度 Hull Repair Rate +0.5% Daily Hull Regeneration
船體修復速度 Hull Repair Rate +0.5% Daily Armor Regeneration
Yes.png Yes.png 學說:星際戰爭 Doctrine: Interstellar Warfare 學說:星際戰爭Doctrine: Interstellar Warfare technology
Can be gained from repairs (mean time to happen = 240 months)
No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
This leader is a natural engineer, having the knowledge and skills to organize and oversee starship repairs without the benefit of a spacedock.
Admiral.png Leader trait fleet logistician.png Fleet Logistician 艦船維護費 Ship Upkeep −10% Ship Upkeep Yes.png Yes.png No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
Can be gained from leading a fleet[3][4]
This leader has mastered the field of logistics, and knows how to manage supplies to keep upkeep costs down.
Leader trait fleet logistician.png Maintenance Loop 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
Can be gained from leading a fleet[3]
Admiral.png Leader trait gale speed.png Gale Speed 閃避 Evasion +5% Evasion
亞光速航速 Sublight Speed +20% Sublight Speed
Yes.png Yes.png Can be gained from victories (0.6%)
Can be gained from defeats (2.8%)
Leader trait lethargic.png Lethargic This leader believes that speed and rapid maneuvers are the keys to success in any space engagement.
Admiral.png Leader trait scout.png Scout 探測範圍 Sensor Range +1 Sensor Range
探測範圍 Sensor Range +2 Hyperlane Detection Range
亞光速航速 Sublight Speed +10% Sublight Speed
Yes.png Yes.png 重力傳感器 Gravitic Sensors 重力傳感器Gravitic Sensors technology
Can be gained from being a country's first ship to enter a system (4.8%)
This leader is an expert in reconnaissance, having the technical skill to always get the most out of long-range starship sensors.
Admiral.png Leader trait trickster.png Trickster 戰鬥撤離幾率 Combat Disengagement Chance −15% Emergency FTL Damage Risk
戰鬥撤離幾率 Combat Disengagement Chance +25% Combat Disengagement Chance
Yes.png Yes.png Can be gained from victories (0.6%) 不屈 Unyielding 不屈Unyielding This leader fights deviously, relying on misdirection and surprise to get the better of the enemy.
Admiral.png Leader trait unyielding.png Unyielding 船體值 Ship Hull Points +10% Ship Hull Points
艦船武器傷害 Ship Weapons Damage +5% Ship weapons damage
戰鬥撤離幾率 Combat Disengagement Chance −33% Combat Disengagement Chance
Yes.png Yes.png Can be gained from victories (0.6%)
Can be gained from defeats (2.8%)
神經質 Nervous 神經質Nervous
戰略家 Trickster 戰略家Trickster
This leader refuses to even consider the possibility of retreat when battle has been joined, preferring instead to fight to the death if necessary.
Admiral.png Leader trait lethargic.png Lethargic 閃避 Evasion −5% Evasion
亞光速航速 Sublight Speed −10% Sublight Speed
No.png Yes.png Can be gained from defeats (2.8%)
Can be lost from victories (0.6%)
No.png蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
其疾如風 Gale-Speed 其疾如風Gale-Speed This leader is slow and indolent, performing duties with little energy or initiative.
Admiral.png Leader trait nervous.png Nervous 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate −10% Fire Rate No.png No.png Can be gained from defeats (2.8%)
Can be lost from victories (0.6%)
No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
No.png 艦隊組織者 Fleet Organizer 艦隊組織者Fleet Organizer[5]
No.png 不屈 Unyielding 不屈Unyielding
不屈 Unyielding 不屈Unyielding This leader is nervous and apprehensive and can be easily overwhelmed in the minutia involved in handling large formations of starships.
Leader trait nervous.png Unstable Code Base Can be gained from defeats (2.8%)
Can be lost from victories (0.6%)
機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
No.png 艦隊組織者 Fleet Organizer 艦隊組織者Fleet Organizer[5]
No.png 不屈 Unyielding 不屈Unyielding
This leader suffers from an unstable code base, resulting in jittery and sometimes illogical behavior.

General.png General traits

General.png Leader trait army logistician.png Army Logistician 陸軍維護費 Army Upkeep −20% Army upkeep Yes.png Yes.png No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence This leader can seemingly conjure up supplies from nowhere, decreasing the maintenance costs of ground forces.
Leader trait parts cannibalizer.png Parts Cannibalizer 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence This leader is very adept at cannibalizing parts from fallen or malfunctioning warbots to keep others running longer
General.png Leader trait butcher.png Butcher 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +10% Army damage
陸軍連帶傷害 Army Collateral Damage +33% Army collateral damage
Yes.png Yes.png No.png 克制 Restrained 克制Restrained 紙上談兵 Armchair Commander 紙上談兵Armchair Commander
克制 Restrained 克制Restrained
This leader is particularly skilled at inflicting casualties on the enemy, offering no quarter and expecting none in return.
General.png Leader trait restrained.png Restrained Army disengagement chance +20% Army disengagement chance
陸軍連帶傷害 Army Collateral Damage −33% Army collateral damage
Yes.png Yes.png No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
No.png 屠夫 Butcher 屠夫Butcher
屠夫 Butcher 屠夫Butcher This leader is unusually concerned with the lives of others, taking care to avoid unnecessary deaths among their own soldiers as well as any civilians caught in the fighting.
General.png Leader trait charismatic.png Charismatic 陸軍士氣 Army Morale +25% Army morale Yes.png Yes.png No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence This inspiring leader has an undeniable charisma, being worshiped as a hero by the troops.
General.png Leader trait glory seeker.png Glory Seeker 陸軍士氣 Army Morale +10% Army morale
陸軍傷害 Army Damage +5% Army damage
Yes.png Yes.png No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence 紙上談兵 Armchair Commander 紙上談兵Armchair Commander This leader is always in the thick of it, bucking the spirits of the troops by leading from the front despite the risks involved.
General.png Leader trait demoralizer.png Demoralizer 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +30% Army morale damage Yes.png Yes.png 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
More likely from level-up (weight x2)[6]
不穩定道德核心 Erratic Morality Core 不穩定道德核心Erratic Morality Core This leader is fascinated by the fragile minds of organics, and how they can most efficiently be broken through the creative use of terror tactics on the battlefield.
General.png Leader trait armchair commander.png Armchair Commander 陸軍士氣 Army Morale −10% Army morale
陸軍傷害 Army Damage −10% Army damage
No.png Yes.png No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
No.png唯一意志 One Mind 唯一意志One Mind
屠夫 Butcher 屠夫Butcher
身先士卒 Glory Seeker 身先士卒Glory Seeker
This leader commands from the rear, preferably as far away from the frontlines as possible to avoid exposure to 'unnecessary dangers'.
General.png Leader trait erratic morality core.png Erratic Morality Core 陸軍傷害 Army Damage −10% Army damage No.png Yes.png 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence 灌輸恐懼 Demoralizer 灌輸恐懼Demoralizer This leader frequently suffers intense bouts of shame and regret over enemy casualties due to an erratic morality core.

Special traits[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

These traits are only available from events or on specific unique species or leaders.

Class Trait Effect Requirements Description DLC

Added by a species trait

Admiral.png Trait clone soldier.png Clone Army Admiral 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +25% Fire Rate
艦船維護費 Ship Upkeep −10% Ship Upkeep
克隆人士兵 Clone Soldier 克隆人士兵Clone Soldier From its extensive military education, this leader understands how to maximize the efficiency of ships and soldiers alike. 人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack
Admiral.png Trait clone soldier ascendant.png Ascendant Clone Army Admiral 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +35% Fire Rate
艦船維護費 Ship Upkeep −20% Ship Upkeep
克隆人士兵先裔 Clone Soldier Ascendant 克隆人士兵先裔Clone Soldier Ascendant Subjected since its creation to a military education regimen so intense few could endure it, this leader wields excellent martial and leadership abilities. 人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack
Admiral.png Trait clone soldier descendant.png Descendant Clone Army Admiral 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +15% Fire Rate
艦船維護費 Ship Upkeep −5% Ship Upkeep
克隆人士兵末裔 Clone Soldier Descendant 克隆人士兵末裔Clone Soldier Descendant From its specialized military education, this leader holds an above-average understanding of martial procedures and how best to optimize them. 人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack

Added by an event

Any Leader trait resilient.png Increased Lifespan 領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan +40 Leader lifespan 超凡入聖 Transcendence 超凡入聖Transcendence Ascension Perk
Shroud event
The powerful psionic energies of the Shroud have slowed the natural aging process of this leader. 烏托邦 Utopia
Scientist.png Leader trait scroll.png Towel-bearer 調查速度 Survey Speed +42% Survey Speed Stay Calm anomaly event A towel has immense psychological value.
Scientist.png Leader trait percussive maintenance.png Percussive Maintainer 研究速度( 物理學) Research Speed (Physics)、​ 研究速度( 物理學) Research Speed (Physics) +20% Research speed (Computing)
異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +25% Archaeology Excavation Speed
領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap -1 Leader Level Cap
Ruined Station Archaeology Site outcome There is no such thing as a hardware problem that liberal use of the boot will not fix.
Scientist.png Leader trait maimed.png Maimed 領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan −40 Leader lifespan Archaeology Site bad outcome This leader has sustained irreversible physical injury that has lowered their life expectancy significantly. 上古之遺故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Scientist.png Leader trait traumatized.png Traumatized 研究速度 Research Speed −10% Research speed
異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed −10% Anomaly Research Speed
異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed −30% Archaeology Excavation Speed
『Archaeological Loop』 event Recently sustained psychological trauma is interfering with this leader's performance. 上古之遺故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Admiral.png Leader trait enclave trader.png Caravan Counter 戰鬥撤離幾率 Combat Disengagement Chance −10% Emergency FTL Damage Risk Destroying a Caravan This leader has ample experience stopping the flighty Caravaneer fleets dead in their tracks. 寰宇企業 Megacorp
Admiral.png Leader trait glory seeker.png Dragonslayer 亞光速航速 Sublight Speed +10% Sublight Speed
艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +10% Fire Rate
Defeating the Ether Drake This Admiral has proven themselves in fierce combat. 星神獸故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
Admiral.png Leader trait ship.png Foredoomed to a Rendezvous 亞光速航速 Sublight Speed +25% Sublight Speed A Rendezvous Horizon Signal Event Experienced a troubling future.
General.png Leader trait glory seeker.png Dragonbane 領袖經驗獲得 Leader Experience Gain +25% Leader experience gain

領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +1 Leader Level Cap

Defeating the Ether Drake without an admiral in the fleet This Leader has seen intense combat, and lived to tell the tale. 星神獸故事包 Leviathans Story Pack

On certain recruitable leaders

Governor.png Leader trait enclave trader.png Enclave Trader Trade value.png +10% Trade Value Hired from a Enclaves flag trader.png Trader Enclave for 500 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits Recruited from one of the independent merchant Enclaves, this leader is particularly adept at maximizing Trade value. 星神獸故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
Governor.png Leader trait nuumismatic priest.png Merchant of Numa Trade value.png +10% Trade Value
消費品維護費 −10% Pop consumer goods upkeep
Hired from the Flag caravaneer 02.png Numistic Order for 1500 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits A level nine Shakvah with enhanced mind focus and inner gaze... 寰宇企業 Megacorp
Governor.png Leader trait waste management specialist.png Waste Management Specialist Maintenance.png −10% Building Upkeep Hired from Flag caravaneer 03.png Racket Industrial Enterprise This leader has an almost uncanny ability to reduce and repurpose industrial waste. How do they do it? It's best not to ask. 寰宇企業 Megacorp
Scientist.png Leader trait curator.png Curator 研究速度 Research Speed +15% Research Speed
調查速度 Survey Speed +25% Survey Speed
Unknown.png Improved draw chance for rare technologies
Hired from a Enclaves flag curator.png Curator Enclave for 1000 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits This leader hails from the Curator enclave. His understanding of technology and exploration is unmatched. 星神獸故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
遙遠繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Admiral.png Leader trait mercenary warrior.png Mercenary Warrior 閃避 Evasion +10% Evasion
艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +10% Fire Rate
Rescued or hired from the Marauders for 2000 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits This Leader hails from a space-based warrior culture, and has been taught unorthodox hit-and-run tactics from an early age. 啟示錄 Apocalypse
General.png Leader trait glory seeker.png Mercenary Warrior 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +10% Army damage Hired from the Marauders for 2000 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits This Leader hails from a space-based warrior culture, and has been taught unorthodox hit-and-run tactics from an early age. 啟示錄 Apocalypse

Unique to a specific leader

Governor.png 天選之人 Chosen One Nanite Entity 建築花費 Building Cost −40% Building cost
Mod planet building build speed mult.png +40% Planet Build Speed
Mod resource energy mult.png +15% Energy from Jobs
Mod resource minerals mult.png +15% Minerals from Jobs
清除障礙花費 Clear Blocker Cost −40% Clear blocker cost
清理地塊障礙速度 Clear Blocker Speed +40% Clear blocker speed
領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan Immortal
Gray L-Cluster outcome
Unique to the event leader Gray
Gray is in reality a dense swarm of billions upon billions of advanced nanites. 遙遠繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Governor.png Leader trait oracle.png Oracle 穩定度 Stability +10 Stability
犯罪與異常 −45% Crime
凝聚力 Unity +20% Unity from Jobs
研究 Research −10% Research from Jobs
領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan Immortal
Hidden Worlds Archaeology Site outcome
Unique to the event leader Oracle
The Oracle sees all. 上古之遺故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Admiral.png Leader trait hells heart.png Hell's Heart 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +10% Fire Rate
亞光速航速 Sublight Speed +10% Sublight Speed
艦船武器傷害 Ship Weapons Damage +10% Ship weapons damage
領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap −10% Leader experience gain
閃避 Evasion −5% Evasion
戰鬥撤離幾率 Combat Disengagement Chance −33% Combat Disengagement Chance
Defeating the Tiyanki Matriarch
Unique to the event admiral Reth Unddol
When it comes to warfare, this leader is mercilessly obsessive, and singular in purpose. 遙遠繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Admiral.png Leader trait great khan.png The Great Khan 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +20% Fire Rate
亞光速航速 Sublight Speed +20% Sublight Speed
艦船武器傷害 Ship Weapons Damage +10% Ship weapons damage
艦船武器射程 Ship Weapons Range +10% Ship weapons range
船體值 Ship Hull Points +20% Ship Hull Points
閃避 Evasion +30% Evasion
船體修復速度 Hull Repair Rate +0.5% daily hull regeneration
船體修復速度 Hull Repair Rate +0.5% daily armor regeneration
Unique to the Great Khan The Great Khan is a charismatic leader, a brilliant tactician, and, if the rumors are true, a powerful psychic. 啟示錄 Apocalypse

Crisis admirals

Admiral.png Leader trait fist.png Cybrex Databases 閃避 Evasion +10% Evasion
艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +10% Fire Rate
傷害 Damage +20% Damage to the Contingency
Cybrex leaders This Cybrex leader is equipped with ancient tactical databases from their civilization's violent past.
Admiral.png Leader trait ship.png Dimensional Stutter 亞光速航速 Sublight Speed +20% Sublight Speed Extradimensional Invader leaders For unknown reasons, the vessels under the command of this extradimensional fleet lord seem to rapidly stutter in and out of existence as they move, which has the effect of increasing their sublight speeds.
Admiral.png Leader trait ship.png Ethereal 閃避 Evasion +20% Evasion Extradimensional Invader leaders Some extradimensional fleet lords have learned to use the ethereal nature of their vessels to greatly enhance their evasive capabilities in combat.
Admiral.png Leader trait fist.png Hive Affinity 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +20% Fire Rate Prethoryn Scourge leaders The Prethoryn creatures operating under this fleet consciousness have managed to attain an unusual level of affinity to one another. Their firing discipline has greatly improved, leading to a higher rate of fire.
Admiral.png Leader trait sentinel.png Sentinel Training 傷害 Damage +20% Damage to Prethoryn Creatures Sentinel Order leaders Sentinel fleet commanders possess detailed knowledge of Prethoryn anatomy and tactics.
Admiral.png Leader trait ship.png Void Hunter 亞光速航速 Sublight Speed +20% Sublight Speed Prethoryn Scourge leaders The hunting instincts of this fleet consciousness has driven the Prethoryn creatures under its dominion into a frenzy. Their eagerness for battle drives them ever forward.

Class dependent traits[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Certain events and species traits grant leaders a unique trait that offers different benefits depending on the leader class. Some leader traits are incompatible with one another and will not be added to its leaders, but have full effect on pops as species traits.
The 博學多識 Erudite 博學多識Erudite leader trait will not be added and will not give its leader class bonus if added to a species with the 神經機械 Cybernetic 神經機械Cybernetic or either of the 靈能 Psionic 靈能Psionic traits.
The 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host 腦蛞蝓宿主Brain Slug Host leader trait will not be added and will not give its leader class bonus if added to a species with the 神經機械 Cybernetic 神經機械Cybernetic trait.
The 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host 腦蛞蝓宿主Brain Slug Host leader trait has 20% of appearing on any leader of any species in the leader pool in the empire that embraced and accepted the Neural Symbiosis event regardless if the species have the trait or not, but leaders with the 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host 腦蛞蝓宿主Brain Slug Host trait will not appear outside of the original empire.

Trait Requirements Ruler.png Ruler effects Governor.png Governor effects Scientist.png Scientist effects Admiral.png Admiral effects General.png General effects
Leader trait cyborg.png Cyborg 神經機械 Cybernetic 神經機械Cybernetic None 礦物 Minerals +5% Minerals from Jobs 研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research speed 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +5% Fire rate 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +5% Army damage
Trait robotic 3.png Synthetic 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical 機械人資源產出 Robot Resource Production +5% Robot resource production
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +5% Energy from Jobs
  • 礦物 Minerals +5% Minerals from Jobs
  • 異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +15% Anomaly research speed
  • 研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research speed
  • 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +5% Fire rate
  • 傷害 Damage +10% Weapon range
陸軍傷害 Army Damage +10% Army damage
Leader trait psionic leader.png Psychic
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction +10% Governing ethics attraction
  • 每月影響力 Monthly Influence +0.5 Monthly Influence
  • 穩定度 Stability +5 Stability
  • 凝聚力 Unity +10% Unity from Jobs
  • 研究速度 Research Speed +10% Research speed
  • 研究速度 Research Speed +10% Research speed (Psionics)
  • 調查速度 Survey Speed +25% Survey speed
  • 異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +1 Archaeology skill
  • 艦船武器傷害 Ship Weapons Damage +10% Damage
  • 閃避 Evasion +15% Evasion
  • 陸軍士氣 Army Morale +15% Army Morale
  • 陸軍士氣 Army Morale +15% Army Morale Damage
Leader trait psionic chosen one.png Chosen one
  • 靈媒 Psychic 靈媒Psychic leader trait
  • 烏托邦 Utopia超凡入聖 Transcendence Shroud event (Once per empire)
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction +20% Governing ethics attraction
  • 每月影響力 Monthly Influence +1 Monthly Influence
  • Immortal
  • 穩定度 Stability +10 Stability
  • 凝聚力 Unity +20% Unity from Jobs
  • Immortal
  • 研究速度 Research Speed +20% Research speed
  • 調查速度 Survey Speed +50% Survey speed
  • 異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +2 Archaeology skill
  • Immortal
  • 艦船武器傷害 Ship Weapons Damage +20% Damage
  • 閃避 Evasion +30% Evasion
  • Immortal
  • 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +20% Army Damage
  • 陸軍士氣 Army Morale +30% Army Morale
  • 陸軍士氣 Army Morale +30% Army Morale Damage
  • Immortal
Erudite.png Erudite
  • 烏托邦 Utopia博學多識 Erudite 博學多識Erudite
  • No.png神經機械 Cybernetic Not 神經機械Cybernetic
  • No.png潛在的靈能 Latent Psionic靈能 Psionic Not Latent Psionic or Psionic
研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research speed 研究 Research +5% Research from Jobs 研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research speed
  • 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +5% Fire rate
  • 戰鬥撤離幾率 Combat Disengagement Chance +10% Disengagement chance
  • 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +5% Army damage
  • Army disengagement chance +10% Army disengagement chance
Trait brainslugged.png Brain Slug Host
  • 遙遠繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack Neural Symbiosis event
  • Unknown.png 20% chance
  • No.png神經機械 Cybernetic Not 神經機械Cybernetic
  • No.png機械體 Mechanical機械 Machine Not Robotic
  • 研究 Research +10% Research from Jobs
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +10% Naval Capacity
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png +10% Planet Build Speed
  • 研究 Research +15% Research from Jobs
  • 研究速度 Research Speed +10% Research speed
  • 調查速度 Survey Speed +15% Survey Speed
  • 異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +15% Anomaly Research Speed
  • 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +5% Fire Rate
  • 閃避 Evasion +5% Evasion
  • 艦船維護費 Ship Upkeep −10% Ship Upkeep
  • 陸軍維護費 Army Upkeep −15% Army Upkeep

Unique leaders[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

A few leaders can be obtained through events and, unless the empire's main species has traits that give unique bonuses to leader classes, are usually superior to regular leaders.

Leader Class Level Species Age Immortal Traits Source DLC
0101010111 Admiral.png Admiral 3 Random Machine 1 Yes.png 火力全開 Aggressive 火力全開Aggressive
艦隊後勤專家 Fleet Logistician 艦隊後勤專家Fleet Logistician
The Servants of Sand anomaly event
The Exile Scientist.png Scientist 3 Main Species random No.png Unknown.png Random The Exile anomaly event
Majula the Bearer General.png General 5 Arthropod Warrior random No.png 魅力非凡 Charismatic 魅力非凡Charismatic
身先士卒 Glory Seeker 身先士卒Glory Seeker
Beneath the Battlefield anomaly event
Sobak Scientist.png Scientist 6 Primitive Species random No.png 靈光一閃 Spark of Genius 靈光一閃Spark of Genius Abduction Proposal observation event
Tuborek Admiral.png Admiral 10 Fanatic Xenophobe
Fallen Empire
65 No.png 艦隊後勤專家 Fleet Logistician 艦隊後勤專家Fleet Logistician
其疾如風 Gale-Speed 其疾如風Gale-Speed
快速復原 Resilient Resilient
Shielded Militant Isolationists world (25% chance)
S875.1 Warform Admiral.png Admiral 3 Synthetic dawn portrait reptilian.png / Alien AI.png random Yes.png Unknown.png Random Mysterious Construct anomaly outcome 遙遠繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Caretaker AX7-b Governor.png Governor 4 Synthetic dawn portrait mammalian.png / Alien AI.png 709 Yes.png Leader trait intellectual.png Analytical
AI輔助設計 AI-Aided Design AI輔助設計AI-Aided Design
Unidentified Drop Pods anomaly outcome 遙遠繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Reth Unddol Admiral.png Admiral 5 Humanoid hp 12.png / Mammalian massive 14.png random No.png 地獄雄心 Hell's Heart 地獄雄心Hell's Heart
Unknown.png Random
Defeating the Tiyanki Matriarch 遙遠繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Gray Governor.png Governor 10 Main Species random Yes.png 靈媒 Psychic Nanite Entity L-Cluster outcome 遙遠繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Oracle Governor.png Governor 5 Arthropoid massive 13.png / Arthropoid massive 17.png random Yes.png 神諭 Oracle 神諭Oracle 考古遺址 Archaeology site Hidden Worlds outcome choice 上古之遺故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack

參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. Eye for Talent has a weight of 100 while all other Ruler.png Ruler traits have a weight of 5.
  2. Yes, that's an Admiral.png admiral trait despite this being a different kind of leader.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Leader.18, the event in Stellaris/events/leader_events_1.txt that's supposed to grant this skill from leading a fleet (mean time to happen = 240 months), is commented out in 3.03.
  4. The commented out leader event leader.16 attempts to grant the similarly-named Ruler.png Ruler trait 艦隊組織者 Fleet Organizer 艦隊組織者Fleet Organizer from leading a fleet of more than one ship (mean time to happen = 240 months).
  5. 5.0 5.1 Yes, the code checks for the Ruler.png Ruler trait despite this being a different kind of leader (3.04).
  6. This is because it replaces two different traits (both of the ones that give increased moral), instead of the normal 1:1 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence trait swap.