100 and 500 影响力,取决于
-30 评价减成,直到其重新加入。星海共同体成员之间自动建立通讯。默认情况下,星海共同体按钮位于顶栏下方。
- 15
- 18 if
- 25 if
极端亲外主义, 心有灵犀 or 失控机仆
- 5
- 8 if
- 15 if
外交权重 是帝国在参议院中之影响的量度,决定了它支持或反对某一被提出或表决中的提案时所贡献的分数。外交权重来源于经济,舰队实力,科技和人口。此外,还有多种修正能对帝国来源于某方面的,或全局外交权重造成影响。
- (来源于)经济(的)权重 为帝国经济实力的15%。
- 舰队实力权重 为帝国舰队实力的2.5%。
- 科技权重 为帝国 科技等级的40%。
- 人口权重 为帝国的所有人口所贡献,计算公式为: 人口权重 = 2 × Pop's
幸福度 + 1。 计算时不考虑人口的
政治权利。 所有无幸福度机制的人口对人口权重的贡献为1。
Weight Type
每位向星海共同体指派的 特使
每一Interstellar Assembly巨构等级
每座Corporate Embassy Branch Office Building
Per Imperial Concession Port Branch Office Building
异种外交 科技
异星关系学 科技
完成 Diplomacy Tradition
逐鹿星河 飞升
乐于合作 外交姿态
孤立主义 外交姿态
霸权主义 外交姿态
经贸至上 外交姿态
Fleet Supremacy Edict
Diplomatic Grants Edict
外交使团/ 公共关系专家/ 心有灵犀 国民理念
星海霸业 国民理念
银河之星 遗珍
是4级 星系联盟 或 贸易联盟, 或 5级 军事同盟主席
是2级 研究合作组织主席
Resolutions and Sanctions (see below)
±20% 每级
By category
提出的提案被通过 (持续6年)
提出的提案被否决 (持续6年)
被谴责 (持续10年)
联邦 DLC.
- 制裁:贸易与产业
- 制裁:政治与文化
- 制裁:环境与科技
- 制裁:防御与战争
- Galactic Priorities
Galactic Imperium
−5% 外交权重的修正,持续6年。
Influence cost随议案等级递增。没有等级之分的议案消耗固定的
Influence cost.帝国可以随时撤回其在队列中的议案,但不会返还消耗的影响力。AI帝国永远不会撤回议案。再次提出曾被撤回的议案消耗的影响力与第一次提出时相同。
Resolution tier
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Level 5
Proposal Cost
100 |
150 |
200 |
250 |
当议案进入参议院后,所有成员可以支持或反对之,或弃权。When a resolution comes to the Senate floor, all member empires can support, oppose, or abstain. The total Diplomatic Weight of empires supporting and opposing the resolution is compared and the side with the higher total prevails. By spending
10 影响力 per favor, any member can use up to
10 favors from each member voting opposite to themselves to add 10% of that member's Diplomatic Weight to their side of the vote; this does not reduce that member's Diplomatic Weight. Only
100 favors total may be used per resolution.
Voting period |
1440 days (4 years)
Senate recess |
720 days (2 years)
Change vote |
120 days (4 months)
Category cooldown |
2520 days (7 years)
Resolution cooldown |
5040 days (14 years)
Veto cooldown |
1800 days (5 years)
Emergency measure cooldown |
7200 days (20 years)
AI 权重
Each AI empire has an AI weight for each resolution, which is calculated from a base value determined by resolution tier and multiplied by modifiers from relevant empire characteristics including but not limited to their AI personality behavior, ethics, civics, authority, policies, and ascension perks.
AI 权重乘数
Each resolution's AI weight is multiplied by values in these ranges based on opinion. Additionally, each resolution has particular modifiers (see below).
AI weight opinion multipliers
评价 of...
Terrible −750
Neutral 0
Excellent +750
resolution proposer
x0.5 min |
x1.0 |
x1.3 max
resolution target (harmful resolution)
x1.5 max |
x0.5 |
x0.0 min
resolution target (beneficial resolution)
x0.0 min |
x1.5 max
制裁:贸易与产业 议案组包含以下议案条目:
- 星系贸易,包含提升贸易价值的议案
- 工业发展,包含提升工业资源产出的议案
- 泛星系贸易市场,在其成立后此条目下议案可用
- 经济制裁 (See below)
Politics and Culture[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The 制裁:政治与文化 resolution group contains the following resolution categories:
Environment and Technology[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The 制裁:环境与科技 resolution group contains the following resolution categories:
- Ecological Protection, resolutions which mainly benefit non-gestalt, biological pops and make planetary development harder
- Unchained Knowledge, resolutions which increase research station output and have a variety of different effects related to stations and research
- Divinity of Life, resolutions which increase unity production and spiritualist ethic attraction but punish empires with robotic pops
- Space Fauna, resolutions dealing with Tiyanki and Space Amoebas
- Research Sanctions (See below)
Space fauna[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Space Fauna resolutions determine the treatment of Space Amoeba and Tiyanki and cost 25
影响力 to propose.
Defense and War[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The 制裁:防御与战争 resolution group contains the following resolution categories:
- Mutual Defense, resolutions which encourage members to increase their fleets and allow wargoals against empires who are not members of the Galactic Community
- Rules of War, resolutions which discourage offensive warfare and ban most purge types and colossi
Crisis Declaration (See below)
- Military Sanctions (See below)
Denouncement[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Denouncements are a unique type of resolution that target a specific empire. If the denouncement resolution passes, the denounced empire will get a −25%
外交权重 modifier for 10 years. If the empire is a member of the Galactic Community, it will be affected by all enacted Sanction resolutions even if it isn't otherwise in breach of Galactic Law. A denouncement resolution can only be proposed against empires with rivalry or negative relations. There are two types of denouncements:
- If the 4th Mutual Defense resolution is active, any member can propose a Castigation denouncement at the cost of 25
影响力 against an empire that is either in breach of Galactic Law or is not a member of the Galactic Community.
- If the Council Denouncement power is not removed, any member of the Galactic Council can propose a Council denouncement at the cost of 100
影响力 against any member of the Galactic Community
Sanctions are resolutions that apply negative modifiers to empires that are in breach of Galactic Law or have been denounced. Each main resolution group has a sanction category containing three levels of resolutions, all of which require 25
影响力 to propose. The last two levels for each sanction category can only be proposed by members of the File:Galactic council member.png Galactic Council.
AI empires are 25% more likely to vote for a Sanction resolution if a
Rival is denounced or in breach of the Galactic Law but 50% less likely if a member of the same
联邦 is denounced or in breach of Galactic Law. They will always oppose resolutions if they themselves are in breach of Galactic Law.
AI voting weight modifiers that apply to all sanctions
Pass |
Repeal |
6 |
Normal base weight to pass, unpopular base weight to repeal
x0 |
File:Alert.png In breach of any resolution
x0.33 |
A sanction resolution has been passed within the last 10 years.
x0.5 |
A federation ally is in breach of any resolution or has been denounced
x1.25 |
A rival is in breach of any resolution or has been denounced
Galactic priorities[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Galactic Priorities are resolutions that create a Galactic Focus, an objective that when accomplished will grant every member of the Galactic Community 100
影响力. Galactic priorities will only appear when certain conditions are met and cost 100
影响力 to propose.
Galactic priority
Galactic focus
AI voting weight
Pass a resolution
Pass a resolution
Activated automatically
Form the Galactic Market
Starts the Birth of the Galactic Market event chain
+10000 Resource Storage Capacity
Nominate an empire to house the galactic market
- Communications with at least 3 empires
- Galactic Market not formed
6.5 |
Popular base weight
x2 |
More than 150 years have passed
x2 |
More than 100 years have passed
x2 |
More than 50 years have passed
x2 |
企业政府 authority
x1.25 (Any) |
x0.8 |
x0.5 |
Xenophobic Islotionists AI personality
The Contingency
All members of the Galactic Community open borders towards each other
Defeat the Contingency crisis
Contingency crisis
All resolutions
6 |
Normal base weight
x10 |
x2 |
This crisis borders them
x1.2 |
x1.1 |
x0.75 |
This crisis does not border them
x0.5 (Both) |
- This crisis does not border them
The Prethoryn Scourge
x10 (Both) |
- Stage 4 - This crisis has controlled more than 40% of galaxy
- This crisis still controls at least 30% of galaxy
x1.25 |
- Stage 3 - The sentinels have been founded and either:
- The amount of the galaxy this crisis controls hasn't dropped below 15%
- This crisis controls more than 20% of the galaxy (mtth 12 months)
x0.75 |
Stage 1 - The main invasion hasn't arrived in the galaxy yet
The Unbidden
x10 (Both) |
- Stage 4 - Any one Extradimensional Invader faction has controlled more than 30% of galaxy
- Any one Extradimensional Invader faction still controls more than 25% of galaxy
x1.25 |
- Stage 3 - The Aberrant have spawned and either:
- The amount of the galaxy controlled by any one Extradimensional Invader faction remains above 10%
- Any one Extradimensional Invader faction controls more than 15% of the galaxy
x1.1 |
x0.75 |
Stage 1 - This crisis has never controlled more than 5% of the galaxy
The Contingency
x10 (Both) |
- Stage 4 - This crisis has controlled more than 40% of galaxy
- This crisis still controls at least 30% of galaxy
x1.25 |
- Stage 3 - This crisis has controlled more than 20% of the galaxy
- The amount of the galaxy this crisis controls hasn't dropped below 15%
x1.2 (Any) |
x0.75 |
Stage 1 - The first contingency world has spawned but this crisis has never controlled more than 5% of the galaxy
The Prethoryn Scourge
All members of the Galactic Community open borders towards each other
Defeat the Prethoryn Scourge crisis
Prethoryn Scourge crisis
The Unbidden
All members of the Galactic Community open borders towards each other
Defeat the Extradimensional Invaders crisis
Extradimensional Invaders crisis
The Gray Tempest
All members of the Galactic Community open borders towards each other
Defeat the Gray Tempest
Gray Tempest L-Cluster outcome
6 |
- Normal base weight
- Note: Can be considered 4.5 due to issues with trigger conditions described below.
x10 |
x2 |
This crisis borders them (Typically requires an undestroyed starbase in a L-Gate system)
x1.2 |
x0.5 (Both) |
- This crisis does not border them
x1.2 |
Because the Gray Tempest doesn't build starbases, the following weight modifiers will always trigger:
x0.75 |
This crisis controls no more than 10% of galaxy
Because the Gray Tempest doesn't build starbases, the following weight modifiers will never trigger:
x10 |
This crisis controls more than 50% of galaxy
x3 |
This crisis controls more than 40% but no more than 50% of galaxy
x2 |
This crisis controls more than 30% but no more than 40% of galaxy
x1.5 |
This crisis controls more than 20% but no more than 30% of galaxy
x1.1 |
This crisis controls more than 10% but no more than 20% of galaxy
The Great Khan
All members of the Galactic Community open borders towards each other
Defeat the Horde
The Horde
6 |
Normal base weight
x10 |
Rebelling 辖地
x2 |
Bordering the Horde
x1.2 |
x1.2 |
x1.1 |
Bordering a Satrapy that's not rebelling
x0.5 (All) |
- Not bordering the Horde
- Not bordering a Satrapy
x0 |
辖地 that's not rebelling
Denounce The First Awakened Empire
Bans being a subject of the first awakened empire
End the War in Heaven
War in Heaven
All resolutions
6 |
Normal base weight
x0 |
Subject of an awakened empire this resolution will denounce
Note: Resolutions are not targeted, so opinions of awakened empires aren't taken into account.
Denounce the First/Second
x2 |
Subject of the awakened empire this resolution won't denounce
Denounce Both
No additional modifiers
Denounce The Second Awakened Empire
Bans being a subject of the second awakened empire
End the War in Heaven
War in Heaven
Denounce Both Awakened Empires
Bans being a subject of either awakened empire
+25% Damage against awakened empires
End the War in Heaven
War in Heaven
星海理事会在通过“Form Galactic Council”议案后成立,这要求星海共同体已经至少存在了20年。理事会每20年换届一次,
外交权重 最高的共同体成员将进入理事会。理事会成员有着 +20%的外交权重
修正。理事会成员可以发动理事会谴责,可以每十年一次,宣布某项提出的议案为紧急措施,使其立即进入参议院。当星海理事会成立后,“Galactic Reforms ”议案将可见.
Crisis declaration[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The Custodian or members of the Galactic Council can propose crisis declaration resolutions. Crisis declaration resolutions cost 300
influence to propose or repeal and will start a war between the Galactic Community or Galactic Imperium and the target using the Crisis War wargoal. During the war, member empires gain +20%
舰船建造速度 and -10%
舰船维护费. The war will end prematurely if the resolution is repealed.
监管人可在通过“Nominate Custodian”议案后由星海理事会成员中选出。监管人享受以下增益:
- +5 月度

- +30%
外交权重 (不与理事会修正叠加)
- −50% 宣布紧急措施冷却时间
- −50% 否决花费与冷却时间
- 星海共同体所有成员对其开放边境
- 当会期过半时,可消耗200
- 不需提出议案以改变星系焦点,只需花费 100
- 可冻结议案,阻止其被付诸表决 (提出此议案的帝国仍然可撤销之以提出另一议案)
默认的,在某一帝国担任星海监管人30年后,它将重新成为星海共同体的普通成员。星海监管人可以提出这些独有议案,消耗 200
Once the Galactic Custodian relinquishes Custodianship, any active resolutions passed during Custodianship will remain in effect. Custodian resolutions can be repealed, but additional Custodian proposals cannot be made. If the Galactic Defense Force was enacted before the end of the Custodian's term and a GDF fleet exists, it will become a neutral fleet that patrols Galactic Community space.
在“宣告星海帝国成立”议案通过后,星海共同体将改组为星海帝国。所有星海帝国成员将脱离它们所属的联邦。监管人将成为星海帝皇 - with a new name depending on previous authority - 切换思潮为
帝制, 获得
星海霸业 国民理念, 允许将首都行星首府升为帝国行宫Imperial Palace. 若星海帝皇曾是
企业政府 , 它同样会切换政体,但可以同时使用普通与企业政府的国民理念。帝皇拥有所有作为监管人的增益,以及,所有星海帝国成员不可进攻星海帝皇。帝国不得脱离星海帝国。
在星海帝国成立后,星海理事会将会重组为帝国议会,“Galactic Reform ” 议案也会被替换为帝国议会版,它们只能被星海帝皇提出。若“Galactic Defense Force”议案已被激活, 它将被替换为“Imperial Armada ”议案. 同时,“ the Galactic Trade Organization ”议案将被移动至 “Imperial Institutions ”议案组以及 “A United Front to Foreign Relations”.
Imperial Council
Abolish Imperial Council
Imperial Council no longer exists
Restore Imperial Council
Imperial Council is restored
The Imperial Council has been abolished
Change Council Size: 1
1 empire can be part of the Imperial Council
The Imperial Council exists
Change Council Size: 2
2 empires can be part of the Imperial Council
The Imperial Council exists
Change Council Size: 3
3 empires can be part of the Imperial Council
The Imperial Council exists
Change Council Size: 4
4 empires can be part of the Imperial Council
The Imperial Council exists
Change Council Size: 5
5 empires can be part of the Imperial Council
The Imperial Council exists
By Election
Imperial Council members are chosen from the member empires with the highest 外交权重 every 20 years
The Imperial Council exists
By Appointment
The Galactic Emperor can add and remove Imperial Council members at the cost of 100 影响力
The Imperial Council exists
By Trial of Advancement
Enables the Trial of Advancement casus belli
The Imperial Council exists
Permanent Council Seat
Targeted empires will always be part of the Imperial Council
By Election is enacted
Revoke Permanent Council Seat
Targeted empires will be removed from the Imperial Council
Target has a Permanent Council Seat
Foreign Relations
Imperial Crusade
All Galactic Imperium members declare war on the target empire with the Force Into Imperium wargoal
140 Imperial Authority
Target is not Fallen or Awakened empire
Target is not a member of the Galactic Imperium
Imperial Reforms
Pax Galactica
Galactic Imperium members cannot use casus belli on each other except Trial of Advancement
180 Imperial Authority
Repeal Pax Galactica
Repeals the Pax Galactic resolution
Pax Galactica is enacted
Imperial Institutions
Imperial Armada
The Galactic Emperor can design and build upkeep-free ships for the Imperial Armada
−50% GDF ship alloy cost
−5% Monthly alloys
Imperial Armada Expansion
+400 Community fleet naval capacity
−5% Monthly alloys
Imperial Armada is enacted
Imperial Legions
The Galactic Emperor can recruit 12 Imperial Legion armies
Imperial Navigation Agency
+15% Community space sublight speed
−2% Monthly energy credits
Disband the Imperial Navigation Agency
Repeals the Imperial Navigation Agency Resolution
Imperial Navigation Agency is enacted
Imperial Security Directorate
−20 Crime
+2 Codebreaking
+4 Encryption
−3% Monthly energy credits
Imperial Charter
- Targeted empire is allowed to build branch offices on the planets of every member of the Galactic Imperium
- Targeted empire can construct Imperial Concession Port buildings in branch offices
- Targeted empire gains the Imperial Charter empire modifier
Is not Corporate Sovereign
Target is 企业政府
Revoke Charter
- Targeted empire is no longer allowed to build branch offices on the planets of every member of the Galactic Imperium
- Targeted empire can no longer construct Imperial Concession Port buildings in branch offices
- Targeted empire loses the Imperial Charter empire modifier
Target has the Imperial Charter modifier
Undermining the Imperial Authority[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Imperial Authority being undermined
星海帝国通过帝国权威衡量其力量。The Galactic Imperium measures its strength via Imperial Authority.
Envoys can be assigned to the Galactic Imperium to raise or lower Imperial Authority by 0.1 per month each. This is done via the Galactic Imperium screen as shown in the image. Envoys can be assigned (by clicking either icon) to support or undermine the Imperium. In addition to this, an Espionage Operation exists to Weaken Imperial Authority.
If the Imperial Authority is at least 100, all members of the Galactic Imperium will join the Galactic Emperor in defensive wars. If it falls below 50, members can use the Spark Rebellion espionage operation to attempt to bring down the Emperor. This operation requires a very high
Infiltration Level, so it may be required to acquire additional assets first. In addition to the high starting requirements, events may happen that demand to sacrifice the assigned asset and thus lowering the maximum infiltration level. The Contact Lost event requires 10 more infiltration level than the starting requirement of the operation was originally.
Galactic Law[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The Galactic Law represents actions that are forbidden within the Galactic Community. When the Galactic Community is formed nothing is forbidden, but passed resolutions can ban certain actions. If a member of the Galactic Community breaches the Galactic Law all other members will lose
评价 towards the breaching empire. In addition, as long as an empire is in breach of Galactic Law it will be affected by passed Sanction resolutions. Sanction resolutions themselves can only be proposed after at least one thing is banned by Galactic Law.
- ↑
AI empires will support the Project Cornucopia resolution with a very good opinion of the resolution proposer — the maximum weight otherwise is 5.76.
- ↑ 跳转至: 2.0 2.1 This condition is redundant, but included for completeness.
- ↑

Infertile Clone Soldier pops can't be sold on the slave market.
- ↑ 跳转至: 4.0 4.1
失控机仆 AI weight for Universal Prosperity Mandate is 0 because they aren't egalitarian, despite still getting the x2 weight for the civic.
- ↑ If Tiyanki are extinct the Tiyanki Conservation Act can't be proposed, rendering the Space Amoeba Protection Act inaccessible if it's not already active.
- ↑ Empires that aren't currently part of the Galactic Community when the Space Amoeba Protection Act is passed (possibly because they haven't been created yet) don't get the offered the Amoeboid Pacification empire modifier and are permanently in breach of galactic law until the Space Amoeba Protection Act is repealed.