- Why? Why?! WHY?! - Embracing the futility of life's questions in the Improbable Ceramics event
- My circuits hurt. - Same option for machine empires
Easter eggs are inside jokes and references to popular culture, included for the player's amusement. This is a non-exhaustive list of Easter eggs present in Stellaris. For others, also see the TVTropes page.
The Blorg[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
During the pre-release stream series former Stellaris game director Wiz was inspired by one of the fungoid portraits to create a very friendly but hideously ugly species called the Blorg. The Blorg Commonality was a fanatic xenophile misunderstood empire that desperately wanted to make friends, and also had a militarist side in order to force others to be their friends if everyone rejected them. Due to fan requests, the empire was included in the game at launch, together with the Fanatic Befrienders AI personality, unique only to the Blorg and any empire with the exact same ethics and traits.
The Blorg became something of an inside joke within the game. The xenophile advisor references to the Blorg as friendly, the Subdermal Stimulation tech shows a Blorg body-pillow, the Chemical Bliss drugs it unlocks include Blorg bodily fluids, and the Uncanny trait (which describes machines made in the image of one of the most horrific species in the universe) shows a robotic Blorg. Finally, a possible name for black hole systems is Blorg's Bane.
Species with the Blorg portrait have a 1 in 140 chance to say "Umm...friends?" instead of regular fungoid sounds when contacted via the Contacts menu.
Collectivism and Individualism[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Before the 1.5 patch Stellaris featured two additional ethics: Collectivist and
Individualist. In patch 1.5 they have been replaced by the
Those two ethics and the arguments they brought are referenced in an anomaly event describing how a primitive civilization destroyed itself after an ideological schism over the definitions and morality of collectivism and individualism. One of the dialogue options is Those aren't even real ethics..., referencing how they're no longer present in the game.
Fallen Empires[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The Fallen Empires are inspired by the Vorlons and the Shadows from Babylon 5 with their ancient technology, dogmatic focus on a single ethic and millennia of stagnation that eventually allow the younger races to catch up and surpass them.
The War in Heaven, named after a biblical event from the Book of Revelation, is also a reference to the Second Shadow War in the series Babylon 5. Humanity is caught in the middle of a war between two ancient forces: the awakened Shadows and their ancient rival - the Vorlon Empire. Humanity led the Army of Light opposing both ancients, by allying with the League of Non-Aligned Worlds and the Minbari Federation.
The achievement Last, Best Hope also refers to a line repeatedly said within the show that the eponymous station was the last, best hope for peace, and formed the aforementioned League of Non-Aligned Worlds. The achievement requires leading the said league to victory against both Awakened Empires.
When a Fallen Empire awakens the dialogue box also repeats a line from the series: Giants in the playground....
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Stellaris contains a number of references to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy novel series. More importantly though, the actual series is present in the game. One of the anomaly events from the
Xenophile and
Xenophobe empires can use it to boost their respective ethics' attraction for 10 years.
One of the diplomacy messages when at war with a Fanatic Purifiers empire is This war will bring about an era of peace, justice, morality, culture, sport, family life, and the obliteration of all other life forms..
One of the unique systems from
Government[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Reference to Federal Service from the Starship Troopers series, with similar logo to the movie.
- Reference to Warhammer 40k, complete with descriptions and dialogues common in the series.
- Reference to the Tyranids from Warhammer 40k and the Zerg from StarCraft.
- Reference to Skynet from Terminator. In the game files the civic is even called terminator.
- Reference to the Borg from Star Trek.
Technologies[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Contraction of "android" apparently first used in a 1952 SF short story by Mari Wolf, but popularised by Star Wars.
- Reference to the Space Marines from Warhammer 40k
- The description includes the words cradle and pharmaceutical, referencing the video game series Zero Escape in which the company Cradle Pharmaceutical covertly researches morphogenetic fields.
- Reference to Isaac Asimov's robot stories.
Traditions[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Standard Construction Templates
- Reference to Warhammer 40k
- Reference to the opening monologue of Star Trek
Armies[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Reference to the Star Wars prequel trilogy.
- Reference to the Alien franchise.
- Reference to the Space Marines from Warhammer 40k, made more overt by the name of the enabling technology.
Planetary features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Reference to the Boston-Atlanta Metropolitan Axis novel
- Reference to Doom series
- Reference to the vaults from Fallout
Traits[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Reference to Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri
- Reference to the first rule of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The event giving the trait is appropriately named Stay Calm.
- Reference to the Moby-Dick novel
Strategic Resources[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Possible reference to the Necrodermis from Warhammer 40k
- Reference to Element Zero from Mass Effect
Species Portraits[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Similar to the Klingons from Star Trek
- Similar to the Vulcans from Star Trek, the Eldar/Aeldari from Warhammer 40,000, and other "space elves" from numerous properties
- Similar to the alien character Diva Plavalaguna from The Fifth Element
- Reference to the Star Fox series
- Similar to the flying attack monkeys from the Wizard of Oz
- Similar to Kowakian Monkey-lizards from Star Wars
- Similar to the Yahg from Mass Effect
Creatures of the Void arthropoid species
- Similar to the Shadows from Babylon 5
- Reference to the social media logo from Cities:Skylines
- Humanoids Species Pack
- Half of the portraits from the species pack are inspired after common fantasy races
Flags[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Reference to the United Federation of Planets from Star Trek
- Reference to the Crux Terminatus badge from Warhammer 40k
- Reference to the Terran Empire from the Star Trek mirror universe
- Reference to the Mantle of Responsibility from Halo
Achievements[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Reference to Aldous Huxley's dystopian novel of the same name
- Reference to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- Reference to a famous line from Jurassic Park
- The Christian motto from the First Crusade and a common line in Crusader Kings II
- Reference to the 80's song Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto by Styx
- Reference to the invulnerablity cheat code and archon quotes from the StarCraft series
- Reference to the TV series The Six Million Dollar Man
- Reference to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Break on Through
...To the other side
- Reference to The Doors' song Break On Through (To the Other Side)
- Reference to the Weyland Yutani company motto from Aliens
- Reference to the motto of Deathwatch who excels in fighting xeno threats for the Imperium of Man in Warhammer 40k.
- Reference to the 1983 TV series "V" where an entire fleet of a seemingly human extraterrestrial civilisation arrives in peace to offer its help to mankind. The achievement picture is an also an inverted version of the series' poster.
- Reference to Dante's Divine Comedy
- Reference to the Iain M. Banks book Excession. The author coined the term "Outside Context Problem" to indicate a surprising and unexpected situation, such as an invasion by massively superior alien force occuring in the middle of World War 2.
- The title of this achievement references the famous monologue of Roy Batty from the film The Blade Runner. The subtext is (also) a nod to the System Shock series of games where the main Antagonist is comparing pathetic creatures of meat and bone with itself.
- Reference to the Borg from Star Trek
- Reference to the Planet of the Apes series.
- Reference to Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
- Reference to the movie Clash of the Titans
- Reference to the famous course of action in Warhammer 40k
- Reference to Star Trek Into Darkness
- Reference to Pandora's Box from Greek mythology. Lowering the shield also brings similarly bad results.
- Reference to Star Wars Episode IV
- Most likely a reference to the 1995 JRPG Chrono Trigger as in that game a creature named Lavos falls from space and burrows down into the planet's core in the prehistoric age where it grows in size over many millennia before emerging again in the year 1999AD, destroying the planet as it does so.
- Reference to Moby Dick
- Reference to Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Our Fleets will Blot Out the Stars
- Reference to the movie 300
- Reference to Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
- Reference to the Latin phrase "Sic Semper tyrannis" (thus always to tyrants), supposedly said by Brutus on the day of the assassination of Julius Caesar. The phrase is also the motto of the U.S. state of Virginia and was shouted by John Wilkes Booth after his assassination of U.S. president Abraham Lincoln.
- Reference to Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, a general in the Roman Republic who was twice granted dictatorial powers by the Roman Senate to respond to a crisis and twice relinquished it as soon as the crisis had passed.
- Reference to USA Network show Burn Notice
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Blorg
- Reference to Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Slavery Types[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Battle Thralls
- Reference to the Ur-Quan Masters from the Star Control series
- Grid Amalgamation
- Reference to the Matrix series. In the game files the slavery type is even called matrix.
Megastructures[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Ring World
- Reference to Larry Niven's novel Ringworld
- Interstellar Assembly
- Reference to the Babylon Project from Babylon 5
- Mega Shipyard
- Reference to the Star Forge from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- Strategic Coordination Center
- Reference to Battle/Command School from Ender's Game.
Endgame Crises[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- The Contingency
- Reference to the Reaper cycle from Mass Effect.
- Extradimensional Invaders
- Reference to the Devidians from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- The Prethoryn Scourge
- Reference to the Tyranids from Warhammer 40k or Yuuzhan Vong from Star Wars.
- The Reckoning
- Reference to the Fall of the Eldar in Warhammer 40k.
Ship names[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The standard human namelist used by the United Nations of Earth is loaded with references; for instance, all Destroyers are named after cities, whilst Cruisers are named after battles (Somme, Hastings, Bunker Hill) and military commanders/leaders (Julius Caesar, De Gaulle, Genghis Khan), construction ships are named for oceans and rivers (Pacific, Atlantic, Volga, Ganges, Rhine), science ships are named for explorers and scientists (Grissom, Gagarin, Asimov, Hawking), and so on.
- Enterprise (battleship)
- Reference to Star Trek.
- Firefly (corvette)
- Reference to Firefly, the main ship's class.
- Greased Lightning (corvette)
- Reference to the cult movie Grease.
- Serenity (colonizer)
- Reference to Firefly, the main ship's name.
- Thunder Child (destroyer)
- Reference to War of the Worlds.
- Yeager
- Reference to Chuck Yeager, the first person to travel past the speed of sound
Pirate ship names[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Aside from pop culture references, many pirate ship names are reminiscent of the naming conventions of Culture starships, from Iain M. Banks' fictional setting.
- The Slings, The Arrows, and Outrageous Fortune
- Reference to Hamlet
- Black Earl
- Reference to Black Pearl from the Pirates of the Caribbean series.
- Attack on Freighter
- Reference to Attack on Titan
- Tycho, Durandal, Leela
- Reference to Marathon, the eponymous colony ship's three shipboard AIs.
- Oh, That's a Pirate!
- Reference to a video game in Part 3 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
- Soylent Green
- Reference to the movie Soylent Green.
- Resonance Cascade
- Reference to Half Life.
- Hell's Bells
- Reference to the Hells Bells song by AC/DC.
- Pillage and Reconciliation
- Reference to the ship "Truth and Reconciliation" from the popular video game Halo: Combat Evolved
- Comet Sighted!
- Reference to the "Comet Sighted" event in various Paradox Interactive games.
System names[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Alderaan, Dressel, Jabba and Lando
- All are planet or individual names from Star Wars
- Amlitzer
- Reference to the battle in the Amlitzer system in the Legends of the Galactic Heroes
- Arrakis
- Reference to the arid planet in Dune's saga
- Astarte
- Reference to the battle in the Astarte system in the Legends of the Galactic Heroes.
- Cknoor
- Reference to the nickname of Anders "cKnoor" Carlsson, Streaming Producer at Paradox.
- Covfefe
- Reference to the meme that resulted from the misspelling of coverage in a tweet from Former American President Donald Trump
- Eye of Hawking
- Black hole system and tribute to theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, the name was added in the first patch after his death. He famously proved theoretically that black holes could lose mass over time.
- Giedi
- Reference to the homeworld of House Harkonnen in Dune's saga.
- Heaven's Gate
- Reference to Heaven's Gate, an American UFO religious millenarian group.
- Higashik-Ata
- Reference to Part 4 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable; protagonist's last name.
- Kazon
- Reference to the Kazon tribes, an aggressive and sectarian species from Star Trek: Voyager. Dogar and Kazon are also the twin gods of Evil and Darkness in Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters.
- Kazoo
- Reference to the kazoo of cKnoor, as seen in the pre-release stream.
- Kerbol
- Reference to the central star from Kerbal Space Program
- Kuma
- Reference to the nickname of Björn "Kuma-kun" Iversen, Audio Director at Paradox.
- Mar-Adetta
- Reference to the Battle of Marr-Adetta in "Legend of the Galactic Heroes".
- Manward
- Reference to the Game Director of Stellaris, Martin Anward.
- Olimar
- Reference to the protagonist of Pikmin.
- Omicron Persei
- Though it is a real star system it is likely also a reference to "Futurama" where the overlord Lrrr of the Omicronians lives on Omicron Persei VIII.
- Polgara
- Reference to the sorceress Polgara of the Belgariad series.
- Rantemario
- Another reference to a star system in the Legends of the Galactic Heroes.
- Tantanga
- Reference to the alien invader from Super Mario Land.
- Targon
- Reference to Mount Targon from the League of Legends lore.
- Tiamat
- Named after a goddess from the Babylonian pantheon, it appears as an item or creature name in Dungeons & Dragons and a number of video games.
- Ulm
- Reference to a small German one province minor in the Europa Universalis series, another grand strategy game by Paradox.
- Vermillion
- Another reference to a star system in the Legends of the Galactic Heroes.
- Vohaul
- Reference to the villain Sludge Vohaul in the Space Quest games.
- Yildun
- Reference to the headquarters of Technodyne Industries of Yildun in the Honor Harrington novels.
- Yump
- A reference/joke at the expense of Game Director Martin "Wiz" Anward, for his repeated (mis)pronunciation of 'jump' as 'yump' (in relation to FTL travel) during prerelease livestreams. In the random name list (/common/random_names/base/00_random_names.txt), it appears directly below 'Kazoo' and 'cKnoor'.
Planet names[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Alpha Complex (Ring World)
- The name of the facility the tabletop RPG "Paranoia" takes place in; which is also taken care of by a Custodian Matrix.
- Dune (desert world)
- Another name for Arrakis from Frank Herbert's Dune saga.
- Kipling (jungle world)
- Reference to Rudyard Kipling, an author famous for The Jungle Book.
- R'lyeh (ocean world)
- Reference to the sunken city from the Cthulhu Mythos by H.P. Lovecraft.
- Dagon (ocean world)
- Reference to the ocean-dwelling deity from a short story by H.P. Lovecraft.
- Walled Garden (gaia world)
- Translation of Rannoch, the Quarian homeworld's name from Khelish, their language, in Mass Effect.
- Melpomenia
- Reference to one of the Spatian's worlds in Isaac Asimov's Foundation Cycle.
- Solaria
- Reference to Isaac Asimov's Foundation series.
Asteroids[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- 1337- prefix
- An asteroid may get the random name 1337, which means "Leet" (elite) in leetspeak, a type of computer and Internet slang.
- AT-, R2-, C- prefixes, and -AT, -ST, -D2, -3PO suffixes
- All references to Star Wars.
- THX- prefix and -1138 suffix
- Reference to George Lucas' first movie, THX-1138. This name would appear several times in other movies made by Lucas, usually in the background or as subtle references in dialogue.
- HAL- prefix and -9000 suffix
- Reference to HAL in "2001: A Space Odyssey"
- TLDR- prefix
- Relatively common internet slang; stands for "Too Long, Didn't Read".
- UL1M- prefix
- Might be a reference to the EU4 state of Ulm.
- OD1N- prefix
- Odin, of Norse Mythology.
- VIR- prefix
- Likely a nod to the tutorial AI, VIR, and possibly Vir Cotto of Babylon 5.
- WPR- prefix
- Possible reference to WOPR, the military supercomputer antagonist of the 1983 film WarGames.
- LV- Prefix
- Reference to LV-426 from Alien
Random events[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Comet sighted
- An event present in most other Paradox games.
- A Species of Ice and Ice
- Reference to A Song of Ice and Fire.
- Anti-Alien Task Force
- Reference to the XCOM and UFO series.
- Eddic, Monolithic
- Reference to Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey.
- Glancing Hit
- Reference to Mass Effect 2 dialogue about Sir Isaac Newton and the dangers of kinetic weapons missing their target, and subsequently traveling as long as required until they hit something.
- Improbable Ceramics
- Reference to Russell's teapot, a philosophical analogy about the burden of proof.
- Mharin Kharin
- Reference to the Marin Karin move from Megami Tensei, which charmed/brainwashed enemies and gained infamy among the fanbase for its inaccuracy and overuse by a character in Persona 3.
- Nimkip
- Reference to Pikmin, a video game developed by Nintendo.
- Olfactory Study
- Reference to Futurama's "Smell-O-Scope".
- Purple Rain
- Reference to the song Purple Rain by Prince.
- Rogue Agent
- Reference to James Cameron's Avatar.
- Speed Demon
- Reference to the endings of Mass Effect 3.
- The Tree
- Reference to the iconic scene from The Fountain.
- Horizon Signal
- Reference to the movie Event Horizon.
- The Gun Pointed at the Head of the Universe
- Word-for-word title reference to a track from the first Halo's soundtrack. Appropriate, given the series' ringworlds are designed to unleash a Neutron Sweep-esque pulse to wipe out possible hosts for the Flood.
- Broken Union
- Reference to the Trill symbionts from Star Trek.
- MegaCorpse Concert
- Reference to Metalocalypse. The player reply also references a memetic line from the series.
Messages[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- "The galaxy is dark and full of terrors."
- Reference to the famous line from "Game of Thrones".
- "Alert all commands. Deploy the fleet."
- Reference to Star Wars Episode V.
- "I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it."
- Reference to Agent Smith from The Matrix.
- "You will embrace the greater good, eventually."
- Reference to the T'au Empire from Warhammer 40k. The reply is only available if your ethics match the T'au's (Authoritarian,Militarist,Xenophile)
- "The spice must flow."
- Reference to Dune.
- "You are a rock tricked into thinking..."
- Reference to a tweet by @daisyowl on the nature of computers.
- "What a talentless looking [fox mammalian race]."
- Reference to the Tails Gets Trolled webcomic.
- "Make it so."
- Reference to Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek
- "Look at the size of that thing!"
- Reference to Star Wars Episode IV
- "You may be wondering about the meaning of the mural behind us. That's a very good question with a very interesting answer! The price for the answer is 15 quadrillion Credits."
- Reference to Star Control.
- "The enclave is in a frisky mood. The creation of Scentilus Rift has caused many an artist to change their primary focus to creating new experiences for it."
- Reference to Oculus Rift.
- "May their reign stretch into infinity... and beyond!"
- Reference to Toy Story.
- "Well secluded, I see all."
- Reference to The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
- "Is Unit A5091-b in possession of a soul?"
- Reference to the Geth question from Mass Effect.
- "Wonderful! Prepare the gift baskets."
- Reference to Pocahontas.
- "Brutal."
- Reference to the Metalocalypse meme.
- "Life, uh, finds a way."
- Reference to the Jurassic Park series.
- "My precious!"
- Reference J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.
Diplomacy Messages[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- "Soon, communications from all your vessels will be blocked. None of you are free of sin." (Evangelizing Zealots negative greeting)
- Reference to the Weird Twitter account @dril.
- "The [ruler title] Protects." (Evangelizing Zealots war greeting)
- Reference to Warhammer 40k.
- "Please notice me senpai." (Fanatical Befrienders greeting)
- Non-specific reference to Japanese anime.
- "We are the [empire name]. Lower your shields and surrender your ships." (Hive Mind war greeting)
- Reference to the Borg from Star Trek.
- "Our words are backed with the planet-destroying power of a Colossus!" (neutral Colossus owner greeting)
- Reference to the "Nuclear Gandhi" bug from the second Civilization game.
- "Pray that you will never have to witness the firepower of our fully armed and operational Colossus!" (neutral Colossus owner greeting)
- Reference to Star Wars Episode VI.
Descriptions[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- "Some species are more equal than others." (Caste System citizenship)
- Reference to George Orwell's Animal Farm
- "Space is the final frontier" (Voidcraft technology field)
- Reference to Star Trek
- "There may come a time when intellects, vast and cool and unsympathetic, regard our worlds with envy and draw plans against us." (Planetary Defenses technology)
- Reference to H. G. Wells' The War of the Worlds
- "Where we're going, we won't need skin to feel!" (Subdermal Stimulation technology)
- Reference to Event Horizon
- "Let the enemy come to us. We shall fight them for every planet, every moon, every asteroid that lies within our space. We shall never surrender." (Defense in Depth war doctrine)
- Reference to the second of Winston Churchill's three famous speeches
- "The swarm consumes. The world trembles. We grow." (Consume World decision)
- Reference to Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm
- "Livestock is Pops!" (Livestock slavery)
- Reference to Soylent Green
- "We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us." (Assimilation citizenship)
- Reference to the Borg from Star Trek
- "Glory to organics." (Bio-Trophy citizenship)
- Reference to NieR: Automata
- "Assuming direct control." (Machine Integration citizenship)
- Reference to Harbinger from Mass Effect 2
- "I am the senate." (Change Council Size to 1 resolution)
- Reference to Palpatine from Star Wars Episode 3
Advisors[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Militarist advisor
- Reference to the Klingons from Star Trek
- Spiritualist advisor
- Reference to Babylon 5.
- Xenophobic advisor
- Reference to the Commisars from Warhammer 40k
- VIR (tutorial advisor)
- Click the portrait repeatedly for some funny comments, also a reference to Blizzard Entertainment games where units would have silly and often fourth-wall-breaking responses if clicked on multiple times in succession. VIR's name is possibly a reference to Vir Cotto from Babylon 5.
- Diplomatic
- Sample of diplomatic advisors voice, says "..and hot tea" wich is reference to Jean Luc Picard from Star Trek, who is diplomat as a captain of starship, an his favourite "Tea. Earl grey, hot"
Enigmatic Observers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The Enigmatic Observers have a tendency to lean against the fourth wall in their dialogue.
- "All the world's a stage, and all the species are merely players. You are a player, are you not?"
- Neutral greeting and a reference to William Shakespeare.
- "Don't break the fourth wall, you clever child you."
- Neutral greeting. Possible refrence to Clara Oswald from Doctor Who.
- "You have ceased to amuse. Your little game will soon be over."
- War greeting. Ironically they cannot give an empire game over unless awakened.
Leviathans[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- The Infinity Sphere & Gargantua
- Reference to the Interstellar movie. One possible outcome causes the system to be renamed to Pantagruel, making it also a reference to Rabelais' Gargantua and Pantagruel novel series. The damage modifier against it that can be obtained from the Curators is described as relying on a crew member "to constantly make calibrations to the ship guns", a possible reference to Garrus Vakarian from the Mass Effect series.
- Tiyanki Matriarch & AH4B
- Reference to the Moby-Dick novel. The swallowed admiral is also coded to be humanoid if the DLC is installed.
- Shard & The Rubricator
- Reference to Smaug and the Arkenstone from The Hobbit.
The Shroud[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
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只可用于 Utopia DLC 已启用。 |
The Shroud is modeled after the Warp from Warhammer 40k, and the Shroud entry dialogue contains plenty of references to various franchises.
Patron Entities[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Composer of Strands
- Inspired by the Chaos God Nurgle.
- Eater of Worlds
- Inspired by the Chaos God Khorne.
- Instrument of Desire
- Inspired by the Chaos God(dess) Slaanesh.
- Whispers in the Void
- Inspired by the Chaos God Tzeentch.
Entry Lines[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- "Do you think that is air you're breathing now?"
- Reference to The Matrix.
- "They should have sent a poet..."
- Reference to the movie Contact. Itself referenced in Starcraft.
- "Do you hear the voices too?"
- Reference to the Chaos from Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War.
- "Horror... horror has a face."
- Quote from Apocalypse Now.
- "What senses do we lack that we cannot see and cannot hear another world all around us?"
- Quote from the Orange Catholic Bible from the Dune series.
Other[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Galactic Community and Galactic Imperium
- Reference to the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire from Star wars.
- Despicable Neutrals (placeholder personality)
- Reference to the people of the Neutral Planet in Futurama, and possible reference to the "Despicable Me" movie trilogy.
- Mario and Luigi (the first two names in the Italian section of Humanoids 3 name list)
- Reference to the main protagonists of Nintendo's flagship franchise
- Zelda (female name from Humanoid 3 name list)
- Reference to the title character from the Legend of Zelda series
- Crystalline Entities are Unbreakable special project
- Reference to Part 4 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga, Diamond is Unbreakable.
- Guardians of the Galaxy (ascension perk)
- Reference to the Marvel comic book series of the same name
- Chinorr Stellar Union preset empire
- A reference, albeit misspelled, to Paradox Studio's stream producer
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- L-Cluster Nanites
- Reference to the replicators from Stargate: Atlantis
- Enigmatic Cache
- Reference to Arthur C. Clarke's Rendezvous with Rama
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- Miniature Galaxy (relic)
- Reference to the first Men in Black movie
- Gas Giant Structure (archaeology site)
- Reference to the Titanic
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只可用于 Federations DLC 已启用。 |
- Never Forget (archaeology site)
- Reference to Blade Runner, specifically the "Tears in rain" or "C-Beams Speech" monologue.
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殖民 | 殖民 • 天体 • 行星特征 • 行星管理 • 区划 • 建筑 • 舰船 • 恒星基地 • 巨型结构 |
外交 | 外交 • 贸易 • 附属国 • 联邦 • 星海共同体 • AI 性格 • 情报 |
战争 | 战争 • 太空战 • 地面战 • 舰船设计器 |
其它 | 特质 • 环境改造 • 种群修饰 • 奴役 • 危机 • 预设帝国 • AI 玩家 • 彩蛋 |