

Engineering research Engineering research area is composed mainly of the fields: 工业技术 Industry 工业技术Industry, 材料科学 Materials 材料科学Materials, 推进力学 Propulsion 推进力学Propulsion and 宇航技术 Voidcraft 宇航技术Voidcraft.

The area provides access to several key points, including: new ship classes and starbase upgrades, strategic resources reveal, kinetic & explosive weapons, buildable pops, machine modification capabilities, improved mineral production & storage, and more.

表格用法[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Color indicators: 初始 , 获取 , 稀有 , 危险 , 可重复 .


  1. The table shows the default names/icons of techs. Flavor entry is displayed if accompanied by a change to effects/requirements.
  2. If a tech has been available as a research option in the as part of the last choice then its (total) weight will be halved in the coming choice.
  3. The table denotes the base cost of a tech. Actual in-game tech cost will scale with the empire's size (number of colonized planets and population).
  4. To research techs of higher tiers it is first needed to acquire 6 techs of the preceding tier.
  5. Sorting the table by tiers will place all Starter tech at the top and Repeatable end-game tech at the bottom.
  6. Most icons also double as links. For more information about an unlocked effect (buildings, components, etc.) click on the accompanying icon.

Industry[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The 工业技术 Industry 工业技术Industry tech tree focuses on 矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals production and 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical pops.

科技 花费 Tier 效果 前提 权重与修正 描述
工业基地 Industrial Base 工业基地Industrial Base 0
  • 建筑 Building Alloy Foundries
  • 建筑 Building Civilian Industries
  • 建筑 Building Resource Silos
  • 工业区划 Industrial District 工业区划Industrial District
The basic industrial infrastructure that is required to become a spacefaring civilization.
外太空建设 Offworld Construction 外太空建设Offworld Construction 0
  • Ship class Construction Ship
  • Station class Mining Station
  • Station class Research Station
Construction in space presents our engineers with new design challenges that must be solved before we can build orbital stations above other worlds.
机械化开采 Mechanized Mining 机械化开采Mechanized Mining 0 采矿区划 Mining District 采矿区划Mining District The basic industrial infrastructure that is required to become a spacefaring civilization.
地热水力压裂 Geothermal Fracking 地热水力压裂Geothermal Fracking 2000 1
  • 矿物 Minerals +20% Minerals from Miners
  • 矿物 Minerals +10% Minerals from Starbase Constructions
工业基地 Industrial Base 工业基地Industrial Base 基础: 100
New fracking techniques will allow us to tap into previously unattainable pockets of geothermal resources deep beneath the planet's crust.
地心开采 Deep Core Mining 地心开采Deep Core Mining 4000 2
  • 矿物 Minerals +20% Minerals from Miners
  • 矿物 Minerals +10% Minerals from Starbase Constructions
地热水力压裂 Geothermal Fracking 地热水力压裂Geothermal Fracking 基础: 85
These massive drills are needed to access the rich mineral deposits that can often be found close to a planet's core.
矿物分离 Mineral Isolation 矿物分离Mineral Isolation 8000 3
  • 矿物 Minerals +20% Minerals from Miners
  • 矿物 Minerals +10% Minerals from Starbase Constructions
地心开采 Deep Core Mining 地心开采Deep Core Mining 基础: 65
Advanced spectrometry combines with fracking techniques and chemical flushing to rapidly exploit shallow and mid-depth deposits.
矿物提纯 Mineral Purification 矿物提纯Mineral Purification 3000 1
  • 建筑 Building Mineral Purification Plants
  • 法令 Edict Mining Subsidies
地热水力压裂 Geothermal Fracking 地热水力压裂Geothermal Fracking 基础: 90
Optimal processing of mined materials have allowed us to reach new levels of efficiency.
先进矿物提纯 Advanced Mineral Purification 先进矿物提纯Advanced Mineral Purification 6000 2 建筑 Building Mineral Purification Hubs
  • 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization
  • 矿物提纯 Mineral Purification 矿物提纯Mineral Purification
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes Access to Volatile Motes through tech or galactic market
基础: 140
Second-stage processing of pseudo-refined minerals allow for more efficient storage and transportation.
提取模式 Extraction Patterns 提取模式Extraction Patterns 50000 5 Mod resource minerals mult.png +5% Minerals from Jobs 先进矿物提纯 Advanced Mineral Purification 先进矿物提纯Advanced Mineral Purification 基础: 12.5
Changes in how mineral deposits are evaluated relative to each other lead to more efficient boring patterns.
纳米力学 Nanomechanics 纳米力学Nanomechanics 2000 1 Engineering research +20% Engineering Research from Researchers 基础: 100
Advanced instrumentation allows for the study and practical application of physical systems at nanometric scales.
超固体材料 Supersolid Materials 超固体材料Supersolid Materials 6000 2 Engineering research +20% Engineering Research from Researchers 纳米力学 Nanomechanics 纳米力学Nanomechanics 基础: 70
The production and understanding of supersolids are of immeasurable value to any and every space-age civilization.
超流体材料 Superfluid Materials 超流体材料Superfluid Materials 20000 4 Engineering research +20% Engineering Research from Researchers 超固体材料 Supersolid Materials 超固体材料Supersolid Materials 基础: 40
The study of superfluidity promises to marry quantum mechanics with the fundamental interaction of gravity.
装配模式 Assembly Patterns 装配模式Assembly Patterns 3000 1 Mod planet building build speed mult.png +25% Planetary Build Speed 纳米力学 Nanomechanics 纳米力学Nanomechanics 基础: 90
Rapid iteration in construction simulations determines the optimal component assembly patterns for each building project ahead of time.
建造模板 Construction Templates 建造模板Construction Templates 10000 3
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png +25% Planetary Build Speed
  • Empire sprawl.png -10% Empire Sprawl from Districts
装配模式 Assembly Patterns 装配模式Assembly Patterns 基础: 30
Standardized pre-fab templates massively reduce on-site facility construction times.
组装算法 Assembly Algorithms 组装算法Assembly Algorithms 50000 5 Mod planet building build speed mult.png +25% Planetary Build Speed 建造模板 Construction Templates 建造模板Construction Templates 基础: 12.5
The application of game and puzzle theory has the potential to greatly optimize modular assembly and construction.
气候控制系统 Weather Control Systems 气候控制系统Weather Control Systems 5000 2 住房 Housing +1 City District Housing 基础: 112.5
The ability to alter a planet's weather patterns to suppress destructive weather phenomena will make residential buildings easier to maintain and open up new areas for habitation.
反重力工程 Anti-Gravity Engineering 反重力工程Anti-Gravity Engineering 8000 3 住房 Housing +1 City District Housing
  • 气候控制系统 Weather Control Systems 气候控制系统Weather Control Systems
  • No.png田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田园牧歌Agrarian Idyll
基础: 97.5
With directional gravity technology, buildings on the surface of planets can reach higher than ever before without risking structural collapse. The sky is the limit!
零重力精炼厂 Zero-G Refineries 零重力精炼厂Zero-G Refineries 2000 1
  • 矿物 Minerals +10% Mining Station Output
  • Sb nebula refinery.png Nebula Refinery
外太空建设 Offworld Construction 外太空建设Offworld Construction 基础: 100
The addition of internal refineries on mining stations will substantially increase mineral production.
远距离矿物扫描仪 Long-Range Mineral Scanners 远距离矿物扫描仪Long-Range Mineral Scanners 3000 1 矿物 Minerals +10% Mining Station Output 零重力精炼厂 Zero-G Refineries 零重力精炼厂Zero-G Refineries 基础: 90
Increased scanner range will allow us to more quickly identify mineral concentrations, and focus our mining efforts there.
矿石切割束 Mineral Cutting Beams 矿石切割束Mineral Cutting Beams 4000 2 矿物 Minerals +10% Mining Station Output 远距离矿物扫描仪 Long-Range Mineral Scanners 远距离矿物扫描仪Long-Range Mineral Scanners 基础: 85
These powerful short-range lasers can easily slice through rock, making the extraction of minerals a more efficient affair.
自动采矿无人机 Autonomous Mining Drones 自动采矿无人机Autonomous Mining Drones 6000 2 矿物 Minerals +10% Mining Station Output 矿石切割束 Mineral Cutting Beams 矿石切割束Mineral Cutting Beams 基础: 70
Fleets of autonomous drones equipped with mining beams are deployed to quickly and efficiently gather nearby minerals.
纳米矿物探测器 Nanite Mineral Probes 纳米矿物探测器Nanite Mineral Probes 8000 3 矿物 Minerals +10% Mining Station Output 自动采矿无人机 Autonomous Mining Drones 自动采矿无人机Autonomous Mining Drones 基础: 65
These special probes are equipped with swarms of nanites that identify previously unknown mineral concentrations and mark them for later extraction.
动力外骨骼 Powered Exoskeletons 动力外骨骼Powered Exoskeletons
机械智能 Machine Intelligence Improved Servomotors
2000 1
  • 陆军伤害 Army Damage +5% Army damage
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png +5% Minerals from Jobs
工业基地 Industrial Base 工业基地Industrial Base 基础: 150
Wearing a powered exoskeleton suit augments the user's strength and speed. The military applications are obvious, but it will also increase labor efficiency.
机器人劳工 Robotic Workers 机器人劳工Robotic Workers 3000 1
  • 机械体 Mechanical Can build Mechanical pops
  • 建筑 Building Robot Assembly Plants
  • 动力外骨骼 Powered Exoskeletons 动力外骨骼Powered Exoskeletons
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
基础: 135
These robotic work units are perfect for menial labor tasks. They are hard-working and capable of following simple vocal instructions, but should not be expected to climb stairs.
智能人 Droids 智能人Droids 6000 2
  • 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical pops can take Specialist jobs
  • Army robotic.png Robotic Assault Army
  • 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization
  • 机器人劳工 Robotic Workers 机器人劳工Robotic Workers
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
基础: 70
Upgraded robotic workers, these units have an expanded movement range equal to that of most organics. Their neural processors have also been greatly improved.
合成人 Synthetics 合成人Synthetics 20000 4
  • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production +10% Robot Output
  • 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical pops can take Ruler jobs
  • 智能人 Droids Droids
  • 星系管理 Galactic Administration 星系管理Galactic Administration
  • 正电子人工智能 Positronic AI 正电子人工智能Positronic AI
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
基础: 20
Highly advanced robots that are stronger, faster and more durable than the vast majority of organics. With their upgraded neural processors they are fully capable of independent operations.
合成人人格矩阵 Synthetic Personality Matrix 合成人人格矩阵Synthetic Personality Matrix 24000 4 Menu icon leaders.png Mechanical pops can generate Leaders
  • 合成人 Synthetics 合成人Synthetics
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
  • No.png政策 Policy Artificial Intelligence policy Outlawed
基础: 35
Equipped with a personality, synthetics will finally be able to interact socially on equal terms with the rest of our citizens. Some units may even assume leadership roles.
机械模板系统 Machine Template System 机械模板系统Machine Template System 机械模板系统Machine Template System 4000 1
  • 特质点数 Trait Point +2 Mechanical pop trait points
  • 特质点数 Trait Point +1 Machine pop trait points
  • Feature Can modify Mechanical pops
  • 机器人劳工 Robotic Workers 机器人劳工Robotic Workers if not Machine Empire
  • 动力外骨骼 Powered Exoskeletons 动力外骨骼Powered Exoskeletons if Machine Empire
  • No.png蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind
  • No.png政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
基础: 85
Rewritable assembly templates allow for the creation of bespoke synthetic worker designs.
交叉模组标准化 Cross-Model Standardization 交叉模组标准化Cross-Model Standardization 8000 2 特质点数 Trait Point +1 Mechanical pop trait points
  • 智能人 Droids Droids
  • 机械模板系统 Machine Template System 机械模板系统Machine Template System
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
基础: 65
Improved production practices allow for greater alterations to synthetic workers without compromising core functionality.
二进制内驱程序 Binary Motivators 二进制内驱程序Binary Motivators 8000 3 特质点数 Trait Point +1 Machine pop trait points
  • 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization
  • Tech robomodding.png Machine Template System
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
基础: 65
These advanced motivators are both smaller and lighter than previous versions, allowing robotic units to allocate additional space for subsystems.
可替换电路 Fungible Circuitry 可替换电路Fungible Circuitry 16000 4 特质点数 Trait Point +1 Mechanical pop trait points
  • 交叉模组标准化 Cross-Model Standardization 交叉模组标准化Cross-Model Standardization
  • 合成人 Synthetics 合成人Synthetics
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
基础: 22.5
Improved production practices allow for fundamental changes to synthetic workers without compromising core functionality.
纳米装配机 Nanite Assemblers 纳米装配机Nanite Assemblers 16000 4 特质点数 Trait Point +1 Machine modification points
  • 二进制内驱程序 Binary Motivators 二进制内驱程序Binary Motivators
  • 星系管理 Galactic Administration 星系管理Galactic Administration
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
基础: 22.5
Using programmable nanites to assist in the construction of new robotic units will allow for more advanced models that are equipped with an even greater array of subsystems.
巨型装配系统 Mega-Assembly Systems 巨型装配系统Mega-Assembly Systems 16000 4 建筑 Building Machine Assembly Complex
  • 二进制内驱程序 Binary Motivators 二进制内驱程序Binary Motivators
  • 星系管理 Galactic Administration 星系管理Galactic Administration
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
基础: 22.5
Advanced templates allow us to drastically increase the assembly of new units.
微型复制机 Micro-Replicators 微型复制机Micro-Replicators 5000 2
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult.png +10% Pop Assembly Speed
  • 建筑 Building Upgraded Drone Storage
机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence 基础: 112.5
Microscopic tools that can assist our replication units in creating the more complex circuitry needed for new drones.
自动组装部件 Self-Assembling Components 自动组装部件Self-Assembling Components 12000 3 Mod pop robot build speed mult.png +10% Pop Assembly Speed
  • 微型复制机 Micro-Replicators 微型复制机Micro-Replicators
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
基础: 75
Modeled on organic DNA, these microscopic machine intellects are capable of autonomously assembling most components needed for new drones.

Materials[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The 材料科学 Materials 材料科学Materials tech tree focuses on advanced and strategic resources and ship armor.

科技 花费 Tier 效果 前提 权重与修正 描述
纳米电路装配 Nano-Circuit Assembly Nano-Circuit Assembly 3000 1 建筑 Building Civilian Fabricators
  • 工业基地 Industrial Base 工业基地Industrial Base
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals Access to Rare Crystals through tech or galactic market
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness unless Rogue Servitor
基础: 90
With pre-programmed nano-circuits, many consumer products can be rapidly assembled in fabricators.
复制机终端 Replicator Kiosks 复制机终端Replicator Kiosks 8000 3 建筑 Building Civilian Repli-Complexes
  • 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization
  • 纳米电路装配 Nano-Circuit Assembly 纳米电路装配Nano-Circuit Assembly
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness unless Rogue Servitor
基础: 130
These kiosks can replicate any pre-approved object if its pattern has been stored within their memory banks.
固态全息铸模 Holographic Casts 固态全息铸模Holographic Casts 3000 1 建筑 Building Alloy Mega-Forges
  • 工业基地 Industrial Base 工业基地Industrial Base
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes Access to Volatile Motes through tech or galactic market
基础: 90
Solid holographic casts can alter their shapes at a moment's notice, speeding up alloy production.
纳米分离器 Nano-Separators 纳米分离器Nano-Separators 8000 3 建筑 Building Alloy Nano-Plants
  • 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization Colonial Centralization
  • 固态全息铸模 Holographic Casts 固态全息铸模Holographic Casts
基础: 130
Nano-separators are a revolutionary new step in the creation of alloys, simplifying the casting process while improving overall production quality.
陶瓷合金 Ceramo-Metal Alloys 陶瓷合金Ceramo-Metal Alloys 4000 2 冶金师 Metallurgist +10% Metallurgists Output
  • 固态全息铸模 Holographic Casts Holographic Casts
  • 瓷金复合材料 Ceramo-Metal Materials 瓷金复合材料Ceramo-Metal Materials
基础: 170
The widespread use of advanced ceramics in industry can improve metallurgical yields.
耐钢合金 Durasteel-Laced Alloys 耐钢合金Durasteel-Laced Alloys 16000 4 冶金师 Metallurgist +10% Metallurgists Output
  • 陶瓷合金 Ceramo-Metal Alloys Ceramo-Metal Alloys
  • 纳米分离器 Nano-Separators 纳米分离器Nano-Separators
  • 耐钢材料 Durasteel Materials 耐钢材料Durasteel Materials
基础: 90
By replacing antiquated ceramo-metal equipment with cutting edge technology, we can run our forges hotter and longer, increasing production.
异星天然气精炼 Exotic Gas Refining 异星天然气精炼Exotic Gas Refining 4000 2
  • 建筑 Building Exotic Gas Refineries
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases Can use Exotic Gases resource
工业基地 Industrial Base 工业基地Industrial Base 基础: 170
Exotic Gas can be produced artificially, but it is a difficult process that requires advanced refinery equipment.
稀有水晶生产 Rare Crystal Manufacturing 稀有水晶生产Rare Crystal Manufacturing 4000 2
  • 建筑 Building Synthetic Crystal Plants
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals Can use Rare Crystals resource
工业基地 Industrial Base 工业基地Industrial Base 基础: 170
The crystallization process is complicated and difficult, but synthetic crystals can be manufactured by using specialized industrial plants.
异星天然气开采 Exotic Gas Extraction 异星天然气开采Exotic Gas Extraction 4000 2
  • 建筑 Building Gas Extraction Wells
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases Can use Exotic Gases resource
  • 外太空建设 Offworld Construction 外太空建设Offworld Construction
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 异星天然气Exotic Gases deposit within borders
基础: 170
Pockets of Exotic Gas are rare and often inaccessible by conventional means. Such deposits can only be reached by using special extractor technology.
稀有水晶开采 Rare Crystal Mining 稀有水晶开采Rare Crystal Mining 4000 2
  • 建筑 Building Crystal Mines
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals Can use Rare Crystals resource
  • 外太空建设 Offworld Construction 外太空建设Offworld Construction
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 稀有水晶Rare Crystals deposit within borders
基础: 170
Mining these crystals without damaging or even destroying them is an extremely delicate process. It requires advanced equipment capable of pinpoint precision.
贝赛里安精炼 Betharian Refining 贝赛里安精炼Betharian Refining 2500 2 建筑 Building Betharian Power Plant
  • 外太空建设 Offworld Construction 外太空建设Offworld Construction
  • D betharian deposit.png Betharian Fields planetary feature on any colony
基础: 190
The Betharian minerals appear to have originated from singular source, but were scattered across the galaxy millennia ago. The minerals are most often encountered as pebble-sized clusters, and are highly flammable.
活体金属 Living Metal 活体金属Living Metal 活体金属Living Metal 32000 5 活体金属 Living Metal Can use Living Metal resource
  • 外太空建设 Offworld Construction 外太空建设Offworld Construction
  • 活体金属 Living Metal Discovered Living Metal
Mining and processing the rare living metals is exceedingly difficult, but successful application of the mutable alloys yields incomparable advantages.
纳米变形 Nanite Transmutation 纳米变形Nanite Transmutation 6000 2 建筑 Building Nanite Transmuter
  • 遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack 遥远繁星故事包Distant Stars Story Pack Distant Stars DLC
  • 纳米机器人 Nanites 纳米机器人Nanites deposit within borders
基础: 35
The mass-production of these rare resources require particularly capable nanites.
纳米复合材料 Nanocomposite Materials 纳米复合材料Nanocomposite Materials 0 Ship part armor 1.png Nanocomposite Armor Reinforced nanocomposite hull plating can provide an extra layer of protection that could be the difference between life and death in a combat situation.
瓷金复合材料 Ceramo-Metal Materials 瓷金复合材料Ceramo-Metal Materials 2500 1 Ship part armor 2.png Ceramo-Metal Armor 纳米复合材料 Nanocomposite Materials 纳米复合材料Nanocomposite Materials 基础: 118.75
A combination of different metals and ceramics that result in a strong armor without sacrificing flexibility.
塑钢材料 Plasteel Materials 塑钢材料Plasteel Materials 5000 2 Ship part armor 3.png Plasteel Armor 瓷金复合材料 Ceramo-Metal Materials 瓷金复合材料Ceramo-Metal Materials 基础: 93.75
Plasteel is an elastic material that combines many of the qualities of plastics and metal. It is relatively cheap to produce and can be used to augment ship armor.
耐钢材料 Durasteel Materials 耐钢材料Durasteel Materials 10000 3 Ship part armor 4.png Durasteel Armor 塑钢材料 Plasteel Materials 塑钢材料Plasteel Materials 基础: 75
This strong yet flexible material is capable of withstanding severe punishment. It serves well as ship armor.
零素材料 Neutronium Materials 零素材料Neutronium Materials 20000 4 Ship part armor 5.png Neutronium Armor 耐钢材料 Durasteel Materials 耐钢材料Durasteel Materials 基础: 50
This incredibly dense and strong material can resist firepower that would turn armor made of any other alloys into slag.
人造龙鳞装甲 Artificial Dragonscales 人造龙鳞装甲Artificial Dragonscales 50000 5 部件 Component Dragonscale Armor 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack Ether Drake or Aquatics.png Sky Dragon outcome The Ether Drake's scales are made up of multiple layers of unique mineral nanostructures. Unorthodox manufacturing techniques allow us to closely emulate these self-repairing structures.
物质压缩 Matter Compression 物质压缩Matter Compression 50000 5 装甲值 Armor Hit Points +5% Armor Hit Points 塑钢材料 Plasteel Materials 塑钢材料Plasteel Materials 基础: 12.5
Compressing suitable materials into ultra-dense forms is a cheap and efficient way to improve their ability to absorb weapons-grade impacts.
水晶复合镀层 Crystal-Infused Plating 水晶复合镀层Crystal-Infused Plating 6000 2 Ship part crystal armor 1.png Crystal-Infused Plating Yes.png Crystalline entities outcome By infusing armor plating with Crystalline matter we are able to further increase the durability of our ships' protective hulls.
水晶锻造镀层 Crystal-Forged Plating 水晶锻造镀层Crystal-Forged Plating 16000 4 Ship part crystal armor 2.png Crystal-Forged Plating Yes.png Destroying Crystal Nidus Introducing Crystalline matter into the forging process further improves the ultra-hard qualities of crystal-infused metals.

Propulsion[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The 推进力学 Propulsion 推进力学Propulsion tech tree focuses on thruster, missile and kinetic ship components.

科技 花费 Tier 效果 前提 权重与修正 描述
化学推进器 Chemical Thrusters 化学推进器Chemical Thrusters 0 Ship part thruster 1.png Chemical Thruster Simple yet moderately effective chemical thrusters that rely on combustible propellant to function.
离子推进器 Ion Thrusters 离子推进器Ion Thrusters 4000 2 Ship part thruster 2.png Ion Thruster 化学推进器 Chemical Thrusters 化学推进器Chemical Thrusters 基础: 106.25
These electric thrusters use beams of ions to generate thrust without the need for propellant.
等离子推进器 Plasma Thrusters 等离子推进器Plasma Thrusters 8000 3 Ship part thruster 3.png Plasma Thruster 离子推进器 Ion Thrusters Ion Thrusters 基础: 81.25
An advanced form of electric propulsion, plasma thrusters afford ships greater sublight speeds and maneuverability.
脉冲推进器 Impulse Thrusters 脉冲推进器Impulse Thrusters 16000 4 Ship part thruster 4.png Impulse Thruster 等离子推进器 Plasma Thrusters Plasma Thrusters 基础: 56.25
These highly advanced fusion-powered thrusters provide ships with unmatched maneuverability and speed under sublight conditions.
暗物质推进 Dark Matter Propulsion 暗物质推进Dark Matter Propulsion 50000 5 Ship part thruster 5.png Dark Matter Thrusters These thrusters utilize Dark Matter technology to generate propulsion in a manner that appears to defy numerous laws of physics.
加力燃烧室 Afterburners 加力燃烧室Afterburners 2500 1 Ship part afterburners 1.png Afterburners 化学推进器 Chemical Thrusters 化学推进器Chemical Thrusters 基础: 118.75
These powerful thrusters provide additional combat speed but consume a great deal of power.
先进加力燃烧室 Advanced Afterburners 先进加力燃烧室Advanced Afterburners 10000 3 Ship part afterburners 2.png Advanced Afterburners
  • 加力燃烧室 Afterburners Afterburners
  • 等离子推进器 Plasma Thrusters Plasma Thrusters
基础: 75
This improved version of the standard afterburners provide an even greater boost to a ship's combat speed.
高射炮 Flak Battery 高射炮Flak Battery 0 部件 Component Flak Battery Gun batteries that fire shrapnel rounds at close range. They are particularly lethal to enemy strike craft, but can also defend against missiles.
高射加农炮 Flak Cannons 高射加农炮Flak Cannons 6000 3 部件 Component Flak Cannon 高射炮 Flak Battery 高射炮Flak Battery 基础: 70
Upgraded flak batteries with new, more powerful shrapnel rounds.
重型高射炮 Flak Artillery 重型高射炮Flak Artillery 16000 4 部件 Component Flak Artillery 高射加农炮 Flak Cannons Flak Cannons 基础: 45
Predictive tracking algorithms and even more powerful rounds make these batteries incredibly lethal to enemy strike craft.
核导弹 Nuclear Missiles 核导弹Nuclear Missiles 0
  • 部件 Component Nuclear Missiles
  • Sb missile battery.png Missile Battery module
Space-to-space missiles equipped with high-yield nuclear warheads. Although based on old pre-space technology, these crude fire-and-forget weapons can be surprisingly effective at range.
聚变核导弹 Fusion Missiles 聚变核导弹Fusion Missiles 2500 1 部件 Component Fusion Missiles
  • 核导弹 Nuclear Missiles 核导弹Nuclear Missiles
  • 聚变能源 Fusion Power 聚变能源Fusion Power
基础: 95
These updated space-to-space missiles have more powerful fusion warheads and improved flight performance.
反物质导弹 Antimatter Missiles 反物质导弹Antimatter Missiles 4000 2 部件 Component Antimatter Missiles 聚变核导弹 Fusion Missiles Fusion Missiles 基础: 85
Advanced missiles equipped with very powerful antimatter warheads. A new and improved guidance system gives them a better chance of finding their targets.
量子导弹 Quantum Missiles 量子导弹Quantum Missiles 8000 3 部件 Component Quantum Missiles 反物质导弹 Antimatter Missiles Antimatter Missiles 基础: 65
The latest version of space-to-space missile, this upgraded variant has an immensely powerful warhead that draws its energy from a zero point vacuum.
掠夺者导弹 Marauder Missiles 掠夺者导弹Marauder Missiles 20000 4 部件 Component Marauder Missiles 量子导弹 Quantum Missiles Quantum Missiles 基础: 40
These highly advanced missiles are equipped with limited onboard AI pilots that substantially improve their performance and ability to track targets.
蜂群导弹 Swarmer Missiles 蜂群导弹Swarmer Missiles 5000 2 部件 Component Swarmer Missiles 聚变核导弹 Fusion Missiles Fusion Missiles 基础: 75
These smaller missiles are launched in volleys and have been specifically designed to overwhelm enemy point-defense systems.
旋风导弹 Whirlwind Missiles 旋风导弹Whirlwind Missiles 20000 4 部件 Component Whirlwind Missiles 蜂群导弹 Swarmer Missiles Swarmer Missiles 基础: 40
New miniaturization techniques will allow us to equip swarmer missiles with more powerful warheads and improved flight performance.
太空鱼雷 Space Torpedoes 太空鱼雷Space Torpedoes 5000 2 部件 Component Space Torpedoes 核导弹 Nuclear Missiles 核导弹Nuclear Missiles 基础: 75
These torpedoes are essentially very large, slow-moving missiles. They are equipped with more powerful warheads and shield modulators that let them slip unmolested through energy screens.
装甲鱼雷 Armored Torpedoes 装甲鱼雷Armored Torpedoes 10000 3 部件 Component Armored Torpedoes 太空鱼雷 Space Torpedoes Space Torpedoes 基础: 60
Upgraded space torpedoes encased in armor, to better withstand enemy point-defense fire. The armor fragments into shards that cause additional damage when the torpedo detonates.
毁灭者鱼雷 Devastator Torpedoes 毁灭者鱼雷Devastator Torpedoes 20000 4 部件 Component Devastator Torpedoes 装甲鱼雷 Armored Torpedoes Armored Torpedoes 基础: 40
Advanced torpedoes with very powerful warheads. They have a sleeker design, faster engines and upgraded shield modulators for slipping through energy screens.
质量投射器 Mass Drivers 质量投射器Mass Drivers 0
  • 部件 Component Mass Driver
  • Sb gun battery.png Gun Battery module
These electromagnetic projectile launchers use magnets to accelerate armor-piercing rounds towards targets at high speeds.
线圈炮 Coilguns 线圈炮Coilguns 2500 1 部件 Component Coilgun 质量投射器 Mass Drivers 质量投射器Mass Drivers 基础: 95
Coilguns are more powerful versions of the early mass drivers, using electromagnetic coils to rapidly accelerate projectiles towards targets.
轨道炮 Railguns 轨道炮Railguns 4000 2 部件 Component Railgun 线圈炮 Coilguns Coilguns 基础: 85
The latest in electromagnetic accelerators, railguns use twin parallel rails to fire projectiles at incredible speeds.
先进轨道炮 Advanced Railguns 先进轨道炮Advanced Railguns 8000 3 部件 Component Advanced Railgun 轨道炮 Railguns Railguns 基础: 65
A new version of the venerable railgun, with sturdier rails and an enhanced power supply. These weapons are even more powerful and accurate than their predecessors.
高斯炮 Gauss Cannons 高斯炮Gauss Cannons 16000 4 部件 Component Gauss Cannon 先进轨道炮 Advanced Railguns Advanced Railguns 基础: 45
This updated version of the old coilgun design is even more destructive than the latest railgun designs. It is capable of launching projectiles with incredible accuracy and speed.
动能火炮 Kinetic Battery 动能火炮Kinetic Battery 12000 3 部件 Component Kinetic Battery 先进轨道炮 Advanced Railguns Advanced Railguns 基础: 50
Very long-range artillery capable of hurling powerful rounds over extreme distances with a large degree of accuracy.
先进动能火炮 Kinetic Artillery 先进动能火炮Kinetic Artillery 20000 4 部件 Component Kinetic Artillery
  • 高斯炮 Gauss Cannons Gauss Cannons
  • 动能火炮 Kinetic Battery Kinetic Battery
基础: 40
An even more powerful long-range, ship-based artillery cannon, equipped with a new barrel and an upgraded fire control computer.
兆级加农炮 Mega Cannon 兆级加农炮Mega Cannon 20000 4 部件 Component Mega Cannon
  • 战列舰 Battleships Battleships
  • 先进轨道炮 Advanced Railguns Advanced Railguns
基础: 40
An enormous mass accelerator cannon that can only be placed in a spinal mount and fires monstrously powerful rounds over vast distances.
千兆级加农炮 Giga Cannon 千兆级加农炮Giga Cannon 24000 4 部件 Component Giga Cannon
  • 高斯炮 Gauss Cannons Gauss Cannons
  • 兆级加农炮 Mega Cannon Mega Cannon
基础: 35
An even more powerful mass accelerator cannon that can rip through even the toughest shields.
机关炮 Autocannons 机关炮Autocannons 5000 2 部件 Component Autocannon 线圈炮 Coilguns Coilguns 基础: 75
Large-caliber ballistic weapons that fire cased explosive shells. The main advantage of these cannons is their high rate of fire.
撕裂者机关炮 Ripper Cannons 撕裂者机关炮Ripper Cannons 8000 3 部件 Component Ripper Autocannon 机关炮 Autocannons Autocannon 基础: 65
These upgraded rotary autocannons feature improved tracking and fire control systems. This allows them to maintain an even higher rate of fire.
火风暴机关炮 Stormfire Cannons 火风暴机关炮Stormfire Cannons 16000 4 部件 Component Stormfire Autocannon 撕裂者机关炮 Ripper Cannons Ripper Cannons 基础: 45
Advanced rotary autocannons capable of spewing a cloud of high-explosive shells at a target.
热力学当量控制 Thermodynamic Yield Control 热力学当量控制Thermodynamic Yield Control 50000 5 舰船武器伤害 Ship Weapons Damage +5% Explosive Weapon Damage 反物质导弹 Antimatter Missiles Antimatter Missiles 基础: 12.5
With the chemical reaction tightly controlled by missile-board microprocessors, warhead detonations can be tuned for maximum effect for local conditions at the time of impact.
小型预点火装置 Miniaturized Pre-Igniters 小型预点火装置Miniaturized Pre-Igniters 50000 5 Fire rate.png +5% Explosive Weapon Attack Speed 反物质导弹 Antimatter Missiles Antimatter Missiles 基础: 12.5
Advances in miniaturization allow for more rapid loading and discharging of rocket-propelled payloads.
高密度弹药 High-Density Munitions 高密度弹药High-Density Munitions 50000 5 舰船武器伤害 Ship Weapons Damage +5% Kinetic Weapon Damage 轨道炮 Railguns Railguns 基础: 12.5
Ultra-dense slugs can punch through even the strongest of projected shields.
装载效率 Loader Efficiency 装载效率Loader Efficiency 50000 5 Fire rate.png +5% Kinetic Weapon Attack Speed 轨道炮 Railguns Railguns 基础: 12.5
Minor technical advances combine with improved shipboard routines for handling munitions to provide a noticeable boost in fire rate.
轨道垃圾散布 Orbital Trash Dispersal 轨道垃圾散布Orbital Trash Dispersal 8000 1 Ship part orbital trash dispersal.png Orbital Trash Dispersal 寰宇企业 Megacorp Caravaneers deal This orbital bombardment management system spams a planet with millions of minute, high-velocity projectiles, overwhelming planetside defensive grids with trash data. Ships equipped with this component will cause more damage during orbital bombardment.

Voidcraft[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The 宇航技术 Voidcraft 宇航技术Voidcraft tech tree focuses on ships and spaceborne structures.

科技 花费 Tier 效果 前提 权重与修正 描述
太空探索 Space Exploration 太空探索Space Exploration 0 Station class Science Ship The Science Ship is used as a base of operations for a top Scientist, ready to explore the vastness of space.
星际远征军 Interplanetary Expeditionary Forces 星际远征军Interplanetary Expeditionary Forces 0 进攻部队 Assault Army 进攻部队Assault Army 行星防御 Planetary Defenses 行星防御Planetary Defenses The invasion of another world is a staggering enterprise. There are immense logistical challenges that must be overcome before we can muster our first interplanetary armies.
轨道能源转化技术 Orbital Energy Conversion 轨道能源转化技术Orbital Energy Conversion 0 Solar Panel Network.png Solar Panel Network module 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness Gestalt Consciousness Advances in solar panel technology could offset the operating costs of our starbases. The panels would require an entire starbase module to generate enough energy, however.
深空防御 Deep Space Defenses 深空防御Deep Space Defenses 0 Station class Defense Platform 恒星基地建设 Starbase Construction 恒星基地建设Starbase Construction This will enable the construction of defensive deep space platforms to protect our Starbases.
恒星基地建设 Starbase Construction 恒星基地建设Starbase Construction 0 恒星基地 Starbase Outpost 外太空建设 Offworld Construction 外太空建设Offworld Construction A centralized space installation built in close orbit around the system primary is necessary to make full use of the resources in a star system.
星港 Starport 星港Starport 0 恒星基地 Starbase Starport 恒星基地建设 Starbase Construction 恒星基地建设Starbase Construction The earliest starbases were little more than makeshift outposts. Permanent starports will enable us to maintain a firmer grip on star systems.
星垒 Starhold 星垒Starhold 5000 2 恒星基地 Starbase Starhold 星港 Starport 星港Starport 基础: 75
As space traffic increases, larger and more defensible starbases are needed to maintain control over system spacelanes.
星堡 Star Fortress 星堡Star Fortress 10000 3 恒星基地 Starbase Star Fortress 星垒 Starhold Starhold 基础: 60
These mighty space forts will provide a focal point for all military activity in a star system, and their presence is sure to deter all but the most stubborn attackers.
擎天堡 Citadel 擎天堡Citadel 20000 4 恒星基地 Starbase Citadel 星堡 Star Fortress Star Fortress 基础: 40
Plans for an immense battlestation capable of holding its own against several strike fleets are now being drawn up. If realized, these citadels will become monuments to greatness as much as system hubs.
改善结构完整性 Improved Structural Integrity 改善结构完整性Improved Structural Integrity 5000 2 船体值 Hull Points +500 Defense Platform Hull Points 星垒 Starhold Starhold 基础: 37.5
A reinforced framework and blast shields with enhanced impact absorption will ensure the structural integrity of the platform even under immense pressure.
强化核心层 Fortified Core Layers 强化核心层Fortified Core Layers 50000 5 防御平台船体值 Defense Platform Hull Points +10% Defense platform hull points 改善结构完整性 Improved Structural Integrity 改善结构完整性Improved Structural Integrity 基础: 12.5
Additional layers of armor plating within the structure itself improves the resilience of Military Stations.
同步开火模式 Synchronized Firing Patterns 同步开火模式Synchronized Firing Patterns 50000 5 防御平台伤害 Defense Platform Damage +10% Defense platform damage 改善结构完整性 Improved Structural Integrity 改善结构完整性Improved Structural Integrity 基础: 12.5
Cross-linking weapon systems to fire in staggered volleys improves the actual damage output of Military Stations over time.
模块化工程 Modular Engineering 模块化工程Modular Engineering 6000 2
  • 恒星基地模块花费 Starbase Module Cost −25% Starbase building build cost
  • 恒星基地模块花费 Starbase Module Cost −25% Starbase module build cost
星垒 Starhold Starhold 基础: 35
Streamlined starbase construction procedures, using modular designs, will halve the present build cost and time.
工兵部队 Corps of Engineers 工兵部队Corps of Engineers
机械智能 Machine Intelligence Optimized Station Construction
12000 3
  • 恒星基地升级费用 Starbase Upgrade Cost −15% Starbase upgrade cost
  • 恒星基地升级时间 Starbase Upgrade Time +25% Starbase upgrade speed
  • 模块化工程 Modular Engineering 模块化工程Modular Engineering
  • 星堡 Star Fortress Star Fortress
基础: 25
The creation of a dedicated naval engineering corps will greatly benefit the construction of deep space defense platforms, decreasing building costs and increasing durability.
轨道居住站 Orbital Habitats 轨道居住站Orbital Habitats 10000 3 Fleet order button build megastructure.png Habitat megastructures
  • 乌托邦 Utopia 乌托邦Utopia DLC
  • 星垒 Starhold Starhold
基础: 60
Allows the construction of largely self-sustaining Orbital Habitats.
居住站扩建 Habitat Expansion 居住站扩建Habitat Expansion 20000 4 Decision satellite in orbit.png Upgrade Habitat decision
  • 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitats Orbital Habitats
  • Yes.png Any habitat colony
基础: 35
Our early habitats were primitive things compared to the efficient designs we can now develop.
高级太空居住站 Advanced Space Habitation 高级太空居住站Advanced Space Habitation 40000 4 Decision satellite in orbit.png Upgrade Habitat decision (x2)
  • 居住站扩建 Habitat Expansion Habitat Expansion
  • Yes.png Any habitat colony
基础: 35
Years of improvements to our orbital Habitats have led us to create newer more effective designs.
巨型结构工程 Mega-Engineering 巨型结构工程Mega-Engineering 48000 5
  • 资源储存上限 Resource Storage Capacity +20000 Resource Storage Capacity
  • Feature Can repair damaged Megastructures
  • 擎天堡 Citadel Citadel
  • 战列舰 Battleships Battleships
  • 零点能源 Zero Point Power 零点能源Zero Point Power
基础: 5
To complete constructing projects of truly staggering scales we must first achieve a fundamental understanding of both the engineering and resource storage requirements for such megastructures.
环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World 环形世界Ring World 环形世界Ring World 环形世界Ring World 环形世界Ring World 破损的环形世界Ring World 破损的环形世界Ring World 破损的环形世界Ring World 48000 5 Fleet order button build megastructure.png Ring World megastructure
  • 乌托邦 Utopia 乌托邦Utopia DLC
  • 星河奇迹 Galactic Wonders 星河奇迹Galactic Wonders ascension perk
A Ring World allows for multiple planet-like zones, cannibalizing all other planets in the system for materials.
护卫舰 Corvettes 护卫舰Corvettes 0 Ship class Corvette The Corvette is the most basic military ship, armed and ready in the event of hostile contacts.
驱逐舰 Destroyers 驱逐舰Destroyers 4000 2
  • 舰队指挥上限 Fleet Command Limit +10 Fleet command limit
  • Ship class Destroyer
护卫舰 Corvettes 护卫舰Corvettes 基础: 85
While larger than Corvettes, Destroyer hull configurations still make for comparatively nimble gunboats.
巡洋舰 Cruisers 巡洋舰Cruisers 8000 3
  • 舰队指挥上限 Fleet Command Limit +10 Fleet command limit
  • Ship class Cruiser
驱逐舰 Destroyers Destroyers 基础: 65
Originally devised as an experimental next-generation colony ship hull configuration, the design's ample hardpoints made it ideal for carrying heavy weapons ordnance.
战列舰 Battleships 战列舰Battleships 16000 4
  • 舰队指挥上限 Fleet Command Limit +10 Fleet command limit
  • Ship class Battleship
巡洋舰 Cruisers Cruisers 基础: 45
The largest of the standard military vessels, Battleships are traditionally heavily armored and sport several gun batteries.
泰坦 Titans 泰坦Titans 32000 5
  • 舰队指挥上限 Fleet Command Limit +10 Fleet command limit
  • 恒星基地 Starbase Ion Cannon defense platform
  • Ship class Titan
  • 启示录 Apocalypse 启示录Apocalypse DLC
  • 战列舰 Battleships Battleships
基础: 30
Modeled after the hulking shadows looming in the core systems of Stagnant Ascendancies, the Titan class can be outfitted with X-size weapons.
巨像 Colossi 巨像Colossi 20000 5
  • Ship class Colossus
  • Sb colossus assembly yard.png Colossal Assembly Yards
  • 启示录 Apocalypse 启示录Apocalypse DLC
  • 巨像计划 Colossus Project 巨像计划Colossus Project ascension perk
Advances in mega-engineering make blur the lines between reality and the fantastical, enabling the construction of Colossus-class military vessels that carry weapons capable of obliterating - or fundamentally altering - entire worlds, with the push of a button.
地爆天星 Core Cracking 地爆天星Core Cracking 20000 5 Ship part world cracker.png World Cracker colossus weapon
  • 启示录 Apocalypse 启示录Apocalypse DLC
  • 巨像 Colossi 巨像Colossi
  • Yes.png Completed the Colossus Project
  • No.png和平主义 Pacifist极端和平主义 Fanatic Pacifist Pacifist
基础: 10
A directed feed of thermic energy superheats the atmosphere and agitates the planet's core, setting up disastrous tectonic events. A final and comparatively minute concussive blast is then delivered, cracking the planet open.
大气纳米机器人散布 Atmospheric Nanobot Dispersal 大气纳米机器人散布Atmospheric Nanobot Dispersal 20000 5 Ship part nanobot diffuser.png Nanobot Diffuser colossus weapon
  • 启示录 Apocalypse 启示录Apocalypse DLC
  • 巨像 Colossi 巨像Colossi
  • Yes.png Completed the Colossus Project
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 同化斗士Driven Assimilator
基础: 10
Swarms of nanobots are dispersed in the atmosphere. They infect sapient beings and restructure themselves into cybernetic implants, turning their unwitting hosts into cyborgs slaved to the Machine Intelligence.
主宰 Juggernaut 主宰Juggernaut 48000 5
  • Menu icon ship designer.png Juggernaut
  • Sb colossus assembly yard.png Colossal Assembly Yards
  • 纵横捭阖 Federations 纵横捭阖Federations DLC
  • 战列舰 Battleships Battleships
  • 擎天堡 Citadel Citadel
基础: 5
A mobile space base of unparalleled proportions, the Juggernaut ship takes offensive warfare to a whole new level.
标准化护卫舰模板 Standardized Corvette Patterns 标准化护卫舰模板Standardized Corvette Patterns 2500 1
  • 造舰费用 Ship Build Cost −5% Corvette Build Cost
  • 舰船建造速度 Ship Build Speed +25% Corvette Build Speed
护卫舰 Corvettes 护卫舰Corvettes 基础: 95
Establishing new standards for the modeling and construction of corvettes greatly improves the efficiency of the production pipeline.
标准化驱逐舰模板 Standardized Destroyer Patterns 标准化驱逐舰模板Standardized Destroyer Patterns 5000 2
  • 造舰费用 Ship Build Cost −5% Destroyer Build Cost
  • 舰船建造速度 Ship Build Speed +25% Destroyer Build Speed
驱逐舰 Destroyers Destroyers 基础: 75
Establishing new standards for the modeling and construction of destroyers greatly improves the efficiency of the production pipeline.
标准化巡洋舰模板 Standardized Cruiser Patterns 标准化巡洋舰模板Standardized Cruiser Patterns 10000 3
  • 造舰费用 Ship Build Cost −5% Cruiser Build Cost
  • 舰船建造速度 Ship Build Speed +25% Cruiser Build Speed
巡洋舰 Cruisers Cruisers 基础: 60
Establishing new standards for the modeling and construction of cruisers greatly improves the efficiency of the production pipeline.
标准化战列舰模板 Standardized Battleship Patterns 标准化战列舰模板Standardized Battleship Patterns 20000 4
  • 造舰费用 Ship Build Cost −5% Battleship Build Cost
  • 舰船建造速度 Ship Build Speed +25% Battleship Build Speed
战列舰 Battleships Battleships 基础: 40
Establishing new standards for how we design and construct massive battleships greatly improves the speed at which they can be assembled.
改进护卫舰船体 Improved Corvette Hulls 改进护卫舰船体Improved Corvette Hulls 3000 1 船体值 Ship Hull Points +100 Corvette hull points 护卫舰 Corvettes 护卫舰Corvettes 基础: 90
Advances in building techniques will allow for the construction of sturdier and more durable corvettes.
改进驱逐舰船体 Improved Destroyer Hulls 改进驱逐舰船体Improved Destroyer Hulls 6000 2 船体值 Ship Hull Points +200 Destroyer hull points 驱逐舰 Destroyers Destroyers 基础: 70
Advances in building techniques will allow for the construction of sturdier and more durable destroyers.
改进巡洋舰船体 Improved Cruiser Hulls 改进巡洋舰船体Improved Cruiser Hulls 12000 3 船体值 Ship Hull Points +500 Cruiser hull points 巡洋舰 Cruisers Cruisers 基础: 50
Advances in building techniques will allow for the construction of sturdier and more durable cruisers.
改进战列舰船体 Improved Battleship Hulls 改进战列舰船体Improved Battleship Hulls 24000 4 船体值 Ship Hull Points +800 Battleship hull points 战列舰 Battleships Battleships 基础: 35
Advances in building techniques will allow for the construction of sturdier and more durable battleships.
改进泰坦船体 Improved Titan Hulls 改进泰坦船体Improved Titan Hulls 40000 5 船体值 Ship Hull Points +2000 Titan hull points 泰坦 Titans Titans 基础: 25
Advances in building techniques will allow for the construction of sturdier and more durable titans.
先进护卫舰船体 Advanced Corvette Hulls 先进护卫舰船体Advanced Corvette Hulls 6000 2 船体值 Ship Hull Points +100 Corvette hull points 改进护卫舰船体 Improved Corvette Hulls 改进护卫舰船体Improved Corvette Hulls 基础: 70
The latest generation of corvette hulls have optimized structural integrity fields and improved bulkheads.
先进驱逐舰船体 Advanced Destroyer Hulls 先进驱逐舰船体Advanced Destroyer Hulls 8000 3 船体值 Ship Hull Points +200 Destroyer hull points 改进驱逐舰船体 Improved Destroyer Hulls 改进驱逐舰船体Improved Destroyer Hulls 基础: 65
The latest generation of destroyer hulls have optimized structural integrity fields and improved bulkheads.
先进巡洋舰船体 Advanced Cruiser Hulls 先进巡洋舰船体Advanced Cruiser Hulls 16000 4 船体值 Ship Hull Points +500 Cruiser hull points 改进巡洋舰船体 Improved Cruiser Hulls 改进巡洋舰船体Improved Cruiser Hulls 基础: 45
The latest generation of cruiser hulls have optimized structural integrity fields and improved bulkheads.
先进战列舰船体 Advanced Battleship Hulls 先进战列舰船体Advanced Battleship Hulls 32000 5 船体值 Ship Hull Points +800 Battleship hull points 改进战列舰船体 Improved Battleship Hulls 改进战列舰船体Improved Battleship Hulls 基础: 30
The latest generation of battleship hulls have optimized structural integrity fields and improved bulkheads.
先进泰坦船体 Advanced Titan Hulls 先进泰坦船体Advanced Titan Hulls 48000 5 船体值 Ship Hull Points +2000 Titan hull points 改进泰坦船体 Improved Titan Hulls 改进泰坦船体Improved Titan Hulls 基础: 20
The latest generation of titan hulls have optimized structural integrity fields and improved bulkheads.
航母作战 Carrier Operations 航母作战Carrier Operations 3000 1
  • 部件 Component Basic Strike Craft
  • Sb hangar bay.png Hangar Bay module
星港 Starport 星港Starport 基础: 90
These manned strike craft are launched from a mothership and rely on their speed and small size to survive long enough to punch through enemy defenses.
改良型舰载机 Improved Strike Craft 改良型舰载机Improved Strike Craft 6000 2 部件 Component Improved Strike Craft 航母作战 Carrier Operations 航母作战Carrier Operations 基础: 70
The next generation of strike craft, featuring improved avionics, better handling characteristics and more powerful armaments.
先进型舰载机 Advanced Strike Craft 先进型舰载机Advanced Strike Craft 12000 3 部件 Component Advanced Strike Craft 改良型舰载机 Improved Strike Craft 改良型舰载机Improved Strike Craft 基础: 50
A further refinement in strike craft design, these advanced strike craft are a pilot's dream. Their performance far exceeds that of previous models.
突触拦截器 Synapse Interceptors 突触拦截器Synapse Interceptors 50000 5 舰船武器伤害 Ship Weapons Damage +10% Strike Craft Damage 先进型舰载机 Advanced Strike Craft 先进型舰载机Advanced Strike Craft 基础: 12.5
Increasing the speed at which fighter pilots can process and act upon enemy positioning data elevates strike craft a few steps up the food chain.
热力循环器 Heat Recyclers 热力循环器Heat Recyclers 50000 5 Fire rate.png +10% Strike Craft Attack Speed 先进型舰载机 Advanced Strike Craft 先进型舰载机Advanced Strike Craft 基础: 12.5
Circulating excess heat from weapons discharge in order to prime munitions as they are loaded increases the rate of fire of strike craft weaponry.
L-星门认知 L-Gate Insight L-星门认知L-Gate Insight 2000 2 Unknown.png +1 L-Gate Insights
  • 遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack Encountered an L-Gate
  • No.png L-Gates opened
基础: 70
Intensive study within the fields of nanomachinery and subspace phenomena will eventually yield a new §Y$clue$§! into the $lgate_disabled$ mystery..
纳米修复系统 Nanite Repair System 纳米修复系统Nanite Repair System 48000 5 Ship part auto repair.png Nanite Repair System 遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack Scavenger Bot debris A highly effective hull auto-repair system comprised of billions of microscopic nanomachines was found among the smoking remains of the Scavenger, and has been repurposed for our uses. Whether the Scavenger pilfered this system from an ancient derelict, or was originally constructed with it remains unknown.

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