只可用于 Utopia DLC 已启用。 |
The Shroud is a realm of pure psionic energy that existed since the dawn of time. It is the place from where psionic species and individuals draw their power, and a place where those who awakened their psionic potential could see in their dreams. The realm is inhabited by powerful beings of pure psionic energy that can be communed with through great effort.
Accessing the Shroud[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
90 days after the empire has selected the Transcendence Ascension Perk it will receive a special project called Breaching the Shroud that requires 20000
Entering the Shroud requires 1000
Psionic Archive relic reduces the duration of the Mustering Psionic Strength empire modifier to 2.5 years, allowing the Shroud to be entered twice as often.
虚境景象[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Upon entering the Shroud the empire will receive a random vision. The outcome of each vision choice is randomized. Each vision also has the option to exit the Shroud if the risk is deemed too great.
Boons and curses[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Boons and curses are temporary empire modifiers that can be obtained by trying to get a boon via the Shroud. Being successful will grant a boon but being unsuccessful will grant a curse. Boons will also please the Traditionalist Faction while curses will displease it while the modifiers last. Boons and curses can grant any of the following:
Boons of the Shroud | Curses of the Shroud |
A Divine Sovereign[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
If a leader gains the
极端威权主义 唯心主义 帝制 authority帝国信仰 civic哲人王 civic贵族精英 civic天选之人 leader becomes the new ruler if not already
The new civics added by the event will override previous civics, including fixed ones like the
Covenants[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
There are 5 incomprehensibly powerful beings in the Shroud an empire can form a Covenant with given the right vision. Forming a covenant grants a permanent empire modifier but also comes with recurring drawbacks as well as stops you from forming a covenant with the others.
The Reckoning[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The Reckoning will all but end the empire that benefited from the covenant and instantly destroy all its vassals. When the Reckoning occurs, all planets will be depopulated and turned into 'Shrouded Worlds', which become uninhabitable forever. All fleets and ships will be instantly destroyed, all leaders are killed, and all resources from that empire's store will be drained almost completely. Having lost everything, the covenant empire will survive only in the form of a newly colonized planet of survivors, which will start with the default name of 'Exile'. The game will pick any planet with 40% habitability or more, even if it is located within another empire's borders. If that planet is somehow Shroud-Marked, or no planet is otherwise possible, the game is instantly lost.
Every regular empire will gain a −1000 Opinion modifier with the remnant of the Shroud-Marked empire for "bringing the end", with a decay rate of 5 each year.
Every previous colony will spawn a shroud manifestation. Finally, an immensely powerful Shroud entity known as "The Reckoning" - representing the combined essence of all deceased psionic individuals in the former empire that summoned it – will appear over the empire's former capital, and proceed to seek out the remaining life in the galaxy. It normally leaves the exiles for last, and therefore the exile empire should first prioritize surviving against other empires instead and trying to expand if possible.
In this state, one might benefit from the Reckoning, depending on the circumstances. You may be able to conquer the Galaxy and achieve the end year victory if you time it correctly.
As the Reckoning randomly targets worlds to destroy, its power will increase as it consumes more pops (up to 5000 pops). It gains bonuses to hull, shield, fire-rate, damage, and shield regeneration as follows:
The Reckoning has relatively low tracking, but its range, firepower, fire rate, health, shields and shield regeneration are massive. Despite all its might, there are still two courses of action that come into a chance of defeating it. One is to wait for it to target an Awakened- or Fallen Empire, another crisis or any strong empire with tough fleets to weaken or even destroy it. The other option is to keep building up for the eventual encounter alone, since The Reckoning will usually leave the exiles for last.
If the exiles have lost everything, they haven't lost their Technologies and Traditions, meaning they can still catch up given enough time to rebuild the economy. It's also possible to trade one-time resources and/or diplomatic favors with the AI empires for monthly resources, just before the Reckoning to occure, since trade deals can't be canceled despite the empires' now −1000 Opinion towards you.
One strategy to defeat the Reckoning in battle is to dodge its attacks using swarms of corvettes and use weapons that can pierce/ignore shields, like Missiles and
Strike Craft. The Reckoning targets random planets in its destructive spree, so the player will have several chances to retreat, rebuild, and come back. The Reckoning will tend to target small ships first and only engage larger ships when all smaller classes are defeated. A combination of two to three dozen carrier battleships with strike crafts – whose weapons bypass shields – and a large swarm of several hundred corvettes with regular torpedoes - who likewise ignore shields - with about 5 repeatable technologies that boost damage output of both systems have a good chance of greatly weakening or even defeating the Reckoning in a single battle.