
A galaxy populated by multiple empires

An Empire is a group of planets and star systems that are ruled by the same government and controlled by a single player (or AI). Empires may have a variety of governments such as a democracy, oligarchism, despotism or imperial rule.

Ethics are the most defining features of a space empire; they affect the behavior of AI empires, likely technologies, available policies and edicts, valid government types, the opinions of other empires, and - perhaps most importantly - provide the fuel for internal strife in large and diverse empires. Civics are the second-most defining features of a space empire; they affect the finer details of the empire's internal structure as well as having certain effects on the empire's behavior.

It should be noted that the name of the player empire and its government structure can always be changed in the government window.

Each empire starts with a basic setup that's modified by its origin, authority, civics, and species archetype.

Default home system[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The default home systems deposits total 12-13 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits, 12-13 矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals, and 5-6 研究 Research 研究Research of up to two random types. The smaller deposits won't have mining or research stations built on them yet.

Celestial object Station Deposit0
G Star.png Star Yes.png 能量币 Energy Credits  5 能量币Energy Credits
  • Unknown.png Random object
    • G Star.png Star
    • Planet molten.png Molten World
    • Planet gas giant.png Gas Giant
Yes.png 能量币 Energy Credits  5 能量币Energy Credits
  • Unknown.png 2 Random objects
    • Planet asteroid.png Asteroid
    • Planet barren.png Barren World
    • Planet barren cold.png Barren World (cold)
    • 剧毒星球 Toxic World 剧毒星球Toxic World
    • Planet frozen.png Frozen World
Yes.png 矿物 Minerals  5 矿物Minerals (x2)
  • Unknown.png Random object
    • G Star.png Star
    • Planet molten.png Molten World
    • Planet gas giant.png Gas Giant
  • 50%: 能量币 Energy Credits  2 能量币Energy Credits
  • 50%: 能量币 Energy Credits  3 能量币Energy Credits
  • Unknown.png Random object
    • Planet asteroid.png Asteroid
    • Planet barren.png Barren World
    • Planet barren cold.png Barren World (cold)
    • 剧毒星球 Toxic World 剧毒星球Toxic World
    • Planet frozen.png Frozen World
  • 50%: 矿物 Minerals  2 矿物Minerals
  • 50%: 矿物 Minerals  3 矿物Minerals
  • Unknown.png Random object
    • Planet gas giant.png Gas Giant
    • 剧毒星球 Toxic World 剧毒星球Toxic World
    • Planet frozen.png Frozen World
    • Planet barren.png Barren World
    • Planet barren cold.png Barren World (cold)
    • G Star.png Star
  • Depends on object type
    • 社会学研究 Society Research  3 社会学研究Society Research if 剧毒星球 Toxic World 剧毒星球Toxic World
    • 物理学研究 Physics Research  3 物理学研究Physics Research if Planet barren.png Barren World or G Star.png Star
    • 工程学研究 Engineering Research  3 工程学研究Engineering Research if Planet gas giant.png Gas Giant, Planet frozen.png Frozen World, or Planet barren cold.png Barren World (cold)
  • Unknown.png Random object
    • Planet gas giant.png Gas Giant
    • 剧毒星球 Toxic World 剧毒星球Toxic World
    • Planet frozen.png Frozen World
    • Planet barren.png Barren World
    • Planet barren cold.png Barren World (cold)
    • G Star.png Star
  • Depends on object type
    • 社会学研究 Society Research  2 社会学研究Society Research if 剧毒星球 Toxic World 剧毒星球Toxic World
    • 物理学研究 Physics Research  2 物理学研究Physics Research ifPlanet barren.png Barren World or G Star.png Star
    • 工程学研究 Engineering Research  2 工程学研究Engineering Research if Planet gas giant.png Gas Giant, Planet frozen.png Frozen World, or Planet barren cold.png Barren World (cold)

Preconstructed districts

Empire 区划 District Default districts0
城市区划 City District Housing 工业区划 Industrial District Industrial 发电区划 Generator District Generator 采矿区划 Mining District Mining 农业区划 Agriculture District Agriculture
民主制 Democratic寡头制 Oligarchic独裁制 Dictatorial帝制 Imperial Default 3 2 2 2 2
企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority +1 −1
蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind authority −1
石质 Lithoid 石质Lithoid species +2 −2
  • 繁荣一统 Prosperous Unification 繁荣一统Prosperous Unification origin
  • No.png石质 Lithoid 石质Lithoid
+1 +1
  • 繁荣一统 Prosperous Unification 繁荣一统Prosperous Unification origin
  • 石质 Lithoid 石质Lithoid
+1 +1
  • 机械师 Mechanist 机械师Mechanist origin
田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田园牧歌Agrarian Idyll civic −2 +2
渔夫 Anglers 渔夫Anglers civic
热带星球 Tropical World陆地星球 Continental World海洋星球 Ocean World Homeworld has wet climate
−1 +1
生命之树 Tree of Life 生命之树Tree of Life origin −1 +1
  • 催化加工 Catalytic Processing催化加工 Catalytic Processing Catalytic Processing civic
  • No.png机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
  • No.png石质 Lithoid 石质Lithoid main species with biological subspecies
−2 +2
  • 石质 Lithoid 石质Lithoid main species and one of the following:
    • Biological subspecies
    • 催化加工 Catalytic Processing催化加工 Catalytic Processing Catalytic Processing civic
−1 +1
Machine Empire 城市区划 City District Nexus 工业区划 Industrial District Industrial 发电区划 Generator District Generator 采矿区划 Mining District Mining 农业区划 Agriculture District Agriculture
机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence default 2 1 4 1 0
繁荣一统 Prosperous Unification 繁荣一统Prosperous Unification origin +1 +1
失控机仆 Rogue Servitor 失控机仆Rogue Servitor civic
Biological subspecies
+1 +1
失控机仆 Rogue Servitor 失控机仆Rogue Servitor civic
石质 Lithoid 石质Lithoid subspecies
+1 +1
同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 同化斗士Driven Assimilator civic
Biological subspecies
−1 +1
同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 同化斗士Driven Assimilator civic
石质 Lithoid 石质Lithoid subspecies
−1 +1
机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
催化加工 Catalytic Processing Catalytic Processing civic
-1 -1 +2

Preconstructed buildings

建筑 Building Default buildings Building swaps0
Replacement Requirements
行星首府 Planetary Administration 
 行星首府Planetary Administration capital
行政办公楼 Administrative Offices 
 行政办公楼Administrative Offices
研究实验室 Research Labs 
 研究实验室Research Labs
  • Building dread encampment.png Dread Encampment
  • Both home system research deposits changed to 工程学研究 Engineering Research  6 工程学研究Engineering Research
逝者军势 Reanimators 逝者军势Reanimators civic
商业区 Commercial Zones 
 商业区Commercial Zones
  • Building holo theatres.png Holo-Theatre
  • 工业区划 Industrial District  +1 工业区划Industrial District
  • 寻乐者 Pleasure Seekers 寻乐者Pleasure Seekers civic
  • No.png唯心主义 Spiritualist极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist ethic
  • No.png田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田园牧歌Agrarian Idyll civic
  • 寺庙 Temple 寺庙Temple
  • 工业区划 Industrial District  +1 工业区划Industrial District
  • 唯心主义 Spiritualist极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist ethic
  • No.png企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
  • No.png田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田园牧歌Agrarian Idyll civic
  • No.png渔夫 Anglers 渔夫Anglers civic
  • No.png催化加工 Catalytic Processing 催化加工Catalytic Processing civic
  • No.png死亡教团 Death Cult 死亡教团Death Cult civic
  • 寺庙 Temple 寺庙Temple
  • 农业区划 Agriculture District  +1 农业区划Agriculture District
  • 唯心主义 Spiritualist极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist ethic
  • No.png企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
  • 渔夫 Anglers催化加工 Catalytic Processing Anglers or Catalytic Processing civic
  • No.png田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田园牧歌Agrarian Idyll civic
  • Building sacrificial temple 1.png Sacrificial Temple
  • 工业区划 Industrial District  +1 工业区划Industrial District
  • 死亡教团 Death Cult 死亡教团Death Cult civic
  • No.png田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田园牧歌Agrarian Idyll civic
  • Building robot assembly plant.png Robot Assembly Plants
  • 机械师 Mechanist 机械师Mechanist origin
格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness default buildings Building swaps0
蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence Replacement Requirements
蜂巢核心 Hive Core 
 蜂巢核心Hive Core capital
管理阵列 Administrative Array 
 管理阵列Administrative Array capital
Building hive node.png
Synaptic Nodes
Building autochthon monument.png
Uplink Node
Removed 食尸文化 Necrophage 食尸文化Necrophage
研究实验室 Research Labs 
 研究实验室Research Labs
Building spawning pool.png
Spawning Pools
Building robot assembly plant.png
Machine Assembly Plants
  • 食尸文化 Necrophage 食尸文化Necrophage
  • 噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm 噬杀蜂群Devouring Swarm civic
None Building organic sanctuary.png Organic Sanctuary 失控机仆 Rogue Servitor 失控机仆Rogue Servitor civic

Origin[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The Origin represents the background of a species before it unified itself into an empire. In games with randomly generated AI empire most Origins are unique, meaning only one empire with that origin can be generated.

Origin Homeworld effects Empire effects Requirements Unique DLC
Origins default.png Prosperous Unification
  • 人口 Pop 4 additional pops
  • District city.png 2 additional districts built
  • Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Start with the Prosperous Unification homeworld modifier for 20 years
行星统一 Planetary Unification 行星统一Planetary Unification technology starts unlocked and can be researched No.png
Origins gateway.png Galactic Doorstep None Unknown.png Start with a dormant Gateway which will bring the following in the first years:
  1. 100-1500 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys and/or 矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals
  2. A small space amoeba
  3. A special project that creates the From Gateway Sent archaeological site

星门建造 Gateway Construction If the Gateway is reactivated it unlocks the Gateway Construction technology

Origins lost colony.png Lost Colony Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Start with the Colonial Spirit homeworld modifier
宜居性 Habitability Homeworld does not get the +30 Habitability bonus
Unknown.png An Advanced Empire with the same species and random ethics will exist in the galaxy No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness Yes.png
Origins mechanist.png Mechanist
  • 动力外骨骼 Powered Exoskeletons 动力外骨骼Powered Exoskeletons researched
  • 机器人劳工 Robotic Workers 机器人劳工Robotic Workers researched
  • 机器人维护费 Robot Upkeep −5% Robot upkeep
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • 唯物主义 Materialist极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist Materialist
No.png 乌托邦 Utopia
Origins syncretic evolution.png Syncretic Evolution 人口 Pop Start with 12 Pops of the second species 奴性 Serviles Can create a second species with the Serviles trait No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
No.png种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers 种族洁癖Fanatic Purifiers
No.png 乌托邦 Utopia
Origins tree of life.png Tree of Life

D huge tree.png Start with a Tree of Life planetary feature
农业区划 Agriculture District Start with +1 built Agriculture district
采矿区划 Mining District Start with -1 built Mining district

D huge tree.png Colonies start with a Tree of Life Sapling planetary feature
Decision resources.png Enables the Transplant Tree of Life Decision
造舰费用 Ship Build Cost Colony ships cost less Alloys but more Food
破坏度 Devastation Tree of Life planetary features are removed at 50 Devastation
Pm bleak.pngPm frame 1.png Worlds without a Tree of Life planetary feature have the following effects:
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png -50% Planet Build Speed
  • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production -25% Resources from Jobs
  • Maintenance.png +10% Upkeep from Jobs
  • 稳定度 Stability -5 Stability
蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind
No.png噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm 噬杀蜂群Devouring Swarm
No.png噬岩者 Terravore 噬岩者Terravore
Yes.png 乌托邦 Utopia
Origins resource consolidation.png Resource Consolidation 机械星球 Machine World Homeworld is a Machine World with no blockers
D veiny cliffs.png Start with a Consolidated Resources planetary feature
D station junk.png Start with an Malfunctioning Replicator Bay blocker
D bubbling swamp.png Start with an Organic Slurry planetary feature if Driven Assimilator
能量币 Energy Credits Capital star has a deposit of 10 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits
Planet barren.png Other home system planets are broken or molten worlds with no resource deposits
机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
No.png失控机仆 Rogue Servitor 失控机仆Rogue Servitor
No.png催化加工 Catalytic Processing Catalytic Processing
Yes.png 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
Origins clones.png Clone Army 建筑 Building Start with two Ancient Clone Vat buildings
考古遗址 Archaeology site After 3-5 years the Homeworld Excavation archaeological site appears
Unknown.png Excavating the archaeological site starts the Genetic Crossroads event chain
建筑 Building Can construct up to 5 Ancient Clone Vat buildings
克隆人士兵 Clone Soldier Main species has the Clone Soldier trait
克隆人部队司令 Clone Army Admiral Admirals have the Clone Army Admiral trait
克隆 Cloning Start with the Cloning technology researched
基因库 Gene Banks Start with the Gene Banks technology researched
人口降低速率 Pop Decline Speed Losing Ancient Clone Vat buildings creates Pop Decline Speed
No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness No.png 人型生物物种包 Humanoids Species Pack
Origins life seeded.png Life-Seeded

盖亚星球 Gaia World Homeworld is a size 30 Gaia world
D bubbling swamp.png Start with 1 Bubbling Swamp planetary feature
D crystalline caverns.png Start with 1 Crystalline Caverns planetary feature
D dust caverns.png Start with 1 Dust Caverns planetary feature

盖亚星球偏好 gaia world preference、​ 盖亚星球偏好 Gaia World Preference Main species has Gaia World Preference No.png机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
No.png田园绽放 Idyllic Bloom田园绽放 Idyllic Bloom Idyllic Bloom
No.png 启示录 Apocalypse
Origins post apocalyptic.png Post-Apocalyptic 死寂星球 Tomb World Homeworld is a Tomb World 幸存者 Survivor Main species has the Survivor trait No.png机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
No.png田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田园牧歌Agrarian Idyll
No.png渔夫 Anglers 渔夫Anglers
No.png 启示录 Apocalypse
Origins remnant.png Remnants 遗落星球 Relic World Homeworld is a size 22 Relic World
D city ruins.png Start with 5 Ruined Arcology blockers which unlock random techs when cleared
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Guaranteed Habitable Worlds gain the Colonial Remains modifier when colonized No.png田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田园牧歌Agrarian Idyll Yes.png 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Origins lithoid.png Calamitous Birth D crater.png Start with a Massive Crater planetary feature
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 3.png Start with a Lithoid Crater homeworld modifier
Ship.png Can build Meteorite Colony Ships 石质 Lithoid 石质Lithoid main species
No.png催化加工 Catalytic Processing 催化加工Catalytic Processing
Yes.png 石质生物物种包 Lithoids Species Pack
Origins common ground.png Common Ground None Tradition diplomacy the federation.png Start with Diplomacy tradition tree adopted and with the Federation tradition
星系联盟 Galactic Union Start as the president of a Galactic Union Federation with two other members
亲外主义 Xenophile The two members will be Xenophile and share at least one ethic with the president
No.png There will be no Guaranteed Habitable Worlds regardless of game settings
评价 Opinion +100 Permanent Opinion to and from Federation members
Diplomacy trust.png +50 Trust to and from Federation members
No.png排外主义 Xenophobe极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
No.pngCivic inwards perfection.png Inwards Perfection
No.png种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers 种族洁癖Fanatic Purifiers
No.png野蛮掠夺者 Barbaric Despoilers 野蛮掠夺者Barbaric Despoilers
Yes.png 纵横捭阖 Federations
Origins hegemon.png Hegemon None Tradition diplomacy the federation.png Start with Diplomacy tradition tree adopted and with the Federation tradition
霸权 Hegemony Start as the president of a Hegemony Federation with two other members
亲外主义 Xenophile The two members will be Xenophile and share at least one ethic with the president
No.png There will be no Guaranteed Habitable Worlds regardless of game settings
No.png排外主义 Xenophobe极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
No.png平等主义 Egalitarian极端平等主义 Fanatic Egalitarian Egalitarian
No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
No.pngCivic inwards perfection.png Inwards Perfection
No.png种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers 种族洁癖Fanatic Purifiers
Yes.png 纵横捭阖 Federations
Origins doomsday.png Doomsday Planet barren.png Homeworld will become a Shattered World in 35 to 45 years
破坏度 Devastation Start with 10 Devastation
Pm exploding planet.pngPm frame 2.png Start with the Doomsday homeworld modifier which worsens every decade
Planet barren.png A warning is given a year before the homeworld explodes
Planet barren.png No guaranteed habitable planets will spawn near the home system
迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull Pops can be resettled from the homeworld regardless of ethics
法令 Edict Enables the Evacuation Protocols Edict
幸福度 Happiness +30% Empire Happiness for 5 years after the first planet is colonized
Yes.png 纵横捭阖 Federations
Origins one the shoulders of giant.png On the Shoulders of Giants None 考古遗址 Archaeology site A random home system planet has the Ex Gravitas archaeological site
Feature.png Can get the On the Shoulders of Giants mid-game event chain
No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness Yes.png 纵横捭阖 Federations
Origins scion 1.png Scion None 附庸国 Vassal Start as a Scion of a 极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist 极端唯物主义Fanatic Materialist or 极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist 极端唯心主义Fanatic Spiritualist Fallen Empire
评价 Opinion +100 Opinion to and from the Overlord
Envoy action improving relations.png Overlord uses the Improve Relations diplomatic action with the Scion
速度 Speed Start with a Wormhole leading to the Overlord's capital system
Unknown.png Gain a more powerful gift every few decades
Gain a temporary Fallen Empire fleet every 20 years if losing a war against a Superior empire
Creates a 1-system Fallen Empire if the game was started with none
No.png极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe 极端排外主义Fanatic Xenophobe
No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
No.png夸耀纯净派 Pompous Purists 夸耀纯净派Pompous Purists
Yes.png 纵横捭阖 Federations
Origins shattered ring.png Shattered Ring

Planet ringworld.png Homeworld is a Shattered Ring World
D mining tunnels.png Start with 3 Decrepit Tunnels blockers
D metal boneyard.png Start with 4 Ancient Rubble blockers

环形世界偏好 Ring World Preference Main species has Ring World Preference
Planet ringworld.png Can repair two other sections of the home system
Planet ringworld.png Start with an irreparable section with a deposit of 5 Engineering research Engineering Research
Planet barren.png Start with a shattered world with a deposit of 10 矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals
能量币 Energy Credits Capital star has a deposit of 10 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits
No.png Cannot change the starting system
No.png No guaranteed habitable worlds will spawn regardless of game settings
No.png田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田园牧歌Agrarian Idyll
No.png渔夫 Anglers 渔夫Anglers
No.png田园绽放 Idyllic Bloom田园绽放 Idyllic Bloom Idyllic Bloom
Yes.png 纵横捭阖 Federations
Origin void dwellers.png Void Dwellers

District hab science.png Start on a size 6 habitat built over a Research deposit
District mining.png Start on a size 4 habitat built over a Mining deposit
District hab energy.png Start on a size 4 habitat built over an Energy deposit
D station reactor.png Start with an Arcane Replicator planetary feature on the capital habitat

居住站偏好 Habitat Preference Main species has Habitat Preference
虚空居者 Void Dweller Main species has the Void Dweller trait
轨道居住站 Orbital Habitats Start with the Orbital Habitats technology researched
居住站扩建 Habitat Expansion 居住站扩建Habitat Expansion technology starts unlocked and can be researched
水培农业 Hydroponics Farming Start with the Hydroponics Farming technology researched if not Lithoid
生态模拟 Eco Simulation Start with the Eco Simulation technology researched if not Lithoid
动力外骨骼 Powered Exoskeletons Start with the Powered Exoskeletons technology researched if Lithoid
零重力精炼厂 Zero-G Refineries Start with the Zero-G Refineries technology researched if Lithoid
农夫 Farmer Hydroponic farms have +1 Farmer Jobs
No.png Cannot change the starting system except for a special version of Sol
Unknown.png 1% chance to spawn the Crystalline Empire enclave during mid-game (player only)

No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
No.png田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田园牧歌Agrarian Idyll
No.png渔夫 Anglers 渔夫Anglers
No.png田园绽放 Idyllic Bloom田园绽放 Idyllic Bloom Idyllic Bloom
Yes.png 纵横捭阖 Federations
Origins necrophage.png Necrophage 人口 Pop Start with 12 Pops of the prepatent species
建筑 Building Start with a Chamber of Elevation building if not Genocidal
尸化体 Necrophage Main species starts with the Necrophage trait
统治者 Ruler Only Necrophage Pops can be Leaders or take Ruler jobs
建筑 Building Can construct Chamber of Elevation buildings
不可接触者 Undesirable Can use the Necrophage purge type
人口 Pop Can create a second species
集中指挥 Centralized Command Centralized Command technology starts unlocked and can be researched
腺体适应 Glandular Acclimation With Glandular Acclimation converting Pops changes habitability to their current planet's
猎集者 Hunter-Gatherer Guaranteed Habitable Worlds contain primitive civilizations advanced up to Iron Age
No.png亲外主义 Xenophile极端亲外主义 Fanatic Xenophile Xenophile
No.png极端平等主义 Fanatic Egalitarian 极端平等主义Fanatic Egalitarian
No.png死亡教团 Death Cult 死亡教团Death Cult
No.png死亡教企 Corporate Death Cult 死亡教企Corporate Death Cult
No.png心有灵犀 Empath 心有灵犀Empath
No.png 死灵类物种包 Necroids Species Pack
Origin here be dragons.png Here Be Dragons None Diplomacy alliance.png Start with an allied Sky Dragon leviathan
活体金属 Living Metal A system 2 hyperlanes away will contain a Living Metal deposit
No.png种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal Yes.png 水生类物种包 Aquatics Species Pack
Origins ocean paradise.png Ocean Paradise

海洋星球 Ocean World Homeworld is a size 30 Ocean world
Pm ocean paradise.pngPm frame 1.png Start with the Ocean Paradise homeworld modifier
D crystal reef.png Start with a Crystal Reef planetary feature
D submerged ore veins.png Start with 3 Submerged Ore Veins planetary features
D underwater vent.png Start with 3 Underwater Vents planetary features
D teeming reef.png Start with 8 Teeming Reef planetary features

水生 Aquatic Main species starts with the Aquatic trait
System hazards icon.png Start inside a nebula
Planet frozen.png Start with 4 Frozen worlds and 10 Ice Asteroids
Planet frozen.png Guaranteed habitable worlds are Frozen worlds
No.png Cannot change the starting system

No.png机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence No.png 水生类物种包 Aquatics Species Pack

Unplayable origins[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The following origins have no effects and are not available to player empires.

Origin Source Description
Origins elder race.png Elder Race Fallen Empires This civilization greatly predates the current generation of galactic powers. Eons of stagnation gradually reduced their empire to a mere shadow of what it once was.
Origins enlightened.png Enlightened Enlightened pre-FTL civilizations The natural development of this civilization was greatly accelerated by the interference of another party, who helped them become a spacefaring culture.
Origins separatists.png Separatists Rebel empires This civilization came into being when it rebelled and seceded from another empire.
Origins khan successor.png Khanate Successor Horde successors This civilization arose out of the ashes of the Great Khan's mighty empire.
Origins hegemon.png Hegemon Subordinate Empires generated by the 一方霸主 Hegemon 一方霸主Hegemon origin This civilization established early contact with their immediate alien neighbors. Gradually, over the span of a century, they were subordinated to one of those neighbors, who masterminded the birth of an interstellar union with them as its leader.

Capital[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The capital is the ruling seat of an empire as well as the final destination for all its trade routes. An empire's capital can be moved once every 10 years for a cost of 250 影响力 Influence 影响力Influence if the empire is at peace. An empire's capital planet and system are marked by gold star corners on the system and galaxy maps.

The capital has its own world designation with the following effects.

Authority Effects
民主制 Democratic寡头制 Oligarchic独裁制 Dictatorial帝制 Imperial企业政府 Corporate Regular
  • 稳定度 Stability 稳定度Stability +5
  • 舒适度 Amenities 舒适度Amenities +10
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction 主流思潮吸引力Governing Ethics Attraction +100%
蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind
  • 稳定度 Stability 稳定度Stability +5
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone Amenities +10
  • 犯罪与异常 Deviancy -20
机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 稳定度 Stability 稳定度Stability +5
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone Amenities +10
  • 犯罪与异常 Deviancy -20
  • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production Drone Resource Output +5%

Empire size[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Empire Size is a measure of an empire's expansion. It is increased by 10 for each colony, 1 for each system, district and pop and 2 for each owned Branch Office. Empire Size can be affected by the following:

Source Empire sprawl.png Empire Size
Tradition expansion courier network.png Courier Network / Limited Autonomy / Extensible Software tradition -25% from systems and colonies
民营勘探者 Private Prospectors 民营勘探者Private Prospectors civic -33% from systems
一心多用 Divided Attention 一心多用Divided Attention civic -50% from colonies
中央特权 Imperial Prerogative 中央特权Imperial Prerogative ascension perk -50% from colonies
机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence authority +50% from colonies
Tradition domination protection racket.png Modular Depots tradition -25% from districts
建造模板 Construction Templates 建造模板Construction Templates technology -10% from districts
特许经营 Franchising 特许经营Franchising civic -25% from branch offices
Resolution imperial institutions.png Imperial Charter modifier -25% from branch offices
Trait docile.png Docile species trait -10% per pop
流线协议 Streamlined Protocols 流线协议Streamlined Protocols species trait -10% per pop
桀骜不驯 Unruly 桀骜不驯Unruly species trait +10% per pop
高宽带 High Bandwidth、​ 高带宽 High Bandwidth 高宽带High Bandwidth 高带宽High Bandwidth species trait +10% per pop
Pm slave riots.pngPm frame 3.png Stellar Culture Shock planet modifier -50% per pop
极端和平主义 Fanatic Pacifist 极端和平主义Fanatic Pacifist ethic -30% from pops
意志整合 Subsumed Will 意志整合Subsumed Will civic -20% from pops
空中下载升级 OTA Updates 空中下载升级OTA Updates civic -20% from pops
和平主义 Pacifist 和平主义Pacifist ethic -15% from pops
机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence authority -15% from pops
自由灯塔 Beacon of Liberty 自由灯塔Beacon of Liberty civic -15% from pops
灵能理论 Psionic Theory 灵能理论Psionic Theory technology -10% from pops
支配 Domination 支配Domination tradition tree finish -10% from pops
和谐 Harmony 和谐Harmony tradition tree finish -10% from pops
同调 Synchronicity 同调Synchronicity tradition tree finish -10% from pops
上上善道 The Greater Good 上上善道The Greater Good The Greater Good resolution 4 -10% from pops
领袖等级上限 Leader Level Cap per Governor skill level -2% per pop

Note that the "per pop" effects and the "from pops" are two different categories of size reduction. Both groups are additive within themselves, but multiplicative between each other. So pops with the Trait docile.png Docile trait with a level 1 governor in a 极端和平主义 Fanatic Pacifist 极端和平主义Fanatic Pacifist empire with 自由灯塔 Beacon of Liberty 自由灯塔Beacon of Liberty will contribute the following to the empire size:

Size contribution=Base size contribution(1Per pop modifiers)(1From pop modifiers)

Size contribution=1(10.100.02)(10.300.15)=0.484

Each point the Empire Size above 100 increases tradition cost by +0.2% and technology cost by +0.1%. The penalty can be affected by the following authorities:

Authority Effect
蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind -25%
独裁制 Dictatorial 独裁制Dictatorial -10%
企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate +25%

Sector systems[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Sectors are administrative regions within an empire. Every empire will start with a core sector, named after the homeworld and extending up to four hyperlanes away from the capital. Any colonized planet more than four hyperlanes away from another sector capital can be selected to become the sector capital of a new sector, with the planet becoming marked by blue star corners on the system and galaxy maps. The new sector will extend up to four hyperlanes away from the sector capital. Wormholes and Gateways are not counted for this calculation. Each sector can have a Governor assigned to it.

All sectors, including the core sector, can be given a Sector Focus. Choosing a Sector Focus will make the sector develop itself automatically towards a given direction as long as it has resources, reducing micromanagement.

Energy credits and minerals can be added to a Shared Stockpile for all Sectors to use or given manually to each Sector. Resources transferred to sectors will be converted into a wildcard resource at a 1:1 ratio and it can be spent on planetary construction as though it were energy credits or minerals. Shared and Sector stockpiles are limited to the amount of energy credits you may store. Beyond that, it is wasted.

Relative power[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Relative Power is a measure of how much empires are ahead of one another in terms of resource production, fleet power or researched technologies. A Relative Power of Superior/Inferior means that an empire has 50% more (1.5x) resource production, fleet power or researched technologies and a Relative Power of Overwhelming/ Pathetic means that an empire has 150% more (2.5x) resource production, fleet power or researched technologies.

Relative Power is split into three categories: Fleet Power, Economic Power and Technology Level.

Fleet Power: The combined fleet power of every owned fleet.

  • +1 per 1 Fleet Power

Economic Power: A weighted sum of all monthly income, including income from trade agreements. Monthly spending is not part of this score. The various resources are weighted the same as their base market price (base energy price for 1 unit):

  • +1 per 能量币 Energy Credits矿物 Minerals食物 Food basic resources
  • +2 per 消费品 Consumer Goods 消费品Consumer Goods
  • +4 per 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys
  • +10 per 异星天然气 Exotic Gases稀有水晶 Rare Crystals易爆微粒 Volatile Motes common strategic resources
  • +20 per 暗物质 Dark Matter活体金属 Living Metal泽珞 Zro rare strategic resources

Technology Level: 60 + the combined base Tech Cost of all researched technologies, divided by 100. Repeatables only count 0.33x as much as regular technologies.

  • +60 Base Technology Level
  • +0.01 per 1 base 研究 ResearchTech Cost of all researched technologies, including repeatable technologies

The formula to calculate the overall power of an empire is: Overall Power=Fleet Power2+Economic Power3+Technology Level1

Victory score[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Victory score tallies an empire's total accomplishment. The empire that has the highest score when the Victory Year arrives is declared winner. The Victory Year is configurable and can be disabled altogether. An empire will always declare victory, if it's the only one that can do so. All players may continue the game session normally even after an empire declares victory and the victory is, in practical terms, of little concern.

The Victory Window shows a total score for each empire and its ranking, as well as a breakdown by category. The categories are as follows:

Economic Strength: +1 per 1 Economic Power based on Relative Power OR +5000 if the Empire has no economy.

Technology Level: 60 +0.25 per 1 Technology Level over 60 based on Relative Power

Number of Systems: +10 per system

Number of Colonies: +50 per colony

Number of Pops: +2 per pop, regardless of type

Subject Empires: +50% of a subject empire's score is given to the overlord

Federation: +10% of each other federation member's score is shared by all federation members

Crisis Ships Killed: +10 per crisis ship destroyed

Relics Collected: Each Relic grants a large amount of score. The score of each Relic is shown on the Relics page.

Empire modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Empire Modifiers are gained through a variety of actions such as event choices or diplomacy with enclaves. They affect the entire empire and as such bring large benefits or penalties.

Permanent modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Permanent Empire Modifiers are always positive and last the entire game. They can only be gained through events.

Modifier Effects Source Description DLC
Market Nexus 市场中介费 Market Fee -10% Market Fee
  • Galactic Market Station
  • Can be captured
Hosts the Galactic Market Station
Flagellating Movement 闪避 Evasion +5% Evasion
  • Space Amoebas First contact choice.
We have updated our Evasive fleet stance protocols based on observations of the Space Amoebas' flagella.
Amoeba Hunter 伤害 Damage +33% Damage to Space Amoebas
能量币 Energy Credits 1000 Energy per destroyed Space Amoebas fleet
  • 极端军国主义 Fanatic Militarist军国主义 Militarist Militarist, 极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe排外主义 Xenophobe Xenophobe or 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal
  • Space Amoebas First contact choice.
Amoeba carcasses are rounded up after battle and their internal organs harvested for valuable organic compounds, bringing in 能量币 Energy Credits 1000 for every fleet destroyed.
Amoeboid Pacification 行星边界推进 Planet Border Extrusion Space Amoebas will not attack owned ships
  • 极端和平主义 Fanatic Pacifist和平主义 Pacifist Pacifist or 极端亲外主义 Fanatic Xenophile亲外主义 Xenophile Xenophile
  • Space Amoebas First contact choice.
Fleets regulate radiation venting when approaching Space Amoebas, and the spaceborne creatures no longer recognize us as a threat.
Crystal Focus Mod resource energy mult.png +5% Energy Credits from Jobs
  • Crystalline Entities First contact choice.
Improved transmission mediums modeled after the Crystalline Entities' unique internal structures minimize resistive losses in energy production and distribution.
Crystal Hunter 伤害 Damage +33% Damage to Crystalline Entities
矿物 Minerals 500 Minerals per destroyed Crystalline Entities fleet
  • 极端军国主义 Fanatic Militarist军国主义 Militarist Militarist, 极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe排外主义 Xenophobe Xenophobe or 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal
  • Crystalline Entities First contact choice.
The shattered remains of Crystalline Entities are automatically salvaged after battle, bringing in 矿物 Minerals 500 for every fleet destroyed.
Crystalline Pacification 行星边界推进 Planet Border Extrusion Crystalline Entities will not attack owned ships
  • 极端和平主义 Fanatic Pacifist和平主义 Pacifist Pacifist or 极端亲外主义 Fanatic Xenophile亲外主义 Xenophile Xenophile
  • Crystalline Entities First contact choice.
Short-wave broadcasts at certain frequencies effectively disguise our fleets as fellow Crystalline Entities, and the spaceborne creatures no longer recognize us as a threat.
Drone Mining Techniques Mod resource minerals mult.png +10% Mining Station Minerals Output
  • Ancient Mining Drones special project choice
Using techniques derived from the Mining Drones allows us to efficiently exploit mineral veins previously not deemed worth the trouble.
Drone Destroyer 伤害 Damage +33% Damage to Ancient Mining Drones
  • Ancient Mining Drones first contact choice.
The Mining Drones are obviously mass-produced. A weakness found in one is a weakness found in all.
Void Loops Pop resource physics research mult.png +10% Physics Research from Jobs
  • Void Clouds first contact choice.
The anomalous nature of the Void Clouds open up new possibilities in physics research.
Cloud Destroyer 伤害 Damage +33% Damage to Void Clouds
  • Void Clouds first contact choice.
The Void Clouds' charge fluctuates in a rapid but observable cycle. Striking with precise timing dramatically destabilizes the inscrutable energies that animate the entities.
Sentinel Data 伤害 Damage +20% Damage to Prethoryn Creatures
  • The Prethoryn Scourge covers 50% of the galaxy
  • Sentinels weren't defeated
These detailed anatomy files on the Prethoryn were given to us by the Sentinels. With their help we have been able to identify several weak points in the exoskeletons of the Prethoryn creatures.
Asteroid Encryption 加密 Encryption +1 Encryption
  • Asteroid Collision Anomaly event choice
Using ancient encryption discovered inside an abandoned relay station, this empire protects their secrets.
Asteroid Relay Stations 探测范围 Sensor Range +2 Planet Sensor Range
探测范围 Sensor Range +2 Planet Hyperlane Detection Range
  • Asteroid Collision Anomaly event choice
This empire has started placing sensors inside asteroids of surrounding systems, granting them increased sensor range.
Minerals Mapping Mod resource minerals mult.png +10% Minerals from Jobs
  • Possible Inhabitants Anomaly event choice
A system enabling us to quickly chart underground terrain and accurately map mineral veins.

Mycelial Network 加密 Encryption +1 Codebreaking
  • Desiccated 考古遗址 Archaeology site 考古遗址Archaeology site outcome choice
Improved Mycelial Network Base intel +10
加密 Encryption +1 Codebreaking
  • Mushrooming the Network Anomaly event choice
Sage Rage 陆军伤害 Army Damage +5% Army Damage
Mask of Transformation 环境改造花费 Terraforming Cost -10% Terraforming cost
环境改造速度 Terraforming Speed +10% Terraforming Speed
Hive Harrier 伤害 Damage +25% Damage to the Asteroid Hives
  • Asteroid Hives alive and awakened
  • Purchasing advice from the Curators ( -2000 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits)
Updated targeting data will allow our fleets to bombard Asteroid Hives where their surface armor is the most vulnerable. 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
Draconic Beats 伤害 Damage +25% Damage to the Ether Drake
  • Ether Drake alive
  • Purchasing advice from the Curators ( -1000 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits)
Military fleets have been instructed to fire at the Ether Drake in a specific rhythm when engaging the dragon. 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
Dreadnought Dazzler 伤害 Damage +25% Damage to the Automated Dreadnought Fleet commanders engaging the Automated Dreadnought have been instructed to target any subsystems that will impair its automation processes. 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
Portal Pacifier 伤害 Damage +25% Damage to the Dimensional Horror
  • Dimensional Horror alive
  • Purchasing advice from the Curators ( -1000 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits)
The portal spawned by the Dimensional Horror can be destabilized if we launch pinpoint attacks against certain weak areas. 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
Stellar Drain 伤害 Damage +25% Damage to the Stellar Devourer
  • Stellar Devourer alive
  • Purchasing advice from the Curators ( -1000 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits)
The Curators have instructed us to fire at the Stellar Devourer's regulatory valves in order to disperse its inner heat. 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
The Infinite Calibrator 伤害 Damage +25% Damage to the Infinity Machine
  • Infinity Machine alive
  • Purchasing advice from the Curators ( -600 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits)
The Infinity Machine's real-time threat update system has one weak spot. It cannot keep up with constant change. We will henceforth assign a crew member on each ship to constantly make calibrations to the ship guns. 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
Technology of the Divine 幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness Our people are praising the gigantic spherical calculator as a sign of the Divines' true power in the world. 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
The Singularity Processor 研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research Speed A processing unit capable of expanding upon itself. This will further enhance our research capabilities. 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
The Mirror of Knowledge 研究速度 Research Speed +10% Research Speed We have gazed into the mirror universe of the Pantagruel black hole, enhancing our research capabilities. 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
Spectral Residue Studies 研究速度( 物理学) Research Speed (Physics)、​ 研究速度( 物理学) Research Speed (Physics) +5% Physics Research Speed
伤害 Damage +5% Energy Weapons Damage
能量币 Energy Credits +10% Energy from Jobs
Obtained by defeating the Spectral Wraith. Any of the three colors works. 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
Ageless 领袖预期寿命 Leader Lifespan +15 years Leader lifespan
  • Essence of Ageless Science Nexus event
Aging less with Ageless... 乌托邦 Utopia
Covenant: Composer of Strands Mod pop growth req.png +20% Pop Growth Speed
领袖预期寿命 Leader Lifespan +20 years Leader Lifespan
  • Shroud choice
We have formed a Covenant with a powerful being in the Shroud and now benefit from its patronage.
There will be a price to pay.
乌托邦 Utopia
Covenant: Eater of Worlds 陆军士气 Army Morale +30% Army Morale
舰船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +15% Fire Rate
  • Shroud choice
We have formed a Covenant with a powerful being in the Shroud and now benefit from its patronage.
There will be a price to pay.
乌托邦 Utopia
Covenant: Instrument of Desire 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production +10% Resources from Jobs
  • Shroud choice
We have formed a Covenant with a powerful being in the Shroud and now benefit from its patronage.
There will be a price to pay.
乌托邦 Utopia
Covenant: Whispers of the Void 研究速度 Research Speed +15% Research Speed
影响力 Influence +15% Monthly influence
  • Shroud choice
We have formed a Covenant with a powerful being in the Shroud and now benefit from its patronage.
There will be a price to pay.
乌托邦 Utopia
Inoculated Population Mod pop growth req.png +5% Pop Growth Speed
领袖预期寿命 Leader Lifespan +10 years Leader lifespan
The inoculations given to us by the Ancient Caretakers have proven of immense benefit, reducing illness and increasing the life expectancy of our population. 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
Improved Code Standards 机器人资源产出 Robot Resource Production +5% Robot output The changes that the Ancient Caretakers made to our code base have turned out well, and has resulted in an permanent upgrade in resource production capabilities across our whole population. 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
Matricidal Instinct 伤害 Damage +25% Damage to the Tiyanki Matriarch
  • Tiyanki Matriarch alive
  • Purchasing advice from the Curators ( -1000 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits)
There is a chink in the ancient Tiyanki Matriarch's armor, in the form of a massive unexploded proton torpedo lodged in her hide. Our fleets know how to detonate it. 遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Protective Coating 伤害 Damage +25% Damage to the Voidspawn
  • Voidspawn alive
  • Purchasing advice from the Curators ( -1000 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits)
Heeding the Curators' advice, we have covered our ships in a coating that will protect them from the Voidspawn's corrosive spittle and spikes. 遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Scavenger Slayer 伤害 Damage +25% Damage to the Scavenger Bot
  • Scavenger Bot alive
  • Purchasing advice from the Curators ( -1000 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits)
The Scavenger was not built on any pre-engineered design. As a result, its ramshackle construction contains a number of structural weaknesses. Any fleet made aware of them could exploit this. 遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Asteroid Thrusters 速度 Speed +5% Sublight Speed
  • 降世灾星 Calamitous Birth 降世灾星Calamitous Birth origin
  • Asteroid in Orbit Anomaly event choice
Using ancient thrusters built for asteroids, this empire now moves faster. 石质生物物种包 Lithoids Species Pack
Secrets of the Baol 环境改造花费 Terraforming Cost -15% Terraforming cost
  • Finishing the Delve into the Secrets of the Baol Special Project
We have put the ancient knowledge of the Baol to our own use. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Secrets of the Cybrex 巨型结构建造速度 Megastructure Build Speed +10% Megastructure research speed
  • Finishing the Delve into the Secrets of the Cybrex Special Project
We have put the ancient knowledge of the Cybrex to our own use. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Secrets of the First League 研究速度( 工程学) Research Speed (Engineering) +15% Industry research speed
Mod planet building build speed mult.png +10% Planet build speed
  • Finishing the Delve into the Secrets of the First League Special Project
We have put the ancient knowledge of the First League to our own use. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Secrets of the Irassians 研究速度( 社会学) Research Speed (Society)、​ 研究速度( 社会学) Research Speed (Society) +20% Biology research speed
Mod pop growth req.png +5% Pop growth speed
  • Finishing the Delve into the Secrets of the Irassians Special Project
We have put the ancient knowledge of the Irassians to our own use. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Secrets of the Vultaum 研究速度( 物理学) Research Speed (Physics)、​ 研究速度( 物理学) Research Speed (Physics) +15% Computing research speed
舒适度 Amenities +10% Amenities
  • Finishing the Delve into the Secrets of the Vultaum Special Project
We have put the ancient knowledge of the Vultaum to our own use. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Secrets of the Zroni 研究速度( 社会学) Research Speed (Society)、​ 研究速度( 社会学) Research Speed (Society) +10% Psionics research speed
  • Finishing the Delve into the Secrets of the Zroni Special Project
We have put the ancient knowledge of the Zroni to our own use. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
The Chosen of Zarqlan 唯心主义 Spiritualist +10% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • R severed head.png Head of Zarqlan Relic
As the chosen people of Zarqlan we can safely colonize Holy Worlds. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
A Life Worthwhile 幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness Ever since the archaeological uncovering of an alien memorial stone, the empire's population have started to appreciate life a bit more. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Oracle 凝聚力 Unity +10% Monthly Unity
  • Hidden Worlds 考古遗址 Archaeology site 考古遗址Archaeology site outcome choice
The Oracle operates the empire like a well-oiled machine...when you oil her. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Cheap Thrills 消费品维护费 -10% Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep
幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness
  • The Sentinels 考古遗址 Archaeology site 考古遗址Archaeology site
    "Replicate the Evermore" special project outcome choice
The Evermore, originally a virtual realm in which the digitized consciousnesses of aliens lived in eternal bliss, has been repurposed into a playground for the masses. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Anthem of Aurora 能量币 Energy Credits +5% Monthly energy credits The science division has managed to reproduce the ethereal hymn "sung" by an encountered aurora borealis entity. All Energy production facilities now have harmonics systems that amplifies the yield. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Modern Trench War 陆军生命值 Army Health +20% Defense Army Health
  • Trench World 考古遗址 Archaeology site 考古遗址Archaeology site outcome(33%)
Archaeological discoveries from a planet once besieged by gargantuan snail-like creatures has led to new and effective insight on how to utilise the environment for protection. This will improve the survivability of our armies in defensive combat against all ground assaults - even from giant space slugs! 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Killer Microorganism 陆军伤害 Army Damage +50% Army Damage
陆军连带伤害 Army Collateral Damage +100% Army collateral damage
  • The Library 考古遗址 Archaeology site 考古遗址Archaeology site outcome choice
Our armies go into battle armed with a microorganism capable of devouring the life tissue of any being with verocious speed. Of course, they cannot entirely guarantee the safety of innocent bystanders as a result of its use... 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Shallarian Terraforming Knowledge 环境改造花费 Terraforming Cost -10% Terraforming cost
环境改造速度 Terraforming Speed +20% Terraforming Speed
The ancient Shallarian nation is long-extinct, but their unparalleled knowledge of terraforming lives on in us." 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Rudari Death Laser 舰船武器伤害 Ship Weapons Damage +5% Energy weapons damage
舰船武器射程 Ship Weapons Range +5% Ship weapons range
As their civilization crumbled under the onslaught of enemy forces, the Rudari attempted to create a laser weapon capable of being deployed at interstellar range. Although they failed in this endeavor, their research has proved extremely useful to our own weapons specialists. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Studying Polarian Seeds 研究速度( 社会学) Research Speed (Society)、​ 研究速度( 社会学) Research Speed (Society) +20% Biology research speed
  • One Last Hope 考古遗址 Archaeology site 考古遗址Archaeology site outcome choice
上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Forced Mindfulness 凝聚力 Unity +5% Monthly unity
  • Any Other Rock 考古遗址 Archaeology site 考古遗址Archaeology site outcome(66%)
  • Not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
During their time trapped in a deadly, lava-filled maze, our archaeology team developed a routine of mindful relaxation. The fundamental principles of this exercise is now commonly known throughout the empire. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Glory to the Many 凝聚力 Unity +5% Monthly unity
  • Any Other Rock 考古遗址 Archaeology site 考古遗址Archaeology site outcome(66%)
  • 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind
An expedition marooned inside a maze full of lava temporarily lost touch with the Hive Mind. Unable to rely on the collective consciousness they suffered a brief encounter with the dreaded notion of Self; a terrifying experience that only strengthened the contempt for individualism. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Debug Subroutine 凝聚力 Unity +5% Monthly unity
  • Any Other Rock 考古遗址 Archaeology site 考古遗址Archaeology site outcome(66%)
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
While temporarily isolated in a maze full of lava, our archaeology units were disconnected from the network and unable to perform their function. They developed an algorithm that allowed them to run a debug subroutine while in sleep mode. This subroutine was later uploaded and patched in to the main system. 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
Spurred by the Past 凝聚力 Unity +5% Monthly unity
幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness
研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research Speed
主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction +10% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • 屹于巨人之肩 On the Shoulders of Giants 屹于巨人之肩On the Shoulders of Giants 考古遗址 Archaeology site Archaeological Site chain
The revelation of our true past sparks motivation and a sense of purpose in our entire species. 纵横捭阖 Federations
Full Circle 凝聚力 Unity +10% Monthly unity
幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness
研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research Speed
主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction +20% Governing Ethics Attraction
影响力 Influence +0.5 Monthly influence
  • 屹于巨人之肩 On the Shoulders of Giants 屹于巨人之肩On the Shoulders of Giants 考古遗址 Archaeology site Origin conclusion
Our empire may forever enjoy the sense of purpose and closure we acquired by helping the Benefactors of our past. 纵横捭阖 Federations
Goes Around, Comes Around 凝聚力 Unity +10% Monthly unity
幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness
研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research Speed
主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction +20% Governing Ethics Attraction
影响力 Influence +0.5 Monthly influence
  • 屹于巨人之肩 On the Shoulders of Giants 屹于巨人之肩On the Shoulders of Giants 考古遗址 Archaeology site Origin conclusion
Our empire is enjoying the positive effects from helping and forgiving an enemy of the past. 纵横捭阖 Federations
Zombie Contract Manipulation 威权主义 Authoritarian +50% Authoritarian Ethics Attraction
  • 永身雇佣制 Permanent Employment 永身雇佣制Permanent Employment civic
  • 80-120 years have passed
  • Not 极端威权主义 Fanatic Authoritarian威权主义 Authoritarian 威权主义Authoritarian
This empire fiddled with their zombie workers' contracts so that it's actually impossible to get out of debt. 死灵类物种包 Necroids Species Pack
Imperial Charter Empire sprawl.png -25% Empire Size from Branch Offices
Trade value.png +10% Branch Office Value
  • Resolution imperial institutions.png Imperial Charter resolution
Our Imperial Charter gives us the right to open branch offices on planets throughout the Galactic Imperium, where we can establish Imperial Concession Ports. These branch office buildings generate income for both us and the ruler of the Galactic Imperium. 灭世天罚 Nemesis

Renewable modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Renewable Empire Modifiers last as long as an empire can afford their upkeep costs.

Modifier Effects Source DLC
Resolution Passed 外交权重 Diplomatic Weight +5% Diplomatic weight Proposed resolution passed
Resolution Failed 外交权重 Diplomatic Weight -5% Diplomatic weight Proposed resolution did not pass
Ethic Promoted
  • Mod pop ethic shift.png +100% Chosen ethic attraction
  • 影响力 Influence -2 Monthly influence
Promoting a faction
Ethic Suppressed
  • Mod pop ethic shift.png -75% Chosen ethic attraction
  • 影响力 Influence -1 Monthly influence
Suppressing a faction
Additional Sacrifice: Bounty
  • Mod resource energy mult.png +6%/ +12%/ +18%/ +24%/ +30% Monthly energy credits
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png +6%/ +12%/ +18%/ +24%/ +30% Monthly minerals
Bounty sacrifice edict 死灵类物种包 Necroids Species Pack 死灵类物种包Necroids Species Pack
Additional Sacrifice: Harmony 幸福度 Happiness +10%/ +20%/ +30%/ +40%/ +50% Happiness Harmony sacrifice edict 死灵类物种包 Necroids Species Pack 死灵类物种包Necroids Species Pack
Additional Sacrifice: Togetherness 凝聚力 Unity +6%/ +12%/ +18%/ +24%/ +30% Monthly unity Togetherness sacrifice edict 死灵类物种包 Necroids Species Pack 死灵类物种包Necroids Species Pack
Muutagan Deal
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals +1/ +2/ +3/ +4/ +5 Monthly rare crystals
  • 能量币 Energy Credits -10/ -20/ -30/ -40/ -50 Monthly energy
Muutagan Merchant Guild Trader Enclave service 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack 星神兽故事包Leviathans Story Pack
Riggan Deal
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes +1/ +2/ +3/ +4/ +5 Monthly volatile motes
  • 能量币 Energy Credits -10/ -20/ -30/ -40/ -50 Monthly energy
Riggan Commerce Exchange Trader Enclave service 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack 星神兽故事包Leviathans Story Pack
Xuran Deal
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases +1/ +2/ +3/ +4/ +5 Monthly exotic gasses
  • 能量币 Energy Credits -10/ -20/ -30/ -40/ -50 Monthly energy
XuraCorp Trader Enclave service 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack 星神兽故事包Leviathans Story Pack
Patron of the Arts 凝聚力 Unity +10% Monthly unity Artist Enclave service 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack 星神兽故事包Leviathans Story Pack
Curator Insight 研究速度 Research Speed +10% Research speed Curator Enclave service 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack 星神兽故事包Leviathans Story Pack
遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack 遥远繁星故事包Distant Stars Story Pack

Unique empires[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The following empires can appear during the game as a result of certain events. The species' climate preference will always match its homeworld.

Empire Name Species Traits Homeworld Authority Ethics Civics Requirements
Flag human 9.png United Nations of Earth Human.png Human
  • 善于适应 Adaptive 善于适应Adaptive
  • 四海为家 Nomadic 四海为家Nomadic
  • 挥霍 Wasteful 挥霍Wasteful
Planet continental.png Earth 民主制 Democratic 民主制Democratic
  • 极端平等主义 Fanatic Egalitarian 极端平等主义Fanatic Egalitarian
  • 亲外主义 Xenophile 亲外主义Xenophile
  • 自由灯塔 Beacon of Liberty 自由灯塔Beacon of Liberty
  • 理想本心 Idealistic Foundation 理想本心Idealistic Foundation
Sol primitive civilization achieving FTL after spawning in Early Space Age
Flag blocky 21.png Awoken Synthetic dawn portrait fungoid.png Awoken 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical Unknown.png Random Unknown.png Random
  • 极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist 极端唯物主义Fanatic Materialist
  • 亲外主义 Xenophile 亲外主义Xenophile
  • Unknown.png Random
  • Unknown.png Random
Limbo event chain outcome
Flag zoological 10.png Subterranean Empire Unknown.png Random Unknown.png Random Unknown.png Random Unknown.png Random
  • 极端军国主义 Fanatic Militarist 极端军国主义Fanatic Militarist
  • 威权主义 Authoritarian 威权主义Authoritarian
  • Unknown.png Random
  • Unknown.png Random
Subterranean Civilization event chain outcome
Unknown.png Nivlac Circle Fungoid massive 15.png Nivlac
  • 聪颖 Quick Learners 聪颖Quick Learners
  • 快速复原 Resilient Nivlac
Unknown.png Random Unknown.png Random
  • Unknown.png Random
  • Unknown.png Random
  • Unknown.png Random
  • Unknown.png Random
Impossible Organism event chain outcome
Flag spherical 8.png Namaria Avian slender 01.png Namarian
  • 天生工程师 Natural Engineers 天生工程师Natural Engineers
  • 四海为家 Nomadic 四海为家Nomadic
  • 尊者 Venerable 尊者Venerable
Planet desert.png Random 民主制 Democratic 民主制Democratic
  • 平等主义 Egalitarian 平等主义Egalitarian
  • 唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist
  • 亲外主义 Xenophile 亲外主义Xenophile
  • Unknown.png Random
  • Unknown.png Random
  • No.png寰宇企业 Megacorp MegaCorp DLC not enabled
  • Nomad fleet offer
Flag zoological 12.png Ketling Star Pack Mammalian ratling.png Ketling
  • 灵能 Psionic 灵能Psionic
  • 节俭 Thrifty 节俭Thrifty
  • 天性反常 Deviants 天性反常Deviants
  • 快节奏 Fleeting 快节奏Fleeting
  • 令人厌恶 Repugnant 令人厌恶Repugnant
  • 缓慢繁殖 Slow Breeders 缓慢繁殖Slow Breeders
Planet nuked.png Ruinous Core 寡头制 Oligarchic 寡头制Oligarchic
  • 平等主义 Egalitarian 平等主义Egalitarian
  • 和平主义 Pacifist 和平主义Pacifist
  • 亲外主义 Xenophile 亲外主义Xenophile
  • 实用建筑 Functional Architecture 实用建筑Functional Architecture
  • 矿业工会 Mining Guilds 矿业工会Mining Guilds
  • 遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack Junk Ratlings systems were discovered
  • 遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack At least one Junk Ratlings world was not claimed or invaded for a few decades
Flag domination 1.png Prikkiki-Ti Reptilian 16.png Prikki
  • 勤勉 Industrious 勤勉Industrious
  • 颓废 Decadent 颓废Decadent
  • 孤僻 Solitary 孤僻Solitary
Planet desert.png Gish Unknown.png Random
  • 极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe 极端排外主义Fanatic Xenophobe
  • 军国主义 Militarist 军国主义Militarist
  • 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers 种族洁癖Fanatic Purifiers
  • 面具帝国 Cutthroat Politics 面具帝国Cutthroat Politics
遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack Time Loop anomaly event outcome

参考资料[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
