
Demographics in a multispecies empire

Population, also known as 人口 Pop 人口Pops, is the center of productivity and political action within an empire. They provide resources by working in Pop job.png jobs created by 區劃 District 區劃Districts and 建築 Building 建築Buildings, and also produce 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity if they are part of a specific 派系 Faction 派系Faction.

Demographics[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Each planet has four variables that determine its demographic direction. A planet can have only one growing pop, one declining pop and one assembling pop at any time.

Pop growth[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Growth as a function of planet capacity and population

Mod pop growth req.png Pop growth represents the increase in population from natural reproduction and immigration. A new pop appears after [math]\displaystyle{ 100 + (\text{growth required scaling} \cdot {\text{total empire population}}) }[/math] growth points have been accumulated; the growth required scaling is a game setting. The base growth rate is determined by the number of pops on the planet along a logistic curve determined by the 行星承載力 Planet Capacity planet capacity, then pop growth modifiers are applied, and lastly pop growth from immigration/emigration is added/subtracted. The logistic growth ceiling game setting determines the maximum base growth.

Any species existing on the planet or which has immigration access to the planet may be selected to grow there. When choosing a species to grow, planets will generally prioritize species that are under-represented on the planet and have citizenship equal to that of the already existing species. If immigration access is lost to all planets containing the currently selected species, a new species will be selected and all existing growth progress will be erased. Species can be chosen manually for growth if the Population Controls policy is set to Allowed.

宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability is an important pop growth modifier. Pops with very low habitability for a planet will only slowly reproduce or migrate to it or may not at all.

Pop growth stops when a planet is 15% overcrowded and has 5 pops without housing. Pops start to decline when a planet is 25% overcrowded.

行星承載力 Planet Capacity Planet capacity is capped at 500, regardless of free housing or unblocked districts. However, pops over 500 will not stop growing or decline until required housing exceeds available housing by 15% or 25%, as normal.

Base population growth formulas
Condition Formula
[math]\displaystyle{ \frac{{\text{planet capacity}}}{2} \gt {\text{planet population}} }[/math] [math]\displaystyle{ \text{total base growth} = 3 \cdot \max (0.125 \cdot (\text{population} - \frac{\text{population}^2}{\text{planet capacity}} - 1) , 1) }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ \frac{{\text{planet capacity}}}{2} \le {\text{planet population}} }[/math] [math]\displaystyle{ \text{total base growth} = 3 \cdot 0.125 \cdot (\text{population} - \frac{\text{population}^2}{\text{planet capacity}} - 1) }[/math]

Total base pop growth is between 0.3 and [math]\displaystyle{ (\text{logistic growth ceiling} \cdot 3) }[/math] (default 4.5) growth per month. Pop growth modifiers, including habitability penalties, are then applied, and then population growth from immigration/emigration is added/subtracted.

Migration[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Migration Migration is calculated by subtracting emigration push from immigration pull, both of which are determined by factors such as 住房 Housing 住房Housing, 穩定度 Stability 穩定度Stability and 失業 Unemployed unemployment. A planet with more emigration than immigration will have its Mod pop growth req.png growth speed lowered and the amount lowered will be added to potential immigration targets. Planets with higher immigration pull will receive a greater share of this migration, which is converted directly into pop growth. Signing a 移民協議 Migration Treaty 移民協議Migration Treaty will allow migration to and from another empire's planets. A newly colonized planet gains +100 immigration pull and divides a total of +50 emigration push between all developed planets, until Time.png 15 years have passed or the colony has 10 Pop.png pops.

Growth weight[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The exact mechanics by which a new pop is selected for growing/assembly is not fully known. However a bunch of values can be extracted from the Stellaris/common/defines/00_defines.txt file.

Name Value Description
New_Pop_Species_Randomness 0.5 The higher this is, the more random species selection of new pops will be
New_Pop_Same_Species_Weight 1.0 The higher this is, the more new pops will be weighted by number of same or subspecies pops
New_Pop_Exact_Species_Weight 0.5 The higher this is, the more new pops will be weighted by number of exact same species pops
New_Pop_Slavery_Weight 0.25 The higher this is, the more new pops will tend to be balanced between enslaved and non-enslaved species
New_Pop_Species_Div 0.05 The higher this is, the more planets will tend to grow species that are underrepresented on the planet
New_Pop_Habitability_Threshold 0.75 If habitability is under this, apply exponentially increasing penalties to new pop weight
New_Pop_Homeworld_Mult 2 Pops have increased weight for growing on their homeworld
New_Pop_Growth_Mod_Mult 0.33 How much does species growth mod trait matter for new pop weight
NEW_POP_Immigration_Mod_Mult 1 How much does species immigration growth mod trait matter for new pop weight (when there is immigration)
Pop_Decline_Threshold 3.0 A species will decline when there is another species with a growth priority this many times higher

Pop assembly[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Pop assembly represents a planet's capacity for constructing 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical, 機械 Machine 機械Machine, or biological pops. Pop assembly can be either robotic or biological at a given time; both cannot be produced simultaneously. Once [math]\displaystyle{ 100 + (0.25 \cdot {\text{total empire population}}) }[/math] assembly points are reached, a new pop is created on the planet. Non-sapient robotic pops do not migrate but can create overcrowding and unemployment. The constructed template is the one with the highest number of used trait points, but can always be changed manually; unlike choosing a species to grow, this does not cause a penalty to assembly speed.

Pop assembly.png Robotic pop assembly is affected by traits and other modifiers.

Pop assembly organic.png Organic pop assembly is not affected by any traits or modifiers except for the following:

  • +5% per 醫務工作者 Medical Worker 醫務工作者Medical Worker Job
  • −25% from 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
  • −75% from 屍化體 Necrophage 屍化體Necrophage
Assembly type Monthly pop assembly points Source DLC Other requirements
Pop assembly.png Robotic pop assembly +2 機械人專家 Roboticist 機械人專家Roboticist jobs 機械人勞工 Robotic Workers 機械人勞工Robotic Workers technology
+1 複製者 Replicator 複製者Replicator jobs 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence authority
Pop assembly organic.png Organic pop assembly +2 繁殖工蜂 Spawning Drone 繁殖工蜂Spawning Drone jobs 烏托邦 Utopia 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind authority
+2 再指派員 Reassigner 再指派員Reassigner jobs 死靈類物種包 Necroids Species Pack寰宇企業 Megacorp 永身僱傭制 Permanent Employment 永身僱傭制Permanent Employment civic
+3 克隆倉 Clone Vats 克隆倉Clone Vats buildings 烏托邦 Utopia 設計進化 Engineered Evolution 設計進化Engineered Evolution ascension perk
+2 to +15 Building ancient relics.png Ancient Clone Vat buildings 人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack 克隆大軍 Clone Army 克隆大軍Clone Army
+0.02 出芽生殖 Budding Each pop with the Budding trait 植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack

Pop decline[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Pop decline represents the decrease of certain species on the planet due to purging or severe overcrowding. A pop will disappear after 100 decline points have been accumulated. By default, decline rate is −5 decline points per month. Overcrowded planets that have over-represented species will have those species begin to decline in numbers and be replaced by newly growing, under-represented species that have equal citizenship. Purging a particular species will cause that species to decline more rapidly depending on the purge type; the decline factor from purging overrides natural decline factors.

Resettlement[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Resettlement is the process of pops moving from one planet to another, more desirable one.

Automatic resettlement[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sapient, unemployed, free pops have a chance (each month) to automatically resettle to another planet with available jobs and housing and suitable habitability. If a 奴隸處理設施 Slave Processing Facility 奴隸處理設施Slave Processing Facility is active on the planet, enslaved pops and robots in servitude are also eligible.

移民控制 Migration Controls 移民控制Migration Controls will prevent this (except for sapient robots). Empires that outlaw slavery (and hence the slave processing facility) cannot enable automatic resettlement for robots in servitude.

A 運輸樞紐 Transit Hub 運輸樞紐Transit Hub starbase building will increase the monthly chance of a pop automatically resettling.

Forced resettlement[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

If the empire's 政策 Policy Resettlement policy allows it, forced resettlement will instantly move a pop from one planet to another. This costs a base amount of 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits and 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity determined by the pop's category, which may be reduced by additional modifiers.

Pop category Allowed? 強制遷移花費 Resettlement Cost Base cost
能量幣 Energy Credits 凝聚力 Unity
統治者 Ruler 統治者Ruler 政策 Policy 政策Policy 500 50
專家 Specialist 專家Specialist 政策 Policy 政策Policy 250 25
勞工 Worker 勞工Worker 政策 Policy 政策Policy 100 10
  • 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • 低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone
Yes.png Always 100 10
奴隸 Slave 奴隸Slave 政策 Policy 政策Policy 50 0
活體陳設 Bio-Trophy 活體陳設Bio-Trophy Yes.png Always 100 25
  • 正在淨化 Purging 正在淨化Purging
  • 同化 Assimilation 同化Assimilation
Yes.png Always 100 0
Job servant.png Robotic servitude Yes.png Always 100 0
罪犯 Criminal Subversive No.png Never n/a
Modifier source 強制遷移花費 Resettlement Cost Cost
能量幣 Energy Credits 凝聚力 Unity
法令 Edict Evacuation Protocols edict −50%
Appropriation Appropriation tradition −33%
Operational Proxies Operational Proxies tradition −33%
徭役制 Corvée System 徭役制Corvée System civic +0% −100%
意志整合 Subsumed Will 意志整合Subsumed Will civic +0% −100%
空中下載升級 OTA Updates 空中下載升級OTA Updates civic +0% −100%
仰望星空 Starborn 仰望星空Starborn trait −25%
四海為家 Nomadic 四海為家Nomadic trait −25%
安土重遷 Sedentary 安土重遷Sedentary trait +25%

Happiness[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Each pop in an empire has a 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness rating. It ranges from 0% to 100% and has a base level of 50%. Happiness determines approval rating when combined with stratum 政治權力 Political Power 政治權力Political Power, as well as the following effects:

  • Each point of happiness above 50 adds +1% 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction 主流思潮吸引力Governing Ethics Attraction to free pops and +2% 威權主義 Authoritarian 威權主義Authoritarian ethics attraction to slaves.
  • Each point of happiness below 50 adds −1% 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction 主流思潮吸引力Governing Ethics Attraction to free pops and +10% 平等主義 Egalitarian 平等主義Egalitarian ethics attraction to slaves.
  • Each point of happiness above 50 gives each pop −0.02 犯罪與異常 犯罪與異常, up to 0 per pop at 100% happiness.
  • Each point of Happiness below 50 gives each pop +0.02 犯罪與異常 犯罪與異常, up to +2 per pop at 0% happiness.

Fortunately, there are many ways to improve happiness in an empire. Planetary 法令 Edict 法令Edicts, civics, 生活標準 Living Standards 生活標準Living Standards, permanent modifiers, Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png 行星修正Planet Modifiers, and 統治者 Ruler ruler traits can positively affect happiness. Events may have an impact on planetary or empire happiness for a limited time as well.

Approval rating[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Pop approval rating is a measure of the population's support towards the empire. It is determined by the average 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness of each stratum, weighted by 政治權力 Political Power 政治權力Political Power. Pops without happiness are treated as having 50% happiness.

Approval rating ranges from 0% to 100% and has a base level of 50%.

  • Each point of approval rating above 50% adds +0.6 穩定度 Stability 穩定度Stability, up to +30 at 100% approval rating.
  • Each point of approval rating below 50% adds −1 穩定度 Stability 穩定度Stability, up to −50 at 0% approval rating.

Upkeep[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Most organic pops consume 食物 Food  1 食物Food per month, while 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid pops consume 礦物 Minerals  1 礦物Minerals per month. Trait robotic 1.png Robots instead consume 能量幣 Energy Credits  1 能量幣Energy Credits energy per month. In addition, organic pops that are not part of a 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness empire require a certain amount of 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods based on their living standards. Synthetics that are given citizen rights require them as well.

Pops with the 光合作用 Phototrophic 光合作用Phototrophic trait replace half their food upkeep with 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits upkeep. The same is true of pops with the 輻射合成 Radiotrophic 輻射合成Radiotrophic trait, except the latter require no energy upkeep when living on a 死寂星球 Tomb World 死寂星球Tomb World.

Housing[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

住房 Housing 住房Housing represents the living space available for pops to live comfortably. Housing is primarily provided by districts, with 城市區劃 City District 城市區劃City Districts giving more housing than their resource-focused alternatives. Each pop requires 1 unit of housing by default but the housing demands of individual pops can change due to a variety of factors. If the number of pops exceeds the amount of housing it will cause 穩定度 Stability 穩定度Stability to drop by [math]\displaystyle{ 40 \cdot \frac{\text{missing housing}}{\text{total housing required}} }[/math] and a flat +50 planet emigration push.

As a rule of thumb, each resource district exactly pays for itself in terms of housing, while the pops that work building jobs need city districts (or housing buildings) for their housing, though the capital building provides some buffer before cities are needed. This applies equally to 都市星球 Ecumenopolis 都市星球Ecumenopolises. The 田園牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田園牧歌Agrarian Idyll civic gives extra housing to resource districts, allowing the empire to house its pops working building jobs mostly via resource districts. The Trans-Stellar Corporations tradition adds jobs to habitat trade districts, but does not match them with additional housing, making some residential districts necessary.

Amenities[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

舒適度 Amenities 舒適度Amenities represent the infrastructure and jobs dedicated to fulfilling the needs of the population. Individualist empires obtain amenities from a variety of jobs while 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness empires obtain them primarily from 維護子個體 Maintenance Drone 維護子個體Maintenance Drone jobs. High amenities grant increased 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness to free pops in regular empires and increased stability in 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness empires, while insufficient amenities will lower them. Amenity value will be rounded to the nearest integer.

The formula for extra amenities contributing 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness is [math]\displaystyle{ \text{min}\left(20\%, \left\lfloor\frac{20 \cdot \text{extra amenities}}{\text{total amenities consumed}}\right\rfloor \div 100\right) }[/math]. In other words, it scales from +0% with 0 extra amenities, to +20% with twice as many amenities as necessary.

The formula for missing amenities contributing 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness is [math]\displaystyle{ \text{max}\left(-50\%, \left\lfloor\frac{-2/3 \cdot \text{missing amenities}}{\text{total amenities consumed}}\right\rfloor \right) }[/math]. In other words, it scales from +0% with 0 missing amenities, to −50% when the planet have less than 25% of amenities needed.

Amenities can be affected on an empire-wide basis by the following:

Source Amenities
人工道德規範 Artificial Moral Codes 人工道德規範Artificial Moral Codes technology +5%
建築 Building Executive Retreat branch office building +10%
演藝人員 Entertainer Resort World +15%
Decision consecrated worlds.png Profane Consecrated World +1%
Decision consecrated worlds.png Respected Consecrated World +2%
Decision consecrated worlds.png Venerated Consecrated World +3%
Decision consecrated worlds.png Holy World Consecrated World +4%
Tech mega art.png Mega Art Installation (stage I) +5%
Tech mega art.png Mega Art Installation (stage II) +10%
Tech mega art.png Mega Art Installation (completed) +15%
Tech mega art.png Mega Art Installation (perfection) +20%
上古之遺故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Vultaum Star Assembly secrets special project +20%
Source Amenities usage
萬眾一心 One Vision 萬眾一心One Vision ascension perk −10%
R orb insight.png Vultaum Reality Perforator relic −10%
生態保護 Ecological Protection 生態保護Ecological Protection resolution 2 −5%
Decision politics.png Discourage Planetary Growth decision +25%

Stratum[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Strata represent pops' social classes. The higher a pop's stratum, the more political power they have and the more 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods they require for upkeep, according to their living standard. It also determines the resettlement cost. Resettlement costs no 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity if the empire has the 徭役制 Corvée System 徭役制Corvée System, 意志整合 Subsumed Will 意志整合Subsumed Will, or 空中下載升級 OTA Updates 空中下載升級OTA Updates civic, or if the pop is enslaved or a non-sentient robot.

If a pop takes a job above its stratum it will be promoted to the higher stratum. If there are no available jobs of equal or higher stratum the pop will become unemployed, slowly demoting in stratum and causing 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness penalties at most levels of living standards. 奴隸 Slave 奴隸Slaves demote instantly, however.

Stratum Rank Resettlement cost Requirements Output modifiers
統治者 Ruler 統治者Ruler 3
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits  500 能量幣Energy Credits
  • 凝聚力 Unity  50 凝聚力Unity
No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
專家 Specialist 專家Specialist 2
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits  250 能量幣Energy Credits
  • 凝聚力 Unity  25 凝聚力Unity
No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
勞工 Worker 勞工Worker 1
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits  100 能量幣Energy Credits
  • 凝聚力 Unity  10 凝聚力Unity
No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone 0
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits  100 能量幣Energy Credits
  • 凝聚力 Unity  10 凝聚力Unity
格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone 0
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits  100 能量幣Energy Credits
  • 凝聚力 Unity  10 凝聚力Unity
格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
活體陳設 Bio-Trophy 活體陳設Bio-Trophy 0
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits  100 能量幣Energy Credits
  • 凝聚力 Unity  25 凝聚力Unity
Organic species in a 失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor empire
不可接觸者 Undesirable 不可接觸者Undesirable 0 能量幣 Energy Credits  100 能量幣Energy Credits Undesirables 公民權 Citizenship 公民權Citizenship
同化 Assimilation 同化Assimilation 0 能量幣 Energy Credits  100 能量幣Energy Credits Assimilation 公民權 Citizenship 公民權Citizenship
罪犯 Criminal 罪犯Criminal 1 No.png High 犯罪與異常 犯罪與異常
反常工蜂 Deviant Drone 反常工蜂Deviant Drone 2 No.png High 犯罪與異常 犯罪與異常 in 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind empires
腐化子個體 Corrupt Drone 腐化子個體Corrupt Drone 2 No.png High 犯罪與異常 犯罪與異常 in 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence empires
活體陳設 Bio-Trophy Pre-sapient 0 No.png Pre-sapients
享樂主義者 Hedonist Precursor 3 No.png Fallen Empire
異種收容使 Xeno-Ward Primitive 0 No.png Alien pops on The Preserve

Slavery[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Entire species can be enslaved by giving them a certain citizenship, which opens a new tab in the Species Rights menu called Slavery Type that determines what are the effects of slavery.

公民權 Citizenship 公民權Citizenship Slavery requirements Notes
Slaves Species is alien and the empire is 威權主義 Authoritarian極端威權主義 Fanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian, 排外主義 Xenophobe極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe or 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
Servitude Species is robot and the empire has the Servitude Artificial Intelligence policy If 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack 智械黎明故事包Synthetic Dawn Story Pack is active, setting this may cause a robot uprising.
Any 奴販公會 Slaver Guilds 奴販公會Slaver Guilds or 契約資產 Indentured Assets 契約資產Indentured Assets civics Up to 35% of the pops are enslaved if the world does not have enough pops with the Slaves or Servitude citizenship
Chemical Processing

Enslaved pops also use only 舒適度 Amenities  0.75 舒適度Amenities and 住房 Housing  0.75 住房Housing (instead of 1), which can be further reduced if the 奴役類型 Slavery Type 奴役類型Slavery Type is Servitude or Livestock. They also get 強制遷移花費 Resettlement Cost  −50% 強制遷移花費Resettlement Cost. Enslaved pops cannot join factions and have only 政治權力 Political Power 25% 政治權力Political Power, or 18.7% if a Slave Processing Facility is present on the planet. However they can still increase 犯罪與異常 犯罪與異常 if they're too unhappy.

Low 穩定度 Stability 穩定度Stability is more dangerous when enslaved pops are present on a planet. Normally dangerous events can only occur if it's lower than 25, but if any pop is enslaved it should be kept above 40.

Slave output can be affected by the following:

Source Slave output Note
奴販公會 Slaver Guilds 奴販公會Slaver Guilds civic +10%
契約資產 Indentured Assets 契約資產Indentured Assets civic +10%
鐵拳 Iron Fist 鐵拳Iron Fist governor trait +10%
法令 Edict Extended Shifts edict +10% Actual bonus is +20%, see below
議程 Agenda Slave Optimization agenda +10%
Tradition domination workplace motivators.png Workplace Motivators tradition +5% Actual bonus is +10%, see below
奴隸處理設施 Slave Processing Facility 奴隸處理設施Slave Processing Facility building +5%
Pm starvation.pngPm frame 3.png Hunger Strike planet modifier −50%
Pm slave riots.pngPm frame 3.png Slave Riots planet modifier −1000%

Slaves, workers and specialists[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In addition to the slave resource output modifiers, worker resource output modifiers can also affect slaves in worker jobs. As of 3.0.1, slaves in specialist jobs are affected by specialist output modifiers but not by slave resource output modifiers, if in Indentured Servitude.

  • Slaves working on 礦工 Miner 礦工Miner jobs can benefit from 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker resource output modifiers, such as 威權主義 Authoritarian 威權主義Authoritarian and 強壯 Strong 強壯Strong.

If a modifier affects the resource output of both workers and slaves, it actually affects slaves in worker jobs twice.

  • The 法令 Edict Extended Shifts edict increases slaves resource output by +10% and workers resource output by +10%, resulting in an actual +20% bonus to slaves in worker jobs.

Modifiers that affect workers aside from the resource output ones don't affect slaves.

  • The 法令 Edict Extended Shifts edict decreases slaves' happiness by −10% and worker happiness by −10%. It does not cause the slaves to suffer −20% happiness.

Ethics attraction modifiers[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

思潮轉化 Ethics Shift 思潮轉化Ethics Shift is where a pop or group of pops decide to follow a different ethic than the general population. A materialist pop may decide to follow a more spiritual path and a pacifist culture might decide that peace is the path of the weak.

Each pop in an empire will only embrace a single, non-fanatic ethic. At the start of the game, the population will be made of the empire's governing ethics. As population expands and eventually is divided over various planets and sectors, certain segments may decide to adopt values that are different from the core values of the species due to various circumstances in and around the empire.

Each ethic has a certain attraction value attached for all pops, depending on both the empire's situation and their own. Each pop can only switch ethics once per year. The exact values and options that influence the attraction levels of certain ethics can be found at Ethics attraction. The attraction factors of ethics can be amplified by certain circumstances such as policies or traits.

Having a positive ethics attraction effect will let all actions that increase attraction to the government ethics result in even more attraction, and negative amounts will be decreased. With a modifier of 50%, an action that would increase attraction by 2 would instead increase by 3.

Hovering over a pop's ethic will display the attraction towards all ethics.

Robots[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sentient humanoid robot

Robots are artificial pops and can be constructed once the required technology becomes available. They have the 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical trait, giving them 宜居性 Habitability +200% habitability on any planet. Robots can be given new traits via robo-modding, and the species template with the highest number of used trait points will be built by default. A different template can be specified for each planet.

The jobs a robot can have are limited by the highest robot technology researched. If an empire researches the 合成人 Synthetics 合成人Synthetics科技, robots can be given sapience, which lets them be affected by 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness and have ethics.

Tech level Maximum stratum Can colonize Sapient
機械人勞工 Robotic Workers 機械人勞工Robotic Workers 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker No.png No.png
智能人 Droids Droids 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist (except 研究人員 Researcher 研究人員Researcher, 官僚 Bureaucrat 官僚Bureaucrat and 文化工作者 Culture Worker 文化工作者Culture Worker if AI policy is set to Outlawed) Yes.png No.png
合成人 Synthetics Synthetics
  • 統治者 Ruler 統治者Ruler if AI policy is set to Citizen Rights
  • 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist if AI policy is set to Servitude
  • 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist (except 研究人員 Researcher 研究人員Researcher, 官僚 Bureaucrat 官僚Bureaucrat and 文化工作者 Culture Worker 文化工作者Culture Worker) if AI policy is set to Outlawed
  • No.png if AI policy is set to Outlawed
  • Yes.png if AI policy is set to Servitude or Citizen Rights

Robots without Citizen Rights require 50% less 住房 Housing 住房Housing and 舒適度 Amenities 舒適度Amenities and do not need 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods. If a planet with sapient robots is captured by an empire that doesn't have the 合成人 Synthetics Synthetics technology, they lose their sapience, and if a planet with non-sapient robots is captured by an empire that has the 合成人 Synthetics Synthetics technology and does not have the Outlawed Artificial Intelligence policy, they are immediately given sapience. Note that non-sapient robots can do all specialist jobs with 智能人 Droids Droids tech, but not after researching 合成人 Synthetics Synthetics tech.

  • It's possible to take the Ap synthetic evolution.png Synthetic Evolution ascension perk and turn all organic pops and leaders into synthetics.
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind empires cannot build robots and will always purge all robots on their worlds.
  • As long as an empire has the Artificial Intelligence policy set to Servitude there is a risk of them starting an AI rebellion, if either the Synthetics or Sapient Combat Simulations techs have been researched.
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence empires cannot build robots, but they can use them as drones if conquered from a regular empire or bought on the slave market. Robots in a Machine Intelligence empire can work all jobs and are not affected by happiness.

Purges[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

不可接觸者 Undesirable、​ 正在淨化 Purging 不可接觸者Undesirable 正在淨化Purgings represent the systematic elimination of specific pops or entire species from an empire and can be done on a per pop or species basis.

Targeted pop purging still requires applying the species-wide Slavery.png slavery at minimum and it is limited to a basic extermination, although without production penalty. 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness empires can purge their pops of any composition freely, with exception of 活體陳設 Bio-Trophy Bio-Trophies.

Species-wide purging is done by setting the species' 公民權 Citizenship 公民權Citizenship to 不可接觸者 Undesirable 不可接觸者Undesirable. 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness pops in empires of different authority are forced to be set as Undesirables, unless they can be assimilated. Therefore, gaining planets from a Gestalt Consciousness empire means that the planet will be lost when it is empty of the conquered pops if there is not at least one non-gestalt pop on it. There are also four special cases:

  • Pre-sapients can only be purged if the 政策 Policy Pre-Sapients policy is not set to Protected and they are automatically purged if it's set to Extermination.
  • Robots are automatically purged if the 政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy is set to Outlawed.
  • Synthetics can only be purged if the 政策 Policy Artificial Intelligence policy is not set to Citizen Rights.
  • Empires with the 掌控進化 Evolutionary Mastery 掌控進化Evolutionary Mastery ascension perk can change the citizenship of hive mind pops to 同化 Assimilation 同化Assimilation, which prevents them from being purged.

Fallen and Awakened Empires can choose not to purge Hive-Minded/Machine pops.

Having any species-wide purge is a negative issue for Xenophile factions, aside from the case of 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness pops and outlawed robots.

There are multiple types of purge available, determined by the 淨化方式 Purge Type 淨化方式Purge Type species rights. See Species rights § Purge type for details.

Refugees[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Human refugees

Pops from other empires may flee to escape purges, slavery, resettlement, crisis bombardment or as a result of land appropriation. Whether another empire is willing to accept those fleeing depends on its Refugees policy. Refugees will not head for empires where they have the Undesirables citizenship. Accepted refugee pops will get +20 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness for 10 years.

Once refugees are generated they will head for any empire that will accept them with their Refugees policy following the following order:

  1. 宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability at least 70% and 住房 Housing 住房Housing at least 1
  2. 宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability at least 70%
  3. 宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability at least 50% and 住房 Housing 住房Housing at least 1
  4. 宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability at least 50%
  5. 宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability at least 20% and 住房 Housing 住房Housing at least 1
  6. 宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability at least 20%
  7. 住房 Housing 住房Housing at least 1
  8. Any other planet

Pops that are 機械體 Mechanical機械 Machine robotic or have the 蜂巢思維 Hive-Minded 蜂巢思維Hive-Minded, 精神閹割 Nerve Stapled 精神閹割Nerve Stapled or 殭屍 Zombie 殭屍Zombie traits cannot become refugees.

參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
