Designation represents the production focus on a world and provides a bonus favoring a certain production focus. It is by default determined by the most common type of Districts or Buildings constructed but can be chosen manually at any point. Capitals have their own unique designation which cannot be changed. If automation is turned on the world will build buildings favoring the designation's bonus unless the planet has low Amenities or high Crime or Deviancy, in which case it will first focus on tackling these issues. Each planetary ascension tier increases the effects of the planet designation by 25% and reduces size from the colony by 5%, which includes pops, districts and the colony itself.
Planet designations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The following designations are available for all planets except Ecumenopolis.
Generator World
+25% Generator District build speed
+25% Technicians output
+10% Worker pop resource output if The Greater Good resolution 2 was passed
Nigh-endless complexes of generator plants hum and glow on this planet.
Mining World
+25% Mining District build speed
+25% Miners and strategic resource gatherers output
+10% Worker pop resource output if The Greater Good resolution 2 was passed
Strip mines, quarries, boreholes, and heavy machinery dominate this planet's surface.
+25% Research Lab build speed
−20% Researcher upkeep
This world is a seat of scientific research and technological advancement.
Forge World
+25% Industrial District build speed
−20% Metallurgist upkeep
+5% Metallurgist output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
+1 Metallurgist job from Industrial Districts if empire uses consumer goods
-1 Artisan job from Industrial Districts if empire uses consumer goods
The heat of alloy foundries can be felt almost everywhere on this planet.
Factory World
+25% Industrial district build speed
−20% Artisan upkeep
+1 工匠 job from industrial districts
−1 冶金师 job from industrial districts
+5% Artisan output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
This planet specializes in manufactories, workshops, and civilian industries.
Industrial World
+25% Industrial district build speed
−10% Artisan upkeep
−10% Metallurgist upkeep
+5% Artisan output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
+5% Metallurgist output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
Heavy industry with mixed production dominates this planet.
Refinery World
+25% Chemical Plant build speed
+25% Synthetic Crystal Plant build speed
+25% Exotic Gas Refinery build speed
+10% Chemist output
+10% Translucer output
+10% Refiner output
Much of the planet surface is covered in a vast network of pipes, refineries, and distilleries. Try not to inhale too deeply.
Fortress World
+25% Stronghold build speed
−10% Orbital bombardment damage
+20% Defense army damage
Ring World
Hive World
Machine World
Dominated by planetary defenses, bunkers and strongholds, foreign invasion and civil unrest will prove difficult on this world.
+25% Agriculture district build speed
+25% Farmers output
+10% Worker pop resource output if The Greater Good resolution 2 was passed
At least one biological species
Picturesque pastoral landscapes featuring flourishing crops are effaced only minutely by the ever-present scent of fertilizer.
Urban World
+25% City district build speed
−10% Building and district upkeep
+20% Trade value
A densely populated world where one glowing metropolis leads almost directly into the next.
Nest Planet
−10% Building and district upkeep
+5% Complex drone output
A teeming planet-wide network of bustling hives crisscross this world.
Machine Nexus
−10% Building and district upkeep
+5% Complex drone output
A mechanical network of thousands of unit service and repair facilities dominate this planet's surface.
Rural World
+25% Agriculture district build speed
+25% Generator district build speed
+25% Mining district build speed
+10% Worker pop resource output
The nature of this planet's production dispenses with the need for major urban centers.
Fringe Planet
+25% Agriculture district build speed
+25% Generator district build speed
+25% Mining district build speed
+10% Menial drone pop resource output
This planet is a sparsely populated world on the fringes of the collective.
Resort World
Cannot support districts
Cannot support certain buildings
- Slave Processing Facility
- Psi Corps
- Clone Vats
- (Grand) Embassy Complex
- Hydroponics Farms
- Food Processing Facilities / Centers
- Mineral Purification Plant / Hub
- Energy Grid / Nexus
- Resource Silo
- Alloys buildings
- Consumer goods buildings
- Strategic resource refineries and mines
- Ministry of Production
- Research buildings
- Galactic Stock Exchange
Create Resort World Decision
A tranquil, weather-controlled resort world with beautiful nature that has not yet been scarred by large-scale development.
Penal Colony
+33% Immigration pull
+100% Crime
−25% Crime on other colonies
Create Penal Colony decision
A bleak penal colony, filled with criminals paying off their debt to society in labor camps.
Can build Slave Huts and Overseer Residences buildings
Cannot grow free pops
Cannot support city districts
Cannot support specialist buildings
Allowed buildings are:
- Slave Processing Facility
- Clone Vats
- Gaia Seeders
- Hydroponics Farms
- Food Processing Facilities / Centers
- Mineral Purification Plants / Hubs
- Energy Grid / Nexus
- Bio-Reactor
- Slave Huts
- Overseer Residences
- Military Academy
- Stronghold
- Fortress
- Planetary Shield Generator
- Special feature buildings
Create Thrall-World decision
This world is purpose-built to maximize the growth rate of its enslaved population.
Hive World designations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The following designations are only available for Hive Worlds.
Hive World
+25% Agriculture district build speed
+25% Generator district build speed
+25% Mining district build speed
+5% Menial drone output
A planet-sized organism that has not been specialized for any particular production type.
Hive World Foundry
+25% Industrial district build speed
−20% Metallurgist upkeep
+5% Metallurgist output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
A planet-sized organism designated to produce vast amounts of alloys.
Machine World designations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The following designations are only available for Machine Worlds.
Machine World
+25% Generator district build speed
+25% Mining district build speed
+5% Menial drone output
A machine world that has not been specialized for any particular production type.
Machine World Foundry
+25% Industrial district build speed
−20% Foundry drone upkeep
+5% Foundry drone output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
An enormous planet-sized machine, designated to produce vast amounts of alloys.
Machine World Factory
+25% Industrial district build speed
−20% Artisan drone upkeep
+5% Artisan drone output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
An enormous planet-sized machine, designated to produce vast amounts of consumer goods.
Ecumenopolis designations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The following designations are only available for Ecumenopolis planets.
−25% Building and District Upkeep
+20% Trade Value
This city planet has not been specialized in any particular industry.
Ecumenopolis Research
+25% Research Lab Build Speed
−20% Researcher Upkeep
A vast city-planet that specializes in the latest cutting-edge research.
Ecumenopolis Foundry
+25% Foundry Build Speed
+25% Foundry Arcology Build Speed
−20% Metallurgist Upkeep
+5% Metallurgist Output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
A vast city-planet that specializes in the ceaseless production of alloys.
Ecumenopolis Industrial
+25% Factory Build Speed
+25% Industrial Arcology Build Speed
−20% Artisan Upkeep
+5% Artisan Output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
 格式塔意识 unless 失控机仆
A vast city-planet that specializes in the ceaseless production of consumer goods.
Ringworld designations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The following designations are only available for Ringworlds.
Ring World
+20% Immigration Pull
+5% Resources from Jobs
An immense ringworld, its massive area spread between all matters of produce.
Research Ring World
+15% Research from Jobs
An immense ringworld section is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge.
Agriculture Ring World
+25% Food from Jobs
+10% Worker pop resource output if The Greater Good resolution 2 was passed
Endless fields are supported by the infrastructure of this ring world section to maximize growing potential.
Commercial Ring World
+20% Trade Value
If you can't buy it here, it either doesn't exist or you didn't really want it anyway.
Generator Ring World
+25% Energy from Jobs
+10% Menial Drone pop resource output if The Greater Good resolution 2 was passed
Linking generator segments together across this ring world section provides efficiencies of scale.
Habitat designations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The following designations are only available for Habitats.
"An artificial deep-space arcology."
Research Station
+25% Research District Build Speed
+10% Researcher output
An artificial deep-space arcology dedicated to scientific research.
Fortress Station
+25% Stronghold Build Speed
−10% Orbital Bombardment Damage
+20% Defense Army Damage
An artificial deep-space arcology dedicated to defensive structures.
Foundry Station
+25% Habitat Industrial District Build Speed
−20% Metallurgist Upkeep
+1 Metallurgist Job from Industrial Districts
-1 Artisan Job from Industrial Districts
+5% Metallurgist Output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
An artificial deep-space arcology dedicated to alloy production.
Factory Station
+25% Habitat Industrial District Build Speed
−20% Artisan Upkeep* +1 Artisan Job from Industrial Districts
-1 Metallurgist Job from Industrial Districts
+5% Artisan Output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
An artificial deep-space arcology dedicated to consumer good production.
Industrial Station
+25% Habitat Industrial District Build Speed
−10% Artisan Upkeep
−10% Metallurgist Upkeep
+5% Artisan Output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
+5% Metallurgist Output if Industrial Development resolution 4 was passed
An artificial deep-space arcology dedicated to balanced alloy and consumer good production.
Refinery Station
+25% Chemical Plant build speed
+25% Synthetic Crystal Plant build speed
+25% Exotic Gas Refinery build speed
+10% Chemist output
+10% Translucer output
+10% Refiner output
An artificial deep-space arcology dedicated to the production of strategic resources.
Leisure Station
+25% Leisure District Build Speed
+10% Happiness
 格式塔意识 unless 失控机仆
An artificial deep-space arcology dedicated to the pursuit of leisure and culture.
Trade Station
+25% Trade District Build Speed
+20% Trade Value
An artificial deep-space arcology dedicated to trade.
Unification Station
+10% Administrator Output
−10% Administrator Upkeep
An entire habitat dedicated to unifying our empire.
Generator Station
+25% Reactor District Build Speed
+10% Technicians output
+10% Worker pop resource output if The Greater Good resolution 2 was passed
Can build Reactor Districts
An artificial deep-space arcology dedicated to the generation of energy.
Mining Station
+25% Astro-Mining Bay Build Speed
+10% Miners and strategic resource gatherers output
+10% Worker pop resource output if The Greater Good resolution 2 was passed
Can build Astro-Mining Bays
An artificial deep-space arcology dedicated to the harvesting of minerals.
Special designations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The following designations are available for all habitable celestial bodies but have special requirements.
Empire Capital
+5% Stability
+10 Amenities
+10% Resources from Jobs
+100% Governing Ethics Attraction
Capital world
The capital planet of an interstellar empire is a vast complex of government buildings, bureaus and agency headquarters.
Hive Capital
+5 Stability
+10 Amenities
+10% Resources from Jobs
−20 Deviancy
Capital world
The capital planet of a Hive Mind is the primary seat of the Mind, from where the collective's thoughts and actions spring.
Machine Capital
+5 Stability
+10 Amenities
+15% Resources from Jobs
−20 Deviancy
Capital world
The capital planet of a Machine Intelligence is the primary focus of its central networked consciousness, from where all units and drones are tasked, controlled and administered.
+5 Stability
+10 Amenities
+10% Happiness
Less than 5 Pops
A balanced settlement and a bold new frontier.
+5 Stability
+10 Amenities
Less than 5 Pops
A new colony of our empire, purposely designed for frictionless, everyday efficiency.
Administrative Center
+10% Administrator Output
−10% Administrator Upkeep
An entire world dedicated to administrating our empire.
Fallen Empire Capital
+10% Stability
Capital world
- Fallen Empire
Though its empire may be in decline, the level of technological advancement on this world is astounding.
Fallen Empire Colony
+5% Stability
Though its empire may be in decline, the level of technological advancement on this world is astounding.
Primitive World
Pre-FTL civilization
A primitive planet that is home to a pre-FTL society.
Contingency World
This planet has been taken over by the Contingency.
Infested World
Prethoryn Scourge
This planet has been infested by the Prethoryn Scourge.
Planetary ascension[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Planets can be ascended using
凝聚力 to increase the effects of their designations and reduce empire size from that planet (from the colony, districts, and pops).
Each planetary ascension tier increases the base effect of the planet's designation by 25% and empire size effect (sprawl) by 5%. Secondary modifiers (such as bonuses to resource gathering designations from the Greater Good line of resolutions) are not increased. A planet can be ascended once for each ascension perk the empire has unlocked beyond the 2nd, with an additional 5 planetary ascension tiers being unlocked after the final 7th perk, for a maximum of 10, or a 250% increase and 50% reduction in sprawl.
For example, a Generator World with 2 ascension tiers would give a 37.5% bonus to technician output; i.e. the original bonus, plus a 50% increase.
The cost of increasing a planet's ascension tier depends on both the empire's size and the number of planetary ascension tiers already present in the empire, whether on the same planet or other planets.
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{ascension unity cost} = \text{empire size} \cdot (10 + 6 \cdot \text{existing ascension tiers}) }[/math]
For example, an empire with 200 size and 3 existing ascension tiers (whether from three planets ascended to tier 1 or one planet ascended to tier 3) would need to spend 5600 unity to increase the ascension tier of a planet.