Impossible Organism


Impossible Organism is an anomaly event chain triggered by investigating the anomaly with the same name that can appear on toxic worlds. The event chain has the potential of creating a friendly or hostile empire on the galactic stage upon its conclusion.

Impossible Organism

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Evt toxic planet.png

The surprising life readings from [anomaly planet name] have been attributed to a small organism of exceeding tenacity. The [science ship name]'s crew is unsure how to classify the lifeform, but its ability to survive, seemingly without any sustenance, is truly astonishing. Considering the planet's age, it is not impossible that the organism has been fighting its habitat's toxicity for millennia, though this is an educated guess at best.

Science Officer [science ship scientist] has requested permission to retrieve samples of the unknown organism, so that it may be studied.

  • Not 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe or 極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe 極端排外主義Fanatic Xenophobe
  • Not 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • Not 鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator 鐵心滅絕者Determined Exterminator

Investigating the Impossible Organism anomaly

Event button on.png
Very well, sample it.
  • Issue Special Project: Impossible Organism
Event button on.png
No. Study it from afar.
  • The planet with the anomaly gains a +3 社會學研究 Society Research 社會學研究Society Research deposit

Impossible Organism

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Evt microscopic life.png

Studies of the mysterious lifeform are progressing well. The scientific community is amazed by its potential for growth. It is already visible to the naked eye and responds to stimuli, and appears able to absorb energy and nutrition from nearly anything, organic or not.

Alas, its genetic, cellular, and biochemical processes remain beyond our understanding.

  • Impossible Organism

Finishing the Impossible Organism special project

Event button on.png
We should continue to study it.
  • Issue Special Project: Impossible Organism: Continuation
Event button on.png
This alien is too dangerous.

Impossible Fungoid

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Evt microscopic life.png

After recent breakthroughs, the strange lifeform is no longer a complete mystery! The scientific community on [capital name] are abuzz with the news.

The organism has been classified as a fungoid - partly explaining its ability to absorb molecules for nutrition. It has grown immensely, now the size of a newborn [main species name], and appears both inquisitive and intelligent. Thankfully, it has thus far shown no signs of aggression.

The scientists believe the next step to be attempts at communication, though it may be months before any progress is made on this front.

  • Impossible Organism

Finishing the Impossible Organism: Continuation special project

Event button on.png
Proceed with the communication attempts.
Event button on.png
This has gone far too long...Airlock the specimen.

Impossible Fungoid: First Words

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Evt microscopic life.png

The small fungoid has recently begun to vocalize!

Its first words were a guttural "nivlac." Incoherent, but ardently repeated. And so the scientists have proudly named the fungoid Nivlac. Since then its language has developed at a spectacular rate and it's now able to successfully convey the seven primary emotions - and does so often to its own spawn. It reproduces - by spreading its spores - as a matter of routine, and the laboratory will soon be insufficient to house the fungoids.

The Nivlac still has not shown any signs of aggression.

  • Impossible Fungoid

250 days

Event button on.png
Astounding. Every [main species name] society could use them.
  • A random planet gains as many Nivlac Pops as it has free 住房 Housing 住房Housing
  • If the 植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack 植物類物種包Plantoids Species Pack DLC is installed Nivlac pops will gain the 輻射合成 Radiotrophic 輻射合成Radiotrophic trait
Event button on.png
親外主義 Xenophile極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile Excellent. [empire adjective] society could use them.
  • A random planet gains as many Nivlac Pops as it has free 住房 Housing 住房Housing
  • If the 植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack 植物類物種包Plantoids Species Pack DLC is installed Nivlac pops will gain the 輻射合成 Radiotrophic 輻射合成Radiotrophic trait
Event button on.png
失控機仆 Rogue Servitor Precious organics. We [main species plural] shall care for them.
  • A random planet gains as many Nivlac Pops as it has free 住房 Housing 住房Housing
  • If the 植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack 植物類物種包Plantoids Species Pack DLC is installed Nivlac pops will gain the 輻射合成 Radiotrophic 輻射合成Radiotrophic trait
Event button on.png
同化鬥士 Driven Assimilator Excellent. They will be assimilated.
  • A random planet gains as many Nivlac Pops as it has free 住房 Housing 住房Housing
  • If the 植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack 植物類物種包Plantoids Species Pack DLC is installed Nivlac pops will gain the 輻射合成 Radiotrophic 輻射合成Radiotrophic trait
Event button on.png
同化鬥士 Driven Assimilator We have no room. Torch them and be done with it.
  • Influence Gained: 影響力 Influence 125-250
Event button on.png
They should have a home of their own.

Impossible Organism: The Nivlac

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Evt alien city.png

The alien lifeform once discovered on the toxic planet [anomaly planet name], and later fired into deep space after being deemed too dangerous, appears to have made planetfall on [planet name] some time thereafter.

It not only survived the impact, but has since managed to make a home of its new planet. It has prospered, grown, and subdivided into a small population, to the point of becoming a spacefaring species in and of itself.

They call themselves Nivlac, and unfortunately appear to recall our earlier disregard for their survival.

  • Impossible Organism
  • Lifeform was shot into space any any point

48 months

Event button on.png
  • A Nivlac empire with random ethics is created in a random unclaimed system with a habitable planet
  • The empires has a permanent -100 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion from Nivlac Circle

The Nivlac

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Evt alien city.png

Our scientists are pleased to report that the Nivlac's relocation to a suitable planet was a great success.

Since the young fungoid's arrival at [planet name], it is apparent that its explosive growth has continued. It has established itself as a small people, and recently even developed FTL technology - undoubtedly aided by the technology we left behind.

We shall eagerly continue to watch their development.

  • Impossible Fungoid: First Words
  • No Nivlac Pops

24 months

Event button on.png
  • A Nivlac empire with random ethics is created in a random unclaimed system with a habitable planet
  • The empires has a permanent +100 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion from Nivlac Circle

[main species name] and Nivlac

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Evt colony settlement.png

The integration of the fungoid Nivlac into [empire adjective] society is underway.

The interactions between Nivlacs and [main species plural] continue to be positive, and our species appear to be headed down a promising road together.

  • Impossible Fungoid: First Words
  • Nivlac Pops

10 days

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