Event chains

Anomaly Events
Colony Events
Early Story Events
Observation Events
Origin Events
Sublight Exploration Probes is one of the 4 story event chains that can take place very early, having a 10% chance to occur. Unlike the other 3 event chains Sublight Exploration Probes requires waiting a year rather than a few days to start.
Sublight Exploration Probes

Before we developed faster-than-light travel, several sublight exploration probes were dispatched from [capital name] at near-relativistic speeds towards nearby systems. The scientists who developed the probes naively included sensitive information about our culture in their memory cores as a form of greeting to alien civilizations.
It has now been realized that this data could potentially be used against us. We need to track down these probes before they are found by someone - or something - unsympathetic to our species!
Discovered alien life |
12 months |
They can't have gotten far.
Sublight Probe Discovered![]() |
Modified Probe![]() A sensor sweep from the [science ship name] has revealed one of our sublight probes in the [current system name] system, but it seems to have been... altered somehow. Modifications of an alien origin have been attached to its hull, and the probe's energy signature is far greater than it should be. We are receiving a transmission from it!
Subspace Anomaly![]() The [science ship name] has detected a massive subspace anomaly in the [current system name] system. It appears to be centered on one of our missing sublight probes!
Probe Recovered![]() We have recovered the sublight probe in the [current system name] system. The sensor telemetry it has collected over the years has provided us with a complete survey of all planetary bodies within the system
Probe Destroyed![]() Little remains of the strange alien modifications that our missing sublight probe had been subjected to, but we did manage to collect some valuable engineering data from the wreckage. Its memory bank was also salvaged, and from it we have extracted survey data of the entire [current system name] system. |
Anomaly Defeated![]() We have dealt with the hostile subspace entity that our missing probe had attracted. Why such a creature would be drawn to an archaic unmanned spacecraft is a mystery, but the probe appears to be largely undamaged. It has been recovered by our forces, and we have extracted detailed survey readings on the entire [current system name] from its memory banks. In addition, the residual energy left behind by the subspace anomaly has generated a large amount of valuable physics data for our scientists. |
Ion Trail

The [science ship name] has picked up a signal from a discarded signal buoy belonging to one of our missing sublight probes in the [current system name] system. There is an ion trail leading away from the buoy on a trajectory towards another star, suggesting that someone has towed the probe there for unknown reasons.
Sublight Exploration Probes |
Entering a point of interest system |
Let us see where the trail leads.
Probes Collected

We have successfully collected all of our missing sublight probes! The detailed information they held on our culture is now safe from prying alien photoreceptors.
With their combined sensor telemetry, we have been able to fully survey a number of additional neighboring systems.