Radical Cult


Radical Cult is one of the 4 story event chains that can take place very early, having a 10% chance to occur. It has few rewards but grants a unique ship at the end of the event chain. The Radical Cult will always have one of the following names:

  • The Church of Light
  • The Fellowship
  • The Final Crucible
  • The Grey Disciples
  • The Penitent Ones
  • The Red Prophets
  • The Temple of Unity
  • The True Path
  • The Fist of God
  • The Throne of God

Radical Cult

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt alien propaganda.png

Centuries ago, a group of radical priests and their devoted followers on [capital name] broke away from the established religions to form their own church. These extremists called themselves the [random name], and have been responsible for many atrocities and acts of terror over the years.

Although they have kept a low profile in modern times, we recently learned that many of their agents have infiltrated our military. These renegades have secretly been diverting resources to the construction of a small fleet of starships at a hidden facility on [capital name]! When their treachery was revealed, the cultists blasted into orbit on their ships and fled to [random planet in home system].


Not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness


10 days

Event button on.png
They must be stopped!
  • A hostile fleet of 3 corvettes appears above a random planet in the home system

Cultist Ship Disabled

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt sabotaged ship.png

Our valiant space forces have skillfully disabled a ship in the cultist armada! It is mostly intact and we are picking up faint life signs from inside its hull.

Once we have eliminated all threats in the immediate vicinity, we should conduct a boarding operation to secure any survivors. They may be able to tell us more about the ultimate motives of the [radical cult name].


Radical Cult


Defeating the cultist fleet

Event button on.png
Prepare the breaching charges!
  • Issue Special Project: Board Cultist Ship

Boarding Action

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt interior battle.png

Though the survivors offered stiff resistance, our boarding party was able to secure several prisoners from the disabled cultist starship. From them we have learned that this conspiracy goes far deeper than we initially suspected - the agents of the [radical cult name] include several flag officers and high-ranking officials within our government!

Mass arrests are being made on [capital name], and all assets belonging to this cult have been seized. However, several of the starships they built in secret remain unaccounted for and the upper echelons of the cult's leadership have vanished. We have picked up faint ion trails leading to several outlying systems.


Cultist Ship Disabled


Finishing the Board Cultist Ship special project

Event button on.png
We must pursue these terrorists!
  • Adds 3 systems 1-5 hyperlanes away as points of interest in the Situation Log

Cultist Marauders Encountered

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt space battle.png

We have sighted ships flying the flag of the [radical cult name] in the [current system name] system. They have charged their weapons and are moving to intercept us!


Boarding Action


Entering a point of interest system

Event button on.png
  • A hostile fleet of 3 corvettes appears in the current system

Cultist Marauders Encountered

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt space battle.png

Yet another cultist fleet loyal to the [radical cult name] has been sighted in the [current system name] system. This time, however, their numbers include a strange ship of an unfamiliar design!


Boarding Action


Entering a point of interest system

Event button on.png
  • A hostile fleet of 3 corvettes and 1 battleship appears in the current system

Cultist Marauders Encountered

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt space battle.png

More ships belonging to the [radical cult name] have been encountered in the [current system name] system. They are approaching in attack formation!


Boarding Action


Entering a point of interest system

Event button on.png
  • A hostile fleet of 4 corvettes appears in the current system

Cultist Fleet Destroyed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt exploding ship.png

The cultist fleet operating in the [current system name] system has been destroyed in battle.


Cultist Marauders Encountered


Defeating any cultist fleet

Event button on.png

Battle Debris

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt exploding ship.png

We have defeated the cultist forces encountered so far, but these engagements have raised a number of alarming questions. The [radical cult name] has been deploying far more ships than they could possibly have built in secrecy on [capital name], and now they pitted a large warship of an unknown design against us.

Where are these ships coming from? Are there more warships like the one we just destroyed? We should investigate the battle debris for answers.


Cultist Fleet Destroyed


Defeating the last cultist fleet

Event button on.png
Begin recovery efforts.
  • Issue Special Project: Cultist Warship Debris

Recovery Efforts Completed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt space station.png

After sifting through the debris left by the strange cultist warship we destroyed, our scientists believe they may have divined the source of the ships the [radical cult name] has been throwing against us. Fragments from a log file mention some kind of abandoned alien shipyard discovered by the cultist ships fleeing [capital system star name].

They have been using the automated shipyard to reinforce their numbers, and now they are even producing new ships from alien templates found within the station's memory banks! This cannot be allowed to continue.


Battle Debris


Finishing the Cultist Warship Debris special project

Event button on.png
That shipyard must be destroyed!
  • A space station and a fleet of 3 corvettes and a battleship appear in an unsurveyed system. That system is added as point of interest in the Situation Log.

Shipyard Destroyed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt exploding ship.png

The alien shipyard that was used by the [radical cult name] in their crusade against us has been destroyed! Some of the cultists were captured when their escape pods were picked up by our forces, including their chief engineer. His knowledge of the shipyard's advanced technology has proved quite valuable.

Unfortunately, we have also learned that the cult's charismatic leader departed the shipyard several weeks ago on her new flagship - a more powerful variant of the alien ships they produced. Military intelligence is working on pinpointing the location of this vessel.


Recovery Efforts Completed


Destroying the cultist space station

Event button on.png
She will be found!
  • Engineering Research Gained: Engineering research 120-350

Probable Cultist Flagship Location

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt ship in orbit.png

Deep space reconnaissance probes have picked up faint subspace emissions in a star system consistent with the drive signatures of the alien ships used by the [radical cult name]. The cult's missing flagship is the most probable source!

We should send forces to search this system as soon as possible. That ship and its charismatic master are too dangerous to leave at large.


Shipyard Destroyed


5 months

Event button on.png
Ready the fleet.
  • A fleet of 5 corvettes and a battleship appears in an unsurveyed system. That system is added as point of interest in the Situation Log

Flagship Disabled

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt interior battle.png

Our forces have managed to disable the flagship of the [radical cult name]! Its weapons and engines are no longer functional, but life support systems remain stable. We should prepare for a boarding action.

Due to the large number of armed cultists within the ship, a significant number of troops will be necessary to secure it.


Probable Cultist Flagship Location


Defeating the cultist fleet

Event button on.png
That ship will be ours!
  • Issue Special Project: Board Cultist Flagship

Cultist Flagship Destroyed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt exploding ship.png

Someone else recently defeated the cultist flagship after a pitched battle in the [point of interest system name] system. Our admirals have expressed regret over the fact that our own forces were unable to deliver the killing blow, but at least this should signify the end of this malignant cult and its campaign of terror.


Probable Cultist Flagship Location


Another empire defeating the cultist fleet

Event button on.png

Cultist Flagship Secured

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt interior battle.png

After slowly fighting their way deck by deck, our marines have finally eradicated the last pockets of resistance on the former flagship of the [radical cult name]. Few prisoners were taken as most of the zealous cultists preferred to throw their lives away in futile suicide attacks. The cult's leader was found on the vessel's bridge, killed by her own hand. At long last, it looks like the [radical cult name] has met its end.

Our engineers have restored power to the ship's engines, and it has been pressed into service with our fleet as the [random name]. The vessel should be brought to a spaceport as soon as possible for more permanent repairs.


Flagship Disabled


Finishing the Board Cultist Flagship special project

Event button on.png
  • Gain control of the cultist flagship, a battleship with Tier 2 components