Shuttle Crash


Missing Scientist is a primitive civilization event chain that can trigger if the Observation Post has Fleet task passive study action.png Passive Observation as its mission. It can only happen once per game. Most of the event chain can be averted if a special project is completed.

Shuttle Crash on [primitive world name]

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt exploding ship.png

During a clandestine mission to the surface of [primitive world name], one of our shuttles was intercepted by a squadron of atmospheric fighters belonging to a local nation state. A lucky missile hit disabled the shuttle's engines, and it crashed in a remote wilderness region.

We need to act fast if we are to evacuate any survivors before the natives reach the crash site. All evidence of our presence must be removed!

  • Primitive Civilization reached at least Machine Age

5000 months

Event button on.png
Time is short.
  • Issue Special Project: Rescue Shuttle Survivors

Operatives Rescued on [primitive world name]

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt landing ship.png

Operatives from the [science ship name] managed to evacuate several survivors from the crashed shuttle on [primitive world name]. The remaining debris was destroyed in a controlled explosion, leaving nothing but a small crater for the natives to find.

The nation state where this incident occurred will no doubt blame its neighbors for this border violation, but the disruption to their natural development should hopefully prove minimal.

  • Shuttle Crash on [primitive world name]

Finishing the Rescue Shuttle Survivors special project

Event button on.png
  • Society Research Gained: 社会学研究 Society Research 90-250

Operatives Captured on [primitive world name]

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt society research.png

Native forces on [primitive world name] arrived at the crash site before we could get to our downed research team, and all survivors have been captured. The natives have established a perimeter around the shuttle wreckage, and their best scientists are no doubt in the process of analyzing it.

They now have indisputable evidence that life exists beyond their own world. Exactly what effect this will have on their society remains to be seen...

  • Shuttle Crash on [primitive world name]

The Rescue Shuttle Survivors special project expires

Event button on.png
This is not good.

[primitive world name] Descends Into Nuclear War

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt nuclear explosion.png

Several of the nation states on [primitive world name] have banded together against the one that shot down our shuttle, after the latter refused to share the technologies they recovered from the crash site. Following a brief conventional war, both sides obliterated each other in a massive exchange of nuclear missiles that ruined most of the [planet or moon].

There are no survivors on the surface, including our captured scientists, and the environment has taken significant damage.

  • Operatives Captured on [primitive world name]
  • 33% chance

720 months

Event button on.png
  • The primitive civilization is destroyed and their homeworld becomes a Planet nuked.png Tomb World

Hostage Deal

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt satellite in orbit.png

The nation state on [primitive world name] that shot down our shuttle has sent an open transmission into space through one of their primitive satellites. It appears to be intended for us.

They are demanding that we share some of our advanced technology with them in exchange for the lives of the scientists they captured at the shuttle crash site. If we refuse, our scientists are to be publicly executed live on their crude televised broadcasting system.

  • Operatives Captured on [primitive world name]
  • 33% chance

720 months

Event button on.png
The safety of our people comes first.
  • Influence: 影响力 Influence -150
  • The primitive civilization develops faster
Event button on.png
机械智能 Machine Intelligence The safety of our autonomous units comes first.
  • Influence: 影响力 Influence -150
  • The primitive civilization develops faster
Event button on.png
They are clearly not ready.

New Weapons on [primitive world name]

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt satellite in orbit.png

The nation state on [primitive world name] that shot down our shuttle has forced our captured scientists to design new instruments of war for their military. With this new equipment, they have successfully invaded several neighboring states and are now in the process of uniting the entire [planet or moon] under their rule.

  • Operatives Captured on [primitive world name]
  • 33% chance

720 months

Event button on.png
This is intolerable!
  • The primitive civilization develops faster

Hostages Executed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt alien propaganda.png

In what can only be described as an obscene spectacle, our captured scientists on [primitive world name] were paraded in front of the cameras on live television as "alien horrors." They were then brutally dismembered in front of a cheering crowd.

  • Hostage Deal
  • Not paying 影响力 Influence 影响力Influence

20 days

Event button on.png
  • Hostages Executed modifier added for 60 months, giving the following effects: 凝聚力 Unity Monthly Unity -10%