Comet Sighted


Comet Sighted is an inevitable minor event that will trigger once enough time has passed and appears in all Paradox Interactive games. There are 10 variations of the event depending on the empire ethics.

Comet Sighted

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric entry.png

[main species plural] are naturally curious, and the appearance of a comet in the sky above [capital name] has sown a widespread sense of wonder among our people.

They are convinced that this is a sign of great things to come.


No Fanatic or 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness ethic


600 months

Event button on.png
It is a good omen.
  • Unity Gained: 凝聚力 Unity 10-40

Comet Sighted

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric entry.png

Planetside [main species plural] units on [capital name] report the sighting of a small, icy solar system body exhibiting outgassing at two hours, fifty-four minutes, eight seconds right ascension, ten-point-three degrees declination.

The distance of the body has been triangulated at roughly three-point-seven-five astronomical units to the sun, and the size and visibility of the body's coma have been classified as noteworthy. The body's dimensions are calculated to be approximately five by ten by six kilometers. The sighting event concluded without incident.


机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence


600 months

Event button on.png
  • Unity Gained: 凝聚力 Unity 10-40

Comet Sighted

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric entry.png

Groups of [main species plural] watched a comet streak across the sky of [capital name]. The appearance of this lonely stellar object caused seemingly disproportionate distress, and [main species name] turned to [main species name] for assurance that they are not alone.

They are convinced that this is a sign of coming isolation and splintering of [main species adjective] society.


极端威权主义 Fanatic Authoritarian 极端威权主义Fanatic Authoritarian


600 months

Event button on.png
  • Comet Sighted modifier added for 60 months, giving the following effects: 幸福度 Happiness Happiness -5%

Comet Sighted

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric entry.png

A lone, proud comet soars through the [capital system name] system, clearly visible from [capital name]. It forges its own path through the cosmos, vibrant and ever undeterred.

This is the ideal which all [main species plural] strive for.


极端平等主义 Fanatic Egalitarian 极端平等主义Fanatic Egalitarian


600 months

Event button on.png
It is a good omen.
  • Comet Sighted modifier added for 60 months, giving the following effects: 幸福度 Happiness Happiness +5%

Comet Sighted

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric entry.png

A small celestial object with pronounced gaseous and particulate tails was recently observed in the [capital system name] system.

Its passing was uneventful.


极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist 极端唯物主义Fanatic Materialist


600 months

Event button on.png

Comet Sighted

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric entry.png

A light was seen moving in the night sky of [capital name], its gentle arc standing in stark contrast to the slow revolution of the stars.

The citizens of [capital name] see it as proof of recognition by the powers that be, and a subtle blessing of our cause.


极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist 极端唯心主义Fanatic Spiritualist


600 months

Event button on.png
  • Comet Sighted modifier added for 60 months, giving the following effects: 幸福度 Happiness Happiness +5%

Comet Sighted

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric entry.png

A fierce plume of flame sears the heavens of [capital name] as a comet skirts the upper stratosphere. The sheer power evident in its cosmic trajectory has made a profound impression on the capital's populace.

They liken the intractability of its path to the inevitability of the [empire name]'s ascension to galactic supremacy.


极端军国主义 Fanatic Militarist 极端军国主义Fanatic Militarist


600 months

Event button on.png
To victory.
  • Comet Sighted modifier added for 60 months, giving the following effects: 幸福度 Happiness Happiness +5%

Comet Sighted

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric entry.png

[main species plural] are naturally curious, and the appearance of a comet in the sky above [capital name] has sown a widespread sense of humility among our people.

It is their fervent hope that wonders like this one will someday bring all beings of the galaxy together.


极端和平主义 Fanatic Pacifist 极端和平主义Fanatic Pacifist


600 months

Event button on.png
It is a good omen.
  • Unity Gained: 凝聚力 Unity 10-40

Comet Sighted

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric entry.png

A comet blazes a trail across [capital name]'s horizon, a bright envoy from distant stars. The [main species name] people find great joy in this reminder, vague as it is, that we are not alone in this universe.

They are more supportive than ever of the [empire name]'s ambition to greet the galaxy with open arms.


极端亲外主义 Fanatic Xenophile 极端亲外主义Fanatic Xenophile


600 months

Event button on.png
  • Unity Gained: 凝聚力 Unity 10-40


Comet Sighted

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric entry.png

A dread comet haunts the skies of [capital name]. Its implacable arc is a harsh reminder to the [main species name] that we are not alone, and that unknowable horrors from beyond the stars may be closer than they appear.

We must take this as a sign to remain ever vigilant against alien influence.


极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe 极端排外主义Fanatic Xenophobe


600 months

Event button on.png
It is an omen.
  • Comet Sighted modifier added for 60 months, giving the following effects: 幸福度 Happiness Happiness -5%