
(重定向自War in Heaven

失落帝国(Fallen empire)是千年历史、极其强大的帝国的残余,这些帝国在过去的岁月中已经长期停滞和腐朽。 与普通帝国不同,失落帝国在游戏开始时就已经完全发展起来,由于它们的舰队极其庞大和强大,在你的舰队实力和技术可比之前不应该被激怒。 它们总是从两支大约 40k-150k 舰队力量的舰队开始,并且可以通过事件获得额外的舰队。 失落帝国使用独特的舰船和恒星基地外观,这是他们独有的; 每种类型的失落帝国都有这种风格的视觉变体以及不同的武器和组件选择,但舰船插槽的一般数量大致相同。.


有四种失落帝国( 当拥有DLC 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack 智械黎明故事包Synthetic Dawn Story Pack 时为五种),而且一局游戏中每种类型的失落帝国只能存在一个。游戏内失落帝国的最大值由银河系大小决定。然而,如果银河系里过于拥挤(普通帝国和失落帝国的预设数量均被调到最大),那么一些失落帝国则不会被创建。这个现象并不会每次都发生并且发生与否完全取决于帝国的放置位置。




如果帝国拥有Origins scion 1.png Scion 起源则一个失落帝国会被更小的只有母星系的失落帝国取代。

沉睡帝国[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

所有失落帝国在游戏开始时都处于沉睡状态。尽管他们发展完全且实力极强,但失落帝国将保持颓势,无意于扩张疆域,只有在被激怒时才会采取行动。他们拥有 帝制 Imperial 帝制Imperial 的政治体制与 暮气沉沉的领袖 Lethargic Leadership 暮气沉沉的领袖Lethargic Leadership衰落的帝国 Empire in Decline 衰落的帝国Empire in Decline 两个国策, 这阻止了他们的殖民与建造舰船。但当他们的舰队力量很低而且处于和平时,他们将会通过一个年度事件获得新的舰船(每次8艘战斗巡洋舰和10艘护航舰)。




Fallen Empire Ethic Traits Armies Colossus weapon Requests & tasks Guardian awakening Border access Angered by
( −200 Opinion)
Demands & wargoals
神秘观察者(Enigmatic Observers)
Fallen empire 03 city l06.png
极端亲外主义 Fanatic Xenophile 极端亲外主义Fanatic Xenophile
  • Main species:
    • 特质点数 Trait Point  +5 Trait points
  • Servant species:
    • 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical
    • 侍奉协议 Domestic Protocols 侍奉协议Domestic Protocols
    • 奢华 Luxurious 奢华Luxurious
基因战士部队 Gene Warrior Army 基因战士部队Gene Warrior Army Ship part global pacifier.png Global Pacifier
  • 人口 Pop Send a pop to The Preserve
  • 政策 Policy Force a rival to outlaw purges
  • Unknown.png Give the brain scans from the Limbo event chain
Yes.png Yes.png Only insults, claims, rivalry, and becoming the crisis. Outlaw purges
圣地守护者(Holy Guardians)
Fallen empire 01 city l06.png
极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist 极端唯心主义Fanatic Spiritualist
  • 灵能 Psionic 灵能Psionic
  • 特质点数 Trait Point  +3 Trait points
灵能部队 Psionic Army 灵能部队Psionic Army Ship part neutron sweep.png Neutron Sweep 政策 Policy Force a rival to outlaw AI No.png No.png Colonizing Holy Worlds
  • Abandon Holy Worlds
  • Outlaw AI
知识管理者(Keepers of Knowledge)
Fallen empire 02 city l06.png
极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist 极端唯物主义Fanatic Materialist
  • Main species:
    • 神经机械 Cybernetic 神经机械Cybernetic
    • 特质点数 Trait Point  +3 Trait points
  • Servant species:
    • 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical
    • 侍奉协议 Domestic Protocols 侍奉协议Domestic Protocols
    • 奢华 Luxurious 奢华Luxurious
Army robotic.png Robotic Army Ship part global pacifier.png Global Pacifier 科学家 Scientist Give one of your level 5+ scientists Yes.png Yes.png Only insults, claims, rivalry, and becoming the crisis. Humiliate
军事孤立者(Militant Isolationists)
Fallen empire 04 city l06.png
极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe 极端排外主义Fanatic Xenophobe
  • Main species:
    • 特质点数 Trait Point  +5 Trait points
  • Slave species:
    • 精神阉割 Nerve Stapled 精神阉割Nerve Stapled
    • 魅力非凡 Charismatic 魅力非凡Charismatic
    • 强壮 Strong 强壮Strong
异形部队 Xenomorph Army 异形部队Xenomorph Army Ship part world cracker.png World Cracker No.png No.png No.png Owning a neighbor system Abandon neighbor systems

与沉睡帝国互动[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

请求(Requests) 是需要支付代价的一次性事件,可以换取大大增加堕落帝国的好感并增加获得礼物的机会。接受请求会获得持续衰减的 评价 Opinion  +100 评价Opinion 拒绝则会获得 评价 Opinion  −50 评价Opinion. 当处于战争中,或帝国具有“种族洁癖”“弑杀蜂群”“铁心灭绝者”特性时请求不可用。 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator

任务(Tasks)是向另一个帝国在20年内宣战以满足失落帝国的条件,作为交换失落帝国对你的评价将会获得极大地提升,并且你收到礼物的概率也会增加。幸运的是,只有你的 宿敌 Rival 宿敌Rival 会被选为需要宣战的目标。只有玩家帝国会收到任务。完成任务会获得 评价 Opinion  +100 评价Opinion 而拒绝则会获得 评价 Opinion  −25 评价Opinion。 但超时而导致任务失败会导致更严重的评价惩罚。如果目标帝国被摧毁或更改了其政策,任务会被取消且不会对评价造成任何影响。如果帝国拥有 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator 种族灭绝,任务将会不可用。

要求(Demands)是当失落帝国的评价跌至 −100以下时的最后通牒。 屈服会使评价提升 +25 但拒绝要求会使失落帝国获得“惩罚”宣战理由,而它们通常会以此宣战。接受要求产生的效果通常与输掉关于这些要求的战争相同,但帝国领袖将不会被处决,并且舰船也不会在徒劳的战斗中损失掉。如果失落帝国被冒犯的帝国设为宿敌,它们不会提出任何要求而是直接宣战,从一开始就加强它们的意志。AI帝国通常会接受要求,直到它们的舰队实力达到50k以上——那时接受要求的概率降到10%。如果失落帝国在战争中失去了任何一个其原本拥有的行星,它们会停止剔除要求,无论评价如何。如果一个帝国的实力与失落帝国相比 不值一提 ,失落帝国将永远不会向帝国宣战。

礼物(Gift)会被失落帝国送给接受了请求,完成了任务,或被失落帝国 宠幸 的帝国。礼物通常会是有益的且没有负面作用。接受礼物会提升 +50 评价而以任何理由拒绝礼物会降低 −50 评价。为了收到礼物,帝国必须拥有小于100k的舰队实力且不处于战争中。


  • ×2 如果态度不是宠幸或不可捉摸,并接受或完成了一个任务
  • ×0.25 如果态度是不可捉摸并接受了一个任务
  • ×0.1 如果态度是不可捉摸并完成了一个任务
  • ×0.5 如果态度是宠幸并接受了一个任务
  • ×0.25 如果态度是宠幸并完成了一个任务
  • ×0.75 如果评价大于75
  • ×0.75 如果评价大于100
  • ×0.75 如果评价大于150
  • ×0.75 如果评价大于200
Odds Gift
Before mid-game year After mid-game year
  • 矿物 Minerals  1500 矿物Minerals
  • 能量币 Energy Credits  500 能量币Energy Credits
  • 合金 Alloys  250 合金Alloys
  • 矿物 Minerals  3000 矿物Minerals
  • 能量币 Energy Credits  1000 能量币Energy Credits
  • 合金 Alloys  500 合金Alloys
20% 研究 Research  +25% 研究Research from Pop job.png Jobs for 10 years
15% One of the following list of rare technologies:[1]
  1. 行星护盾 Planetary Shields 行星护盾Planetary Shields
  2. 同步防御 Synchronized Defenses 同步防御Synchronized Defenses
  3. 择优血脉 Selected Lineages 择优血脉Selected Lineages
  4. 工兵部队 Corps of Engineers 工兵部队Corps of Engineers
  5. 基因库 Gene Banks 基因库Gene Banks
If all these technologies are researched:
  • 研究 Research  +25% 研究Research from Pop job.png Jobs for 10 years
  • 矿物 Minerals  3000 矿物Minerals
  • 能量币 Energy Credits  1000 能量币Energy Credits
  • 合金 Alloys  500 合金Alloys
3 escorts
5% 1 battlecruiser

Empires with the 先辈子弟 Scion 先辈子弟Scion origin get one of the following gifts every 25 to 50 years:

Odds Gift
16.66% One of the following Engineering research Engineering technologies:[1]
  1. 固态全息铸模 Holographic Casts 固态全息铸模Holographic Casts
  2. 先进矿物提纯 Advanced Mineral Purification 先进矿物提纯Advanced Mineral Purification
  3. 工兵部队 Corps of Engineers 工兵部队Corps of Engineers
  4. 战列舰 Battleships 战列舰Battleships
  5. 改进泰坦船体 Improved Titan Hulls 改进泰坦船体Improved Titan Hulls
16.66% One of the following 物理学研究 Physics Research 物理学研究Physics Research technologies:[1]
  1. 微型遏制力场 Miniature Containment Fields 微型遏制力场Miniature Containment Fields
  2. 自我演化逻辑 Self-Evolving Logic 自我演化逻辑Self-Evolving Logic
  3. 反物质能源 Antimatter Power 反物质能源Antimatter Power
  4. 自律舰船智能 Autonomous Ship Intellects 自律舰船智能Autonomous Ship Intellects
  5. 跃迁引擎 Jump Drive 跃迁引擎Jump Drive
16.66% One of the following 社会学研究 Society Research 社会学研究Society Research technologies:[1]
  1. 生态模拟 Eco Simulation 生态模拟Eco Simulation
  2. 异种生物学 Xenobiology 异种生物学Xenobiology
  3. 外星土壤肥化 Foreign Soil Enrichment 外星土壤肥化Foreign Soil Enrichment
  4. 气候复苏 Climate Restoration 气候复苏Climate Restoration
  5. 飞升理论 Ascension Theory 飞升理论Ascension Theory
8.33% 3000 合金 Alloys  3000 合金Alloys
8.33% 4000 合金 Alloys  4000 合金Alloys
8.33% 5000 合金 Alloys  5000 合金Alloys
8.33% 3000 消费品 Consumer Goods  3000 消费品Consumer Goods
8.33% 4000 消费品 Consumer Goods  4000 消费品Consumer Goods
8.33% 5000 消费品 Consumer Goods  5000 消费品Consumer Goods

Scions also get each of the following gifts once each, checked once per year:

Odds Gift
1.89%–1.96% Level 7 Fallen Empire leader

觉醒帝国[编辑 | 编辑源代码]



  • 它们的 政体 变为 复兴圣权
  • 它们的 国民理念 被替换为 Civic revanchist fervor.png 复仇狂热Civic ancient caches of technology.png 古代科技贮藏,允许它们扩张和不受限制的建造舰船。
  • 它们的 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits, 矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals, 食物 Food 食物Food and 影响力 Influence 影响力Influence 储存被填满。
  • 它们立即获得一支额外的舰队。
    • 如果一个默认帝国拥有超过50k的舰队实力,事件会再次触发。
  • 对沉睡帝国有效的增援事件将不再能被触发。

觉醒帝国使用常规的外交立场但经常选择 霸权主义 Supremacist 霸权主义Supremacist.


Decadence[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Decadence is a mechanic affecting Awakened Empires to prevent them from establishing a permanent hegemony over weaker empires. 20 years after a Fallen Empire has awakened it will start to accumulate Decadence. Decadence increases in increments of 2 and has a 0.5% chance to increase each month for each planet the Awakened Empire or its subjects possesses. Once Decadence reaches 100 it imparts the following penalties:

  • −66% Resources from Pop job.png jobs
  • 25% Ship weapon damage, ship hull points and shield hit points (stacks with any penalties caused by resource shortages, if present)
  • 评价 Opinion  +100% Vassal opinion penalty for having less fleet power than all of them combined

Guardians of the Galaxy[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

When an endgame Crisis occurs a Fallen Empire can awaken after 5 years with the declared goal of ending said Crisis. If one of them has already awakened before the Crisis, they will stop their vassalization plans and attempt to rally the galaxy as well. Guardians of the Galaxy will always agree to form or join a Federation no matter what opinion they held before the awakening. Once the Crisis has been defeated the Guardian empire will leave the current Federation and become a regular empire. The chances for a Guardian Awakening are the following:

  • 60% chance either the Enigmatic Observers or the Keepers of Knowledge awaken.
  • 15% chance both Fallen Empires awaken. If only one of them is present it will awaken alone.
  • 25% chance neither Fallen Empire awakens.

Once awakened, the Guardian empire goes through the full awakening effects, and all empires will be notified. All AI empires will get one of the following Opinion bonuses towards the Awakened Empire (equal chances):

  • 评价 Opinion  +100 评价Opinion
  • 评价 Opinion  +50 评价Opinion
  • No modifier

Only the Enigmatic Observers, Keepers of Knowledge, and Ancient Caretakers can become Guardians. The Holy Guardians or the Militant Isolationists will never awaken as guardians and should they have awakened before the crisis, they will continue with their domination plan instead.

Guardian awakenings do not roll for Ancient Rival. In addition, if a crisis occurs during a War in Heaven, neither Awakened Empire will become Guardians.

The Ancient Caretakers will not awaken as Guardians if the Prethoryn Scourge or Extradimensional Invaders crisis occurs. However they are guaranteed to awaken if the Contingency crisis occurs and will in that case activate right after the sterilization hubs come online. This happens independently from the Guardian awakening mechanics, making it possible for up to three Fallen Empires to awaken.

Upstart awakening[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The default type of awakening, an upstart awakening, usually happens if a standard player or AI empire becomes too strong in Fleet Power or has managed to conquer Fallen Empire worlds. In this case, the Fallen Empire decides that the young empires are becoming too powerful and thus set out to impose their primacy on them.

The requirements are as following:

  • The game has reached the end game year, they are not at war, and their total combined fleet power is above 60k.
  • A default empire is getting too strong (above 70k fleet power with all fleets combined, or above 60k fleet power and above 90k federation fleet power with all fleets combined if in a federation) or has conquered a Fallen Empire world.
  • No other Fallen Empire has already awakened.
  • The event has a mean time to happen of 50 years, modified as follows:
    • ×0.5 if a default empire has more the 120k fleet power with all fleets combined.
    • ×0.1 if a default empire owns a formerly Fallen Empire-controlled world.
    • If there is more than one Fallen Empire in the game, the time is multiplied by the number of Fallen Empires (it is unclear if that includes no longer existing ones). This offsets the increased chance for one of them to awaken due to higher total numbers.

The Awakened Empire will have the Imperious attitude towards any nearby empire and send a request for the empire to become their unique subject type. Refusing the request will add 评价 Opinion  −200 评价Opinion from the Awakened Empire and cause them to declare war shortly afterwards.

Awakened Empire Original Fallen Empire Subject Can become Guardians
Benevolent Interventionists Enigmatic Observers Signatory: No diplomatic autonomy, purges or slavery, but the Benevolent Interventionists will join the war should subjects be attacked Yes.png
Doctrinal Enforcers Holy Guardians Dominion: Pay 25% of 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits and 矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals income and ethics shift towards 极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist 极端唯心主义Fanatic Spiritualist if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness and outlaw AI No.png
Watchful Regulators Keepers of Knowledge Satellite: Pay 33% of 研究 Research 研究Research production Yes.png
Jingoistic Reclaimers Militant Isolationists Thrall: Cannot build new starbases and must pay 25% of 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits and 矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals income, but can declare wars on other Thralls No.png

If the Doctrinal Enforcers defeat a Sleeping Empire in war, they will change the Sleeping Empire's ethics to 极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist 极端唯心主义Fanatic Spiritualist, causing them to turn into a Holy Guardians Fallen Empire.

If an empire owns the R severed head.png Head of Zarqlan relic, they will have enough 评价 Opinion 评价Opinion to refuse becoming a Dominion without risking war. Likewise, they can colonize Holy Worlds without angering the Holy Guardians.

War in Heaven[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The War in Heaven is a special event where a second Fallen Empires awakens as well and the two Awakened Empires eventually launch a great war against one another, with the normal empires acting as satellite states in their game. Once the first Fallen Empire awakens, an ancient rival may be chosen with the following chances:

  • 40% A Fallen Empire with the opposite ethic is picked as rival, if one exists.
  • 20% A Fallen Empire with a random ethic is picked as rival. This can hit the opposing ethic by chance.
  • 40% No rival is picked, and thus no War in Heaven can happen.

For the second Fallen Empire to awaken it must also meet the same requirements as the first one (not at war, fleet power above 60k, they haven't been awakened some other way). If the requirements are met, there is a 50% chance for the second Fallen Empire to awaken every 5 years. Afterwards, neither Awakened Empire will engage the other for 2 years.

The odds of a War in Heaven depend on the number of fallen empires in the galaxy:

2 Fallen Empires

  • 18%: War against the other Fallen Empire.
  • 82%: No war.

3 Fallen Empires

  • 26%: War against the Fallen Empire of the opposing ethic.
  • 5%: War against a random Fallen Empire.
  • 69%: No war.

4 Fallen Empires

  • 40%: War against the Fallen Empire of the opposing ethic.
  • 5%: War against a random Fallen Empire.
  • 55%: No war.
Start of the War in Heaven[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Once the War in Heaven starts, both Awakened Empires have the mutual Wargoal of War in Heaven, which causes a Total War. They will each spawn one additional fleet, two if any default empire has above 50k Fleet Power. The War in Heaven can end with a status quo, leaving the galaxy with two Awakened Empires. If the Galactic Community was founded a Resolution to ban joining one or both sides will become available.

The choice[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Each regular Empire that is not involved in a war is presented with the choice to join either side or stay neutral. There are four options:

  • Join the first Awakened Empire
  • Join the second Awakened Empire
  • Pick neither side
  • Subject empires of both regular and Awakened empires will always follow their overlord

Choices and AI weighting:

  • AI empires with less than 20k fleet power and no federation will side with an Awakened Empire based on their ethics
  • AI empires with more than 20k fleet power or that are part of a federation with a human player will stay neutral
  • AI empires with less than 20k fleet power that are part of an AI federation will pick at random
  • 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal empires will never pick a side

Empires that side with one of the Awakened Empires will receive a free Guarantee of Independence from their patron lasting 10 years, become its subjects and join the war on the patron's side.

Once one of the Awakened Empires is defeated, vassals of the winning side that contributed to the war will receive planets from the losing side's members unless they are too far from the borders. The League of Non-Aligned Powers will still have to fight the remaining Awakened Empire and the War in Heaven is still considered ongoing.

League of Non-Aligned Powers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Shortly after the War in Heaven starts, the president of the most powerful federation will be offered the chance to rename their federation into the League of Non-Aligned Powers. If the empire refuses, the president of the next most powerful federation will be offered the option.

If all federation presidents refuse, then each month the independent, non-genocidal empire that has the most fleet power and is at peace with the Awakened Empires will be offered the chance to form a League of Non-Aligned Powers federation. If the empire refuses, the next most powerful empire will be offered the option. If the empire accepts a level 3 federation will be created.

If an AI empire is offered to form the League of Non-Aligned Powers federation there is a 99% chance it will accept.

After the leader has been picked all independent empires, including those that declined leadership before, are offered one chance to join the federation. Afterwards, joining requires the usual federation diplomacy approaches. Empires that are rivals of the federation president are not offered to join.

Members of the League of Non-Aligned Powers get a temporary 评价 Opinion  +200 评价Opinion to and from each other.

Empires that are 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator genocidal or have the Metalheads personality will never choose to become the leader or join the federation.

If a Custodian exists, it will be asked to lead the League of Non-Aligned Powers before other empires are offered the option. If the Galactic Imperium exists, the awakened empires will also declare war against the galactic emperor.

Holy war[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

If an empire seals or destroys a Holy World with a Colossus, the Holy Guardians will always awaken and declare a war of subjugation. This type of awakening occurs completely independently of other circumstances, and can therefore take place at any time under any circumstances (such as during a War in Heaven). Aside from the war against the defiler, the Awakened Holy Guardians will act like normally awakened Doctrinal Enforcers and try to dominate the galaxy.

Ancient Caretakers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Ancient Caretakers capital system

A 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence Fallen Empire that is the truly enigmatic Fallen Empire, the Ancient Caretakers are the remnant of a great conflict in the galactic history. They have been part of something called the 'Custodian Project', an initiative to construct and maintain a number of ringworlds as a refuge for biological sapients fleeing some unknown menace. They have the Civic machine remnants.png Fallen Machine Intelligence and Civic custodian directives.png Custodian Matrix civics.

The Ancient Caretakers do not hold a personal 评价 Opinion 评价Opinion of any empire (their opinion is simply listed as "?") and unlike any other Fallen Empire they are totally unpredictable. They may offer gifts for no reason or request assistance with tasks that can give a permanent bonus or a temporary but serious penalty. Ancient Caretakers do not declare wars but can be declared war upon. They understand neither insults nor rivalries.

Ancient Caretakers have a grey and orange motif for their ships, stations and cities, as well as a different texture featuring integrated circuit patterns.

Fallen Empire Authority Traits Armies Colossus weapon Guardians Border access
Ancient Caretakers
Fallen machine empire 01 city l06.png
机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 机械 Machine 机械Machine
  • 特质点数 Trait Point +3 Extra Trait Points
  • Army assault m.png Battle Frame Army
  • Army assault m.png Mega-Warform
Ship part neutron sweep.png Neutron Sweep Yes.png Yes.png

Contingency Awakening[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The previous great conflict the Ancient Caretakers refer to was a former Contingency cycle. As such, as soon as the Contingency activates, it will attempt to corrupt the Ancient Caretakers. They have a 66% chance of severing the connection and activating their Final Defense Protocols (Guardians of the Galaxy awakening) and a 33% chance to be corrupted by it and start attacking everything (Berserkers). Each Awakening has a uniquely named civic to differentiate them – Civic final defense protocols.png Final Defense Directives or Civic malfunctioning custodian.png Corrupted Defense Directives – although the civics have identical effects. The chance to awaken as a Custodian or Berserker is decided at the start of the game so reloading a previous save will not alter the result.

Ancient Caretakers cannot awaken in any other way nor can they be the Ancient Rival and thus be part of a War in Heaven. Unlike other Guardian empires they will not try to form or join a federation.

Requests[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  1. Allow inoculations: Sent to organic empires. Mean time to happen is 100 years. A negative happiness modifier is applied, until the results show themselves. 10 years later the results will appear and can be either positive or negative. The mean time to happen is shortened to 66% if they awakened in the meantime.
  2. Allow code changes: The machine empire variant of inoculations. Same rules for good/bad results apply.
  3. Provide worker units: With a mean time to happen of 50 years, a Machine Intelligence with at least 11 pops will be requested to give two pops to the Ancient Caretakers.
Request Initial modifier Incompatible outcome (10 years) Compatible outcome (permanent)
  • 幸福度 Happiness  −5% 幸福度Happiness if not Xenophobe
  • 幸福度 Happiness  −10% 幸福度Happiness if Xenophobe
  • 幸福度 Happiness  −20% 幸福度Happiness
  • 成长时间 Growth Time  −10% 人口增长速度Pop Growth Speed
  • 领袖预期寿命 Leader Lifespan  −10 years 领袖预期寿命Leader Lifespan
  • 成长时间 Growth Time  +5% 人口增长速度Pop Growth Speed
  • 领袖预期寿命 Leader Lifespan  +10 years 领袖预期寿命Leader Lifespan
Code changes 机器人维护费 Robot Upkeep  +10% 机器人维护费Robot Upkeep Robot upkeep
  • 机器人维护费 Robot Upkeep  +5% 机器人维护费Robot Upkeep
  • 机器人资源产出 Robot Resource Production  −20% 机器人资源产出Robot Resource Production
机器人资源产出 Robot Resource Production  +5% 机器人资源产出Robot Resource Production

Tasks[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  1. Attack Empire: With a mean time to happen of 100 years, an empire will be asked to attack a fellow empire. Unlike other tasks this one can target empires that refused requests or tasks from the Ancient Caretakers. The time for the attack is 20 years, with up to 1 year overtime.
  2. Colonize a planet: With a mean time to happen of 200 years, the Custodians request the colonization of a planet. The planet will be near or inside the player's borders and eligible for colonization, when the request is given. Within 20 years at least 5 grown pops must be on the colonized planet. Care should be taken if the habitable worlds setting was raised because this task does not add a point of interest on the galaxy map.
  3. Stop waging war: With a mean time to happen of 100 years, the empire is tasked to outlaw war. Empires that already do are excluded. If accepted, the policy must be changed to No Wars within 20 years.
  4. Stop colonizing: With a mean time to happen of 100 years, the empire is tasked with not colonizing anymore. This task can no longer appear after 100 years have passed. Empires with planets under colonization are excluded. If accepted, the empire must refrain from any colonization for the next 10 years.

Technology[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Enigmatic Observers fleet

Fallen Empires start with all standard, rare and dangerous technology options already researched, including all technologies limited by ethics, as well as with ten levels in most repeatable technology and five levels in the rest. They also possess a unique Dark Matter Reactor and Deflector which can be reverse engineered and are the second-best deflectors and best reactor available in the game. They do not, however, have any of the special technologies that are only available through reverse engineering, from Leviathans or from special events. Also they are usually explicitly exempt for any and all of the Crisis Faction Spawn checks.

Fallen Empires have no labs on any of their planets and do not research further repeatable techs. After becoming Awakened Empires, they may build labs, and will research new technologies but do so very slowly, often taking upwards of 1000 months for even a single additional repeatable.

Systems[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Fallen Empires own highly valuable systems. The planets of their capital systems in particular are fully developed, filled with enough City Districts to unlock all build slots, and contain various special buildings built using ancient technology that have exceptionally high output and are otherwise unavailable - even an Awakened Empire cannot build more of these special buildings. All systems connected to the capital system by a hyperlane will be claimed with a Starbase and those containing habitable planets will be colonized and developed with an Ancient Palace and a Sky Dome. All Fallen Empire home planets are fortified with unique defense buildings, making invasions difficult.

Fallen Empires created by the 先辈子弟 Scion Scion Origin because there were no pre-generated Fallen Empires in the galaxy will own only their home system.

Fallen Empire Core Worlds (size) Border Worlds (size) Notes
Enigmatic Observers 盖亚星球 Gaia World Cradle (20)
盖亚星球 Gaia World Mother (12)
盖亚星球 Gaia World Brother (10)
盖亚星球 Gaia World The Preserve (20) The Preserve houses between 3 and 5 random species. It can gain pops from other species via requests.
Holy Guardians 盖亚星球 Gaia World Celestial Throne (30)
盖亚星球 Gaia World Sky Temple (22)
There will always be four uncolonized and unclaimed 盖亚星球 Gaia World Gaia Worlds spawned near the Holy Guardians called Pristine Jewel (10), Emerald Mausoleum (14), Walled Garden (18), and Prophet's Retreat (25). All of them have the Pm consecrated worlds.pngPm frame 1.png Holy World modifier.
Keepers of Knowledge 都市星球 Ecumenopolis Font of Knowledge (20) 盖亚星球 Gaia World The Archives (15) Without 寰宇企业 Megacorp 寰宇企业Megacorp or 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack 上古之遗故事包Ancient Relics Story Pack conquering Font of Knowledge is the only way to gain an Ecumenopolis. You can also gain an Ecumenopolis from restoring the First League Precursor homeworld, Fen Habbanis III.
Militant Isolationists 盖亚星球 Gaia World The Core (25)
盖亚星球 Gaia World Boundary (12)
Unknown.png 2 habitable Shielded Worlds
Unknown.png 1 uninhabitable Shielded World
Each Shielded World has an associated special project to lower the shield with different possible outcomes.
The Shallash unique system can only spawn next to their borders.
Ancient Caretakers 环形世界 Ring World Alpha Complex
环形世界 Ring World Production Unit
环形世界 Ring World Processing Unit
环形世界 Ring World 1 repairable ruined section
环形世界 Ring World 4 repairable ruined sections
环形世界 Ring World 4 repairable ruined sections
Their two other systems are littered with debris from destroyed ringworlds. As not even the frame survived they cannot be repaired.

Ships[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Fallen Empires do not use the standard ship types that are used by normal empires. Instead, they have Escorts, Battlecruisers and Titans. None of the values of those ship fully conform to any player buildable ships. They may also construct Colossi.

  • Escorts behave like destroyers, but their firepower and defense is closer to that of a cruiser. Escorts generally carry 4 Small weapons and 4 Point Defense, and a Large weapon to fight bigger ships. They use picket behavior and have 1500 Hull, 140 base speed, and base 35 evasion with thruster modules equivalent to a destroyer.
  • Battlecruisers behave like battleships, but have far better firepower and durability. Battlecruisers generally carry 1 XL weapon, 2 Large weapons, 2 Hangars and 4 Medium weapons. They use line behavior and have 3500 hull, 100 base speed, and 10 base evasion with thruster modules equivalent to a battleship.
  • Titans are the largest ships in the Fallen Empire's navy, rivaling several battleships and even surpassing Apocalypse.png Titans built by normal empires in power. Titans carry 1 Titanic weapon, 8 Large weapons, 4 Hangars and 4 Medium weapons. They use artillery behavior and have 10000 hull, 100 base speed, and 2 base evasion with thruster modules equivalent to a titan.
  • Outpost is their defense platform. They occupy 2 platform capacity, but are much more powerful than regular platforms. Outposts carry 2 Large weapons, 5 Medium weapons and 2 Point Defense.

The exact military power, hull points, armor and shields may vary somewhat due to different weapon systems and access to Strategic Resources. Difficulty and admiral will also affect their combat strength.

Fallen Empires' ships and starbases use a powerful and unsalvageable weapon, the terrifying Titan Lance, comparable to the Perdition Beam which can destroy most warships with a single shot. They also possess several highly advanced ship components which can be salvaged from debris: Dark Matter Reactor (Reactor T6), Dark Matter Deflector (Shield T6) and Dark Matter Thrusters (Thruster T5). Their ships also possess a built-in self-repair which regenerates 2% of their maximum armor and hull per day.

While their ships are very powerful, sleeping Fallen Empires do not build new ones even to replace ones that have been destroyed. Instead, they will receive reinforcements (2 Battlecruisers and 8 Escorts each time) from events if they're at peace. However, if a Fallen Empire awakens, they will replenish their fleets normally. Escorts have a build time of 200 days while their counterparts the Destroyers take 120 days to build. A Battlecruiser's build time is 600 days compared to the 480 days it takes to build a Battleship. Titans take 1800 days to build, like ordinary Titans.

Fallen Empires, Awakened or otherwise, never re-design their ships, so player may tailor their ship designs to hard-counter them.

Type Titan Battlecruiser Escort Citadel Outpost Notes
机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence


  • T槽 1 Titan Lance
  • H槽 4 Strike Craft T4
  • L槽 8 Laser T5
  • M槽 4 Disruptor T3
  • L槽 10 Shield T6
  • L槽 10 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 3 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sapient Computer (Artillery)


  • Extra Large 1 Lance T2
  • H槽 2 Strike Craft T4
  • L槽 2 Laser T5
  • M槽 4 Disruptor T3
  • L槽 4 Shield T6
  • L槽 4 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sapient Computer (Line)


  • L槽 1 Launcher T2
  • S槽 4 Plasma Cannon T3
  • Point-Defense 4 Point Defense T3
  • M槽 3 Shield T6
  • M槽 3 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Shield Capacitor
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sapient Computer (Picket)


  • Torpedo 1 Torpedo T3
  • H槽 1 Strike Craft T4
  • M槽 12 Mass Driver T5
  • M槽 2 Plasma Cannon T5
  • M槽 2 Disruptor T5
  • L槽 14 Shield T6
  • L槽 12 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Auxiliary Fire-Control
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Starbase)
  • Common FTL inhibitor


  • L槽 2 Laser T5
  • M槽 5 Disruptor T3
  • Point-Defense 2 Point Defense T3
  • L槽 3 Shield T6
  • L槽 3 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Sapient Computer (Platform)
  • Situation log tick.png Uses Omega-class Colossus, equipped with WD槽 Neutron Sweep
  • Situation log tick.png Entirely energy weaponry. Largely Shield based defenses advised. Reinforce hull if possible
  • Situation log tick.png All ships are equipped with Sapient Combat Computers, granting extra accuracy and fire rate
极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist 极端唯物主义Fanatic Materialist


  • T槽 1 Titan Lance
  • H槽 4 Strike Craft T4
  • L槽 8 Plasma Cannon T3
  • M槽 4 Disruptor T3
  • L槽 10 Shield T6
  • L槽 10 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 3 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sapient Computer (Artillery)


  • Extra Large 1 Lance T2
  • H槽 2 Strike Craft T4
  • L槽 2 Launcher T2
  • M槽 4 Disruptor T3
  • L槽 4 Shield T6
  • L槽 4 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sapient Computer (Line)


  • L槽 1 Launcher T2
  • S槽 4 Disruptor T3
  • Point-Defense 4 Point Defense T3
  • M槽 3 Shield T6
  • M槽 3 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Shield Capacitor
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sapient Computer (Picket)


  • Torpedo 1 Torpedo T3
  • H槽 1 Strike Craft T4
  • M槽 11 Mass Driver T5
  • M槽 5 Laser T5
  • L槽 14 Shield T6
  • L槽 12 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Auxiliary Fire-Control
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Starbase)
  • Common FTL inhibitor


  • L槽 2 Launcher T2
  • M槽 5 Disruptor T3
  • Point-Defense 2 Point Defense T3
  • L槽 3 Shield T6
  • L槽 3 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Sapient Computer (Platform)
  • Situation log tick.png Uses Enforcer-class Colossus, equipped with WD槽 Global Pacifier
  • Situation log tick.png Very similar to Fallen Machine Empire. Largely shield based defenses advised. Reinforce hull if possible
  • Situation log tick.png All ships are equipped with Sapient Combat Computers, granting extra accuracy and fire rate
  • Situation log tick.png Have cyborg admirals, providing extra 5% fire rate
极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist 极端唯心主义Fanatic Spiritualist


  • T槽 1 Titan Lance
  • H槽 4 Strike Craft T4
  • L槽 8 Plasma Cannon T3
  • M槽 4 Plasma Cannon T3
  • L槽 10 Psionic Shield
  • L槽 10 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 3 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Psi Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Precognitive Interface (Artillery)


  • Extra Large 1 Arc Emitter T2
  • H槽 2 Strike Craft T4
  • Torpedo 2 Swarmer Missile T2
  • Torpedo 2 Torpedo T3
  • M槽 4 Plasma Cannon T3
  • L槽 4 Psionic Shield
  • L槽 4 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Psi Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Precognitive Interface (Line)


  • Torpedo 1 Torpedo T3
  • S槽 4 Plasma Cannon T3
  • Point-Defense 4 Point Defense T3
  • M槽 3 Psionic Shield
  • M槽 3 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Shield Capacitor
  • Common Psi Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Precognitive Interface (Picket)


  • Torpedo 1 Missile T5
  • H槽 1 Strike Craft T4
  • M槽 11 Mass Driver T5
  • M槽 4 Laser T5
  • M槽 1 Disruptor T5
  • L槽 14 Shield T6
  • L槽 12 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Auxiliary Fire-Control
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Starbase)
  • Common FTL inhibitor


  • L槽 2 Plasma Cannon T3
  • M槽 5 Plasma Cannon T3
  • Point-Defense 2 Point Defense T3
  • L槽 3 Shield T6
  • L槽 3 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Precognitive Interface (Platform)
  • Situation log tick.png Uses Cleanser-class Colossus, equipped with WD槽 Neutron Sweep
  • Situation log tick.png High missile reliance with high anti-armor armory
  • Situation log tick.png Large ships with exxtra point defense and shield over armor advised
  • Situation log tick.png They use shroud techs, which cannot be reverse-engineered
  • Situation log tick.png Psychic admirals provide +10% fire rate and +15% evasion. Chosen One admirals bring considerable +20% fire rate and +30% evasion
极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe 极端排外主义Fanatic Xenophobe


  • T槽 1 Titan Lance
  • H槽 4 Strike Craft T4
  • L槽 8 Artillery T2
  • M槽 4 Mass Driver T5
  • L槽 13 Shield T6
  • L槽 7 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 3 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Artillery)


  • Extra Large 1 Mega cannon T2
  • H槽 2 Strike Craft T4
  • L槽 2 Artillery T2
  • M槽 4 Mass Driver T5
  • L槽 4 Shield T6
  • L槽 4 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Shield Capacitor
  • Auxiliary 1 Afterburner T2
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Line)


  • L槽 1 Artillery T2
  • S槽 4 Autocannon T3
  • Point-Defense 4 Flak T2
  • M槽 3 Shield T6
  • M槽 3 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Afterburner T2
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Picket)


  • Torpedo 1 Torpedo T3
  • H槽 1 Strike Craft T4
  • M槽 12 Mass Driver T5
  • M槽 2 Plasma Cannon T5
  • M槽 2 Disruptor T5
  • L槽 14 Shield T6
  • L槽 12 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Auxiliary Fire-Control
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Starbase)
  • Common FTL inhibitor


  • L槽 2 Artillery T2
  • M槽 5 Mass Driver T5
  • Point-Defense 2 Flak T2
  • L槽 3 Shield T6
  • L槽 3 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Platform)
  • Situation log tick.png Uses Reaper-class Colossus, equipped with WD槽 World Cracker
  • Situation log tick.png Entirely kinetic weaponry. Largely armor based defenses advised
  • Situation log tick.png Most ships replace one Shield Capacitor with an Afterburner, allowing them to close in quicker but at the cost of shield durability
极端亲外主义 Fanatic Xenophile 极端亲外主义Fanatic Xenophile


  • T槽 1 Titan Lance
  • H槽 4 Strike Craft T4
  • L槽 8 Artillery T2
  • M槽 4 Laser T5
  • L槽 10 Shield T6
  • L槽 10 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 3 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Artillery)


  • Extra Large 1 Mega Cannon T2
  • H槽 2 Strike Craft T4
  • L槽 2 Laser T5
  • M槽 4 Mass Driver T5
  • L槽 4 Shield T6
  • L槽 4 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Line)


  • L槽 1 Artillery T2
  • S槽 2 Mass Driver T5
  • S槽 2 Laser T5
  • Point-Defense 4 Point Defense T3
  • M槽 3 Shield T6
  • M槽 3 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Jump Drive
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Thrusters T5
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Picket)


  • Torpedo 1 Missile T5
  • H槽 1 Strike Craft T4
  • M槽 11 Mass Driver T5
  • M槽 4 Laser T5
  • M槽 1 Disruptor T5
  • L槽 14 Shield T6
  • L槽 12 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 1 Auxiliary Fire-Control
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Starbase)
  • Common FTL inhibitor


  • L槽 2 Artillery T2
  • M槽 5 Laser T5
  • Point-Defense 2 Point Defense T3
  • L槽 3 Shield T6
  • L槽 3 Armor T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitors
  • Common Reactor T6
  • Common Sensor T4
  • Common Combat Computer T3 (Platform)
  • Situation log tick.png Uses Adjuster-class Colossus, equipped with WD槽 Global Pacifier
  • Situation log tick.png Kinetic focus, along with some laser weaponry. Attacker should balance their defensive components

Notice: Some Citadels may have a Command Center building, which provides Common Command Center component ( +10% fire rate).

Strategy[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

General rules:

  • Each empire prefers a specific set of weapons that might be tied to the ethics they have. Ships should be tailored to an empire's specific loadout, to maximize effectiveness. While an awakened Fallen Empire can build new ships, it will not redesign them.
  • They start with 10 levels of every repeatable technology, but do not seem to research more - when awakened they will, but often taking upwards of 1000 months for a single extra repeatable. Do not try to out-tech them unless you are really far ahead.
  • Their planets are heavily fortified and require massive invasions to occupy. Orbital bombardment is essentially mandatory to conquer the worlds without an army strength of 2k+. An empire with access to the Colossus can use the Neutron Sweep to clear out the inhabitants and then recolonize the planet, although since this will cost you the unique buildings it is likely not the best idea.
  • Fallen Empire fleets are far more powerful than the diplomacy menu or fleet power counter might suggest. Their fleets can easily destroy enemies twice more powerful. Before declaring war on Fallen Empires, consider the possibility of losing most, or even all, of your assault fleets. Because of that, other players in multiplayer or powerful AIs will most likely declare war on you during your war with a Fallen Empire, so either leave some of your fleets behind or build up significant starbase defenses.
  • Unless you have a massive fleet power advantage, it is not advisable to fight in a star system in which a Fallen Empire has a Citadel unless you have already defeated and weakened their fleets. Fallen empires fight very aggressively, providing plenty of opportunities to fight them in your territory and in star systems of your preference.
  • If you have access to War Doctrines, it is generally not advised to select the Hit and Run policy, as high technology discrepancies mean that the Fallen Empire can destroy most ships nearly instantaneously, without giving them any time to disengage. For this same reason, if you have access to the No Retreat policy, selecting it provides a very good bonus (舰船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate  +33% 舰船武器射速Ship Fire Rate) for relatively inconsequential disadvantages (your ships are likely to end up being destroyed anyway if they try to flee so the inability to do so is of no concern).

Sleeping Empire[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

A still-sleeping Fallen Empire does not build ships, which makes them vulnerable to a war of attrition or multiple declarations of war in succession. If you have Defensive Pacts with another civilization, it is recommended to provoke the fallen empire into declaring war on you so that you have allies and (hopefully) improve your chances of winning. Corvette swarms equipped with anti-shield and anti-armor weaponry and maxed out evasion should prove quite effective against them and their medium to extra-large guns, but do not fare that well against the Fighter Strike Craft or the Spiritualist Arc Emitters. Their fleets will be at least two 40k blobs, possibly more depending on difficulty. The main goal in the first war should be to acquire their technology via salvage, as this can drastically improve the chances in a second war. Their troop transports should be defeated while in space as they can capture even a fully fortified planet with a normal stack.

Be warned that taking any Fallen Empire planets increases the chance of one FE awakening massively (to a near certainty), if that did not already happen. This applies to all Fallen Empires, which means that even if you manage to completely annex a Fallen Empire, you might end up waking up another.

Awakened Empire[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

There are several ways of fighting an Awakened Empire, depending on your position when they awaken

The strongest empires can actually stand a chance of facing an awakened Fallen Empire head-on and defeating them in one go. Your long-term goal has to be to acquire as much territory as possible, in particular that of the still sleeping Fallen Empires to acquire their massive resource income and their technology before moving on to open war against the Awakened Empire. Be advised that any system they capture means an additional starbase they might build to reinforce their fleets more quickly and allow large fleets.

Also keep in mind that you can use the Containment casus belli (which will lead to a Total War) against an Awakened Empire regardless of what ethics you have. Use it if you will win.

The second strategy is temporarily submitting to the Awakened Empire. Once they awaken, Fallen Empires will acquire decadence. Decadence reduces their income and fleet power while also increasing the rebelliousness of their subjects. Just be patient, build up your forces and wait for the right moment to rebel and overthrow them.

If an endgame crisis occurs, the Benevolent Interventionists or the Watchful Regulators may become Guardians of the Galaxy. They will stop trying to reduce empires to signatories or satellites and form a federation instead, so it's unnecessary to fight them if they awake late enough.

War in Heaven[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

A War in Heaven will dramatically change the power balance of the entire galaxy in a short time, since it can quickly become a three-way battle royale that lasts until two of the warring factions are eliminated.

Regardless of which side you choose, remember that War in Heaven is a Total War casus belli, which means that any occupied systems will immediately change ownership. Choose your side wisely and keep in mind that the most important thing is always to survive while trying to either outlast or destroy your opponents. A careless choice may mean the end of your empire.

  • If you're too close to one of the awakened empires, joining their side may become the best choice unless you're strong enough to stop their fleets.
  • If you're in a powerful federation, or you're far away enough from them, joining the League of Non-Aligned Powers may end up with better results. The league will join the fight shortly after the War in Heaven starts, so be prepared for war.
  • If you became more powerful than the Awakened Empires you are safe to remain neutral. Awakened Empires will not declare war on empires with greater Relative Power.
  • If you find your empire is in a weird position (e.g. just between two awakened empires or relatively isolated from all other empires), choosing to stay independent might become the best choice.
  • If the Galactic Imperium has been formed, both Fallen Empires will automatically declare war on the emperor in addition to each other, and all members of the Imperium will automatically join the Emperor as a war ally. Note that you cannot claim systems that have already been claimed by a war ally once the war has started. You will not be given the option to side with a fallen empire or stay neutral in this case.

Empire titles[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Fallen and Awakened Empires typically use empire names different than that of regular empires, usually ones hinting that they once were much more powerful and widespread than they currently are.

Type 极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist 极端唯物主义Fanatic Materialist 极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist 极端唯心主义Fanatic Spiritualist 极端亲外主义 Fanatic Xenophile 极端亲外主义Fanatic Xenophile 极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe 极端排外主义Fanatic Xenophobe 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
  • Archivists
  • Chroniclers
  • Conservers
  • Guardians
  • Protectors
  • Watchers
  • Ancients
  • Forerunners
  • Progenitors
  • Remnant
  • Shard
  • Vestige
  • Continuance
  • Continuity
  • Continuum
  • Directors
  • Enforcers
  • Regulators
  • Crusaders
  • Fanatics
  • Zealots
  • Arbitrators
  • Mediators
  • Peacekeepers
  • Reclaimers
  • Reconquerors
  • Restorers
  • Custodian Process
  • Defense Protocol
  • Final Directive

参考资料[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  1. 跳转至: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The technology gift list is sequential, not random – you'll only get a tech from the list if you've already researched all the ones above it.