來自以十字軍之王、鋼鐵雄心、歐陸風雲和維多利亞系列大戰略遊戲聞名的 Paradox Development Studios,《
使用這篇指南[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Stellaris 包含大量的內容給玩家探究,因而這個頁面包含大量的信息並且是相當的長,儘管它的目的是一篇初學者的指南。
基本的上手計劃[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
當第一次開始一局 Stellaris 遊戲時,玩家可以選擇要麼挑一個預設帝國開始,要麼自製一個帝國,或者使用「隨機」按鈕創造一個完全隨機化的帝國。 對於初學者,建議 避免 使用「隨機」按鈕因為其不可預測性能使得遊戲更難玩。那留給我們兩個選項:預設帝國和自製一個帝國。
- 如果你決定遊玩預設帝國,需要選擇其中之一後再開始一局新遊戲。新手玩家可能想要避免選擇過於進攻性的帝國,因為進行早戰是高難度的操作。
- 如果你決定創建一個自製的帝國,或者想獲得一些有關於自建帝國如何創建與其創建機制的信息,請移步到本文 2.1 節(帝國創建) 從該節開頭閱讀到你看到標題「用戶界面」。然後返回這裡繼續讀下面的內容
當第一次進入遊戲的時候,不要急著去進行你的遊戲。先暫停,然後跟隨提示去熟悉你的界面。 3 節 (用戶界面) 提供了一些關於UI的基本信息,但為了獲得最佳體驗,在這裡建議玩家自己弄清楚UI是如何工作的以及如何使用UI
如果新手想要創造一個安全的環境,以便在真正開始遊戲之前了解最基本的遊戲功能,那麼可以通過開局創造星系時修改適當的滑塊至零來使所有的AI帝國、墮落帝國、原始文明、掠奪者帝國 ,星門和禁用終局危機不會出現後再開始一局新遊戲。這能為新手玩家創造一個相當安全的遊戲環境,讓他們能夠在進入真正的遊戲玩法前了解帝國的基本運作方式、殖民和擴展的運作方式以及某些技術的運作方式。這充滿開放性, 初學者肯定能從一個安全的學習環境中受益。 一部分 4 (Basic gameplay concepts) 和 5 (The early game) 包含關於帝國內部機制和遊戲早期殖民/擴張的有用信息。
部分 4.4 (Extermination) 和 5.5 (Maintaining a strong military) 包含有關軍隊結構、組成等有用的信息。
除了這篇指南文章提供的信息外,強烈建議初學者也去探索 群星 Wiki 以及所有的文章,根據他們的需要,去探索 Stellaris 本身。文章中包含的知識將比這裡提供的基礎知識更加詳細和全面。
選擇帝國[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 注:關於帝國,沒有什麼是永久的,一切最終都可以改變,除了以下幾點:帝國旗幟,城市和船的外觀,以及起源。
在遊戲開始前,玩家將根據指示選擇或創建一個帝國。默認情況下,一個小列表預設帝國 它們都代表著玩家在遊戲中可能遇到的常見(現實生活或科幻小說)刻板印象。預設帝國的特點表明了他們偏好的戰略,如和平擴張、技術優勢和無止境的征服等等。
帝國創建[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
創建一個新的帝國需要手動選擇一個帝國的所有組件特徵,從而創造出一個成熟的自定義文明,並能夠與現有的預設帝國一起保存和玩。建議玩家創建一些自己的帝國,以熟悉帝國的每個主要部分——特性、思潮、母星、政府、物種和起源——如何影響他們的遊戲。例如,親外 與其他思潮相比,帝國總是更傾向於建設性的外交和貿易,而兩者的結合 軍國 和 排外 通常意味著一定程度上不可避免的與其他帝國的對抗。
物種[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:物種
特質[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
特質 是被動效果,可以改變你的人口,領導人和軍隊的行為。每個物種有2點數來選擇性狀。選擇一一個 positive trait costs trait points while choosing a negative trait provide additional trait points, allowing more positive traits to be picked. No more than five traits may be selected, and you cannot select traits that cancel each other out or have the same effect of different degrees. (e.g., can only choose up to one between
You can pick the traits by their sheer power, but remember that you can always pick based on the role-play needs, since species traits doesn't affect that much to the game and bad choices here don't result in the game being unplayable.
推薦的特質[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
If you are looking for a negative trait,
不推薦的特質[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
統治者[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
You can customize the name, appearance, and ruler title of your first empire ruler. Different ruler and heir titles based on leader gender can be set. The ruler title can be changed in-game anytime by clicking the empire's name on the government window. A fallback ruler title can be suggested if you have picked a valid combination of Authorities and Civics. This configuration is purely cosmetic.
機械體物種[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
只可用於 Synthetic Dawn DLC 已啟用。 |
Machine species is the only option to
石質類物種[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
只可用於 Lithoids DLC 已啟用。 |
Lithoid species do not use
Their exclusive traits, namely
母星[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
The name of your homeworld and home system is, obviously, purely cosmetic, so you can name them as you wish. Alternatively, you can roll a random name, which is drawn from your namelist.
The starting solar system decides what your starting system will look like, but not its position in the galaxy. You can choose unary systems with only one star, binary systems with two stars or trinary systems with three stars. This is purely cosmetic and has little to no influence on gameplay. Alternatively, you can choose Sol or Deneb as your starting system, where each planet will be named and Earth will also have a background story that can be read by inspecting the planetary features. Note that a couple of human-associated events require the United Nations of Earth, the Earth Custodianship or the Commonwealth of Man to be picked, irrespective of your system choice.
The homeworld planet class can be selected from 9 normal habitable planet classes. While they are almost identical, this determines the base habitability of your main species to other planets. Habitable planets found in the galaxy have a 80% base habitability to your main species if it was exactly the same class as your homeworld, or 60% base habitability if it was the same climate (frozen, wet, or dry), or 20% base habitability if it was of a wrong climate.
For example, if your homeworld is
Since the 9 classes all have an equal distribution rate in the galaxy, this selection is nearly pure cosmetic and can be picked by role-play needs.
Some origins lock the choice of starting solar system and/or homeworld class.
City appearance is purely cosmetic and you can choose the one that looks the best to you.
起源[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Origins determine the circumstances behind your empire's rise to power, and affect certain conditions or events in the home system. Most simply alter the state of the home world and distribution of pops, but some even start with a pre-existing diplomatic arrangement with other empires. The default origin is
Other origins are not designed to be balanced with each other. There are powerful origins like
推薦的起源[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
For the first playthrough,
只可用於 Ancient Relics DLC 已啟用。 |
If you feel like getting deep into the mechanics of Stellaris on your first try, you can try
只可用於 Federations DLC 已啟用。 |
帝國[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Government & Ethics: This page determines the empire's starting ethics set, government type, and civics, all of which impact gameplay immensely. Ethics determine the basic attitudes of the central government, which then determines the available types of authority. Authority determines the duration which a ruler (NPC leader) is permitted to lead the empire, and how the empire decides on a new ruler once they depart. Civics are the personal touches that differentiate otherwise similar empires, and the available choices are determined by the empire's ethics and authority.
思潮[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Ethics (also called ethos) are split into four dichotomy axes of thought and provide some bonuses or unlocking otherwise restricted options while also imposing new restrictions elsewhere. Each moderate ethic costs 1 ethic point and it also has a fanatic variant that costs 2 ethic points with doubled bonuses and usually harsher restrictions. An empire must spend all 3 of its ethic points, meaning that an empire must have either three moderate ethics, or a fanatic ethic plus a moderate ethic. They affect both how the empire functions internally and also influence the diplomacy with AI empires in many cases as well. Empires with matching ethics are far more likely to succeed in mutual cooperation from initial contact (vis-a-vis Humans and Vulcans in Star Trek).
While the player may choose the ethics by their sheer power, it's also fine to choose entirely by role-play needs or the player's personal tastes.
平等主義 vs 威權主義[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- They have increased
專家 output, meaning that they gain more研究 from研究人員 s, more凝聚力 from文化工作者 s, and more合金 from冶金師 s, which drastically impacts the manufacturing economy. - They also gain more
影響力 from satisfied factions, which is a primary source of influence in the game. - They can access the Utopian Abundance living standard, which provides an equal amount of
消費品 among all populations regardless of their social strata, drastically increasing consumer goods upkeep for an empire-wide幸福度 increase. Political Power is shared equally among all strata under this standard, which has the effect of Worker and Specialist happiness greatly contributing to a planet's overall穩定度 , as they vastly outnumber the Ruler strata. - However, they cannot use Autocratic authorities. If they were
極端平等主義 , they cannot even use寡頭制 , therefore leaving民主制 the only option. - If one wants to build upon these bonuses, then a
極端平等主義 empire with the議會制度 and精英政治 civics will be capable of generating an impressive +20%專家 job output and +75%影響力 from factions.
- They have increased
勞工 output, meaning that they gain more礦物 from礦工 s, more能量幣 from技工 s, and more食物 from農夫 s, which are all fundamental resources to sustain an empire. - They also gain a flat number of extra
影響力 , which means they don't need to care about pleasing factions as much as other empires do. - Like Xenophobe empires, they can also Enslave alien species (increasing resource output and decreasing their consumption of
消費品 and舒適度 at the expense of reduced幸福度 compared to an ordinary Worker). However,親外主義 Authoritarians cannot enslave aliens. - They can access the Stratified Economy living standard, which greatly reduces the
消費品 consumption of勞工 s and奴隸 s (zero consumption in the case of slaves), and also decreases their幸福度 while making the統治者 class happier. Political Power is also stripped from Workers and more is placed in Rulers, meaning happy rulers contribute more to a planet's穩定度 than workers, even if the workers are very unhappy. - Similar to Egalitarian, they also have restrictions to their empire authority. They cannot ever use
民主制 authority. If they were極端威權主義 , they cannot even use寡頭制 , leaving the Autocratic authorities the only options. - Authoritarian empires that liberally enslave pops can benefit from many traits that increase
勞工 and奴隸 resource output, such as勤勉 ,足智多謀 ,農民 , and強壯 or非常強壯 . Civic choices that build on Authoritarian bonuses to Workers include礦業工會 and奴販公會 .
排外主義 vs 親外主義[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- They can, like
威權主義 s, Enslave alien species, reducing their幸福度 in exchange for a lowered消費品 consumption,舒適度 and住房 usage, which are all needed to sustain your populations, while Slaves also have a bonus in various resource output. - They can also 、
不可接觸者 正在淨化 (genocide) unwanted aliens for a wider living space for their main species, which in turn displeases other empires and inflicts diplomatic penalties. - They also enjoy a faster population growth speed and lowered influence cost in empire expansion by building outposts.
- Xenophobic empires have reduced starting
評價 with other empires, which could lead to strained relations or outright hostility upon first contact with other empires. - Their restrictions are they can never give aliens Full Citizenship, nor can alien species ever be allowed in as refugees.
- Xenophobic empires start with Closed Borders to other empires by default, though this can be changed at the start of the game.
- Each empire has 2
特使 s to be assigned to diplomatic tasks such as improving relations or performing espionage, or performing First Contact missions. The number of Envoys is limited, and Xenophile empires have 1 additional Envoy, or 2 if they were極端親外主義 , which drastically improves their diplomatic performance. Furthermore, a極端親外主義 empire with the外交使團 civic will have access to an impressive 6 envoys on game start, allowing them to exert significant diplomatic influence, whether in the galactic community, in a federation, or within regular diplomacy as well as allowing them to improve relations with other empires while keeping the ability to meet new ones. - Xenophile empires also enjoy an improved starting
評價 with other empires, which can lead to improved diplomatic options with alien empires. - They also have increased Trade Value which is a major source of
能量幣 within an empire and can also be utilized to generate能量幣 credits or to provide消費品 to help sustaining populations, or凝聚力 to help speeding up the adoption of Traditions. - Their restrictions are they cannot displace or purge aliens, nor can they outright reject alien refugees (though they can be limited to only species with full citizenship).
軍國主義 vs 和平主義[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- They have increased Ship Fire Rate, which drastically increases the power of their military fleets, improving their performance in space battles. If combined with
卓越海軍 , a極端軍國主義 empire will have a total of +30% ship fire rate, giving their military fleets a lot more firepower. - Militarist empires are allowed the No Retreat War Doctrine, which allows for even greater ship fire rate, but at the cost of ships being unable to withdraw on their own, and emergency retreats taking much longer to charge.
- They also have decreased claim influence cost, meaning that it costs less for Militarist empires to claim systems that belong to other empires and start a conquest war to conquer them. Combined with the
國民主義熱忱 civic, it can often cost less influence to lay claim to neighboring systems than to build your own outposts. - The restriction is, using Defensive Only War Philosophy displeases Militarist factions.
- Planetary Stability impacts the overall planetary resource production and is affected primarily by Happiness. There are few sources to directly increase Stability itself, with the Pacifist ethic being one of them.
- They also have reduced Empire Sprawl from Pops. Having your Empire Sprawl exceed your Administrative Capacity imposes a scaling penalty to the cost of Technologies and Traditions, so reducing Empire Sprawl can allow an empire to stay under the limit and avoid penalties.
- However, they cannot use the Unrestricted Wars War Philosophy, meaning that they cannot start wars as freely as other empires can.
唯物主義 vs 唯心主義[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- They have increased Research Speed, which means they obtain technologies faster than other empires and usually comes to a technological advantage.
- They also have decreased Robots upkeep, which means they need fewer
能量幣 to sustain Robotic populations. They are also more likely to draw Robot technologies. - Materialist empires can access the Academic Privilege living standard, which is similar to Authoritarian's Stratified Economy. Academic Privilege increases the
消費品 upkeep of Specialists and also drastically increases the resource output of研究人員 s as well as increasing統治者 and專家 happiness. Specialists enjoy a very large increase to their Political Power, while Rulers enjoy a smaller increase. This has the effect of Specialists' happiness contributing the most to a planet's穩定度 , due to their large numbers compared to Ruler strata. - The restriction is, they cannot use Outlawed AI policy and Robotic Worker policy. They are also blocked from accessing the
靈能理論 technologies through usual means.
- They have increased
凝聚力 output, this translates into a faster progress of Traditions and eventually Ascension Perks. - They also have a lowered cost for Edicts, which is a method of investing various resources to give empire-wide bonuses.
- Spiritualist empires have better odds in drawing the
靈能理論 technologies for research. - Spiritualists have access to the Temple building line, a replacement to the Autochthon Monument building line. Temple buildings increase
唯心主義 ethics attraction, and their祭司 jobs produce a large amount of舒適度 as well as Unity and Society research. - The restriction is, they cannot use Full Rights AI policy and utilizing Robotic Workers can enrage their factions.
格式塔意識[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
只可用於 Utopia DLC 或者 Synthetic Dawn DLC 已啟用。 |
- It is a special ethic lying in the center and costs all 3 ethics points. Through its unique civics, it has elements of all 4 axes.
- Its playstyle is completely different from standard empires and is not recommended for beginners. While they don't have
幸福度 or Factions to manage and have espionage bonuses, this in turn limits their sources of影響力 and穩定度 . Thus they have naturally higher Deviancy than normal empires. This is because their維護子個體 jobs are far less efficient than演藝人員 s from normal empires at producing Amenities, and their Deviancy fighting buildings do not have upgrades. Because of these extra management hurdles, Gestalt Consciousness empires are not recommended for inexperienced players. - However, as a result of being a gestalt consciousness, there is no need for
消費品 , which may simplify the game. In the case of機械智能 empires, they also do not have to worry about食物 , simplifying resources down further into only能量幣 ,礦物 , and合金 .
權力制度[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Authority is the archetype of government that the empire exercises and defines how power is concentrated within the empire. Its primary purpose is to determine how often the leadership changes, i.e. how often a player can take advantage of a powerful ruler or must cope with a weak one.
普通權力制度[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
There are 4 regular Authorities available and each comes to a different way to elect the next empire ruler. They have near to no difference in power level.
民主制 governments hold elections every 10 years with a large candidate pool to decide on a new leader. While you cannot decide how the people vote, you can invest some Influence to support a candidate and increase their winning odds. Each ruler has a Mandate that's a quest to be done, and if it was fulfilled, the empire receives a number of凝聚力 , which boosts their adoption of Traditions. Rulers elected out from their seat return to their previous position. They have a boost to automatic resettlement, which is useful for players that do not wish to move their populations across planets manually. -
寡頭制 governments hold elections every 20 years with a restricted candidate pool but have the option to hold emergency elections at will at any time for 250影響力 . You can also invest some Influence to choose a candidate. Each ruler has an Agenda that's a static empire-wide bonus. The empire can switch to a different Agenda by re-electing the ruler. Rulers elected out from their seat return to their previous position. They additionally gain more影響力 from factions. -
獨裁制 governments hold elections with a restricted candidate pool only upon the ruler's death. You can also invest some Influence to choose a candidate. Each ruler has an Agenda but cannot be freely switched, because they cannot start an emergency election. Since their government is relatively smaller than others, their empires have less Empire Sprawl. -
帝制 governments don't hold elections, instead they have hereditary rulers and the next ruler is a designated heir. Each ruler has an Agenda but cannot be switched, and because of the nature of hereditary, the next ruler cannot be elected based on their Agenda, and they additionally have access to an additional法令 .
Note that having your empire ruler being the leader of a Faction drastically increases the empire-wide ethic attraction of the faction's ethic, which may be undesirable if it was an opposite ethic of your governing ethic.
蜂巢思維[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
只可用於 Utopia DLC 已啟用。 |
機械智能[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
只可用於 Synthetic Dawn DLC 已啟用。 |
企業政府[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
只可用於 MegaCorp DLC 已啟用。 |
國民理念[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Civics are the principles and ideas the empire's government was founded on, and provide bonuses that permit players to tailor their empires toward a preferred strategy. Possibilities range from general bonuses such as
Like Ethics, Civics can be picked by their sheer power or purely by the role-play needs or personal tastes, while Civics with "Cannot do something" or "Cannot be added or removed after game start" entries usually result in a restrictive or advanced playstyle. It is recommended to pick Civics with easy-to-understand bonuses while learning how the various systems of the game work.
推薦的國民理念[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
裝飾[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
The empire's name and adjective used by the in-game text. If the player's species name and government type have been decided on, the game will suggest names with those factors in mind.
Empire flags consist of a primary color, a secondary color, background design, and sigil. While all are purely cosmetic, the primary color also determines the color of the empire's territory in the Galaxy view, as well as model decorations such as engine trails.
艦船[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:艦船
Ship Appearance: The appearance of ships are again cosmetic and serves to finish the look of the empire. Some of the lighting effects on the ships are determined by the empire's primary color in the Flag section.
Ship design is handled in game, and as a general rule, specializing in only one type of ship weaponry is not particularly recommended. Diversifying the fleet's weaponry and defenses will allow it to effectively combat different builds of ships. Additional weapon types and upgrades are available for research and should be fully unlocked by the mid-game at the latest.
用戶界面[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:用戶界面
Stellaris' interface, also called graphical user interface (GUI or simply UI), serves to inform the player of all of the game's happenings and events. This section will briefly describe the interface and the more critical components of it.
The UI of Stellaris is similar to previous PDS games: mainly menus and sub-menus containing any relevant information and actions pertaining to the objects the player selects. Navigating such an interface can appear daunting at first, but all the information is organized logically and players will become intimately familiar with the UI after a few minutes of play. It is strongly recommended that the player uses the in-game tutorials to fully familiarize themselves with the UI, although this section will serve as a brief overview for those seeking a quicker briefing. Like other PDS games, nearly everything in Stellaris has a tooltip with it - if something is unclear for the player, hovering over the button (or icon, statistic, etc.) will explain in detail what it is, what it does, and why it is like that.
In the top left corner of the screen is the empire's emblem; clicking on it will take the player to the Government screen, from which they can view how the empire is doing economically and culturally, as well as reform its government entirely. Below it is a menu that shows contacts, your empire's situation log, the market, sectors, the expansion planner, and more. You can lock or unlock the menu at the bottom of it using the lock symbol. The default setting is that it is unlocked.
Also on the top of the screen are the player's currently available resources, as well as how much of a resource the player gains or loses each month. These resources are, from left to right,
In the top right corner is the game clock, displayed as a date starting with January 1, 2200. The game begins with time paused, and the player may press the Spacebar (by default) or click the pause button to start or stop advancing time. The game has five unpaused speeds - Slowest, Slow, Normal, Fast, and Fastest - which can be switched between using the plus and minus buttons off to the side or by pressing the plus (+) and minus (-) keys. The clock's pause button should not be confused with the pause button for the music player, which lies just below.
Along the bottom of the upper bar, notifications will appear alerting the player to different events occurring across the galaxy. Most will disappear over time, but the player can also right-click on these notifications to dismiss them manually.
To the right of the screen is the Outliner, through which the player can interact with almost all of the empire's major assets. "Sectors" shows the sectors in your empire. After clicking open the sectors tab it opens the names of each of the sectors in your empire. Clicking open those sectors will show the planets in the sector. "Shipyards" shows a list of Starbases that contain shipyard modules. "Starbases" contains a list of all stations that have been upgraded to a minimum of Starbase, as well as a descriptor of its type (Trade Hub, Anchorage, Bastion, etc.) based on the modules built in it, and a firepower rating. "Military Fleets" shows the number of ships in each fleet as well as the fleet's estimated power level. "Civilian Ships" lists all of the empire's science, construction, and colony vessels. Finally, "Factions" displays the empire's factions, their happiness scores, and the number of pops affiliated with them. Left-clicking on any of these items will either select it or bring up a menu to interact with it.
Along the bottom left lies the system name and a button to zoom out to the galaxy map if you are in a system, and a number of buttons used outside of the main gameplay loop, such as system settings, help, and chat for multiplayer games.
基本的遊戲概念[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
作為一個混合4x和大戰略類型遊戲,Stellaris '遊戲圍繞著經典4x概念(探索,擴張,開發,征服),同時提供更深層次的外交和治理方案。本節將幫助入門玩家了解新的這些概念和經驗豐富的策略遊戲玩家熟悉Stellaris。
探索[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:探索
Space is vast and mysterious, and it is only natural to want to explore it and discover its secrets. In Stellaris, players use science ships to accomplish this, and all players begin with one staffed by a scientist. Although players can see the number of planets in any system they've uncovered as well as potentially habitable ones, it is the job of the science ship to survey celestial bodies, identify exploitable resources and enable colonization, as well as to analyze any anomalies found during their surveys.
The player's home system starts off completely surveyed, and as such, one should task their science vessels with surveying nearby star systems. Players should also consider making a second science ship as soon as they have the resources for it, and seek to maintain as many science ships as necessary to complete the player's goals. Additionally, science ships can be used to perform Assist Research on a planet in your empire. This enables the ship to give a boost to the research output of the planet, depending on the scientist's rank.
During their surveys, science ships have a chance of encountering an anomaly. Anomalies often trigger interesting events when analyzed. The time it takes to analyze an anomaly depends on the relative rank/level of the scientist compared to the anomaly's level, with it being 120 days when they're the same, down to just 20 days if the scientist is 9 levels above and up to 16 years if 9 levels below. Since anomalies do not disappear until they have been analyzed, leaving a high-level anomaly alone until the scientist has gained enough levels is a perfectly fine strategy, as leveling up a scientist and then analyzing a high-level anomaly generally takes less time than analyzing it just after discovering it. Logistics involving anomalies can be fiddly at times; they are not analyzed automatically, although a ship already surveying a system can investigate an anomaly it just found and then continue with its survey without the need for extra input. Some anomalies also spawn special projects that require a scientist's presence, sometimes of a certain level. Science ships do not do these projects on their own, and should players wish to undertake these projects, they should do so before the ship leaves the system, or assign another science ship to follow up.
For players who enjoy exploring the galaxy and conducting research, To Boldly Go in the Discovery traditions tree is an excellent early game choice for discovering and successfully analyzing anomalies.
恆星基地[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
As the player explores the galaxy, they will almost certainly uncover systems that are either rich in resources that unfortunately lie outside of their empire's borders or contain a habitable planet that the empire can colonize. Empires can neither extract resources from systems they do not control nor can they colonize planets in them, and therefore have to expand their territory and lay claim to said star systems in order to be able to extract resources or colonize planets in them. This is done by constructing a Starbase in the system.
Starbases are built with construction ships in orbit of the star of an unclaimed system. There are two main variants of a Starbase, an Outpost and an actual Starbase. An Outpost, described below, does not count toward your faction's Starbase Limit and serves no real function aside from designating system ownership. A normal Starbase on the other hand, which is created by upgrading the Outpost, does count toward your Starbase limit but it can, in exchange, house a multitude of different Buildings and Modules that serve various different purposes. Starbases have a base cost of 100
Outposts work best when they can "capture" systems with abundant resources or colonizable planets. Research deposits are also especially appealing locations. Players are likely to find at least one mineral-rich system lying outside of their borders, an excellent location for a first outpost.
For players who enjoy the prospect of colonizing multiple worlds over the course of the game, traditions from the Expansion tree will prove useful. The tree contains traditions to ease the economic and time burdens incurred by colonization and construction of frontier outposts. Notably, Reach for the Stars and Galactic Ambition both decrease the
殖民[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:殖民
Colonizing a planet takes quite a bit of resources to do and all subsequent development even more so. Each planet in the galaxy has a specific climate determining the habitability of an empire's species and a size value anywhere between 10 and 25 which, along with planetary features, dictates the maximum number of districts it can support. Planets can also occasionally have modifiers on them that can affect the colonists and their productivity.
To colonize a planet, empires must first construct a colony ship at a Starbase that has a Shipyard. Depending on the empire's government type Colony ships will have a differing build cost and typically take a year to build. Once built, the colony ship then needs to fly to a habitable planet in a star system with (at least) an outpost, land, and then take another year establishing a foothold on the planet.
Colonization is expensive on multiple fronts and thus players should plan ahead on when and where to expand their empire. After habitability and availability, planets with a size of at least 16 are typically good colony candidates, although strategic considerations should also be taken into account -- e.g. resource richness, proximity to other empires and what planetary features the planet has. Since starbases can be built up to serve as powerful defensive emplacements in the early game, warmongering players could build an outpost near a potential enemy's borders, set up a colony, build up the system's starbase and then use said starbase and the colony as a forward base for their operations.
Although on average only a third of the available planets will have high enough habitability as to not suffer large penalties in amenity and housing usage (least 60-70% habitability for the empire's main species), to maintain game-balance all empires in the galaxy start the game with a number of habitable planets near their borders. While this ensures that no empire gets doomed out of the gate with their spawn location, if multiple empires with similar homeworlds happen to spawn in the same cluster as each other, losing the opening "land grab" can severely hamper an empire's midgame performance (and conversely, stealing another empire's starting habitable worlds will make them much weaker). Scouting early and building the first outpost in a timely manner will usually suffice to keep players from losing out too much in this respect (unless, of course, they plan to take planets by force).
挑選星系建造哨站[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Planets differ mainly by habitability and size and which of these two should be your primary focus depends on the Empire you are planing on playing. Habitability is important if you are going for a high happiness build (as lower habitability gives a happiness penalty) or if you want rapid population growth. Size is important because it determines the maximum number of districts a colony can support. Having a large number of planets (regardless of habitability and sizes) can be useful for gathering minerals and energy credits to fuel fleets.
Other things worth considering:
- Planetary features - Planets have random features that determine the number of Districts it can support. You should focus on colonizing planets that can support a large number of Districts most needed by your empire in the short term, or long term. Certain planets can also have rare features that are a great boon.
- Planetary modifiers - There are over 20 planetary modifiers for some planets, visible as big circles on top of planetary surface screen. They impact yields (for example "Mineral rich" increases extracted mineral yields by 25%) or population in positive or negative way. Some of them are fairly minor, but others have a huge impact.
- Blockers - Almost all uninhabited planets have some Blockers. Blockers are "natural obstacles" randomly generated on tiles and preventing them from being colonized, developed and exploited. They vary from toxic swamps to volcanoes, and each Blocker type has a corresponding technology which can be used to clear it - for a cost in minerals and energy. In the early game, when you have neither proper technology nor resources enabling you to remove Blockers, you should avoid colonizing planets very densely covered in them, as you won't be able to properly develop them for a long time. However, by mid to late game, Blockers become more and more insignificant obstacles and you shouldn't worry about them.
- Political location of a planet - If you build outposts in systems too close to alien empires, they may be very distressed of you suddenly expanding your imperial borders close to them, and declare you a rival or even declare a war. There is a negative "Border friction" modifier in diplomacy when two empires aggressively expand near each other. You should be very careful about colonizing planets near to Fallen Empires borders, especially if they are Xenophobic - and keep an eye out for Gaia Worlds marked by the Holy Guardians, as well. That said, sometimes proximity is a benefit rather than a drawback: one can easily "hem in" an empire to cut off their expansion.
Later in the game, choosing what planet to colonize isn't that big of a challenge as you will presumably have enough spare resources and technology to cope with any natural obstacles and shortages. However, early game prioritization of good planets is very important. Consider these three potential colony planets:
- A large planet with 3/4 of its features covered by Blockers.
- A planet possessing an irradiated modifier which makes pops grow very slowly and unhappily.
- A modestly sized planet that also has decent resources and tiles mostly free from obstacles.
Under these circumstances, you should consider colonizing number 3. However, the right choice isn't always that obvious.
For example, option 1 has more room for growth, which is important, as this is going to be your first colony, and thus probably be the largest (aside from your homeworld, of course). Additionally, as long as enough of each district is available to get you through the early game without being hindered, you'll be able to delay clearing the blockers until you can easily afford it.
開採資源[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:經濟
資源在 Stellaris 中分為三類:
Basic resources are global assets shared throughout the empire and can be viewed at the top of the screen at any time. With the exception of research, all resources have an upper limit on how much the empire can have stockpiled of that resource at a time. The amount of resource will be displayed in yellow if it is at capacity, and any further gains to that resource are usually forfeit until the level comes down. A resource will be displayed in red if there is a deficit. There are numerous resources in the game, below are the more common:
能量幣 are the currency of choice in the galaxy and are used to recruit Leaders, operate buildings, maintain ships, establish colonies, clear out tile blockers, negotiate deals and more. Energy production can be increased by constructing Generator Districts on planets and setting up mining stations in space. -
礦物 are used primarily to build things - Armies, Buildings, Districts, mining and research stations, and a lot of other things that the empire needs to grow and prosper are paid for in minerals. The empire can also use them as bargaining chips in trade deals and to maintain standards of living for its pops. Minerals can be obtained by building Mining Districts and Mining stations. -
食物 is used to feed populations and maintain population growth across the empire. Food surpluses can be used to accelerate population growth, while an exhausted food bank will cause shortage and starvation, resulting in extremely harmful effects to the empire's populace overall. Food can be produced in Agriculture Districts, grown in hydroponic farms, and to a limited degree, made on Starbases by installing a Hydroponics Bay building on the starbase. -
消費品 is an advanced resource that represents the various gadgets, luxuries, and goods necessary to give your pops a good life and to perform intellectual jobs such as research. Consumer goods are used to maintain the Living Standards of a population, generate Amenities and perform complex jobs like Research. Only non-格式塔意識 (except失控機仆 ) empires have access to consumer goods. Consumer goods are made by Industrial Districts, which can have their consumer goods output boosted by building Consumer Goods Buildings, and Ecumenopolis planets have more specialised Industrial Arcology districts allowing for producing massive amounts of them. -
合金 are advanced resources with a military application, which an empire needs to construct Ships and Starbases. Alloys are used for constructing Starbases, Spacefaring Ships, Robot pops, and various Megastructures, and is constantly drained as an upkeep cost of ships and certain jobs. Since they are essential for an empire to survive and expand in space, keep a large stockpile and steady production is strongly advised. Alloys are manufactured by Industrial Districts, which can have their Alloys output boosted by building Alloy Buildings, and Ecumenopolis planets have more specialised Foundry Arcology districts allowing for producuing massive amounts of them. Alloys can also occasionally be found in deep space in limited quantities and extracted by a Mining Station. -
影響力 is a currency representing the political power of the central government, and in its most basic sense is used to get the empire's citizens to do things. Building outposts, endorsing political candidates in elections, enacting edicts and decisions, various diplomatic actions and reforming the empire's government are all done with influence. Influence gain per month can be increased by declaring rivalries, researching Technologies, acquiring certain Traditions and establishing Protectorates, among others, while block amounts of influence can be acquired by finishing events, investigating anomalies, achieving particular war goals, and fulfilling mandates of民主制 leaders. -
凝聚力 represents the cultural progress of the empire as a whole, and is spent on acquiring empire Traditions. Unity is generated at a flat rate with capital buildings and monuments, but production can also be scaled with certain ethics, civics, and unique buildings. When unity reaches capacity, the empire gets to select a tradition to adopt, with the unity requirement going up for each subsequent tradition. With the Utopia DLC, this eventually leads to the empire acquiring Ascension Perks that ultimately define its endgame goals and potential ultimate fate (if going down one of the three ascension paths). - The three branches of research -
物理學研究 ,社會學研究 , and Engineering - are each separate resources that are used to research technology for the empire. Raw science output can be increased by constructing science labs and research stations, and sometimes blocks of research can be earned as rewards for analyzing anomalies, scanning debris, and completing projects.
Additionally, there are multiple Advanced Strategic Resources that can be found, mined, or produced in some way or another.
In addition to these basic resources, there are also various
When it comes to producing resources planet-side, this is accomplished by building an appropriate district or constructing a building. Every District and Building generates Jobs which, once filled by an eligible pop, will produce resources. The amount of districts as well as the number of different district types a planet can support depends on what planetary features and modifiers the planet has. One planet might have planetary modifiers that give it the ability to support a large amount of Generator Districts while another planet might have the potential to become a very lucrative Mining Planet. See the Planetary management article for more details.
Most of the player's early game decisions will be limited by the number of resources they have and can produce. A player's citizens on your planets are referred to as "Pops" (i.e. Population units) and are most important in determining the output of your planet(s). Players should prioritize growing Pops and expanding in the early game to maximize Pops thus maximizing resources gathered and gained. Additionally, in the early game, players should make smart decisions as to where to expand their borders with Starbases /outposts, in such a way that will add a net positive to their empire. Additionally, players looking to build tall (i.e. fewer colonies with more pops across them) might consider prioritizing research and unity, as the upkeep of leaders and the cost of technologies and traditions begins to scale up once the player's empire has gone above the "Administrative Capacity."
Systems containing 3+
Once the basic needs of the empire are met, the next goal for the player is to increase their overall production across all basic resources. Some players will find this task is easily handled by specializing their planets in one or two specific resources each. Since
Players should strive to keep their research incomes as balanced as possible across all three fields to ensure no tech research lags behind the others unless the player has a specific goal or playstyle in mind. To achieve this goal, players will construct research labs on planets that will create researcher jobs for pops. Later in the game, the player may decide to specialize in one of the fields to rush appealing technologies for their empire, but for the early and midgame, a balanced load across all fields will keep options open for the late game.
消滅敵人[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Regardless of what the player's ultimate plan is for a game, it is vital that they maintain a capable fleet of combat ships to be able to both attack and defend against foreign aggression. Even in the early stages of the game, the player's empire may find itself under attack from space pirates or hostile aliens; thus having a respectable military presence is of vital importance throughout the campaign.
There are seven types of ships in the game (from smallest to largest): Corvettes, Destroyers, Cruisers, Battleships, Titans, Colossi, and Juggernaut. Each empire starts the game with the blueprints for Corvettes as well as a fleet of three Corvettes, along with a starbase with a Shipyard module for constructing more of them. Researching the appropriate Engineering technologies will unlock blueprints for building ever-larger ships; Destroyers, Cruisers, Battleships, and Titans in that order. Colossi, on the other hand, are unlocked via a special Ascension Perk and the associated Special Project. The Ship Designer menu (F9 by default) allows players to custom-build each classification of ships using techs they have unlocked over the course of the game. Each classification of ship takes up 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16
Every empire will have a "Naval Capacity." This number is a soft cap and represents the total empire-wide naval size that a player can have without incurring increased upkeep costs on its ships. Naval Capacity can be expanded through research, traditions, or building the appropriate Naval Capacity increasing buildings on a player's starbases and planets. Military Fleets have a "fleet command limit" which represents the size and complexity an admiral is capable of commanding. It is a hard cap on the number of ships able to be organized in one fleet and can be increased through traditions, technologies, and the
In addition to military spaceships, the empire can also militarize its starbases by installing the appropriate Buildings and Modules on them as well as building Defense Platforms to defend the starbase from attacks. A fully fortified starbase with a full complement of Defense Platforms can command enough military power to rival even entire fleets; backing it up with a fleet of your own can create an almost unbreakable defense.
For each ship design, the player must first decide on which section(s) to use for the ship's hull. Each section provides a number of weapon slots, used for attacking enemy ships, and utility slots, used for defensive systems and power. These slots typically come in one of four sizes - mall, edium, arge, and etra large - although there are also some special types of slots used for oint-defense modules, angars for drones and other strike craft, uxiliary systems, uided weapons like missiles and torpedoes, itan weapons to put on Titan-sized ships, and orld destroyer weapons for Colossi. Each ship contains space for five subsystems - one each for an FTL module, combat computer, thrusters, a reactor, and sensors. Defense Platforms do not have FTL drives or Thrusters.
Each ship runs on Power, supplied to it by the ship's reactor and the reactor boosters in the auxiliary slots. Almost every module that is not armor or a reactor drains the ship's total available Power, which must be at least 0 in order for the design to be usable. In general, components in larger slots deal more damage, have longer ranges, and/or absorb more damage, but also consume more Power, cost more
The are three main weapon types in Stellaris and they are specialized in their own ways, with each one having its own set of strengths and weaknesses:
- Energy weapons (lasers, lances, plasma throwers) have the best armor penetration modifiers out of all the weapon types and are very accurate, but have a somewhat limited short range and, with the exception of disruptors, deal reduced damage to shielded targets.
- Kinetic weapons (mass drivers, artillery, autocannons) are excellent at destroying shields and have a good range, but are somewhat inaccurate and deal reduced damage against armor.
- Explosive weapons (missiles, torpedoes, rockets) are 100% accurate and track enemy ships, meaning their damage is unavoidable and they can roll for higher damage than other weapon types, but they must travel to hit their target and can be shot down by strike craft, flak, and point-defense, negating their damage completely if that happens.
There are also four defensive statistics associated with each ship:
- Evasion shows the probability that the ship avoids all damage from a single shot of an enemy weapon.
- Shields act as the first line of defense on the ship. They can absorb a limited amount of damage before they deactivate for recharging.
- Armor acts as the second line of defense on the ship and protects the ship's hull from any incoming damage that made it past the shields. It is usually sturdier than shields but cannot normally be repaired without docking the ship at a level 2 starbase or higher.
- Hull points are the last layer of defense a ship has and signifies the amount of damage dealt to the ship itself. If the hull points reach 0, the ship will be destroyed no matter what. Hull points also cannot be normally repaired without docking the ship at a level 2 starbase or higher.
If the builds of the enemy ships are known, it is fairly simple to construct and adapt ship designs to hard counter them. For example, if the enemy is using ship designs of battleships with a lot of armor and explosive weapons, then an equivalently powerful fleet of destroyers with point-defense modules and energy weapons will probably make short work of them.
When viewing a fleet in-game, players can see the fleet's estimated power, as well as its composition below it (with one diamond representing corvettes, two for destroyers, and so on). It is important to remember that the fleet's power is an estimation of their strength only; a less "powerful" fleet equipped appropriately is entirely capable of contending with more powerful fleets in battle.
Selecting a fleet - whether it be directly or through the Outliner - will bring up a detailed view of all ships within it, and allow the player to issue commands, as they might do with civilian ships. While learning the basics of fleet logistics is not too difficult, some of the more important tasks for the player to be familiar with include splitting and merging, repairing, upgrading, and reinforcing.
研究[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:科技
Technologies in Stellaris are divided into three different branches of study:
Rather than a conventional tech tree, Stellaris uses a deck-of-cards system for determining what technologies are available for research. When selecting a new technology to research, the game randomly selects three technologies the player has met the prerequisites for, and the player may pick any one of them as their new project. The number of techs presented at any given time can be increased by certain techs and Civics (e.g. Self-Aware Logic or Science Division Discovery tradition). If a player is unsure of what they have researched in the past, the Researched button at the top of the Technology window will list all of the techs the player has completed research on.
There are five major categories of technology in Stellaris, beyond the typical separations by branch.
- Starting technologies are technologies that the empire begins the game with, and includes base-level buildings, ship components, spaceports, and ships.
- Acquired technologies are technologies the empire has some understanding of from events or debris analysis but needs to continue research on to fully comprehend it. Acquired techs are surrounded by an orange border and are listed below the standard deal of technologies given to the player when they select a new project.
- Rare technologies are given a purple banner and are very uncommon compared to other technologies available to the player at the time.
- Dangerous technologies are given a red banner and are projects that could bring about an endgame crisis (more about that later).
- Repeatable technologies are given a golden border around the tech's picture and are technologies that can be researched multiple times by an empire for a flat bonus to something each time it is completed at the cost of them becoming more expensive every time.
When researching technology, it is important for the player to balance efficiency with usefulness. While some players may be excited to research a high-end tech earlier than usual, the extreme amount of time it could take means it may be wiser to pass on the opportunity and research some easier, cheaper, more short-term useful techs for the empire instead.
Some special projects in the galaxy may also require one of the empire's research scientists to break from their normal duties and research something else. A common example is the empire's
Finally, players should not worry themselves with maintaining perfect uptime when it comes to ensuring research scientists are always researching something. If a branch is not actively researching anything, then any points accumulated for that branch are placed in a pool instead of going to waste. When that branch has a new project, those pooled points are gradually credited towards that project, accelerating its progress. This system allows players to manage their research without needing to pause the game every time a project is completed.
傳統[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:傳統
As the player empire gains
Traditions are typically adopted to define and/or reinforce an empire's playstyle - e.g. a
- Expansion traditions aim to get cheaper starbases and new colonies fully operational in less time than usual, meaning that the first few traditions will appeal to most empires in the early game, including those looking to build tall as opposed to wide. This is generally one of the best traditions to start with.
- Discovery traditions all help to bolster the empire's science division, and To Boldly Go is an excellent choice for those who enjoy exploring and taking advantage of anomalies in the systems they survey. Afterwards, Planetary Survey Corps will provide a nice boost to early game research as the empire continues to survey systems.
- Domination traditions are focused on various aspects of planetary management (Governor and Ruler level cap) and playing tall. It doubles down on Authoritarian effects of Influence (finisher), worker/slave output (Vassal Acculturation), and reduced crime (Fleet Levies) to help with unrest.
- Prosperity traditions seek to strengthen the empire's economy. Adopting this branch decreases the construction and upkeep cost of districts & buildings, improves specialist jobs, and increases the effects of all city districts.
- Harmony traditions seek to improve the empire's population as a whole and can be used to offset any negative traits or penalties the empire's founder species suffer from. The tree's adoption bonus and Mind and Body are both excellent counterbalances to the
孤僻 and快節奏 traits respectively. - Adaptability traditions seek to enhance the empire's utilization of planets, such as food output, habitability, and building slots.
- Mercantile traditions are focused on improving an empire's trade value, and can unlock access to trade policies.
- Diplomacy traditions aim to make cooperation with other empires easier, enabling the formation of federations and increasing available envoys.
- Supremacy traditions primarily focus on the empire's military strength and is very useful for aggressive and militaristic empires intent on conquering large swathes of territory from other empires and establishing galactic hegemony through military might. However, even defensive-minded empires with no aspirations for conquest can still benefit from the these traditions, including the
政策 War Doctrines policies it unlocks. - Unyielding traditions conversely bolster the empire's defenses, increasing the capacity and effectiveness of starbases, while Bulwark of Harmony can be helpful for fighting in defensive wars.
- Subterfuge traditions improve an empire's espionage and counter-espionage capabilities.
- Synchronicity traditions are exclusively available to
格式塔意識 empires to better optimize their drones and leaders, reducing their upkeep, as well as increasing edict capacity and stability. - Versatility traditions are exclusively available to
機械智能 empires to enhance the efficiency of their network, including some diplomatic bonuses.
領袖[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:領袖
Leading an empire to interstellar glory is not a one-person job. Empires must assemble their top minds, commanders, and politicians to work together to stand a chance in becoming the ultimate force in the galaxy.
All leaders have a skill level, ranging from 1 to 5 by default, which signifies how experienced the leader is in their role. Certain traits, civics, technologies, traditions, and ascension perks can increase this skill level cap all the way to 10. As they perform their duties, leaders will gradually accrue experience points, ultimately resulting in them gaining a skill level. Leaders also have individual traits (both positive and negative) that determine their aptitudes and abilities. New traits can be gained from events and through leveling up.
The Leader screen lists all the non-ruler leaders in the player's empire. To recruit a leader, empires must spend
There are five types of leaders in Stellaris:
- The empire's ruler oversees all of the empire's operations, and are regularly changed out depending on the empire's authority structure. Although there is no way for rulers to gain experience, civics like
哲人王 can grant them extra levels. Each level provides an empire-wide影響力 discount to edicts and a boost to凝聚力 per month. - Governors are in charge of sectors, managing their citizens, enacting planetwide edicts, and providing various bonuses to the sector overall. Governors put on a core world will be the governor of all core worlds. Experienced governors quell unrest on the planet, as well as clear blockers and construct buildings faster with every skill level. Civics like
貴族精英 can grant them more skill levels. - Scientists conduct research for the empire, command science ships, and execute special projects. Higher-level scientists conduct research faster and can investigate anomalies more quickly. Traits like
天生物理學家 ,天生社會學家 ,天生工程師 and聰慧 synergize well with high level scientists, acting as a multiplying force for the enhanced researchers working under them. - Admirals command the empire's fleets, granting the ships they manage boosts based on their level and traits.
- Generals lead the empire's armies, boosting them based on their level and traits.
前期遊戲[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Once players are familiar with the different systems in Stellaris and how they interact with one another, it's time to begin thinking strategically and planning the empire's future. Creating and honing a strong early game routine will make games all the more enjoyable, knowing that the empire will be off to a good start economically, socially, and militarily. In this section, we discuss a few general guidelines new players should adhere to as they begin their journey into the stars.
Before we begin, let us quickly go over the empire's starting assets when loading a new game. The player can expect to have:
- The initial ruler they designed at the creation of the empire
- A decently sized but procedurally generated homeworld with 100% habitability and 28 Pops working 5 buildings. These buildings include a Planetary Administration and buildings for Research, consumer goods, Administrative Capacity, and Alloys.
- A level 2 outpost (and thus a starbase) orbiting the homeworld's star, outfitted with a Shipyard (and thus able to produce military ships) and a trade hub
- Three corvettes
- A construction ship and a science ship, the latter coming with a free scientist at the helm
- Three more scientists - one for each branch of the empire's research efforts
- A governor supervising the homeworld's operations and citizens
- A reserve of 100
能量幣 , 100礦物 , 200食物 , 100消費品 , 100合金 , 100影響力 , and 0凝聚力 .
收集天體上的資源[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:Construction
During the start of the game, players are advised to send their science ships to survey their neighboring systems. As mentioned earlier in the guide, some celestial bodies contain deposits of resources such as
研究異常現象[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:Surveying
When the science ships are surveying celestial bodies, there is a chance for an anomaly to be encountered. The anomaly may be investigated by science ships and the outcome of the investigation is always a success, although the time it takes diminishes for a scientist with a higher skill level. A special project may appear once the investigation of the project is complete. Players may also be granted a relatively large amount of research points, minerals or energy credits. Many anomalies present a dilemma, whose outcomes can provide an even further rewards. The benefits of early exploration of neighboring systems means that it can be advantageous to create a second or third science ship early on.
建立殖民地[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Eventually, players will need to colonize other habitable planets to acquire resources for the means to expand their empire geographically and technologically. Colonization is done by sending colony ships to habitable planets that are surveyed and located in star systems with (at least) an outpost built. The colonization process requires a colony ship, there is an initial build cost (Energy/Alloys/Food) and beware the additional upkeep cost (8 energy per month) that lasts until the colony is established. Players are not required to research additional technologies to colonize planets with a different world type. However, there may be "Tile Blockers" such as Toxic Kelp or Dangerous Wildlife, that require technology to be researched in order to be cleared and access to the resources and districts underneath. The housing and amenities usage is increased by the difference between 100% and the planet's habitability (2x usage at 0% habitability, 1.5x at 50%, etc.). Usually, the game puts 2 habitable planets (matching world type - so base 80% habitability) near your starting system (unless Tomb/Gaia world) to help kickstart your campaign.
擴大殖民地[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Your new planet will take time to settle.
Once the colony is established, it will be added to a sector automatically if it is within 4 hyperlane jumps of an existing sector capital or belong to none if the next sector capital is more than 4 jumps away. The colony can only receive governor benefits if they belong to a sector and the sector has a governor assigned. Depending on their bonuses, the governor will give different benefits to the planets in the sector they have been assigned to manage.
In the beginning, a colony has only one pop working in one building, the Reassembled Ship Shelter. It is a temporary shelter and you can only build basic buildings and districts until you have a proper Administration building. However, Administration requires the planet to have 10 population units.
There are few ways to quickly increase the population of a new colony to 10:
- Enable the Nutritional Plenitude edict
- Force resettlement, if your policies allow
- Build robots - they count towards required 10 population units, and grow independently from organic pops, effectively doubling growth
Once you finally hit 10 population units, you may upgrade the ship shelter to an Administration Center, and build advanced buildings and upgrades. At 40 pops (and 80 pops) the Administration Center can be upgraded further to unlock more advanced infrastructure and options.
行星發展[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
A newly colonized planet will have a weak production as the population of the planet will be low, and thus the output will be low. A planet’s population will grow over time and the growth rate can be boosted with edicts, technology, decisions, and buildings. All pops must have a job or they will become unemployed, thus contributing to higher crime, lower stability, and increased usage of planetary resources. Jobs are created by creating generator/mining/agriculture districts and/or creating buildings in an available building slot that is unlocked at higher populations. With regards to generator/mining/agriculture districts, they produce the same number of jobs as housing whereas City districts produce more housing than jobs (5 housing, 1 job), so they are a suitable source of housing for pops that work buildings (though this is affected by Traditions, Ethics and Policies). It is recommended to grow a colony's population as quickly as possible all the while making sure the needs of the pops are met, such as employment, housing, and amenities. One strategy a player might use is resettling pops from the player's homeworld to the new colony to boost the initial population and open building slots. As with most things in Stellaris, this will give a boost but also comes with a price. Resettling costs energy credits to do and your homeworld can get a growth de-buff from the pops leaving. Additionally, a player should be sure that the new colony has the housing, jobs, and amenities to support the influx of new pops. The bottom line is this, more pops equals more production. Happy pops equals more production. Take care of your pops.
維持強大軍事[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:艦船設計器
As with most space 4X games, keeping a strong military presence is vital as it will deter potential attacks. In Stellaris, this statement is true as players may encounter other space-faring empires that have hostile intent or space monsters which are hostile. Therefore, keeping a strong military presence allows for players to defend against attacks should they get themselves into war.
In order to maintain a powerful space fleet, one has to have the ability to build ships. This is accomplished by building Starbases and outfitting them with Shipyards and Anchorages.
There are 7 types of military ships in Stellaris:
- Corvette
- Destroyer
- Cruiser
- Battleship
- Titan
- Colossus
- Juggernaut
Players may use the in-game ship designer to customize and create unique ship designs and construct them at the spaceports.
Furthermore, the player may upgrade existing starbases to higher levels to increase their offensive and defensive capabilities. Starbases big enough to do so can carry offensive or defensive auras which can be important in a battle. Players are advised to construct such starbases in vital systems to defend against enemy attacks.
In addition to maintaining a powerful navy, one must also not forget about their planetary forces. Recruiting armies and stationing them on planets that need them as well as building up defensive infrastructure planetside can help bolster one's defensive capabilities noticeably.
與其他帝國互動[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
遭遇外星生命[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
As science ships are out into the void exploring the stars, they will inevitably encounter alien life forms. The alien life forms that players can encounter are divided into 5 types:
- Space Monsters
- Pre-FTL or Pre-Sentient species
- Fallen Empires
- Space-Faring Empires
- Marauders
Upon first contact, a mission is started that requires Envoys to establish communications (if possible) with the empire, which can result in various outcomes for your empire. Generally, completing the First Contact mission will establish communications with the empire if they are space-faring, or create a Special Project to investigate space monsters.
There are some exceptions to this. Fallen empires will contact players automatically if their ships venture into their territory. Pre-sentient species and Pre-FTL species are encountered by science ships which are surveying celestial bodies.
外交[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:Diplomacy
After establishing communications, players may access the Diplomacy screen. From there, they will be able to:
- See your Intel level on the empire, and perform espionage. Intel is required in order to see details about the empire, including their borders, relative strength, and the reasons why they may or may not like you.
- Perform various diplomatic actions, such as guaranteeing the empire's independence, creating Research or
商業協議 s, or signing防禦條約 s. These actions will also increase the intel levels towards each empire, and will increase the empire's trust towards you thereby increasing their opinion. - Declaring wars and requesting subjugation
- Creating trade deals.
Empires will have an opinion of you depending on your actions, governing ethics or civics, and espionage. Keeping in mind which empires may be more friendly towards you is a good first step.
星海共同體[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:星海共同體
After you or another empire has met 70% of the normal empires in the galaxy, you will be given the option of creating the Galactic Community, which will allow you to pass resolutions affecting all empires. Generally, voting weight is determined by your diplomatic weight (which can be boosted through Diplomatic Stance policies or
After the Galactic Community has been around for 20 years, you can create the Galactic Council, which chooses the most powerful empires and gives them special powers, such as declaring emergency sessions or vetoing resolutions. Reducing the size of the council can give your empire very powerful benefits if used correctly.
只可用於 Nemesis DLC 已啟用。 |
Additionally, an empire that is a member of the council can be nominated to serve as Galactic Custodian, which gives them powers to freeze resolutions, thereby stopping them from being voted on for four years; can end voting sessions that are at least half over; and has a lower cooldown on declaring emergency measures.
Even further, a Custodian may be voted in as the Galactic Emperor, giving them almost total control over the entire galaxy.
成立聯邦[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 主條目:聯邦
Besides the construction and employment of a strong military, empires can also improve its military power through the forming of federations. When an empire declares war upon a member of a federation, other members in the federation enter the war as well. However, if a member of a federation were to declare war, other members will be required to vote for whether the member can make the declaration of war (see declarations of war for more details). There are five federation types each with unique benefits. There are
末期遊戲[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Once players reach the late stages of the game, they should have built an empire with a considerably strong fleet and a strong production of resources. By this stage, players should be pursuing one of the many victory goals present in the game by default. However, the late stage of the game usually involves events that will affect the entire galaxy.
To win Stellaris the player must have the biggest victory score compared to all other empires, including fallen empires.
終末危機[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
As the name implies, an endgame crisis brings about catastrophic results which can affect the entire galaxy. There are several criteria necessary to trigger such events. Besides that, there can only be one endgame crisis in a single game. Some examples of such endgame crisis are listed below:
- The Contingency
- Extra-dimensional Invaders
- Prethoryn Swarm
只可用於 Nemesis DLC 已啟用。 |
Additionally, an empire can choose an
天堂之戰[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
This event is considered special as it is not considered an endgame crisis. This event involves 2 Fallen Empires which have awoken due to reasons unknown and these two superpowers launch a great war against one another, dragging the normal empires into the war as well. However, this event is not guaranteed to occur and the host of the game must have the Leviathans DLC in order for it to happen.
實現烏托邦[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
只可用於 Utopia DLC 已啟用。 |
The Utopia DLC comes with several long-term goals starting in by the middle-game for players to work their empire towards. There are three (mutually-exclusive) species ascension paths, Engineered Evolution (Genetic Strengthening), Mind Over Matter (Psionic Awakening) and The Flesh is Weak (Cybernetic/Synthetic Transformation) as well as the ability to construct ever-larger mega-structures. These represent different destinies of the empire and what kind of mark they leave upon the galaxy's history.
輪迴之終末[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Once an empire has completed the Psionic Ascension Path, interacting with the Shroud can give the opportunity to sign a covenant with the End of the Cycle in the Shroud. This is very rare, with only a 2% chance of occurring, but it will give huge boosts to resource production, research speed, and naval capacity for 50 years. At the end of this period, the reckoning occurs. The player loses all their planets and they become uninhabitable forever. All ships will be destroyed and all pops and leaders will be killed. The player will gain control of a single new planet called Exile with a group of surviving pops and an entity called the "Reckoning" will spawn with a fleet power measuring in the millions. It will kill everything in the galaxy saving the players for last. All empires will have a permanent -1000 opinion of the player for "Bringing the End" and "Doomed us all".
提示[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- 在擴張的同時,記住要注意你的帝國的擴張程度。大多數帝國的擴張會超過管理能力,從而增加研究和維護成本,但玩家應該通過選擇能夠給帝國帶來資源與管理能力等數據增長的擴張方式來減緩這種情形。
- 在遊戲早期投資4-5艘科學船,以了解周圍的情況以及你應該在哪裡擴展。你也可以稍後解散他們。
- 銀河系是個危險的地方。要對付的有太空變形蟲、海盜、掠奪者、敵對派系、起義和巨大的怪物。因此,你應該時刻關注你的軍隊。你應該確保你的軍隊能夠應對你面臨的所有威脅。記住你軍隊的位置。如果你的艦隊位於帝國的一側,那麼他們可能需要花費數年時間才能穿越它並在另一側遇到威脅,而那時威脅可能已經吞噬了你的大片土地。所以最好在銀河系的不同位置放置更多的艦隊。
- 保持好奇心,享受樂趣。玩家應該讓他們的科學船一直保持忙碌。隨著這些飛船繼續探索未知的空間,遊戲的故事將為玩家呈現。
- 記住,在任何時候都要保持不斷的建設,儘量不要讓任何事情閒置。讓科學船建築船等在任何時候都要忙碌,以最大化生產資源,並保持領先於其他帝國。
- 儘量在早期與AI帝國或其他玩家保持良好的外交關係,因為早期的戰爭會阻礙進程,讓其他帝國領先。
參考指南[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]