


Planetary management involves district creation, building construction, and assigning a workforce for resource production to maintain peace and order, manage population growth, and set up garrisons for planetary defense.

Planets are, without a doubt, a vital part of a stellar empire because they provide the overwhelming majority of resources and the population required for an empire to grow and prosper. If a planet is managed properly, it could provide the needs of its populace and the demands of its empire and if an empire has a large collection of prosperous, productive planets within its borders, it can quite easily be seen as a successful empire.

Stability[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Low Stability on a humanoid planet

Stability is a measure of the overall stability of a world, either socio-political or in terms of drone functionality, and is influenced by a large number of factors such as happiness, housing, amenities and crime or deviancy.

Stability effects[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Stability ranges from 0 to 100 and has a base level of 50.

  • Each point of Stability above 50 adds +0.6% 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production resources from jobs, +0.6% Trade value.png Trade Value and +0.4 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull immigration pull.
  • Each point of Stability below 50 adds −1% 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production resources from jobs, −1% Trade value.png Trade Value and +2 迁出推动力 Emigration Push emigration push.
  • At very low Stability, organic pops (excluding 蜂巢思维 Hive-Minded 蜂巢思维Hive-Minded or 精神阉割 Nerve Stapled 精神阉割Nerve Stapled pops) and sentient 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical pops may cause unrest events.

Low stability can give a planet one of the following modifiers once every 2 years. Modifiers that require slaves can be removed instantly by discontinuing slavery.

Modifier Effects Duration Required stability Requires slaves Description
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png Valiant Citizens 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction +33% Governing Ethics Attraction 20 years 25 No.png Despite high Unrest, Pops on this colony banded together to prevent further violence.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Unrest Mod pop ethic shift.png +100% Random Ethic Attraction 20 years 25 No.png Unrest on this colony caused local Pops to become more attracted to a random ethic.
Pm nationalist corruption.pngPm frame 3.png Terror Victims 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction −33% Governing Ethics Attraction 20 years 25 No.png Unrest on this colony caused Pops to be victimized in a terror attack and lose faith in the regime.
Pm nationalist corruption.pngPm frame 3.png Terror Victims (Severe) 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction −75% Governing Ethics Attraction 10 years 25 No.png Unrest on this colony caused Pops to be victimized in a terror attack and lose faith in the regime.
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png Slaves Radicalizing 稳定度 Stability −20 Stability 20 years 40 Yes.png Radical Slave elements are rallying, spreading unrest.
Pm starvation.pngPm frame 3.png Hunger Strike 奴隶人口资源产出 Slave Pop Resource Output −50% Slave pop resource output
食物消耗 Food Consumption −50% Slave Upkeep
5 years 25 Yes.png It's hard to work when you're doubled over from hunger pangs.
Pm slave riots.pngPm frame 3.png Slave Riots 奴隶人口资源产出 Slave Pop Resource Output −1000% Slave pop resource output
人口增长速度 Pop Growth Speed −50% Pop growth speed
陆军建造速度 Army Build Speed −50% Army build speed
行星建造速度 Planetary Build Speed −50% Planetary build speed
10 years 10 Yes.png Slave Riots inhibit population growth.

Rebellion[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

If a colony's stability decreases below 10, a rebellion can take place. If the rebel armies are defeated the world will get +20 稳定度 Stability 稳定度Stability for 10 years. If the rebel armies win the rebel colony will take control of the system's starbase and every other colony present in the system and create a rebel empire with −100 评价 Opinion 评价Opinion. This empire will often be annexed by a hostile empire nearby.

Type Armies Rebel ethics Requirements
Slave Rebellion 2 奴隶部队 Slave Army Slave Armies for every enslaved Pop 极端平等主义 Fanatic Egalitarian 极端平等主义Fanatic Egalitarian Yes.pngPm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png Slaves Radicalizing planet modifier
Rebellion 1 进攻部队 Assault Army 进攻部队Assault Army for every pop Population's current ethics No.pngPm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png Slaves Radicalizing planet modifier

Increasing stability[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Stability can be increased by the following:

Source Stability
Approval (0% to 50%) -50 to 0
Approval (50% to 100%) 0 to +30
格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 舒适度 Amenities 舒适度Amenities (25% to 100%) -50 to 0
格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 舒适度 Amenities 舒适度Amenities (100% to 200%) 0 to +20
住房 Housing 住房Housing(25% to 100%) -20 to 0
帝国首都 Empire Capital 帝国首都Empire Capital +5
殖民者 Colonist Colony (Planet Designation) +5
贵族 Noble 贵族Noble job +2
执法者 Enforcer 执法者Enforcer job +1
拜占庭式官僚 Byzantine Bureaucracy 官僚 Bureaucrat 官僚Bureaucrat job +1
死亡书录官 Death Chronicler 死亡书录官Death Chronicler/Chronicle Drone job +2
士兵 Soldier 士兵Soldier/Warior Drone job with Decision martial law.png/Decision martial law hive.png/Decision martial law machine.png decision +5
突触工蜂 Synapse Drone 突触工蜂Synapse Drone/协调者 Coordinator 协调者Coordinator jobs with Decision satellite in orbit.png Incorporate Artifact Relays decision +2
警察国度 Police State 警察国度Police State civic +5
同甘共苦 Shared Burdens 同甘共苦Shared Burdens civic +5
法令 Edict Information Quarantine edict +5
Tradition harmony utopian dream.png Utopian Dream / Collective Reasoning tradition +5
Tradition icon prosperity.png Prosperity tradition tree (finishing bonus) +5
Sb deep space black site.png Deep Space Black Site starbase building +5
Resolution greater good.png The Greater Good resolution 5 +5
建筑 Building Psi Corps building +5
建筑 Building Governor's Palace building +5
建筑 Building Governor's Estates building +10
和平主义 Pacifist 和平主义Pacifist ethic +5
极端和平主义 Fanatic Pacifist 极端和平主义Fanatic Pacifist ethic +10
灵媒 Psychic 灵媒Psychic governor trait +5
天选之人 Chosen One 天选之人Chosen One governor trait +10
神谕 Oracle 神谕Oracle governor trait +10
Decision deal.png Negotiate with Crime Lords decision +10
D landed dragon.png Feeding Dragon +10

Stability is also increased by +10 on all human player worlds if the game difficulty is set to Cadet and by +5 for all AI player worlds for each difficulty step above Ensign.

Crime and Deviancy[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Crime and Deviancy are measures of the overall level of non-compliance in the population of a world. Crime and Deviancy are produced by any Pop, ranging from 0 at 100% 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness to +2 at 0% 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness. While Unemployment does not increase Crime or Deviancy it can add modifiers that cause them if measures aren't taken. Crime and Deviancy are reduced by certain Jobs as well as Governor leaders. Non-sentient 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical pops in an organic empire and mechanical pops integrated into a 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence empire do not produce crime or deviancy, despite counting as 50% happiness for the purpose of approval rating.

Every year one of the following modifiers can be added as long as the requirements are met. Another modifier cannot be added for the next 10 years. Alternatively 15 破坏度 Devastation 破坏度Devastation can be added instead of a modifier. Once a planet has below 10 Crime or Deviancy all modifiers will be removed after 15 years. The timer is reduced by 50% for each 执法者 Enforcer 执法者Enforcer or 猎寻者子个体 Hunter-Seeker Drone 猎寻者子个体Hunter-Seeker Drone Job. All modifiers are also removed if a planet changes ownership.

Modifier Effects Duration Requirements Description
Criminal Underworld
  • 犯罪与异常 +15 Crime
  • 犯罪与异常 +1 Criminal Job
  • 犯罪与异常 +1 Criminal Job per 33 Crime
Permanent 30 犯罪与异常 犯罪与异常 or Refusing the Increased Benefits modifier This world is home to a large criminal underworld.
Drone Deviancy
  • 犯罪与异常 +15 Deviancy
  • 犯罪与异常 +1 Deviant Drone Job
  • 犯罪与异常 +1 Deviant Drone Job per 33 Deviancy
Permanent 30 犯罪与异常 犯罪与异常 or Refusing the Activity Program modifier This world is home to large communities of deviant drones, who no longer respond to commands from the Hive Mind.
Drone Corruption
  • 犯罪与异常 +15 Deviancy
  • 犯罪与异常 +1 Corrupt Drone Job
  • 犯罪与异常 +1 Corrupt Drone Job per 33 Deviancy
Permanent 30 犯罪与异常 犯罪与异常 or Refusing the Standby Mode modifier This world is home to several networks of deviant and corrupted drone units, who operate outside the established parameters set by the core intelligence.
Center of Drug Trade
  • 犯罪与异常 +30 Crime
  • 犯罪与异常 +3 Criminal Jobs
  • Replaces the Criminal Underworld modifier
Permanent 30 犯罪与异常 犯罪与异常 and Criminal Underworld modifier The world has become a major center of drug trade. Illegal narcotics are being smuggled planetside on a daily basis, with a large segment of the populace being regular users.
Gang Wars
  • 犯罪与异常 +30 Crime
  • 犯罪与异常 +3 Criminal Jobs
  • Replaces the Criminal Underworld modifier
Permanent 30 犯罪与异常 犯罪与异常 and Criminal Underworld modifier The world is currently in the middle of a very destructive gang war between two or more organized crime factions. Heavy fighting is ongoing between the rivaling gangs, with local security forces trapped in the middle.
Mob Rule
  • 犯罪与异常 +30 Crime
  • 犯罪与异常 +3 Criminal Jobs
  • Replaces the Criminal Underworld modifier
Permanent 30 犯罪与异常 犯罪与异常 and Criminal Underworld modifier The world is currently dominated by a single criminal organization. They have infiltrated all layers of society, and little happens here without their involvement or permission.
Crime Boss Arrested 犯罪与异常 −30 Crime 10 years Criminal Underworld modifier An important crime boss was recently arrested on this world, crippling a major criminal organization.
Bribed Officials 稳定度 Stability −20 Stability 10 years Criminal Underworld modifier Several high-ranking officials on this world were recently discovered to have been in the pay of local criminal organizations.
Crime Wave 犯罪与异常 +30 Crime 10 years Criminal Underworld modifier This world is currently experiencing a crime wave.
Smuggler Activity Trade value.png −20% Trade Value 10 years Criminal Underworld modifier An increase in smuggler activity on this world has had a negative impact on profits from trade.
Substance Abuse 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production −20% Resources from Jobs 10 years Criminal Underworld modifier The illegal use of dangerous and highly addictive drugs is widespread on this world.
Cartel War 稳定度 Stability −20 Stability 10 years Center of Drug Trade modifier The powerful drug cartels that have carved up this world between themselves are currently fighting a low-intensity war.
Travel Advisory Trade value.png −20% Trade Value 10 years Gang Wars modifier The violent gang warfare on this world has led to a travel advisory which has greatly diminished the number of visiting traders.
Corrupt Administration 稳定度 Stability −20 Stability 10 years Mob Rule modifier The vast majority of this world's planetary administration was recently revealed to have been in the employ of its dominant crime syndicate.
Protection Racket 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production −20% Resources from Jobs 10 years Mob Rule modifier The mobsters who rule this world have implemented an extensive protection racket.
Trade Pilfering Trade value.png −20% Trade Value 10 years Mob Rule modifier The gangster syndicate ruling this world has assumed control over several spaceports through intermediaries. A large portion of local trade now has to go through them.
Deviant Ringleader Killed 犯罪与异常 −30 Deviancy 10 years Drone Deviancy modifier An important ringleader among the deviant drones of this world was recently terminated.
Deviant Interference 稳定度 Stability −30 Stability 10 years Drone Deviancy modifier Deviant drones are interfering with our facilities on this world.
Corrupt Network Terminated 犯罪与异常 −30 Deviancy 10 years Drone Corruption modifier A virus recently terminated one of the corrupt drone networks on this world.
Drone Signal Interference 稳定度 Stability −30 Stability 10 years Drone Corruption modifier Signals from the corrupted drone networks on this world are interfering with the functionality of our loyal units.

Decisions[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Decisions represent planet-wide undertakings. Most decisions have a cost to be used, either when taking the decision or when agreeing to the deal that made the decision available in the first place. Some decisions also take some time to implement, from a few days up to 10 years; these decisions go into the planet's construction queue, and can be paused and resumed by reordering like other constructions.

Decision Cost Effects Requirements
Decision prospect.png Planetary Prospecting Time.png 180 Days
凝聚力 Unity 250
能量币 Energy Credits 500
Unknown.png Adds a random planetary feature to the planet

Tradition icon adaptability.png Adaptability tradition tree finished
No.png虚空居者 Void Dwellers 虚空居者Void Dwellers
Once per planet
No.png轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 轨道居住站Orbital Habitat
No.png环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World
No.png机械星球 Machine World 机械星球Machine World
No.png蜂巢星球 Hive World 蜂巢星球Hive World
No.png都市星球 Ecumenopolis 都市星球Ecumenopolis

Decision prospect.png Orbital Surveying Time.png 180 Days
凝聚力 Unity 250
能量币 Energy Credits 500
Enables the construction of one of the following types of Habitat district, chosen at random:
  • District mining.png Astro-Mining Bays
  • District hab energy.png Reactor Districts
  • District hab science.png Research Districts
轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 轨道居住站Orbital Habitat with only four district types
适应 Adaptability 适应Adaptability tradition tree finished
虚空居者 Void Dwellers 虚空居者Void Dwellers origin
Decision divine algorithm.png Expand Dayside Infrastructure Time.png 10 Years
能量币 Energy Credits 500
矿物 Minerals 1000
D solar array.png Adds a Dayside Solar Farm planetary feature Pm tidal locked.pngPm frame 2.png Intentionally Tidally Locked planet modifier
One use only
Decision resources.png Transplant Tree of Life Time.png 180 Days
食物 Food 500
D huge tree.png Adds a Tree of Life Sapling planetary feature 生命之树 Tree of Life 生命之树Tree of Life origin
Pm bleak.pngPm frame 3.png No Tree of Life planetary modifier
Decision default.png Project Cornucopia Time.png 180 Days
凝聚力 Unity 250
能量币 Energy Credits 500
D mining tunnels.png Adds a Project Cornucopia planetary feature

工业发展 Industrial Development 工业发展Industrial Development Resolution 5
星海共同体 Galactic Community 星海共同体Galactic Community member
Once per planet
No.png轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 轨道居住站Orbital Habitat
No.png环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World
No.png都市星球 Ecumenopolis 都市星球Ecumenopolis
No.png蜂巢星球 Hive World 蜂巢星球Hive World
No.png机械星球 Machine World 机械星球Machine World

Decision burning settlement.png Consume World Time.png 360 Days

Grants 100-1000 矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals, 100-1000 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys, or a 人口 Pop 人口Pop

  • D gaseous eruption.png Adds 2 Lithoid Devastation blockers
  • 破坏度 Devastation Adds 20 Devastation
  • Destroys a district (if any exists)
  • If reduced to zero districts, the planet will become a shattered world, and all pops will be resettled to the capital.
噬岩者 Terravore 噬岩者Terravore civic
Decision deal.png Settle Crystalline Refugees 影响力 Influence 10

Habitat gains 5 pops with the 居住站偏好 Habitat Preference 居住站偏好Habitat Preference, 虚空居者 Void Dweller 虚空居者Void Dweller, 聪慧 Intelligent 聪慧Intelligent, and Trait docile.png Docile traits.
评价 Opinion +10 with the Crystalline Empire

纵横捭阖 Federations Offer from the Crystalline Empire
轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat Once per Habitat
Decision satellite in orbit.png Upgrade Habitat Time.png 720 Days

影响力 Influence 25
合金 Alloys 1000

行星规模 Planet Size +2 Habitat Size 居住站扩建 Habitat Expansion 居住站扩建Habitat Expansion technology
轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat Size 4 Habitat
0 unbuilt districts
Time.png 1440 Days

影响力 Influence 25
合金 Alloys 1500

高级太空居住站 Advanced Space Habitation 高级太空居住站Advanced Space Habitation technology
轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat Size 6 Habitat
0 unbuilt districts
建筑 Building Habitat Central Control capital building
Decision arctic planet.png Expand Planetary Sea Time.png 720 Days
影响力 Influence 50
能量币 Energy Credits 1000
行星规模 Planet Size +1 Planet Size
Consumes Ice Asteroids or Frozen Worlds
海洋星球 Ocean World 海洋星球Ocean World
水之心 Hydrocentric 水之心Hydrocentric ascension perk
Sb ice mining station.png Starbase with an inactive Ice Mining Station
Planet ocean.png Frozen World or Ice Asteroid
Can be used up to 3 times per planet
File:Decision progenitor empty.png Grow a New Progenitor Time.png 800 Days
食物 Food 400
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts Removes a planetary feature that increases the number of Agriculture Districts
File:D progenitor.png Adds a Progenitor Nest planetary feature
(unrecognized string “progenitor hive” for Template:Icon) Progenitor Hive origin
帝国首都 Empire Capital Hive Capital designation
No.pngFile:D progenitor.png Progenitor Nest planetary feature
File:Decision strip mining.png Strip Mining Time.png 180 Days
影响力 Influence 15
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts Removes a planetary feature that increases the number of Agriculture Districts
File:D prospectorium strip mine.png Adds a Prospectorium Strip Mine planetary feature
File:Specialist tier prospectorium 3 on.png Prospectorium tier 3
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts Planetary feature that gives Agriculture Districts

Terraforming decisions[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The follwoing decisions will terraform the world to a new class.

Decision Cost New class Planetary features Other effects Requirements
Decision arcology project.png Arcology Project Time.png 10 Years
影响力 Influence 200
矿物 Minerals 20000
都市星球 Ecumenopolis 都市星球Ecumenopolis Removed Yes.png Districts are converted based on the current designation
  • 理想城计划 Arcology Project 理想城计划Arcology Project ascension perk
  • District city.png All district slots filled with City Districts or Industrial Districts
  • 地块障碍 Tile Blocker All blockers removed
  • No.png轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 轨道居住站Orbital Habitat
  • No.png环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World
  • No.png环形世界 Ring World Shattered Ring World
Decision arcology project.png Restore Ecumenopolis Time.png 10 Years
影响力 Influence 200
矿物 Minerals 20000
都市星球 Ecumenopolis 都市星球Ecumenopolis Removed
  • D central spire.png Adds a Former Relic World planetary feature
  • Yes.png Districts are converted based on the current designation
  • 遗落星球 Relic World 遗落星球Relic World
  • 反重力工程 Anti-Gravity Engineering 反重力工程Anti-Gravity Engineering technology
  • 地块障碍 Tile Blocker All Blockers removed
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness unless 失控机仆 Rogue Servitor 失控机仆Rogue Servitor
Decision arcology project.png Repair the Shattered Ring Time.png 10 Years
合金 Alloys 10000
环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World No features
  • Yes.png Districts are converted into Segments at a ratio of 5:1
  • 建筑 Building Mineral Purification Plants and Mineral Purification Hubs buildings are removed
  • Planet ringworld.png Shattered Ring World
  • 巨型结构工程 Mega-Engineering 巨型结构工程Mega-Engineering technology
  • 地块障碍 Tile Blocker All Blockers removed
Decision resort colony.png Nu-Baol Life-Seeding None 盖亚星球 Gaia World 盖亚星球Gaia World Kept The planet is populated with 4 和平主义 Pacifist 和平主义Pacifist plantoid pops that have the 农民 Agrarian 农民Agrarian, 合群 Communal 合群Communal, 尊者 Venerable 尊者Venerable, 美味 Delicious 美味Delicious and 缓慢繁殖 Slow Breeders 缓慢繁殖Slow Breeders traits. If the 植物类物种包 Plantoids Species Pack 植物类物种包Plantoids Species Pack DLC is installed, they will also have the 光合作用 Phototrophic 光合作用Phototrophic trait.
  • R baol.png The Last Baol relic activation
  • No.png轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 轨道居住站Orbital Habitat
  • No.png环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World
  • No.png环形世界 Ring World Shattered Ring World
  • No.png都市星球 Ecumenopolis 都市星球Ecumenopolis
  • No.png蜂巢星球 Hive World 蜂巢星球Hive World
  • No.png机械星球 Machine World 机械星球Machine World
  • No.png遗落星球 Relic World 遗落星球Relic World

Planet modifier decisions[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The follwoing decisions each add a permanent or temporary planet modifier.

Decision Cost Duration Modifier effects Requirements
Decision luxuries.png Distribute Luxury Goods 消费品 Consumer Goods 100 per 10 pops
  • (max 1000)
10 Years
  • 舒适度 Amenities +25% Amenities
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +25% Immigration Pull
No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Decision crime.png Launch Anti-Crime Campaign 凝聚力 Unity 250 Until ended
(no cost)
  • 执法者 Enforcer +10 Enforcer Crime Reduction
  • 能量币 Energy Credits +2 Enforcer Upkeep
  • Decision deal.png Negotiate with Crime Lords decision disabled
  • 犯罪与异常 10+ Crime
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.pngDecision deal.png Crime Lord Deal modifier
Decision deal.png Negotiate with Crime Lords 凝聚力 Unity 250 Until ended
  • 稳定度 Stability +10 Stability
  • 犯罪与异常 +50% Crime
  • 犯罪与异常 +2 Criminal job
  • 犯罪与异常 +1 Criminal job per 33 Crime
  • Decision crime.png Launch Anti-Crime Campaign decision disabled
  • Yes.png Prevents crime events

Ending the modifier adds the Broken Crime Lord Deal modifier for 5 years:

  • 稳定度 Stability −10 Stability
  • 犯罪与异常 +1 Criminal job per 33 Crime
  • 犯罪与异常 10+ Crime
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.pngDecision crime.png Anti-Crime Campaign modifier
Decision expel population.png Expel Excess Population 凝聚力 Unity 250 5 Years

Expels enough Pops (max 10) from the planet as refugees to fix the housing shortage

  • 稳定度 Stability −10 Stability
  • 住房 Housing Negative Housing
  • 政策 Policy Allowed Population Controls policy
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.pngPm expel population.pngPm frame 3.png Population Expelled modifier
Decision politics.png Declare Population Controls 凝聚力 Unity 250 Until ended
(no cost)
  • Mod pop growth req.png −100% Pop Growth
  • 稳定度 Stability −5 Stability
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +100 Emigration Push
  • 政策 Policy Allowed Population Controls policy
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Decision politics.png Discourage Planetary Growth 凝聚力 Unity 250 Until ended
(no cost)
  • Mod pop growth req.png −75% Pop Growth Reduction
  • 舒适度 Amenities +25% Pop Amenities Usage
  • 消费品 Consumer Goods +25% Pop Upkeep
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +100 Emigration Push
  • 政策 Policy Prohibited Population Controls policy
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Decision politics.png Cease Robot Assembly 凝聚力 Unity 250 Until ended
(no cost)
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult.png −100% Robotic Pop Assembly Speed
  • Build cost.png −75% Pop Assembly Cost
政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy is set to Allowed
Decision politics.png Cease Drone Production 凝聚力 Unity 250 Until ended
(no cost)
Mod pop growth req.png −100% Pop Growth 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Decision martial law.png Declare Martial Law 凝聚力 Unity 500 Until ended
(no cost)
  • Job soldier.png +2 Soldier Jobs
  • 稳定度 Stability +5 Stability from Soldier Jobs
  • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production −33% Job Resource Output
  • Mod pop growth req.png −50% Pop Growth
No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Decision martial law hive.png Deploy Hunter-Killer Drones 凝聚力 Unity 500 Until ended
(no cost)
  • Job soldier.png +2 Warrior Drone Jobs
  • 稳定度 Stability +5 Stability from Warrior Drone Jobs
  • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production −33% Job Resource Output
  • Mod pop growth req.png −50% Pop Growth
蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind
Decision martial law machine.png Activate Compliance Protocols 凝聚力 Unity 500 Until ended
(no cost)
  • Job soldier.png +2 Warrior Drone Jobs
  • 稳定度 Stability +5 Stability from Warrior Drone Jobs
  • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production −33% Job Resource Output
  • Mod pop growth req.png −50% Pop Growth
机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
Decision crime.png Activate Oracle Nexus 能量币 Energy Credits 200
凝聚力 Unity 500
10 Years
  • 稳定度 Stability  +10 稳定度Stability
  • 犯罪与异常  −15 犯罪与异常
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 考古遗址 Archaeology site Hidden Worlds archaeology site outcome
Decision mastery of nature.png Mastery of Nature
  • 能量币 Energy Credits 2000
  • 影响力 Influence 100
  • Time.png 360 Days
Permanent 最大区划数 Max Districts +2 Max Districts
  • 掌控自然 Mastery of Nature 掌控自然Mastery of Nature ascension perk
  • Yes.png World is a planet
  • No.pngDecision mastery of nature.png Mastery of Nature modifier
Decision default.png Galactic Market Hub Nomination
  • 能量币 Energy Credits 1000
  • 影响力 Influence 150
Until ended
(影响力 Influence 10)
Applies a Base Marketplace Competition Rating modifier to the world
  • Resolution galactic market.png Form the Galactic Market resolution
  • 人口 Pop At least 20 pops
Decision default.png Boost Nomination Bid
  • 能量币 Energy Credits 2000
  • 影响力 Influence 300
Increase the planet's Base Marketplace Competition Rating modifier one stage
  • Decision default.png Galactic Market Hub Nomination
  • Usable up to 2 times
Decision penal colony.png Create Penal Colony 凝聚力 Unity 1000 Until ended
(凝聚力 Unity 2500)
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +33% Immigration pull
  • 犯罪与异常 +100% Crime
  • 犯罪与异常 −25% Crime on other colonies
  • 犯罪与异常 Designation changed to Penal Colony
  • 流放地 Penal Colonies 流放地Penal Coloniesnology
  • 行星规模 Planet Size Planet Size 15 or greater
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png帝国首都 Empire Capital 帝国首都Empire Capital
  • No.pngPm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png Penal Colony, Resort World, or Thrall-World modifier
  • No.pngPm penal colony.pngPm frame 1.png Any owned planet has the Penal Colony modifier
  • No.png轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 轨道居住站Orbital Habitat
  • No.png环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World
Decision resort colony.png Create Resort World 凝聚力 Unity 1000 Until ended
(凝聚力 Unity 2500)
  • 宜居性 Habitability +100% Habitability
  • 职员 Clerk +1 Clerk job per 2 pops
  • 舒适度 Amenities +15% Amenities on other colonies
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +15% Immigration pull on other colonies
  • 演艺人员 Entertainer Designation changed to Resort World
  • 度假星球 Resort Worlds 度假星球Resort Worldsnology
  • 行星规模 Planet Size 行星规模Planet Size 15 or greater
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png帝国首都 Empire Capital 帝国首都Empire Capital
  • No.pngPm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png Penal Colony, Resort World, or Thrall-World modifier
  • No.pngPm resort planet.pngPm frame 1.png Any owned planet has the Resort World modifier
  • No.png都市星球 Ecumenopolis 都市星球Ecumenopolis
  • No.png轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 轨道居住站Orbital Habitat
  • No.png环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World
  • No.png区划 District Any built district
  • No.png建筑 Building Any building besides an unupgraded capital building
Decision slave colony.png Create Thrall-World 凝聚力 Unity 1000 Until ended
(凝聚力 Unity 2500)
  • Decision slave colony.png Thrall-Worlds technology
  • 奴隶 Slave At least 1 pop from a fully enslaved species on the colony
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png帝国首都 Empire Capital 帝国首都Empire Capital
  • No.pngPm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png Penal Colony, Resort World, or Thrall-World modifier
  • No.png都市星球 Ecumenopolis 都市星球Ecumenopolis
  • No.png轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 轨道居住站Orbital Habitat
  • No.png环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World
  • No.png区划 District Any built district
  • No.png建筑 Building Any building besides the capital building
Decision resources.png Deploy Tissue Growth Stimulants 能量币 Energy Credits 200 10 years
  • Mod pop growth req.png +10% Pop Growth Speed
  • 幸福度 Happiness −10% Happiness
  • 稳定度 Stability −5 Stability
  • City of Bones Excavation complete
  • No.png机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
Decision resources.png Construct Explosive Fungiform Housing Units 能量币 Energy Credits 500 Permanent 人口住房使用 Pop Housing Usage −10% Pop housing usage
  • City of Bones Excavation complete
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
Decision satellite in orbit.png Flood Habitat Time.png 720 Days
影响力 Influence 50
能量币 Energy Credits 1000
  • 宜居性 Habitability Habitability -20%
  • 海洋星球 Ocean World Considered an Ocean world for Aquatic species
轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 轨道居住站Orbital Habitat
水之心 Hydrocentric 水之心Hydrocentric ascension perk
Sb ice mining station.png Starbase with an inactive Ice Mining Station
Planet ocean.png Frozen World or Ice Asteroid
Decision art monument.png Exhibit Art Monument Time.png 15 Days Until ended
(Time.png 15)
  • 舒适度 Amenities +15% Amenities
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +50 Immigration Pull
  • Yes.png If ended can be used again
  • 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack Bought from the Artisan enclave
  • One use per purchase
Decision divine algorithm.png Implement Divine Algorithm
  • 凝聚力 Unity 500
  • Time.png 360 Days
10 years
  • Mod resource energy mult.png +10% Energy from Jobs
  • 技工 Technician +1 Tech-Drone Job
寰宇企业 Megacorp Numistic Order caravan deal
Decision resources.png Trium Atmospheric Deodorizer Deployment None 80 Years
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +30% Immigration Pull
  • 迁入导致的人口增长 Pop Growth from Immigration +10% Pop growth from immigration
  • 寰宇企业 Megacorp Vengralian Trium caravan deal
  • One use per purchase
Decision resources.png Trium Bunk Beds Deployment None 80 Years 住房 Housing +10% Housing
  • 寰宇企业 Megacorp Vengralian Trium caravan deal
  • One use per purchase
Decision resources.png Trium Food Container Deployment None 80 Years 食物消耗 Food Consumption −10% Pop Food Upkeep 寰宇企业 Megacorp Vengralian Trium caravan deal
One use per purchase
Decision museum.png Send Artifacts to Museum Exhibits 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts 2 10 Years 文化工作者 Culture Worker +20% Culture Worker Output
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate Authority
Decision deal.png Initiate Performance Competition 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts 2 10 Years
  • 执行官 Executive +10% Executive Output
  • 经理 Manager +10% Manager Output
企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate Authority
Decision satellite in orbit.png Incorporate Artifact Relays 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts 2 10 Years
  • 突触工蜂 Synapse Drone Synapse Drones on the planet provide +1% Menial Drone Output and +2 Stability
  • 协调者 Coordinator Coordinators on the planet provide +1% Menial Drone Output and +2 Stability
格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Decision museum.png Send Artifacts to Organic Sanctuaries 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts 2 10 Years 活体陈设 Bio-Trophy +10% Bio-Trophies Output 失控机仆 Rogue Servitor 失控机仆Rogue Servitor
Decision animal wildlife.png Initiate Yuht Cleansing Process
  • 能量币 Energy Credits 500
  • 破坏度 Devastation 50
Permanent 宜居性 Habitability +10% Habitability 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Delve into the Secrets of the Yuht Special Project
Decision engineering research.png Extradimensional Experimentation 泽珞 Zro 500 Until ended
(no cost)
  • 研究人员 Researcher +1 Dimensional Portal Researcher
  • 泽珞 Zro +1 Zro upkeep
Resolution galactic studies.png Unchained Knowledge Resolution 5
Decision deal.png Crystalline Construction 影响力 Influence 10 Permanent
  • 住房 Housing +8 Housing
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost -10% Building Cost
  • 纵横捭阖 Federations Offer from the Crystalline Empire
  • 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat Once per Habitat
Decision victorious army.png Introduce Chaos
  • 能量币 Energy Credits 500
  • Time.png 5 Years
Permanent 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production +5% Resources from Jobs
  • Pm drilling for gas.pngPm frame 1.png Perfect Organization planet modifier
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Decision surreal visions.png Shroudwalker Teacher Time.png 360 days Permanent
  • 舒适度 Amenities +5% Amenities
  • 凝聚力 Unity +10% Unity from Jobs
  • 凝聚力 Unity +3 Unity from Telepaths
  • Overlord Bought from the Shroud-Touched Coven enclave
  • One use per purchase

Consecrate World[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The Consecrate World decision requires the 祝圣世界 Consecrated Worlds 祝圣世界Consecrated Worlds ascension perk and can only be used on up to 3 uncolonized planets at the same time at the cost of 500 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity. It can be canceled at any time for the same cost and if taken again the result will be re-rolled. When the decision is taken the empire will gain a Consecrated modifier and give the empire the following bonuses:

PM Consecrated Worlds.pngPm frame 1.png Consecrated modifier Chance Description
Quality 凝聚力 Unity 舒适度 Amenities Spiritualist Ethic Attraction 盖亚星球 Gaia World 干旱星球 Arid World沙漠星球 Desert World草原星球 Savanna World
陆地星球 Continental World热带星球 Tropical World海洋星球 Ocean World
高山星球 Alpine World极地星球 Arctic World苔原星球 Tundra World
Barren WorldBarren World (Cold)
Frozen WorldMolten World
Toxic World
AsteroidGas Giant
Shielded World死寂星球 Tomb World
都市星球 Ecumenopolis遗落星球 Relic World
蜂巢星球 Hive World机械星球 Machine World
Holy World +8% +4% +8% 100% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% This planet is deemed an immaculate and sacrosanct place.
Venerated World +6% +3% +6% 0% 40% 20% 0% 0% 0% This is deemed a most blessed planet.
Respected World +4% +2% +4% 0% 50% 70% 20% 2.4% 0% This is deemed a suitable object of worship.
Profane World +2% +1% +2% 0% 0% 10% 80% 97.6% 100% This is deemed a poor object of worship.

Consecrating a Pm consecrated worlds.pngPm frame 1.png 圣地Holy World gives a cumulative +30 评价 Opinion 评价Opinion with the 极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians fallen empire.

参考资料[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
