

(重定向自Military Academy

建筑 Building 建筑Building 代表分散在世界各地的设施集合,这些设施创建岗位 Jobs 岗位Jobs产生不适合大规模采集的不同资源。如果一个世界的人口被彻底消灭(通过重新安置或战争),所有现有的建筑物都将被拆除。

建筑槽位[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

建筑物是在殖民地的建筑槽位 Building Slots 建筑槽位Building Slots中建造的。一个殖民地最多可以有 12 个建筑槽位,尽管它们中的大多数最初都不可用,并且第一个槽位总是由殖民地的首府建筑占据。通过升级首府建筑、建造城市区划、研究科技和国民理念,可以解锁额外的建筑槽位。都市星球 Ecumenopolis 都市星球Ecumenopolis环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World蜂巢星球 Hive World 蜂巢星球Hive World机械星球 Machine World 机械星球Machine World开始时所有建筑槽位均已解锁。轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 轨道居住站Orbital Habitat解锁建筑槽的方法比其他殖民地类别少得多,而且不能全部解锁。

来源 建筑槽位 Building Slots 建筑槽位Building Slots
行星 Planet 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat
Adaptive Ecology Adaptive Ecology 传统 +1
Modular Superstructures Modular Superstructures 传统 +1
太空子民 Voidborne 太空子民Voidborne 飞升 +2
瓷金基础设施 Ceramo-Metal Infrastructure Infrastructure technology (each) +1
城市区划 City District Planetary housing district (each) +1 n/a
实用建筑 Functional Architecture施工机器人 Constructobot Functional Architecture / 施工机器人Constructobot 理念 +1
  • 田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田园牧歌Agrarian Idyll 理念
  • 农业区划 Agriculture District every 4 农业区划Agriculture Districts
+1 n/a
  • 能工巧匠 Masterful Crafters巧手公司 Mastercraft Inc. Masterful Crafters / 巧手公司Mastercraft Inc. civic
  • 工业区划 Industrial District every 3 工业区划Industrial District
Building colony shelter.pngBuilding deployment post.png 1级首府建筑 +1
Building capital.pngBuilding machine capital 1.pngBuilding hive core.png 2级首府建筑 +2
Building major capital.pngBuilding machine capital 2.png 3级首府建筑 +3 n/a
Building system capital.pngBuilding machine capital 3.pngBuilding hive nexus.png 4级首府建筑 +4 n/a
Building imperial capital.pngBuilding imperial machine capital.pngBuilding imperial hive capital.png Imperial capital +11
Building capital.png Governor's Palace / Resort Administration +5 n/a
Building major capital.png Governor's Estates / Resort Capital-Complex +11 n/a

行星建造速度 [编辑 | 编辑源代码]

行星建造速度 Planetary Build Speed 行星建造速度Planetary Build Speed修正减少建造所有建筑的Time.png 。这条修正非常有用,因为它也会影响建筑升级,更高级别的建筑升级可能需要花费更长的时间。

来源 加成
法令 Edict 大师的教诲:上上善道 法令 +10%
建筑学爱好者 Architectural Interest 建筑学爱好者Architectural Interest 物种特质 +10%
重视建筑 Architectural Sense 重视建筑Architectural Sense 统治者特质 +10%
脑蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host 脑蛞蝓宿主Brain Slug Host 物种特质 +10%
组装算法 Assembly Algorithms 组装算法Assembly Algorithms 循环科技 +10%
装配模式 Assembly Patterns 装配模式Assembly Patterns 科技 +25%
Tradition prosperity sct.png 标准建造模板 / Prefabricated Buildings prosperity tradition +25%
建造模板 Construction Templates 建造模板Construction Templates 科技 +50%
法令 Edict 建筑复兴 野心 +100%

首府[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


首府等级[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

首府通常可以分为 4 个等级,通过所需科技解锁它们[1]。 哪些建筑需要它们以及可以提供的最大产出加成[2]。标准的首府都符合这个标准,但仍有例外。通过灭世天罚 Nemesis 灭世天罚Nemesis,GalacticEmpire mainButton.png Galactic Emperor可以用“第5”级帝都建筑升级他们的首都星球或居住站。

首府等级 需要的科技 岗位产出
(unrecognized string “output” for Template:Icon) Output Maintenance.png  需要的科技
2 行星政府 Planetary Government 行星政府Planetary Government +10% +10% 改进生产 Improved Production 改进生产Improved Production
3 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization +20% +20% 规模效应 Efficiencies of Scale 规模效应Efficiencies of Scale
4+ 星系管理 Galactic Administration 星系管理Galactic Administration +30% +30% 最大化产能 Maximized Productivity 最大化产能Maximized Productivity

Tier 4 and imperial capitals convert one tier lower, other tiers convert directly except as noted below.

标准首府[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

标准的首府建立在没有特殊规划的行星以及环形世界上,要求政体为民主制 Democratic寡头制 Oligarchic独裁制 Dictatorial帝制 Imperial企业政府 Corporate不能是格式塔。

首府建筑 产出 岗位 维护费 花费 建造要求
Reassembled Ship Shelter 的图标
Reassembled Ship Shelter
  • 住房 Housing  +3 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +7 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +1 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 殖民者 Colonist Colonist: +2
  • 机械体 Mechanical 殖民者 Colonist −1 机器人专家 Roboticist 机器人专家Roboticist: +1
能量币 Energy Credits −1 0
Planetary Administration 的图标
Planetary Administration
  • 住房 Housing  +5 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +5 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +2 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots +1 最大企业建筑
  • 政客 Politician 政客Politician: +2
  • 执法者 Enforcer 执法者Enforcer: +1
  • 贵族精英 Aristocratic Elite 政客 Politician −1 贵族 Noble 贵族Noble: +1
  • 崇高圣职 Exalted Priesthood 政客 Politician −1 大司祭 High Priest 大司祭High Priest: +1
  • 商人公会 Merchant Guilds 政客 Politician −1 商人 Merchant 商人Merchant: +1
  • 技术治国 Technocracy 政客 Politician −1 科研主管 Science Director 科研主管Science Director: +1
  • 企业政府 Corporate 政客 Politician −2 执行官 Executive 执行官Executive: +2
  • 机械体 Mechanical 机器人专家 Roboticist 机器人专家Roboticist: +1
能量币 Energy Credits −5 Time.png 480
矿物 Minerals 600
  • 行星政府 Planetary Government 行星政府Planetary Government 科技
  • 人口 Pop 至少有10个人口
Planetary Capital 的图标
Planetary Capital
  • 住房 Housing  +8 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +8 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +3 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots +2 最大企业建筑
  • 政客 Politician 政客Politician: +3
  • 执法者 Enforcer 执法者Enforcer: +2
  • 贵族精英 Aristocratic Elite 政客 Politician −1 贵族 Noble 贵族Noble: +1
  • 崇高圣职 Exalted Priesthood 政客 Politician −1 大司祭 High Priest 大司祭High Priest: +1
  • 商人公会 Merchant Guilds 政客 Politician −1 商人 Merchant 商人Merchant: +1
  • 技术治国 Technocracy 政客 Politician −1 科研主管 Science Director 科研主管Science Director: +1
  • 企业政府 Corporate 政客 Politician −3 执行官 Executive 执行官Executive: +3
  • 机械体 Mechanical 机器人专家 Roboticist 机器人专家Roboticist: +2
能量币 Energy Credits −8 Time.png 600
矿物 Minerals 800
  • 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization 科技
  • 人口 Pop 至少有25个人口
System Capital-Complex 的图标
System Capital-Complex
  • 住房 Housing  +12 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +12 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +4 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots +4 最大企业建筑
  • 政客 Politician 政客Politician: +4
  • 执法者 Enforcer 执法者Enforcer: +3
  • 贵族精英 Aristocratic Elite 政客 Politician −2 贵族 Noble 贵族Noble: +2
  • 崇高圣职 Exalted Priesthood 政客 Politician −2 大司祭 High Priest 大司祭High Priest: +2
  • 商人公会 Merchant Guilds 政客 Politician −2 商人 Merchant 商人Merchant: +2
  • 技术治国 Technocracy 政客 Politician −2 科研主管 Science Director 科研主管Science Director: +2
  • 企业政府 Corporate 政客 Politician −4 执行官 Executive 执行官Executive: +4
  • 机械体 Mechanical 机器人专家 Roboticist 机器人专家Roboticist: +3
能量币 Energy Credits −10 Time.png 900
矿物 Minerals 2000
  • 星系管理 Galactic Administration 星系管理Galactic Administration 科技
  • 人口 Pop 至少有50个人口
Imperial Palace 的图标
Imperial Palace
  • 住房 Housing  +18 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +18 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +11 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots +4 最大企业建筑
  • 政客 Politician 政客Politician: +6
  • 执法者 Enforcer 执法者Enforcer: +5
  • 贵族精英 Aristocratic Elite 政客 Politician −3 贵族 Noble 贵族Noble: +3
  • 崇高圣职 Exalted Priesthood 政客 Politician −3 大司祭 High Priest 大司祭High Priest: +3
  • 商人公会 Merchant Guilds 政客 Politician −3 商人 Merchant 商人Merchant: +3
  • 技术治国 Technocracy 政客 Politician −3 科研主管 Science Director 科研主管Science Director: +3
  • 企业政府 Corporate 政客 Politician −6 执行官 Executive 执行官Executive: +6
  • 机械体 Mechanical 机器人专家 Roboticist 机器人专家Roboticist: +5
能量币 Energy Credits −10 Time.png 900
矿物 Minerals 2000
  • 人口 Pop 至少有50个人口
  • GalacticEmpire mainButton.png 星海帝皇
  • 帝国首都 Empire Capital 帝国首都Empire Capital 规划类型

居住站首府[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

居住站有自己的首府建筑,供所有帝国使用。如果 GalacticEmpire mainButton.png 星海帝皇有一个居住站作为他们的首都,他们可以在各自的帝国首都升级他们的首府。居住站行政中心是2级首府,除了提高岗位生产效率外没有其它加成。居住站控制中心在解锁建筑要求上被视为4级首府,在提高岗位生产效率上被视为2级首府。

首府 产出 岗位 维护费 花费 建造要求
Habitat Administration 的图标
Habitat Administration
  • 住房 Housing +3 住房
  • 舒适度 Amenities +3 舒适度
    • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness舒适度 Amenities +3
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +1 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • Default.png 普通政体:
    • 政客 Politician 政客Politician: +1
    • 企业政府 Corporate 政客 Politician −1 执行官 Executive 执行官Executive: +1
    • 机械体 Mechanical 机器人专家 Roboticist 机器人专家Roboticist: +1
    • 虚空居者 Void Dwellers 政客 Politician −1 殖民者 Colonist 殖民者Colonist: +2
  • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness:
    • 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 突触工蜂 Synapse Drone 突触工蜂Synapse Drone: +2
    • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 协调者 Coordinator 协调者Coordinator: +1
    • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone: +2
    • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 复制者 Replicator 复制者Replicator: +1
  • 能量币 Energy Credits −3
  • 合金 Alloys −5
  • 虚空居者 Void DwellersDomination:
    • 合金 Alloys +1
0 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 是轨道居住站
Habitat Central Control 的图标
Habitat Central Control
  • 住房 Housing +5 住房
  • 舒适度 Amenities +5 舒适度
    • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness舒适度 Amenities +3
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +2 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots +1 最大企业建筑
  • Default.png 普通政体:
    • 政客 Politician 政客Politician: +2
    • 执法者 Enforcer 执法者Enforcer: +1
    • 贵族精英 Aristocratic Elite政客 Politician −1 贵族 Noble 贵族Noble +1
    • 崇高圣职 Exalted Priesthood政客 Politician −1 大司祭 High Priest 大司祭High Priest +1
    • 商人公会 Merchant Guilds政客 Politician −1 商人 Merchant 商人Merchant +1
    • 技术治国 Technocracy政客 Politician −1 科研主管 Science Director 科研主管Science Director +1
    • 企业政府 Corporate政客 Politician −2 执行官 Executive 执行官Executive: +2
    • 机械体 Mechanical 机器人专家 Roboticist 机器人专家Roboticist: +2
  • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness:
    • 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 突触工蜂 Synapse Drone 突触工蜂Synapse Drone: +3
    • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 协调者 Coordinator 协调者Coordinator: +2
    • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone: +3
    • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 复制者 Replicator 复制者Replicator: +1
  • 能量币 Energy Credits −3
  • 合金 Alloys −5
  • 虚空居者 Void DwellersDomination:
    • 合金 Alloys +1
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 是轨道居住站
  • 人口 Pop 有至少10个人口

特殊规划首府[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


首府 产出 岗位 维护费 花费 建造要求
Resort Administration 的图标
Resort Administration
  • 住房 Housing  +5 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +5 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +5 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots +1 最大企业建筑
  • 演艺人员 Entertainer 演艺人员Entertainer: +1
  • 政客 Politician 政客Politician: +1
  • 尚武文化 Warrior Culture 演艺人员 Entertainer −1 决斗者 Duelist 决斗者Duelist: +1
  • 企业政府 Corporate 政客 Politician −1 执行官 Executive 执行官Executive: +1
  • 机械体 Mechanical 机器人专家 Roboticist 机器人专家Roboticist: +1
能量币 Energy Credits −2 0 Decision resort colony.png 度假星球规划
Resort Capital-Complex 的图标
Resort Capital-Complex
  • 住房 Housing  +10 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +10 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +11 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots +2 最大企业建筑
  • 演艺人员 Entertainer 演艺人员Entertainer: +2
  • 政客 Politician 政客Politician: +1
  • 尚武文化 Warrior Culture 演艺人员 Entertainer −2 决斗者 Duelist 决斗者Duelist: +2
  • 企业政府 Corporate 政客 Politician −1 执行官 Executive 执行官Executive: +1
  • 机械体 Mechanical 机器人专家 Roboticist 机器人专家Roboticist: +2
能量币 Energy Credits −5
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • Decision resort colony.png 度假星球规划
  • 人口 Pop 至少有20个人口
Governor's Palace 的图标
Governor's Palace
  • 住房 Housing  +5 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +5 舒适度Amenities
  • 稳定度 Stability  +5 稳定度Stability
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +5 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots +1 最大企业建筑
  • 监工 Overseer 监工Overseer: +2
  • 政客 Politician 政客Politician: +2
  • 企业政府 Corporate 政客 Politician −2 执行官 Executive 执行官Executive +2
能量币 Energy Credits −2 0 Decision slave colony.png 奴隶星球规划
Governor's Estates 的图标
Governor's Estates
  • 住房 Housing  +10 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +10 舒适度Amenities
  • 稳定度 Stability  +10 稳定度Stability
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +11 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots +2 最大企业建筑
  • 监工 Overseer 监工Overseer: +4
  • 政客 Politician 政客Politician: +2
  • 企业政府 Corporate 政客 Politician −2 执行官 Executive 执行官Executive +2
能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 500
  • Decision slave colony.png 奴隶星球规划
  • 人口 Pop 至少有20个人口

蜂巢思维首府[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind empires only have two regular capital buildings. The Hive Core is tier 2 for all purposes, except that it also converts from tier 1 capitals. The Hive Nexus acts as tier 4 for job productivity and building requirements, but converts to tier 3.

Capital Produces Jobs Upkeep Cost Requirements
Hive Core 的图标
Hive Core
The organizational core from which the Hive Mind coordinates planetside functions.
  • 住房 Housing  +5 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +8 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +2 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 突触工蜂 Synapse Drone 突触工蜂Synapse Drone: +2
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone: +2
  • 猎寻者子个体 Hunter-Seeker Drone 猎寻者子个体Hunter-Seeker Drone: +1
能量币 Energy Credits −2 0
Hive Nexus 的图标
Hive Nexus
A sprawling capital complex from which the Hive Mind focuses planetary organization, coordination, and planning.
  • 住房 Housing  +10 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +12 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +4 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 突触工蜂 Synapse Drone 突触工蜂Synapse Drone: +3
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone: +5
  • 猎寻者子个体 Hunter-Seeker Drone 猎寻者子个体Hunter-Seeker Drone: +2
能量币 Energy Credits −5
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization technology
  • 人口 Pop has at least 25 pops
Imperial Complex 的图标
Imperial Complex
From this massive structure, the Hive Mind governs the Galactic Imperium. This is where the fate of the galaxy is decided.
  • 住房 Housing  +20 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +20 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +11 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots +3 Max corporate buildings
  • 突触工蜂 Synapse Drone 突触工蜂Synapse Drone: +5
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone: +7
  • 猎寻者子个体 Hunter-Seeker Drone 猎寻者子个体Hunter-Seeker Drone: +4
能量币 Energy Credits −10
  • Time.png 900
  • 矿物 Minerals 2000
  • GalacticEmpire mainButton.png Galactic Emperor
  • 帝国首都 Empire Capital Hive Capital designation
  • 人口 Pop has at least 50 pops

Machine Intelligence capitals[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence empires have the same four capital tiers as regular empires. Capital conversion works normally, except that the Administrative Array (tier 2) will convert to a Reassembled Ship Shelter (tier 1) if the planet is conquered by a non-Gestalt empire.[3] Also, the Planetary Processor (tier 3) counts as tier 4 for building requirements.[4] 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 同化斗士Driven Assimilators' capitals have one less 复制者 Replicator 复制者Replicator and, after tier 1, one more 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone than other 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence empires' capitals.

Capital Produces Jobs Upkeep Cost Requirements
Deployment Post 的图标
Deployment Post
The initial deployment post from which we will expand on this world.
  • 住房 Housing  +3 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +8 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +1 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 猎寻者子个体 Hunter-Seeker Drone 猎寻者子个体Hunter-Seeker Drone: +1
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone: +2
  • 复制者 Replicator 复制者Replicator: +2
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 复制者 Replicator −1
能量币 Energy Credits −1 0
Administrative Array 的图标
Administrative Array
A semi-autonomous computer network that handles the various administrative functions on a planet.
  • 住房 Housing  +5 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +10 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +2 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 猎寻者子个体 Hunter-Seeker Drone 猎寻者子个体Hunter-Seeker Drone: +1
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone: +3
  • 复制者 Replicator 复制者Replicator: +2
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone +1
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 复制者 Replicator −1
能量币 Energy Credits −3
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 500
  • 人口 Pop has at least 10 pops
  • 行星政府 Planetary Government 行星政府Planetary Government technology
Planetary Processor 的图标
Planetary Processor
A powerful administrative computer that has been designed to manage and oversee the various functions of a complex planetary settlement.
  • 住房 Housing  +8 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +12 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +3 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 猎寻者子个体 Hunter-Seeker Drone 猎寻者子个体Hunter-Seeker Drone: +2
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone: +4
  • 复制者 Replicator 复制者Replicator: +2
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone +1
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 复制者 Replicator −1
能量币 Energy Credits −5
  • Time.png 600
  • 矿物 Minerals 1000
  • 人口 Pop has at least 25 pops
  • 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization technology
Primary Nexus 的图标
Primary Nexus
The administrative heart of the system. Hundreds of AIs process requests and manage the minute but critical details that are involved in running an efficient interstellar civilization.
  • 住房 Housing  +12 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +18 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +4 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 猎寻者子个体 Hunter-Seeker Drone 猎寻者子个体Hunter-Seeker Drone: +3
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone: +5
  • 复制者 Replicator 复制者Replicator: +2
  • 10 or more Pop.png pops 复制者 Replicator +1
  • 40 or more Pop.png pops 复制者 Replicator +1
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone +1
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 复制者 Replicator −1
能量币 Energy Credits −10
  • Time.png 900
  • 矿物 Minerals 2000
  • 人口 Pop has at least 50 pops
  • 星系管理 Galactic Administration 星系管理Galactic Administration technology
Imperial Center 的图标
Imperial Center
This colossal complex is the administrative heart of the Galactic Imperium. Thousands of AIs are constantly processing and evaluating the current state of the galaxy.
  • 住房 Housing  +18 住房Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities  +20 舒适度Amenities
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots  +11 建筑槽位Building Slots
  • 建筑槽位 Building Slots +3 Max corporate buildings
  • 猎寻者子个体 Hunter-Seeker Drone 猎寻者子个体Hunter-Seeker Drone: +5
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone: +6
  • 复制者 Replicator 复制者Replicator: +4
  • 10 or more Pop.png pops 复制者 Replicator +1
  • 40 or more Pop.png pops 复制者 Replicator +1
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone +1
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 复制者 Replicator −1
能量币 Energy Credits −10
  • Time.png 900
  • 矿物 Minerals 2000
  • 人口 Pop has at least 50 pops
  • GalacticEmpire mainButton.png Galactic Emperor
  • 帝国首都 Empire Capital Machine Capital designation

Buildings[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Regular buildings[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Each regular building has up to 3 tiers, which determine its number of jobs, upkeep, construction time and cost. Tier II and III buildings also require a certain strategic resource for construction and upkeep.

Tier Pop job.png Jobs Maintenance.png Monthly upkeep cost 建筑花费 Building Cost 建筑花费Building Cost
能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits 战略资源 Strategic Resources Advanced resource Time.png  矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals 战略资源 Strategic Resources Advanced resource
I +2 −2 0 360 400 0
II +4 −5 −1 480 600 50
III +6 −8 −2 600 800 100

If a world is conquered by an empire that uses a different set of buildings for the same primary resource the existing buildings will be converted into new ones of the same tier. Tiered buildings cannot be constructed on Thrall Worlds.

Primary resource Tier I building (2 Jobs) Tier II building (4 Jobs) Tier III building (6 Jobs) Jobs Advanced resource Requirements
研究 Research 研究Research Research Labs
Building research lab 1.png
Research Complexes
Building research lab 2.png
Advanced Research Complexes
Building research lab 3.png
  • 研究人员 Researcher 研究人员Researcher if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • 脑部工蜂 Brain Drone 脑部工蜂Brain Drone if 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind
  • 研究人员 Researcher Calculator if 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
异星天然气 Exotic Gases 异星天然气Exotic Gases No.png Resort World designation
凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity Administrative Offices
Building bureaucratic 1.png
Administrative Park
Building bureaucratic 2.png
Administrative Complex
Building bureaucratic 3.png
  • 官僚 Bureaucrat 官僚Bureaucrat if not 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate
  • 经理 Manager 经理Manager if 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 稀有水晶Rare Crystals
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist
凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity Network Junction
Building heritage site.png
System Conflux
Building hypercomms forum.png
协调者 Coordinator 协调者Coordinator 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 稀有水晶Rare Crystals
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
  • No.png失控机仆 Rogue Servitor 失控机仆Rogue Servitor
凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity Synaptic Nodes
Building hive node.png
Synaptic Clusters
Building hive cluster.png
Confluence of Thought
Building hive confluence.png
突触工蜂 Synapse Drone 突触工蜂Synapse Drone 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 异星天然气Exotic Gases 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind
舒适度 Amenities 舒适度Amenities Holo-Theatres
Building holo theatres.png
Hyper-Entertainment Forums
Building hab cultural center.png
  • 演艺人员 Entertainer 演艺人员Entertainer if not 尚武文化 Warrior Culture 尚武文化Warrior Culture
  • 决斗者 Duelist 决斗者Duelist if 尚武文化 Warrior Culture 尚武文化Warrior Culture
异星天然气 Exotic Gases 异星天然气Exotic Gases No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
食物 Food 食物Food Hydroponics Farms
Building hydroponics farm 3.png
No.png No.png
  • 农夫 Farmer 农夫Farmer if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • 农业子个体 Agri-Drone 农业子个体Agri-Drone if 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • 虚空居者 Void Dwellers 虚空居者Void Dwellers get an additional 农夫 Farmer 农夫Farmer
  • On wet worlds, 渔夫 Anglers 渔夫Anglers get Job angler.png +1 Angler instead
  • 水培农业 Hydroponics Farming 水培农业Hydroponics Farming technology
  • No.png 机械星球 Machine World 机械星球Machine World
  • No.png Resort World designation

Housing[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Housing buildings provide 住房 Housing 住房Housing and come in two tiers. The advanced resource used to upgrade their tier is 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 稀有水晶Rare Crystals. If the world is conquered by an empire with different government each housing building will be converted into the equal tier counterpart of the new owner.

Tier I Tier II Requirements
Building 住房 Housing 住房Housing 舒适度 Amenities 舒适度Amenities Building 住房 Housing 住房Housing 舒适度 Amenities 舒适度Amenities
Building luxury residence.png Luxury Residences +3 +5 Building paradise dome.png Paradise Dome +6 +10
  • No.png同甘共苦 Shared Burdens 同甘共苦Shared Burdens
  • No.png Thrall World designation
  • 田园建筑学 Idyllic Architecture 田园建筑学Idyllic Architecture technology for tier II
  • 居住站扩建 Habitat Expansion 居住站扩建Habitat Expansion technology to be built on habitats
  • 太空子民 Voidborne 太空子民Voidborne ascension perk for tier II to be built on habitats
Building residence.png Communal Housing +5 +3 Building paradise dome.png Utopian Communal Housing +10 +6
  • 同甘共苦 Shared Burdens 同甘共苦Shared Burdens
  • No.png Thrall World designation
  • 田园建筑学 Idyllic Architecture 田园建筑学Idyllic Architecture technology for tier II
  • 居住站扩建 Habitat Expansion 居住站扩建Habitat Expansion technology to be built on habitats
  • 太空子民 Voidborne 太空子民Voidborne ascension perk for tier II to be built on habitats
Building hive warren.png Hive Warren +3 +5 Building expanded warren.png Expanded Warren +6 +10
  • 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind
  • 反重力工程 Anti-Gravity Engineering 反重力工程Anti-Gravity Engineering technology for tier II
Building drone storage.png Drone Storage +4 +3 Building drone megastorage.png Upgraded Drone Storage +8 +6
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 微型复制机 Micro-Replicators 微型复制机Micro-Replicators technology for tier II
Building crude huts.png Slave Huts +8 0 No.png Decision slave colony.png Thrall World designation

Planet unique[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Planet unique buildings can only be constructed once per planet and may contain effects beyond the creation of Jobs. Many of them require the capital to have reached a certain level.

建筑 Building 建筑Building Pop job.png Jobs Effects Capital tier Maintenance.png  Cost Requirements
Building shield generator.png Planetary Shield Generator Orbital bombardment damage −50% Orbital bombardment damage 2 能量币 Energy Credits −5
  • Time.png 600
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
行星护盾 Planetary Shields 行星护盾Planetary Shields technology
Building military academy.png Military Academy
  • 士兵 Soldier  +2 士兵Soldier if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • 作战子个体 Warrior Drone  +2 作战子个体Warrior Drone if 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
Mod army starting experience add.png +100 Army starting experience 2 能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 400
  • 集中指挥 Centralized Command 集中指挥Centralized Command technology
  • No.png逝者军势 Reanimators 逝者军势Reanimators
Building dread encampment.png Dread Encampment 死灵法师 Necromancer  +2 死灵法师Necromancer Mod army starting experience add.png +100 Army starting experience 2 能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
逝者军势 Reanimators 逝者军势Reanimators
Building chamber of elevation 1.png Chamber of Elevation
  • 死徒 Necrophyte  +1 死徒Necrophyte
  • If expected organic (unrecognized string “pop growth” for Template:Icon) pop growth per year is:
    • 0.2 or more: 死徒 Necrophyte +1, total +2
    • 0.3 or more: 死徒 Necrophyte +1, total +3
1 能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 360
  • 矿物 Minerals 400
  • 食尸文化 Necrophage 食尸文化Necrophage
  • No.png Culture Shock modifier
Building chamber of elevation 2.png House of Apotheosis
  • 死徒 Necrophyte  +6 死徒Necrophyte
    • 死徒 Necrophyte +4 if 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind and 蜂巢星球 Hive World, total +10
1 能量币 Energy Credits −5
异星天然气 Exotic Gases −1
  • Time.png 600
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 50
腺体适应 Glandular Acclimation 腺体适应Glandular Acclimation technology
Building power hub 1.png Energy Grid
  • 技工 Technician  +1 技工Technician if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • 技工子个体 Tech-Drone  +1 技工子个体Tech-Drone if 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • Energy from technicians +1 Energy from 技工 Technician 技工Technicians
  • 发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts  +2 发电区划最大建造数量Max Generator Districts if 机械智能 Machine Intelligence or 合成进化 Synthetic Evolution
    • except on 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 机械星球 Machine World 蜂巢星球 Hive World 都市星球 Ecumenopolis
1 能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 360
  • 矿物 Minerals 400
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence or 合成进化 Synthetic Evolution Added cost of:
    • 矿物 Minerals +100
    • 合金 Alloys +100
  • 全球能源管理 Global Energy Management 全球能源管理Global Energy Management technology
  • No.png Resort World designation
  • Either:
Building power hub 2.png Energy Nexus
  • 技工 Technician  +2 技工Technician if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • 技工子个体 Tech-Drone  +2 技工子个体Tech-Drone if 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • Energy from technicians +2 Energy from 技工 Technician 技工Technicians
  • 发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts  +4 发电区划最大建造数量Max Generator Districts if 机械智能 Machine Intelligence or 合成进化 Synthetic Evolution
    • except on 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 机械星球 Machine World 蜂巢星球 Hive World 都市星球 Ecumenopolis
2 能量币 Energy Credits −2
异星天然气 Exotic Gases −1
  • Time.png 480
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 50
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence or 合成进化 Synthetic Evolution Added cost of:
    • 矿物 Minerals +300
    • 合金 Alloys +150
  • 行星电力网 Planetary Power Grid 行星电力网Planetary Power Grid technology
  • No.png Resort World designation
Building mineral processing plant 1.png Mineral Purification Plants
  • 矿工 Miner  +1 矿工Miner if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • 采矿子个体 Mining Drone  +1 采矿子个体Mining Drone if 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • On 破碎之环 Shattered Ring World 破碎之环Shattered Ring World instead:
    • 拆解矿工 Scrap Miner  +1 拆解矿工Scrap Miner/Scrap Miner Drone
  • Minerals from miners +1 Minerals from 矿工 Miner 矿工Miners
  • 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts  +2 采矿区划最大建造数量Max Mining Districts if 机械智能 Machine Intelligence or 合成进化 Synthetic Evolution
    • except on 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 机械星球 Machine World 蜂巢星球 Hive World 都市星球 Ecumenopolis 破碎之环 Shattered Ring World
1 能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 360
  • 矿物 Minerals 400
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence or 合成进化 Synthetic Evolution Added cost of:
    • 矿物 Minerals +100
    • 合金 Alloys +100
  • 矿物提纯 Mineral Purification 矿物提纯Mineral Purification technology
  • No.png 环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World World
  • No.png Resort World designation
  • Either:
Building mineral processing plant 2.png Mineral Purification Hubs
  • 矿工 Miner  +2 矿工Miner if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • 采矿子个体 Mining Drone  +2 采矿子个体Mining Drone if 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • On 破碎之环 Shattered Ring World 破碎之环Shattered Ring World instead:
    • 拆解矿工 Scrap Miner  +2 拆解矿工Scrap Miner/Scrap Miner Drone
  • Minerals from miners +2 Minerals from 矿工 Miner 矿工Miners
  • If 破碎之环 Shattered Ring World 破碎之环Shattered Ring World, instead:
    • Minerals from miners +1 Minerals from 矿工 Miner 矿工Miners
    • Alloys from miners +0.5 Alloys from 矿工 Miner 矿工Miners
  • 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts  +4 采矿区划最大建造数量Max Mining Districts if 机械智能 Machine Intelligence or 合成进化 Synthetic Evolution
    • except on 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat 机械星球 Machine World 蜂巢星球 Hive World 都市星球 Ecumenopolis 破碎之环 Shattered Ring World
2 能量币 Energy Credits −2
易爆微粒 Volatile Motes −1
  • Time.png 480
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 50
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence or 合成进化 Synthetic Evolution Added cost of:
    • 矿物 Minerals +300
    • 合金 Alloys +150
  • 先进矿物提纯 Advanced Mineral Purification 先进矿物提纯Advanced Mineral Purification technology
  • No.png 环形世界 Ring World 环形世界Ring World World
  • No.png Resort World designation
Building food processing facility.png Food Processing Facilities
  • 农夫 Farmer  +1 农夫Farmer if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • 农业子个体 Agri-Drone  +1 农业子个体Agri-Drone if 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
Food from farmers +1 Food from 农夫 Farmer 农夫Farmers 1 能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 360
  • 矿物 Minerals 400
  • 食品加工 Food Processing 食品加工Food Processing technology
  • No.png 机械星球 Machine World 机械星球Machine World
  • No.png Resort World designation
Building food processing center.png Food Processing Centers
  • 农夫 Farmer  +2 农夫Farmer if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • 农业子个体 Agri-Drone  +2 农业子个体Agri-Drone if 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
Food from farmers +2 Food from 农夫 Farmer 农夫Farmers 2 能量币 Energy Credits −2
易爆微粒 Volatile Motes −1
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 50
  • 高级食品加工 Advanced Food Processing 高级食品加工Advanced Food Processing technology
  • No.png 机械星球 Machine World 机械星球Machine World
  • No.png Resort World designation
Building foundry 1.png Alloy Foundries
  • 冶金师 Metallurgist  +2 冶金师Metallurgist/Foundry Drone/Fabricator
  • If (unrecognized string “catalytic” for Template:Icon) Catalytic instead:
    • 催化技师 Catalytic Technician  +2 催化技师Catalytic Technician/Drone
1 能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 360
  • 矿物 Minerals 400
  • No.png Resort World designation
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building foundry 2.png Alloy Mega-Forges
  • 冶金师 Metallurgist  +2 冶金师Metallurgist/Foundry Drone/Fabricator
  • If (unrecognized string “catalytic” for Template:Icon) Catalytic instead:
    • 催化技师 Catalytic Technician  +2 催化技师Catalytic Technician/Drone
  • Alloys from metallurgists +1 Alloys from 冶金师 Metallurgist 冶金师Metallurgists
  • Minerals upkeep of metallurgists +2 Minerals upkeep of 冶金师 Metallurgist 冶金师Metallurgists
  • Food upkeep of catalytic technicians +3 Food upkeep of 催化技师 Catalytic Technician 催化技师Catalytic Technicians
2 能量币 Energy Credits −5
易爆微粒 Volatile Motes −2
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 100
固态全息铸模 Holographic Casts 固态全息铸模Holographic Casts technology
Building foundry 3.png Alloy Nano-Plants
  • 冶金师 Metallurgist  +2 冶金师Metallurgist/Foundry Drone/Fabricator
  • If (unrecognized string “catalytic” for Template:Icon) Catalytic instead:
    • 催化技师 Catalytic Technician  +2 催化技师Catalytic Technician/Drone
  • Alloys from metallurgists +2 Alloys from 冶金师 Metallurgist 冶金师Metallurgists
  • Minerals upkeep of metallurgists +4 Minerals upkeep of 冶金师 Metallurgist 冶金师Metallurgists
  • Food upkeep of catalytic technicians +6 Food upkeep of 催化技师 Catalytic Technician 催化技师Catalytic Technicians
3 能量币 Energy Credits −8
易爆微粒 Volatile Motes −4
  • Time.png 600
  • 矿物 Minerals 800
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 200
纳米分离器 Nano-Separators 纳米分离器Nano-Separators technology
Building factory 1.png Civilian Industries
  • 工匠 Artisan  +2 工匠Artisan/Drone
  • 熟练技工 Artificer  +2 熟练技工Artificer instead if 能工巧匠 Masterful Crafters 能工巧匠Masterful Crafters
1 能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 360
  • 矿物 Minerals 400
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness unless 失控机仆 Rogue Servitor 失控机仆Rogue Servitor
  • No.png Resort World designation
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building factory 2.png Civilian Fabricators
  • 工匠 Artisan  +2 工匠Artisan/Drone
  • 熟练技工 Artificer  +2 熟练技工Artificer instead if 能工巧匠 Masterful Crafters 能工巧匠Masterful Crafters
  • Consumer goods from artisans +1 Consumer goods from 工匠 Artisan 工匠Artisans
  • Minerals upkeep of artisans +1 Minerals upkeep of 工匠 Artisan 工匠Artisans
2 能量币 Energy Credits −5
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals −2
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 100
纳米电路装配 Nano-Circuit Assembly 纳米电路装配Nano-Circuit Assembly technology
Building factory 3.png Civilian Repli-Complexes
  • 工匠 Artisan  +2 工匠Artisan/Drone
  • 熟练技工 Artificer  +2 熟练技工Artificer instead if 能工巧匠 Masterful Crafters 能工巧匠Masterful Crafters
  • Consumer goods from artisans +2 Consumer goods from 工匠 Artisan 工匠Artisans
  • Minerals upkeep of artisans +2 Minerals upkeep of 工匠 Artisan 工匠Artisans
3 能量币 Energy Credits −8
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals −4
  • Time.png 600
  • 矿物 Minerals 800
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 200
复制机终端 Replicator Kiosks 复制机终端Replicator Kiosks technology
Building autocurating vault.png Auto-Curating Vault
企业政府 Corporate Vault of Acquisitions
机械智能 Machine Intelligence Alpha Hub
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +10 凝聚力Unity
  • 官僚 Bureaucrat +15% Administrator Output
3 能量币 Energy Credits −5
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals −1
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 50
  • 自动综合处理算法 Automated Curation Algorithms 自动综合处理算法Automated Curation Algorithms technology
  • No.png唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building citadel of faith.png Citadel of Faith
  • 祭司 Priest  +4 祭司Priest
  • 大司祭 High Priest  +1 大司祭High Priest
唯心主义 Spiritualist  +20% 唯心主义Spiritualist ethics attraction 3
  • 能量币 Energy Credits −5
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals −1
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 50
  • 超意识信仰 Metacognitive Faith 超意识信仰Metacognitive Faith technology
  • 唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building institute.png Research Institute 科研主管 Science Director  +1 科研主管Science Director 研究人员 Researcher  +15% 研究人员Researcher Output 3
  • 能量币 Energy Credits −5
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases −1
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 50
  • 跨行星研究倡议 Interplanetary Research Initiative 跨行星研究倡议Interplanetary Research Initiative technology
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png Resort World designation
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building institute.png Planetary Supercomputer
  • 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind: 脑部工蜂 Brain Drone  +1 脑部工蜂Brain Drone
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence: 演算者 Calculator  +1 演算者Calculator
研究人员 Researcher  +15% 研究人员Researcher Output 3 能量币 Energy Credits −5
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
跨行星研究倡议 Interplanetary Research Initiative 跨行星研究倡议Interplanetary Research Initiative technology
  • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Building production center.png Ministry of Production
格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness Resource Processing Center
  • 政客 Politician  +1 政客Politician if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
  • 铸造工蜂 Foundry Drone  +2 铸造工蜂Foundry Drone/Catalytic Drone if 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind
  • 制造者 Fabricator  +1 制造者Fabricator/Catalytic Drone if 机械智能 Machine Intelligence
  • 冶金师 Metallurgist  +15% 冶金师Metallurgist Output
  • 工匠 Artisan  +15% 工匠Artisan Output
  • 能量币 Energy Credits −5
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes −1
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 50
  • 全球生产策略 Global Production Strategy 全球生产策略Global Production Strategy technology
  • No.png Resort World designation
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building clinic.png Gene Clinic 医务工作者 Medical Worker  +2 医务工作者Medical Worker 1 能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 360
  • 矿物 Minerals 400
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • 基因健康保障 Genetic Healthcare 基因健康保障Genetic Healthcare technology
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building hospital.png Cyto-Revitalization Center 医务工作者 Medical Worker  +4 医务工作者Medical Worker 2
  • 能量币 Energy Credits −5
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases −1
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 50
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • 细胞修复 Cyto-Revitalization 细胞修复Cyto-Revitalization technology
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building galactic stock exchange.png Galactic Stock Exchange 商人 Merchant  +2 商人Merchant Trade value.png  +20% Trade value 3
  • 能量币 Energy Credits −5
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals −1
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 50
  • 泛星系贸易市场 Galactic Markets 泛星系贸易市场Galactic Markets technology
  • No.png Resort World designation
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building palace.png Noble Estates 贵族 Noble  +1 贵族Noble 住房 Housing  +1 住房Housing 2 能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 400
贵族精英 Aristocratic Elite 贵族精英Aristocratic Elite civic
Building slave processing.png Slave Processing Facility
  • 奴隶人口资源产出 Slave Pop Resource Output  +5% 奴隶人口资源产出Slave Pop Resource Output
  • 政治权力 Political Power −25% 奴隶 Slave 奴隶Slaves political power (multiplicative)
  • 自动重新安置几率 Automatic Resettlement Chance  -50% 自动重新安置几率Automatic Resettlement Chance
  • Yes.png Unemployed 奴隶 Slave 奴隶Slaves automatically resettle
  • Yes.png Permits recruiting 奴隶部队 Slave Army 奴隶部队Slave Army
2 能量币 Energy Credits −2
  • Time.png 360
  • 矿物 Minerals 400
  • No.png 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • 政策 Policy Allowed Slavery policy
  • 神经植入体 Neural Implants 神经植入体Neural Implants technology
  • No.png Resort World designation
Building hab laboratory module.png Psi Corps 灵能使 Telepath  +2 灵能使Telepath 住房 Housing  +5 住房Housing 3 能量币 Energy Credits −5
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 500
  • 潜在的灵能 Latent Psionic 潜在的灵能Latent Psionic main species
  • No.png Resort World designation
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building galactic memorial 1.png Sanctuary of Repose
  • 死亡书录官 Death Chronicler  +2 死亡书录官Death Chronicler/Chronicle Drone
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +5% 凝聚力Unity from Jobs
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +1 凝聚力Unity per Ascension Perk
  • On 死寂星球偏好 Tomb World Preference 死寂星球偏好Tomb World Preference or 遗落星球 Relic World 遗落星球Relic Worlds:
    • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction  +20% 主流思潮吸引力Governing Ethics Attraction
    • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness: Instead 犯罪度 Crime  -20 犯罪与异常
1 矿物 Minerals −2
  • Time.png 360
  • 矿物 Minerals 400
  • 记念主义 Memorialists 记念主义Memorialists
  • (unrecognized string “memorialist” for Template:Icon) Memorialist
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building galactic memorial 2.png Pillar of Quietus
  • 死亡书录官 Death Chronicler  +4 死亡书录官Death Chronicler/Chronicle Drone
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +10% 凝聚力Unity from Jobs
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +2 凝聚力Unity per Ascension Perk
  • On 死寂星球偏好 Tomb World Preference 死寂星球偏好Tomb World Preference or 遗落星球 Relic World 遗落星球Relic Worlds:
    • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction  +20% 主流思潮吸引力Governing Ethics Attraction
    • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness: Instead 犯罪度 Crime  -20 犯罪与异常
  • 矿物 Minerals −5
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases −1
  • Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 50
传承遗迹 Heritage Sites 传承遗迹Heritage Sites technology
Building galactic memorial 3.png Galactic Memorial
  • 死亡书录官 Death Chronicler  +6 死亡书录官Death Chronicler/Chronicle Drone
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +15% 凝聚力Unity from Jobs
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +3 凝聚力Unity per Ascension Perk
  • On 死寂星球偏好 Tomb World Preference 死寂星球偏好Tomb World Preference or 遗落星球 Relic World 遗落星球Relic Worlds:
    • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction  +20% 主流思潮吸引力Governing Ethics Attraction
    • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness: Instead 犯罪度 Crime  -20 犯罪与异常
  • 矿物 Minerals −8
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases −2
  • Time.png 600
  • 矿物 Minerals 800
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 100
本地超通讯 Local Hypercommunication 本地超通讯Local Hypercommunication technology

Monuments[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Monument buildings increase 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity output and produce it themselves based on the number of taken Ascension Perks.

Building 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity from Jobs 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity per perk Capital tier Time Cost Requirements
Building autochthon monument.png
  • Autochton Monument
  • 企业政府 Corporate Corporate Culture Site
+5% +1 1 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 400
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png记念主义 Memorialists 记念主义Memorialists
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Building heritage site.png
  • Heritage Site
  • 企业政府 Corporate Business Management Nexus
+10% +2 2 Time.png 480 矿物 Minerals 600 传承遗迹 Heritage Sites 传承遗迹Heritage Sites technology
Building hypercomms forum.png
  • Hypercomms Forum
  • 企业政府 Corporate Synergy Forum
+15% +3 3 Time.png 600 矿物 Minerals 800 本地超通讯 Local Hypercommunication 本地超通讯Local Hypercommunication technology
Building holo theatres.png
  • 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind Sensorium Site
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence Simulation Site
+5% +1 1 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 400
  • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png记念主义 Memorialist记念主义 Memorialist Memorialist
Building hab cultural center.png
  • 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind Sensorium Center
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence Stimulation Center
+10% +2 2 Time.png 480 矿物 Minerals 600 传承遗迹 Heritage Sites 传承遗迹Heritage Sites technology
Building citadel of faith.png
  • 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind Sensorium Complex
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence Stimulation Complex
+15% +3 3 Time.png 600 矿物 Minerals 800 本地超通讯 Local Hypercommunication 本地超通讯Local Hypercommunication technology

Pop assembly buildings[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Pop assembly buildings provide assembly points towards either organic or robotic Pops. Only one pop assembly building can be active at a time; if a second one is constructed it will remain inactive.

Building Produces Upkeep Time Cost Requirements Description
Building robot assembly plant.png Robot Assembly Plants 机器人专家 Roboticist  +1 机器人专家Roboticist 能量币 Energy Credits −5 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 600
  • No.png Thrall World designation
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • 机器人劳工 Robotic Workers 机器人劳工Robotic Workers technology
  • 政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy is not Outlawed
High-tech factories where skilled Roboticists assemble the latest robot models.
Building robot assembly plant.png Machine Assembly Plants 复制者 Replicator  +1 复制者Replicator 能量币 Energy Credits −2 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 400 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence A production line assembly plant where new units are constructed.
Building machine assembly complex.png Machine Assembly Complex 复制者 Replicator  +3 复制者Replicator 能量币 Energy Credits −8
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals −2
Time.png 600 矿物 Minerals 800
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 100
  • 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
  • Tech mega assembly.png Mega-Assembly Systems technology
An advanced assembly plant where new units are constructed.
Building spawning pool.png Spawning Pools 繁殖工蜂 Spawning Drone  +1 繁殖工蜂Spawning Drone 能量币 Energy Credits −2 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 400 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind Tended by the scientific and gentle care of specialists, these pools stimulate our spawn into faster growth.
Building clone vats.png Clone Vats Mod pop growth req.png +3 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly 能量币 Energy Credits −2
食物 Food −30 if not 石质 Lithoid
矿物 Minerals −30 if 石质 Lithoid
Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 500
食物 Food 500 if not 石质 Lithoid
能量币 Energy Credits 500 if 石质 Lithoid
  • 设计进化 Engineered Evolution 设计进化Engineered Evolution ascension perk
  • No.png Resort World designation
Clone Vats break down simple organic materials like food to generate Organic Pop Assembly.
Building posthumous employment center.png Posthumous Employment Center 再指派员 Reassigner  +1 再指派员Reassigner 能量币 Energy Credits −2 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 400 永身雇佣制 Permanent Employment 永身雇佣制Permanent Employment At the Posthumous Employment Center, carcasses bereft of consciousness can find new purpose and a new opportunity to pay off their debts.
File:Building offspring nest.png Offspring Nest 繁殖工蜂 Spawning Drone +1 Offspring Drone 能量币 Energy Credits −2 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 400 (unrecognized string “progenitor hive” for Template:Icon) Progenitor Hive This fortified nest safely harbors the local Offspring while also accelerating growth for the rest of the nearby hive.

Empire capital buildings[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Capital buildings can only be constructed once on the capital world of an empire and are not available to 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness empires.

Building Produces Capital tier Upkeep Time Cost Required technology Description
Building embassy.png Embassy Complex 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys  +1 可派遣的特使Available Envoys 2 能量币 Energy Credits −5
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals −1
Time.png 480 矿物 Minerals 600
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 50
异种外交 Xeno Diplomacy 异种外交Xeno Diplomacy This building forms the heart of the empire's diplomatic efforts.

Due to the need to be close to the seat of the government, it can only be built at our capital.
Building grand embassy.png Grand Embassy Complex 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys  +2 可派遣的特使Available Envoys 3 能量币 Energy Credits −8
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals −2
Time.png 600 矿物 Minerals 800
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 100
异星关系学 Xeno Relations 异星关系学Xeno Relations The complex is intended to awe the viewer, rendering them compliant in negotiations.

Due to the need to be close to the seat of the government, it can only be built at our capital.
Building akx worm 3.png Omega Alignment 物理学研究 Physics Research  +16 物理学研究Physics Research Physics research 1 能量币 Energy Credits −8 Time.png 900 矿物 Minerals 1000 欧米伽理论 Omega Theory 欧米伽理论Omega Theory The surface of this object angles space. The interior is not visible to any sensor or imaging technology available. But we all know that what's in there.

Gaia Seeders[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Gaia Seeders can only be constructed by empires with the 田园绽放 Idyllic Bloom 田园绽放Idyllic Bloom civic. Building and upgrading Gaia Seeders takes Time.png 480 days for each phase, and for the first phase requires a tier 2 or above capital and the following phases require the following planet classes:

  • Initially, the planet class must match that of the primary species' homeworld. Upkeep on such worlds is not increased.
  • If the 地表塑造 Terrestrial Sculpting 地表塑造Terrestrial Sculpting technology is researched, the planet needs only match the climate of the primary species' homeworld. Upkeep on such worlds is increased by +25%.
  • If the 生态适应 Ecological Adaptation 生态适应Ecological Adaptation technology is researched, the planet can be of any class except 死寂星球 Tomb World 死寂星球Tomb World. Upkeep on such worlds is increased by +50%.
  • If the 气候复苏 Climate Restoration 气候复苏Climate Restoration technology is researched, the planet can be a 死寂星球 Tomb World 死寂星球Tomb World as well. Upkeep on such worlds is increased by +75%.
  • Gaia Seeders cannot be built on planet classes that cannot be terraformed (Gaia, Ecumenopolis, Hive, Machine, Relic, and artificial worlds). If the world is terraformed into such a class, the building is removed.
Phase Effects Base Upkeep Cost
Building gaiaseeders 1.png Phase 1 人口增长速度 Pop Growth Speed  +10% 人口增长速度Pop Growth Speed 能量币 Energy Credits −20 能量币 Energy Credits 1500
Building gaiaseeders 2.png Phase 2
  • 人口增长速度 Pop Growth Speed  +5% 人口增长速度Pop Growth Speed
  • 宜居性 Habitability  +10% 宜居性Habitability
能量币 Energy Credits −20
异星天然气 Exotic Gases −1
能量币 Energy Credits 1500
异星天然气 Exotic Gases 50
Building gaiaseeders 3.png Phase 3 宜居性 Habitability  +20% 宜居性Habitability 能量币 Energy Credits −20
异星天然气 Exotic Gases −2
能量币 Energy Credits 1500
异星天然气 Exotic Gases 100
Building gaiaseeders 4.png Final Phase
  • 盖亚星球 Gaia World Planet is terraformed into a Gaia World
  • 幸福度 Happiness  +10% 幸福度Happiness for 6 months
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull  +50% 迁入吸引力Immigration Pull for 6 months
Building removed 能量币 Energy Credits 1500
异星天然气 Exotic Gases 200

Military[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Military buildings produce 防御部队 Defense Army defense armies and are vital for the protection of a world. Once constructed they will always be placed at the top of the buildings order to be the last buildings destroyed by orbital bombardment. Fortresses can also contain an FTL inhibitor if the Tech aura snare.png FTL Inhibition technology has been researched. Upgrading Strongholds into Fortresses requires the 全球防御网络 Global Defense Grid 全球防御网络Global Defense Grid technology.

Building FTL magnet.png FTL Inhibitor Regular jobs 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness jobs Capital tier Upkeep Time Cost Description
Building stronghold.png Stronghold No.png 士兵 Soldier +2 Soldier 士兵 Soldier +2 Warrior Drone 1 能量币 Energy Credits −1 Time.png 240 矿物 Minerals 400 A planetary stronghold housing a substantial garrison force to protect the world from invasion and rebellion.
Building fortress.png Fortress Yes.png 士兵 Soldier +4 Soldier 士兵 Soldier +4 Warrior Drone 2 能量币 Energy Credits −1
易爆微粒 Volatile Motes −1
Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 400
易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 50
A massive fortress complex with an expanded garrison and training facilities for soldiers.

Law enforcement[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Law enforcement buildings produce 防御部队 Defense Army defense armies and 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity and, most importantly, reduce 犯罪与异常 犯罪与异常 or Deviancy.

Building Jobs Upkeep Time Cost Requirements Description
Building precinct house.png Precinct Houses 执法者 Enforcer +2 Enforcer 能量币 Energy Credits −2 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 200 No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness Monuments to law and order. Enforcers are based here.
Building hall judgment.png Hall of Judgment 执法者 Enforcer +5 Enforcer 能量币 Energy Credits −1
易爆微粒 Volatile Motes −1
Time.png 480 矿物 Minerals 600
易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 50
殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization technology A massive complex dedicated to courts and law enforcement.
Building sentinel posts.png Sentinel Posts 猎寻者子个体 Hunter-Seeker Drone +2 Hunter-Seeker Drone 能量币 Energy Credits −2 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 200 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness These are the outposts from which Patrol Drones scan the Consciousness for signs of deviancy and malfunction.

Refineries[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Refinery buildings produce 异星天然气 Exotic Gases稀有水晶 Rare Crystals易爆微粒 Volatile Motes advanced resources. They are less effective than buildings that require planetary features but do not require those. They cannot be built on Resort Worlds or Thrall-Worlds

Building Jobs 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness jobs 能量币 Energy Credits Upkeep Time.png Time 矿物 Minerals Cost Requirements Description
Building chemical plant.png Chemical Plants 化学家 Chemist +1 Chemist 化学家 Chemist +1 Chem-Drone −3 480 500 易爆材料生产厂 Volatile Material Plants 易爆材料生产厂Volatile Material Plants technology The unpredictable and sometimes unstable Volatile Motes are produced here artificially. No open flames are permitted within a five kilometer radius of the plants.
Building refinery.png Exotic Gas Refineries 气体精炼工 Gas Refiner +1 Gas Refiner 气体精炼工 Gas Refiner +1 Refinery Drone −3 480 500 异星天然气精炼 Exotic Gas Refining 异星天然气精炼Exotic Gas Refining technology These advanced refineries work day and night to produce exotic gases.
Building crystal plant.png Synthetic Crystal Plants 转化师 Translucer +1 Translucer 转化师 Translucer +1 Lensing Drone −3 480 500 稀有水晶生产 Rare Crystal Manufacturing 稀有水晶生产Rare Crystal Manufacturing technology Nearly identical to the real thing, the crystals produced here are of the highest quality.
Building crystal plant 2.png Kha'lanka Crystal Plant 转化师 Translucer +3 Translucer 转化师 Translucer +3 Lensing Drone −3 800 1000 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Whispers in the Stone archaeology site The discovery of new crystal manufacturing techniques, far below the surface in the city of the Kha'lanka lithoids, has effectivized artificial crystal manufacturing through oxidation of rapidly growing silicon-based cell clusters.

Temples[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Temple buildings are only available to 唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist and 极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist 极端唯心主义Fanatic Spiritualist empires. They produce 舒适度 Amenities 舒适度Amenities, 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity and 唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist Ethics Attraction.

Building Jobs Ethics Attraction Capital tier Upkeep Time Cost Requirements Description
Building temple.png Temple
  • 祭司 Priest +2 Priest
  • 企业政府 Corporate 祭司 Priest −1 经理 Manager 经理Manager: +1
唯心主义 Spiritualist +5% Spiritualist 1 能量币 Energy Credits −2 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 400 Simple constructs erected since time immemorial, temples are places of quiet contemplation and communion with that which unites us all.
Building holotemple.png Holotemple
  • 祭司 Priest +4 Priest
  • 企业政府 Corporate 祭司 Priest −2 经理 Manager 经理Manager: +2
唯心主义 Spiritualist +10% Spiritualist 2 能量币 Energy Credits −5
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals −2
Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 50
全息仪式 Holographic Rituals Holographic Rituals technoligy An enhanced form of its rough-hewn predecessors, the latest in Spiritualist technology creates a mutable reality inside the Holotemple - all for deeper meditation and more intense devotion.
Building sacred nexus.png Sacred Nexus
  • 祭司 Priest +6 Priest
  • 企业政府 Corporate 祭司 Priest −3 经理 Manager 经理Manager: +3
唯心主义 Spiritualist +15% Spiritualist 3 能量币 Energy Credits −8
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals −2
Time.png 600
  • 矿物 Minerals 800
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 100
授圣力场 Consecration Fields Consecration Fields technoligy The latest developments in field technology allow worshipers to directly experience the divine influence of sacred ground.
Building sacrificial temple 1.png Sacrificial Temple
  • 死亡司祭 Death Priest +1 Death Priest
  • 凡体先烈 Mortal Initiate +1 Mortal Initiate
唯心主义 Spiritualist +5% Spiritualist 1 能量币 Energy Credits −2 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 400 死亡教团 Death Cult 死亡教团Death Cult or 死亡教企 Corporate Death Cult 死亡教企Corporate Death Cult A revered site in which solemn preachers and dedicated pupils pray and work towards each prosperous yet bloody cycle.
Building sacrificial temple 2.png Grim Holotemple
  • 死亡司祭 Death Priest +2 Death Priest if not 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
  • 凡体先烈 Mortal Initiate +2 Mortal Initiate if not 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
  • 死亡司祭 Death Priest +1 Death Priest if 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
  • 凡体先烈 Mortal Initiate +1 Mortal Initiate if 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
  • 经理 Manager +2 Manager if 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
唯心主义 Spiritualist +10% Spiritualist 2 能量币 Energy Credits −5
异星天然气 Exotic Gases −2
Time.png 480
  • 矿物 Minerals 600
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 50
  • 死亡教团 Death Cult 死亡教团Death Cult or 死亡教企 Corporate Death Cult 死亡教企Corporate Death Cult
  • 全息仪式 Holographic Rituals Holographic Rituals technoligy
Technological enhancements to this consecrated building allow for more rigorous study, and a more tangible sense of devotion to causes beyond its mutable walls.
Building sacrificial temple 3.png Temple of Grand Sacrifice
  • 死亡司祭 Death Priest +3 Death Priest if not 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
  • 凡体先烈 Mortal Initiate +3 Mortal Initiate if not 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
  • 死亡司祭 Death Priest +2 Death Priest if 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
  • 凡体先烈 Mortal Initiate +2 Mortal Initiate if 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
  • 经理 Manager +2 Manager if 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
唯心主义 Spiritualist +15% Spiritualist 3 能量币 Energy Credits −8
异星天然气 Exotic Gases −2
易爆微粒 Volatile Motes −1
Time.png 600
  • 矿物 Minerals 800
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 100
  • 死亡教团 Death Cult 死亡教团Death Cult or 死亡教企 Corporate Death Cult 死亡教企Corporate Death Cult
  • 授圣力场 Consecration Fields Consecration Fields technology
A site of suprement consecration in which multi-sensory immersion fields allow the faithful to honor every sacrifice - past, present and future.

Trade[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Trade Buildings create Clerk and Merchant Jobs, which generate Trade Values and Amenities. While Clerk Jobs have a poor yield of only 4 Trade Value per Jobs, Commerce Buildings provide a significant number of them. Upgrading Commercial Zones into Commercial megaplexes requires the Tech interstellar economics.png Interstellar Economics technology.

格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness empires do not have civilian trade and cannot build these buildings. They also cannot be built on Thrall-Worlds.

Building Jobs Upkeep Time Cost Description
Building commercial zone.png Commercial Zones
  • 职员 Clerk +3 Clerk
  • 商人 Merchant +1 Merchant with Tradition mercantile commercial enterprise.png Commercial Enterprise
能量币 Energy Credits −2 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 400 These commercial zones are home to towering office buildings and business complexes.
Building commercial megaplex.png Commerce Megaplexes
  • 职员 Clerk +6 Clerk
  • 商人 Merchant +1 Merchant without Tradition mercantile commercial enterprise.png Commercial Enterprise
  • 商人 Merchant +2 Merchant with Tradition mercantile commercial enterprise.png Commercial Enterprise
能量币 Energy Credits −5
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals −1
Time.png 480 矿物 Minerals 600
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 50
Great commercial spires and towers rising up towards the sky, blotting out the light.

Organic safekeeping[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

失控机仆 Rogue Servitor 失控机仆Rogue Servitor empires need Organic safekeeping buildings to provide 活体陈设 Bio-Trophy 活体陈设Bio-Trophy Jobs for 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity. These buildings are converted into 住房 Housing 住房Housing buildings of equal tier if the planet is conquered by an empire that lacks the civic. Upgrading Organic Sanctuaries to Organic Paradises requires the Tech paradise dome.png Idyllic Architecture technology.

Building Jobs Upkeep Time Cost Description
Building organic sanctuary.png Organic Sanctuary
  • 活体陈设 Bio-Trophy 活体陈设Bio-Trophy +10
  • 工匠 Artisan 工匠Artisan Drone +1
能量币 Energy Credits −2 Time.png 360 矿物 Minerals 400 This sanctuary provides a sealed environment where organics can thrive in a safe and above all controlled manner.
Building paradise dome.png Organic Paradise
  • 活体陈设 Bio-Trophy 活体陈设Bio-Trophy +20
  • 工匠 Artisan 工匠Artisan Drone +2
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone 维护子个体Maintenance Drone +1
能量币 Energy Credits −5
异星天然气 Exotic Gases −1
Time.png 480 矿物 Minerals 600
异星天然气 Exotic Gases 50
An AI-controlled artifical paradise designed to satisfy every need a sapient organic being might have, just so long as it does not express a need for self-determination.

Feature-related[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Feature buildings can only be built based on the number certain rare Planetary Features allow.

Building Regular output 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness output 能量币 Energy Credits Upkeep Time.png  矿物 Minerals Cost Required technology Planetary feature Description
Building betharian power plant.png Betharian Power Plant
  • 能量币 Energy Credits +10 Energy
  • 技工 Technician +4 Technician
  • 能量币 Energy Credits +10 Energy
  • 技工 Technician +4 Tech-Drone
360 200 贝赛里安精炼 Betharian Refining 贝赛里安精炼Betharian Refining D betharian deposit.png Betharian Fields Betharian Power Plants consume Betharian Stone to produce vast amounts of Energy Credits.
Building alien zoo.png Alien Zoo
  • 演艺人员 Entertainer +2 Entertainer if not 尚武文化 Warrior Culture 尚武文化Warrior Culture
  • 决斗者 Duelist +2 Duelist if 尚武文化 Warrior Culture 尚武文化Warrior Culture
No.png −1 360 200 异种生物学 Xenology 异种生物学Xenology D alien pets deposit.png Isolated Valley As a sign of our mastery of the unknown, we have gathered alien creatures from all across the galaxy.
Building crystal mines.png Crystal Mines 水晶矿工 Crystal Miner +1 Crystal Miner 水晶矿工 Crystal Miner +1 Crystal Mining Drone −1 360 200 稀有水晶开采 Rare Crystal Mining 稀有水晶开采Rare Crystal Mining
  • D crystalline caverns.png Crystalline Caverns
  • D crystal forest.png Crystal Forest
  • D crystal reef.png Crystal Reef
  • D space walk.png Rare Crystal Deposit
Great care must be taken when excavating these mines to avoid damaging the crystals.
Building gas extractors.png Gas Extraction Wells 气体采集工 Gas Extractor +1 Gas Extractor 气体采集工 Gas Extractor +1 Gas Extraction Drone −1 360 200 异星天然气开采 Exotic Gas Extraction 异星天然气开采Exotic Gas Extraction
  • D bubbling swamp.png Bubbling Swamp
  • D fuming bog.png Fuming Bog
  • D space walk.png Exotic Gas Deposit
These hulking wells reach deep into the planet's mantle to access pockets of Exotic Gas.
Building mote harvesting traps.png Mote Harvesting Traps 微粒捕获工 Mote Harvester +1 Mote Harvester 微粒捕获工 Mote Harvester +1 Mote Harvesting Drone −1 360 200 微粒稳定化 Mote Stabilization 微粒稳定化Mote Stabilization
  • D dust caverns.png Dust Caverns
  • D dust desert.png Dust Desert
  • D space walk.png Volatile Mote Deposit
These intricate facilities trap Volatile Motes within energy fields, funneling them into special containment zone below ground where they can be stabilized and harvested.

Other buildings[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Building Effects Upkeep Time Cost Requirements Description
Building resource silo.png Resource Silos
  • 资源储存上限 Resource Storage Capacity +5000 Resource Storage Capacity
  • 职员 Clerk +1 Clerk if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone +1 Maintenance Drone if 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
能量币 Energy Credits −1 Time.png 180 矿物 Minerals 200
  • No.png Resort World designation
  • No.png Thrall World designation
Massive resource silos and storage facilities where large quantities of resources can be safely kept.
Building bio reactor.png Bio-Reactor 能量币 Energy Credits +20 Energy 食物 Food −25 Time.png 240 矿物 Minerals 200 Yes.png Main species does not require Food A facility where organic matter is converted into energy at a highly efficient rate.
Building nanite transmuter.png Nanite Transmuter
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases +2 Exotic Gases
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals +2 Rare Crystals
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes +2 Volatile Motes
能量币 Energy Credits −5
纳米机器人 Nanites −1
Time.png 600 矿物 Minerals 1000
  • Tech nanite transmutation.png Nanite Transmutation
  • 建筑 Building Planetary Administration
  • No.png Resort World designation
  • No.png Thrall World designation
This factory mass-produces a variety of rare resources using extremely advanced nanites. A Nanite Deficit will halt production.
Building residence.png Overseer Residences
  • 住房 Housing +2 Housing
  • 执法者 Enforcer +2 Slave Overseer
能量币 Energy Credits −1 Time.png 240 矿物 Minerals 200 Decision slave colony.png Thrall World These homes are reserved for the relatively privileged slave overseers.
Building ancient relics.png Ancient Clone Vat
  • Mod pop growth req.png +2 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly if Pops per vat is 19+
  • Mod pop growth req.png +5 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly if Pops per vat is 16-18
  • Mod pop growth req.png +7 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly if Pops per vat is 12-15
  • Mod pop growth req.png +10 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly if Pops per vat is 8-11
  • Mod pop growth req.png +15 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly if Pops per vat is 0-7 (only after year 2210)
能量币 Energy Credits −5 Time.png 90 矿物 Minerals 600 Origins clones.png Clone Army origin Lost technology left behind by the Creators. Can be taken apart and reassembled, but its inner components and workings are too much advanced to replicate.

Purchasable[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Purchasable buildings can only be obtained via a deal with aliens.

Building Produces Jobs 能量币 Energy Credits Upkeep Time.png  矿物 Minerals Cost Deal source Requirements Description
Building artist patron.png Ministry of Culture 凝聚力 Unity +15% Unity from Jobs
  • 文化工作者 Culture Worker +3 Culture Worker if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • 突触工蜂 Synapse Drone +3 Synapse Drone if 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind
  • 评估者 Evaluator +3 Evaluator if 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence
−2 480 N/A 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack Artisans
  • No.png Thrall World designation
  • Planet Unique
A fashionable headquarters for the Ministry of Culture, helping to spread knowledge, entertainment and art to the masses.
Building nuumismatic shrine.png Numistic Shrine
  • 商人 Merchant +2 Merchant
  • 祭司 Priest +2 Priest
N/A 180 1000 寰宇企业 Megacorp Caravan No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness A shrine devoted to the worship of Numa, goddess of fortune.
Building waste reprocessing center.png Waste Reprocessing Center
  • 能量币 Energy Credits +10 Energy
  • 矿物 Minerals +10 Minerals
  • 舒适度 Amenities +5 Amenities
技工 Technician +2 Tech-Drone N/A 480 100 寰宇企业 Megacorp Caravan 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness A planet's one stop center for converting industrial and biowaste into mostly clean, mostly reusable energy and minerals. Designed by the Racket Industrial Enterprise, its construction is somewhat arcane, and largely non-reverse- engineerable.

Primitive[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Primitive buildings can be found on planets owned by pre-FTL civilizations. They have negligible output and no upkeep and are removed or converted if the civilization is conquered or discovers FTL.

Building Produces Jobs Requirements Description
Building crude huts.png Crude Huts
  • 住房 Housing +4 Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities +5 Amenities
  • 犯罪度 Crime −10 Crime
Stone Age planet capital Primitive shelters constructed out of stone, clay or whatever other materials were available.
Building stone palace.png Stone Palaces
  • 住房 Housing +3 Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities +25 Amenities
  • 犯罪度 Crime −10 Crime
  • 封建贵族 Feudal Noble +1 Feudal Noble
  • 战士 Warrior +1 Warrior
  • 学者 Scholar +1 Scholar
  • 牧师 Cleric +1 Cleric
Bronze Age – Steam Age planet capital Primitive Palaces built out of stone, where the local ruling elite resides.
Building primitive capital.png Regional Capitals
  • 住房 Housing +5 Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities +25 Amenities
  • 犯罪度 Crime −20 Crime
  • 官僚 Bureaucrat +2 Bureaucrat
  • 士兵 Soldier +2 Soldier
  • 研究人员 Researcher +2 Researcher
  • 祭司 Priest +2 Priest
Industrial Age – Early Space Age planet capital The regional capital buildings of the various nation-states inhabiting this primitive world.
Building junkpile.png Junkheap
  • 住房 Housing +15 Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities +20 Amenities
拾荒者 Scavenger +10 Scavenger Junk Ratling planet capital A rusting, irradiated jumble of collapsed infrastructure, destroyed buildings. and decaying wreckage from an unknown civiliztion.
Building crude huts.png Primitive Dwellings 住房 Housing +6 Housing Bronze Age – Renaissance Age These small buildings provide a minimal amount of shelter, but they keep out the worst of the elements.
Building residence.png Urban Dwellings 住房 Housing +24 Housing Steam Age – Early Space Age Cramped and often polluted jungles of concrete.
Building primitive factory.png Primitive Factory 工人 Laborer +2 Labourer Steam Age – Early Space Age Primitive, inefficient factories spewing pollution while producing goods.
Building primitive mine.png Primitive Mine
  • 矿工 Miner +2 Miner
  • 石质 Lithoid矿工 Miner +8 Miner
Steam Age – Early Space Age Primitive mining tunnels that snake through the ground.
Building crude huts.png Primitive Farms 农夫 Farmer +10 Farmer
  • Industrial Age – Early Space Age
  • No.png石质 Lithoid 石质Lithoid
Primitive farmsteads working the soil for meager returns.
Building primitive power plant.png Primitive Power Plant 技工 Technician +2 Technician Industrial Age – Early Space Age A primitive and somewhat unreliable power plant that relies on coal or early atomic power.
Building stone palace.png Great Pyramid
  • 食物 Food +2 Food
  • 社会学研究 Society Research +2 Society Research
Observation event A pyramid constructed by the local population to appease a deity descended from the sky.

Fallen empire[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Fallen Empire buildings are found on the homeworlds and planets of Fallen Empires. These buildings use incredibly advanced arcane technology, and as such are exceptionally effective compared to regular empire buildings. Most are autonomous, and can be used by other empires if captured. Ruined Fallen Empire buildings can be repaired. Fallen Empires, awakened or not, can never build more Fallen Empire buildings (with a few exceptions), making these buildings highly valuable.

Using the Reverse-Engineer Arcane Technology artifact action has a small chance to allow the user to build a Fallen Empire building on one of their planets. Each building takes Time.png 480 days to construct. If demolished however, they cannot be rebuilt.

Building Produces Upkeep On Capture Description
Building palace.png Ancient Palace
  • 监督者 Overseer +2 Overseer jobs
  • 保护者 Protector +2 Protector jobs
能量币 Energy Credits −10 Converts to high level capital A massive palatial complex built in a different age. The decrepit and abandoned wings are not betrayed by its shining exterior.
  • Is the colony capital of biological Fallen Empire worlds
Building slave processing.png Ancient Control Center 守护者 Guardian +5 Guardian jobs 能量币 Energy Credits −10 Converts to high level capital The ancient control center of this section of the ringworld is just barely kept functional by the tireless effort of a legion of machine drones.
  • Is the colony capital of Ancient Caretakers worlds
Building fe xeno zoo.png Xeno Preserve
  • 住房 Housing +30 Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities +15 Amenities
  • 异种监护者 Xeno-Keeper +2 Xeno-Keeper jobs
能量币 Energy Credits −10 Converts to low level capital A highly sophisticated preserve that maintains the natural habitat of the "preserved" alien species perfectly.
  • Is the colony capital of The Preserve
Building fortress.png Aegis Complex 保护者 Protector +5 Protector jobs 能量币 Energy Credits −10 Converts to Fortress A massive planetary defense complex housing a multitude of armories stocked to the brim with advanced precursor weaponry.
Building hab cultural center.png Affluence Center 消费品 Consumer Goods +50 Consumer Goods
  • 能量币 Energy Credits −10
  • 矿物 Minerals −25
Usable Any material desire can be met here, no matter how outlandish.
Building nano forge.png Auto-Forge 合金 Alloys +25 Alloys
  • 能量币 Energy Credits −10
  • 矿物 Minerals −50
Usable The colossal nano-replicator bays convert raw materials into advanced alloys with miraculous efficiency.
Building class 4 singularity.png Class-4 Singularity 能量币 Energy Credits +250 Energy N/A Usable Even after all this time, the containment fields remain stable. No one understands how.
Building nanite transmuter.png Dimensional Fabricator
  • 矿物 Minerals +100 Minerals
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases +2 Exotic Gases
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals +2 Rare Crystals
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes +2 Volatile Motes
  • 暗物质 Dark Matter +2 Dark Matter if Fallen Empire
  • 活体金属 Living Metal +2 Living Metal if Fallen Empire
  • 泽珞 Zro +2 Zro if Fallen Empire
能量币 Energy Credits −20 Usable This building uses little-understood dimensional technology to tunnel into other realities and siphon off their valuable resources.
Building food processing center.png Nourishment Center 食物 Food +100 Food 能量币 Energy Credits −20 Usable If it exists as a flavor, it can be replicated here.
Building paradise dome.png Sky Dome
  • 住房 Housing +20 Housing
  • 舒适度 Amenities +20 Amenities
能量币 Energy Credits −10 Usable A floating utopia maintained with extremely advanced anti-gravity technology.
Building master archive.png Master Archive
  • 研究 Research +100 Research Output
  • 档案管理员 Archivist +10 Archivist jobs if Fallen Empire
能量币 Energy Credits −20 Usable The collected knowledge of five galactic ages is supposedly stored here, but the ability to operate the exceedingly complex and arcane data retrieval system has long since been lost. Still, whatever scraps of data can be obtained are often invaluable.
  • Can only be found on The Archives
Building citadel of faith.png Empyrean Shrine Job priest.png +3 Augur of the Shroud jobs 能量币 Energy Credits −10 Converts to Citadel of Faith The shrine itself vibrates somehow, making it appears slightly blurred from a distance.
  • Can only be found on Sky Temple
Building ancient cryo chamber.png Ancient Cryo-Chamber 能量币 Energy Credits −20 Must be demolished or replaced Rows upon rows of cryo-pods line this massive structure, containing the long-expired remains of billions of alien specimens frozen long ago.
  • Can only be found on Alpha Complex.

Holdings[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


A Holding represents an area on a world that is owned by an empire other than the world's owner. There are two type of holdings: Overlord Holding and Branch Office. Up to 4 special buildings can be built in a holding.

参考资料[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  1. 00_capital_buildings.txt: see "prerequisites" blocks
  2. 01_scripted_triggers_buildings.txt
  3. 00_capital_buildings.txt: see "building_machine_capital", "convert_to" block. Possibly a bug
  4. 01_scripted_triggers_buildings.txt: see "has_fully_upgraded_capital". Possibly a bug