Edicts modding


This page is about how to modify existing and how to create new Edicts.

Edicts are defined at "common/edicts/xxx.txt".

Data Structure[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • length = <int> - Days of the edict duration. If 0, this Edict immediately ends. If -1, this Edict lasts until manually toggled off.
  • resources - An Economy Unit that determines the cost of this edict. Only the "cost" field is wanted. If length is -1, the cost is paid again when deactivating.
  • prerequisites = { tech_xxx } - A list of Technology keys that determines the technology prerequisites of this edict.
  • show_tech_unlock_if - A block of Conditions. If evaluated false, this edict will not be shown in the technology tooltip of that technology.
  • modifier - A block of Modifiers to be applied to the empire for as long as this edict remain active.
  • potential - A block of Conditions that determines is this edict listed for this empire. (Country scope)
  • allow - A block of Conditions that determines can this edict be activated by this empire. (Country scope)
  • effect - A block of Effects to be executed when this edict become active. (Country scope)
    • There is NO effect block that can be executed when this edict is manually toggled off.
  • ai_weight - The higher it is, the more likely the AI will try to activate this edict.
  • edict_cap_usage - The number of Edict Capacities this Edict will use.

Vanilla Example[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

This is the education campaign.

education_campaign = {
	length = @campaignDuration
	resources = {
		category = campaigns
		cost = {
			energy = @campaignCost

	modifier = {
		species_leader_exp_gain = 0.25

	potential = {
		NOT = { has_ethic = ethic_gestalt_consciousness }
		has_technology = tech_planetary_unification

	ai_weight = {
		weight = 0
		modifier = {
			weight = 1
			has_edict = healthcare_campaign

Instant Effect Edicts[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

An edict with length = 0 and an effect work like an empire wide Decision. The modifier doesn't apply in this case.

# this instant effect edict costs 100 influence and provides 1000 unity.
one_time_effect_edict_example = {
	length = 0
	resources = {
		category = edicts
		cost = {
			influence = 100
	effect = {
		add_resource = {
			unity = 1000

The demerit is, it will instantly generate an "Edict Expired" notification.

相关的动态修改语句[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


  • has_edict = <edict key> - Checks if the empire has this edict active.
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