Defines are variables used by the engine. They regulate basic game behaviors and settings that are not opened to scripting (the number of core planets, camera field-of-view, ...).
Defines are static and global: they apply to the whole game and cannot be changed dynamically.
Vanilla values are configured in the file common/defines/00_defines.txt, which contains more than 1000 variables affecting many areas of the game.
Modding Defines[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Setting up[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
In order to start modding defines in your mod, add a defines folder under common:
- Then copy 00_defines.txt from the game folder
- rename the copy (for example to 'example_defines.txt') Note: This is a crucial step you can not leave it as 00_defines.txt or the game will crash.
- delete all content in your copy.
This ensures the file has the correct encoding (one of those nasty tripping stones one can encounter in modding Stellaris).
Changing Properties[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
for Version 1.8x Now, in order to change a property, all it takes is a single line per property. For example, let's assume you want to increase the number of leaders in the leader pool.
Looking through the original 00_defines.txt file,
NGameplay = { LEADER_POOL_SIZE = 4 # Each leader pool will consist of this many leaders }
And that's it.
For each additional property under the same section, simply add another line. For example, let's say we want to change the time leaders spend in pool, in that case, the whole text file could look like this:
NGameplay = { LEADER_POOL_SIZE = 4 # Each leader pool will consist of this many leaders LEADER_POOL_LEAD_TIME = 5 # Years leaders will remain in the leader pool until replaced }
It is also possible to add comments, same as in the original file - everything behind "#" will be ignored.
Here a full example of editing multiple places:
NGameplay = { LEADER_POOL_SIZE = 4 # Each leader pool will consist of this many leaders LEADER_POOL_LEAD_TIME = 5 # Years leaders will remain in the leader pool until replaced LEADER_HIRING_COST = 50 LEADER_BASE_CAP = 12 # Base or Starting Quantity of Assigned Leaders Allowed for your Empire GENERAL_DAMAGE_EXP_MULT = 1.2 # Multiplier of how much damage translates into experience. GENERAL_DEFENSE_EXP_MULT = 1.25 # Multiplier of how much defense translates into experience. TECH_COST_MULT_NUM_COLONIES = 0.000 # Each Planet adds +X% tech cost TECH_COST_FREE_POPS = 25 # First X pops do not add any tech cost TECH_COST_MULT_NUM_POPS = 0.001 # Each non-free Pop adds +X% tech cost } NSpecies = { MAX_ETHIC_POINTS = 5 # Max Ethic Points (Allows me to use 5 instead of 3) MAX_TRAIT_POINTS = 2 # Max racial trait points } NPop = { PURGE_EXTERMINATION_MONTHS = 120 # Number of months it takes to exterminate a population when using extermination purging }
As you can see you can edit multiple lines of Various Sections by adding in that section the lines you want to edit.
List of defines[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Camera[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | Default Value | 折叠Version |
FOV | Field-of-View | 35 | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_DESIGN_ENTRY_CAM_DIR | Used for all ships | { -1.0 -0.6 0.3 } | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_DESIGN_ENTRY_CAM_LOOK_AT | Used for all ships # x=closer, -y=up, +z=left, -z=right | { -2 -1.5 -1.0 } | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_DESIGN_ENTRY_ZOOM_SCALE | Used for all ships | 1.7 | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_SHIP_SECTION_CAM_DIR | Used for ship sections in the ship designer | { -1.0 -0.9 0.7 } | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_SHIP_SECTION_CAM_LOOK_AT | Used for ship sections in the ship designer | { 0 0 0 } | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_SHIP_SECTION_ZOOM_SCALE | Used for ship sections in the ship designer | 2.3 | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_SYSTEM_VIEW_CAM_DIR | Used for planets | { -1.0 -0.5 0.3 } | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_SYSTEM_VIEW_CAM_LOOK_AT | Used for planets | { 0 0 0 } | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_SYSTEM_VIEW_ZOOM_SCALE | Used for planets | 1.6 | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_SPECIES_VIEW_CAM_DIR | Used for planets in the species customization menus | { -1.0 -0.5 0.3 } | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_SPECIES_VIEW_CAM_LOOK_AT | Used for planets in the species customization menus | { 0 0 0 } | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_SPECIES_VIEW_ZOOM_SCALE | Used for planets in the species customization menus | 1.7 | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_RINGWORLD_CAM_DIR = | # Same, but specifically for ring worlds | { -1.0 -0.75 0.3 } | 2.72 |
ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_RINGWORLD_CAM_LOOK_AT = | # Same, but specifically for ring worlds | { 0 0 0 } | 2.72 |
ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_RINGWORLD_ZOOM_SCALE = | # Same, but specifically for ring worlds | 1.9 | 2.72 |
ENTITY_SPRITE_FRONTEND_BG_CAM_DIR | Used for the animated front end background | { 0.0 0.0 1.0 } | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_FRONTEND_BG_CAM_LOOK_AT | Used for the animated front end background | { 0.0 0 0 } | |
ENTITY_SPRITE_FRONTEND_BG_ZOOM_SCALE | Used for the animated front end background | 10.0 | |
GALAXY_SHOW_FLEETS_ZOOM | Camera zoom interval to show fleet icons | 2300 | |
GALAXY_SHOW_STARNAME_ZOOM | Camera zoom interval to show star name | 800 | |
GALAXY_SHOW_FILTERICONS_ZOOM | Camera zoom interval to show filter icons | 300 | Not in 2.72 |
SHOW_FLEETS_ZOOM | Show fleet icons instead of ship icons above this height | 300 | |
ZOOM_STEPS_GALAXY | Galaxy zoom steps | { 100 200 400 600 900 1500 3000 } | |
ZOOM_STEPS_SYSTEM_PERCENTAGES | System zoom steps in percent relative to the system size | { 0.025 0.1 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.5 3.0 } | Changed in 2.72 |
ZOOM_STEPS_SHOW_FLEET_HEALTH_BARS | on which zoom steps per-fleet health bars should be shown | { 3 4 5 6 } | |
LEAVE_SYSTEM_BIAS | Leave system if we are 10 distance from step | 15000.0 | Obsolete in 2.72 |
LEAVE_GALAXY_BIAS | Leave galaxy if we are 10 distance from step | 55.0 | Obsolete in 2.72 |
LEAVE_SYSTEM_ZOOM_STEP | Controls which zoom step is used after leaving system | 1 | |
ENTER_SYSTEM_ZOOM_STEP | Controls which zoom step is used after entering system | 6 | |
SYSTEM_FOCUS_PLANET_STEP | Controls which zoom step to planet zoom to in a system | 2 | |
EDGE_SCROLLING_PIXELS | how many pixels from window edge that will trigger edge scrolling | 3 | |
SCROLL_SPEED | higher values = faster camera. NOTE that this is tweakables from settings as well! | 0.035 | |
SYSTEM_CAMERA_RESTRICT_EXTRA_SPACE | how far the camera can go outside a systems outer radius | 100.0 | |
SYSTEM_MIN_PITCH | in degrees | 20.0 | |
SYSTEM_MAX_PITCH | in degrees | 80.0 | |
GALAXY_MIN_PITCH | in degrees | 30.0 | |
GALAXY_MAX_PITCH | in degrees | 85.0 | |
FOCUSED_MIN_PITCH | in degrees used when focused on planet/ship | -80.0 | |
FOCUSED_MAX_PITCH | in degrees used when focused on planet/ship | 80.0 | |
FOCUSED_MIN_ZOOM_BASE | base min zoom. The smaller the value is, the closer of the ENTITY the camera is at minimal zoom. | 20.0 | |
FOCUSED_MIN_ZOOM_MULT | Minimal zoom = Base + Entity radius * FOCUSED_MIN_ZOOM_MULT # The smaller the value is, the closer of the SHIP the camera is at minimal zoom. | 0.5 | |
FOCUSED_PLANET_MIN_ZOOM_MULT | The smaller the value is, the closer of the PLANET the camera is at minimal zoom. | 1.6 | |
FOCUSED_ZOOM_RATE | higher values means faster zoom in/out | 0.2 | |
FOCUS_START_ZOOM_STEP | which zoom step will be used when focusing on a new object | 4 | |
ROTATION_RADIANS_PER_MOUSE_UNIT | moving the mouse 1 pixel results in rotation of X radians * sensitivity from settings | 0.004 | |
MOUSE_MOVEMENT_TO_START_ROTATION_SQ | how far (squared) you need to move the mouse before the game recognizes this as a camera rotation action | 16 | |
OFFSET_ANOMALY_VIEW | how far from the right the anomaly view will pop up when toggling in galaxy view | 50 | |
Graphics[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | 折叠Default Value |
DEAD_SHIP_DRAG | # When ships die reduce their speed with x / second | 15.0 |
ORBIT_HSV | { 0.44 0.8 0.6 } | |
SYSTEM_INNER_BORDER_HSV | { 0.0 0.0 1.0 } | |
SYSTEM_OUTER_BORDER_HSV | { 0.1 0.8 0.9 } | |
SYSTEM_LINE_ALPHA_FADE_STEP | Fade alpha betweeen zoom step X and Y | { 1 6 } |
SYSTEM_LINE_ALPHA_FADE_VALUE | Fade alpha value between X and Y | { 0.1 0.05 } |
MOON_SCALE | 0.7 | |
PLANET_SCALE_SYSTEM | Scale for each System zoom steps (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) | { 0.425 0.325 0.35 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.75 } |
PLANET_DESTRUCTION_HIT_ENTITY_SCALE (2.3.3) | Scale of the planet destruction hit entity is <planet display size> * this | 0.02 |
RELATION_COLOR_PLAYER_HSV | { 0.67 0.8 0.35 } | |
RELATION_COLOR_ALLIED_HSV | { 0.8 0.35 0.4 } | |
RELATION_COLOR_NEUTRAL_HSV | { 0.0 0.0 0.22 } | |
RELATION_COLOR_HOSTILE_HSV | { 0.0 0.3 0.3 } | |
RELATION_COLOR_SELECTED_RGB | { 1.5 1.1 0.0} | |
ASTEROID_PLANE | -100.0 | |
PLANET_TILT_FROM_SUN | Tilt away from sun | 0.52 |
PLANET_MAP_ICON_OFFSET | based on planet size | 0.6 |
MEGASTRUCTURE_MAP_ICON_OFFSET | based on mega structure size | 0.06 |
TRAILS_ALPHA_FADE | Controls of quick we alpha fade-out | 0.5 |
TRAILS_MISSILE_ALPHA_FADE | Controls of quick we alpha fade-out missile trails | 6 |
TRAILS_BASE_WIDTH | Trails width | 1.0 |
TRAILS_MISSILE_BASE_WIDTH | Missile trails width | 3.0 |
TRAILS_LOCATOR_NAME | "exhaust" | |
BORDER_TEXTURE_SIZE | size of borders data texture. larger = slower with more sample points. Too small and it will be inaccurate too big and the super sampling won't have much effect | 512 |
BORDER_MIN_SIZE_FOR_SYMBOL | To show a symbol the border blob must be able to fit a square of x pixels | 2 |
BORDER_COUNTRY_FILL_TEXTURE | texture to use on the inside | "gfx/map/" |
BORDER_COUNTRY_EDGE_TEXTURE | texture to use for the edge triangle strip | "gfx/map/" |
BORDER_FALLEN_EMPIRE_FILL_TEXTURE | texture to use on the inside | "gfx/map/" |
BORDER_FALLEN_EMPIRE_EDGE_TEXTURE | texture to use for the edge triangle strip | "gfx/map/" |
BORDER_CONFLICTED_FILL_TEXTURE | texture to use for the inside of conflicted systems. | "gfx/map/" |
BORDER_CONFLICTED_EDGE_TEXTURE | texture to use for the edge of conflicted systems. | "gfx/map/" |
STAR_PIN_CIRCLE_RADIUS | The lines that go from solar systems down to the 0-plane. This is the radius of that circle | 2.0 |
STAR_PIN_CIRCLE_NUM_POINTS | how many points in the circle on the 0-plane | 6 |
STAR_PIN_ENABLE_NEUTRAL | Should the game draw pins for stars that are not within any borders? | yes |
STAR_PIN_ENABLE_NEUTRAL | Should the game draw pins for stars that are not within any borders? | { 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 } |
STAR_PIN_NEUTRAL_COLOR | The color for pins that are not inside any borders | { 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 } |
NULL_ENTITY | "test_object_entity" | |
NULL_INSTANT_PROJECTILE | "default_instant_projectile" | |
NULL_MISSILE_PROJECTILE | "default_missile_projectile" | |
SCIENCE_SHIP_SURVEY_ENTITY | "survey_base_effect_entity" | |
SCIENCE_SHIP_SURVEY_ENTITY_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR | Scale in xy can max be scale z * SCIENCE_SHIP_SURVEY_ENTITY_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR. Scale z will be equal to the distance between surveyed object and ship | 1.0 |
CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_TERRAFORMING_BEAM_ENTITY | "terraforming_effect_entity" | |
CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_TERRAFORMING_PLANET_ENTITY | "terraforming_planet_effect_entity" | |
CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_TERRAFORMING_BEAM_ENTITY_SCALE_XY | Scale xy in local coords between ship and planet. | 1.0 |
CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_TERRAFORMING_BEAM_ENTITY_SCALE_Z | Scale beam tip z in local coords so beam hits planet surface. | 0.62 |
CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_TERRAFORMING_PLANET_ENTITY_SCALE_R | Scale radius r of the cloud surrounding the planet. | 3.0 |
NAVIGATION_ARROW_ENTITY | might require a game restart to push changes | "navigation_arrow_entity" |
NAVIGATION_ARROW_OFFSET | offsets the arrow towards the edge # might require a game restart to push changes | 150.0 |
NAVIGATION_ARROW_FONT | might require a game restart to push changes | "Orbitron" |
NAVIGATION_ARROW_FONT_SPECIAL | russian and polish # might require a game restart to push changes | "arial" |
NAVIGATION_ARROW_FONT_SIMP_CHINESE | Chinese # might require a game restart to push changes | "Chinese_normal" |
NAVIGATION_ARROW_TEXT_OFFSET | might require a game restart to push changes | -50.0 |
NAVIGATION_ARROW_TEXT_SCALE | might require a game restart to push changes | 1.6 |
NAVIGATION_ARROW_FONT_SIZE | might require a game restart to push changes | 32 |
NAVIGATION_ARROW_TEXT_KERNING | might require a game restart to push changes | 8 |
SHIP_HEALTH_BAR_COLOR | { 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 } | |
SHIP_HEALTH_BAR_BG_COLOR | { 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 } | |
SHIP_SHIELD_BAR_COLOR | { 0.0 0.4 1.0 1.0 } | |
SHIP_SHIELD_BAR_BG_COLOR | { 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 } | |
SHIP_TARGET_LOCATOR | "target_locator_" | |
MISSILE_HEIGHT_OFFSET | how high up missiles will fly | 10.0 |
MISSILE_ROTATION_RATE | how fast missiles will adjust their rotation. High values can cause visible snaps each micro update | 17.0 |
MISSILE_RANDOM_OFFSET_MIN_RADIUS | random spread of missiles | 5.0 |
BALLISTIC_PROJECTILE_MISSED_LIFETIME | missed ballistic projectiles will live for (at least) this long before being removed | 2.0 |
PROJECTILE_ENTITY_STOP_STATE | state that gets played on missile- projectile- and on_hit entities when its time to stop | "stop" |
SHIELD_EFFECT_TIME_SCALE | how fast the shield effects are animated | 1.5 |
SHIELD_EFFECT_LOOP_INTERVAL | when to loop animation. value is in percent | 0.5 |
SHIELD_DISTANCE_FROM_SHIP | how far "out" from the ships shields will extend. left-right upd-down front-back | { 2.0 0.0 5.0 } |
SHIELD_DISTANCE_FROM_SHIP_MULT | how far "out" from the ships shields will extend. based on ship's size. left-right upd-down front-back | { 1.15 1.15 1.15 } |
SHIELD_EFFECT_ENTITIES | { "small_shield_impact_entity" "medium_shield_impact_entity" "large_shield_impact_entity" } | |
SHIELD_EFFECT_LOOPING_ENTITIES | { "small_shield_impact_looping_entity" "medium_shield_impact_looping_entity" "large_shield_impact_looping_entity" } | |
MISSED_BEAM_LENGTH | how long missed beams will be | 1500.0 |
SHIP_DAMAGE_TEXTURE | "gfx/models/ships/other/" | |
SHIP_DISSOLVE_NOISE_TEXTURE | "gfx/models/ships/other/" | |
MOVE_ARROW_SYSTEM_CONTROL_POINT_SPACING | When plotting the movement arrows how far apart should the control points be? | 100.0 |
MOVE_ARROW_GALAXY_CONTROL_POINT_SPACING | When plotting the movement arrows how far apart should the control points be? | 5.0 |
MOVE_ARROW_SYSTEM_TARGET_ENTITY | Entity that is used at the end of the arrow | "move_indicator_entity" |
MOVE_ARROW_GALAXY_TARGET_ENTITY | Entity that is used at the end of the arrow | "galaxy_move_indicator_entity" |
ATTACK_ARROW_SYSTEM_TARGET_ENTITY | Entity that is used at the end of the arrow | "attack_indicator_entity" |
ATTACK_ARROW_GALAXY_TARGET_ENTITY | Entity that is used at the end of the arrow | "galaxy_attack_indicator_entity" |
TASK_ARROW_SYSTEM_TARGET_ENTITY | Entity that is used at the end of the arrow | "task_indicator_entity" |
TASK_ARROW_GALAXY_TARGET_ENTITY | Entity that is used at the end of the arrow | "galaxy_task_indicator_entity" |
GUI_PLANET_RING_DIR | direction of the ring for planets in gui icons | { 1.5 -0.25 1.5 } |
TI_TEXTURE_GROW_AMOUNT | amount to grow TI for graphics | 1 |
FLEET_EFFECT_ENTITIES | { <when repairing> <when upgrading> <when orbiting> <when idling>} | { "ship_repair_entity" "ship_upgrade_entity" "ship_orbit_entity" "" } |
FLEET_EFFECT_ENTITIES_BILLBOARD | { <when repairing> <when upgrading> <when orbiting> <when idling>} | { 1 1 0 1 } |
FLEET_EFFECT_ENTITIES_SCALE | { <when repairing> <when upgrading> <when orbiting> <when idling>} | { 0 0 1 0 } |
FTL_WINDUP_ENTITY_WARP | "warp_ftl_ship_effect_entity" | |
FTL_WINDUP_ENTITY_HYPERLANE | "hyperlane_ftl_ship_effect_entity" | |
FTL_WINDUP_ENTITY_JUMPDRIVE | "hyperlane_ftl_ship_effect_entity" | |
ALIENFX_DEFAULT_COLOR | { 0.43 0.8 0.61 } | |
RUINED_BUILDING | "gfx/interface/icons/buildings/" | |
AURA_EFFECT_COLOR_ALLIED_HOSTILE | { 0.58 1 1 0.05 } | |
AURA_EFFECT_COLOR_ENEMY_FRIENDLY | { 0.1 1 1.0 0.05 } | |
AURA_EFFECT_COLOR_ENEMY_HOSTILE | { 0.00 1 0.3 0.1 } | |
MAP_MODE_NEUTRAL_COLOR | { 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.75 } | |
COUNTRY_BORDER_COLOR_RANDOM_SATURATION_OFFSETS | { 0.0 -0.1 0.1 -0.2 0.2 -0.3 0.3 } | |
COUNTRY_BORDER_COLOR_RANDOM_VALUE_OFFSETS | { 0.0 -0.1 0.1 -0.2 0.2 -0.25 0.3 } | |
CONSTRUCTION_COLOR_VALID | { 0.38 1.0 0.6 0.5 } | |
CONSTRUCTION_COLOR_INVALID | { 0.0 0.95 0.3 0.5 } | |
CONSTRUCTION_COLOR_IN_PROGRESS | { 0.41 1.0 0.6 0.10 } | |
Interface[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | 折叠Default Value |
TOOLTIP_TIME | 0.05 | |
NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_XPOS | X-position where notification message starts | 130 |
NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_YPOS | Y-position where notification message stops | 44 |
NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_CLOSE_WARNING_PERC | Percentage of time left before auto close | 0.30 |
TECH_VIEW_ZOOM_STEPS | { 1.0 0.75 0.5 0.3 } | |
PLANETVIEW_ORBITAL_RED_HEALTH | How high percentage health before orbital health bar turns red in planet view. | 50 |
PLANETVIEW_ORBITAL_YELLOW_HEALTH | How high percentage health before orbital health bar turns yellow in planet view. | 75 |
PLANETVIEW_DETACH_POP_DISTANCE | How far the pop has to be dragged before actually detaching from a tile | 20 |
GROWING_POP_ALPHA | Used in planet view surface tab | 0.60 |
QUEUED_BUILDING_ALPHA | Used in planet view surface tab | 0.60 |
POTENTIAL_ARMY_ALPHA | Used in planet view army tab | 0.45 |
ANOMALY_VIEW_RISK_LOW | Color green if < 11% | 0.1 |
ANOMALY_VIEW_RISK_MEDIUM | Color yellow if < 50% else red | 0.49 |
BUILDINGS_TO_SHOW_CITY_LEVEL | Decides how many buildings are required to show the next level of city-infrastructure in city_frame | { 1 3 5 8 11 } |
TRADE_VIEW_SMALL_CREDIT_CHANGE | Decides how much value is changed while holding control when increasing/decreasing credit in trade | 10 |
TRADE_VIEW_LARGE_CREDIT_CHANGE | Decides how much value is changed while holding shift when increasing/decreasing credit in trade | 100 |
TRADE_VIEW_MASSIVE_CREDIT_CHANGE | Decides how much value is changed while holding shift AND control when increasing/decreasing credit in trade | 1000 |
TRADE_VIEW_WIDE_MODE_THRESHHOLD | Shows Trade View in wide mode if game resolution is above this | 1470 |
SHIP_NAME_CAP_LENGTH | Fleet name max width to limit Henrik Eklund's imagination | 175 |
SHIP_NAME_SIZE_MAX | Max number of letters in ship names | 26 |
SPECIES_NAME_SIZE_MAX | Max number of letters in army names | 20 |
SPECIES_NAME_CAP_LENGTH | Max name width for army names | 175 |
EMPIRE_NAME_CAP_LENGTH | Width based on galaxy view entry name for empires | 280 |
ADVISOR_DEFAULT_SHOW_SOUND | "advisor_generic_phrase" | |
ADVISOR_DEFAULT_CLICK_SOUND | "advisor_clicking_respons_01" | |
ADVISOR_ANNOYED_SOUNDS | { "advisor_clicking_respons_05" "advisor_clicking_respons_06" "advisor_clicking_respons_07" "advisor_clicking_respons_08" "advisor_clicking_respons_09" "advisor_clicking_respons_10" "advisor_clicking_respons_11" "advisor_clicking_respons_12" "advisor_clicking_respons_13" "advisor_clicking_respons_14" "advisor_clicking_respons_15" "advisor_clicking_respons_16" } | |
ADVISOR_SOUND_MIN_WAIT | After playing a VO line, don't play any other VO line for X seconds | 2.0 |
ADVISOR_SOUND_BLOCKED_DEFAULT | Default time VO line blocked from playing for X seconds | 0.0 |
ADVISOR_SOUND_BLOCKED_SHIP_LOST | This VO line will be blocked from playing for X seconds | 10.0 |
ADVISOR_SOUND_BLOCKED_FLEET_ENGAGED | This VO line will be blocked from playing for X seconds | 10.0 |
OUTLINER_PING_TIME | Amount of seconds to show the ping when having selected an object from the outliner | 2.40 |
FRONTEND_ANIMATED_BG_ENTITY | "frontend_background_entity" | |
DANGEROUS_FACTIONS_WHITE | How much support a faction must have to be listed as a white dangerous faction. | 0.3 |
DANGEROUS_FACTIONS_YELLOW | How much support a faction must have to be listed as a yellow dangerous faction. | 0.5 |
DANGEROUS_FACTIONS_RED | How much support a faction must have to be listed as a red dangerous faction. | 0.8 |
SITUATION_LOG_DEBRIS_PICTURE_SPRITE | "GFX_situation_log_debris_picture" | |
SITUATION_LOG_DEBRIS_ICON_FILENAME | "gfx/interface/icons/situation_log/" | |
SITUATION_LOG_MODIFICATION_PICTURE_SPRITE | "GFX_situation_log_modification_picture" | |
SITUATION_LOG_MODIFICATION_ICON_FILENAME | "gfx/interface/icons/situation_log/" | |
MIN_GUI_SCALE | Minimum UI scale factor | 0.5 |
INGAME_HELP_URL_TGP | "!/2000011" | |
TOPBAR_BUTTONS_SHORTCUTS | Shortcuts for topbar buttons | { "contacts" "F2" "situation" "F3" "technology" "F4" "empire" "F5" "policies" "F6" "factions" "F7" "traditions" "F8" "expansion_planner" "F9" "ship_designer" "F10"} |
TOPBAR_BUTTONS_PRIORITY | The order of topbar buttons | { "contacts" "situation" "technology" "empire" "policies" "factions" "strategic_resource" "species" "leaders" "traditions" "expansion_planner" "ship_designer" } |
TOPBAR_BUTTONS | Amount of topbar buttons shown | 4 |
OUTLINER_PLANET_CONSTRUCTION_MAX_ENTRIES | not enough space in vanilla stellaris for more. priority: spaceport, tile, army, pop | 3 |
Gameplay[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | 折叠Default Value |
SHROUD_FLAG | "breached_shroud" | |
DECADENCE_START | After this many years of being awakened, an awakened empire will experience decadence | 20 |
DECADENCE_CHANCE | Chance of decadence increasing each month (multiplied by total size of empire & subjects) | 0.5 |
DECADENCE_INCREASE | How much does decadence increase per time? | 2 |
DECADENCE_MAX | Max decadence | 100 |
ALLOW_MANAGE_SECTOR_PLANETS | Can empire manually manage sector tiles? | 1 |
FTL_MAGNET_DISTANCE | The distance at which ships will warp in when caught by an FTL snare | 50 |
MIN_RESOURCE_STORAGE | Minimum amount that can always be stored of accumulative resources # changed to 0 for machine food stockpiling | 0 |
SCALED_DIFFICULTY_MAX_GALAXY_SIZE | At this galaxy size, the full scaled difficulty modifier is applied # Not used for crisis faction, mainly for FEs/AEs | 1000 |
SCALED_DIFFICULTY_GALAXY_SIZE_MULT | How much does galaxy size impact difficulty scaling # Not used for crisis faction, mainly for FEs/AEs | 0.75 |
SCALED_DIFFICULTY_HABITABLE_PLANETS_MULT | How much does amount of habitable planets impact difficulty scaling # Not used for crisis faction, mainly for FEs/AEs | 0.5 |
MIN_UNBLOCKED_TILES | Always try to have this many unblocked tiles on planets when generating the galaxy | 5 |
MIN_HABITABILITY | Planet habitability must be at least this value to be able to colonize | 0.2 |
MIN_HABITABILITY_FOR_MIGRATE | Planet habitability must be at least this for Pops to want to move there | 0.50 |
ABANDONED_EMPIRE_FLAG | "special/" | |
FLEET_MIN_TI_CLEAR_RADIUS | min radius for clearing terra incognita will use the highest of this and sensor range | 10 |
TI_TEXTURE_SIZE | size of the internal terra incognita texture high resolutions can cause stuttering and will increase memory demand and save file size. | 256 |
START_YEAR | 2200 | |
SHIP_SUBLIGHT_SPEED_MULT | General speed multiplier for ship movement within solar systems | 5 |
MISSILE_SUBLIGHT_SPEED_MULT | General speed multiplier for ship movement within solar systems | 5 |
FTL_MIN_DIST | Min distance to FTL point to start the FTL | 1 |
BORDERING_DISTANCE | Within this distance we're considered to be neighbours | 75 |
RELEVANT_DISTANCE | Within this distance we're considered to be diplomatically relevant | 150 |
CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_WORK_SPEED_MULT | Construction ship construction speed multiplier | 1 |
OUTPOST_STATION_BUILD_SPEED_MULT | Applied when building outpost stations | 0.3 |
CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_STATION_OFFSET | distance to the station that the ship is building | 5 |
SCIENCE_SHIP_SPECIAL_PROJECT_OFFSET | distance to the special project when collecting data | 20 |
SCIENCE_SHIP_WORK_SPEED_MULT | Science ship survey speed multiplier | 1.75 |
SENSOR_KNOWLEDGE_HIGH_DIST_PERC | See planet classes if distance is 30% of total sensor range sq distance | 0.30 |
NEBULA_TRAVEL_SPEED_PENALTY | 30% travel speed penalty | 0.30 |
HYPERLANE_GEN_REMOVE_PERC | Try to remove 20% of the longest edges | 0.20 |
HYPERLANE_GEN_REMOVED_MAX_DIST | Don't remove an edge if you have to travel more than 30 stars to reach the same position | 30 |
HYPERLANE_GEN_REMOVE_TOO_MANY_EDGES | Remove edges if having 4 or more edges | 4 |
WORMHOLE_OPEN_SPEED | Wormhole opening speed. Wormhole capacity is incremented with this every micro update | 1.3 |
WORMHOLES_PER_STATION | How many wormholes a station can open at a time | 1 |
WORMHOLE_BASE_CAPACITY_REQUIREMENT | Required wormhole capacity for a jump is base(this one!) + fleet size | 200 |
WORMHOLE_CAPREQ_OUTSIDE_BORDERS | Percentage malus when opening wormholes to systems outside owner borders | 0.3 |
FTL_TRAIL_DAYS | FLT Trail lifetime in days | 360 |
NORMAL_TAX_LEVEL | Tax level without happiness penalty | 0.25 |
PLANET_ORBIT_DISTANCE | how far from the planet ships will orbit | 10.0 |
PLANET_STATION_ORBIT_DISTANCE | how far from the planet orbital stations will be | 6.0 |
BASE_SURVEY_TIME | Base Time In Days for surveying a planet | 20.0 |
PIRATE_TARGET_DIST | Target system can't be further away from home system | 80.0 |
FTL_RANGE_WARP | Base warp range | 50 |
FTL_RANGE_WORMHOLE | Wormhole range | 65 |
FTL_RANGE_JUMPDRIVE | Jumpdrive range | 100 |
LEADER_POOL_SIZE | Each leader pool will consist of this many leaders | 3 |
LEADER_POOL_LEAD_TIME | Years leaders will remain in the leader pool until replaced | 10 |
LEADER_BASE_CAP | Base or Starting Quantity of Assigned Leaders Allowed for your Empire | 10 |
LEADER_EXP_MIN | 200 | |
LEADER_EXP_MAX | 400 | |
LEADER_AGE_HEIR_MIN | Min age of generated heirs in dynastic governments | 18 |
LEADER_AGE_HEIR_MAX | Max age of generated heirs in dynastic governments | 26 |
LEADER_AGE_MIN | Min age of generated leaders | 28 |
LEADER_AGE_MAX | Max age of generated leaders | 50 |
LEADER_SKILL_LEVEL_START | Skill Level Leaders start with. XP needed { 200 475 825 1250 } | 1 |
LEADER_EXPERIENCE_REQUIREMENT_BASE_VALUE | Base value when calculating required experience for next skill level | 125 |
LEADER_EXPERIENCE_REQUIREMENT_SCALE_VALUE | # Scale factor when calculating required experience for next skill level | 75 |
LEADER_ADMIRAL_FLEET_COMBAT_BASE_EXPERIENCE | Leader Admiral base experience from fleet combat | 10 |
LEADER_ADMIRAL_FLEET_COMBAT_EXPERIENCE_SCALE | Scale factor used when calculating experience gain for Admiral | 0.4 |
LEADER_ADMIRAL_FLEET_COMBAT_SHIPS_KILLED_CONVERSION | Scale factor for total number of ships killed after combat when calculating experience gain for Admiral | 0.25 |
LEADER_ADMIRAL_FLEET_COMBAT_SHIPS_LOST_CONVERSION | Scale factor for total number of ships lost after combat when calculating experience gain for Admiral | 0.1 |
LEADER_GENERAL_GROUND_COMBAT_BASE_EXPERIENCE | Leader General base experience from ground combat | 10 |
LEADER_GENERAL_GROUND_COMBAT_EXPERIENCE_SCALE | Scale factor used when calculating experience gain for General | 0.4 |
LEADER_GENERAL_GROUND_COMBAT_ARMIES_KILLED_CONVERSION | Scale factor for total number of armies killed after combat when calculating experience gain for General | 0.25 |
LEADER_GENERAL_GROUND_COMBAT_ARMIES_LOST_CONVERSION | Scale factor for total number of armies lost after combat when calculating experience gain for General | 0.1 |
LEADER_SCIENTIST_SURVEY_EXPERIENCE | Experience gained from surveyed planet | 10 |
LEADER_SCIENTIST_SUCCESSFUL_ANOMALY_RESEARCH_EXPERIENCE | Experience gained from a successful discovery research | 100 |
LEADER_SCIENTIST_COMPLETED_SPECIAL_PROJECT_EXPERIENCE | Experience gained from completing a special project | 100 |
LEADER_SCIENTIST_DEEP_SCAN_EXPERIENCE | Experience gained from a deep scan | 200 |
LEADER_SCIENTIST_ASSIST_RESEARCH | Experience gained from assisting research per day | 0.35 |
LEADER_SCIENTIST_ASSIST_RESEARCH_MULT | Assist Research modifier-mult per skill level (this value times skill level equals modifier) | 0.125 |
LEADER_GOVERNOR_BUILDING_OR_TILE_CLEAR_EXPERIENCE | Scale-value for each completed building-construction or tile-clear multiplied with the resources spent | 0.5 |
LEADER_GOVERNOR_EDICT_GAIN_EXPERIENCE | Scale-value for the exp-gain given each month an Edict is active on the planet multiplied with the resources spent | 0.05 |
LEADER_GOVERNOR_POP_IS_BORN_EXPERIENCE | Exp-gain for each Pop born | 8 |
LEADER_GOVERNOR_SECTOR_MONTHLY_EXPERIENCE | Monthy exp from governing sector. | 3.5 |
LEADER_AGE_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE | Before this age the chance wont increase | 72 |
LEADER_AGE_DEATH_CHANCE_INC | Increase with these % for each year above CHANCE_AGE | 0.01 |
GENERAL_DAMAGE_EXP_MULT | Multiplier of how much damage translates into experience. | 1.0 |
GENERAL_DEFENSE_EXP_MULT | Multiplier of how much defense translates into experience. | 1.0 |
HABITABILITY_IDEAL_PLANET | Habitability of Gaia worlds | 1.00 |
HABITABILITY_WRONG_PLANET | Below which point we color habitability icons and text yellow | 0.70 |
HABITABILITY_OPPOSITE_PLANET | Below which point we color habitability icons and text red | 0.40 |
BORDER_BASE_RADIUS | The base radius of the border | 20 |
BORDER_NEW_COLONY_START | Newly started colony's borders is modified by this goes up to 1x with progress | 0.25 |
BORDER_POPULATION_MODIFIER | The border population modifier | 0.20 |
PLANETARY_BUILDING_ADD_FACTOR | Used in the calculation of the planetary building progress | 20 |
ORBITAL_BUILDING_DIV_FACTOR | Used in the calculation of the orbital building progress | 6 |
War-score from fleet-battles = WAR_SCORE_SHIP_KILL_MUL * (WAR_SCORE_FLEET_COMBAT_WIN_BASE + ((loser_fleet_value_lost / loser_fleet_value_total) * (1 - ((winner_fleet_value_lost * WAR_SCORE_SHIP_KILL_WINNER_MUL) / winner_fleet_value_total)))) | ||
WAR_SCORE_SHIP_KILL_MUL | Multiplier of warscore gained | 0.25 |
WAR_SCORE_SHIP_KILL_WINNER_MUL | Multiplier of warscore loss for the sinking of ships for the winner | 0.75 |
WAR_SCORE_FLEET_COMBAT_WIN_BASE | Base score for winning a fleet combat | 0.0 |
WAR_SCORE_PLANET_BASE | Relative warscore value of a planet | 10.0 |
WAR_SCORE_PLANET_POP | Relative warscore value of a planet for every Pop | 0.5 |
WAR_SCORE_OCCUPATION_MUL | 150% warscore gained from completely occupying the opponents | 1.5 |
WAR_SCORE_PLANET_MIN | Warscore from 1 planet will never be less than this | 5.0 |
WAR_SCORE_WARGOAL_MULT | Wargoal planets are worth this much more | 2.0 |
WAR_SCORE_MAJOR_WAR_MULT | All warscore gains are multiplied by this in a major war | 0.33 |
WAR_SCORE_SUBJECT_MULT | Planets of subjects have this multiplier attached to their warscore value | 0.5 |
WAR_SCORE_SUBJECT_FE_MULT | Planets of Fallen/Awakened Empire subjects have this multiplier attached to their warscore value | 0.1 |
REBELS_JOIN_DISTANCE_SQRT | Distance threshold if rebels are to join an already existing rebel. | 100.0 |
REBELS_POWER_THRESHOLD | A Threshold that controls when rebels think they have a chance Higher = more unwilling | 0.5 |
GARRISON_SIZE_BASE | Planet always spawns this number of garrisons | 2 |
GARRISON_SIZE_MULT | Per pop over 1 | 0.4 |
PLANET_FORTIFICATION_BASE | Planet always has this much fortification health | 1000 |
PLANET_FORTIFICATION_MULT | Per pop over 1 | 100 |
PLANET_FORTIFICATION_DEFENSE_BONUS | At 100% fortification divide damage to defending armies by this | 50 |
PLANET_FORTIFICATION_DEFENSE_MIN | At 0% fortification divide damage to defending armies by this | 0.5 |
PLANET_FORTIFICATION_REPAIR_BOMBARDMENT | Repair is this much less during bombardment (mult) | 0.25 |
MAX_BOMBARD_FLEET_SIZE | Fleet size over this won't be counted for how fast planetary defenses are bombed down | 200 |
ELECTION_COST | Base cost of electing a candidate | 200 |
DEMOCRATIC_ELECTION_COST | Base cost of supporting a candidate democratic election. | 50 |
NEXT_ELECTION_MESSAGE_DAYS | Days player can choose a new ruler from new election date | 90 |
NEW_RULER_MESSAGE_DAYS | Days player can see message of new ruler | 45 |
ETHOS_MAX_POINTS | #umber of points which you can spend on ethos. | 3 |
ETHOS_DISTRIBUTION_FACTOR | The higher this is the more evenly ethics will be distributed among playable empires | 0.5 |
GOVERNMENT_CIVIC_POINTS_BASE | Base amount of civic points (to "pay" for government civic costs) | 2 |
POP_ETHOS_LOWER_ETHIC_THRESHOLD | If the % of pops following an ethic is <= this relative to its attraction do not diverge away from it | 0.5 |
POP_ETHOS_UPPER_ETHIC_THRESHOLD | If the % of pops following an ethic is >= this relative to its attraction do not diverge to it | 2.0 |
POP_MIN_ETHIC_RELATIVE_ATTRACTION | If relative attraction is less than this, do not diverge to this ethic | 0.1 |
POP_ETHOS_DIVERGENCE_INTERVAL | Number of days until a Pop has a change to diverge from empire ethos | 360 |
POP_ETHOS_DIVERGENCE_RATE_MULT | Chance of a pop evaluating its ethics every year | 0.02 |
POP_DISENFRANCHISE_EFFECT | How much does a disenfrachised Pop contribute to faction support (where Pop with the vote = 1) | 0.25 |
POP_CHANGE_FACTION_CHANCE | Once every month a pop has X chance to change faction but only if the pop wants to | 0.02 |
POP_CURRENT_FACTION_WEIGHT | Weight for current faction is multiplied by this much for pops | 1.25 |
POP_CURRENT_FACTION_LAST_MEMBER_WEIGHT | Weight for current faction is multiplied by this much for pops when they are the last faction member | 100.0 |
POP_FACTION_HAPPINESS_FOR_CONTENT | Below this level of happines a faction will start causing trouble | 0.4 |
POP_FACTION_MIN_HAPPINESS_FOR_INFLUENCE | Above this level of happiness a faction provides +influence | 0.6 |
POP_FACTION_INFLUENCE_SCALING | Base influence gained from a faction being at 100% happiness and 100% support | 2 |
POP_FACTION_SIZE_ATTRACTION | How much does the current size of membership affect attraction (higher number = lower attraction when large) | 1 |
POP_FACTION_MIN_POTENTIAL_MEMBERS | If a faction has less potential members than this, do not form | 5 |
POP_FACTION_CREATION_COOLDOWN | Wait this many days after creating a faction to create another one (not applied to hidden factions) | 180 |
POLICY_YEARS | Years a set policy can not be changed for | 10 |
FEDERATION_FIRST_LEADER_YEARS | Number of years the first leader gets to rule. | 10 |
FEDERATION_USES_LEADER_ROTATION | Toggle whether rotation should be used | 1 |
FEDERATION_MIN_MEMBERS_TO_KICK | Can't kick alliance members unless you have at least this many members | 3 |
DEBRIS_BASE_COST | Base cost of special project for analyzing debris | 0 |
DEBRIS_ANALYZED_AREA_POINTS | Points * Level given for each component analyzed | 5 |
DEBRIS_ANALYZED_TECH_PROGRESS | Tech progress added when analyzing component that require tech you don't have | 0.10 |
DEBRIS_DAYS | How many days the debris is visible for | 1800 |
DEBRIS_RESEARCH_TIME | How many days it takes to analyze 1 debris. | 90 |
BASE_FLEET_SIZE | Number of ships allowed in a fleet at game start | 10 |
SPECIAL_PROJECT_BASE_PROGRESS | i in the equation for special project time: x = (k * i) / (i + (y1 - z1) + (y2 - z2)... + (yn - zn)) | 1 |
MONUMENTAL_UNDERTAKING_DAYS | project time to consider it a monumental undertaking. | 730 |
MODERATE_UNDERTAKING_DAYS | project time to consider it a moderate undertaking. | 180 |
SCIENCE_SHIP_SPECIAL_PROJECT_DIST | Distance to be able to progress a special project | 25.0 |
COLONY_SENSOR_RANGE | Base Sensor range from system from having colony in it (does not stack) | 10.0 |
EVENT_AUTOSELECT_MONTHS | After these months an event option will be autoselected | 9 |
REVOLT_RISK_ALERT | This is the threshold for the revolt risk alert | 0.5 |
SURRENDER_MONTHS | For how many months should a war be active after a surrender | 6 |
TRUCE_YEARS | Truce last for X years | 10 |
WARNING_INACTIVE_IN_WAR | Warscore when warning is sent out for being inactive in war | 20 |
ACTION_INACTIVE_IN_WAR | Warscore when action is sent out for being inactive in war (opinion change etc) | 50 |
INSULT_COOLDOWN_DAYS | How often can you send insults? | 30 |
AUTO_DECLINE_DIPLOMACY_DAYS | Number of days after which diplomatic action will automatically be declined | 180 |
FEDERATION_FLEET_SIZE | Federation fleet capacity is this % of all members' fleets | 0.2 |
MIN_RIVAL_YEARS | Years before you can remove an empire as a rival | 10 |
DEFENSIVE_PACT_INFLUENCE_COST | Per defensive pact | 1 |
GUARANTEE_INFLUENCE_COST | Per guarantee | 0.5 |
FEDERATION_INFLUENCE_COST | For being in a federation | 2 |
RIVALRY_INFLUENCE_GAIN | Per rival (scales to relative power value here is at 2x power) | 1 |
MAX_FRICTION | Max friction (total) | 100 |
FRICTION_FROM_BORDERING_SYSTEM | Friction for each bordering system | 3 |
CUSTOM_EMPIRE_SPAWN_CHANCE | Chance that an empire will be created from an existing template instead of randomly generated (10 = 1% chance) | 50 |
FALLEN_CUSTOM_EMPIRE_SPAWN_CHANCE | Chance that a fallen empire will be created from an existing template instead of randomly generated (10 = 1% chance) | 50 |
PRESCRIPTED_PLANETS_NUM | The number of prescripted ideal colonies in empire_initializers.txt (don't change one without changing the other) | 2 |
PRESCRIPTED_PLANETS_MAX_DISTANCE | Max distance of prescripted ideal colonies in empire_initializers.txt (don't change one without changing the other) | 50 |
START_ARMIES | This amount of defense armies will be generated on home planet | 5 |
ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_MINERALS_MIN | How much extra minerals does advanced empires start with? | 500 |
ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_ENERGY_MIN | How much extra energy does advanced empires start with? | 300 |
ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_INFLUENCE_MIN | How much extra influence does advanced empires start with? | 50 |
ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_WARSHIPS_MIN | How many extra war ships do advanced empires start with? | 3 |
ADVANCED_EMPIRE_MAX_EXTRA_COLONIES | Max extra colonies an advanced empire can start with | 4 |
ADVANCED_EMPIRE_COLONY_DISTANCE | Max distance at which an advanced empire can get extra colonies | 50 |
ADVANCED_EMPIRE_COLONY_CHANCE | Per colonizeable planet within colony distance (after the 1st) | 50 |
MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_FIXED | max dist at which planets can be taken (fixed) | 50 |
MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_RANDOM | max dist at which planets can be taken (random) | 100 |
MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_SURVEYED | additional dist outside borders that has been surveyed | 100 |
MATURE_GALAXY_NAVY_SIZE | of naval capacity | 0.5 |
MATURE_GALAXY_EXTRA_UNITY | # per planet | 2500 |
MATURE_GALAXY_CAPITAL | "building_capital_2" | |
MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_CAPITAL | "building_capital_2" | |
MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_POWER_PLANT | "building_power_plant_3" | |
MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_FARM | "building_hydroponics_farm_3" | |
MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_MINE | "building_mining_network_3" | |
MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_LAB | "building_basic_science_lab_1" | |
MATURE_GALAXY_ARMY | "assault_army" | |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_FIXED | max dist at which planets can be taken (fixed) | 100 |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_RANDOM | max dist at which planets can be taken (random) | 100 |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_SURVEYED | additional dist outside borders that has been surveyed | 500 |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_NAVY_SIZE | of naval capacity | 0.5 |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_EXTRA_UNITY | per planet | 5000 |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_CAPITAL | "building_capital_3" | |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_CAPITAL | "building_capital_2" | |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_POWER_PLANT | "building_power_plant_4" | |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_FARM | "building_hydroponics_farm_4" | |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_MINE | "building_mining_network_4" | |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_LAB | "building_basic_science_lab_1" | |
ADVANCED_GALAXY_ARMY | "assault_army" | |
GROUND_SUPPORT_SOFT_DMG | Multiplier to fortification damage | 0.30 |
GROUND_SUPPORT_LIMITED_DMG | Multiplier to fortification damage | 0.40 |
GROUND_SUPPORT_FULL_DMG | Multiplier to fortification damage | 0.50 |
GROUND_SUPPORT_ARMAGEDDON_DMG | Multiplier to fortification damage | 0.60 |
START_REPARATION_TIMER_DAYS | Number of days after taking damage before a ship can repair in orbit | 30 |
STATION_SELF_REPAIR_TIMER_DAYS | Number of days after taking damage before a station will start self-repairing | 10 |
STATION_SELF_REPAIR_RATE | How fast stations self-repair (% of max health each day) | 0.01 |
INFLUENCE_ADD_UPLIFTED_SPECIES | Influence gain when uplifting species | 500 |
PLANET_ARMIES_LIMIT_BASE | Maximum number of troops per planet (base) | 0 |
PLANET_ARMIES_LIMIT_FROM_SIZE | Extra max number of armies per tile | 1 |
MAX_OBSERVATION_STATIONS | Maximum observation stations per planet | 8 |
SPACEPORT_CONSTRUCTION_TIME | Amount of days it takes to construct a spaceport. | 360 |
SPACEPORT_CONSTRUCTION_HEALTH | How much HP in % that the spaceport starts with. | 0.1 |
SPACEPORT_LEVELS | Number of spaceport levels | 6 |
SPACEPORT_UPGRADE_TIME | Time to upgrade a spaceport to the next level | 180 |
ANOMALY_RISK_DEFAULT | Base failure chance for anomalies | 20 |
ANOMALY_RISK_MOD_POSITIVE | Positive risk modifier for researching discovery | |
ANOMALY_RISK_MOD_NEGATIVE | Negative risk modifier for researching discovery | 20 |
ANOMALY_RISK_MIN | Risk is never less than this | 5 |
ANOMALY_CRITICAL_FAIL_CHANCE | 20% chance of critical fail on fail | 0.20 |
ANOMALY_SPAWN_CHANCE | Percent chance that a planet gets a discovery when surveyed | 0.025 |
ANOMALY_SPAWN_CHANCE_INCREMENT | Percentage increase towards next chance when failing | 0.005 |
GOVERNMENT_COOLDOWN_YEARS | Cooldown years after changing government before you can change it again | 20 |
GOVERNMENT_CHANGE_INFLUENCE_COST | The Influence it costs to change government type | 250 |
DRAIN_SECTOR_RESOURCES_INFLUENCE_COST | The influence cost to drain a sector's stockpile of resources | 100 |
DRAIN_SECTOR_DEFENSIVE_WAR_MULT | Multiplied to above cost while in a defensive war | 0.25 |
DRAIN_SECTOR_FRACTION | How much of sector's stockpile is taken | 0.75 |
TECH_COST_MULT_NUM_COLONIES | Each Planet adds +X% tech cost | 0.1 |
TECH_COST_FREE_POPS | First X pops do not add any tech cost | 10 |
TECH_COST_MULT_NUM_POPS | #ach non-free Pop adds +X% tech cost | 0.01 |
TECH_WEIGHT_PREVIOUS_OPTION | If a tech was one of the alternatives last time its weight will be multiplied with TECH_WEIGHT_PREVIOUS_OPTION | 0.5 |
TRADITION_COST_TRADITION | tradition cost = ( base_cost + ( ( cost_tradition * num_traditions )^traditions_exponential ) + cost_pop*num_pops ) * ( 1 + cost_planet*num_planets ) | 6 |
TRADITION_COST_TRADITION_EXP | numbers like 1.656 or 1.639 | 1.639 |
TRADITION_COST_MULT_TRADITION_GROUP | each adopted group adds +X% to total cost | 0.05 |
TRADITION_COST_MULT_NUM_COLONIES | Each Planet adds +X% Tradition cost | 0.25 |
TRADITION_COST_MULT_NUM_POPS | Each Pop adds +X Tradition cost | 2 |
TRADITION_COST_MULT_NUM_SLAVES | Each Slave adds +X% to num pops mult | 0.50 |
TRADITION_COST_MULT_NUM_SAPIENT_ROBOTS | Each Sapient Robot adds +X% to num pops mult | 1.00 |
TRADITION_COST_MULT_NUM_XENOS | Each Xeno Pop adds +X% to num pops mult | 1.00 |
TRADITION_COST_MULT_NUM_XENO_SLAVES | Each Xeno Slave adds +X% to num pops mult | 0.50 |
KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME | Seconds listening to control group double clicks. | 0.5 |
DOCKED_FLEET_MAINTENANCE_REDUCTION | Docked fleets will have a lowered maintenance reduction of this amount | 0.25 |
MIN_TRADE_DEAL_LENGTH_YEARS | Minimum length of a trade deal in years. | 10 |
MAX_TRADE_DEAL_LENGTH_YEARS | Maximum length of a trade deal in years. | 30 |
ORBITAL_BOMBARDMENT_COLONIZE_PROGRESS_DAMAGE_PER_DAY | Damage dealt to a colony's progress each day of orbital bombardment. Only applies during the initial colonization process established colonies are unaffected. | 4 / 30 |
MISSION_PROGRESS_MAX | When is a mission finished? | 1 |
CORE_SECTOR_SYSTEM_CAP | Too many systems with owned planets in core sector will apply modifier inefficient_planet_management. | 3 |
SECTOR_CAP | Too many sectors will apply modifier inefficient_sector_management. | 2 |
SECTOR_CAP_INCR | 0.25 means that for every four planets an extra sector can be created. | 0.25 |
SECTOR_SUPPORT_RESOURCE_AMOUNT_LARGE | How much resources each click will give the sector if CTRL is held down | 1000 |
SECTOR_SUPPORT_RESOURCE_AMOUNT | How much resources each click will give the sector. | 100 |
NEW_HEIR_CHANCE | Chance to get a new heir each day. Range is 0 to 1 | 0.05 |
MIN_ELECTION_CANDIDATES | If we have fewer factions than this, add additional independent candidates | 4 |
ELECTION_BASE_SUPPORT | Election candidates always have at least this much support | 0.05 |
ELECTION_INDEPENDENT_SUPPORT | Independent candidates get this much extra support | 0.20 |
ELECTION_SKILL_EFFECT | Candidates get this much extra support per skill level (multiplicative) | 0.05 |
AI_BANNED_POLICY_FLAG | "ai_outlawed" | |
AI_SERVITUDE_POLICY_FLAG | "ai_servitude" | |
AI_FULL_RIGHTS_POLICY_FLAG | "ai_full_rights" | |
PRE_SAPIENTS_PURGE_POLICY_FLAG | "pre_sapients_purge" | |
PRE_SAPIENTS_PURGE_POLICY_FLAG | "pre_sapients_purge" | |
REFUGEES_ALLOWED_POLICY_FLAG | "refugees_allowed" | |
REFUGEES_ONLY_CITIZENS_POLICY_FLAG | "refugees_only_citizens" | |
BORDERS_OPEN_POLICY_FLAG | "border_policy_open" | |
GROUNDSUPPORT_STANCE_SOFT_REQUIRED_POLICY_FLAG | Each ground support stance can require that a certain policy flag is set | "allow_orbital_bombardment_light" |
GROUNDSUPPORT_STANCE_LIMITED_REQUIRED_POLICY_FLAG | "allow_orbital_bombardment_limited" | |
GROUNDSUPPORT_STANCE_FULL_REQUIRED_POLICY_FLAG | "allow_orbital_bombardment_full" | |
GROUNDSUPPORT_STANCE_ARMAGEDDON_REQUIRED_POLICY_FLAG | "allow_orbital_bombardment_armageddon" | |
BORDER_INFLUENCE_THRESHOLD | Min threshhold for countries to be considered intersecting | 0.15 |
SET_DEFENDER_WAR_DEMANDS_TIME_LIMIT | Days defender have to set war demands after war started. | 360 |
PEACE_OFFER_DECLINE_THRESHOLD | War score diff threshold for when declining a peace offer has a cost applied. | 30.0 |
PEACE_OFFER_DECLINE_COST | Cost for declining an offer the AI would accept. | 100.0 |
RESOURCE_CLUSTER_COUNT | Number of resource clusters containing special resources | 6 |
POP_SLAVERY_NOT_ALLOWED_POLICY_FLAG | Policy flag for pop slavery not allowed | "slavery_not_allowed" |
POP_PURGE_NOT_ALLOWED_POLICY_FLAG | Policy flag for pop purge not allowed | "purge_not_allowed" |
RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_SPEED_MULT | Research speed increased by this for trade research agreement deal | 0.25 |
MOVE_CAPITAL_INFLUENCE_COST | Influence cost to move the empire capital to another planet. | 250 |
MOVE_CAPITAL_COOLDOWN_YEARS | Cooldown in years for moving capital. | 10 |
INTEGRATE_SUBJECT_MIN_DAYS | Amount of days the subject has been a subject before we can integrate it | 3600 |
SUBJECTS_INTEGRATION_CAP | Amount of integrations you're allowed to have at the same time | 1 |
SUBJECT_INTEGRATION_BASE_PROGRESS | Cost per month for subject integration | 5 |
SUBJECT_INTEGRATION_COST_BASE | Base cost for integration | 20 |
SUBJECT_INTEGRATION_COST_PER_POP | Integration cost per pop | 5 |
SUBJECT_INTEGRATION_COST_PER_PLANET | Integration cost per planet | 50 |
NAVY_SIZE_MAX | Max value of Naval Capacity | 9999 |
NAVY_SIZE_BASE | Base value of Naval Capacity | 10 |
NAVY_SIZE_POP_MULT | Mult value of Naval Capacity for each Pop | 0.20 |
NAVY_SIZE_SPACEPORT_LEVEL | Naval Capacity per spaceport level | { 5 6 7 8 9 10 } |
NAVY_SIZE_HABITAT_ADD | Per habitat | 8 |
STARTING_WEAPON_TECHS | { "tech_mass_drivers_1" "tech_lasers_1" "tech_missiles_1" } | |
STARTING_WEAPON_TECHS_ICONS | { "GFX_weapon_type_01" "GFX_weapon_type_02" "GFX_weapon_type_03" } | |
STARTING_FTL_TYPES | { "warp" "hyperdrive" "wormhole" } | |
ASCENSION_PERKS_SLOTS | Number of ascension perk slots | 8 |
PLANET_UNREST_MAX | Planetary unrest is capped at this value | 100 |
PLANET_UNREST_BAD_MIN | Threshold for when the alert is shown | 50 |
PLANET_UNREST_HAPPY_POP | Max. effect of happy not enslaved pops on planetary unrest | -5 |
PLANET_UNREST_UNHAPPY_POP | Max. effect of unhappy not enslaved pops on planetary unrest | 20 |
PLANET_UNREST_HAPPY_SLAVE | Max. effect of happy enslaved pops on planetary unrest | 0 |
PLANET_UNREST_UNHAPPY_SLAVE | Max. effect of unhappy enslaved pops on planetary unrest | 15 |
PLANET_UNREST_ARMY | Effect per army on planetary unrest | -10 |
EVADE_HOSTILE_CANCEL_ORDERS_THRESHOLD_DAYS | When evading hostiles ships will cancel orders that would take more than X days to reach. | 180 |
Species[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | 折叠Default Value |
MAX_ETHIC_POINTS | Max Ethic Points (I balanced this with ETHOS_MAX_POINTS and it allows me to use 5 instead of 3) | 3 |
MAX_TRAIT_POINTS_LEADER | How many trait points a leader can have | 1 |
TRAIT_MODIFICATION_BASE_COST | This cost is always added to a species modification project so modifying single pops isn't efficient | 5000 |
TRAIT_MODIFICATION_COST_MULT | species modification cost to be multiplied with the absolute trait cost of all changes applied, per pop | 30 |
MODIFICATION_COST_MULT | adds to the above species modification cost, per pop | 10 |
ROBO_TRAIT_MODIFICATION_BASE_COST | This cost is always added to a species modification project so modifying single pops isn't efficient | 500 |
ROBO_TRAIT_MODIFICATION_COST_MULT | species modification cost to be multiplied with the absolute trait cost of all changes applied, per pop | 50 |
ROBO_MODIFICATION_COST_MULT | adds to the above species modification cost, per pop | 20 |
UPLIFT_COST_BASE | 5000.0 | |
TRAIT_MODIFICATION_TIME_LIMIT | Timeout for species modification special projects | 30 |
HOMEWORLD_HABITABILITY | Habitability on homeworld is increased by this value | 0.3 |
Ship[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | 折叠Default Value |
AGGRESSIVE_STANCE_MIN_POWER_MULT | Fleets that are less than our military power x this will be ignored by aggressive fleets that are bombarding | 0.2 |
DESIGNER_WEAPON_PREF_MUL | How much does weapon preference tags in the ship designer affect the weight it assigns a weapon? | 1.33 |
DESIGNER_WEAPON_STACKING_DIV | The higher this is the more the ship designer will try to vary which weapon types are used on its sections | 0.25 |
ENERGY_MAINTENANCE_MUL | Ship Maintenance Multiplier Percentage of the cost of the ship | 0.004 |
MINERAL_MAINTENANCE_MUL | Ship Maintenance Multiplier Percentage of the cost of the ship | 0.004 |
REPAIR_RATE | Repair rate per day | 0.01 |
ABANDONED_STATION_DECAY_RATE | Abandoned stations lose this amount of health per day | 0.003 |
REPAIR_SHIELD_MUL | Shields regen faster when ship is being repaired. | 1.0 |
POOR_MAINTENANCE_PENALTY | 1% percent max hit points penalty each day for poor maintenance (energy < 0) | 0.01 |
FLEET_MOVE_MAX_DIST_SHIPS | Max distance that ships are allowed to travel before last ship | 10.0 |
LANDING_TIME_DAYS | Amount of days it takes to land an army | 10 |
MOVE_TO_ACTION_THRESHOLD | distance threshold used by move_to fleet action to determine when the fleet arrived | 5.0 |
WARP_WINDUP | Distance multiplier to warp windup in microupdates | 1.0 |
WARP_WINDDOWN | Distance multiplier to warp winddown in microupdates | 8.0 |
WARP_WINDDOWN_OUTSIDE_BORDER | How much more winddown time is there for systems which are 100% away from friendly territory | 2.0 |
WARP_INTERSTELLAR_TRAVEL_SPEED | In micro updates ( 10/day ) | 0.35 |
HYPERLANE_WINDUP | In micro updates ( 10/day ) | 150 |
HYPERLANE_WINDDOWN | In micro updates | 0 |
HYPERLANE_WINDUP_OUTSIDE_BORDER | How much more windup time is there for systems which are 100% away from friendly territory | 5.0 |
JUMPDRIVE_WINDUP | In micro updates ( 10/day ) | 150 |
JUMPDRIVE_WINDDOWN | In micro updates ( 10/day ) | 50 |
HYPERDRIVE_INTERSTELLAR_TRAVEL_SPEED | In micro updates ( 10/day ) | 1.0 |
RULER_SHIP_SCALE_MULT | Scale up of unique ruler ship. | 0.5 |
MILITARY_POWER_SHIELD_WEIGHT | compared to health | 0.66 |
MILITARY_POWER_EXPONENT | math: power = ( ( effective_health * damage_per_day ) ^ exponent ) * scale | 0.75 |
MILITARY_POWER_X values determine how large an effect special values such as shield penetration have on the military power of a weapon | ||
MILITARY_POWER_ARMOR_PENETRATION_WEIGHT | larger value = adds more military power | 1.0 |
MILITARY_POWER_TRACKING_WEIGHT | at 0% tracking | -0.33 |
MILITARY_POWER_RANGE_DIV | smaller value = adds more military power | 100 |
MILITARY_POWER_MISSILE_MULT | overall military power of missiles is lowered due to being vulnerable to PD | 0.85 |
MILITARY_POWER_PD_MULT | overall military power of PD is lowered because they can only hit missiles | 0.5 |
EXCESS_POWER_BONUS_THRESHOLD_MAX | 0.5 means 0-50% excess power linearly scales ship_excess_power modifier between 0-1. | 1.0 |
EXCESS_POWER_BONUS_THRESHOLD_MIN | min value for excess power to be used. | 0.05 |
Combat[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | 折叠Default Value |
COMBAT_BACK_OFF_RATE | When ships are attacking they will try to stay at max range and orbit their target. If the ship is closer than max range this value determines how fast it will "back off" in order to get to max range. |
0.04 |
SHIP_SMOOTH_ROTATION_THRESHOLD | Used to smooth rotation rate of ships. equation is "y = x * ( min ( 1.0 x / SHIP_SMOOTH_ROTATION_THRESHOLD ) )" where x is the wanted delta rotation this tick and y the resulting delta rotation | 3.141 |
COMBAT_TARGET_STICKYNESS | The higher this is, the less likely ships are to switch targets | 1.5 |
COMBAT_DETECT_RANGE_MULT | Range to engage in combat with other ships is <fleets max attack range> * COMBAT_DETECT_RANGE_MULT | 1.05 |
COMBAT_EMERGENCY_FTL_PENALTY_HITPOINTS | x% of max hitpoints in penalty for doing ftl jump | 0.20 |
COMBAT_EMERGENCY_FTL_LOST_RISK | x% risk of ship becoming forever lost when jumping. | 0.01 |
COMBAT_EMERGENCY_FTL_SURVIVE_CHANCE | x% chance to survive with 1 health even if ship should have died | 0.50 |
COMBAT_EMERGENCY_FTL_WINDUP | how many days it takes from the button press to the actual jump. same timer for all FTL types | 2.0 |
COMBAT_BASE_DAYS_UNTIL_EMERGENCY_FTL | how many days a fleet should be in combat until they can emergency ftl | 30.0 |
MISSILE_HIGH_CONTROL_DISTANCE | if the missile is closer to the target than MISSILE_HIGH_CONTROL_DISTANCE it will turn sharply | 5.0 |
MISSILE_HIGH_CONTROL_INTERPOLATION_RANGE | how long the missile will interpolate between "smooth controls" and "full control" | 5.0 |
MISSILE_BASE_ROTATION_SPEED | base rotation rate of missiles in radians per tick | 0.001 |
MISSILE_RETARGET_CHANCE_START | How likely a missile is to find a new target in range the first time its target is lost | 100 |
MISSILE_RETARGET_CHANCE_REDUCTION | How much the chance for a missile to find a new target is reduced each retargeting after the first | 35 |
SIZE_MULTIPLIER_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_EFFECT | how much does ship size reduce damage reduction from armor (higher number = more armor required for same DR on a larger ship) | 0.15 |
DAMAGE_REDUCTION_MAX_SHIP_SIZE | #hip sizes over this don't affect how much armor is needed | 10 |
DAMAGE_REDUCTION_HIGH | above this level of damage reduction require even more armor | 0.75 |
DAMAGE_REDUCTION_MAX | can't have more damage reduction than this | 0.9 |
Pop[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | 折叠Default Value |
MAX_POPS_BASE | Max pops is base multiplied by planet size | 10 |
MIN_CROWDING_TO_MIGRATE | Unless planet is this % full, pops won't migrate | 1 |
MIGRATION_CROWDING_EFFECT | How much does crowding affect where pops want to migrate | 0.25 |
MIGRATE_CROWDING_FORCE_MOVE_EFFECT | How large is the crowding effect for pops that being force-moved (multiplier on above value) | 0.5 |
MIGRATION_SAME_SPECIES_EFFECT | How much does the species being present on a planet affect chance of migrating there | 1.25 |
MIGRATION_SAME_SPECIES_FORCE_MOVE_EFFECT | How much does the species being present on a planet affect chance of migrating there (if being force-moved) | 2.0 |
MIGRATION_DISTANCE_EFFECT | Higher = pops less inclined to migrate far away | 0.01 |
MIGRATION_LOSE_CITIZENSHIP_MULT | Effect on migration attraction if we'd end up losing our citizenship (multiplier) | 0.1 |
MIGRATION_GAIN_CITIZENSHIP_MULT | Effect on migration attraction if we'd end up gaining citizenship (multiplier) | 1.5 |
MIGRATION_CASTE_SYSTEM_MULT | Effect on migration attraction if we'd end up in a caste system (multiplier) | 0.2 |
MIN_HAPPINESS_DIFF_FOR_MIGRATION | Only if the difference in happiness is greater than this will a pop migrate | 0.1 |
MIGRATION_SPEED | Monthly migration speed of pops: when the pop has reached a migration progress of 1 it will be moved | 0.1 |
WAS_ENSLAVED_LENGTH_DAYS | Number of days after emancipation a pop is angry for being enslaved | 1825 |
WAS_ENSLAVED_MIN_DAYS | Number of days a pop has to be enslaved to be angry about it when emancipated | 30 |
LOST_OWNED_POP_LENGTH_DAYS | Number of days that pops will be angry about having their owned pops freed | 1825 |
CONSUMER_GOODS_COST | mineral cost per unit of consumer goods | 0.5 |
CONSUMER_GOODS_COST_PER_PLANET | extra cost per planet over 1 | 0.01 |
GROWTH_BASE | Required growth for a pop to become fully grown. | 25 |
GROWTH_INCREASE_PER_POP | Increased growth cost per pop planet [+ POP_INCREASE_PER_POP*(num_pop - 1)] | 1.65 |
GROWTH_INCREASE_FACTOR | Increased growth factor [+ (num_pop - 1)^POP_INCREASE_FACTOR] | 1.12 |
FOOD_SUSTAINED | Amount of food each pop require | 1 |
FOOD_SURPLUS_BASE_GROWTH | Amount to grow (base) | 1 |
FOOD_SURPLUS_EXTRA_GROWTH | Extra growth from food surplus (scales to Pops) | 0.05 |
FOOD_SURPLUS_EXTRA_GROWTH_MAX | Max extra growth from food surplus | 2 |
FOOD_SURPLUS_MIN_PLANETS | Always count as having at least this number of growing planets when calculating growth relative to pops | 1 |
ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_FOOD_SCALE | The energy consumption for pops which eat energy is food consumption * this | 1.0 |
STARVATION_YEARS_ESCALATION | Every this amount of years, starvation grows worse | 3 |
STARVATION_ESCALATION_MAX | Starvation effects can't multiply anymore than this | 9 |
LOW_HAPPINESS | Below this happiness, show bar as red | 0.40 |
HIGH_HAPPINESS | Above this happiness, show bar as green | 0.60 |
MIN_REVOLT_SLAVE_HAPPINESS | Minimum happiness for revolt risk | 0.0 |
MIN_REVOLT_SLAVE_HAPPINESS_LEVEL | Minimum revolt risk at the minimum revolt risk happiness | 0.5 |
MAX_REVOLT_SLAVE_HAPPINESS | Maximum happiness for revolt risk | 0.60 |
MAX_REVOLT_SLAVE_HAPPINESS_LEVEL | Maximum revolt risk at the maximum revolt risk happiness | 0.0 |
FORCED_PURGE_MONTHS | Number of months it takes to exterminate a population via force-purge (scripted effect) | 20 |
PURGE_EXTERMINATION_MONTHS | Number of months it takes to exterminate a population when using extermination purging | 20 |
PURGE_MATRIX_MONTHS | Number of months it takes to exterminate a population when purging with "Matrix" setting | 200 |
PURGE_PROCESSING_MONTHS | Number of months it takes to exterminate a population when purging with "Processing" setting | 120 |
PURGE_LABOR_CAMPS_MONTHS | Number of months it takes to exterminate a population when purging with "Labor Camps" setting | 300 |
PURGE_NEUTERING_LENGTH_FACTOR | Factor of leader death age | 0.75 |
HAPPINESS_PROGRESS_BAR_GREEN | Happiness percentage min where bar is showed as green | 60 |
HAPPINESS_PROGRESS_BAR_YELLOW | Happiness percentage min where bar is showed as yellow; below this value bar will be shown in red | 40 |
BASE_RESEARCH | Base value of pop research | 1.0 |
BASE_PRODUCTION | Base value of pop production | 1.0 |
BASE_HAPPINESS | Base value of pop happiness | 0.50 |
EMPIRE_SLAVERY_HAPPINESS_MULT | How much local Pops care about slavery in the empire as a whole. The higher will be used: the local slavery proportion or empire-wide proportion times this multiplier. | 0.5 |
RECENTLY_CONQUERED_DAYS | How long the recently conquered modifier stays on pops. | 3650 |
FACTION_SUPPORT_LEVELS | In pairs first is happiness second is amount of support. | { 1.0 5.0 0.75 30.0 0.50 65.0 0.25 100.0 } |
Army[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | 折叠Default Value |
BASE_MAINTENANCE_FACTOR | global base maintenance cost | 1 |
REINFORCE_MAINTENANCE_FACTOR | 50% increase of maintenance cost | 1.50 |
MONTHLY_REINFORCE | Monthly health percentage reinforcement of armies | 0.2 |
BASE_HEALTH | Base health | 200.0 |
BASE_DAMAGE_MIN | Base min damage | 1.5 |
BASE_DAMAGE_MAX | Base max damage | 3.0 |
BASE_MORALE | Base morale | 200.0 |
MORALE_DAMAGE_MULT | Morale Damage Multiplier, how much of damage is also dealt to morale. | 1.0 |
MONTHLY_MORALE_REGENERATION | How much morale this unit regenerates each month, percentage of max value. | 0.4 |
EXP_EXPERIENCED | Amount of exp to reach experienced rank | 100 |
EXP_VETERAN | Amount of exp to reach veteran rank | 1000 |
EXP_ELITE | Amount of exp to reach elite rank | 10000 |
NUM_DAYS_BEFORE_RETREAT | How many days that need to pass before we can retreat. | 14 |
Economy[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | 折叠Default Value |
MILITARY_STATION_MAINTENANCE_MUL | Monthly military station maintenance reduction | -0.25 |
COLONY_MONTHLY_GROWTH | How much the colonization pop grows every month. | 0.5 |
COLONY_MAINTENANCE_COST | Base cost per month for a new colony. | 8 |
START_ENERGY | The amount of money each country starts with | 100.0 |
START_INFLUENCE | The amount of influence each country starts with | 100.0 |
START_UNITY | The amount of unity each country starts with | 0.0 |
START_MINERALS | The amount of minerals each country starts with | 200.0 |
MINING_STATION_MAINTENANCE | Monthly mining station maintenance | 1.0 |
RESEARCH_STATION_MAINTENANCE | Monthly research station maintenance | 1.0 |
ORBITAL_STATION_MAINTENANCE | Monthly orbital station maintenance cost | 3.0 |
TERRAFORM_STATION_MAINENANCE | Monthly terraform station maintenance | 0.0 |
WORMHOLE_STATION_MAINTENANCE | Monthly wormhole station maintenance | 0.25 |
CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_MAINTENANCE | Monthly construction ship maintenance | 1.0 |
SCIENCE_SHIP_MAINTENANCE | Monthly science ship maintenance | 1.0 |
COLONY_SHIP_MAINTENANCE | Monthly colony ship maintenance | 8.0 |
CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_PRODUCTION | Construction ship production cost | 100.0 |
SCIENCE_SHIP_PRODUCTION | Science ship production cost | 100.0 |
SPONSORED_COLONY_SHIP_COST_MULT | Sponsored colony ship energy cost = colony ship mineral cost * (1 + MULT) | 0.0 |
FLEET_UPGRADE_TIME_COST_MULT | Upgrade fleet cost | 0.75 |
FLEET_UPGRADE_MINERAL_COST_BASE | mineral cost to upgrade a ship is always at least this regardless of relative design cost | 5.0 |
FLEET_UPGRADE_MINERAL_COST_MULT | mineral cost of ship upgrade is abs( price difference between old and new designs * FLEET_UPGRADE_MINERAL_COST_MULT ) | 1.0 |
OBSERVATION_STATION_MAINTENANCE | Monthly observation station maintenance | 1.0 |
SPACEPORT_UPGRADE_COSTS | Mineral costs for upgrading the spaceport | { 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 } |
SEVERE_DEFICIT_VALUE | Balance/Income smaller than this value counts as severe | 0.8 |
OUTPOST_STATION_MINERAL_COST | Mineral cost to build outpost | 200 |
OUTPOST_STATION_INFLUENCE_COST | Influence cost to build outpost | 0.0 |
OUTPOST_STATION_MAINTENANCE | Monthly outpost station EC maintenance | 3 |
OUTPOST_STATION_INFLUENCE_MAINTENANCE | Monthly outpost station Influence maintenance | 1.0 |
BUILDING_REPARATION_TIME_RATE | Amount of time required to repair ruined buildings | 0.25 |
BUILDING_REPARATION_COST_RATE | Amount of resources required to repair ruined buildings | 0.25 |
RESETTLEMENT_COST_RESOURCES | Resources for manual resettlement | { "influence" } |
RESETTLEMENT_COST_AMOUNTS | Resource costs for manual resettlement | { 50 } |
EXPANSION_COST_BASE | the influence base cost of colonzation and frontier outposts by this value. | 100.0 |
EXPANSION_COST_DISTANCE_FREE | a certain amount of distance that is reduced from actual distance in effect making a "free" distance | 30.0 |
EXPANSION_COST_DISTANCE_FAR | special modifiers will be applied from this range | 100.0 |
EXPANSION_COST_DISTANCE_COST | each 1 range equals X of this define as an influence cost to colonize or build a frontier outpost | 2.0 |
EXPANSION_COST_DISTANCE_SCALE | scaled cost for exponentially increased costs depending on range | 1.10 |
Engine[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | 折叠Default Value |
EVENT_PROCESS_OFFSET | OBSOLETE: MTTH events are now checked monthly. [Events are checked every X day per country or planet (1 is ideal, but CPU heavy)] | 20 |
AI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Name | Desc | 折叠Default Value |
TERRAFORM_SAVE_CREDITS | AI wants to have at least this much energy over after starting a terraforming | 2000 |
EXPANSION_MIN_PLANETS | AI will normally not place frontier outposts until it has this many planets | 3 |
EXTRADIMENSIONAL_MIN_FLEETS | At less fleets than this, extradimensionals pull back to the portal | 3 |
AI_NO_RETREAT_LIMIT | At fewer owner/controlled planets than this, the AI will fight to the death in their home systems | 3 |
CRISIS_THREAT_THRESHOLD_UPPER | At this crisis threat, AI drops other priorities and focuses on fighting the crisis | 100 |
CRISIS_THREAT_THRESHOLD_LOWER | Below this threshold, AI stops focusing on crisis fighting | 10 |
CRISIS_MILITARY_POWER_MULT_DEFAULT | AI willing to engage crisis factions at these odds normally | 1.5 |
CRISIS_MILITARY_POWER_MULT_CRISIS_FIGHTER | AI willing to engage crisis factions at these odds if they prioritize crisis fighting | 0.6 |
CRISIS_MILITARY_POWER_MULT_INHABITED_SYSTEM | AI willing to engage crisis factions at these odds in systems of others under attack by crisis | 0.4 |
CRISIS_MILITARY_POWER_MULT_OWN_SYSTEM | AI willing to engage crisis factions at these odds in their own systems | 0.33 |
CRISIS_MILITARY_POWER_MULT_DESPERATION | AI willing to engage crisis factions at these odds when down to their last few worlds | 0.10 |
BOSS_MILITARY_POWER | The military power at which AI feels safe to engage a 'boss' creature | 40000 |
WAS_HUMAN_MONTHS | Amount of months that the AI will refrain from making large changes to the empire if it's taking over from a player | 60 |
MIN_GIFT_SIZE | in opinion impact | 25 |
MAX_GIFT_SIZE | 50 | |
AI_TRADE_INTERVAL | the higher this is the less often the AI will offer trades | 5000 |
MAX_TRUST | trust can never be more than this | 100 |
MAX_TRUST_DEFENSIVE_PACT | trust can tick up to this if defensive pact | 100 |
MAX_TRUST_ASSOCIATE | trust can tick up to this if federation associate | 100 |
MAX_TRUST_NAP | trust can tick up to this if non-aggression pact | 75 |
MAX_TRUST_MIN | trust can always tick up to at least this | 50 |
BASE_TRUST_CHANGE | only applied if no other factor is changing trust | -0.25 |
WARLEADER_WARGOAL_FACTOR | AI is this much more likely to pick wargoals against the enemy war leader instead of their allies | 1.5 |
DEFICIT_SPENDING_START_WAR | If at war and energy is at this fraction of max storage deficit spend energy | 0.25 |
DEFICIT_SPENDING_START_PEACE | If at peace and energy is at this fraction of max storage deficit spend energy | 0.75 |
DEFICIT_SPENDING_STOP_WAR | If at war and energy is at this fraction of max storage stop deficit spending | 0.1 |
DEFICIT_SPENDING_STOP_PEACE | If at peace and energy is at this fraction of max storage stop deficit spending | 0.5 |
DEFICIT_SPENDING_MONTHLY_PEACE | This percentage of max storage should be deficit spent each month when at peace | 0.003 |
DEFICIT_SPENDING_MONTHLY_WAR | This percentage of max storage should be deficit spent each month when at war | 0.005 |
BROKEN_TRADE_DEAL_FACTOR | How much does broken trade deal affect opinion (based on value of deal) | 0.5 |
THREAT_PLANET_MULT | Base threat multiplier for planet | 7.5 |
THREAT_POP_MULT | Base threat multiplier for pop | 0.15 |
HIGH_THREAT_THRESHOLD | Must have at least this much threat to become fearful | 50 |
SHARED_THREAT_MULT | How much does having a shared threat boost opinion? | 0.5 |
THREAT_SHARED_THREAT_REDUCTION | Each point of threat will also eliminate this much shared threat | 4 |
THREAT_DECAY | Each month | -0.25 |
THREAT_DISTANCE_FACTOR | The higher this is the larger the threat reduction from being far away | 0.01 |
THREAT_SIZE_FACTOR | How much does the relative power of the aggressive empire affect threat? | 1.0 |
THREAT_NAP_FACTOR | How much is threat lowered if we have a NAP or defensive pact? | 0.5 |
THREAT_POSITIVE_OPINION_FACTOR | How much does opinion of the victim affect threat? | 0.002 |
COLONIZE_NON_ADJACENT_DIV | If colony is far away divide priority to colonize it by this | 3 |
AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_BASE | Base chance AI will declare a war (multiplied by personality aggressiveness score) | 25 |
AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_PROPAGATOR_BOXED_IN_MULT | When a warlike 'propagator' personality is boxed in aggression is multiplied by this value | 10 |
AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_BOXED_IN_MULT | When an AI can no longer peacefully expand aggression is multiplied by this value | 4 |
AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_NO_COLONY_TARGET_MULT | When an AI has no immediate colony targets and at least MAX_PLANETS_FOR_BUDGET_FACTOR planets (but is not boxed in) aggression is multiplied by this value | 2 |
MAX_RESOURCE_SCORE | Maximum amount AI will value a resource at | 1000 |
MAX_RESOURCE_SCORE_DIV | Resources that aren't critical prio are divided by this amount | 100 |
ACTION_MIN_DAYS_REJECTED | AI will remember a rejection at least this time | 10000 |
ACTION_DAYS_REJECTED_RANDOM | Max random extra days AI will reject offer | 5000 |
ACTION_MIN_DAYS_REJECTED_PEACE | AI will remember a peace deal rejection at least this time | 360 |
ACTION_DAYS_REJECTED_RANDOM_PEACE | Max random extra days AI will reject peace offer | 360 |
INSTANT_AI_DIPLOMACY | AI answers diplomacy immediately. No proposals are sent off to AIs. | 0 |
DIPLO_BREAK_THRESHOLD | If AI values an existing deal at less than this break it | -30 |
ACCEPTANCE_DEAL_BREAKER | This is used when something is a deal breaker in diplomacy | -1000 |
ACCEPTANCE_DEAL_ALWAYS | This is used when the AI should always accept a deal | 1000 |
FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_THREAT | scales with actual threat | 0.25 |
FEDERATION_CONQUEROR_DIFFERENCE | penalty if one side wants to wage wars of conquest and the other doesn't | -50 |
FEDERATION_CONQUEROR_POLICY_FLAG | "unrestricted_wars" | |
FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_RELATIVE_STRENGTH_FACTOR | For each 1x we are stronger than them | 5 |
FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_MEMBER_VOTE | added to acceptance when a member is voting whether to approve an alliance invite | 50 |
FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT | per 1 border distance | -0.1 |
DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_NUM_PACTS | per existing defensive pact | -50 |
DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_THREAT | scales with actual threat | 0.25 |
DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_RELATIVE_STRENGTH_FACTOR | For each 1x we are stronger than them | 5 |
DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT | per 1 border distance | -0.1 |
NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_THREAT | scales with actual threat | 0.25 |
NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_RELATIVE_STRENGTH_FACTOR | For each 1x we are stronger than them | 20 |
MIGRATION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_THREAT_MULT | scales with actual threat | -0.5 |
MIGRATION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT | per 1 border distance | -0.05 |
VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_PROTECTORATE_MULT | multiplied by number of techs potential overlord is ahead in | 0.1 |
VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT | per 1 border distance | -0.5 |
OFFER_TRADE_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_FACTOR | trade willingness reduced by this much if don't have an attitude amenable to trade | |
OFFER_TRADE_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE | if attitude is trade = no | -1000 |
OFFER_TRADE_MIN_RESOURCE_THRESHOLD | if ai want for an accumulative resource is at least max * this it won't trade away that resource | 0.8 |
OFFER_TRADE_MIN_UNKNOWN_SYSTEMS_FOR_CHARTS | if either side would get knowledge of less systems than this don't propose trading charts | 10 |
TRADE_RESOURCE_STOCKPILE_UNDER | AI will want to trade one resource for another if stockpile is this low (fraction of max storage) | 0.33 |
TRADE_RESOURCE_STOCKPILE_OVER | AI will want to trade one resource for another if stockpile is over this (fraction of max storage) | 0.75 |
TRADE_RESOURCE_FRACTION_MIN | How much of stockpile AI should offer to trade (min) | 0.1 |
TRADE_RESOURCE_FRACTION_MAX | How much of stockpile AI should offer to trade (max) | 0.2 |
MIN_WILLINGNESS_TO_OFFER_TRADE | AIs with a personality whose trade willingness is below this will not offer trades | 0.75 |
CAPITAL_RESOURCE_IMPORTANCE | How important is it for the AI to place its colonial capital on suitable resources? | 4 |
CAPITAL_WRONG_RESOURCE_IMPORTANCE | How important is it for the AI to avoid placing its colonial capital on non-suitable resources? | 2 |
CAPITAL_STRATEGIC_RESOURCE_IMPORTANCE | How important is it for the AI to not put its capital on strategic resources? | 20 |
CAPITAL_ADJACENCY_IMPORTANCE | How important is it for the AI to place the capital so that it has numerous adjacent tiles | 5 |
CAPITAL_ADJACENCY_BLOCKER_IMPORTANCE | How important is it for the AI to place the capital so that it isn't surrounded by tile blockers | 1 |
TRADE_VALUE_RESOURCE_INCOME_BASE | used for calculating resource income effect (lower = more value reduction from higher income) | 50 |
TRADE_VALUE_RESOURCE | for minerals and energy (scaled by income & need) | 2 |
TRADE_VALUE_RESOURCE_MONTHLY_MULT | value of monthly resources is multiplied by this compared to lump-sum | 0.5 |
TRADE_VALUE_STRATEGIC_RESOURCE | for 1 strategic resource (per year) | 1 |
TRADE_VALUE_COLONY | Per pop | 0.2 |
TRADE_VALUE_SENSOR_CHARTS | Per unsurveyed planet | 0.02 |
TRADE_VALUE_SENSOR_LINK | Per system within their borders | 0.05 |
TRADE_VALUE_SENSOR_LINK_MAX | Multiplied by treaty years | 1.0 |
TRADE_VALUE_NON_AGGRESSION_PACT | Multiplied by relative power | 1 |
TRADE_VALUE_NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_MAX | Multiplied by treaty years | 5 |
TRADE_VALUE_GUARANTEE | Multiplied by relative power | 1 |
TRADE_VALUE_GUARANTEE_MAX | Multiplied by treaty years | 5 |
TRADE_VALUE_SUPPORT_INDEPENDENCE | Multiplied by relative power | 1 |
TRADE_VALUE_SUPPORT_INDEPENDENCE_MAX | Multiplied by treaty years | 5 |
TRADE_VALUE_WORMHOLE_ACCESS | Per system within their borders | 0.1 |
TRADE_VALUE_WORMHOLE_ACCESS_MAX | Multiplied by treaty years | 1 |
TRADE_VALUE_MIGRATION_ACCESS | Per planet they own | 0.1 |
TRADE_VALUE_MIGRATION_ACCESS_MAX | Multiplied by treaty years | 1 |
TRADE_VALUE_RESEARCH_AGREEMENT | Per tech they have that we don't | 0.1 |
TRADE_VALUE_RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_MAX | Multiplied by treaty years | 5 |
NON_MINED_RESOURCES_ENERGY_WANT_FACTOR | If 100% of AI's resources in space are unmined increase desire for energy by this | 1 |
AI_BUDGETING_START_YEARS | These variables are used for some of the AI's budgeting to ensure it prioritizes the right things early on | 15 |
BASE_BUILDING_BUDGET | Always reserve this much energy budget for buildings before giving budget anywhere else | 5 |
BASE_STATION_BUDGET | Always reserve this much energy budget for stations before giving budget anywhere else | 5 |
BASE_ROBOT_BUDGET | In a robot/machine country always reserve this much energy budget for robots/machines before giving budget anywhere else | 5 |
BASE_ARMY_BUDGET | Per planet over 1 | 1 |
MILITARY_STATION_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their income on military stations | 0.05 |
SAVINGS_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their income on savings (normally not needed as fleets in dock will result in energy surplus) | 0.00 |
ARMY_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their income on armies | 0.05 |
NAVY_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their income on ships | 0.15 |
STATION_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their income on stations | 0.25 |
BUILDING_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their income on buildings | 0.40 |
ROBOT_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their income on robots (transfered to stations & buildings if they don't use robots) | 0.10 |
DANGER_BUDGET_FACTOR | When there are potential dangers increase navy budget by this amount | 0.1 |
SHIPSIZE_BUDGET_FACTOR | For each ship size unlocked increase navy budget by this amount | 0.025 |
NAVAL_CAPACITY_BUDGET_MAX | At this naval capacity AI puts max budget into ships | 100 |
PLANET_BUDGET_FACTOR | When AI has few planets it will decrease building/mil station budget by this and put it into colonies/stations instead | 0.20 |
MAX_PLANETS_FOR_BUDGET_FACTOR | At this amount of planets budget is normalized | 5 |
MINERAL_MILITARY_STATION_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their stored minerals on military stations | 0.04 |
MINERAL_NAVY_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their stored minerals on ships | 0.14 |
MINERAL_STATION_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their stored minerals on stations (used for spaceport instead when it needs a new spaceport) | 0.19 |
MINERAL_BUILDING_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their stored minerals on buildings (used for spaceport instead when it needs a new spaceport) | 0.24 |
MINERAL_SPACEPORT_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their stored minerals on spaceport modules | 0.04 |
MINERAL_ARMY_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction on armies | 0.04 |
MINERAL_TILE_BLOCKER_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction on tile blockers | 0.04 |
MINERAL_ROBOT_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their stored minerals on robots (transfered to buildings if they don't use robots) | 0.09 |
MINERAL_MEGASTRUCTURE_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their stored minerals on megastructures (taken from stations & buildings) | 0.09 |
ROBOT_EMPIRE_EXTRA_ROBOT_BUDGET | If the empire is a machine/synthetic empire, this amount of all other budget is transfered into constructing robot pops | 0.33 |
DISBAND_THRESHOLD | If budget does not cover at least this fraction of the navy maintenance disband ships & stations | 0.8 |
MIN_NAVY_BUDGET | Always add this amount to the navy budget so we can have at least a few ships | 4 |
MIN_ARMY_BUDGET | Always add this amount to the army budget so we can have at least a few armies | 2 |
ABS_MAX_MINERALS_STORED_MILITARY_STATIONS | Max regardless of cap multiplier | 2000 |
MAX_MINERALS_STORED_MILITARY_STATIONS | Minerals AI will store for mil stations when it needs more | 1000 |
MIN_MINERALS_STORED_MILITARY_STATIONS | Minerals AI will store for mil stations when it does not need more | 100 |
ABS_MAX_MINERALS_STORED_NAVY | Max regardless of cap multiplier | 5000 |
MAX_MINERALS_STORED_NAVY | Minerals AI will store for navy when it needs more | 1000 |
MIN_MINERALS_STORED_NAVY | Minerals AI will store for navy when it does not need more | 0 |
ABS_MAX_MINERALS_STORED_BUILDINGS | Max regardless of cap multiplier | 2000 |
MAX_MINERALS_STORED_BUILDINGS | Minerals AI will store for buildings when it needs more | 1000 |
MIN_MINERALS_STORED_BUILDINGS | Minerals AI will store for buildings when it does not need more | 250 |
ABS_MAX_MINERALS_STORED_STATIONS | Max regardless of cap multiplier | 1000 |
MAX_MINERALS_STORED_STATIONS | Minerals AI will store for stations when it needs more | 200 |
MIN_MINERALS_STORED_STATIONS | Minerals AI will store for stations when it does not need more | 100 |
ABS_MAX_MINERALS_STORED_SPACEPORT | Max regardless of cap multiplier | 1000 |
MAX_MINERALS_STORED_SPACEPORT | Minerals AI will store for spaceport when it needs more | 500 |
MIN_MINERALS_STORED_SPACEPORT | Minerals AI will store for spaceport when it does not need more | 250 |
ABS_MAX_MINERALS_STORED_COLONIES | Max regardless of cap multiplier | 600 |
MAX_MINERALS_STORED_COLONIES | Minerals AI will store for colonies when it needs more | 400 |
MIN_MINERALS_STORED_COLONIES | Minerals AI will store for colonies when it does not need more | 200 |
ABS_MAX_MINERALS_STORED_ARMIES | Max regardless of cap multiplier | 250 |
MAX_MINERALS_STORED_ARMIES | Minerals AI will store for armies when it needs more | 200 |
MIN_MINERALS_STORED_ARMIES | Minerals AI will store for armies when it does not need more | 100 |
ABS_MAX_MINERALS_STORED_TILE_BLOCKERS | Max regardless of cap multiplier | 200 |
MAX_MINERALS_STORED_TILE_BLOCKERS | Minerals AI will store for tile blockers when it needs more | 100 |
MIN_MINERALS_STORED_TILE_BLOCKERS | Minerals AI will store for tile blockers when it does not need more | 0 |
ABS_MAX_MINERALS_STORED_ROBOTS | Max regardless of cap multiplier | 200 |
MAX_MINERALS_STORED_ROBOTS | Minerals AI will store for robots when it needs more | 200 |
MIN_MINERALS_STORED_ROBOTS | Minerals AI will store for robots when it does not need more | 0 |
MINERALS_STORED_MEGASTRUCTURES | Max minerals AI will store for megastructures if it can build them | 50000 |
AI_DESIRED_NAVY_MINERALS_AT_WAR | AI wants at least this many minerals for ships while at war | 500 |
AI_DESIRED_ARMY_MINERALS_AT_WAR | AI wants at least this many minerals for armies while at war | 100 |
MAX_STORED_ENERGY_POST | AI will store maximum this amount for each energy budget post | 500 |
MAX_MINERALS_STORED_SECTOR_POST | Minerals AI will store for each budget post in sectors | 1300 |
MAX_MINERALS_STORED_SECTOR_POST_BUILDINGS | Minerals AI will store for buildings | 1000 |
MAX_MINERALS_SPENT_ON_NAVY | Spend no more than this fraction of mineral income on navy maintenance | 0.50 |
EXPECTED_UNITY_BASE | AI expects to make this base amount in unity | 10 |
EXPECTED_UNITY_PER_POP | AI expects to make about their num pops x this in unity | 0.25 |
EXPECTED_FOOD_BASE | AI expects to produce this much food surplus | 8 |
EXPECTED_FOOD_PER_GROWING_PLANET | AI expects to make about their num planets needing food x this in food surplus | 10 |
EXPECTED_MINERALS_BASE | AI expects to make this base amount in minerals | 50 |
EXPECTED_MINERALS_PER_POP | AI expects to make about their num pops x this in minerals | 1.25 |
EXPECTED_TECH_BASE | AI expects to make this base amount in tech | 10 |
EXPECTED_TECH_PER_POP | AI expects to make about their num pops x this in tech | 0.5 |
EXPECTED_ENERGY_BASE | AI expects to make this base amount in energy | 40 |
EXPECTED_ENERGY_PER_POP | AI expects to make about their num pops x this in energy | 1 |
EXPECTED_ENERGY_SURPLUS | AI wants a surplus of least this amount in monthly energy production (temporary spending such as colonies does not count) | 3 |
EXPECTED_SECTOR_ENERGY_SURPLUS | As above but for sectors | 3 |
EXPECTED_SECTOR_MINERAL_SURPLUS | As above but for sectors | 20 |
RESOURCES_FOR_HIGH_SECTOR_SHARE | At this number of stockpiled resources raise sector tax to 75% (0 = never use) | 2000 |
MIN_RESOURCES_TO_BUILD_ORBITAL_STATION | If a planet has less than this amount of minerals/research don't bother with a mining/research station here | 2 |
ENERGY_COLONY_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their energy on new colonies | 0.40 |
ENERGY_TILE_BLOCKER_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their energy on tile blockers | 0.30 |
ENERGY_ROBOT_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their energy on robots (transfered to colonies if no robots) | 0.0 |
ENERGY_SAVINGS_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their energy on savings | 0.30 |
MAX_ARMY_MAINTENANCE | AI will not spend more than this amount on assault armies | 20 |
EXPAND_NAVY_LIMIT_FACTOR | If the AI Navy maintenance is this much bigger than the opponents navy will not be expanded | 4 |
CONSTRUCTOR_SHIPS_MUL | Number of constructor ships of AI is the number of planets times this value | 0.04 |
THRESHOLD_DISBAND_SHIPS | AI will disband ships if wanted + this value < owned | 3 |
COLONIZER_SHIPS_MAX | Maximum number of colonizer ships of AI | 1 |
RESEARCH_SHIPS_MAX | Maximum number of research ships of AI | 2 |
CONSTRUCTOR_SHIPS_MAX | Maximum number of constructor ships of AI | 4 |
MIN_NAVY_SIZE_FOR_ADMIRAL | AI wants a navy of at least this fleetsize before buying an admiral | 10 |
LEADER_FRACTION_SCIENTIST | Fraction of AI Leaders that should be scientists | 0.6 |
LEADER_FRACTION_ADMIRAL | Fraction of admirals | 0.1 |
LEADER_FRACTION_GENERAL | Fraction of generals | 0.1 |
LEADER_FRACTION_GOVERNOR | Fraction of governor | 0.2 |
LEADER_FRACTION_CHANGE_CAP | Leader cap > this will decrease scientist fraction and increase other | 11 |
ABORT_MISSION_LIMIT | MilitaryPower fraction below this level will result in AI escaping battle | 0.50 |
PEACE_PURIFIER_FACTOR | AI will be less willing to surrender to fanatical purifiers | -30 |
MILITARY_STATION_DISTANCE | Distance from planet to where military station should be built | 40.0 |
MILITARY_STATION_ANGLE_MAX | A random value between 0 and the angle max is added to the angle of where the military station is built | 3 |
MILITARY_STATION_DISTANCE_RANDOM | Random distance from the military station distance where it can be built | 4 |
TECH_NEED_MULT_VALUE | Tech need value will multiplied by this value e.g. when certain diplomacy techs are needed | 10 |
MIN_WANTED_SCIENTISTS | Below this AI prioritizes influence spending to get more scientists | 4 |
INFLUENCE_FRACTION_LEADERS | Fraction of AI Influence that goes to recruiting leaders | 0.35 |
INFLUENCE_FRACTION_EDICTS | Fraction of AI Influence that goes to edicts | 0.20 |
INFLUENCE_FRACTION_SAVINGS | Fraction of AI influence that is saved | 0.25 |
INFLUENCE_FRACTION_RESETTLEMENT | Fraction of AI influence that is used for resettlement | 0.10 |
INFLUENCE_MAX_STORED_PER_POST | Max stored in any single influence budget post | 200 |
INFLUENCE_BUDGET_STATIONS | Fraction of monthly influence that is used on stations (frontier outposts) | 0.40 |
INFLUENCE_BUDGET_EDICTS | Fraction of monthly influence that is used on edicts | 0.25 |
INFLUENCE_BUDGET_SAVINGS | # Fraction of monthly influence that is saved | 0.35 |
THREAT_TRUCE_MONTHS | AI will not consider the opponent a threat if this many months are left on a truce | 12 |
FLEET_BALANCE_THREAT | If FleetPower of AI / FleetPower of Enemy is lower than this AI will consider the country a threat | 0.5 |
ENERGY_MONTHS_FACTOR_WAR | Energy are supposed to last this many months when used to buy new ships in war | 12 |
ENEMY_FLEET_POWER_MULT | AI will need the the fleet power of the enemy multiplied by this value to become offensive in an offensive war | 1.2 |
ENEMY_ARMY_POWER_MULT | AI will need the the military power of the enemy multiplied by this value to land armies on planet | 1.5 |
ENEMY_NEUTRALS_FLEET_POWER_MULT | AI will need the the fleet power of the enemy multiplied by this value to attack neutrals and space hostiles | 2 |
ENEMY_FLEET_POWER_HOME_SYSTEM_MULT | AI will need the fleet power of the enemy multiplied by this value to attack hostiles in own systems | 1.0 |
PRIO_BASE_FRACTION | Prio base fraction for example if prio is assault arsenal fraction will be set to this value (When at war any NEW ships built will create fleets that are 25% of the arsenal fleet size (IE: size 50). If a target is selected that is too large for these new war fleets then the AI will merge them together into a larger fleet to hunt down the target.) | 0.80 |
START_WEAPON_TECH_AREA_MULT | Weapons within the same tech area as the start weapon will be weighted (multiplied) by this value when deciding tech strategies | 2 |
FRACTION_PERSONALITY_MULT | Techs that apply to a certain personality will be multiplied by this value + tolerance/hierarchical value (interval: -2 +2) divided by this value | 2 |
MINERALS_MULT | Mult used to promote building manufactories | 8 |
BUILDING_ENERGY_MAX | Used to calc AI want for buildings with energy | 100 |
INFLUENCE_MULT | Used to calc AI want for buildings with influence | 1 |
BUILDING_PRODUCTION_MAX | Used to calc AI want for buildings with production points | 1000 |
POP_FOOD_MIN | AI should always prioritize to get more food when food growth is below this value | 5 |
WORMHOLE_STATION_OFFSET | Used to place wormhole stations in system | 150.0 |
CRISIS_FLEET_SIZE_LIMIT_LOWER | Swarm fleet will aim for this size before attacking targets | 130 |
CRISIS_NAVY_SIZE_LIMIT | Swarm fleet will aim for this size before attacking targets | 130 |
CRISIS_ARMY_LIMIT | Swarms will not build more armies if it has this many armies already | 100 |
SECTOR_SYSTEM_CAP_MIN | AI sectors will have minimum these many colonized systems in each sector before creating new sectors | 2 |
SECTOR_FOCUS_EFFECT | Resources designated as the focus of a sector are valued this much more | 10 |
SECTOR_IGNORE_TILE_RESOURCE | Should sectors ignore which resources are on the tile when building? | 0 |
SECTOR_TILE_BLOCKER_ENERGY_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of sector energy budget going to tile blockers | 0.60 |
SECTOR_ROBOT_ENERGY_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of sector energy budget going to robots | 0.40 |
SECTOR_COLONY_MINERALS_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of sector minerals budget going to colonies | 0.10 |
SECTOR_STATION_MINERALS_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of sector minerals budget going to stations | 0.19 |
SECTOR_BUILDING_MINERALS_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of sector minerals budget going to buildings | 0.34 |
SECTOR_TILE_BLOCKER_MINERALS_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of sector minerals budget going to tile blockers | 0.04 |
SECTOR_SPACEPORT_MINERALS_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of sector minerals budget going to spaceports | 0.09 |
SECTOR_ARMY_MINERALS_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of sector minerals budget going to armies | 0.04 |
SECTOR_ROBOT_MINERALS_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of sector minerals budget going to robots | 0.20 |
SECTOR_MINERALS_NEED_THRESHOLD | Minerals needed per month before starting to build other buildings | 5 |
SECTOR_BUILDING_MAINT_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of maintenance budget going to buildings | 0.40 |
SECTOR_STATION_MAINT_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of maintenance budget going to spaceports and stations | 0.30 |
SECTOR_ARMY_MAINT_BUDGET_FRACTION | Fraction of maintenance budget going to spaceports and stations | 0.10 |
SECTOR_ROBOT_MAINT_BUDGET_FRACTION | AI will spend this fraction of their budget on robots (transfered to buildings if they don't use robots) | 0.20 |
SECTOR_ROBOT_MAINT_MAX | Maximum energy maintenance reserved for new robots | 2 |
ATTITUDE_CHANGE_BUFFER | Don't change attitude if weight diff is less than this | 0 |
AI_COMMUNICATIONS_RANDOM_VALUE | AI communications days will vary with +- these many days | 60 |
OUTPOST_STATION_RESOURCES_BUILD | AI should build outpost station if system has more than this many resources | 9 |
OUTPOST_STATION_RESOURCES_NEIGHBORS_BUILD | AI should build oupost station if neighboring systems have these many resources | 20 |
OUTPOST_STATION_DISTANCE_MAX | AI consideres station in neighboring system if square distance is higher than this value from a colony | 2500 |
OUTPOST_STATION_RANGE | AI consider outpost station to be able to extrude border about this far | 400 |
MAX_CAPITAL_UPGRADE_BEFORE_PLANET_FULL | AI will not upgrade capital above this level before the planet is full (in pops) | 1 |
TRANSPORT_FLEET_SIZE | AI will have transport fleets of this size + 1 | 19 |
ARSENAL_FLEET_SIZE | AI will have arsenal fleets of this size (This means that the AI will create fleets during peace time that are this size) | 200 |
POP_RESETTLEMENT_PRIO | AI Will prio resettling to achieve these many pops in each colony before anything else | 5.0 |
DISTANCE_STARS_RESEARCH | AI will assume this is the average dist between stars | 10 |
AUTO_EXPLORE_ATTRACTION_SCORE | Attraction score to auto explore a system will descrease by this much if system is owned by you or has a planet owned by you | 200 |
MAX_COLONIZATION_COST | Range from borders AI will colonize planet (influence cost) | 300 |
MAX_COLONIZATION_COST_SUBJECT | Range from borders AI will colonize planet when it is a subject (influence cost) | 200 |
OPTIMAL_OUTPOST_DISTANCE | Range from borders ED will build outpost (square distance) | 3000 |
ED_MIL_STATIONS_IN_SYSTEMS | Fraction of systems within borders that will have military stations in it for ED | 4 |
NO_WARS_FLAG | "ai_no_wars" | |
NO_LEAVE_FED_FLAG | "ai_no_leave_fed" |
References[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
帝国 | 帝国 • 思潮 • 政府 • 国民理念 • 起源 • 承诺 • 议程 • 传统 • 飞升天赋 • 法令 • 政策 • 遗珍 • 科技 • 自定义帝国 |
人口 | 岗位 • 派系 |
领袖 | 领袖 • 领袖特质 |
物种 | 物种 • 物种特质 |
行星 | 行星 • 行星特征 • 轨道矿藏 • 建筑 • 区划 • 行星决议 |
星系 | 星系 • 恒星基地 • 巨型结构 • 虫洞 • 星门 • 地图 |
舰队 | 舰队 • 舰船 • 部件 |
地面战 | 陆军 • 轰炸姿态 |
外交 | 外交 • 联邦 • 星海共同体 • 评价修正 • 宣战理由 • 战争目标 |
事件 | 事件 • 异常现象 • 特殊项目 • 考古遗址 |
游玩 | 游玩 • 定义 • 研究 • 经济 • 游戏开局 |
动态修改 | 动态 • 指令效果 • 触发条件 • 作用域 • 修正 • 变量 • AI |
媒体/本地化 | Maya 导出器 • 图形 • 肖像 • 旗帜 • 事件图片 • 界面 • 图标 • 音乐 • 本地化 |
Other | 控制台命令 • 存档编辑 • Steam 创意工坊 • 模组制作教程 |