

Traditions tab

傳統代表著一個帝國在擴張和發展過程中的社會文化演變,由凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity資源解鎖的能力、法令或獎勵組成。傳統是調整帝國遊戲風格的關鍵機制,它允許玩家強化帝國的優勢或削弱其劣勢。完成一棵傳統樹可以解鎖一個飛升天賦 Ascension Perks 飛升天賦Ascension Perks插槽,從而進一步增強實力。

傳統樹[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

傳統被以樹的形式組成,每棵樹有 5 個節點,採用傳統樹節點和完成傳統樹都有獎勵。每個帝國最多可以選擇 7 棵傳統樹。

傳統花費[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

解鎖傳統的成本隨解鎖傳統數量的增加和帝國規模 Empire Size 帝國規模Empire Size的增長而提高成本。採用和完成一棵傳統樹及採用傳統樹節點都會使 "解鎖傳統 "係數增加 1。 傳統成本公式如下:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{传统花费} = \left[300\, +\, \left(8\, \cdot\, \text{已解锁传统} \right)^{1.8} \right ] \, \cdot\, \left(1\, +\, \text{帝国规模惩罚}\right) }[/math]

採納的第一個傳統消耗300凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity,且以上傳統成本公式在遊戲中對凝聚力的消耗會進行大估(例: 當採取了第一個傳統時,採取第二個傳統/傳統節點的花費(設此時帝國規模≤100)=[300+(8*1)^1.8]*(1+0.02*0)=342.2242531447≈343)

探索[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • 異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed  +20% 異常現象研究速度Anomaly Research Speed
  • 法令 Edict 解鎖法令:製作星圖
  • 議程 Agenda 解鎖議程:探明未知
  • Non-Gestalt 探索 / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 探索 / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 探索
Non-Gestalt 勇往直前 / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 探索者無人機 / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 卷鬚探測 Non-Gestalt 科學部門 / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 研究路徑優化 / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 思維網絡
To Boldly Go
  • 調查速度 Survey Speed  +35% 調查速度Survey Speed
  • 戰鬥撤離機率 Combat Disengagement Chance +50% 科研船脫離戰鬥機率
Science Division
  • 備選科技 Research Alternatives  +1 備選科技Research Alternatives
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +1 科學官上限
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +1 科學官起始技能等級
Non-Gestalt 機械智能 Machine Intelligence蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 資料庫上行鏈路 Non-Gestalt 理工教育 / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 迭代型人工智慧 / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 超適應進化
Database Uplinks
  • 研究 Research  +20% 研究Research 研究站產出
  • 研究 Research  +20% 研究Research 恆星基地建築研究促進的研究
  • 法令 Edict 解鎖法令:研究補貼
Polytechnic Education
  • 領袖經驗獲得 Leader Experience Gain  +10% 領袖經驗獲得Leader Experience Gain
  • 領袖貯備規模 +1
Non-Gestalt 科學神教 / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 上鏈延遲降低 / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 突觸廣播
Faith in Science
  • Maintenance.png −20% 研究員維護費
  • 研究速度 Research Speed  +10% 研究速度Research Speed
  • 研究合作組織 Research Cooperative 允許使用研究合作組織聯邦類型如果 縱橫捭闔 Federations 縱橫捭闔Federations 被開啟
  • 解鎖飛升天賦槽 +1

支配[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • 穴居者 cave dweller  −33% 穴居者cave dweller
  • 虛空居者 Void Dwellers 虛空居者Void Dwellers: Maintenance.png −20% Habitat upkeep instead
Non-Gestalt Colonial Viceroys / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Autonomous AI / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Meeting of the Minds Non-Gestalt Imperious Architecture / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Modular Depots / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Synaptic Extensions Non-Gestalt Public Trust Officers / 威權主義 Authoritarian/排外主義 Xenophobe Judgment Corps / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Deviancy Protocols / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Divergence Suppression
Colonial Viceroys
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +2 Governor level cap
  • 每月影響力 Monthly Influence  +0.5 每月影響力Monthly Influence
Imperious Architecture
  • Non-Gestalt: 住房 Housing  +1 住房Housing from upgraded capital buildings
  • Non-Gestalt: 住房 Housing  +1 住房Housing from all housing buildings
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind: 住房 Housing  +2 住房Housing from Synaptic Nodes
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence: 帝國規模 Empire Size  −25% 帝國規模Empire Size from districts
Judgment Corps
  • Non-Gestalt: 凝聚力 Unity  +1 凝聚力Unity per Enforcer
  • Non-Gestalt: 法令 Edict Unlocks the Enhanced Surveillance edict
  • 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness: 犯罪度 Crime  −10 犯罪與異常 on all colonies
Non-Gestalt Privy Council / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Multithreaded Core Functions / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Synaptic Network Non-Gestalt Workplace Motivators / 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness Drone Network
Privy Council Workplace Motivators
  • Non-Gestalt: 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +5% Worker and Slave output
  • Non-Gestalt: 法令 Edict Unlocks the Extended Shifts edict
  • 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness: 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +5% Menial Drone output
  • 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness: 法令 Edict Unlocks the Drone Overdrive edict
  • 帝國規模 Empire Size  −10% 帝國規模Empire Size from Pops
  • 霸權 Hegemony Can create Hegemony federations if 縱橫捭闔 Federations 縱橫捭闔Federations is enabled

擴張[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

扩张Expansion传统 执此强化领土成长的尖刀,如饥似渴地撕开星系的饼图并尽可能将最大块的果子牢牢据为己有。该传统大体适用于所有路线的国家。
  • 殖民地發展速度 Colony Development Speed  +25% 殖民地發展速度Colony Development Speed
Non-Gestalt Reach for the Stars / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Signal Relay Stations / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Amoebic Synapses Non-Gestalt Colonization Fever / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Automated Colonization Units / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind One Mind
Reach for the Stars
  • 恆星基地影響力花費 Starbase Influence Cost  −10% 恆星基地影響力花費Starbase Influence Cost
Colonization Fever
  • Extra pops when establishing colony +1 Extra pops when establishing colony
Non-Gestalt Courier Network / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Extensible Software / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Limited Autonomy Non-Gestalt Galactic Ambition / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Cogs in the Machine / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Blot out the Stars Non-Gestalt A New Life / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Hotjoin Protocols / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Spawning Frenzy
Courier Network
  • 帝國規模 Empire Size  −25% 帝國規模Empire Size from Systems and Colonies
Galactic Ambition
  • 恆星基地 Starbase  −20% 恆星基地Starbase upkeep
A New Life
  • 人口增長速度 Pop Growth Speed  +10% 人口增長速度Pop Growth Speed
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence: 人口組裝速度 Pop Assembly Speed  +10% 人口組裝速度Pop Assembly Speed instead
最大區劃數 Max Districts  +1 最大區劃數Max Districts for all non-artificial planets
虛空居者 Void Dwellers 虛空居者Void Dwellers: 巨型結構建造速度 Megastructure Build Speed −20% Habitat Build Cost instead

繁榮[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

繁荣Prosperity传统 时常会给名字叫经济的精密机器上油,更高效率,如此省力!该传统大体适用于所有路线的国家。
  • 礦物 Minerals +20% Mining Station output
Non-Gestalt Administrative Operations / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Superconductive Power Transmission / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Chitinous Architecture Non-Gestalt Standard Construction Templates / 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness Prefabricated Buildings
Administrative Operations
  • Maintenance.png −10% Building and district upkeep
Standard Construction Templates
  • 建築花費 Building Cost −10% Building and district build cost
  • 行星建造速度 Planetary Build Speed  +25% 行星建造速度Planetary Build Speed
Non-Gestalt The Pursuit of Profit / 平等主義 Egalitarian Creative Collectives / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Peak Performance / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Neural Signal Boosters Non-Gestalt Interstellar Franchising / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Efficiency Algorithms / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Efficiency Instincts Non-Gestalt Public Works Division / 虛空居者 Void Dwellers Modular Superstructures / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Optimized Nexus / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Extended Hives
The Pursuit of Profit
  • 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +5% Specialist and Complex Drone output
Interstellar Franchising
  • 職員 Clerk  +1 職員Clerk per City District or Habitat Trade District[1]
  • 職員 Clerk  +3 職員Clerk Clerk per Residential Arcology or City Segment
  • 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness: 能量幣 Energy Credits +5% Monthly Energy Credits instead
Public Works Division
  • 住房 Housing  +1 住房Housing per City/Hive/Nexus District
  • 住房 Housing  +3 住房Housing per Residential Arcology[2]
  • 住房 Housing  +5 住房Housing per City/Hive/Nexus Segment
  • 虛空居者 Void Dwellers 虛空居者Void Dwellers: 建築槽位 Building Slots  +1 建築槽位Building Slots for Orbital Habitats instead
人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production  +5% 人口資源產出Pop Resource Production
穩定度 Stability  +5 穩定度Stability on all colonies

至高[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

至高Supremacy传统 在将自身意志强加它人的路上前进,旋即发现对方不会那么简单地服从,唯有发展出更好的舰队和更强的军队才能实现心头这一宏愿。该传统大体适用于所有路线的国家。
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity  +20 海軍容量Naval Capacity
  • 陸軍傷害 Army Damage  +20% 陸軍傷害Army Damage
Non-Gestalt Master Shipwrights / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Modular Hull Templates / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Organic Architecture Non-Gestalt Fleet Logistics Corps / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Automated Underway Replenishment / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Nutrient Arks Overwhelming Force
Master Shipwrights
  • 造艦費用 Ship Build Cost −10% Ship Build Cost
  • 艦船建造速度 Ship Build Speed  +25% 艦船建造速度Ship Build Speed
Fleet Logistics Corps
  • 艦船維護費 Ship Upkeep  −10% 艦船維護費Ship Upkeep
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity  +20% 海軍容量Naval Capacity
Overwhelming Force
  • 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate  +10% 艦船武器射速Ship Fire Rate
  • Orbital bombardment damage +20% Orbital Bombardment Damage
Non-Gestalt War Games / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Combat Variable Mitigation / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Three-Dimensional Awareness Default The Great Game / 鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator Diplomatic Target Prioritization / 噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm Hunter's Eye
War Games
  • 艦隊指揮上限 Fleet Command Limit  +20 艦隊指揮上限Fleet Command Limit
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +2 Admiral level cap
The Great Game
  • 傷害 Damage  +20% 傷害Damage against Starbases
政策 Policy Unlocks War Doctrine policies
霸權主義 Supremacist Unlocks the Supremacist diplomatic stance

外交[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

外交Diplomacy传统 在长久地和人打交道的生涯中总结出一套外交理念,慢条细理地把谈判条件从这里搬运到那里,再借由口述和记录使其变得优厚。该传统不适用于政体为 内圣之道 Inward Perfection 内圣之道Inward Perfection噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm 噬杀蜂群Devouring Swarm 的国家。
  • 影響力 Influence −50% Diplomatic Influence Cost
  • 法令 Edict Unlocks the Diplomatic Grants edict
The Federation Non-Gestalt Diplomatic Networking / 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness Diplomatic Networking
The Federation
  • 聯邦 Federation Can create Federations
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys  +1 可派遣的特使Available Envoys
Diplomatic Networking
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +3 凝聚力Unity per Embassy
Entente Coordination Direct Diplomacy Non-Gestalt Eminent Diplomats / 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness Improved Envoy Drones
Entente Coordination
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +100% Federation Naval Capacity Contribution
Direct Diplomacy
  • 信任度上限 Trust Cap  +50 信任度上限Trust Cap
  • 信任度增長 Trust Growth  +33% 信任度增長Trust Growth
Eminent Diplomats
  • Diplomacy alliance.png +5 Diplomatic Acceptance
  • 外交支持 Diplomatic Favors 1% Monthly chance to gain a Favor per Improve Relations action
外交權重 Diplomatic Weight  +10% 外交權重Diplomatic Weight
可派遣的特使 Available Envoys  +1 可派遣的特使Available Envoys

適應[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

适应Adaptability传统 tree focuses on using planets more efficiently and is not available to 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence empires.
  • 人口住房使用 Pop Housing Usage  −10% 人口住房使用Pop Housing Usage
Organic Dietary Enrichment / 石質 Lithoid Enhanced Recycling Environmental Diversification
Dietary Enrichment
  • 崗位生產的食物 Food from Jobs +10% Monthly food
  • 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid: 建築花費 Building Cost 15% Refund per demolished building instead
Environmental Diversification
  • 宜居性 Habitability  +10% 宜居性Habitability
Survival of the Fittest Adaptive Ecology Appropriation
Survival of the Fittest
  • Orbital bombardment damage −25% Orbital bombardment damage
  • 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +25% Defense Army Damage
Tradition adaptability adaptive ecology.png
  • 建築槽位 Building Slots  +1 建築槽位Building Slots for all planets
Tradition adaptability appropriation.png
  • 強制遷移花費 Resettlement Cost  −10% 強制遷移花費Resettlement Cost
Decision prospect.png Unlocks Planetary Prospecting Decision
虛空居者 Void Dwellers 虛空居者Void Dwellers: Decision prospect.png Unlocks Orbital Surveying Decision instead

和諧[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

和谐Harmony传统 tree focuses on better managing the empire and is not available to 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness empires.
  • 食物 Food −10% Pop Food Upkeep
  • 礦物 Minerals −10% Pop Minerals Upkeep
Default Mind and Body / 食屍文化 Necrophage Unity of Self Default Kinship / 同甘共苦 Shared Burdens Kinship The Greater Good
Mind and Body
  • 領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan +20 Years Leader Lifespan
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap  +1 領袖等級上限Leader Level Cap
  • 屍化體 Necrophage 屍化體Necrophage: 凝聚力 Unity  +5-100 凝聚力Unity per converted pop instead
  • Time.png −75% Pop Demotion Time
  • 同甘共苦 Shared Burdens 同甘共苦Shared Burdens: 領袖招募花費 Leader Recruitment Cost −20% Leader upkeep instead
The Greater Good
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction  +25% 主流思潮吸引力Governing Ethics Attraction
Harmonious Directives Utopian Dream
Harmonious Directives Utopian Dream
  • 穩定度 Stability  +5 穩定度Stability on all colonies
帝國規模 Empire Size  −10% 帝國規模Empire Size from Pops

經貿[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

经贸Mercantile传统 tree focuses on trade and is not available to 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness empires.
  • Mod country local trade protection add.png +5 Trade protection
  • Mod starbase trade collection range add.png +1 Collection range
Trickle Up Economics Default Adaptive Economic Policies / 貿易聯盟 Trade League Federal Trade Fleets
Trickle Up Economics
  • Trade value.png  +1 Trade Value per Clerk
Adaptive Economic Policies
  • 政策 Policy Unlocks the Consumer Benefits trade policy if not in a 貿易聯盟 Trade League 貿易聯盟Trade League federation
  • 政策 Policy Unlocks the Marketplace of Ideas trade policy if not in a 貿易聯盟 Trade League 貿易聯盟Trade League federation
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +50% Federation Naval Capacity Contribution while in a 貿易聯盟 Trade League 貿易聯盟Trade League federation
Commercial Enterprise Marketplace of Better Ideas Insider Trading
Commercial Enterprise
  • 商人 Merchant  +1 商人Merchant for Commercial Zones or Commerce Megaplexes
  • 商人 Merchant  +1 商人Merchant per Commercial Segment and Trade District
Marketplace of Better Ideas
  • Trade value.png  +10% Trade Value
Insider Trading
  • 市場中介費 Market Fee  −10% 市場中介費Market Fee
  • Trade value.png  +10% Trade Value
  • 貿易聯盟 Trade League Can create Trade League federations if 縱橫捭闔 Federations 縱橫捭闔Federations is enabled

同調[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

同调Synchronicity传统 tree focuses on better managing the empire and is only available to 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness empires.
  • Maintenance.png −10% Pop Upkeep
機械智能 Machine Intelligence Self-Preservation Protocols / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Cloned Organs / 食屍文化 Necrophage Unity of Mind Synchronized Agents 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Integrated Preservation / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Instinctive Synchronization
Self-Preservation Protocols/Cloned Organs
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind: 領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan +20 Years Leader Lifespan
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence: 領袖預期壽命 Leader Lifespan −50% Leader accident chance[3]
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Necrophage 蜂巢思維Hive Mind: 凝聚力 Unity  +5-100 凝聚力Unity per converted pop
Synchronized Agents
  • 領袖招募花費 Leader Recruitment Cost −20% Leader upkeep
Integrated Preservation/Instinctive Synchronization
  • 自動重新安置機率 Automatic Resettlement Chance  +30% 自動重新安置機率Automatic Resettlement Chance
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind: 舒適度 Amenities  +2 舒適度Amenities from Synapse Drones
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence: 犯罪度 Crime  −2 犯罪與異常 from Coordinators
機械智能 Machine Intelligence Flexible Governing Algorithms / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Flexible Thought Routines Collective Reasoning
Flexible Governing Algorithms/Flexible Thought Routines Collective Reasoning
  • 穩定度 Stability  +5 穩定度Stability on all colonies
帝國規模 Empire Size  −10% 帝國規模Empire Size from Pops
機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence: 法令 Edict Unlocks the Industrial Maintenance edict

不屈[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

不屈Unyielding传统 tree focuses on defense and is available to all empires.
  • 恆星基地容量 Starbase Capacity  +2 恆星基地容量Starbase Capacity
  • 恆星基地升級時間 Starbase Upgrade Time  +50% 恆星基地升級時間Starbase Upgrade Time
Non-Gestalt Resistance is Frugal / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Resistance is Frugal / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Resistance is Frugal Defensive Zeal
Resistance is Frugal
  • 陸軍生命值 Army Health +25% Defense Army Health
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +0.5 凝聚力Unity per Defense Army
Defensive Zeal
  • 船體值 Hull Points +33% Starbase hull points
  • 傷害 Damage +33% Starbase Damage
  • 防禦平台傷害 Defense Platform Damage  +33% 防禦平台傷害Defense Platform Damage
  • 防禦平台船體值 Defense Platform Hull Points  +33% 防禦平台船體值Defense Platform Hull Points
Non-Gestalt Never Surrender / 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness Never Surrender Non-Gestalt Fortress Doctrine / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Guardian Subroutines / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Vigilant Thought Processes
Never Surrender
  • Orbital bombardment damage −25% Orbital Bombardment Damage Received
  • 厭戰度 War Exhaustion  −25% 厭戰度War Exhaustion
  • Hostile claim influence cost +25% Hostile claim influence cost
Fortress Doctrine
  • 恆星基地容量 Starbase Capacity  +2 恆星基地容量Starbase Capacity
  • 恆星基地升級費用 Starbase Upgrade Cost  −50% 恆星基地升級費用Starbase Upgrade Cost[4]
  • 滅世天罰 Nemesis Operations +4 Hostile Operation Difficulty for Sabotage Starbase
Non-Gestalt Bulwark of Harmony / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Bulwark of Harmony / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Bulwark of Harmony
Bulwark of Harmony
  • 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate  +15% 艦船武器射速Ship Fire Rate within the empire's borders
  • 艦船建造速度 Ship Build Speed  33% 艦船建造速度Ship Build Speed while in a defensive war
  • Defense platform cap +50% Defense platform cap
  • Maintenance.png −20% Starbase Upkeep
  • 軍事同盟 Miltiary Alliance Can create Martial Alliance federations if 縱橫捭闔 Federations 縱橫捭闔Federations is enabled
  • File:Specialist tier bulwark 3 on.png Bulwark tier 3: 每日船體再生 Daily Hull Regen -0.5 Hostile Ship Daily Hull Regen in owned systems

密謀[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

密谋Subterfuge传统 tree focuses on espionage and counterespionage and is available to all empires.
  • 加密 Encryption  +1 Codebreaking
Information Security Non-Gestalt Operational Security / 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness Subterfuge Drones
Information Security Operational Security
  • 加密 Encryption  +1 Codebreaking
  • Operations +1 Operation Skill
  • 追蹤 Tracking  +10 追蹤Tracking
Non-Gestalt Non-Disclosure Agreement / 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Updated Security Algorithms / 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind No Loose Ends Double Agents Shadow Recruits
Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • Operations +1 Hostile Operation Difficulty
  • 滲透等級 Infiltration Level +20% Hostile Operation Infiltration Required
Double Agents
  • 情報 Intel  +10 情報Intel per failed Hostile Operation
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys  +1 可派遣的特使Available Envoys
  • 滲透等級 Infiltration Level +10 Maximum Infiltration Level
Shadow Recruits
  • 滲透等級 Infiltration Level  +50% 滲透等級Infiltration Level Speed
滲透等級 Infiltration Level  +50% 滲透等級Infiltration Level Level refund for successful Operations

普適[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

普适Versatility传统 tree focuses on various empire-wide bonuses and is only available to 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence empires.
  • Build cost.png −10% Pop Assembly Cost
Universal Compatibility Spatial Optimization
Universal Compatibility
  • 信任度上限 Trust Cap  +50 信任度上限Trust Cap from Machine Intelligence empires
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys  +1 可派遣的特使Available Envoys
Spatial Optimization
  • 人口住房使用 Pop Housing Usage  −10% 人口住房使用Pop Housing Usage
Adaptive Programming Material Analysis Operational Proxies
Adaptive Programming
  • 市場中介費 Market Fee  −10% 市場中介費Market Fee
Material Analysis
  • Maintenance.png −5% Job Upkeep
Operational Proxies
  • 強制遷移花費 Resettlement Cost  −33% 強制遷移花費Resettlement Cost
建築花費 Building Cost 50% Refund per demolished building or district

飛升天賦[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Finishing an entire tradition tree or acquiring the 飛升理論 Ascension Theory 飛升理論Ascension Theory technology unlocks an ascension perk slot. Ascension perks can be viewed as defining characteristics that emerge as a product of the socio-cultural evolution represented by the traditions intertwining with the empire's identity (its Origin, Ethics, Civics, Government and Population). Ascension perks represent the empire's greater-scope ambition(s) and, in the case of the three ascension paths, its ultimate final fate.

Ascension perks often favor either a tall or wide gameplay, with some that allow access to gameplay mechanics not available through traditions alone. This includes the three ascension paths, the ability to build advanced deep-space megastructures, the ability to use terraforming to create special planets, and becoming a Galactic Nemesis. An empire can have up to 8 Ascension perks.

Due to the difficulty of unlocking an ascension perk slot, it is prudent to delay making a choice, especially if the desired perk cannot be selected because the required technologies have not been researched yet. In addition, once chosen, an ascension perk is permanent and cannot be changed.

Tier 0 ascension perks can be taken from the start. Tier 1 perks require 1 previous ascension perk to be taken, tier 2 perks require 2 previous ascension perks, and tier 3 perks require 3 previous ascension perks. The higher the AI weight, the more likely an AI empire will select enact that ascension perk.

飛升天賦 Tier Effects Prerequisites AI weight DLC
Ap consecrated worlds.png Consecrated Worlds 0 Decision consecrated worlds.png Consecrate World decision 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist 10
Ap eternal vigilance.png Eternal Vigilance 0
  • 船體值 Hull Points +25% Starbase Hull Points
  • 傷害 Damage +25% Starbase Damage
  • 防禦平台傷害 Defense Platform Damage  +25% 防禦平台傷害Defense Platform Damage
  • Defense platform cap +5 Defense platform cap
星堡 Star Fortress 星堡Star Fortress technology 10
  • x1.5 if 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe
  • x2 if Civic inwards perfection.png Inwards Perfection
Ap executive vigor.png Executive Vigor 0 File:Mod edict cap add.png +100 Edict fund 30
Ap galactic wonders.png Galactic Wonders 0
  • Tech ring world.png Ring World research option if 烏托邦 Utopia 烏托邦Utopia is installed
  • Tech dyson sphere.png Dyson Sphere research option if 烏托邦 Utopia 烏托邦Utopia is installed
  • Tech matter decompressor.png Matter Decompressor research option if 寰宇企業 Megacorp 寰宇企業Megacorp is installed
  • 巨型結構工程 Mega-Engineering 巨型結構工程Mega-Engineering technology
  • Yes.png Built or repaired a multi-stage megastructure
  • x2 if 和平主義 Pacifist 和平主義Pacifist
  • x3 if 極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist 極端和平主義Fanatic Pacifist
  • 烏托邦 Utopia
  • 寰宇企業 Megacorp
Ap hydrocentric.png Hydrocentric 0
  • 環境改造花費 Terraforming Cost −25% Ocean Terraforming Cost
  • Sb ice mining station.png Can construct Ice Mining Station starbase buildings
  • 水生 Aquatic 50% increased effects of the Aquatic trait
  • Ship part deluge.png Unlocks the Deluge Machine colossus weapon
  • 水生 Aquatic 水生Aquatic main species trait
  • 海洋星球偏好 Ocean Preference 海洋星球偏好Ocean Preference main species climate preference
  • 地表塑造 Terrestrial Sculpting 地表塑造Terrestrial Sculpting technology
  • x0.5 if not 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe or 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • x5 if 海洋天堂 Ocean Paradise 海洋天堂Ocean Paradise
水生類物種包 Aquatics Species Pack
Ap imperial prerogative.png Imperial Prerogative 0 帝國規模 Empire Size  −50% 帝國規模Empire Size from colonies
  • No.png企業政府 Corporate 企業政府Corporate
Ap interstellar dominion.png Interstellar Dominion 0
  • 宣稱影響力花費 Claim Influence Cost  −20% 宣稱影響力花費Claim Influence Cost
  • 恆星基地影響力花費 Starbase Influence Cost  −20% 恆星基地影響力花費Starbase Influence Cost
  • x0 if 和平主義 Pacifist 和平主義Pacifist, 同化鬥士 Driven Assimilator 同化鬥士Driven Assimilator, or 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers Genocidal
  • x2 if 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe
  • x3 if 極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe 極端排外主義Fanatic Xenophobe
Ap mastery of nature.png Mastery of Nature 0 10
  • x0 if 虛空居者 Void Dwellers 虛空居者Void Dwellers
  • x0.5 if chose 1 ascension perk
  • x0.1 if chose 2 ascension perks
  • x2 if below 8 planets
File:Ap lord of war.png Lord of War 0 5
  • x2 if 企業政府 Corporate 企業政府Corporate
  • x2 if 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • x3 if 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
Ap nihilistic acquisition.png Nihilistic Acquisition 0 掠襲 Raiding Unlocks the Raiding bombardment stance
  • Yes.png Is one of:
    • 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
    • 威權主義 Authoritarian 威權主義Authoritarian
    • 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe
  • No.png野蠻掠奪者 Barbaric Despoilers 野蠻掠奪者Barbaric Despoilers
  • x0 if Civic inwards perfection.png Inwards Perfection or 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers Genocidal
啟示錄 Apocalypse
Ap one vision.png One Vision 0
  • 人口舒適度使用 Pop Amenities Usage  −10% 人口舒適度使用Pop Amenities Usage
  • (unrecognized string 「monthly unity」 for Template:Icon)  +10% Monthly unity
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction  +50% 主流思潮吸引力Governing Ethics Attraction
No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence 10
  • x2 if 威權主義 Authoritarian 威權主義Authoritarian
  • x2 if 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist
  • x3 if 極端威權主義 Fanatic Authoritarian 極端威權主義Fanatic Authoritarian
  • x3 if 極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist 極端唯心主義Fanatic Spiritualist
Ap shared destiny.png Shared Destiny 0
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys  +2 可派遣的特使Available Envoys
  • (unrecognized string 「loyalty」 for Template:Icon) No Loyalty loss from multiple subjects
  • No.png內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection
  • No.png種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers Genocidal
  • x0 if no 附庸國 Vassal 附庸國Vassal or below 3 特使 Envoy 特使Envoys
Ap technological ascendancy.png Technological Ascendancy 0
  • 研究速度 Research Speed  +10% 研究速度Research Speed
  • Diplomacy research agreement.png +50% Rare technology chance
  • x2 if 唯物主義 Materialist 唯物主義Materialist
  • x3 if 極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist 極端唯物主義Fanatic Materialist
Ap transcendent learning.png Transcendent Learning 0
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap  +2 領袖等級上限Leader Level Cap
  • 領袖經驗獲得 Leader Experience Gain  +50% 領袖經驗獲得Leader Experience Gain
Ap universal transactions.png Universal Transactions 0
  • Build cost.png −15% Branch Office Cost
  • 商業協議 Commercial Pact 商業協議Commercial Pacts are free
企業政府 Corporate 企業政府Corporate
  • No.png罪犯世家 Criminal Heritage 罪犯世家Criminal Heritage
10 寰宇企業 Megacorp
Ap voidborn.png Voidborne 0
  • 宜居性 Habitability +20% Habitat Habitability
  • 建築槽位 Building Slots +2 Habitat Building Slots
  • 建築 Building Can upgrade housing buildings on Habitats
  • 宇航技術 Voidcraft Can always research the next tier of Habitat technology
軌道居住站 Orbital Habitats 軌道居住站Orbital Habitats technology 10
  • x2 if 和平主義 Pacifist 和平主義Pacifist
  • x2 if at least 2 軌道居住站 Orbital Habitat 軌道居住站Orbital Habitat colonies
  • x3 if 極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist 極端和平主義Fanatic Pacifist or 虛空居者 Void Dwellers 虛空居者Void Dwellers
烏托邦 Utopia
Ap xeno compatibility.png Xeno-Compatibility 0
  • 遷入吸引力 Immigration Pull  +33% 遷入吸引力Immigration Pull
  • 人口增長速度 Pop Growth Speed  +20% 人口增長速度Pop Growth Speed if world has at least 2 different species
  • Feature Hybrid Species
  • 親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile
  • 人口 Pop Any biological alien pop living in empire
  • 基因剪裁 Gene Tailoring 基因剪裁Gene Tailoring technology
  • x2 if 親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile
  • x3 if 極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile 極端親外主義Fanatic Xenophile
寰宇企業 Megacorp
Ap enigmatic engineering.png Enigmatic Engineering 1
  • Encryption +2 Encryption
  • Feature Destroyed ships don't leave debris
  • Feature Enemy Steal Technology operations fail
  • x2 if 唯物主義 Materialist 唯物主義Materialist or 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe
  • x10 if Civic inwards perfection.png Inwards Perfection
啟示錄 Apocalypse
Ap grasp the void.png Grasp the Void 1
  • 恆星基地容量 Starbase Capacity  +5 恆星基地容量Starbase Capacity
Diplomacy research agreement.png +50% Chance to discover FTL technologies0
    • 超空間航道突破點 Hyperlane Breach Points 超空間航道突破點Hyperlane Breach Points
    • 超空間滑流 Hyperspace Slipstreams 超空間滑流Hyperspace Slipstreams
    • 試驗性超空間導航 Speculative Hyperlane Breaching 試驗性超空間導航Speculative Hyperlane Breaching
    • 躍遷引擎 Jump Drive 躍遷引擎Jump Drive
    • 靈能躍遷引擎 Psi Jump Drives 靈能躍遷引擎Psi Jump Drives
    • 蟲洞穩定 Wormhole Stabilization 蟲洞穩定Wormhole Stabilization
    • 星門激活 Gateway Activation 星門激活Gateway Activation
    • 星門建造 Gateway Construction 星門建造Gateway Construction
    • (unrecognized string 「hyper relays tech」 for Template:Icon) Hyper Relays tech
    • (unrecognized string 「quantum catapult tech」 for Template:Icon) Quantum Catapult tech
  • x1.5 if 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe Xenophobe
  • x2 if Civic inwards perfection.png Inwards Perfection
Ap engineered evolution.png Engineered Evolution 1
  • 特質點數 Trait Point +3 Genetic modification points
  • 建築 Building Clone Vats building
  • Mod country modify species cost mult.png −25% Modify Species special project cost
  • 基因種子純化 Gene Seed Purification 基因種子純化Gene Seed Purification research option
  • 基因剪裁 Gene Tailoring 基因剪裁Gene Tailoring technology
  • No.png潛在的靈能 Latent Psionic 潛在的靈能Latent Psionic main species
  • No.png血肉苦弱 The Flesh is Weak 血肉苦弱The Flesh is Weak
  • No.png機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • x0 if below 6 worlds
  • x3 if 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
烏托邦 Utopia
Ap mind over matter.png Mind over Matter 1
  • 心靈感應 Telepathy 心靈感應Telepathy research option
  • 建築 Building Psi Corps building
  • Army psionic.png Psionic Armies
  • 靈能 Psionic Primary species gains the Latent Psionic trait
  • Leader trait psionic leader.png New leaders have a 20% chance to get the Psychic trait
  • Leader trait psionic leader.png Existing leaders can get the Psychic trait through events
  • 唯心主義 Spiritualist Increased Spiritualist ethics attraction
  • 靈能理論 Psionic Theory 靈能理論Psionic Theory technology
  • No.png設計進化 Engineered Evolution 設計進化Engineered Evolution
  • No.png血肉苦弱 The Flesh is Weak 血肉苦弱The Flesh is Weak
  • No.png潛在的靈能 Latent Psionic 潛在的靈能Latent Psionic main species
  • No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
  • x0 if below 6 worlds
  • x0.1 if not 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist
  • x10 if 化身天災 Become the Crisis 化身天災Become the Crisis
烏托邦 Utopia
Ap the flesh is weak.png The Flesh is Weak 1
  • 機器人維護費 Robot Upkeep  −10% 機器人維護費Robot Upkeep
  • 人口組裝速度 Pop Assembly Speed  +10% 人口組裝速度Pop Assembly Speed
神經機械 Cybernetic Special Project to turn all pops into cyborgs0
    • 神經機械 Cybernetic All biological pops gain the Cybernetic trait
    • Leader trait cyborg.png All biological leaders gain the class appropriate Cyborg trait
    • 神經機械 Cybernetic Assimilation Citizenship option
    • 唯物主義 Materialist Increased Materialist ethics attraction
    • 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack Enslaved robots will never rebel
  • 智能人 Droids 智能人Droids technology
  • No.png設計進化 Engineered Evolution 設計進化Engineered Evolution
  • No.png潛在的靈能 Latent Psionic 潛在的靈能Latent Psionic main species
  • No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
  • x0 if below 6 worlds or 屍化體 Necrophage 屍化體Necrophage
  • x0.1 if not 唯物主義 Materialist 唯物主義Materialist
烏托邦 Utopia
Ap world shaper.png World Shaper 1
  • 環境改造花費 Terraforming Cost  −25% 環境改造花費Terraforming Cost
  • 蓋亞星球 Gaia World 蓋亞星球Gaia World terraforming option
  • 氣候覆蘇 Climate Restoration 氣候覆蘇Climate Restoration technology
  • Yes.png Is either:
    • No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
    • 失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor
    • 同化鬥士 Driven Assimilator 同化鬥士Driven Assimilator
  • x0 if 破碎之環 Shattered Ring 破碎之環Shattered Ring, 虛空居者 Void Dwellers 虛空居者Void Dwellers or 水生 Aquatic 水生Aquatic
Ap arcology project.png Arcology Project 2 Decision arcology project.png Arcology Project decision
  • 反重力工程 Anti-Gravity Engineering Anti-Gravity Engineering technology
  • No.png田園牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田園牧歌Agrarian Idyll
  • Yes.png Is either:
    • No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
    • 失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor
  • x2 if 和平主義 Pacifist 和平主義Pacifist
  • x3 if 極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist 極端和平主義Fanatic Pacifist
寰宇企業 Megacorp
Ap galactic force projection.png Galactic Force Projection 2
  • 艦隊指揮上限 Fleet Command Limit  +20 艦隊指揮上限Fleet Command Limit
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity  +80 海軍容量Naval Capacity
  • x1.5 if below 10 planets
  • x1.5 if below 20 planets
  • x2 if 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • x2 if 化身天災 Become the Crisis 化身天災Become the Crisis
  • x3 if 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
Ap hive worlds.png Hive Worlds 2 蜂巢星球 Hive World 蜂巢星球Hive World terraforming option
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 氣候覆蘇 Climate Restoration 氣候覆蘇Climate Restoration technology
  • No.png噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm Terravore
20 烏托邦 Utopia
Ap machine worlds.png Machine Worlds 2 機械星球 Machine World 機械星球Machine World terraforming option
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 氣候覆蘇 Climate Restoration 氣候覆蘇Climate Restoration technology
  • x0 if 失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor
智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
Ap master builders.png Master Builders 2
  • 巨型結構建造速度 Megastructure Build Speed  +50% 巨型結構建造速度Megastructure Build Speed
  • 巨型結構建造速度 Megastructure Build Speed +1 Megastructure build capacity
  • 巨型結構工程 Mega-Engineering 巨型結構工程Mega-Engineering Technology
  • x2 if 和平主義 Pacifist 和平主義Pacifist
  • x3 if 極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist 極端和平主義Fanatic Pacifist
烏托邦 Utopia
Ap synthetic age.png Synthetic Age 2
  • 特質點數 Trait Point +2 Machine Modification Points
  • Mod country modify species cost mult.png −33% Modify Species special project cost
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 機械模板系統 Machine Template System 機械模板系統Machine Template System technology
20 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
Ap evolutionary mastery.png Evolutionary Mastery 2
  • 特質點數 Trait Point +3 Genetic modification points
  • Mod country modify species cost mult.png −25% Modify Species special project cost
  • 基因重組 Genetic Resequencing 基因重組Genetic Resequencing research option
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive-Minded Can add or remove the Hive-Minded trait by assimilation
  • 設計進化 Engineered Evolution 設計進化Engineered Evolution
  • 腺體適應 Glandular Acclimation 腺體適應Glandular Acclimation technology
100 烏托邦 Utopia
Ap synthetic evolution.png Synthetic Evolution 2
  • 特質點數 Trait Point +1 Robot Modification Points
  • Mod country modify species cost mult.png −50% Modify Species special project cost
  • 機器人資源產出 Robot Resource Production +10% Robot output
Trait robotic 3.png Special Project to turn the empire synthetic0
    • Trait robotic 3.png A new robotic species will be created and can be named.
    • Trait robotic 3.png All organic pops and leaders become that species
    • Trait robotic 3.png All organic pops have their traits replaced with Mechanical
    • Army robotic.png Every organic army is turned into an Android Assault Army.
    • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Machine Intelligences regard you as a machine empire
    • 評價 Opinion  -40 評價Opinion from 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist empires
    • 評價 Opinion  -60 評價Opinion from 極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist 極端唯心主義Fanatic Spiritualist empires
    • 評價 Opinion  -20 評價Opinion from every empire that is not 唯物主義 Materialist 唯物主義Materialist, 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence, or 機械體 Mechanical Synthetic
  • Ap the flesh is weak.png The Flesh is Weak special project
  • 合成人人格矩陣 Synthetic Personality Matrix 合成人人格矩陣Synthetic Personality Matrix technology
  • 合成人 Synthetics 合成人Synthetics technology
  • No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
100 烏托邦 Utopia
Ap transcendence.png Transcendence 2
  • 加密 Encryption +2 Codebreaking
  • Encryption +2 Encryption
  • 基礎情報等級 Base Intel Level  +10 基礎情報等級Base Intel Level
  • 靈能 Psionic Primary species gains the Psionic trait
  • 靈能 Psionic Assimilation Citizenship option
  • 靈媒 Psychic All primary species leaders gain the Psychic trait
  • Mod shroud unavailable.png Special Project to breach the Shroud
  • 潛在的靈能 Latent Psionic 潛在的靈能Latent Psionic main species
  • No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
100 烏托邦 Utopia
Ap become the crisis.png Become the Crisis 2 威懾力 Menace Unlocks Menace and the Crisis tab
  • No.png親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile
  • No.png和平主義 Pacifist 和平主義Pacifist
  • No.png失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor
  • No.png附庸國 Vassal Subject
  • No.png星海霸業 Galactic Sovereign Corporate or 星海霸業Galactic Sovereign
  • No.png Galactic Custodian
  • x0 if not 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist, 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe or 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
  • x2 if finished Supremacy 傳統樹 Supremacy 傳統樹
  • x2 if controlling at least 20% of the galaxy
  • x10 if 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers Genocidal
滅世天罰 Nemesis
Ap colossus project.png Colossus Project 3
  • Ship.png Colossus ship type
  • WD槽 Colossus Project Special Project
泰坦 Titans 泰坦Titans technology 10
  • x0 if crisis level 5
  • x0.1 if 親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile
  • x0.25 if 和平主義 Pacifist 和平主義Pacifist
  • x2 if 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • x2 if 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe
  • x2 if 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • x2 if 化身天災 Become the Crisis 化身天災Become the Crisis
  • x10 if 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers or 鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator 鐵心滅絕者Determined Exterminator
啟示錄 Apocalypse
Ap defender of the galaxy.png Defender of the Galaxy 3
  • 傷害 Damage  +50% 傷害Damage to endgame crisis factions
  • 傷害 Damage  +50% 傷害Damage to crisis empires
  • 評價 Opinion  +20 評價Opinion from all empires
  • x0 if no crisis happened unless 親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile, Custodian or Galactic Emperor
Ap galactic contender.png Galactic Contender 3
  • 外交權重 Diplomatic Weight  +20% 外交權重Diplomatic Weight
  • 傷害 Damage  +33% 傷害Damage to Awakened Empires
  • 傷害 Damage  +33% 傷害Damage to Fallen Empires
  • 傷害 Damage  +33% 傷害Damage to The Gate-builders
Yes.png Communications with a fallen or awakened empire 10
  • x0 if bordering an Awakened Empire
  • x2 if an Awakened Empire exists

參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. Shattered Ring World Trade Districts do not gain a clerk
  2. Possible bug: Gestalt Consciousness empires do not gain this bonus
  3. Leader malfunction events are triggered on a decade pulse. With this tradition, each bad event has a 50% lower weight. Since the weight for no event is unchanged, the probability of a bad event is actually reduced to 53.17% of normal.
  4. Currently bugged; this has no effect.