

环境改造 Terraforming 环境改造Terraforming is the act of changing the planet classification of a 行星 Planet 行星Planet in order to make it more 宜居性 Habitability habitable for the empire's species. The base technologies requires significant 社会学研究 Society Research 社会学研究Society Research research to unlock and each terraforming project requires significant investments of 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits and Time.png .

The first time a planet is terraformed, there's a chance of triggering a terraforming event. Terraformed planets can't get colony events.

Terraforming requirements[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Terraforming is started via a button in Planet Detail view. The world must be surveyed and within your borders. Only habitable worlds and Planet barren.png barren worlds that have the rare Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png 环境改造候选Terraforming Candidate modifier can be terraformed. The expansion planner screen can be used to find these rare candidates.

It is possible to terraform inhabited planets if the empires has the 生态适应 Ecological Adaptation 生态适应Ecological Adaptation technology. Doing so inflicts a -20% 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness penalty on the planet for the duration of the procedure.

Original climate New climate 能量币 Energy Credits Cost Time.png Years Requirements
高山星球 Alpine World极地星球 Arctic World苔原星球 Tundra World Cold 高山星球 Alpine World极地星球 Arctic World苔原星球 Tundra World Cold 2000 5 地表塑造 Terrestrial Sculpting 地表塑造Terrestrial Sculpting technology
干旱星球 Arid World沙漠星球 Desert World草原星球 Savanna World Dry 干旱星球 Arid World沙漠星球 Desert World草原星球 Savanna World Dry
陆地星球 Continental World海洋星球 Ocean World热带星球 Tropical World Wet 陆地星球 Continental World海洋星球 Ocean World热带星球 Tropical World Wet
高山星球 Alpine World极地星球 Arctic World苔原星球 Tundra World Cold 干旱星球 Arid World沙漠星球 Desert World草原星球 Savanna World Dry or 陆地星球 Continental World海洋星球 Ocean World热带星球 Tropical World Wet 5000 10
干旱星球 Arid World沙漠星球 Desert World草原星球 Savanna World Dry 高山星球 Alpine World极地星球 Arctic World苔原星球 Tundra World Cold or 陆地星球 Continental World海洋星球 Ocean World热带星球 Tropical World Wet
陆地星球 Continental World海洋星球 Ocean World热带星球 Tropical World Wet 高山星球 Alpine World极地星球 Arctic World苔原星球 Tundra World Cold or 干旱星球 Arid World沙漠星球 Desert World草原星球 Savanna World Dry
Planet barren.png Barren 干旱星球 Arid World沙漠星球 Desert World草原星球 Savanna World Dry 5000 10
  • 气候复苏 Climate Restoration 气候复苏Climate Restoration technology
  • Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png 环境改造候选Terraforming Candidate modifier
陆地星球 Continental World海洋星球 Ocean World热带星球 Tropical World Wet 10000 15
高山星球 Alpine World极地星球 Arctic World苔原星球 Tundra World Cold 15000 20
Planet barren cold.png Frozen Barren 高山星球 Alpine World极地星球 Arctic World苔原星球 Tundra World Cold 5000 10
陆地星球 Continental World海洋星球 Ocean World热带星球 Tropical World Wet 10000 15
干旱星球 Arid World沙漠星球 Desert World草原星球 Savanna World Dry 15000 20
Planet toxic.png Nanite Any except Gaia 1000 1
死寂星球 Tomb World Tomb, Planet barren.png Barren, Planet barren cold.png Frozen Barren 盖亚星球 Gaia World Gaia 12500 25 星球塑形师 World Shaper World Shaper ascension perk
Any except Tomb, Hive, Machine 7500 10
Any 蜂巢星球 Hive World Hive 10000 20 蜂巢星球 Hive Worlds 蜂巢星球Hive Worlds ascension perk
Any 机械星球 Machine World Machine 机械世界 Machine Worlds 机械世界Machine Worlds ascension perk
死寂星球 Tomb World Tomb Any except Gaia 10000 20 气候复苏 Climate Restoration 气候复苏Climate Restoration technology
蜂巢星球 Hive World Hive Any except Gaia
机械星球 Machine World Machine Any except Gaia

都市星球 Ecumenopolis 都市星球Ecumenopolis worlds are created via 决议 Decisions 决议Decisionss rather than terraforming. They must be inhabited but pops do not suffer a happiness penalty during the process.

The following Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png 行星修正Planet Modifiers are always removed when terraforming a planet:

  • Pm bleak.pngPm frame 1.png 苍茫大地Bleak
  • Pm irradiated.pngPm frame 1.png Irradiated
  • Pm hazardous weather.pngPm frame 1.png 变幻莫测的天气Hazardous Weather
  • Pm dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 1.png 闹事的动物Hostile Fauna
  • Pm wild storms.pngPm frame 1.png 狂野之风Wild Storms
  • Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Second Home

If the planet is being terraformed into either a 机械星球 Machine World Machine or 蜂巢星球 Hive World 蜂巢星球Hive World the following modifiers are also removed:

  • Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 1.png 致幻大气Atmospheric Hallucinogen
  • Pm atmospheric aphrodisiac.pngPm frame 1.png 催情大气Atmospheric Aphrodisiac
  • Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png 郁郁葱葱Lush
  • Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png 自然景观Natural Beauty

If the planet is terraformed into a Machine World, the Pm unity symbol.pngPm frame 1.png Paradise Made modifier is also removed. Additionally, if there are any Pop.png Pops on the planet without the 神经机械 Cybernetic 神经机械Cybernetic, 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical, or 机械 Machine 机械Machine traits, they're all killed and an D bubbling swamp.png Organic Slurry deposit is added.

When and if terraforming a planet to Hive or Machine World, keep in mind that all planetary features, excluding a few rare ones that give access to rare resources, will always be removed.

Cost reduction & speed[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

环境改造花费 Terraforming Cost 环境改造花费Terraforming Cost and 环境改造速度 Terraforming Speed speed can be affected by the following:

Source 能量币 Energy Credits Cost Time.png Speed DLC
星球塑形师 World Shaper World Shaper ascension perk -25% -
水之心 Hydrocentric Hydrocentric -25% Oceanic - 水生类物种包 Aquatics Species Pack
上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Secrets of the Baol empire modifier -15% - 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
环境改造速度 Terraforming Speed Shallarian Terraforming Knowledge empire modifier -10% +20% 纵横捭阖 Federations
星球塑形师 World Shaper 星球塑形师World Shaper ruler trait - +25%
法令 Edict Terraforming Gases edict - +50%
生态保护 Ecological Protection 生态保护Ecological Protection resolution 4 +25% - 纵横捭阖 Federations
生态保护 Ecological Protection 生态保护Ecological Protection resolution 5 +100% - 纵横捭阖 Federations

参考资料[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
