
(重新導向自Gospel of the Masses

Civics represent the principles of life within an empire and are primarily limited by the authority and ethics an empire possesses. Each empire starts with two civics but the limit can be increased to three civics by researching the 星系管理 Galactic Administration 星系管理Galactic Administration technology or its equivalent. Civics can be changed every 20 years by reforming the government using 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity equal to 10 times 帝國規模 Empire Size 帝國規模Empire Size. If at any point a civic's requirements are no longer met due to a change in empire ethics, it will become "dormant" and provide no bonus until it's replaced or its requirements are met again.

標準國民理念[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Standard civics represent the principles that guide day-to-day life within an empire. They can be picked by any empire that is not considered a 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness or a 企業政府 Corporate 企業政府Corporate empire, and are heavily influenced by the empire ethics and authority type.

國民理念 效果 前提 描述
面具帝國 Cutthroat Politics 面具帝國Cutthroat Politics
  • 法令花費 Edict Cost −20% Edict cost
  • 法令花費 Edict Cost −20% Edict upkeep
  • 加密 Encryption +1 Codebreaking
高效吏治 Efficient Bureaucracy 高效吏治Efficient Bureaucracy Maintenance.png −20% Administrator upkeep 該社會以高效著稱。我們不僅列車準點,運行一個星際國家所需要的龐大的官僚機器也如流水線般精確運作。
環保主義者 Environmentalist 環保主義者Environmentalist 消費品維護費  −20% 消費品維護費 這個社會尋求如何與自然和諧相處之道。 非常謹慎地保護環境,儘可能的限制消費。
實用建築 Functional Architecture 實用建築Functional Architecture
  • 建築花費 Building Cost −15% Building and district cost
  • 建築槽位 Building Slots +1 Building slots
礦業工會 Mining Guilds 礦業工會Mining Guilds Mod minerals produces add.png +1 Minerals from 礦工 Miner 礦工Miners 一些大型礦業公會已經占據了社會中的主導地位。政府嚴重依賴他們的支持。
田園牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田園牧歌Agrarian Idyll
  • 住房 Housing +1 Housing from Generator, Mining and Agriculture districts
  • 住房 Housing −1 Housing from City districts
  • 舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities from 農夫 Farmer 農夫Farmers
  • 建築槽位 Building Slots +1 Building slot for every 4 Agriculture districts
  • No.png Cannot pick 理想城計劃 Arcology Project 理想城計劃Arcology Project ascension perk
  • 和平主義 Pacifist極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist Pacifist
  • No.png漁夫 Anglers 漁夫Anglers
  • No.png後啟示錄 Post-Apocalyptic 後啟示錄Post-Apocalyptic
  • No.png復國孑遺 Remnants 復國孑遺Remnants
  • No.png破碎之環 Shattered Ring 破碎之環Shattered Ring
  • No.png虛空居者 Void Dwellers 虛空居者Void Dwellers
貴族精英 Aristocratic Elite 貴族精英Aristocratic Elite
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +1 Governor level cap
  • 建築 Building Can construct Noble Estates buildings
  • 貴族 Noble Capital buildings replace some 政客 Politician 政客Politician jobs with 貴族 Noble 貴族Noble jobs
  • 寡頭制 Oligarchic 寡頭制Oligarchic or 帝制 Imperial 帝制Imperial
  • No.png平等主義 Egalitarian極端平等主義 Fanatic Egalitarian Egalitarian
  • No.png崇高聖職 Exalted Priesthood 崇高聖職Exalted Priesthood
  • No.png商人公會 Merchant Guilds 商人公會Merchant Guilds
  • No.png技術治國 Technocracy 技術治國Technocracy
自由燈塔 Beacon of Liberty 自由燈塔Beacon of Liberty
  • 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +15% Monthly unity
  • Empire sprawl.png −15% Empire size from pops
  • 民主制 Democratic 民主制Democratic
  • 平等主義 Egalitarian極端平等主義 Fanatic Egalitarian Egalitarian
  • No.png排外主義 Xenophobe極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
公民兵役 Citizen Service 公民兵役Citizen Service
  • 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +2 Unity from 士兵 Soldier 士兵Soldiers
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +15% Naval capacity
  • Yes.png 公民權 Citizenship Full Citizenship pops must have 軍事服役 Military Service Full Military Service and vice versa
  • 民主制 Democratic 民主制Democratic or 寡頭制 Oligarchic 寡頭制Oligarchic
  • 軍國主義 Militarist極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist Militarist
  • No.png極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile 極端親外主義Fanatic Xenophile
  • No.png逝者軍勢 Reanimators 逝者軍勢Reanimators
企業國度 Corporate Dominion 企業國度Corporate Dominion
  • Mod energy produces add.png +1 Energy per starbase Trading Hub module
  • Ship.png Can build Private Colony Ships
  • Tech space trading.png Starts with the Offworld Trade Companies technology
  • 經貿至上 Mercantile Can use the Mercantile diplomatic stance (unless also Inward Perfection)
  • 寡頭制 Oligarchic 寡頭制Oligarchic
  • No.png寰宇企業 Megacorp 寰宇企業Megacorp DLC
  • No.png排外主義 Xenophobe極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
Private Colony Ships cost 能量幣 Energy Credits  500 能量幣Energy Credits instead of the usual cost.


徭役制 Corvée System 徭役制Corvée System
  • 遷入導致的人口增長 Pop Growth from Immigration +15% Pop growth from immigration
  • 凝聚力 Unity No unity costs for pop resettlement
  • No.png平等主義 Egalitarian極端平等主義 Fanatic Egalitarian Egalitarian
  • No.png自由庇護所 Free Haven 自由庇護所Free Haven
卓越海軍 Distinguished Admiralty 卓越海軍Distinguished Admiralty
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +2 Admiral and general starting level
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +1 Admiral Level cap
  • 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +10% Ship fire rate
  • 艦隊指揮上限 Fleet Command Limit +10 Fleet command limit
軍國主義 Militarist極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist Militarist 艦隊和海軍實力在政界有著極為突出的影響力。他們會有選擇性的招募精銳的新兵到他們中來。
崇高聖職 Exalted Priesthood 崇高聖職Exalted Priesthood
  • 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +1 Unity from 祭司 Priest 祭司Priests
  • 大司祭 High Priest Capital Buildings replace some Politician jobs with High Priest jobs
  • 寡頭制 Oligarchic 寡頭制Oligarchic or 獨裁制 Dictatorial 獨裁制Dictatorial
  • 唯心主義 Spiritualist極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist
  • No.png商人公會 Merchant Guilds 商人公會Merchant Guilds
  • No.png貴族精英 Aristocratic Elite 貴族精英Aristocratic Elite
  • No.png技術治國 Technocracy 技術治國Technocracy
With this civic, High Priests combine the output of a Politician and a Priest in a single job, with the upkeep and stratum of a Politician.


封建社會 Feudal Society 封建社會Feudal Society
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity per governor level
  • 附屬實力關係懲罰 Subject Power Relations Penalty −50% Subject relative power opinion penalty
  • 領袖招募花費 Leader Recruitment Cost −50% Leader cost
  • 領袖招募花費 Leader Recruitment Cost Leaders have no upkeep
  • Yes.png Subjects can construct starbases
  • No.png Cannot dismiss leaders
帝制 Imperial 帝制Imperial 這是一個封建的社會制度,君主依靠強大的擁有封地和自主權的封臣們來維持統治。
自由庇護所 Free Haven 自由庇護所Free Haven
  • 遷入導致的人口增長 Pop Growth from Immigration +15% Pop growth from immigration
  • 遷入吸引力 Immigration Pull +50% Immigration pull
  • 親外主義 Xenophile極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile Xenophile
  • No.png徭役制 Corvée System 徭役制Corvée System
理想本心 Idealistic Foundation 理想本心Idealistic Foundation 幸福度 Happiness +10% Happiness 平等主義 Egalitarian極端平等主義 Fanatic Egalitarian Egalitarian 建立在強大的理想主義價值觀之上的社會。無論當前政府是否對此抱予信任,人們心中永遠抱有對美好未來的嚮往。
帝國信仰 Imperial Cult 帝國信仰Imperial Cult File:Mod edict cap add.png +100 Edict fund
  • 帝制 Imperial 帝制Imperial
  • 威權主義 Authoritarian極端威權主義 Fanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian
  • 唯心主義 Spiritualist極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist
內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +20% Monthly unity
  • 人口增長速度 Pop Growth Speed +10% Pop growth speed
  • 幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness
  • File:Mod edict cap add.png +50 Edict fund
  • 加密 Encryption +1 Encryption
  • 加密 Encryption −1 Codebreaking
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys −1 Available envoys
  • No.pngFleet task covert infiltration action.png Cannot infiltrate Pre-FTL civilizations
No.png Diplomatic restrictions0
    • No.png宿敵 Rival 宿敵Rivals
    • No.png商業協議 Commercial Pact 商業協議Commercial Pact
    • No.png防禦條約 Defensive Pact 防禦條約Defensive Pact
    • No.png科研協議 Research Agreement 科研協議Research Agreement
    • No.png移民協議 Migration Treaty 移民協議Migration Treaty
    • No.png保障獨立 Guaranteed Independence 保障獨立Guaranteed Independence
    • No.png聯邦 Federation 聯邦Federation
    • No.png朝貢國 Tributary Forced tributary
  • 和平主義 Pacifist極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist Pacifist
  • 排外主義 Xenophobe極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
  • No.png誇耀純淨派 Pompous Purists 誇耀純淨派Pompous Purists
精英政治 Meritocracy 精英政治Meritocracy
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +1 Leader level cap
  • 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +10% Specialist pop resource output
民主制 Democratic 民主制Democratic or 寡頭制 Oligarchic 寡頭制Oligarchic 一個人的個人社會地位或他的人際關係跟他所處的職業沒有任何關聯。天資和能力才是使社會進步的唯一基礎。
國民主義熱忱 Nationalistic Zeal 國民主義熱忱Nationalistic Zeal
  • 厭戰度 War Exhaustion −20% War exhaustion gain
  • 宣稱影響力花費 Claim Influence Cost −15% Claim influence cost
軍國主義 Militarist極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist Militarist 強烈的國民自豪感滲透進該社會的各個層面。
議會制度 Parliamentary System 議會制度Parliamentary System 凝聚力 Unity +40% Faction unity gain 民主制 Democratic 民主制Democratic 該社會的議會制度鼓勵言論自由和激烈的討論。事實證明,巴結一個占據主導地位的政府派系是非常有用的。
哲人王 Philosopher King 哲人王Philosopher King
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +2 Ruler level cap
  • Unknown.png Ruler and governors can't gain negative traits from leveling up
獨裁制 Dictatorial 獨裁制Dictatorial or 帝制 Imperial 帝制Imperial 僅僅依靠普通的統治是不夠的,政府必須由一個擁有足夠智慧和知識的王者來領導它們。
警察國度 Police State 警察國度Police State
  • 穩定度 Stability +5 Stability
  • 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +1 Unity from 執法者 Enforcer 執法者Enforcers and 靈能使 Telepath 靈能使Telepaths
No.png極端平等主義 Fanatic Egalitarian 極端平等主義Fanatic Egalitarian 不留痕跡的消除任何異議,在這個壓抑的社會中,人們的一言一行都被龐大的內部警力仔細的控制監視著。
影子內閣 Shadow Council 影子內閣Shadow Council
  • Mod country election influence cost.png −75% Election influence cost
  • 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +10% Ruler pop resource output
  • 加密 Encryption +1 Codebreaking
No.png帝制 Imperial 帝制Imperial 連自己的國民都不知道,這個社會其實是由一個幕後操控一切的影子內閣統治的。民主的外表必須維持,但是多數專制也得到保留。畢竟,萬一有傻子投票給錯誤的候選人呢?
奴販公會 Slaver Guilds 奴販公會Slaver Guilds
  • 奴隸人口資源產出 Slave Pop Resource Output +10% Slave pop resource output
  • Enslaved Pop Ratio 35% Enslaved pop ratio
  • 威權主義 Authoritarian極端威權主義 Fanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian
  • No.png尋樂者 Pleasure Seekers 尋樂者Pleasure Seekers
奴隸人口資源產出 Slave Pop Resource Output "Enslaved pop ratio" ensures up to the given ratio of pops are enslaved, regardless of species rights.

社會中真正的權力核心在於一些強大而無情的奴販公會。 他們懂得如何從一個奴隸身上榨取更多。

技術治國 Technocracy 技術治國Technocracy
  • 備選科技 Research Alternatives +1 Research alternatives
  • Unknown.png Expertise traits have double effects on tech choices
  • 科研主管 Science Director Capital Buildings replace some 政客 Politician 政客Politician jobs with 科研主管 Science Director 科研主管Science Director jobs
唯物主義 Materialist極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist Materialist
  • No.png貴族精英 Aristocratic Elite 貴族精英Aristocratic Elite
  • No.png崇高聖職 Exalted Priesthood 崇高聖職Exalted Priesthood
  • No.png商人公會 Merchant Guilds 商人公會Merchant Guilds
  • No.png同甘共苦 Shared Burdens 同甘共苦Shared Burdens
科研主管 Science Director 科研主管Science Directors produce less unity than 政客 Politician 政客Politicians, but also produce 研究 Research 研究Research.


尚武文化 Warrior Culture 尚武文化Warrior Culture
  • 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +20% Army damage
  • 決鬥者 Duelist Replaces 演藝人員 Entertainer 演藝人員Entertainer jobs with 決鬥者 Duelist 決鬥者Duelist jobs
軍國主義 Militarist極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist Militarist 這個社會已經發展處一種強悍的武士精神。武功戰力高於一切,只有在戰場上才能獲得真正的榮耀。
催化加工 Catalytic Processing 催化加工Catalytic Processing 催化技師 Catalytic Technician Replaces 冶金師 Metallurgist 冶金師Metallurgist jobs with 催化技師 Catalytic Technician 催化技師Catalytic Technician jobs No.png降世災星 Calamitous Birth 降世災星Calamitous Birth 催化技師 Catalytic Technician 催化技師Catalytic Technicians produce 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys from 食物 Food 食物Food.


植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack
田園綻放 Idyllic Bloom 田園綻放Idyllic Bloom
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • 建築 Building Can construct and upgrade Gaia Seeder buildings
  • 植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack Plantoid or Fungoid main species
  • No.png破碎之環 Shattered Ring 破碎之環Shattered Ring
  • No.png虛空居者 Void Dwellers 虛空居者Void Dwellers
  • No.png生命之籽 Life-Seeded 生命之籽Life-Seeded
A Gaia Seeder is a special building that slowly terraforms the planet into a 蓋亞星球 Gaia World 蓋亞星球Gaia World.


植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack
種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +33% Fire rate
  • 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +33% Army damage
  • 造艦費用 Ship Build Cost −15% Ship cost
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +33% Naval capacity
不可接觸者 Undesirable Genocidal0
    • No.png Cannot establish diplomatic pacts with alien empires
    • No.png Cannot use the Galactic Market
    • 宣戰理由 Casus Belli Can use the Purification casus belli
    • 評價 Opinion −1000 Opinion with every empire of a different species
    • 評價 Opinion +200 Opinion with same-species 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers
    • 不可接觸者 Undesirable、​ 正在淨化 Purging Pops of different species will always be purged, except for 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical species
    • 凝聚力 Unity  +2 凝聚力Unity from 正在淨化 Purging 正在淨化Purging jobs
    • 末日審判 Armageddon Can use Armageddon Bombardment policy
  • 極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe 極端排外主義Fanatic Xenophobe
  • 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist or 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist
  • No.png野蠻掠奪者 Barbaric Despoilers 野蠻掠奪者Barbaric Despoilers
  • No.png誇耀純淨派 Pompous Purists 誇耀純淨派Pompous Purists
  • No.png協同進化 Syncretic Evolution 協同進化Syncretic Evolution
  • No.png共同命運 Common Ground 共同命運Common Ground
  • No.png一方霸主 Hegemon 一方霸主Hegemon
這個社會似乎會不顧一切地淨化所有星系中其他的智慧生命。不管發生什麼,他們都不會容忍異族的存在。 烏托邦 Utopia
能工巧匠 Masterful Crafters 能工巧匠Masterful Crafters
  • 熟練技工 Artificer Replaces 工匠 Artisan 工匠Artisan jobs with 熟練技工 Artificer 熟練技工Artificer jobs
  • 建築槽位 Building Slots +1 Building slot for every 3 Industrial districts (except on habitats)
熟練技工 Artificer 熟練技工Artificers produce Trade value.png trade value and 工程學研究 Engineering Research 工程學研究Engineering Research as well as slightly more 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods.

對一絲不苟的工藝的執著是這個社會的核心。 即使在最基本的行業中,靈巧的附肢和敏銳的感覺器官也能幫助他們創造真正的神奇瑰寶。

人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack
尋樂者 Pleasure Seekers 尋樂者Pleasure Seekers
  • Yes.png Can use the Decadent Lifestyle living standard
  • 人口增長速度 Pop Growth Speed +1% Pop growth speed from 演藝人員 Entertainer 演藝人員Entertainers
  • 舒適度 Amenities +5 Amenities from 僕從 Servant 僕從Servants
  • No.png奴販公會 Slaver Guilds 奴販公會Slaver Guilds
  • No.png尚武文化 Warrior Culture 尚武文化Warrior Culture
  • No.png同甘共苦 Shared Burdens 同甘共苦Shared Burdens
這個社會滿足於自身的完美。 那些被特權社會階級提升的人已經屈服於這種崇尚享受和娛樂而不用顧忌通常由其他人來承擔成本的文化。 人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack
誇耀純淨派 Pompous Purists 誇耀純淨派Pompous Purists
  • 信任度增長 Trust Growth +30% Trust growth
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys +2 Available envoys
  • No.png Can send but cannot receive diplomatic propositions
  • 排外主義 Xenophobe極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
  • No.png內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection
  • No.png種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers
  • No.png先輩子弟 Scion 先輩子弟Scion
這個社會對自身的至高無上深信不疑,只要不是他們主動發起的外交活動,他們都將視而不見。 人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack
野蠻掠奪者 Barbaric Despoilers 野蠻掠奪者Barbaric Despoilers
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • 宣戰理由 Casus Belli Can use the Despoliation casus belli
  • 掠襲 Raiding Can use the Raiding orbital bombardment stance
  • 移民協議 Migration Treaty Cannot form migration treaties
  • No.png Can only create 軍事同盟 Miltiary Alliance 軍事同盟Miltiary Alliance and 霸權 Hegemony 霸權Hegemony federations
  • 軍國主義 Militarist極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist Militarist
  • 威權主義 Authoritarian極端威權主義 Fanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian or 排外主義 Xenophobe極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
  • No.png親外主義 Xenophile極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile Xenophile
  • No.png種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers
  • No.png共同命運 Common Ground 共同命運Common Ground
這個社會毫無秩序可言。戰鬥就是活下去的意義,最強者就可以掌握最強的權力。 啟示錄 Apocalypse
拜占庭式官僚 Byzantine Bureaucracy 拜占庭式官僚Byzantine Bureaucracy
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity from 官僚 Bureaucrat 官僚Bureaucrats
  • 穩定度 Stability +1 Stability from 官僚 Bureaucrat 官僚Bureaucrats
No.png唯心主義 Spiritualist極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist 此社會是由非常複雜的,對於外人而言簡直就是迷宮一般的行政體制所統治。為了維持政府的流暢運作,大量的公職人員會日以繼夜地工作以確保所有公民只獲得跟其能力與資格相匹配的資源分配。 寰宇企業 Megacorp
商人公會 Merchant Guilds 商人公會Merchant Guilds
  • 商人 Merchant Capital buildings replace some 政客 Politician 政客Politician jobs with 商人 Merchant 商人Merchant jobs
  • 經貿至上 Mercantile Can use the Mercantile diplomatic stance (unless also have Inward Perfection)
  • No.png崇高聖職 Exalted Priesthood 崇高聖職Exalted Priesthood
  • No.png貴族精英 Aristocratic Elite 貴族精英Aristocratic Elite
  • No.png技術治國 Technocracy 技術治國Technocracy
Merchants produce a large amount of Trade value.png trade value instead of 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity.


寰宇企業 Megacorp
同甘共苦 Shared Burdens 同甘共苦Shared Burdens
  • 極端平等主義 Fanatic Egalitarian 極端平等主義Fanatic Egalitarian
  • No.png排外主義 Xenophobe極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
  • No.png技術治國 Technocracy 技術治國Technocracy
  • No.png尋樂者 Pleasure Seekers 尋樂者Pleasure Seekers
Shared Burden equalizes 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods upkeep across strata.


寰宇企業 Megacorp
Civic diplomatic corps.png 外交使團Diplomatic Corps
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys +2 Available envoys
  • 外交權重 Diplomatic Weight +10% Diplomatic weight
  • No.png內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection
  • No.png種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers
這個社會有著悠久的修辭和辯論的傳統,他們也讚美那些只用話語就達成目的的人。 縱橫捭闔 Federations
Civic memorialist.png 記念主義Memorialists 建築 Building Monuments are replaced with the Sanctuary of Repose line of buildings No.png種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers A Sanctuary of Repose creates (specialist) 死亡書錄官 Death Chronicler 死亡書錄官Death Chronicler jobs, which produce 穩定度 Stability 穩定度Stability, 社會學研究 Society Research 社會學研究Society Research, and 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity.


死靈類物種包 Necroids Species Pack
Civic reanimated armies.png 逝者軍勢Reanimators
  • No.png和平主義 Pacifist極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist Pacifist
  • No.png公民兵役 Citizen Service 公民兵役Citizen Service
A Dread Encampment creates (specialist) 死靈法師 Necromancer 死靈法師Necromancer jobs, which produce 海軍容量 Naval Capacity 海軍容量Naval Capacity, 防禦部隊 Defense Army 防禦部隊Defense Army, and 物理學研究 Physics Research 物理學研究Physics Research and 社會學研究 Society Research 社會學研究Society Research research.


死靈類物種包 Necroids Species Pack
Civic death cult.png 死亡教團Death Cult
  • 唯心主義 Spiritualist極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist
  • No.png內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection
  • No.png種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers
  • No.png食屍文化 Necrophage 食屍文化Necrophage
Sacrifice buildings create (specialist) 死亡司祭 Death Priest 死亡司祭Death Priest and (worker) 凡體先烈 Mortal Initiate 凡體先烈Mortal Initiate jobs, which produce 舒適度 Amenities 舒適度Amenities, 社會學研究 Society Research 社會學研究Society Research, and 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity. Sacrifices kill all Mortal Initiates and produce a bonus for 5 years depending on how many pops were sacrificed.


死靈類物種包 Necroids Species Pack
Civic anglers.png 漁夫Anglers
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • 水生 Aquatic Main species gains the Aquatic trait
  • 農業區劃最大建造數量 Max Agriculture Districts No Agriculture district limit on ocean worlds
  • 漁夫 Angler Agriculture districts and Hydroponics Farms replace 農夫 Farmer 農夫Farmer jobs with a single 漁夫 Angler 漁夫Angler job on wet climates
  • 珍珠潛水員 Pearl Diver Agriculture districts create a single 珍珠潛水員 Pearl Diver 珍珠潛水員Pearl Diver job on wet climates
  • 礦物 Minerals −50 Agriculture district minerals cost on wet climates
  • No.png田園牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田園牧歌Agrarian Idyll
  • No.png後啟示錄 Post-Apocalyptic 後啟示錄Post-Apocalyptic
  • No.png破碎之環 Shattered Ring 破碎之環Shattered Ring
  • No.png虛空居者 Void Dwellers 虛空居者Void Dwellers
漁夫 Angler 漁夫Anglers produce Trade value.png trade value as well as (more) 食物 Food 食物Food. 珍珠潛水員 Pearl Diver 珍珠潛水員Pearl Divers are specialists that produce Trade value.png trade value and 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods.


水生類物種包 Aquatics Species Pack

企業政府國民理念[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Corporate civics represent the business principles of the leading megacorp. They can only be picked by an empire with 企業政府 Corporate 企業政府Corporate authority or the 星海霸業 Galactic Sovereign Corporate Sovereign civic.

國民理念 效果 前提 描述 DLC
Civic criminal heritage.png 罪犯世家Criminal Heritage
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • No.png Cannot have commercial pacts
  • 犯罪與異常 Crime on branch office planets increases branch office value
  • 建築 Building Can build special 犯罪與異常 犯罪與異常-increasing corporate buildings
  • Yes.png Can build branch offices on the planet of any regular empire they have no war or truce with
  • 滲透等級 Infiltration Level +20% Infiltration speed
  • 加密 Encryption +1 Codebreaking
Civic franchising.png 特許經營Franchising
  • 附屬實力關係懲罰 Subject Power Relations Penalty −33% Subject power penalty
  • Empire sprawl.png −25% Empire size from branch offices
Civic free traders.png 自由商人Free Traders
  • Trade value.png +10% Trade value
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +10% Branch office value
Civic private prospectors.png 民營勘探者Private Prospectors
  • Ship.png Can build private colony ships
  • Empire sprawl.png −33% Empire size from systems
Civic trading posts.png 交易所Trading Posts 恆星基地容量 Starbase Capacity +4 Starbase capacity 商機是需要靠自己挖掘的。這個寰宇企業長久以來通過建立貿易站來散播自己的影響力。企業的恆星基地向來都身兼繁忙的貿易中心的功能。
Civic brand loyalty.png 品牌忠誠Brand Loyalty
  • 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +15% Monthly unity
  • Edict capacity.png +25 Edict fund
No.png自由燈塔 Beacon of Liberty 自由燈塔Beacon of Liberty 此寰宇企業擁有一群非常忠心的品牌狂熱粉絲。該品牌的各種膾炙人口的宣傳標語早已深入民心了。
Civic gospel of the masses.png 百姓福音Gospel of the Masses
  • 唯心主義 Spiritualist +50% Spiritualist ethics attraction
  • 建築 Building Can build Temple of Prosperity corporate building
  • Trade value.png +0.33 Trade value per free 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist pop on empire or planets with branch offices
唯心主義 Spiritualist極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist A Temple of Prosperity is a branch office building that increases 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist ethics attraction and creates 繁榮傳道者 Prosperity Preacher 繁榮傳道者Prosperity Preacher jobs, which produce 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity, 舒適度 Amenities 舒適度Amenities, and Trade value.png trade value.


Civic indentured assets.png 契約資產Indentured Assets
  • 奴隸人口資源產出 Slave Pop Resource Output +10% Slave pop resource output
  • Enslaved Pop Ratio 35% Enslaved pop ratio
  • 威權主義 Authoritarian極端威權主義 Fanatic Authoritarian Authoritarian
  • No.png企業享樂主義 Corporate Hedonism 企業享樂主義Corporate Hedonism
  • No.png尋樂者 Pleasure Seekers 尋樂者Pleasure Seekers
  • No.png奴販公會 Slaver Guilds 奴販公會Slaver Guilds
奴隸人口資源產出 Slave Pop Resource Output "Enslaved pop ratio" ensures up to the given ratio of pops are enslaved, regardless of species rights.


Civic media conglomerate.png 傳媒集團Media Conglomerate
  • 幸福度 Happiness +5% Citizen pop happiness
  • 厭戰度 War Exhaustion −5% War exhaustion gain
No.png理想本心 Idealistic Foundation 理想本心Idealistic Foundation 在進軍其他領域之前,此寰宇企業是從傳媒集團出身並成功發跡的。該企業的公關部依然擅長於扭轉對己不利的因素為有利的優勢。
Civic private military companies.png 私營軍事公司Private Military Companies
  • 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +20% Army damage
  • 陸軍維護費 Army Upkeep −20% Army upkeep
  • 領袖經驗獲得 Leader Experience Gain +100 Army starting experience
  • 軍國主義 Militarist極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist Militarist
  • No.png尚武文化 Warrior Culture 尚武文化Warrior Culture
Civic ruthless competition.png 惡性競爭Ruthless Competition
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +1 Leader level cap
  • 領袖經驗獲得 Leader Experience Gain +10% Leader experience gain
  • 加密 Encryption +1 Codebreaking
No.png精英政治 Meritocracy 精英政治Meritocracy 此寰宇企業的每一個社會階層的成員都在彼此惡性競爭為己謀利。這裡是個狗咬狗的世界。
Civic corporate catalytic processing.png 催化加工Catalytic Processing 冶金師 Metallurgist Replaces Metallurgist jobs with 催化技師 Catalytic Technician 催化技師Catalytic Technician jobs
  • No.png降世災星 Calamitous Birth 降世災星Calamitous Birth
  • No.png催化加工 Catalytic Processing 催化加工Catalytic Processing
催化技師 Catalytic Technician 催化技師Catalytic Technicians produce 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys from 食物 Food 食物Food.


植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack
Civic corporate crafters.png 巧手公司Mastercraft Inc.
  • 熟練技工 Artificer Replaces 工匠 Artisan 工匠Artisan jobs with 熟練技工 Artificer 熟練技工Artificer jobs
  • 建築槽位 Building Slots +1 Building slot for every 3 Industrial districts (except on habitats)
No.png能工巧匠 Masterful Crafters 能工巧匠Masterful Crafters 熟練技工 Artificer 熟練技工Artificers produce Trade value.png trade value and 工程學研究 Engineering Research 工程學研究Engineering Research as well as slightly more 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods.


人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack
Civic corporate hedonism.png 企業享樂主義Corporate Hedonism
  • Yes.png Can use the Decadent Lifestyle living standard
  • 演藝人員 Entertainer 演藝人員Entertainers produce Mod pop growth req.png +1% pop growth speed
  • 僕從 Servant 僕從Servants produce 舒適度 Amenities +5 amenities
  • No.png契約資產 Indentured Assets 契約資產Indentured Assets
  • No.png尋樂者 Pleasure Seekers 尋樂者Pleasure Seekers
  • No.png奴販公會 Slaver Guilds 奴販公會Slaver Guilds
Decadent Lifestyle increases 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness at the expense of greatly increased 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods upkeep.

工作就是你想去的地方。 這個寰宇企業的公民愉快地宣誓效忠於他們的雇主——並奉獻他們所有的空閒時間——以換取奢華的企業級享受。

人型生物物種包 Humanoids Species Pack
Civic public relations specialists.png 公共關係專家Public Relations Specialists
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys +2 Available envoys
  • 外交權重 Diplomatic Weight +10% Diplomatic weight
No.png外交使團 Diplomatic Corps 外交使團Diplomatic Corps 若你能控制別人的思想,你也就控制了他們的行為。這家寰宇企業擁有一支由專家組成的虛擬網軍,時刻準備著在公共輿論的戰場上重拳出擊。 縱橫捭闔 Federations
Civic death cult corporate.png 死亡教企Corporate Death Cult
  • 建築 Building Can construct Sacrificial Temple buildings
  • 法令 Edict Can use Sacrifice edicts
  • 唯心主義 Spiritualist極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist
  • No.pngOrigins necrophage.png Necrophage
  • No.png內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection
  • No.png種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers
Sacrifice buildings create (specialist) 死亡司祭 Death Priest 死亡司祭Death Priest and (worker) 凡體先烈 Mortal Initiate 凡體先烈Mortal Initiate jobs, which produce 舒適度 Amenities 舒適度Amenities, 社會學研究 Society Research 社會學研究Society Research, and 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity. Sacrifices kill all Mortal Initiates and produce a bonus for 5 years depending on how many pops were sacrificed.


死靈類物種包 Necroids Species Pack
Civic permanent employment.png 永身僱傭制Permanent Employment
  • 建築 Building Can construct Posthumous Employment Center buildings
  • Trait zombie.png Start with 3 or 4 pops with the Zombie trait
  • Unknown.png After 80–120 years can gain the Zombie Contract manipulation empire modifier
  • Yes.png Defeated organic guardians can be resurrected
  • No.png平等主義 Egalitarian 平等主義Egalitarian
  • No.png機械師 Mechanist 機械師Mechanist
  • No.pngOrigins necrophage.png Necrophage
A Posthumous Employment Center creates a 再指派員 Reassigner 再指派員Reassigner job, which produces 人口組裝速度 Pop Assembly Speed organic pop assembly. Organic pops assembled on a world with such a building on it get the 殭屍 Zombie 殭屍Zombie trait.


死靈類物種包 Necroids Species Pack
Civic corporate anglers.png 漁夫Anglers
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • 水生 Aquatic Main species gains the Aquatic trait
  • 農業區劃最大建造數量 Max Agriculture Districts No Agriculture district limit on Ocean worlds
  • 漁夫 Angler Agriculture districts and Hydroponics Farms replace 農夫 Farmer 農夫Farmer jobs with a single 漁夫 Angler 漁夫Angler job on wet climates
  • 珍珠潛水員 Pearl Diver Agriculture districts create Pearl Diver jobs on wet climates
  • 礦物 Minerals −50 Agriculture district minerals cost on wet climates
  • No.png後啟示錄 Post-Apocalyptic 後啟示錄Post-Apocalyptic
  • No.png破碎之環 Shattered Ring 破碎之環Shattered Ring
  • No.png虛空居者 Void Dwellers 虛空居者Void Dwellers
漁夫 Angler 漁夫Anglers produce slightly more 食物 Food 食物Food and also Trade value.png trade value. 珍珠潛水員 Pearl Diver 珍珠潛水員Pearl Divers are a specialist job that produces Trade value.png trade value and 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods.


水生類物種包 Aquatics Species Pack

蜂巢思維國民理念[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Hive Mind civics represent various characteristics of the collective consciousness of an empire. They can only be picked by an empire with 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind authority.

國民理念 效果 前提 描述 DLC
Civic ascetic.png 禁欲主義Ascetic
  • 宜居性 Habitability +5% Habitability
  • 舒適度 Amenities −15% Pop amenities usage
Civic divided attention.png 一心多用Divided Attention Empire sprawl.png −50% Empire size from planets 蜂巢思維可以最大效率將精力分散而不忽視那些重要事件。
Civic natural neural network.png 天然神經網絡Natural Neural Network
  • 備選科技 Research Alternatives +1 Research alternatives
  • 物理學研究 Physics Research +1 / 社會學研究 Society Research +1.5 / Engineering research +1 Research from unemployed drones
Civic one mind.png 唯一意志One Mind
  • 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +15% Monthly unity
  • Unknown.png Leaders are less likely to gain negative traits
Civic pooled knowledge.png 集中知識Pooled Knowledge
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +1 Leader level cap
  • 領袖經驗獲得 Leader Experience Gain +10% Leader experience gain
  • 加密 Encryption +1 Encryption
Civic strength of legions.png 軍團之威Strength of Legions
  • 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +20% Army damage
  • 陸軍維護費 Army Upkeep −20% Army upkeep
Civic subspace ephapse.png 亞空間突觸Subspace Ephapse
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +15% Naval capacity
  • 亞光速航速 Sublight Speed +20% Sublight speed
Civic subsumed will.png 意志整合Subsumed Will
  • Empire sprawl.png −20% Empire size from pops
  • Edict capacity.png +25 Edict fund
  • 凝聚力 Unity No unity costs for pop resettlement
Civic devouring swarm.png 噬殺蜂群Devouring Swarm
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • 船體值 Ship Hull Points +25% Ship hull points
  • 船體修復速度 Hull Repair Rate +0.5% Daily hull and armor regeneration
  • 影響力 Influence −50% Starbase influence cost
  • 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +40% Army damage
  • 生物學 Biology +20% Biology research speed
  • 造艦費用 Ship Build Cost −25% Ship cost
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +33% Naval capacity
不可接觸者 Undesirable Genocidal0
  • No.png Cannot use the Galactic Market
  • Diplomacy status casus belli holder.png Can use the Hunger casus belli
  • 評價 Opinion −1000 Opinion with every empire
  • Yes.png Non-蜂巢思維 Hive-Minded 蜂巢思維Hive-Minded pops always have the Processing purge type and cannot be assimilated
  • 社會學研究 Society Research  +2 社會學研究Society Research from 正在淨化 Purging 正在淨化Purging jobs
No.png石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid 我們的蜂巢思維必須通過吞噬其他外星物種來變強。我們必須收集所有能收集到的有機質,實現進化,最終吞噬整片星海!
Civic hive catalytic processing.png 催化加工Catalytic Processing
冶金師 Metallurgist Replaces 鑄造工蜂 Foundry Drone 鑄造工蜂Foundry Drone jobs with 催化子個體 Catalytic Drone 催化子個體Catalytic Drone jobs No.png降世災星 Calamitous Birth 降世災星Calamitous Birth 催化子個體 Catalytic Drone 催化子個體Catalytic Drones produce 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys from 食物 Food 食物Food.


植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack
Civic hive idyllic bloom.png 田園綻放Idyllic Bloom
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • 建築 Building Can construct and upgrade Gaia Seeders buildings
  • 植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack Plantoid or Fungoid main species
  • No.pngOrigins shattered ring.png Shattered Ring
  • No.pngOrigins life seeded.png Life Seeded
A Gaia Seeder is a special building that slowly terraforms the planet into a 蓋亞星球 Gaia World 蓋亞星球Gaia World.


植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack
Civic devouring swarm.png 噬岩者Terravore
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • 船體值 Ship Hull Points +25% Ship hull points
  • 船體修復速度 Hull Repair Rate +0.5% Daily hull and armor regeneration
  • 影響力 Influence −50% Starbase influence cost
  • 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +40% Army damage
  • 生物學 Biology +20% Biology research speed
  • 造艦費用 Ship Build Cost −25% Ship cost
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +33% Naval capacity
  • No.png Cannot terraform planets
  • Decision burning settlement.png Can use the Consume World decision
不可接觸者 Undesirable Genocidal0
  • No.png Cannot use the Galactic Market
  • Diplomacy status casus belli holder.png Can use the Hunger casus belli
  • 評價 Opinion −1000 Opinion with every empire
  • Yes.png Non-蜂巢思維 Hive-Minded 蜂巢思維Hive-Minded pops will always be purged with the Processing purge type and cannot be assimilated
  • 社會學研究 Society Research  +2 社會學研究Society Research from 正在淨化 Purging 正在淨化Purging jobs
石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid This civic is precisely 噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm 噬殺蜂群Devouring Swarm for 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoids. Any effect that checks for that civic will match this one as well (unless it excludes lithoids).


石質生物物種包 Lithoids Species Pack
Civic empath.png 心有靈犀Empath
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys +2 Available envoys
  • 外交權重 Diplomatic Weight +10% Diplomatic weight
  • 評價 Opinion +20 Opinion with biological empires
  • No.png噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm 噬殺蜂群Devouring Swarm
  • No.png噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm Terravore
蜂巢思維可以伸展而出,觸碰他人的思想,使之得以一瞥我們的意願,這有助於增進他們對我們的理解。 縱橫捭闔 Federations
Civic hive memorialist.png 記念主義Memorialist
建築 Building Can construct Sanctuary of Repose buildings
  • No.png噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm 噬殺蜂群Devouring Swarm
  • No.png噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm Terravore
A Sanctuary of Repose creates (specialist) 死亡書錄官 Death Chronicler 死亡書錄官Death Chronicler jobs, which produce 穩定度 Stability 穩定度Stability, 社會學研究 Society Research 社會學研究Society Research, and 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity.


死靈類物種包 Necroids Species Pack

機械智能國民理念[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Machine Intelligence civics represent various directives and construction purposes of the central artificial intelligence. They can only be picked by an empire with 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence authority.

國民理念 效果 前提 描述 DLC
施工機器人 Constructobot 施工機器人Constructobot
  • 建築花費 Building Cost −15% Building and district cost
  • 建築槽位 Building Slots +1 Building slots
模塊化功能 Delegated Functions 模塊化功能Delegated Functions
  • 領袖招募花費 Leader Recruitment Cost −25% Leader upkeep
  • 領袖儲備規模 Leader Pool Size +1 Leader pool size
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys +1 Available envoy
超負荷工廠 Factory Overclocking 超負荷工廠Factory Overclocking
  • 領袖等級上限 Leader Level Cap +1 Leader level cap
  • 領袖經驗獲得 Leader Experience Gain +10% Leader experience gain
自檢 Introspective 自檢Introspective
  • 研究速度( 工程學) Research Speed (Engineering) +20% Engineering research speed
  • 加密 Encryption +1 Encryption
維護協議 Maintenance Protocols 維護協議Maintenance Protocols 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity from 維護子個體 Maintenance Drone 維護子個體Maintenance Drones 我們機械智能將我們單位的維護排至優先執行。維護子個體將會定期升級調整我們的單位來將其工作效率及兼容性最大化。
空中下載升級 OTA Updates 空中下載升級OTA Updates
  • Empire sprawl.png −20% Empire size from pops
  • Edict capacity.png +25 Edict fund
  • 凝聚力 Unity No unity costs for pop resettlement
快速複製者 Rapid Replicator 快速複製者Rapid Replicator Mod pop robot build speed mult.png +20% Mechanical pop assembly speed 該機械智能的單位原本的設計目的是進行快速增殖。他們保留了許多早期的生產線優化。
碎岩機 Rockbreakers 碎岩機Rockbreakers 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals from 採礦子個體 Mining Drone 採礦子個體Mining Drones 機械智能擁有一個專門監視星球地質的處理系統 ,增加礦物產出。
靜態研究分析 Static Research Analysis 靜態研究分析Static Research Analysis
  • 備選科技 Research Alternatives +1 Research alternatives
  • 加密 Encryption +1 Codebreaking
一體化 Unitary Cohesion 一體化Unitary Cohesion 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +15% Monthly unity 通過高度體系化的工程學標準使多種機械智能單位在更高的效率下協同工作。
戰爭機器 Warbots 戰爭機器Warbots
  • 陸軍傷害 Army Damage +20% Army damage
  • 陸軍維護費 Army Upkeep −20% Army upkeep
零廢棄物協議 Zero-Waste Protocols 零廢棄物協議Zero-Waste Protocols 機器人維護費 Robot Upkeep −10% Robot upkeep 機器智能已經將自己的製造系統升級到幾乎沒有廢棄物的狀態,在所有產品中使用壽命長、標準化、可重複利用的部件。
鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator 鐵心滅絕者Determined Exterminator
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • 艦船武器傷害 Ship Weapons Damage +25% Weapons damage
  • 影響力 Influence −30% Starbase influence cost
  • 造艦費用 Ship Build Cost −15% Ship cost
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +33% Naval capacity
  • 死寂星球 Tomb World Homeworld is a Tomb world if origin is not 資源統合 Resource Consolidation 資源統合Resource Consolidation
不可接觸者 Undesirable Genocidal0
  • No.png Cannot use the Galactic Market
  • Diplomacy status casus belli holder.png Can use the Purification casus belli
  • 評價 Opinion −1000 Opinion with every organic and 失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor empire
  • 評價 Opinion +200 Opinion with other 鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator 鐵心滅絕者Determined Exterminator empires
  • Yes.png Organic pops will always be purged
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +2 凝聚力Unity from 正在淨化 Purging 正在淨化Purging jobs
  • 末日審判 Armageddon Can use Armageddon Bombardment Policy
  • No.png同化鬥士 Driven Assimilator 同化鬥士Driven Assimilator
  • No.png失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor
同化鬥士 Driven Assimilator 同化鬥士Driven Assimilator
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
Yes.png Unique effects0
  • Diplomacy opinion.png −100 Opinion from every non-格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness empire (excluding Fallen Empires)
  • Diplomacy opinion.png −200 Opinion from every 唯心主義 Spiritualist極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist empire (excluding Fallen Empires)
  • Diplomacy opinion.png −1000 Opinion from Democratic Crusaders
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic Starts with cyborg pops replacing 10 initial pops
  • 複製者 Replicator  −1 複製者Replicator jobs
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic Organic pops must be assimilated into cyborgs, or purged
  • 凝聚力 Unity Gain unity and 社會學研究 Society Research society research on assimilating a pop
  • Diplomacy status casus belli holder.png Can use the Sublimation casus belli
  • No.png鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator 鐵心滅絕者Determined Exterminator
  • No.png失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor
失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor
  • No.png Cannot be added or removed after game start
  • 人口 Pop Starts with 5 活體陳設 Bio-Trophy 活體陳設Bio-Trophy pops in addition to the initial Pops
  • 建築 Building Can construct Organic Sanctuary buildings
  • No.png Cannot construct regular unity buildings
  • 活體陳設 Bio-Trophy Organic, non-hive-minded pops have 活體陳設 Bio-Trophy Bio-Trophy citizenship and Mandatory Pampering living standards
  • No.png鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator 鐵心滅絕者Determined Exterminator
  • No.png同化鬥士 Driven Assimilator 同化鬥士Driven Assimilator
Organic Sancturaries (as well as leisure districts and the like) create 活體陳設 Bio-Trophy 活體陳設Bio-Trophy jobs, which are worked by organic pops, producing 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity, boosting 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production complex drone output, and using no 住房 Housing 住房Housing as long as they are employed. Empires with this civic are the only Machine Intelligence empires that use 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods.


Civic machine catalytic processing.png 催化加工Catalytic Processing
冶金師 Metallurgist Replaces Fabricator jobs with Catalytic Drone jobs No.png資源統合 Resource Consolidation 資源統合Resource Consolidation 催化子個體 Catalytic Drone 催化子個體Catalytic Drones produce 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys from 食物 Food 食物Food.


植物類物種包 Plantoids Species Pack
Civic machine memorialist.png 記念主義Memorialist
建築 Building Can construct Sanctuary of Repose buildings
  • No.png鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator 鐵心滅絕者Determined Exterminator
  • No.png同化鬥士 Driven Assimilator 同化鬥士Driven Assimilator
A Sanctuary of Repose creates (specialist) 死亡書錄官 Death Chronicler 死亡書錄官Death Chronicler jobs, which produce 穩定度 Stability 穩定度Stability, 社會學研究 Society Research 社會學研究Society Research, and 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity.


死靈類物種包 Necroids Species Pack

星海霸業[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

星海霸業 Galactic Sovereign 星海霸業Galactic Sovereign is an additional civic that a custodian empire gains when the Proclaim the Galactic Imperium resolution is passed. It grants an additional civic slot, meaning that it doesn't replace any other civic, and provides the following bonuses:

  • 每月影響力 Monthly Influence +6 Monthly influence
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys +1 Available envoys
  • 外交權重 Diplomatic Weight +40% Diplomatic weight

If the empire previously had 企業政府 Corporate 企業政府Corporate authority the civic is renamed 商賈霸權Corporate Sovereign and also grants the ability to build Imperial Concession Port buildings in branch offices. In addition the empire gains the ability to build branch offices in any empire that is member of the galactic imperium, even if they do not have a commercial pact.

不可遊玩的國民理念[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The following civics are not available to player empires.

國民理念 效果 前提
Civic lethargic leadership.png 暮氣沉沉的領袖Lethargic Leadership
  • 影響力 Influence −1 Monthly influence
  • No.png Cannot construct new ships
Fallen Empire
Civic empire in decline.png 衰落的帝國Empire In Decline No.png Cannot conquer or colonize planets
Civic revanchist fervor.png 復仇狂熱Revanchist Fervor 影響力 Influence +1 Monthly influence Awakened Empire
Civic ancient caches of technology.png 古代科技貯藏Ancient Caches of Technology 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +50% Resources from jobs
Civic revanchist fervor.png 火的奧秘Secret of Fire Stone and Bronze Age pre-FTL civilizations
田園牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 造輪術The Wheel
貴族精英 Aristocratic Elite 采邑貴族Landed Nobility Pre-Steam Age pre-FTL civilizations
田園牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 平坦世界論Flat World Theory
拜占庭式官僚 Byzantine Bureaucracy 邁向城市化Increasing Urbanization Post-Steam Age pre-FTL civilizations
田園牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 大氣污染Atmospheric Pollution
尚武文化 Warrior Culture 軍事教團Military Order Sentinels
Civic ancient caches of technology.png 遠古守護者Ancient Preservers Curator Enclave
內聖之道 Inward Perfection 藝術家協會Artist Collective Artisan Enclave
企業國度 Corporate Dominion 貿易集團Trading Conglomerate Trader Enclave
Civic machine remnants.png 失落機械智能Fallen Machine Intelligence No.png Cannot construct new ships Ancient Caretakers
Civic custodian directives.png 監護矩陣Custodian Matrix No.png Cannot conquer or colonize planets
Civic awakened machine.png 重啟的監護矩陣Reactivated Custodian Matrix No.png Cannot conquer or colonize planets Awakened Machine Fallen Empire
Civic final defense protocols.png 最終防禦指令Final Defense Directives
  • 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +10% Fire rate
  • Mod resource energy mult.png +50% Energy from jobs
Galactic Custodians
Civic malfunctioning custodian.png 崩壞的防禦指令Corrupted Defense Directives
  • 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +10% Fire rate
  • Mod resource energy mult.png +50% Energy from jobs
Rampaging Machines
尚武文化 Warrior Culture 無政府部落Anarcho-Tribalism Marauders
尚武文化 Warrior Culture 大可汗的願景Great Khan's Vision The Horde
尚武文化 Warrior Culture 大可汗的遺產Great Khan's Legacy 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +10% Fire rate New Khanate
尚武文化 Warrior Culture 繼業者Diadochus 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +15% Naval capacity Diadochus