

每一颗 宜居行星 都有发展出不同种类智能生命的潜力,那些生命可能,自然地或 不自然地,发展科技。有时,这样的生命在它们的发展过程中达到了一个关键点,使它们能够获得 超光速 技术,并因此,有能力成为成熟的星际帝国。

A species may or may not equate with an empire. At first, every empire will be made up entirely of its original species but eventually, it may include other species through conquest, migration pacts, enlightening pre-FTL cultures, accepting refugees, or some events.

The portrait of a species can be changed through pop modification if the 基因重组 Genetic Resequencing 基因重组Genetic Resequencing technology is researched, but the species class cannot be changed. Some species do not allow changing portraits.

物种身份[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

At galaxy generation species are divided into species class groups, parent species and sub-species.

There are 10 different species classes, representing species with similar observable characteristics, including its morphology or physical form and structure, its developmental processes and its biochemical and physiological properties.

A parent species is the first spawned species of its kind (a kind is defined by its species portrait and name). A sub-species is created when a pop modification template is applied to a parent species or another sub-species and is considered to be the same species for the purposes of xenophobia, xenophilia and species rights.

Species within the same class will be less affected by xenophobia and xenophilia, with the effect increasing if they share the same portrait. If two species are created during galaxy generation with the same portrait and name they will be considered the same species.

物种类别列表[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Each species portrait available to start a new empire will belong to one of the following classes: Arthropoid (arthropod-like), Avian (bird-like), Fungoid (fungus-like), Humanoid (human-like), Mammalian (mammal-like), Molluscoid (invertebrates), Reptilian (reptile-like), Plantoid (part of the Plantoids Species Pack DLC), Lithoid (part of the Lithoids Species Pack DLC), Necroid (part of the Necroids Species Pack DLC), Aquatic (part of the Aquatics Species Pack DLC) and Machine (part of the Synthetic Dawn DLC).

Each species can have traits and will have climate preference based on its homeworld.

The first ruler of every empire can be customized.

人型生物[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The humanoid species class uses different models and voices for each gender. Some humanoids feature hairstyle customization. Each portrait has its own diplomacy voice.

Ten additional portraits are available as part of the Humanoid Species Pack DLC.

肖像 女性语音例子 男性语音例子
Humanoid 02.png
Humanoid 03.png
Humanoid 04.png
Humanoid 05.png
Humanoid hp 01.png
Humanoid hp 02.png
Humanoid hp 06.png
Humanoid hp 07.png
Humanoid hp 08.png
Humanoid hp 09.png
Humanoid hp 10.png
Humanoid hp 11.png
Humanoid hp 12.png
Humanoid hp 13.png

哺乳类[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Most mammalian portraits have a unique dialogue when targeted with a diplomacy insult.

肖像 语音例子

Note: The Evil Porcupine (Massive #17) portrait was originally exclusive players who pre-ordered Stellaris before being released as part of the free 周年纪念头像包 DLC.

爬行类[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Few portraits have their own diplomacy voices.

肖像 语音例子
任何,除了 Reptilian #17 and Reptilian #16
Reptilian 17.png
Reptilian 16.png

Note: The Fairy Dragon (Reptilian #17) portrait is part of the free 周年纪念头像包 DLC.

鸟类[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Few portraits have their own diplomacy voices.

肖像 语音例子
任何,除了 Avian #18
Avian 18.png

Note: The Chirpy portrait (Massive #16) is available to those who login to their Paradox account while in-game.[1]

The Dinosaur Bird (Massive #17) portrait was originally exclusive to players who pre-ordered Stellaris before being released as part of the free 周年纪念头像包 DLC.

The Peacock Avian (Avian #18) portrait is part of the free 周年纪念头像包 DLC.

节肢类[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Few portraits have their own diplomacy voices.

肖像 语音例子
任何,除了 Arthropoid #20 and Arthropoid #18
Arthropoid 20.png
Arthropoid 18.png

Note: The Shadowy Arthropod (Massive #17) portrait was originally exclusive players who pre-ordered Stellaris before being released as part of the free 周年纪念头像包 DLC.

The Arachnoid (Massive #16) portrait is included only in the Nova Edition or the Galaxy Edition of Stellaris.

The Larvae (Arthropoid #20) portrait is part of the free 周年纪念头像包 DLC.

The Mantis Shrimp (Arthropoid #19) portrait is available to those who login to their Paradox account while in-game[2]

软体类[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Few portraits have their own diplomacy voices.

肖像 语音例子
任何,除了 Molluscoid #17 and Molluscoid #18
Molluscoid 17.png
Molluscoid 18.png

Note: The Hydra/Xenomorph (Massive #16) portrait was originally exclusive to players those who pre-ordered Stellaris before being released as part of the free 周年纪念头像包 DLC.

真菌类[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Few portraits have their own diplomacy voices.

肖像 语音例子
任何,除了 Fungoid #17
Fungoid prettyshroom.png

Note: The Fungoid Infected Mammalian (Massive #16) portrait was originally exclusive to players who pre-ordered Stellaris before being released as part of the free 周年纪念头像包 DLC.

植物[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The Plantoid class is part of the Plantoids Species Pack DLC. If the 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack 上古之遗故事包Ancient Relics Story Pack DLC is enabled this class can be played with the Baol portrait but plantoid ship and city appearance will not be available.

肖像 语音例子

岩石[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The Lithoid class is part of the Lithoids Species Pack DLC. Each portrait has its own diplomacy voice.

肖像 语音例子
Lithoid 01.png
Lithoid 02.png
Lithoid 03.png
Lithoid 04.png
Lithoid 05.png
Lithoid 06.png
Lithoid 07.png
File:Lithoid 08.png
肖像 语音例子
Lithoid 09.png
Lithoid 10.png
File:Lithoid 11.png
Lithoid 12.png
Lithoid 13.png
Lithoid 14.png
Lithoid 15.png

死灵类[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The Necroid class is part of the Necroids Species Pack DLC. Each portrait has its own diplomacy voice.

肖像 语音例子
Necroids 01 portrait purple.png
Necroids 02 portrait brass.png
Necroids 03 portrait green.png
Necroids 04 portrait purple.png
Necroids 05 portrait green.png
Necroids 06 portrait blue.png
Necroids 07 portrait black.png
Necroids 08 portrait orange.png
肖像 语音例子
Necroids 09 portrait teal.png
Necroids 10 portrait blue.png
Necroids 11 portrait v3.png
Necroids 12 portrait green.png
Necroids 13 portrait blue.png
Necroids 14 portrait blue.png
Necroids 15 portrait grey.png

水生类[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The Aquatic class is part of the Aquatics Species Pack DLC. Some portraits of this species class feature different models for each gender. Each portrait has its own diplomacy voice.

肖像 语音例子 有不同的模型给每个性别
Aquatic-01.png Yes.png
Aquatic-02.png Yes.png
Aquatic-03.png No.png
Aquatic-04.png Yes.png
Aquatic-05.png Yes.png
Aquatic-06.png Yes.png
Aquatic-07.png No.png
Aquatic-08.png No.png
Aquatic-09.png No.png
Aquatic-10.png No.png
Aquatic-11.png No.png
Aquatic-12.png No.png
Aquatic-13.png Yes.png
Aquatic-14.png No.png
Aquatic-15.png Yes.png

机械体[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Machines are not a naturally evolved species but rather an artificial one that can be constructed with the required technology or if by starting as a machine empire. Each portrait has its own diplomacy voice. When an empire first creates robots they'll use the portrait that matches the creator species' class.

肖像 语音例子 Original species class
Alien AI.png Any if no DLC
Synthetic dawn portrait humanoid.png Humanoid
Synthetic dawn portrait mammalian.png Mammalian
Synthetic dawn portrait reptilian.png Reptilian
Synthetic dawn portrait avian.png Avian
Synthetic dawn portrait arthopoid.png Arthopoid
肖像 语音例子 Original species class
Synthetic dawn portrait molluscoid.png Molluscoid
Synthetic dawn portrait fungoid.png Fungoid
Synthetic dawn portrait plantoid.png Plantoid
Lithoid machine.png Lithoid
Necroids machine portrait red.png Necroid
Aquatic-machine.png Aquatic

危机[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Crisis species are not playable and will only appear following the arrival of a crisis.

肖像 接触菜单背景 语音例子 危机物种
Alien Swarm.png Prethoryn Scourge
Alien extradimensional 01.png Unbidden
Alien extradimensional 02.png Aberrant
Alien extradimensional 03.png Vehement

物种类别[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Species classes are further grouped by species classes. Each of them can have different mechanics and even available traits.

物种类别 特质 维护费资源 繁殖 修正 额外机制 可用开局
生物 食物 Food 食物Food Mod pop growth req.png Growth 基因剪裁 Gene Tailoring Genetic Can create hybrid species with all biological groups Yes.png
岩石 石质 Lithoid 石质Lithoid 矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals Mod pop growth req.png Growth 基因剪裁 Gene Tailoring Genetic
  • Can use some natural resource traits
  • Can use the Origins lithoid.png Calamitous Birth origin
石质生物物种包 Lithoids Species Pack
机械 机械 Machine 机械Machine Unit 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits Mod pop robot build speed mult.png Assembly 机械模板系统 Machine Template System Cybernetic Must use 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence authority 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
机器人 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits Mod pop robot build speed mult.png Assembly 机械模板系统 Machine Template System Cybernetic
  • Unlocked through 机器人劳工 Robotic Workers 机器人劳工Robotic Workers technology
  • Requires additional technologies to use most jobs
机械师 Mechanist
未开智物种 受提升 Uplifted Any pre-sapient trait No.png None No.png Cannot multiply 表观遗传学机制 Epigenetic Triggers Uplifting Does not wear clothes No.png

称赞和羞辱[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

When contacted, empires with a high opinion may compliment you while those with a low opinion may insult you. The flavor text depends on the ruler's species. Species that wear and do not wear clothes also have a special diplomatic insult with each other.

物种类别 称赞 羞辱
人类 天使 猿猴
人型生物 狮身人
  • 野兽
  • 巨魔
  • 兽人
  • 丑陋的大水袋
哺乳类 狮身人 凶兽
  • 蝾螈
  • 蜥蜴
鸟类 凤凰
  • 小鸡
  • 笨鸟
  • 秃鹰
节肢类 圣甲虫 臭虫
软体类 巨灵 寄生虫
真菌类 鸡油菌 蘑菇
植物 蔷薇 杂草
  • 优雅的机器人
  • 科技的奇迹
  • 铁罐子
  • 烤面包机
岩石 宝石 粪粒石
死灵类 标本 外壳
  • 爱与美的双鱼
  • 人鱼
  • 鱼饵
  • 海妖
  • 海兽
  • 古柏鱼

参考资料[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
