Gas Giant Signal


Gas Giant Signal is an anomaly event chain triggered by investigating the anomaly of the same name that can appear on gas giants. The event chain contains numerous special projects, each one requiring a science ship to orbit a targeted gas giant and taking 180 days to complete.

Gas Giant Signal

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric flight.png

The [science ship name] has picked up some curious readings from [anomaly gas giant name]. There are significant pockets of radiation in the gas giant's atmosphere that appear to be the result of intense orbital bombardment. What someone could hope to gain by bombing a gas giant from orbit remains a mystery however.

As the [science ship name] was preparing to break orbit, Science Officer [science ship scientist name] discovered a weak signal coming from the planet's interior. It may be a transmission of some kind, but the gas giant's background radiation makes it difficult to isolate.




Investigating the Gas Giant Signal anomaly

Event button on.png
We should investigate this signal.
  • Issue Special Project: Isolate Signal
Event button on.png
A sensor malfunction. Ignore it.

Special Project Completed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt physics research.png

Science Officer [science ship scientist name] has managed to isolate the weak signal that was coming from somewhere deep inside the atmosphere of [anomaly gas giant name]. It does indeed appear to be a transmission, and we have filtered it through our translation software.


Gas Giant Signal


Finishing the Isolate Signal special project

Event button on.png
On screen.
  • The gas giant is renamed to "Tollok Rong"
  • Establish dialogue with the gas giant civilization

Special Project Failed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt ship in orbit.png

The weak signal we picked up coming from the interior of the gas giant [anomaly gas giant name] has faded. We shall never learn of its origin.


Gas Giant Signal


The Isolate Signal special project expires

Event button on.png

Special Project Completed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt cargoship caravan.png

Science Officer [science ship scientist name] has finished supervising the relocation of the Dathnak to their new home. A convoy of civilian freighters equipped with massive pressurized gas tanks ferried the gaseous beings across space and deposited them into the gas giant's atmosphere. Their ancient transmitter and scanner array were also brought along.


Agreed to help


Finishing the Dathnak Relocation special project

Event button on.png
Hail them.
  • The gas giant is renamed Baldarak
  • Add +5 社会学研究 Society Research 社会学研究Society Research Research to Baldarak
  • Dathnak Capital modifier added

Special Project Failed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt ship in orbit.png

The conditions on Tollok Rong have deteriorated to the point where the Dathnak can no longer be saved. The radiation has spread across most of the atmosphere, and the Dathnak survivors have retreated even deeper towards the planet's core where communication with the surface is no longer possible. Eventually the radiation will finds its way there as well, rendering their species extinct.


Agreed to help


The Dathnak Relocation special project expires

Event button on.png

Special Project Completed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt cargoship caravan.png

As before, a convoy of freighters was assembled to safely transport the Dathnak colonists inside pressurized gas tanks. After a brief journey, they successfully made planetfall on the gas giant which they have named "New Baldarak." A satellite was left in orbit to allow for long-range communication with Baldarak.


Agreed to help a second time


Finishing the Establish Dathnak Colony special project

Event button on.png
Make the most of it, Dathnak.
  • The gas giant is renamed New Baldarak
  • Add +5 社会学研究 Society Research 社会学研究Society Research Research to New Baldarak
  • Dathnak Colony modifier added

Special Project Completed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric flight.png

A single cargo tug hauling a gas canister has arrived at Baldarak under escort by the [science ship name]. The contents of the canister have been released into the gas giant's atmosphere, safely returning the Dathnak colonist to her home.


Agreed to help a third time


Finishing the Bring Chabky Home special project

Event button on.png
Good riddance.

Special Project Completed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt ship in orbit.png

Our investigation of New Baldarak has revealed nothing out of the ordinary. The satellite the colony used to communicate with their capital is still functional as far as we can tell.


Agreed to help a fourth time


Finishing the Investigate New Baldarak special project

Event button on.png
Open a channel to the planet.

Special Project Completed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt ship in orbit 3.png

A cargo tug escorted by the [science ship name] has stealthily dropped the cargo pod containing the revolutionary commando unit into Baldarak's atmosphere. Moments later, flashes can be seen coming from deep within the gas giant's cloud layer. Could it be signs of fighting?


Agreed to help the rebellion


Finishing the Infiltrate Commando Unit special project

Event button on.png
We shall see what happens next.

Special Project Completed

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt cargoship caravan.png

Several freighters under escort by the [science ship name] have dropped the cargo canisters carrying the Dathnak expeditionary force into New Baldarak's atmosphere. Moments later flashes can be seen coming from beneath the gas giant's cloud layer. The fighting appears to have started.


Agreed to help the government


Finishing the Land Expeditionary Force special project

Event button on.png
Now we wait and see what happens next.