
(重新導向自Spawning Drone

A job is where 人口 Pop 人口Pops work to produce resources on planets. Jobs are divided into different strata, with one higher than the other. Most Jobs are created by Districts and Buildings and thus limited in number.

Pops will automatically fill empty Jobs that they are capable of holding, and will choose the job that will get the most out of their traits based on a weighting system; however, priority can be set towards and away from specific Jobs to ensure they are filled before others. New Pops that are more suitable for a Job than the current Pop holding the Job may take the job from it.

It is possible to force a re-evaluation of jobs by blocking and then re-enabling the jobs.

Job categories[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Most jobs belong to a job category that is mentioned on certain tooltips and groups it together with other similar jobs. For example, Mineral Purification Plants add Minerals from miners +1 Mineral output to Miners. This doesn't apply to just the specific 礦工 Miner 礦工Miner job, but to all jobs in the Miner jobs category (even if they don't normally produce 礦物 Minerals 礦物Minerals), including but not limited to 拆解礦工 Scrap Miner 拆解礦工Scrap Miners, 微粒捕獲工 Mote Harvester 微粒捕獲工Mote Harvesters, 氣體採集工 Gas Extractor 氣體採集工Gas Extractors, 水晶礦工 Crystal Miner 水晶礦工Crystal Miners, and 洞穴清理者 Cave Cleaner 洞穴清理者Cave Cleaners. 牲口 Livestock 牲口Livestock, 併入電網 Grid Amalgamated 併入電網Grid Amalgamated, and 不可接觸者 Undesirable、​ 正在淨化 Purging 不可接觸者Undesirable 正在淨化Purging jobs will benefit from the corresponding building (such as Mineral Purification Plants for lithoid livestock, lithoid processing, or lithoid forced labor), but are not otherwise considered to be e.g. miners for the purpose of modifiers.

Category Jobs
  • 官僚 Bureaucrat 官僚Bureaucrat
  • 書錄子個體 Chronicle Drone 書錄子個體Chronicle Drone
  • 協調者 Coordinator 協調者Coordinator
  • 死亡書錄官 Death Chronicler 死亡書錄官Death Chronicler
  • 死亡司祭 Death Priest 死亡司祭Death Priest
  • 大司祭 High Priest 大司祭High Priest
  • 經理 Manager 經理Manager
  • 凡體先烈 Mortal Initiate 凡體先烈Mortal Initiate
  • 祭司 Priest 祭司Priest
  • 繁榮傳道者 Prosperity Preacher 繁榮傳道者Prosperity Preacher
  • 文化工作者 Culture Worker Robot Caretaker
  • 突觸工蜂 Synapse Drone 突觸工蜂Synapse Drone
  • 靈能使 Telepath 靈能使Telepath
Category Jobs
  • 熟練技工 Artificer 熟練技工Artificer
  • 工匠 Artisan 工匠Artisan
  • 珍珠潛水員 Pearl Diver 珍珠潛水員Pearl Diver
  • 研究人員 Researcher 研究人員Researcher
  • 科研主管 Science Director 科研主管Science Director
  • 位面傳送門研究者 Dimensional Portal Researcher 位面傳送門研究者Dimensional Portal Researcher
Gas Refiners
  • 氣體精煉工 Gas Refiner 氣體精煉工Gas Refiner
  • 氣體工廠工程師 Gas Plant Engineer 氣體工廠工程師Gas Plant Engineer
Category Jobs
  • 洞穴清理者 Cave Cleaner 洞穴清理者Cave Cleaner
  • 水晶礦工 Crystal Miner 水晶礦工Crystal Miner
  • 氣體採集工 Gas Extractor 氣體採集工Gas Extractor
  • 礦工 Miner 礦工Miner
  • 微粒捕獲工 Mote Harvester 微粒捕獲工Mote Harvester
  • 拆解礦工 Scrap Miner 拆解礦工Scrap Miner
  • 尼瑪礦工 Nemma Miner 尼瑪礦工Nemma Miner
  • 農夫 Farmer 農夫Farmer
  • 獵集者 Hunter-Gatherer Titan Hunter
  • 漁夫 Angler 漁夫Angler

Regular empires[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Regular empires have three strata. If a pop takes a job above its stratum it will be promoted to the higher stratum. If there are no available jobs of equal or higher Stratum, the pop will become unemployed, slowly demoting in stratum and causing 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness penalties at most levels of living standards.

Ruler jobs[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

For 統治者 Ruler 統治者Ruler jobs new pops will only take the job from a current pop if the new pop's weight is ×5 higher.

Job Produces Upkeep Primary sources Default Priority Weight Modifiers
Job administrator.png Politician
  • 凝聚力 Unity +6 Unity
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
消費品 Consumer Goods -2 No.png企業政府 Corporate 企業政府Corporate authority:
  • 行星首府 Planetary Administration行星都城 Planetary Capital複合型恆星系首府 System Capital-ComplexBuilding imperial capital.png Capital building
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.5 Charismatic
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.5 Necrophage
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.5 Domestic Protocols
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.25 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.25 Propaganda Machines
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.25 Brain Slug Host
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.13 Natural Intellectuals
  • 強健 Robust ×1.13 Robust
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.75 Quarrelsome
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant
  • 政策 Policy ×0.1 not Full Citizenship rights
Job merchant.png Merchant
  • Trade value.png +12 Trade Value
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
消費品 Consumer Goods -2

商人公會 Merchant Guilds 商人公會Merchant Guilds civic:

  • 行星首府 Planetary Administration行星都城 Planetary Capital複合型恆星系首府 System Capital-ComplexBuilding imperial capital.png Capital building
  • 超級商業複合區 Commerce Megaplexes 超級商業複合區Commerce Megaplexes
  • 星際交易所 Galactic Stock Exchange 星際交易所Galactic Stock Exchange
  • District hab commercial.png Commercial Segmentf

Tradition mercantile commercial enterprise.png Commercial Enterprise tradition:

  • 商業區 Commercial Zones 商業區Commercial Zones
  • District hab commercial.png Trade District
  • 節儉 Thrifty ×2 Thrifty
  • 拜金教管理模式 Numistic Administration ×2 Numistic Administration
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.5 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.5 Domestic Protocols
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.25 Brain Slug Host
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.13 Natural Intellectuals
  • 強健 Robust ×1.13 Robust
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant
Job researcher.png Science Director
  • Affected by Job researcher.png Researcher modifiers
  • 研究 Research +6 Research Output
  • 凝聚力 Unity +2 Unity
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
消費品 Consumer Goods -2 技術治國 Technocracy 技術治國Technocracy civic:
  • 行星首府 Planetary Administration行星都城 Planetary Capital複合型恆星系首府 System Capital-ComplexBuilding imperial capital.png Capital building

研究中心 Research Institute 研究中心Research Institute

  • 博學多識 Erudite ×3 Erudite
  • 政策 Policy ×2 Academic Privilege rights
  • 聰慧 Intelligent ×2 Intelligent
  • 邏輯引擎 Logic Engines ×2 Logic Engines
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×2 Natural Intellectuals
  • 受提升 Uplifted ×2 Uplifted
  • 略受提升 Somewhat Uplifted ×2 Somewhat Uplifted
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×2 Brain Slug Host
  • 靈能 Psionic ×2 Psionic
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.5 Necrophage
  • 天生工程師 Natural Engineers ×1.5 Natural Engineers
  • 天生物理學家 Natural Physicists ×1.5 Natural Physicists
  • 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists ×1.5 Natural Sociologists
  • 潛在的靈能 Latent Psionic ×1.5 Latent Psionic
  • 強健 Robust ×1.5 Robust
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.25 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.25 Domestic Protocols
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.75 Repugnant
  • 無產者 Proles ×0.65 Proles
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
  • 未受提升 Unlifted ×0.1 Unlifted
Job priest.png High Priest
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 凝聚力 Unity +6 Unity
  • 崇高聖職 Exalted Priesthood 崇高聖職Exalted Priesthood civic:
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity

舒適度 Amenities +5 Amenities

消費品 Consumer Goods -2

崇高聖職 Exalted Priesthood 崇高聖職Exalted Priesthood civic:

  • 行星首府 Planetary Administration行星都城 Planetary Capital複合型恆星系首府 System Capital-ComplexBuilding imperial capital.png Capital building

唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist ethic:

  • 信念堡壘 Citadel of Faith 信念堡壘Citadel of Faith
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.5 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.5 Propaganda Machines
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.5 Brain Slug Host
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.5 Necrophage
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.25 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.25 Domestic Protocols
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.25 Natural Intellectuals
  • 強健 Robust ×1.25 Robust
  • 唯心主義 Spiritualist ×1.2 Spiritualist pop ethic
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.75 Repugnant
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.5 Quarrelsome
  • 唯物主義 Materialist ×0.1 Materialist pop ethic
  • 政策 Policy ×0.1 not Full Citizenship rights
  • 唯物主義 Materialist ×0 Materialist pop ethic
Job noble.png Noble
  • 凝聚力 Unity +6 Unity
  • 穩定度 Stability +2 Stability
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
消費品 Consumer Goods -2 貴族精英 Aristocratic Elite 貴族精英Aristocratic Elite civic:
  • 行星首府 Planetary Administration行星都城 Planetary Capital複合型恆星系首府 System Capital-ComplexBuilding imperial capital.png Capital building
  • Building palace.png Noble Estates
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.5 Necrophage
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.5 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.5 Propaganda Machines
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.5 Quarrelsome
  • 平等主義 Egalitarian ×0.1 Egalitarian pop ethic
  • 政策 Policy ×0.1 not Full Citizenship rights
Job manager.png Executive
  • 凝聚力 Unity +6 Unity
  • Trade value.png +4 Trade Value
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
消費品 Consumer Goods -2 企業政府 Corporate 企業政府Corporate authority:
  • 行星首府 Planetary Administration行星都城 Planetary Capital複合型恆星系首府 System Capital-ComplexBuilding imperial capital.png Capital building
  • 節儉 Thrifty ×2 Thrifty
  • 拜金教管理模式 Numistic Administration ×2 Numistic Administration
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.5 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.5 Domestic Protocols
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.5 Necrophage
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.3 Brain Slug Host
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.25 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.25 Propaganda Machines
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.13 Natural Intellectuals
  • 強健 Robust ×1.13 Robust
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.75 Quarrelsome
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant
  • 政策 Policy ×0.1 not Full Citizenship rights

Specialist jobs[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

For 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist jobs new pops will only take the job from a current pop if the new pop's weight is ×1.5 higher. Chattel Slaves cannot work Specialist or Ruler jobs. Other, more privileged, slaves may work on some Specialist jobs. See Species Rights for details.

Advanced and strategic resource production[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

These jobs predominantly use 礦物 Minerals 礦物Minerals upkeep to produce 消費品 Consumer Goods合金 Alloys advanced and 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes異星天然氣 Exotic Gases稀有水晶 Rare Crystals strategic resources.

Job Produces Upkeep Default Priority Weight Modifiers
Job foundry.png Metallurgist 合金 Alloys +3 Alloys

礦物 Minerals −6 Minerals

  • 強健 Robust ×15 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×15 Efficient Processors
  • 政策 Policy ×2 Indentured Servitude rights
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
Job foundry.png Catalytic Technician 合金 Alloys +3 Alloys

食物 Food −9 Food

Job artisan.png Artisan 消費品 Consumer Goods +6 Consumer Goods

礦物 Minerals −6 Minerals

  • 強健 Robust ×10 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×10 Efficient Processors
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods ×1.2 Consumer Goods income below 5
  • 政策 Policy ×1.2 Indentured Servitude rights
Job artificer.png Artificer
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods +7 Consumer Goods
  • Trade value.png +2 Trade value
  • Engineering research +1.1 Engineering Research

礦物 Minerals −6 Minerals

  • 強健 Robust ×10 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×10 Efficient Processors
  • 奴隸 Slave ×2 Enslaved
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
Job pearl diver.png Pearl Diver
  • Affected by 工匠 Artisan 工匠Artisan modifiers
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods +3 Consumer Goods
  • Trade value.png +3 Trade Value
食物 Food −2 Food
礦物 Minerals −2 Minerals
  • 強健 Robust ×10 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×10 Efficient Processors
  • 政策 Policy ×2 Indentured Servitude rights
Job chemist.png Chemist 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes +2 Volatile Motes 礦物 Minerals −10 Minerals 6
  • 強健 Robust ×15 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×15 Efficient Processors
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 政策 Policy ×1.2 Indentured Servitude rights
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
Job gas refiner.png Gas Refiner 異星天然氣 Exotic Gases +2 Exotic Gases 礦物 Minerals −10 Minerals 6
Job translucer.png Translucer 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals +2 Rare Crystals 礦物 Minerals −10 Minerals 6

Pop growth and management[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

These jobs predominantly produce Mod pop growth req.png pop growth, Mod pop robot build speed mult.png pop assembly, 犯罪與異常 犯罪與異常 reduction, 舒適度 Amenities 舒適度Amenities, and 防禦部隊 Defense Army 防禦部隊Defense Army.

Job Produces Upkeep Default Priority Weight Modifiers
Job colonist.png Colonist
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
  • 防禦部隊 Defense Army +1 Planetary Defense Army
  • 食物 Food +1 Food if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
  • 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals if 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
None 4
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.5 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.5 Domestic Protocols
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.8 Repugnant
  • 政策 Policy ×0.8 Indentured Servitude rights
Job roboticist.png Roboticist Mod pop robot build speed mult.png +2 Monthly Mechanical Pop Assembly 合金 Alloys −2 Alloys 3 No weight modifiers
Job healthcare.png Medical Worker
  • 舒適度 Amenities +5 Amenities
  • Mod pop growth req.png +5% Pop Growth Speed
  • Mod pop growth req.png +5% Organic Pop Assembly Speed
  • 宜居性 Habitability +2.5% Habitability
消費品 Consumer Goods −1 Consumer Goods 1
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.5 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.5 Domestic Protocols
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant
  • 政策 Policy ×0.5 Indentured Servitude rights
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
Job entertainer.png Entertainer
  • 舒適度 Amenities +10 Amenities
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity
  • 尋樂者 Pleasure Seekers 尋樂者Pleasure Seekers / 企業享樂主義 Corporate Hedonism 企業享樂主義Corporate Hedonism:
  • Mod pop growth req.png +1% Pop Growth Speed
消費品 Consumer Goods −1 Consumer Goods 6
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×3 Domestic Protocols
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.5 Charismatic
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.25 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.25 Propaganda Machines
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.25 Brain Slug Host
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.1 Natural Intellectuals
  • 強健 Robust ×1.1 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×1.1 Efficient Processors
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.75 Quarrelsome
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
Job duelist.png Duelist
  • 舒適度 Amenities +10 Amenities
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +2 Naval Capacity
  • 凝聚力 Unity +2 Unity
合金 Alloys −1 Alloys 6
  • 政策 Policy ×10 Battle Thralls rights
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×3 Domestic Protocols
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.5 Charismatic
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.25 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.25 Propaganda Machines
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.25 Brain Slug Host
  • 軍國主義 Militarist ×1.2 Militarist pop ethic
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.05 Natural Intellectuals
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.75 Quarrelsome
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
  • 和平主義 Pacifist ×0.1 Pacifist pop ethic
Job enforcer.png Enforcer 犯罪與異常 −25 Crime
  • Decision crime.png Anti-Crime Campaign: 犯罪與異常 −10
  • 防禦部隊 Defense Army +2 Planetary Defense Armies
  • 穩定度 Stability +1 Stability

警察國度 Police State 警察國度Police State civic:

  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity

Tradition domination fleet levies.png Judgment Corps tradition:

  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity
Decision crime.png Anti-Crime Campaign:
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −2 Energy
  • 強健 Robust ×20 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×20 Efficient Processors
  • 犯罪與異常 x10 Crime above 15
  • 政策 Policy ×10 Battle Thralls rights
  • 故土情懷 Earthbound ×2 Earthbound
  • 石質 Lithoid ×2 Lithoid
  • 快速復原 Resilient ×2 Resilient
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×2 Very Strong
  • 強壯 Strong ×1.5 Strong
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.1 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.1 Propaganda Machines
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.1 Cybernetic
  • 有限再生 Limited Regeneration ×1.1 Limited Regeneration
  • 無產者 Proles ×1.1 Proles
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.1 Brain Slug Host
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.05 Natural Intellectuals
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.9 Quarrelsome
  • 政策 Policy ×0.8 Indentured Servitude rights
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.5 Weak
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
  • 犯罪與異常 ×0.01 Crime below 15
Job telepath.png Telepath

Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
犯罪與異常 −35 Crime

  • 犯罪與異常 −5 with 法令 Edict Thought Enforcement edict
  • 犯罪與異常 −10 with Decision crime.png Anti-Crime Campaign

凝聚力 Unity +3 Unity

  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 警察國度 Police State 警察國度Police State civic
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 with Tradition domination fleet levies.png Judgment Corps tradition

人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +5% Resources from planet Jobs

能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy

  • Decision crime.png Anti-Crime Campaign:
    能量幣 Energy Credits −2 Energy
  • 快速復原 Resilient ×2 Resilient
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.5 Traditional
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.5 Brain Slug Host
  • 強健 Robust ×1.5 Robust
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.25 Natural Intellectuals
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.5 Quarrelsome
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
  • 政策 Policy ×0.1 Indentured Servitude rights
  • 靈能 Psionic ×0 not Psionic or Latent Psionic
Job necromancer.png Necromancer 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +2 Naval Capacity
  • 地面防禦計劃 Ground Defense Planning 地面防禦計劃Ground Defense Planning tech:
    海軍容量 Naval Capacity +2 Naval Capacity

防禦部隊 Defense Army +3 Planetary Defense Armies

  • Decision martial law.png Martial Law modifier:
    防禦部隊 Defense Army +2 Defense Armies

物理學研究 Physics Research +6 Physics Research
社會學研究 Society Research +6 Society Research

消費品 Consumer Goods −2 Consumer Goods 6
  • Decision martial law.png ×10 Martial Law modifier
  • 故土情懷 Earthbound ×2 Earthbound
  • 石質 Lithoid ×2 Lithoid
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×2 Necrophage
  • 快速復原 Resilient ×2 Resilient
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×2 Very Strong
  • 博學多識 Erudite ×1.75 Erudite
  • 強壯 Strong ×1.5 Strong
  • 聰慧 Intelligent ×1.35 Intelligent
  • 天生物理學家 Natural Physicists ×1.35 Natural Physicists
  • 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists ×1.35 Natural Sociologists
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.35 Natural Intellectuals
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.1 Cybernetic
  • 有限再生 Limited Regeneration ×1.1 Limited Regeneration
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.1 Brain Slug Host
  • 強健 Robust ×1.05 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×1.05 Efficient Processors
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.9 Quarrelsome
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.5 Weak
Job necromancer.png Reassigner Mod pop robot build speed mult.png +2 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods −2 Consumer Goods
  • 食物 Food −2 Food if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
  • 礦物 Minerals −2 Minerals if 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
3 No weight modifiers
Job apprentice.png Necrophyte
  • Job can be taken all slave types
  • 舒適度 Amenities +5 Amenities
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1.5 Unity
  • Time.png Every 10 years from the colony's creation all Necrophyte Pops are changed to primary species
No.png蜂巢思維 Hive Mind If not Hive Mind:

蜂巢思維 Hive Mind If Hive Mind:

  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.5 Charismatic
  • 精神閹割 Nerve Stapled ×0.75 Nerve Stapled
  • 溫順家畜 Docile Livestock ×0.75 Docile Livestock
  • 奴隸 Slave ×0.75 Enslaved
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant

Abstract resource production[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

These jobs predominantly use 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods upkeep to produce 研究 Research 研究Research and 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity.

Job Produces Upkeep Default Priority Weight Modifiers
Job researcher.png Researcher 研究 Research +4 Research Output
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods −2 Consumer Goods
  • 法令 Edict Research Subsidies edict:
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy
  • 博學多識 Erudite ×3 Erudite
  • 政策 Policy ×2 Academic Privilege rights
  • 聰慧 Intelligent ×2 Intelligent
  • 邏輯引擎 Logic Engines ×2 Logic Engines
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×2 Natural Intellectuals
  • 受提升 Uplifted ×2 Uplifted
  • 受提升 Uplifted ×2 Somewhat Uplifted
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×2 Brain Slug Host
  • 靈能 Psionic ×2 Psionic
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.5 Latent Psionic
  • 天生工程師 Natural Engineers ×1.5 Natural Engineers
  • 天生物理學家 Natural Physicists ×1.5 Natural Physicists
  • 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists ×1.5 Natural Sociologists
  • 強健 Robust ×1.5 Robust
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.25 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.25 Domestic Protocols
  • 政策 Policy ×0.8 Indentured Servitude rights
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.75 Repugnant
  • 無產者 Proles ×0.65 Proles
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
  • 未受提升 Unlifted ×0.1 Unlifted
Job bureaucrat.png Bureaucrat
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 凝聚力 Unity +4 Unity
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity with 拜占庭式官僚 Byzantine Bureaucracy 拜占庭式官僚Byzantine Bureaucracy

穩定度 Stability +1 Stability with 拜占庭式官僚 Byzantine Bureaucracy 拜占庭式官僚Byzantine Bureaucracy

消費品 Consumer Goods −2 Consumer Goods 6
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×2 Propaganda Machines
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.5 Traditional
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.2 Psionic
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.1 Latent Psionic
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.5 Quarrelsome
  • 無產者 Proles ×0.5 Proles
  • 未受提升 Unlifted ×0.5 Unlifted
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
Job manager.png Manager
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 凝聚力 Unity +4 Unity
  • Trade value.png +2 Trade Value
消費品 Consumer Goods −2 Consumer Goods 6
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×3 Brain Slug Host
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×2 Natural Intellectuals
  • 博學多識 Erudite ×2 Erudite
  • 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists ×1.5 Natural Sociologists
  • 節儉 Thrifty ×1.5 Thrifty
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.5 Traditional
  • 強健 Robust ×1.5 Robust
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.5 Propaganda Machines
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×1.5 Efficient Processors
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 拜金教管理模式 Numistic Administration ×1.5 Numistic Administration
  • 聰慧 Intelligent ×1.4 Intelligent
  • 邏輯引擎 Logic Engines ×1.4 Logic Engines
  • 受提升 Uplifted ×1.4 Uplifted
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.25 Necrophage
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.2 Psionic
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.1 Latent Psionic
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.5 Quarrelsome
  • 無產者 Proles ×0.5 Proles
  • 未受提升 Unlifted ×0.5 Unlifted
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
Job priest.png Priest
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 凝聚力 Unity +4 Unity
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity with 崇高聖職 Exalted Priesthood 崇高聖職Exalted Priesthood

舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities

消費品 Consumer Goods −2 Consumer Goods 6
  • 崇高聖職 Exalted Priesthood ×2 Exalted Priesthood civic
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×2 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×2 Domestic Protocols
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.5 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.5 Propaganda Machines
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.5 Necrophage
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.5 Brain Slug Host
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.3 Natural Intellectuals
  • 強健 Robust ×1.3 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×1.3 Efficient Processors
  • 唯心主義 Spiritualist ×1.2 Spiritualist pop ethic
  • 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists ×1.1 Natural Sociologists
  • 博學多識 Erudite ×1.05 Erudite
  • 聰慧 Intelligent ×1.05 Intelligent
  • 邏輯引擎 Logic Engines ×1.05 Logic Engines
  • 受提升 Uplifted ×1.05 Uplifted
  • 無產者 Proles ×0.9 Proles
  • 未受提升 Unlifted ×0.7 Unlifted
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.5 Quarrelsome
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
  • 唯物主義 Materialist ×0.1 Materialist pop ethic
Job death priest.png Death Priest
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 凝聚力 Unity +3 Unity
  • 凝聚力 Unity +3 Unity while a 法令 Edict Sacrifice edict is active
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity with 崇高聖職 Exalted Priesthood 崇高聖職Exalted Priesthood
  • 舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +1 Society Research
消費品 Consumer Goods −2 Consumer Goods 6
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×2 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×2 Domestic Protocols
  • 崇高聖職 Exalted Priesthood ×2 Exalted Priesthood civic
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.5 Brain Slug Host
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.5 Necrophage
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.5 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.5 Propaganda Machines
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×1.3 Efficient Processors
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.3 Natural Intellectuals
  • 強健 Robust ×1.3 Robust
  • 唯心主義 Spiritualist ×1.2 Spiritualist pop ethic
  • 博學多識 Erudite ×1.15 Erudite
  • 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists ×1.1 Natural Sociologists
  • 聰慧 Intelligent ×1.05 Intelligent
  • 邏輯引擎 Logic Engines ×1.05 Logic Engines
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.05 Psionic
  • 受提升 Uplifted ×1.05 Uplifted
  • 無產者 Proles ×0.9 Proles
  • 未受提升 Unlifted ×0.9 Unlifted
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.5 Quarrelsome
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
  • 唯物主義 Materialist ×0.1 Materialist pop ethic
Job death chronicler.png Death Chronicler
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 凝聚力 Unity +2 Unity
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity with 拜占庭式官僚 Byzantine Bureaucracy 拜占庭式官僚Byzantine Bureaucracy
  • 穩定度 Stability +2 Stability
  • 舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +2 Society Research
  • 傳統 Traditional ×2.5 Traditional
  • 博學多識 Erudite ×2 Erudite
  • 聰慧 Intelligent ×1.5 Intelligent
  • 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists ×1.5 Natural Sociologists
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.5 Necrophage
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.5 Propaganda Machines
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.5 Psionic
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.4 Latent Psionic
  • 邏輯引擎 Logic Engines ×1.4 Logic Engines
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.2 Quarrelsome
Job culture worker.png Culture Worker
  • 凝聚力 Unity +3 Unity
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +3 Society Research
消費品 Consumer Goods −2 Consumer Goods 6
  • 博學多識 Erudite ×2 Erudite
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×2 Propaganda Machines
  • 強健 Robust ×1.5 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×1.5 Efficient Processors
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.5 Traditional
  • 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists ×1.5 Natural Sociologists
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.5 Natural Intellectuals
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 聰慧 Intelligent ×1.4 Intelligent
  • 邏輯引擎 Logic Engines ×1.4 Logic Engines
  • 受提升 Uplifted ×1.4 Uplifted
  • 受提升 Uplifted ×1.4 Somewhat Uplifted
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.2 Psionic
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.1 Latent Psionic
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.5 Quarrelsome
  • 無產者 Proles ×0.5 Proles
  • 未受提升 Unlifted ×0.5 Unlifted
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights

Worker jobs[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

For 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker jobs new pops will always take the job from a current pop if the new pop's weight is higher. This stratum is also used by slaves of 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness empires.

Job Produces Upkeep Default Priority Weight Modifiers
Job clerk.png Clerk

Trade value.png +4 Trade Value

  • Trade value.png +1 Trade Value with Tradition mercantile trickle up economics.png Trickle Up Economics

舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities

N/A 8
  • 節儉 Thrifty ×2 Thrifty
  • 拜金教管理模式 Numistic Administration ×2 Numistic Administration
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.5 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.5 Domestic Protocols
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.25 Brain Slug Host
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.2 Natural Intellectuals
  • 強健 Robust ×1.13 Robust
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant
Job technician.png Technician

能量幣 Energy Credits +6 Energy

  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +2 Energy if founder species is 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical
能量幣 Energy Credits −0.5 Energy with Capacity Subsidies 7
  • 奴隸 Slave ×8 Enslaved
  • 機械體 Mechanical ×2 Mechanical
  • 足智多謀 Ingenious ×2 Ingenious
  • 超導性 Superconductive ×2 Superconductive
  • 拜金教管理模式 Numistic Administration ×2 Numistic Administration
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 奴性 Serviles ×1.5 Serviles
  • 無產者 Proles ×1.5 Earthbound
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.3 Psionic
  • 靈能 Psionic ×1.2 Latent Psionic
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×1.2 Very Strong
  • 強壯 Strong ×1.1 Strong
  • 強健 Robust ×1.1 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×1.1 Efficient Processors
  • 精神閹割 Nerve Stapled ×1.1 Nerve Stapled
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.9 Weak
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.75 Necrophage
Job farmer.png Farmer

食物 Food +6 Food

  • 食物 Food −1 Food if founder species is 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical

舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities with 田園牧歌 Agrarian Idyll 田園牧歌Agrarian Idyll

能量幣 Energy Credits −0.5 Energy with Farming Subsidies 7
  • 奴隸 Slave ×10 Enslaved
  • 農民 Agrarian ×3 Agrarian
  • 收割套件 Harvesters ×3 Harvesters
  • 機械體 Mechanical ×3 Mechanical
  • 奴性 Serviles ×2.5 Serviles
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.5 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.5 Domestic Protocols
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 無產者 Proles ×1.4 Proles
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×1.2 Very Strong
  • 強壯 Strong ×1.1 Strong
  • 強健 Robust ×1.1 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×1.1 Efficient Processors
  • 精神閹割 Nerve Stapled ×1.1 Nerve Stapled
  • 田園牧歌 Agrarian Idyll ×1.1 Agrarian Idyll civic
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.9 Weak
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.75 Necrophage
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant
  • 石質 Lithoid ×0.5 Lithoid
Job angler.png Angler
  • 食物 Food +8 Food
  • Trade value.png +2 Trade Value
N/A 7
  • 奴隸 Slave ×10 Enslaved
  • 農民 Agrarian ×3 Agrarian
  • 奴性 Serviles ×1.5 Serviles
  • 無產者 Proles ×1.4 Proles
  • 強健 Robust ×1.1 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×1.1 Efficient Processors
Job miner.png Miner

礦物 Minerals +4 Minerals

  • 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals with 礦業工會 Mining Guilds 礦業工會Mining Guilds
能量幣 Energy Credits −0.5 Energy with Mining Subsidies 7
  • 奴隸 Slave ×10 Enslaved
  • 勤勉 Industrious ×3 Industrious
  • 動力鑽頭 Power Drills ×3 Power Drills
  • 機械體 Mechanical ×3 Mechanical
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 奴性 Serviles ×1.5 Serviles
  • 無產者 Proles ×1.4 Proles
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×1.2 Very Strong
  • 強壯 Strong ×1.1 Strong
  • 強健 Robust ×1.1 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×1.1 Efficient Processors
  • 精神閹割 Nerve Stapled ×1.1 Nerve Stapled
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.9 Weak
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.75 Necrophage
Job miner.png Scrap Miner

礦物 Minerals +2 Minerals

  • 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals with 礦業工會 Mining Guilds 礦業工會Mining Guilds

合金 Alloys +1 Alloys

N/A 7
  • 奴隸 Slave ×10 Enslaved
  • 勤勉 Industrious ×3 Industrious
  • 動力鑽頭 Power Drills ×3 Power Drills
  • 機械體 Mechanical ×3 Mechanical
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×1.5 Void Dweller
  • 奴性 Serviles ×1.5 Serviles
  • 無產者 Proles ×1.4 Proles
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×1.2 Very Strong
  • 強壯 Strong ×1.1 Strong
  • 強健 Robust ×1.1 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×1.1 Efficient Processors
  • 精神閹割 Nerve Stapled ×1.1 Nerve Stapled
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.9 Weak
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.75 Necrophage
Job soldier.png Soldier

海軍容量 Naval Capacity +4 Naval Capacity

  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +2 Naval Capacity with 地面防禦計劃 Ground Defense Planning 地面防禦計劃Ground Defense Planning
  • 防禦部隊 Defense Army +3 Planetary Defense Armies
  • 凝聚力 Unity +2 Unity with 公民兵役 Citizen Service 公民兵役Citizen Service
  • 穩定度 Stability +5 Stability with Decision martial law.png Martial Law modifier
N/A 5
  • Decision martial law.png ×10 Martial Law modifier
  • 政策 Policy ×10 Battle Thralls rights
  • 故土情懷 Earthbound ×2 Earthbound
  • 石質 Lithoid ×2 Lithoid
  • 快速復原 Resilient ×2 Resilient
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×2 Very Strong
  • 強壯 Strong ×1.5 Strong
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.1 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.1 Propaganda Machines
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.1 Cybernetic
  • 有限再生 Limited Regeneration ×1.1 Limited Regeneration
  • 無產者 Proles ×1.1 Proles
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.1 Brain Slug Host
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.05 Natural Intellectuals
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.9 Quarrelsome
  • 政策 Policy ×0.8 Indentured Servitude rights
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.5 Weak
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
Job crystal miner.png Crystal Miner 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals +2 Rare Crystals
  • 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals with 礦業工會 Mining Guilds 礦業工會Mining Guilds
能量幣 Energy Credits −0.5 Energy with Mining Subsidies 6
  • 奴隸 Slave ×10 Enslaved
  • 奴性 Serviles ×5 Serviles
  • 強健 Robust ×3 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×3 Efficient Processors
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×3 Very Strong
  • 精神閹割 Nerve Stapled ×3 Nerve Stapled
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×3 Void Dweller
  • 機械體 Mechanical ×2 Mechanical
  • 強壯 Strong ×1.5 Strong
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.75 Necrophage
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.1 Weak
Job gas extractor.png Gas Extractor

異星天然氣 Exotic Gases +2 Exotic Gases

  • 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals with 礦業工會 Mining Guilds 礦業工會Mining Guilds
能量幣 Energy Credits −0.5 Energy with Mining Subsidies 6
  • 奴隸 Slave ×10 Enslaved
  • 奴性 Serviles ×5 Serviles
  • 強健 Robust ×3 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×3 Efficient Processors
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×3 Very Strong
  • 精神閹割 Nerve Stapled ×3 Nerve Stapled
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×3 Void Dweller
  • 機械體 Mechanical ×2 Mechanical
  • 強壯 Strong ×1.5 Strong
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.75 Necrophage
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.1 Weak
Job mote harvester.png Mote Harvester

易爆微粒 Volatile Motes +2 Volatile Motes

  • 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals with 礦業工會 Mining Guilds 礦業工會Mining Guilds
能量幣 Energy Credits −0.5 Energy with Mining Subsidies 6
  • 奴隸 Slave ×10 Enslaved
  • 奴性 Serviles ×5 Serviles
  • 強健 Robust ×3 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×3 Efficient Processors
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×3 Very Strong
  • 精神閹割 Nerve Stapled ×3 Nerve Stapled
  • 虛空居者 Void Dweller ×3 Void Dweller
  • 機械體 Mechanical ×2 Mechanical
  • 強壯 Strong ×1.5 Strong
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.75 Necrophage
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.1 Weak
Job mortal initiate.png Mortal Initiate
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 凝聚力 Unity +2 Unity
  • 舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +1 Society Research
N/A 6
  • 崇高聖職 Exalted Priesthood ×2 Exalted Priesthood civic
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.5 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.5 Domestic Protocols
  • 拜金教管理模式 Numistic Administration ×1.5 Numistic Administration
  • 節儉 Thrifty ×1.5 Thrifty
  • 唯心主義 Spiritualist ×1.2 Spiritualist pop ethic
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.1 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.1 Propaganda Machines
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.05 Natural Intellectuals
  • 纖弱 Weak ×1.05 Weak
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.5 Quarrelsome
  • 政策 Policy ×0.2 not Full Citizenship rights
  • 唯物主義 Materialist ×0.1 Materialist pop ethic
  • 精神閹割 Nerve Stapled ×0.01 Nerve Stapled
  • 機械體 Mechanical ×0 Mechanical
Job priest.png Prosperity Preacher
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
  • Trade value.png +4 Trade Value
N/A 6
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.5 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.5 Propaganda Machines
  • 腦蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host ×1.5 Brain Slug Host
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.25 Charismatic
  • 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols ×1.25 Domestic Protocols
  • 天資聰穎 Natural Intellectuals ×1.25 Natural Intellectuals
  • 強健 Robust ×1.25 Robust
  • 唯心主義 Spiritualist ×1.2 Spiritualist pop ethic
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.75 Repugnant
  • 好鬥 Quarrelsome、​ 好鬥 Quarrelsome ×0.5 Quarrelsome
  • 唯物主義 Materialist ×0.1 Materialist pop ethic
  • 政策 Policy ×0.1 not Full Citizenship rights

Slave[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Slave jobs can only be worked by Pops belonging to a species that is enslaved.

Job Produces Upkeep Requirements Source Description
Job organic battery.png Grid Amalgamated
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +4 Energy
  • 人口住房使用 Pop Housing Usage −0.50 Pop Housing Usage
N/A 奴隸 Slave Grid Amalgamation slavery Generated automatically for all Pops Their organic energy will be absorbed, until they expire.
Job livestock.png Livestock
  • 人口住房使用 Pop Housing Usage −0.50 Pop Housing Usage
  • 政治權力 Political Power -10% Political Power
  • 食物 Food +4 Food if Pops is not Lithoid
  • 礦物 Minerals +2 Minerals if Pops is Lithoid
N/A 奴隸 Slave Livestock slavery Generated automatically for all Pops They have but one purpose: to become food for their betters.
Job servant.png Servant
  • 舒適度 Amenities +4 Amenities
  • 人口住房使用 Pop Housing Usage −0.50 Pop Housing Usage if biological
  • 奴隸 Slave Domestic Servitude slavery
  • 奴隸 Slave Servitude AI policy
Generated automatically for Pops that can't find a job Servants perform various menial domestic tasks and household work for their masters.
Job enforcer.png Overseer
  • 犯罪與異常 −25 Crime
  • 幸福度 Happiness +25 Happiness
  • 防禦部隊 Defense Army +2 Planetary Defense Armies
能量幣 Energy Credits -2 Energy with Anticrime Campaign modifier Decision slave colony.png Thrall World Generated by the capital and Overseer Residences buildings These relatively privileged slaves keep their less fortunate brethren in line.
Job primitive laborer.png Toiler 舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities N/A Decision slave colony.png Thrall World Generated automatically for Pops that can't find a job Toilers perform the grueling menial labor required to keep the crude infrastructure of the Thrall-World running.

Gestalt Consciousness[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness empires have only two main strata. Unlike individualist empires, drones can promote and demote in stratum immediately.

The amenity jobs' interactions with species traits is irregular enough that it is explicitly noted, rather than left implied. With the exception of 繁殖工蜂 Spawning Drone 繁殖工蜂Spawning Drone, nothing gives the proper amount of amenities for all regularly applicable species modifiers.

Job Stratum Produces Upkeep Government Default Priority Weight
Job farmer.png Agri-Drone 低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone
  • 食物 Food +6 Food if 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 食物 Food +5 Food if 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
能量幣 Energy Credits −0.5 Energy with Farming Subsidies
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 農民 Agrarian ×2 Agrarian
  • 收割套件 Harvesters ×2 Harvesters
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.1 Cybernetic
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence ×0.9 Machine Intelligence authority
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.65 Necrophage
  • 石質 Lithoid ×0.5 Lithoid
Job maintenance drone.png Maintenance Drone 低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone
  • 舒適度 Amenities +4 Amenities
    • 舒適度 Amenities +5 Amenities with 魅力非凡 Charismatic 魅力非凡Charismatic or 情感模擬器 Emotion Emulators 情感模擬器Emotion Emulators[1]
    • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities with 令人厭惡 Repugnant 令人厭惡Repugnant or 可怕 Uncanny 可怕Uncanny[1]
    • 機械 Machine Amenity output not modified by 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols 侍奉協議Domestic Protocols[1]
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity with 維護協議 Maintenance Protocols 維護協議Maintenance Protocols
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×2 Charismatic
  • 情感模擬器 Emotion Emulators ×2 Emotion Emulators
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.1 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.1 Propaganda Machines
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.1 Cybernetic
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.85 Necrophage
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.5 Repugnant
  • 可怕 Uncanny ×0.5 Uncanny
Job miner.png Mining Drone 低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone
  • 礦物 Minerals +4 Minerals without 碎岩機 Rockbreakers 碎岩機Rockbreakers
  • 礦物 Minerals +5 Minerals with 碎岩機 Rockbreakers 碎岩機Rockbreakers
能量幣 Energy Credits −0.5 Energy with Mining Subsidies
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 勤勉 Industrious ×2 Industrious
  • 動力鑽頭 Power Drills ×2 Power Drills
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.1 Cybernetic
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.65 Necrophage
Job miner.png Scrap Miner Drone 低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone
  • 礦物 Minerals +2 Minerals
  • 合金 Alloys +1 Alloys
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 勤勉 Industrious ×2 Industrious
  • 動力鑽頭 Power Drills ×2 Power Drills
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.1 Cybernetic
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.65 Necrophage
Job technician.png Tech-Drone 低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +6 Energy if 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +8 Energy if 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
能量幣 Energy Credits −0.5 Energy with Capacity Subsidies
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 足智多謀 Ingenious ×2 Ingenious
  • 超導性 Superconductive ×2 Superconductive
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.1 Cybernetic
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.65 Necrophage
Job soldier.png Warrior Drone 低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +4 Naval Capacity without 地面防禦計劃 Ground Defense Planning 地面防禦計劃Ground Defense Planning
  • 海軍容量 Naval Capacity +6 Naval Capacity with 地面防禦計劃 Ground Defense Planning 地面防禦計劃Ground Defense Planning
  • 防禦部隊 Defense Army +3 Planetary Defense Armies
  • 穩定度 Stability +5 Stability with Decision martial law hive.png Deploy Hunter-Killer Drones or Decision martial law machine.png Activate Compliance Protocols modifier
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • Decision martial law hive.png ×10 Hunter-Killer Drones modifier
  • Decision martial law machine.png ×10 Compliance Protocols modifier
  • 快速復原 Resilient ×4 Resilient
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×4 Very Strong
  • 強壯 Strong ×3 Strong
  • 石質 Lithoid ×2 Lithoid
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.2 Cybernetic
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.5 Weak
Job brain drone.png Brain Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone 研究 Research +4 Research Output
  • 礦物 Minerals −6 Minerals
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy with Research Subsidies
蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind 5
  • 博學多識 Erudite ×3 Erudite
  • 聰慧 Intelligent ×2 Intelligent
  • 天生工程師 Natural Engineers ×1.5 Natural Engineers
  • 天生物理學家 Natural Physicists ×1.5 Natural Physicists
  • 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists ×1.5 Natural Sociologists
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×0.9 Cybernetic
  • 奴性 Serviles ×0.65 Serviles
  • 無產者 Proles ×0.65 Proles
Job researcher.png Calculator 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone 研究 Research +4 Research Output
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −4 Energy without Research Subsidies
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −5 Energy with Research Subsidies
機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence 5
  • 博學多識 Erudite ×3 Erudite
  • 聰慧 Intelligent ×2 Intelligent
  • 邏輯引擎 Logic Engines ×2 Logic Engines
  • 天生工程師 Natural Engineers ×1.5 Natural Engineers
  • 天生物理學家 Natural Physicists ×1.5 Natural Physicists
  • 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists ×1.5 Natural Sociologists
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×0.9 Cybernetic
  • 奴性 Serviles ×0.65 Serviles
  • 無產者 Proles ×0.65 Proles
Job foundry.png Catalytic Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • 合金 Alloys +3 Alloys if 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 合金 Alloys +4 Alloys if 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 食物 Food −9 Food if 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 食物 Food −12 Food if 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 強健 Robust ×5 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×5 Efficient Processors
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.5 Necrophage
Job chemist.png Chem-Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes +2 Volatile Motes 礦物 Minerals −10 Minerals
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 強健 Robust ×5 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×5 Efficient Processors
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×0.9 Cybernetic
Job death chronicler.png Chronicle Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 穩定度 Stability +2 Stability
  • 舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities
    • 舒適度 Amenities +2.4 Amenities with 魅力非凡 Charismatic 魅力非凡Charismatic or 侍奉協議 Domestic Protocols 侍奉協議Domestic Protocols
    • 舒適度 Amenities +1.6 Amenities with 令人厭惡 Repugnant 令人厭惡Repugnant
    • 機械 Machine Amenity output not modified by 情感模擬器 Emotion Emulators 情感模擬器Emotion Emulators or 可怕 Uncanny 可怕Uncanny[1]
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +2 Society Research
  • 凝聚力 Unity +2 Unity
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −2 Energy if 機械 Machine 機械Machine
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy if not 機械 Machine 機械Machine
  • 礦物 Minerals −2 Minerals if 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
  • 礦物 Minerals −1 Minerals if 機械 Machine 機械Machine
  • 食物 Food −2 Food if neither
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.25 Charismatic
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.8 Repugnant
Job coordinator.png Coordinator 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 凝聚力 Unity +4 Unity
  • 犯罪與異常 −2 Deviancy with Tradition harmony the greater good.png Integrated Preservation
能量幣 Energy Credits −4 Energy 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence 3
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×0.9 Cybernetic
Job crystal miner.png Crystal Mining Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals +2 Rare Crystals
  • 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals with 碎岩機 Rockbreakers 碎岩機Rockbreakers
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy without Mining Subsidies
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1.5 Energy with Mining Subsidies
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 強健 Robust ×5 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×5 Efficient Processors
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.1 Cybernetic
Job evaluator.png Evaluator 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone 凝聚力 Unity +4 Unity 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence 3
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.25 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.25 Propaganda Machines
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×0.9 Cybernetic
Job foundry.png Fabricator 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone 合金 Alloys +4 Alloys
  • 礦物 Minerals −8 Minerals
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy with Forge Subsidies
機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence 5
  • 強健 Robust ×5 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×5 Efficient Processors
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×0.9 Cybernetic
Job foundry.png Foundry Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone 合金 Alloys +3 Alloys
  • 礦物 Minerals −6 Minerals
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy with Forge Subsidies
蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind 5
  • 強健 Robust ×5 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×5 Efficient Processors
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.5 Necrophage
Job gas extractor.png Gas Extraction Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • 異星天然氣 Exotic Gases +2 Exotic Gases
  • 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals with 碎岩機 Rockbreakers 碎岩機Rockbreakers
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy without Mining Subsidies
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1.5 Energy with Mining Subsidies
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 強健 Robust ×5 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×5 Efficient Processors
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.1 Cybernetic
Job patrol drone.png Hunter-Seeker Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity
  • 犯罪與異常 −20 Deviancy
  • 防禦部隊 Defense Army +2 Planetary Defense Armies
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 犯罪與異常 ×50 Deviancy above 50
  • 戰爭 War ×20 War
  • 快速復原 Resilient ×3 Resilient
  • 非常強壯 Very Strong ×3 Very Strong
  • 強壯 Strong ×2 Strong
  • 石質 Lithoid ×2 Lithoid
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.2 Cybernetic
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.1 Traditional
  • 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣傳機器 Propaganda Machines ×1.1 Propaganda Machines
  • 纖弱 Weak ×0.5 Weak
Job translucer.png Lensing Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals +2 Rare Crystals 礦物 Minerals −10 Minerals
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 強健 Robust ×5 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×5 Efficient Processors
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×0.9 Cybernetic
Job mote harvester.png Mote Harvesting Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes +2 Volatile Motes
  • 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals with 碎岩機 Rockbreakers 碎岩機Rockbreakers
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy without Mining Subsidies
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1.5 Energy with Mining Subsidies
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 強健 Robust ×5 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×5 Efficient Processors
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×1.1 Cybernetic
Job gas refiner.png Refinery Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone 異星天然氣 Exotic Gases +2 Exotic Gases 礦物 Minerals −10 Minerals
  • 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 強健 Robust ×5 Robust
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×5 Efficient Processors
  • 神經機械 Cybernetic ×0.9 Cybernetic
Job replicator.png Replicator 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult.png +1 Monthly Pop Assembly
合金 Alloys −1 Alloys 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence 2 no weight modifiers
Job spawning drone.png Spawning Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • 舒適度 Amenities +5 Amenities
    • Correctly modified by 魅力非凡 Charismatic 魅力非凡Charismatic and 令人厭惡 Repugnant 令人厭惡Repugnant
  • Mod pop growth req.png +2 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly
  • 食物 Food −5 Food if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
  • 礦物 Minerals −5 Minerals if 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind 2
  • 魅力非凡 Charismatic ×1.25 Charismatic
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant ×0.9 Repugnant
  • Decision politics.png ×0.5 Drone Population Controls modifier
Job synapse drone.png Synapse Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 凝聚力 Unity +4 Unity
  • 舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities with Tradition harmony the greater good.png Instinctive Synchronization
    • Not affected by 魅力非凡 Charismatic 魅力非凡Charismatic or 令人厭惡 Repugnant 令人厭惡Repugnant[1]
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −2 Energy
  • 食物 Food −2 Food if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
  • 礦物 Minerals −2 Minerals if 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind 3
  • 屍化體 Necrophage ×1.5 Necrophage
  • 傳統 Traditional ×1.25 Traditional
Job artisan.png Artisan Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone 消費品 Consumer Goods +10 Consumer Goods
  • 礦物 Minerals −10 Minerals
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy with Industrial Subsidies
失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor 1
  • 高效處理器 Efficient Processors ×2 Efficient Processors
Job bio trophy.png Bio-Trophy 活體陳設 Bio-Trophy 活體陳設Bio-Trophy
  • 凝聚力 Unity +3 Unity when above 50% Happiness
  • 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +1% Complex Drone Output when above 50% Happiness
  • 人口住房使用 Pop Housing Usage −1 Pop Housing Usage
N/A 失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor 1 no weight modifiers

Special jobs[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Unemployed[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Pops that do not have a Job, either because none is available or because their Stratum is higher than that of available Jobs, are Unemployed. Unemployed Pops produce the following and cannot have their output improved by modifiers:

Living standards Output
Any other
  • 幸福度 Happiness −80% Happiness if 活體陳設 Bio-Trophy 活體陳設Bio-Trophy
  • 幸福度 Happiness −40% Happiness if 統治者 Ruler 統治者Ruler
  • 幸福度 Happiness −30% Happiness if 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • 幸福度 Happiness −20% Happiness if 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker
Social Welfare 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity
Shared Burden 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity
Utopian Abundance
  • 研究 Research +2 Research
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity
  • 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals if biological
  • Maintenance.png -75% Upkeep Cost if robot
  • 物理學研究 Physics Research +1 / 社會學研究 Society Research +1.5 / Engineering research +1 Research with 天然神經網絡 Natural Neural Network 天然神經網絡Natural Neural Network

Purging[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Pops that have the 不可接觸者 Undesirable 不可接觸者Undesirable stratum due to being purged produce resources as they decline based on the purge type. All Purging Jobs also produce 凝聚力 Unity  +2 凝聚力Unity if the empire has the 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers civic.

Purge 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness Output
Displacement −30%
Neutering −20%
Necrophage −50% Time.png Purged pop becomes primary species
Extermination −1000% 凝聚力 Unity +2 Unity if 鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator 鐵心滅絕者Determined Exterminator
Forced Labor −1000%
  • 食物 Food +3 Food
  • 礦物 Minerals +3 Minerals
Processing −1000%
  • 食物 Food +6 Food if pop is organic
  • 礦物 Minerals +4 Minerals if pop is 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
  • 合金 Alloys +3 Alloys if pop is 機械體 Mechanical機械 Machine robotic
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +2 Society research if 噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm 噬殺蜂群Devouring Swarm
Chemical Processing −1000% 能量幣 Energy Credits +6 Energy

Subversive Jobs[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

High crime, deviancy or unemployment can create planet modifiers that add subversive jobs. Pops will abandon subversive hobs if 統治者 Ruler 統治者Ruler, 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist or Job soldier.png Soldier jobs become available. All subversive jobs have negative output.

Job Output Requirements Description
犯罪與異常 Criminal
  • Trade value.png −5 Trade value
  • Trade value.png +5 Criminal branch office trade value
Criminal-related planet modifier These criminals live outside the bounds of legal society, some by choice and some by circumstances.
犯罪與異常 Deviant Drone 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Drone Deviancy planet modifier These deviants no longer obey the Hive Mind.
犯罪與異常 Corrupt Drone 能量幣 Energy Credits −1 Energy 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Drone Corruption planet modifier These drones have been corrupted and no longer obey the directives of the core intelligence.

Event jobs[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Event jobs are generated by either planetary features or planet modifiers.

Job Stratum Produces Upkeep Sources
Job hunter.png Titan Hunter 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker
  • 食物 Food +8 Food
  • Trade value.png +8 Trade value
N/A Pm titanic life.pngPm frame 1.png Delicious Titans planet modifier
Job culture worker.png Robot Caretaker 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • Affected by Job bureaucrat.png Administrator modifiers
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +5 凝聚力Unity
  • 工程學研究 Engineering Research  +5 工程學研究Engineering Research
N/A D building.png Enigmatic Robot (3) planetary feature
Job miner.png Cave Cleaners 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • 礦物 Minerals +5 Minerals
  • 礦物 Minerals +10% Minerals
能量幣 Energy Credits −2 Energy D fungal caves.png Cave Shroom Veins planetary feature
Job miner.png Cave Cleaner Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • 礦物 Minerals +5 Minerals
  • 礦物 Minerals +10% Minerals
能量幣 Energy Credits −2 Energy D fungal caves.png Cave Shroom Veins planetary feature
Job gas extractor.png Gas Plant Engineer 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • 異星天然氣 Exotic Gases +3 Exotic gases
  • 異星天然氣 Exotic Gases +5% Exotic gases
礦物 Minerals −10 Minerals D gaseous eruption.png Spore Vents planetary feature
Job gas extractor.png Gas Plant Drone 低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone
  • 異星天然氣 Exotic Gases +3 Exotic gases
  • 異星天然氣 Exotic Gases +5% Exotic gases
礦物 Minerals −10 Minerals D gaseous eruption.png Spore Vents planetary feature
Job miner.png Nemma Miner 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker
  • 礦物 Minerals +3 Minerals
  • 食物 Food +2 Food
能量幣 Energy Credits −2 Energy D crystalline caverns.png Nemma Mining Operation planetary feature
Job miner.png Nemma Mining Drone 低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone
  • 礦物 Minerals +3 Minerals
  • 食物 Food +2 Food
能量幣 Energy Credits −2 Energy D crystalline caverns.png Nemma Mining Operation planetary feature
Job foundry.png Odd Factory Worker 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker 合金 Alloys +4 Alloys N/A D building.png Odd Factory planetary feature
Job foundry.png Odd Factory Drone 低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone 合金 Alloys +4 Alloys N/A D building.png Odd Factory planetary feature
Job foundry.png Subterranean Liaison Officer 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
  • 人口住房使用 Pop Housing Usage −1 Pop housing usage
  • Trade value.png +6 Trade value
N/A D quarantine zone.png Subterranean Contact Zone planetary feature
Job foundry.png Subterranean Contact Drone 低級子個體 Menial Drone 低級子個體Menial Drone
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
  • 人口住房使用 Pop Housing Usage −1 Pop housing usage
  • 食物 Food +2 Food if 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +3 Energy if not 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +6 Energy if 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
N/A D quarantine zone.png Subterranean Contact Zone planetary feature
Job foundry.png Transmuter 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist 合金 Alloys +4 Alloys File:Basic resource.png −1 Pop upkeep
  • D bunker door.png Blue Lotus Prototype planetary feature
  • D bunker door.png Blue Lotus Facility planetary feature
Job foundry.png Transmuter Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone 合金 Alloys +4 Alloys File:Basic resource.png −1 Pop upkeep
  • D bunker door.png Blue Lotus Prototype planetary feature
  • D bunker door.png Blue Lotus Facility planetary feature
Job researcher.png Dimensional Portal Researcher 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • 物理學研究 Physics Research +6 Physics research if closed Dimension of Suffering outcome
  • 物理學研究 Physics Research +12 Physics research otherwise
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +6 Energy if High-Energy Dimension outcome
  • 暗物質 Dark Matter +0.2/1.2 if Null Void outcome
  • 舒適度 Amenities +2/3/6/12 Amenities if Mirror Dimension outcome
    • Not modified by species traits.
  • Trade value.png +2/3/6/12 Trade Value if Mirror Dimension outcome
    • Not modified by 節儉 Thrifty 節儉Thrifty.
消費品 Consumer Goods −3 Consumer Goods if not Dimension of Suffering outcome
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods −6 Consumer Goods if Dimension of Suffering outcome
  • D crystalline caverns.png Portal Research Area planetary feature
  • Decision engineering research.png Extradimensional Experimentation decision
Job researcher.png Dimensional Portal Drone 複合子個體 Complex Drone 複合子個體Complex Drone
  • 物理學研究 Physics Research +6 Physics research if closed Dimension of Suffering outcome
  • 物理學研究 Physics Research +12 Physics research otherwise
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +6 Energy if High-Energy Dimension outcome
  • 暗物質 Dark Matter +0.2/1.2 if Null Void outcome
  • 舒適度 Amenities +2/3/6/12 Amenities if Mirror Dimension outcome
    • Not modified by species traits.
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +2/4/6/8 Energy if Mirror Dimension outcome
  • 食物 Food −3 Food if biological
  • 礦物 Minerals −3 Minerals if 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits −3 Energy if 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
  • D crystalline caverns.png Portal Research Area planetary feature
  • Decision engineering research.png Extradimensional Experimentation decision

Primitive[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Primitive civilizations use the same strata system as normal empires but their jobs provide negligible output.

Job Stratum Produces Requirements Description
Job noble.png Feudal Noble 統治者 Ruler 統治者Ruler
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity
Bronze Age - Steam Age The landed nobility rule from their stone castles and keeps.
Job bureaucrat.png Bureaucrat 統治者 Ruler 統治者Ruler
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity
Industrial Age - Early Space Age Many early industrialist and post-industrialist societies are governed by an ever-expanding class of civil servants.
Job priest.png Cleric 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • 舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity
Bronze Age - Steam Age Spiritual leaders and preachers who conduct religious ceremonies and oversee all matters concerning faith.
Job priest.png Priest 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • 舒適度 Amenities +2 Amenities
  • 凝聚力 Unity +1 Unity
Industrial Age - Early Space Age Religious leaders who occupy various priestly offices.
Job researcher.png Scholar 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • 研究 Research +1 Research Output
Bronze Age - Steam Age The learned of this society, often relying on oral tradition to pass knowledge between generations.
Job researcher.png Researcher 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • 研究 Research +1 Research Output
Industrial Age - Early Space Age Researchers employing scientific methodology to advance the rapidly expanding knowledge base of their civilization.
Job hunter.png Warrior 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • 防禦部隊 Defense Army +3 Planetary Defense Armies
Bronze Age - Steam Age Members of a primitive warrior class. These fighters rely on bladed weapons, spears or various blunt instruments to see them through combat.
Job soldier.png Soldier 專家 Specialist 專家Specialist
  • 防禦部隊 Defense Army +3 Planetary Defense Armies
Industrial Age - Early Space Age Professional Soldiers, typically armed with early projectile weapons powered by exothermic combustion.
Job farmer.png Peasant 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker
  • 食物 Food +2 Food
Bronze Age - Steam Age The peasants toil endlessly in the fields, so that those perceived as their betters might prosper.
Job farmer.png Farmer 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker
  • 食物 Food +3 Food
Industrial Age - Early Space Age These farmers work the land, typically with the help of primitive but effective farming equipment.
Job miner.png Miner 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker
  • 礦物 Minerals +3 Minerals
Steam Age - Early Space Age Dangerous and sometimes lethal work in the dark bowels of the planet.
Job primitive laborer.png Laborer 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods +2 Consumer Goods
  • 礦物 Minerals −2 Minerals
Steam Age - Early Space Age These early industrial laborers toil away in factories, which can now be operated day and night thanks to recent advances in electricity.
Job technician.png Technician 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +1 Energy
Industrial Age - Early Space Age These technicians shuffle coal or maintain primitive nuclear generators.
Job hunter.png Hunter-Gatherer 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker
  • 食物 Food +1 Food
  • 舒適度 Amenities +1 Amenities
Stone Age These semi-nomadic primitives survive by foraging and hunting. There is evidence of early tool use.
Job miner.png Scavenger 勞工 Worker 勞工Worker
  • 食物 Food +1 Food
  • 礦物 Minerals +1 Minerals
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods +1 Consumer Goods
Junkheap capital building They scurry amongst the scrapyards, collecting discarded machinery and ancient electronics for repurposing.

Fallen empires[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Fallen empires use a special set of high-output jobs that have no upkeep.

Job Produces Fallen Empire Description
Job administrator.png Overseer
  • 穩定度 Stability +5 Stability
  • 舒適度 Amenities +10 Amenities
  • 極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist Keepers of Knowledge
  • 極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile Enigmatic Observers
  • 極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe Militant Isolationists
The stalwart few who have rejected lives of luxury in favor of public service. It is up to them to oversee and guide the remnants of their ancient civilization.
Job priest.png Sky Cardinal
  • 穩定度 Stability +5 Stability
  • 舒適度 Amenities +10 Amenities
極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians And it was there, in the sky, that the future was born. The light was blinding, but a few could see past it. They took it upon themselves to lead others forwards.
Job enforcer.png Protector
  • 犯罪與異常 −25 Crime
  • 防禦部隊 Defense Army +3 Defense Armies
  • 極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist Keepers of Knowledge
  • 極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile Enigmatic Observers
  • 極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians
  • 極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe Militant Isolationists
So that the majority can sleep peacefully and enjoy their lives of extravagance, these rough individuals stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do them harm.
Job fe archivist.png Archivist 研究 Research +5 Research 極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist Keepers of Knowledge Each data fragment must be filed, cataloged and indexed exactly according to the ancient rites as they were established eons ago by the First Librarian.
Job technician.png Acolyte of the Hyperspanner 能量幣 Energy Credits +6 Energy 極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians Remember also the hyperspanner, and how it was used by Bazagg the Shining to tame the sun when it seemed like darkness would overtake the world.
Job miner.png Acolyte of the Hammer 礦物 Minerals +6 Minerals 極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians And with one mighty blow, Saint Mazakudal used her burning hammer to split the skull of the First Wraith in two, opening up the path to the crystals.
Job farmer.png Acolyte of the Plow 食物 Food +8 Food 極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians For was it not the plow, this most noble of instruments, that Kazargiel used to sever the poisonous tail of the thrice-cursed demon and stave off famine?
Job priest.png Augur of the Shroud 凝聚力 Unity +10 Unity 極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians It speaks, but not in words. To divine any kind of meaning, one must hover on the precipice of madness.
Job artisan.png Acolyte of the Workshop
  • 舒適度 Amenities +3 Amenities
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods +2 Consumer Goods
極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Holy Guardians (失業 Unemployed 失業Unemployed) And so Aznakha said to the acolytes, "go to the workshops, and form with your own crafts the future you seek."
Job culture worker.png Xeno-Keeper
  • 舒適度 Amenities +10 Amenities
  • 犯罪與異常 −20 Crime
  • 防禦部隊 Defense Army +2 Defense Armies
  • 極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile Enigmatic Observers
These precursor zookeepers look after the needs of the Xeno-Wards under their care.
Job fe xeno ward.png Xeno-Ward
  • 凝聚力 Unity +2 Unity
  • 極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile Enigmatic Observers (Primitives stratum)
These specimens have been gathered here, in settings that approximate their natural environments, to ensure the preservation of their species in an often chaotic and destructive galaxy.
Job fe hedonist.png Hedonist
  • 凝聚力 Unity +2 Unity
  • 極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist Keepers of Knowledge (失業 Unemployed 失業Unemployed)
  • 極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile Enigmatic Observers (失業 Unemployed 失業Unemployed)
  • 極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe Militant Isolationists (失業 Unemployed 失業Unemployed)
A life of total opulence, where every possible material need or desire can be satisfied.
Job soldier.png Guardian
  • 犯罪與異常 −25 Crime
  • 防禦部隊 Defense Army +3 Defense Armies
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Ancient Caretakers
These ancient machines maintain a ceaseless vigil over the long-expired remains of billions of cyrogenically frozen sapients.
Job maintenance drone.png Caretaker
  • 舒適度 Amenities +5 Amenities
  • 機械智能 Machine Intelligence Ancient Caretakers (unemployed)
These ancient machines tirelessly maintain and repair the decaying machinery of the ringworld on which they reside.

參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The incorrect (or missing) modifiers for gestalt amenity jobs are almost certainly a bug.