
For instructions on how to mod, see modding

A mod (short for modification) is an alteration of the game and the objective of modding. Modifications can range from small tweaks to total conversions.

Installation[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Mods can be downloaded and installed from several sources:

When running Stellaris from Steam, the mod installation folder is:

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\mod\
  • GNU/Linux: ~/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod/
  • Mac: ~/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod/

From Paradox Launcher, the mod installation folder is:

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris Plaza\mod\
  • GNU/Linux: ~/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris Plaza/mod/
  • Mac: ~/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/mod/

Never install mods into the game installation directory (ie: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Stellaris\mod or ~/.local/share/Paradox Launcher/games/stellaris/mod), as the mods will not be properly loaded.

Check in the mod description the Stellaris version compatible with the version of the mod. If needed, rollback to an older patch, using 「Steam Beta」 tab in Steam or the 「Game Settings」 tab in Paradox Launcher.

In case of manual installation, the steps are usually the following (refer to specific mod instructions, if any):

  1. Remove any existing installation of the mod (mod folder and .mod file). This is very important, as the game loads all files present in mod folder, so old mod files that are no longer present or were renamed in a new version of the mod would conflict.
  2. Clear your gfx cache, by deleting the folder <stellaris_settings>\<mod_name>\gfx, if any.
  3. Extract the downloaded archive, so that the mod folder contains the .mod file and directory of the mod.
  4. Launch Stellaris and select the mod in the Mod tab. Note that the mod may have a different name in the launcher than the name of the .mod file.
  5. Play!

When manually installing a mod (moving it into the mod/ directory), the launcher my still complain that it cannot find the mod. This is because the mod's *.mod file may be providing a different path. For example, if the mod was ripped from Steam Workshop, the .mod file may point to a path like "steam/workshop/<modfoldername>/". The correct path should be "mod/<modfoldername>/" since you're not using Steam Workshop. Save the file and then revisit the launcher. If the launcher reports that the mod still cannot be found, you can troubleshoot further by looking at the mod in the launcher's mod tools popup where it will show you the exact path where it is looking for the mod.

Also, when manually installing mods, you will be moving two files into the "mod/" top-level: a "<modname>.mod" file and a "<modname>" folder. So, if the mod's name is MyMod, you should have "mod/MyMod.mod" and "mod/MyMod/". A common mistake when manually installing mods is that these files are inside of another folder that is being dragged into the mod/ directory.

If you *still* are having trouble, then use the launcher's mod area to create an empty mod from within the launcher. Once created, go to the mod/ folder to see the structure of the newly generated mod and compare it with the structure of the mod you are trying to install.

For more info, see Mod management.

Mods lists[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Most mods are published on the Steam Workshop:

Some lists for mods to look out for:

Mods with wiki pages[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Wiki pages for Stellaris modifications are the responsibility of the Mod's developers, not the Paradox Wiki Team.

See also[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

References[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

帝國 帝國思潮政府 • 國民理念 • 起源承諾議程傳統 • 飛升天賦法令政策遺珍科技自定義帝國
人口 崗位派系
領袖 領袖領袖特質
物種 物種物種特質
行星 行星行星特徵 • 軌道礦藏建築 • 區劃行星決議
星系 星系恆星基地巨型結構蟲洞 • 星門地圖
艦隊 艦隊艦船 • 部件
地面戰 陸軍轟炸姿態
外交 外交 • 聯邦 • 星海共同體評價修正宣戰理由 • 戰爭目標
事件 事件異常現象特殊項目考古遺址
遊玩 遊玩定義研究 • 經濟遊戲開局
動態修改 動態指令效果觸發條件作用域修正變量AI
媒體/本地化 Maya 導出器圖形肖像旗幟事件圖片界面圖標音樂本地化
Other 控制台命令存檔編輯Steam 創意工坊模組製作教程