Ship modding


This page is about modding of Ships, Sections and Components.

Ship Sizes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

By ship sizes the game classifies all Ships and Stations. Ship Sizes are defined at "common/ship_sizes/xxx.txt".

Data Structure[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Property Military Ships Civilian Ships Starbases Defense Platforms Civilian Stations
graphical_culture = { mammalian_01 … } A list of Graphical Cultures this ship size is valid to have. Can also specify as graphical_culture = no to indicate that this Ship Size doesn't need Graphical Cultures.
entity = some_entity Defines the graphical entity used, replacing the default SHIPSIZE_entity lookup.
max_hitpoints = <int> Defines the base Hull Points of this ship size.
combat_disengage_chance = <float> This property multiplies the chance this Ship disengages in battle. Vanilla always have 0 or leave this property undefined.
max_speed = <int> Defines the base speed, acceleration and rotation speed of this ship size. Vanilla Starbases usually have 0 for these properties, except for the Juggernaut. Defense Platforms also need these properties because they need to move from the Starbase to their defense position. Vanilla Civilian Stations always have 0 for these properties.
acceleration = <float>
rotation_speed = <float>
formation_priority = <int> Ships with higher formation priority trends to go ahead of the rest of the fleet. No.png
collision_radius = <int> The radius other ships will try to avoid colliding with.
modifier A block of Modifiers to be added to the ships of this size. These modifiers will come to effect even before the actual ships are built, you can see these in the Ship Designer. Only the following modifiers are allowed here.
  • ship_evasion_(add/mult)
  • ship_speed_mult & ship_base_speed_mult
  • ship_(hull/armor/shield)_(add/mult) & ship_(hull/armor/shield)_regen_add_(static/perc)
  • ship_weapon_damage & <weapon slot size>_weapon_damage_mult
  • ships_upkeep_mult & ships_<resource type>_upkeep_mult
  • ship_piracy_suppression_add

Starbases can also use the following modifiers here.

  • starbase_(module/building/defense_platform/shipyard)_capacity_add
  • starbase_(trade_collection_range/protection_range/protection)_add
ship_modifier Another block of Modifiers to be added to the ships of this size. Modifiers like ship_fire_rate_mult and ship_weapon_range_mult go here.
size_multiplier How large should the fleet battle AI consider this ship of.
This also determines the number of Command Points needed to add this Ship Design to a Fleet. Vanilla Civilian Ships always have 1 for this property. Vanilla Starbases always have 4 for this property. This also determines the number of Defense Platform Capacities this Defense Platform will take up from a Starbase. Vanilla Civilian Stations always have 1 for this property.
combat_size_multiplier How large should the fleet battle AI consider this ship of, overwriting the size_multiplier.
fleet_slot_size This determines the order this ship size appears in a fleet, with Corvettes having 1 up to Titans having 8. No.png
num_target_locators ??
is_civilian = <yes/no> No.png Vanilla always have is_civilian = yes. Other Ship Sizes have either is_civilian = no or just have this property undefined, except for the Observation Station being yes. No.png
valid_target_aggressive_stance = <yes/no> Determines should this Ship be ignored by a Military Fleet in aggressive stance.
Among vanilla Ship Sizes, only Civilian Ships and Civilian Stations have valid_target_aggressive_stance = no.
build_block_radius = <int> No.png Since Military Stations have been reworked, it's still unclear what's the use of this property for now. No.png
is_space_station = <yes/no> No.png Vanilla always have is_space_station = yes. Other Ship Sizes have either is_space_station = no or just have this property undefined.
is_space_object = <yes/no> Determines should this Ship Size have trailers when the Ships move in the Space. Space monsters usually have is_space_object = yes.
can_be_inspected = <yes/no> Determines should Designs of this Ship Size can be inspected by the player. Some space monsters have can_be_inspected = no.
icon_frame = <int> Determines the index of the icon of this Ship Size in a shared icon file. No.png
is_designable = <yes/no> Determines should this Ship Size be designable in the Ship Designer.
Among vanilla Ship Sizes, buildable Military Ships, the Juggernaut and buildable Defense Platforms have is_designable = yes.
enable_default_design = <yes/no> Determines should an Empire start with an auto-generated design of this Ship Size.
All buildable Ship Sizes have enable_default_design = yes, regardless of they are designable or not, or the AI will not be able to build this.
can_have_federation_design = <yes/no> Determines if this Ship can have a federation design.
Among vanilla Ship Sizes, only buildable Military Ships and the Juggernaut have can_have_federation_design = yes, except for the Colossus being without it.
components_add_to_cost = <yes/no> Determines should the Ship Construction Cost and the Ship Upkeep take Ship Components and Ship Sections into account.
Among vanilla Ship Sizes, only undesignable but buildable Ship Sizes have components_add_to_cost = no.
auto_upgrade = <yes/no> Determines should the design of this Ship Size automatically upgrade based on the recent technologies. Existing ships will also be upgraded.

Among vanilla Ship Sizes, only Civilian Ships and Civilian Stations have auto_upgrade = yes, except for the Observation Station being without it.

No.png Determines should the design of this Ship Size automatically upgrade based on the recent technologies. Existing ships will also be upgraded.

Among vanilla Ship Sizes, only Civilian Ships and Civilian Stations have auto_upgrade = yes, except for the Observation Station being without it.

can_disable = <yes/no> Determines should this Ship be disabled rather than be destroyed if at low health.
Among vanilla Ship Sizes, only buildable Starbases except for the Juggernaut have can_disable = yes.
flip_control_on_disable = <yes/no> Determines can this Ship be captured after it's disabled.
Among vanilla Ship Sizes, only buildable Starbases except for the Juggernaut have flip_control_on_disable = yes.
default_behavior = <ship behavior> Determines the default ship behavior the auto generated designs should try to pick when choosing the combat computer component. No.png
section_slots = { <section slot name> = { locator = <locator name> } } Determines the Sections needed for this Ship Size. The locators are pointers on the Ship entity, see Graphics modding for details.
base_buildtime = <int> Days it takes to build this ship / station or upgrade into this starbase. Vanilla civilian stations have this property undefined.
prerequisites = { tech_xxx } A list of Technologies required to design and build this Ship Size or upgrade existing Starbases into this level.
  • shipclass_military
  • shipclass_military_special (the Colossus)
  • shipclass_constructor
  • shipclass_colonizer
  • shipclass_science_ship
  • shipclass_transport
  • shipclass_starbase
  • shipclass_military_station
  • shipclass_mining_station
  • shipclass_research_station
  • shipclass_observation_station
construction_type starbase_shipyard Starbases usually have this field undefined, except the Juggernaut has starbase_shipyard. starbase_defenses No.png
potential_construction A block of Conditions to check should this Ship Size appear in the construction list of a Starbase or Megastructure. (Starbase or Megastructure scope, use is_scope_type to check scope type; FROM is the builder empire) Starbases usually have this field undefined, except for the Juggernaut. The same. Vanilla Defense Platforms only allow Starbases to build them. No.png
possible_construction A block of Conditions to check can this Ship Size be built by a Starbase or Megastructure. If evaluated false, the construction option is still visible but grayed out with a tooltip. (Starbase or Megastructure scope, use is_scope_type to check scope type; FROM is the builder empire) The same. Among vanilla Defense Platforms, the Ion Cannon can only be built by Citadel-level Starbases. No.png
resources An Economy Unit to determine the construction cost and upkeep of this Ship. This is the final cost if this Ship Size has components_add_to_cost = no. Although vanilla unused, resource productions is also allowed here.
min_upgrade_cost = { <resource key> = <int> } The minimal cost required to upgrade this Ship. Used to prevent zero-cost upgrades by shifting from a Component to another of exactly same cost. No.png The same. No.png
empire_limit = { base = <int> (max = <int> naval_cap_div = <int>) } Determines the max number of Ships of this Size an empire can have at the same time. The number is base plus empire naval capacity divided by naval_cap_div, rounded down, at most max.
required_component_set = <component set key>" Requires a core component with a Component Set. Multiple allowed. While designing by the Ship Designer, these will be displayed on the right.

Examples[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Corvette[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

corvette = {
	formation_priority = @corvette_formation_priority
	max_speed = @speed_very_fast
	acceleration = 0.35
	rotation_speed = 0.1
	collision_radius = @corvette_collision_radius
	max_hitpoints = @corvette_hp
	modifier = {
		ship_evasion_add = @corvette_evasion
		ship_piracy_suppression_add = 10
	size_multiplier = 1
	fleet_slot_size = 1
	section_slots = { "mid" = { locator = "part1" } }
	num_target_locators = 2
	is_space_station = no
	icon_frame = 2
	base_buildtime = @corvette_build_time
	can_have_federation_design = yes
	enable_default_design = yes	#if yes, countries will have an auto-generated design at start

	default_behavior = swarm

	prerequisites = { "tech_corvettes" }

	combat_disengage_chance = 1.00

	class = shipclass_military
	construction_type = starbase_shipyard
	required_component_set = "power_core"
	required_component_set = "ftl_components"
	required_component_set = "thruster_components"
	required_component_set = "sensor_components"
	required_component_set = "combat_computers"

	resources = {
		category = ships
		upkeep = {
			energy = @corvette_upkeep_energy
			alloys = @corvette_upkeep_alloys

	min_upgrade_cost = {
		alloys = 1

Colossus[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

colossus = {
	formation_priority = @colossus_formation_priority
	max_speed = @speed_very_slow
	acceleration = 0.2
	rotation_speed = 0.15
	collision_radius = @colossus_collision_radius
	max_hitpoints = @colossus_hp
	modifier = {
		ship_evasion_add = @colossus_evasion
	size_multiplier = 32
	fleet_slot_size = 32
	section_slots = { "ship" = { locator = "frame_ship" } }
	num_target_locators = 4
	is_space_station = no
	icon_frame = 7
	base_buildtime = @colossus_build_time
	can_have_federation_design = no
	enable_default_design = yes	#if yes, countries will have an auto-generated design at start

	prerequisites = { "tech_colossus" }

	class = shipclass_military_special
	construction_type = starbase_shipyard
	required_component_set = "power_core"
	required_component_set = "ftl_components"
	required_component_set = "thruster_components"
	required_component_set = "combat_computers"

	potential_construction = {
		OR = {
			is_scope_type = starbase
			AND = {
				is_scope_type = megastructure
				OR = {
					is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_3
					is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_restored

	possible_construction = {
		custom_tooltip = {
			fail_text = starbase_citadel_trigger
			OR = {
				AND = {
					is_scope_type = megastructure
					OR = {
						is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_3
						is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_restored
				AND = {
					is_scope_type = starbase
					has_starbase_size >= starbase_citadel
		custom_tooltip = {
			fail_text = starbase_colossal_yards_trigger
			OR = {
				AND = {
					is_scope_type = megastructure
					OR = {
						is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_3
						is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_restored
				AND = {
					is_scope_type = starbase
					has_starbase_building = colossus_yards

	empire_limit = {
		base = 1

	resources = {
		category = ships
		cost = {
			alloys = 10000
		upkeep = {
			energy = @colossus_upkeep_energy
			alloys = @colossus_upkeep_alloys

	min_upgrade_cost = {
		alloys = 10

Juggernaut[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

juggernaut = {
	formation_priority = @juggernaut_formation_priority
	max_speed = @speed_very_slow
	acceleration = 0.2
	rotation_speed = 0.15
	collision_radius = @juggernaut_collision_radius
	max_hitpoints = @juggernaut_hp
	modifier = {
		ship_evasion_add = @juggernaut_evasion
		starbase_shipyard_capacity_add = 2

	base_buildtime = @juggernaut_build_time
	resources = {
		category = ships
		upkeep = {
			energy = @juggernaut_upkeep_energy
			alloys = @juggernaut_upkeep_alloys

	combat_size_multiplier = 5
	size_multiplier = 32
	fleet_slot_size = 32
	section_slots = {
		"core" = { locator = "part1" }

	potential_construction = {
		OR = {
			AND = {
				is_scope_type = starbase
				NOT = { has_starbase_size = juggernaut }
			AND = {
				is_scope_type = megastructure
				OR = {
					is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_3
					is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_restored

	possible_construction = {
		custom_tooltip = {
			fail_text = starbase_citadel_trigger
			OR = {
				AND = {
					is_scope_type = megastructure
					OR = {
						is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_3
						is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_restored
				AND = {
					is_scope_type = starbase
					has_starbase_size >= starbase_citadel
		custom_tooltip = {
			fail_text = starbase_colossal_yards_trigger
			OR = {
				AND = {
					is_scope_type = megastructure
					OR = {
						is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_3
						is_megastructure_type = mega_shipyard_restored
				AND = {
					is_scope_type = starbase
					has_starbase_building = colossus_yards

	empire_limit = {
		base = 1

	num_target_locators = 0
	can_have_federation_design = yes
	enable_default_design = yes	#if yes, countries will have an auto-generated design at start
	can_disable = no
	icon_frame = 7
	ship_class_icon_frame = 35

	default_behavior = carrier

	prerequisites = { "tech_juggernaut" }
	class = shipclass_starbase
	construction_type = starbase_shipyard

	required_component_set = "power_core"
	required_component_set = "sensor_components"
	required_component_set = "combat_computers"
	required_component_set = "ftl_components"
	required_component_set = "thruster_components"
	required_component_set = "ship_aura_components"

	min_upgrade_cost = {
		alloys = 50

Ship Sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Ships consist of Ship Sections. They are defined at "common/section_templates/xxx.txt".

Data Structure[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Property Description
key = <localisation key> Identification key of this section.
ship_size = <ship size key> Specifies the compatible Ship Size. Multiple allowed.
fits_on_slot = <section slot name> Specifies the compatible section slot name. Multiple allowed.
should_draw_components = <yes/no> If no, weapon components on this Ship Section will not have entities (turrets).
entity = <entity key> Specifies the entity of this section.
icon = <GFX entry> Although most of the vanilla sections specified this as "GFX_ship_part_core_mid", there is no where for this to be seen.
component_slot A weapon slot. Multiple allowed. They appear in the Ship Designer in the order they are defined here.
  • name = <something>
Identification of this weapon slot. No duplications allowed.
  • template = <component slot template>
The Component Slot Template used for this weapon slot. This determines the weapon type (regular weapon or strike craft), weapon size (small, medium or large), and turret entity.
  • locatorname = <locator name>
The locators are pointers on the Ship Section entity and indicates where should the turret be, see Graphics modding for details.
small_utility_slots = <int>
medium_utility_slots = <int>
large_utility_slots = <int>
aux_utility_slots = <int>
The number of utility slots of each size of this Ship Section. Multiple allowed. They appear in the Ship Designer in the reversed order they are defined here.
resources An Economy Unit to determine the construction cost and upkeep of this Ship Section.
ai_weight Determines how likely the AI and auto-designer will choose this Ship Section. (Country scope)
prerequisites = { tech_xxx } A list of Technologies. Unlike other game objects, Ship Sections only require ONE of the prerequisites, not all.

Examples[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Battleship XL Bow[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

ship_section_template = {
	ship_size = battleship
	fits_on_slot = bow
	should_draw_components = yes
	entity = "battleship_bow_XL1_entity"
	icon = "GFX_ship_part_core_bow"

	prerequisites = { tech_energy_lance_1 tech_energy_lance_2 tech_arc_emitter_1 tech_arc_emitter_2 tech_mass_accelerator_1 tech_mass_accelerator_2 }

	ai_weight = {
		modifier = {
			factor = 10.0
			NOT = { is_preferred_weapons = weapon_type_explosive }
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.1
			is_preferred_weapons = weapon_type_explosive

	component_slot = {
		name = "EXTRA_LARGE_01"
		template = "invisible_extra_large_fixed"
		locatorname = "xl_gun_01"

	large_utility_slots = 3

	resources = {
		category = ship_sections
		cost = {
			alloys = @section_cost

Starbase Missile Defense Module[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

ship_section_template = {
	entity = "starbase_turret_section_entity"
	icon = "GFX_ship_part_core_mid"

	ship_size = starbase_outpost
	ship_size = starbase_starport
	ship_size = starbase_starhold
	ship_size = starbase_starfortress
	ship_size = starbase_citadel

	fits_on_slot = "1"
	fits_on_slot = "2"
	fits_on_slot = "3"
	fits_on_slot = "4"
	fits_on_slot = "5"
	fits_on_slot = "6"

	should_draw_components = yes

	component_slot = {
		name = "TORPEDO_01"
		template = "medium_missile_turret"
		locatorname = "medium_gun_01"

	component_slot = {
		name = "TORPEDO_02"
		template = "medium_missile_turret"
		locatorname = "medium_gun_02"

Component Slot Templates[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Component Slot Templates are containers of actual Weapon Components attached to Section Templates, or to say "turrets". They are defined at "common/component_slot_templates/xxx.txt".

Data Structure[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Property Weapon Component Slots Strike Craft Slots
component Only one is allowed.
  • component = weapon
Only one is allowed.
  • component = strike_craft
size One of the following is allowed.
  • PD槽: size = point_defence
  • S槽: size = small
  • M槽: size = medium
  • L槽: size = large
  • G槽: size = torpedo
  • XL槽: size = extra_large
  • T槽: size = titanic
  • WD槽: size = planet_killer
Only one is allowed.
  • H槽: size = large
entities Determines the Turret Entities of this Component Slot Template. Define with pairs of component tags and entities. No.png
is_fixed = <yes/no> Default no. If yes, this "turret" cannot rotate and the entire ship will rotate to have this "turret" face the target. No.png

Examples[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Point Defense Turret[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

point_defence_turret = {
	size = point_defence
	component = weapon
	entities = {
		weapon_type_kinetic = "small_kinetic_gun_entity"
		weapon_type_energy = "turret_point_defence_entity"

Invisible Extra Large "Turret"[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

invisible_extra_large_fixed = {
	size = extra_large
	component = weapon
	is_fixed = yes

Component Sets[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Component Sets are groups of Components. They are defined at "common/component_sets/xxx.txt".

There are two type of Component Sets.

  • One is used to group weapon and utility components together to be used by Ship Designers that are usually the same type of Components of different sizes unlocked by a same Technology;
  • Another is used to group all components that fix a C槽 Core Component Slot which can be unlocked by different technologies.

Core Components can be weapons and strike crafts, but such a weapon cannot fire and it doesn't have a turret entity. If it was a Planet Killer weapon, it can still be used but has no graphics.

Data Structure[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Property Designer Component Sets Core Component Sets
key = <localisation key> Identification key of this Component Set.
required_component_set = <yes/no> Must be required_component_set = no or leave this undefined. Must be required_component_set = yes. ship_size must have atleast 1 thing from component_templates can be use , or this ship are unable to be build and break auto-generated.
icon = <GFX entry> Determines the icon of this component slot. Vanilla always define these but these is always overwritten by individual Core Components.
icon_frame = <int> Vanilla always have icon_frame = 1. Actual usage is unclear.

Examples[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Core Component Set: "Combat Computers"[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

component_set = {
	key = "combat_computers"

	required_component_set = yes
	icon = "GFX_ship_part_computer"
	icon_frame = 1

Designer Component Set: "Red Lasers"[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

component_set = {
	key = "RED_LASER"

	icon = "GFX_ship_part_laser_1"
	icon_frame = 1

Components[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Components are attachments to ships for a weapon or a functional extension. They are defined at "common/component_templates/xxx.txt".

Data Structure[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Property Weapon Components Strike Craft Components Utility Components
key = <localisation key> Identification key of this Component.
icon = <GFX entry> Determines the icon of this Component, overwriting that of the Component Set.
icon_frame = <int> Vanilla always have icon_frame = 1. For sprite sheet icons.
size One of the following is allowed.
  • PD槽: size = point_defence
  • S槽: size = small
  • M槽: size = medium
  • L槽: size = large
  • G槽: size = torpedo
  • XL槽: size = extra_large
  • T槽: size = titanic
  • WD槽: size = planet_killer

Without the 启示录 Apocalypse 启示录Apocalypse DLC, ship designs with a Titanic or Planet Killer weapon cannot be saved as well as the weapons cannot be picked by a generated design.

Only one is allowed.
  • H槽: size = large
One of the following is allowed.
  • S槽: size = small
  • M槽: size = medium
  • L槽: size = large
  • A槽: size = aux
type One of the following is allowed.
  • type = instant
  • type = point_defence
  • type = missile
  • type = planet_killer

Kinetic and Energy weapons are "instant". Though their graphics might look like that their projectiles need time to reach the target, the actual damage is done in an instant.

Point defenses is a stronger variant that it can target missiles and strike crafts.

Missiles have additional properties to specify missile stats, like speed, retarget range, missile hitpoints, and missile evasion.

Planet killers are no regular weapons. They can't be used in fleet battles, but can be used on planets by Colossi to trigger events.

Without the 启示录 Apocalypse 启示录Apocalypse DLC, the fleet command to invoke the Planet Killer weapon can't be used.

weapon_type No.png One of the following is allowed.
  • type = instant
  • type = point_defence
entity = <entity key> Determines what should the Strike Crafts be look like.
projectile_gfx = <projectile graphic key> Specifies the projectile graphic of this Component.
prio_projectile = <yes/no> If yes, the projectile graphic of this Component will be preferentially displayed if there are too many graphics to be displayed and some of them must be ignored. No.png
planet_destruction_gfx = <GFX entry> Only relevant to Planet Killer weapons. Specifies the projectile graphic.
tags = { component_tags … } Specifies the list of Component Tags. This determines what kind of modifiers can affect this weapon. For example, if a weapon has both the kinetic tag and the energy tag, repeatable technologies that affect either will both affect this weapon.
ai_tags = { component_tags … } What role should the AI consider this weapon to be playing. No.png
ai_tag_weight = <float> Multiplies the AI weight gained through the ai_tags. Vanilla use this for Missile components for unknown reason.
prerequisites = { tech_xxx } Technology prerequisites of this Component.
power = <int> If this value is positive, this Component will generate that much power. If this value is negative, this Component will consume that much power.
resources An Economy Unit to determine the construction cost and upkeep of this Component.
modifier A block of Modifiers to be added to the Ship. These modifiers will come to effect even before the actual ships are built, you can see these in the Ship Designer. Only the following modifiers are allowed here.
  • ship_evasion_(add/mult)
  • ship_speed_mult & ship_base_speed_mult
  • ship_(hull/armor/shield)_(add/mult) & ship_(hull/armor/shield)_regen_add_(static/perc)
  • ship_weapon_damage & <weapon slot size>_weapon_damage_mult
  • ships_upkeep_mult & ships_<resource type>_upkeep_mult
  • ship_piracy_suppression_add

Starbases can also use the following modifiers here.

  • starbase_(module/building/defense_platform/shipyard)_capacity_add
  • starbase_(trade_collection_range/protection_range/protection)_add

It's not recommended to give Weapon Components and Strike Craft Components with modifiers, because the tooltips might go wild and confusing.

ship_modifier Another block of Modifiers to be added to the Ship. Modifiers like ship_fire_rate_mult and ship_weapon_range_mult go here.

It's not recommended to give Weapon Components and Strike Craft Components with modifiers, because the tooltips might go wild and confusing.

ship_behavior = <ship behavior> No.png Determines the behavior pattern of the Strike Crafts. Determines the behavior pattern of this Ship.
component_set = <component set key> Specifies the Component Set of this Component.
upgrades_to = <component key> Specifies the direct upgrade of this Component. When the direct upgrade has been unlocked, this Component will be considered obsolete and will be hidden from Ship Designer unless manually toggled off the "Hide Obsolete" option, and will be automatically replaced by the advanced variant for all existing Ship Designs that is set to auto-upgrade components.

For Ship Sizes that are set to auto_upgrade = yes, existing Ships will instantly be upgraded for free. Starbases will redesign themselves and might pick different kind of Weapons.

class_restriction = { shipclass_military … } Only Ships of Ship Classes listed here can equip this Component.

Note that Colossi is shipclass_military_special and the Juggernaut and Starbases are shipclass_starbase.

size_restriction = { <ship size keys> } Only Ships of Ship Sizes listed here can equip this Component.
slot_restriction = { <slot template keys> } Implemented since Stellaris v2.7.1. Only Slot Templates listed here can hold this Component. No.png
hidden = <yes/no> Optional, default no. If yes, this Component is hidden from the Ship Designer and Generated designs and the AI will also be unable to pick this. Only global ship designs can have this component.
valid_for_country Define it like this.
valid_for_country = {
	modifier = {
		factor = 0
		… (Conditions, Country scope) …

If the "factor" is evaluated into 0, this Component is hidden from the Ship Designer. Generated designs and the AI don't respect this.

It's used for Stellaris v1.8 to prevent the Player from using Sapient Combat Computer, while setting the AI policy to outlawed. It's unused for now but still functional.

No.png Aura definitions. Head to the examples for details.

With system_wide = yes, the aura affects all friendly or enemy ships in the same system.

With system_wide = no or undefined, the aura affects all friendly ships in the same fleet or all enemy ships that are in battle with the aura bearer.

The aura range property does nothing. The aura graphic property seemingly does nothing as well.

should_ai_use = <yes/no> If no, AI cannot use this. Among vanilla Components, only empty FTL driver use this.
ftl = <yes/no> No.png If yes, this Ship can use the hyperlane and go FTL.
jumpdrive = <yes/no> If yes, this Ship can use the jumpdrive command.
ftl_inhibitor = <yes/no> If yes, this Ship can be FTL inhibitor.
damage = { min = <float> max = <float> } Determines the damage. No.png
windup = { min = <int> max = <int> } The ticks it takes for this Weapon to get ready to fire. (1 day = 10 ticks)
total_fire_time = <int> The ticks it takes for this Weapon to cooldown before it's next fire. (1 day = 10 ticks) No.png
cooldown = <int> No.png The ticks it takes for this Weapon to cooldown before it's next fire. (1 day = 10 ticks)
hull_damage = <float>
shield_damage = <float>
shield_penetration = <float>
armor_damage = <float>
armor_penetration = <float>
Determines the damage efficiencies and penetration rates.
range = <int>
accuracy = <float>
tracking = <float>
Determines the range, accuracy and tracking.
missile_speed = <int>
missile_evasion = <float>
missile_shield = <int>
missile_armor = <int>
missile_health = <int>
missile_retarget_range = <int>
Missile stats. No.png
firing_arc = <float> Limits the arc this Weapon can fire in.
min_range = <float> Limits the minimal range this Weapon can fire.
use_ship_kill_target = <yes/no> Unclear.
count = <int>
regeneration_per_day = <float>
launch_time = <int>
speed = <int>
rotation_speed = <float>
acceleration = <float>
evasion = <float>
shield = <int>
armor = <int>
health = <int>
No.png Strike Craft stats.

Weapon Stats CSV[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Most stats of vanilla Weapon Components are defined at "common/component_templates/weapon_components.csv". This file has higher priority than individual Weapon Components.

Key Regular Weapons Planet Killers
key The identification of the Weapon Component.
cost The 矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals cost of this Weapon Component. This field is deprecated after the economy rework.
power The power impact of this Weapon Component.
Determines the damage.
The equivalent Weapon Component Property is damage = { min = <float> max = <float> }.
Determines the damage efficiencies and penetration rates.
The ticks it takes for this Weapon to get ready to fire. (1 day = 10 ticks)
The equivalent Weapon Component Property is windup = { min = <int> max = <int> }.
World Destroyer weapons have 90 min windup and 0 max windup.
cooldown The ticks it takes for this Weapon to cooldown before it's next fire. (1 day = 10 ticks)
The equivalent Weapon Component Property is total_fire_time = <int>.
World Destroyer weapons have 30 cooldown.
Determines the range, accuracy and tracking. World Destroyer weapons have 1 accuracy, 0 range and 0 tracking.
Missile stats. No.png

Component Tags[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Component Tags can be given to Components to make them affected by certain modifiers. Most of the vanilla Component Tags are hard-codely required. They are defined at "common/component_tags/xxx.txt".0

Examples[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Small Red Laser[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

weapon_component_template = {
	size = small
	type = instant
	icon = "GFX_ship_part_laser_1"
	icon_frame = 1
	prerequisites = { "tech_lasers_1" }
	component_set = "RED_LASER"
	projectile_gfx = "infrared_laser_s"
	tags = { weapon_type_energy }
	upgrades_to = "SMALL_BLUE_LASER"
	ai_tags = { weapon_role_anti_armor }	#tags must be pre-registered in common/weapon_tags
	resources = {
		category = ship_components
		cost = {
			alloys = @s_t1_cost
		upkeep = {
			energy = @s_t1_upkeep_energy
			alloys = @s_t1_upkeep_alloys

Tier 3 Strike Crafts[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

strike_craft_component_template = {
	size = LARGE
	entity = "bomber_entity"

	weapon_type = point_defence
	projectile_gfx = "strike_craft_laser_3"

	power = @power4
	resources = {
		category = ship_components
		cost = {
			alloys = @l_t5_cost
		upkeep = {
			energy = @l_t5_upkeep_energy
			alloys = @l_t5_upkeep_alloys

	count = @count
	regeneration_per_day = @regen
	launch_time = @launch_time

	damage = { min = 6 max = 17 }
	cooldown = 2.3
	range = @attack_range
	engagement_range = @engagement_range
	accuracy = 1.00
	tracking = 1.00

	health = 45
	armor = 0
	shield = 30
	evasion = 0.80

	speed = @speed4
	rotation_speed = 0.8
	acceleration = 1

	shield_penetration = 1.0
	armor_damage = 1.5

	ship_behavior = "fighters_behavior"

	icon = "GFX_ship_part_strike_craft_fighter_3"
	icon_frame = 1
	component_set = "STRIKE_CRAFT_HANGAR_3"
	prerequisites = { "tech_strike_craft_3" }

	tags = { weapon_type_strike_craft }
	ai_tags = { weapon_role_point_defense }

Small Tier 3 Shield[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

utility_component_template = {
	key = "SMALL_SHIELD_3"
	size = small
	icon = "GFX_ship_part_shield_3"
	icon_frame = 1
	power = @power_S3
	resources = {
		category = ship_components
		cost = {
			alloys = @shield_s_t3_cost
		upkeep = {
			energy = @shield_s_t3_upkeep_energy
			alloys = @shield_s_t3_upkeep_alloys
	modifier = {
		ship_shield_add = @shield_S3
		ship_shield_regen_add_static = @regen_S3 #Regeneration per day
	prerequisites = { "tech_shields_3" }
	component_set = "SHIELD_3"
	upgrades_to = "SMALL_SHIELD_4"

PD Nullification Juggernaut Aura[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

utility_component_template = {
	size = medium
	icon = "GFX_ship_part_aura_pd_penetration"
	icon_frame = 1
	power = 0

	size_restriction = { juggernaut }
	component_set = "ship_aura_components"

	hostile_aura = {
		name = "aura_pd_penetration"
		system_wide = yes

		stack_info = {			#A ship can only be affected by one aura of a certain id. If multiple auras have the same ID the one with the highest priority will be applied.
			id = hostile_pd_penetration
			priority = 1

		modifier = {
			weapon_type_point_defense_weapon_damage_mult = -0.3
			weapon_type_point_defense_weapon_fire_rate_mult = -0.3

		graphics = {
			area_effect = {
				entity = "circle_area_entity"
				dynamic_scale = yes
			ship_effect = {
				entity = "ship_aura_negative_entity"
				dynamic_scale = no

	ai_weight = {
		weight = 10
		modifier = {
			factor = 2
			is_ai = yes
			is_preferred_weapons = weapon_type_energy

Bombardment Juggernaut Aura[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

utility_component_template = {
	size = medium
	icon = "GFX_ship_part_aura_bombardment"
	icon_frame = 1
	power = 0

	size_restriction = { juggernaut }
	component_set = "ship_aura_components"

	friendly_aura = {
		name = "aura_bombardment"
		system_wide = yes

		stack_info = {			#A ship can only be affected by one aura of a certain id. If multiple auras have the same ID the one with the highest priority will be applied.
			id = friendly_bombardment
			priority = 1

		modifier = {
			ship_orbital_bombardment_mult = 0.3

		graphics = {
			area_effect = {
				entity = "circle_area_entity"
				dynamic_scale = yes
			ship_effect = {
				entity = "ship_aura_negative_entity"
				dynamic_scale = no

	ai_weight = {
		weight = 10
		modifier = {
			factor = 2
			is_ai = yes
			is_preferred_weapons = weapon_type_energy

How does Colossus Weapons Work?[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Colossus Weapons are invoked through a fleet command of the Colossus.0

Before you can fire, a scripted-trigger called can_destroy_planet_with_<colossus weapon component key> is checked. Read the vanilla file "common/scripted_triggers/01_scripted_triggers_planet_killers.txt" and Dynamic modding for details.

When the weapon is fired, an on-action called on_destroy_planet_with_<colossus weapon component key> is fired. Read the vanilla file "common/on_actions/01_planet_destruction.txt" and Event modding for details.

There are also relevant localisation keys to the Colossus Weapons, more than just the component name and description.

FLEETORDER_DESTROY_PLANET_WITH_<component key>:0 "Preparing to crack $PLANET|Y$"
MESSAGE_DESC_FOR_<component key>:0 "was utterly destroyed by"
<component key>_ACTION:0 "Crack World"

Ship Behavior[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Ship Behaviors are patterns ships follow during battle. They are called by Combat Computer Components and Strike Craft Components. They are defined at "common/ship_behaviors/xxx.txt".

Data Structure[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Property Description
name = <localisation key> Identification key of this Ship Behavior.
preferred_attack_range = <min/median/max/int> The distance from target the ship wants to keep when using 'attack_movement_pattern'.
formation_distance = <min/median/max/int> The ship will switch to 'attack_movement_pattern' when it crosses inside this distance from a target. The ship will also try to stay at this distance while using 'passive_movement_pattern'.
return_to_formation_distance = <min/median/max/int> The ship will switch to 'passive_move_pattern' when it crosses outside this distance from a target.
Each can be one of the following.
  • charge
  • orbit
  • stay_at_range
  • flee
  • follow
  • stationary
  • none
ignore_combat_movement = <yes/no> If yes, this ship will totally ignore auto movement patterns. If it is the fleet's leader, you retain control to move to any point you direct while the rest of the fleet follows their movement patterns. If the ship goes through a hyperlane, the whole fleet will warp out.

Global Ship Designs[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Global Ship Designs are pre-scripted designs to be used by events with Effects such as create_ship. They are defined at "common/global_ship_designs/xxx.txt".

Data Structure[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Property Description
name = <localisation key> Identification key of this Global Ship Design.
ship_size = <ship size key> Marks the Ship Size of this Ship.
is_event_design = <yes/no> Marks this design an Event Design that should be blocked by the Fleet Manager.
hide_size = <yes/no> Hide the Ship Size of this Ship, so you won't see something like "Amoeba-class Amoeba".
  • template = <ship section key>
  • slot = <section slot name>
Specifies the Sections. Multiple allowed. Each of them can also specify components.
  • component
    • slot = <component slot name>
    • template = <component key>
Specifies the Component. Multiple allowed.

The component slot name of Weapon Component Slots are the slot names defined there.

The names of Utility Component Slots are (SMALL|MEDIUM|LARGE|AUX)_UTILITY_<int>. The index starts from 1.

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