
A gas giant with four units of research resources and one unit of the very rare Zro aerosol.

群星中,经济(economy)基于资源和服务的生产和消费,这些资源和服务有的来自特定星球,有的产生于帝国修正。二者严重依赖于工作在不同 Pop job.png Jobs上的人口 Pop 人口Pop和星球上的资源建筑与采矿站。

资源多种多样,从普通的食物 Food 食物Food 到极其稀有的暗物质 Dark Matter 暗物质Dark Matter暗物质,同时也可用矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals 生产研究 Research 研究Research

如果一个帝国存储的某一种资源的库存在收入为负的情况下降至 0,就会出现资源短缺并带来巨大的惩罚。


资源存储容量[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

所有资源都可以储存。所有资源都有15K的基础储存容量,除了 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits含有50K基础存储容量. 所有帝国可以在行星上建造 资源仓库 和在恒星基地建造 资源仓库 以拓展资源存储容量. 任何生产出来的资源如果不能储存起来,就会被浪费掉. 对于这种情况, 可以通过贸易市场和商业协议兑换溢出的资源的价值,也可以消耗资源建造[Megastructures]],建筑或扩充军备。

影响力 Influence 影响力Influence1K的储存上限. 海军容量 Naval Capacity 海军容量Naval Capacity9999的储存上限. 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity无限的存储容量. 对于 研究 Research 研究Research 储存请查看 研究.

物质资源[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


基础资源[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


资源类型 主要用途 短缺影响 描述
Energy.png 能量币
  • 清除障碍花费 Clear Blocker Cost 清除障碍花费
  • 环境改造花费 Terraforming Cost 环境改造花费
  • 法令 Edict 法令花费和维护费
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost 维护费
  • 机械体 Mechanical机械 Machine 机械人口维护费
  • 市场中介费 Market Fee 市场购买花费
  • 矿物 Minerals −50% Minerals from Jobs
  • 陆军伤害 Army Damage −75% Army Damage
  • 护盾承受值 Shield Hit Points −75% Shield Hit Points
  • 舰船武器伤害 Ship Weapons Damage −75% Ship Weapons Damage
  • 渗透等级 Infiltration Level −100% Infiltration Growth
  • 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack Trader enclave deals are canceled
能量币 (Energy.png) 是一种被所有太空种族接受的能源货币. 你可以通过以下方式获取:
  1. 在殖民地上建造 建筑 Building输电网络, 建筑 Building三级奇点 建筑
  2. 在殖民地上建造 发电区划
  3. 使用 工程船 围绕着有能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits资源的行星或恒星建造 开采站
  4. 贸易市场 出售
Minerals.png 矿物
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost 建筑和区划建造花费
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost 空间站建造花费
  • 冶金师 Metallurgist工匠 Artisan 职业维护费
  • 石质 Lithoid 石质人口维护费
  • 岗位生产的合金 Alloys from Jobs 从职业的合金产出 −50%
  • 岗位生产的合金 Alloys from Jobs −50% 从职业的消费品产出
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult.png −75% 机器人建造速度
  • 幸福度 Happiness −25% 石质人口幸福度
  • Mod pop growth req.png −75%石质人口增长速度
矿物 (Minerals.png) 是我们建造舰船、空间站和行星建筑所需的基本资源的统称. 你可以通过以下方式获取:
  1. 在殖民地上建造 建筑 Building矿物处理站, 建筑 Building量子钻穿中心 建筑
  2. 在殖民地上建造 采矿区划
  3. 使用 工程船 围绕着有矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals资源的行星或恒星建造 开采站
  4. 贸易市场 购买
Food.png 食物
  • Mod pop food req.png 有机人口维护费
  • 造舰费用 Ship Build Cost 有机生物帝国的殖民船建造花费
  • 有机人口幸福度 Happiness −25%
  • Mod pop growth req.png有机人口增长速度 −75%
  • Mod pop robot build speed mult.png有机人口组装速度 −75%
食物 (Food.png) 代表维持和生长 人口 Pop人口 所需的各种营养 . 你可以通过以下方式获取:
  1. 在殖民地上建造 建筑 Building水培农场, 建筑 Building食物加工厂, 建筑 Building营养复合体
  2. 在殖民地上建造 农业区划
  3. 贸易市场 购买

进阶资源[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

高级资源是通过矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals提炼出来的资源。部分情况下可能会在星系中发现自然出现的合金 Alloys 合金Alloys。此外,巨型结构电弧熔炉(需要 Machine Age DLC)分别会在最后两个阶段对星系中的天体添加矿物 Minerals  3 矿物Minerals合金 Alloys  1 合金Alloys矿物 Minerals  3 矿物Minerals合金 Alloys  2 合金Alloys

在未选择星球特化之前或选择特化星球为工业星球Menu icon claims.png 工业区化会同时生产合金 Alloys 合金Alloys消费品 Consumer Goods 消费品Consumer Goods, 在选择铸造星球特化后, Menu icon claims.png 工业区化只会生成合金 Alloys 合金Alloys, 在选择工厂星球特化后, Menu icon claims.png 工业区化只会生成消费品 Consumer Goods 消费品Consumer Goods

资源类型 主要用途 短缺影响 描述
Alloys.png 合金
  • 造舰费用 Ship Build Cost 恒星基地和舰船建造花费
  • 舰船维护费 Ship Upkeep 舰船维护费
  • 巨型结构建造速度 Megastructure Build Speed 巨型结构建造花费
  • 装甲值 Armor Hit Points舰船装甲值 −75%
  • 舰船武器射速 Ship Fire RateShip Fire Rate −75%
合金 (Alloys.png) 是具有军事用途的先进资源,我们用其建造 舰船恒星基地. 你可以通过以下方式获取:
  1. 在殖民地上建造 建筑 Building合金铸造厂, 建筑 Building超级铸造厂 建筑
  2. 在殖民地上建造 Menu icon claims.png 工业区划
  3. 使用 工程船 围绕着有合金 Alloys 合金Alloys资源的行星或恒星建造 开采站
  4. 贸易市场 购买
Consumer goods.png 消费品
  • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness 帝国不消耗消费品, 除了失控机仆 Rogue Servitor 失控机仆Rogue Servitor
  • 消费品维护费 人口维护费
  • 研究人员 Researcher文化工作者 Culture Worker官僚 Bureaucrat 专家岗位维护费
  • 造舰费用 Ship Build Cost 殖民船建造花费 (格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness 除外)
  • Decision luxuries.png 生活标准
  • 人口幸福度 Happiness舒适度 −25%
  • 从职业的研究 Research研究点数产出 −50%
  • 从职业的凝聚力 Unity凝聚力产出 −50%
  • 生活标准不产生幸福度 Happiness幸福度
Consumer Goods (Consumer goods.png) 是一种高级资源,代表了为你的 人口 Pop 人口 美好生活和使 岗位 Jobs职业工作 如 研究人员 Researcher研究. You can gain more by:
  1. 在殖民地上建造 建筑 Building民用工业体, 建筑 Building富足商埠 建筑
  2. 在殖民地上建造 Menu icon claims.png 工业区化
  3. 贸易市场 购买

战略资源[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Menu icon strategic resource.png 战略资源是建造和维护高级建筑和飞船部件所需的特殊稀有资源。它们比普通的基础资源更难获得,因此价值也更高。战略资源可以通过从天然矿藏中提取或合成制造获得。天然战略资源矿藏总是可见的,但需要特定的技术才能开采。人工合成的战略资源可以从矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals中提取,但价格昂贵。所有战略资源都可以通过次元制造机炼厂建造制造出来。

资源类型 主要用途 短缺影响 描述
Exotic gases.png 异星天然气
  • 伤害 Damage 制造先进武器部件
  • 护盾 Shields 制造先进护盾部件
  • 法令 Edict 战略资源法令
建筑 Building Advanced buildings cost and upkeep0
人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production −25% Resources from Jobs 异星天然气开采 Exotic Gas Extraction 异星天然气开采Exotic Gas Extraction
  • 建筑 Building 异星天然气精炼厂
  • 建筑 Building 气体采集井
  • Sb nebula refinery.png 星云精炼厂
  • Planet gas giant.png 气态巨行星矿床
  • Planet toxic.png 剧毒星球
Rare crystals.png 稀有水晶
  • 伤害 Damage Advanced laser weapon components
  • 船体值 Hull Points Advanced hull components
  • 法令 Edict Strategic resource edicts
建筑 Building Advanced buildings cost and upkeep0
人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production −25% Resources from Jobs 稀有水晶开采 Rare Crystal Mining 稀有水晶开采Rare Crystal Mining
  • 建筑 Building Synthetic Crystal Plants
  • 建筑 Building Crystal Mines
  • Planet asteroid.png Ice asteroid deposits
  • Planet frozen.png Frozen world deposits
These crystals have properties that make them extremely effective at focusing laser beams, and they are also a critical component in most advanced electronics. In addition, many cultures treasure them as decorations and adornments.
Volatile motes.png 易爆颗粒
  • 伤害 Damage Advanced kinetic and missile weapon components
  • 法令 Edict Strategic resource edicts
建筑 Building Advanced buildings cost and upkeep0
人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production −25% Resources from Jobs 微粒稳定化 Mote Stabilization 微粒稳定化Mote Stabilization
  • 建筑 Building Chemical Plants
  • 建筑 Building Mote Harvesting Traps
  • Planet asteroid.png Asteroid deposits
  • Planet molten.png Molten world deposits
These preternatural particles contain a tremendous amount of energy which could be exploited in energy production, as fuel or even as explosives.'
Zro.png Zro
  • Ship part psi shield.png Psionic Shields component
Cannot have shortages 蒸馏泽珞 Zro Distillation 蒸馏泽珞Zro Distillation
  • Planet toxic.png Toxic world deposits
  • Planet gas giant.png Gas giant anomalies
An extremely rare aerosol of exotic particles. It has been deposited on a number of worlds through meteor impacts, but its true origin is a mystery. If ingested by psionically-gifted individuals, zro acts as a very potent (and addictive) drug that enhances PSI abilities.
Dark Matter.png Dark Matter
  • Ship part dark matter shield.png Dark Matter Deflectors component
  • Ship part dark matter power core.png Dark Matter Reactor component
  • Ship part thruster 5.png Dark Matter Thrusters component
  • 灭世天罚 Nemesis Star-Eater construction
  • 灭世天罚 Nemesis Aetherophasic Engine upgrade
Cannot have shortages 暗物质收集 Dark Matter Drawing 暗物质收集Dark Matter Drawing
  • Black Hole.png Black hole deposits
  • Observatory.png Black Hole Observatory
  • 灭世天罚 Nemesis Star-Eaters
This exotic substance has many properties that seemingly defy several natural laws. Harvestable concentrations can only be found near Black Holes or in certain nebulas.
Living Metal.png Living Metal
  • 法令 Edict Living Metal Mega-Construction edict
Cannot have shortages 活体金属 Living Metal Living Metal
  • Anomaly deposits
  • Destroyed Contingency Sterilization Hubs
  • 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Sentinels archaeology site
  • 寰宇企业 Megacorp Sold rarely by the Racket Industrial Enterprise caravan
This inorganic metal shows characteristics usually seen only in biological life forms. It will always attempt to regenerate back into the shape it was stabilized into.
Nanites.png Nanites
  • Ship part auto repair.png Nanite Repair System component
  • 建筑 Building Nanite Transmuter building upkeep
  • 法令 Edict Nanite Actuators edict
人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production −100% Nanite Transmuter Output
  • 遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack L-Cluster celestial bodies
Simple but powerful nanoactuators, allowing for complex manipulations and experiments of macroscopic scales.

Abstract resources[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Abstract resources represent non-physical assets that an empire has access to. They are mostly concepts that represent complex sociopolitical activity within the empire's leadership and population.

Resource Main uses Shortage effects Description & notes
Influence.png Influence
  • Menu icon claims.png Claims Cost
  • 恒星基地影响力花费 Starbase Influence Cost Outpost Cost
  • Diplomacy alliance.png Diplomatic Pacts Upkeep
  • 正在被整合 Is being integrated Integrating Subjects
幸福度 Happiness −20% Happiness Influence (影响力 Influence) represents political clout and is used for things like making Claims and building Outposts. The gain rate remains fairly constant throughout the game, but can be increased by declaring other empires your Rivals or increasing you Power Projection.

Power Pojection grants up to 2 Influence depending on how many ships you have compared to your Empire Size.

Unity.png Unity
  • 领袖招募花费 Leader Recruitment Cost Leader Cost and Upkeep
  • 传统 Traditions Traditions Cost
  • 法令 Edict Edicts Cost
  • 法令 Edict Planetary Decisions Cost
  • 选举 Election Influencing Elections
  • 承诺 Mandate Reforming the Government
  • 派系 Faction Faction Interactions
  • 稳定度 Stability −20 Stability
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction −100% Governing Ethics Attraction
Unity (凝聚力 Unity) is used to unlock new Traditions, recruit Leaders and enact Edicts. We can increase our output by building an 建筑 Building Autochton Monument or other buildings that provide jobs which produce Unity.
Research.png Research
Cannot have shortages Physics / Society / Engineering Research (物理学研究 Physics Research社会学研究 Society ResearchEngineering research) is used to research new technologies. We can increase out putput by:
  1. Building 建筑 Building Research Labs buildings on our colonies.
  2. Using Construction Ships to build Research Stations around mineral certain planets or stars.

  • Research speed is based on monthly research points production, and only then multiplied by Research Speed modifiers.
  • Research can be stored by not working on any research or special project.
  • The moment a research or special project takes place stored research is used to double the progress speed until the storage is emptied.

Trade value[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

See also: Trade

Trade value cannot be stockpiled and instead is collected at the capital via trade routes and converted monthly into 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits, 消费品 Consumer Goods 消费品Consumer Goods and / or 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity based on the empire's trade policy. 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness empires do not use it.

Resource Major source Description
Trade value.png Trade value
  • 人口 Pop 人口Pops (varies based on Living Standards, Civics and/or Traits)
  • 岗位 Jobs Various jobs
  • 建筑 Building Galactic Stock Exchange building increases planetary overall trade value
  • Planet asteroid.png Celestial Body deposits (no stations required)
  • 企业政府 Corporate Branch Office buildings
Trade Value represents civilian day-to-day economic activity. Starbases collect Trade Value and convert it into resources such as 能量币 Energy Credits Energy Credits if connected to your capital planet through a Trade Route. Trade Value that is directly collected by your capital Starbase does not need a trade route to generate resources.

参考资料[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
