Megastructure modding


Megastructures are massive space objects to be built by Constructor ships.

They are defined at "common/megastructures/xxx.txt".

Data Structure[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Property Built Around a Planet Freely Placed Upgraded
portrait = <GFX entry> Determines the image of this Megastructure to be displayed in the GUI.
entity = <entity key>
construction_entity = <entity key>
Determines the entity of this Megastructure and the placeholder entity while it's being constructed by the Constructor ship.
entity_offset = { x = <int> y = <int> } Moves the position of this Megastructure relatively to the Planet. No.png
place_entity_on_planet_plane = <yes/no> The Habitat has "yes". Actual functionality is unclear.
show_galactic_map_icon = <yes/no> Default yes. If no, having this Megastructure doesn't trigger the Megastructure galaxy view icon.
potential A block of Conditions to determine should this Megastructure appear in the construction list. (Country scope) The similar. If evaluated false, this Megastructure doen't appear as an upgrade option.
possible A block of Conditions to determine can this Megastructure be built in a solar system. (Solar System scope, FROM is the builder empire) The similar. If evaluated false, this Megastructure as an upgrade option will be disabled and grayed out.
  • planet_possible
A weird nested block. The inner planet_possible is a block of Conditions to determine can this Megastructure be built on a Planet or Star. (Planet scope, FROM is the builder empire) No.png
build_outside_gravity_well = <yes/no> No.png If yes, this Megastructure is built outside the system gravity well and doesn't need to be built around a Planet. No.png
upgrade_from = { <megastructure key> }
upgrade_desc = <default/hide>
No.png A list of Megastructures that can be used as a base to upgrade into This.

Don't specify a Megastructure as a pre-upgrade version of 2 or more Upgraded Megastructures.

If upgrade_desc = hide, this Megastructure doesn't appear in the tooltip in the Megastructure construction view. The level 4 Science Nexus is hidden from tooltip this way, because it can only be obtained by event.

prerequisites = { <technology key> } Technologies required to build or upgrade into this Megastructure.
show_prereqs = <yes/no>
prereq_name = <localisation key>
Default no. If yes, this Megastructure will trigger a tooltip in the prerequisite tech that reads "Unlock Megastructure: My Megastructure".

If prereq_name is specified, the tooltip reads "Unlock Megastructure: My Megastructure Prereq Name".

build_time = <int> Days it takes to build this Megastructure or upgrade an existing Megastructure into this.
resources An Economy Unit to determine the cost, production and upkeep of this Megastructure.
country_modifier A block of Modifiers to be applied to the Empire.
station_modifier Used exclusively by the Mega Shipyard. Only one modifier (starbase_shipyard_capacity_add = <int>) is used here to make this Megastructure capable to build Ships.
ship_modifier Used exclusively by the Mega Shipyard. These modifiers apply to the Ships built by this Megastructure.
bypass_type = <bypass key> Specifies a Bypass type of this Megastructure. See Bypass modding for details.
sensor_range = <int>
hyperlane_range = <int>
Determines the sensor range and hyperlane detection range of this Megastructure.
on_build_start A block of Effects to be executed to the solar system scope when the construction or upgrade begins. Vanilla unused. (Solar System scope, FROM = builder empire, FROMFROM = the megastructure to be upgraded into this)
on_build_cancel A block of Effects to be executed to the solar system scope when the construction is canceled. Vanilla unused. (Solar System scope, FROM = builder empire) No.png
on_build_complete A block of Effects to be executed to the solar system scope when the construction or upgrade is finished. (Solar System scope, FROM = builder empire, FROMFROM = the megastructure)
ai_weight AI trends to build Megastructures with high weight.
construction_blocks_others = <yes/no>
construction_blocked_by_others = <yes/no>
Both default yes.

Megastructures with both property being yes or undefined use megastructure construction capacity.

Megastructures with both property being no doesn't use megastructure construction capacity.

It's not recommended to set one of them to "yes" and another to "no".

Planetized Megastructures[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Some Megastructures, namely Habitats and Ringworlds, will be transformed into Planets once built. They spawn planets based on their own positions and then remove themselves by remove_megastructure = FROMFROM.

Additionally, there is an Effect executed on the Ringworld habitable segment: trigger_megastructure_icon = yes. This effect makes it so that having this planet in solar system triggers the Megastructure galaxy view icon, regardless of there being any megastructures-by-technical or not.

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