在群星中,經濟(economy)基於資源和服務的生產和消費,這些資源和服務有的來自特定星球,有的產生於帝國修正。二者嚴重依賴於工作在不同 Jobs上的口
如果一個帝國存儲的某一種資源的庫存在收入為負的情況下降至 0,就會出現資源短缺並帶來巨大的懲罰。
資源存儲容量[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
物質資源[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
基礎資源[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
資源類型 | 主要用途 | 短缺影響 | 描述 |
能量幣 | 能量幣 () 是一種被所有太空種族接受的能源貨幣. 你可以通過以下方式獲取: | ||
礦物 | 礦物 () 是我們建造艦船、空間站和行星建築所需的基本資源的統稱. 你可以通過以下方式獲取: | ||
食物 | 食物 () 代表維持和生長 人口 所需的各種營養 . 你可以通過以下方式獲取: |
進階資源[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
在未選擇星球特化之前或選擇特化星球為工業星球 工業區化會同時生產
資源類型 | 主要用途 | 短缺影響 | 描述 |
合金 | 合金 () 是具有軍事用途的先進資源,我們用其建造 艦船 和 恆星基地. 你可以通過以下方式獲取: | ||
消費品 | Consumer Goods () 是一種高級資源,代表了為你的 人口 美好生活和使 職業工作 如 研究. You can gain more by: |
戰略資源[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
資源類型 | 主要用途 | 短缺影響 | 描述 | ||
異星天然氣 |
展開 Advanced buildings cost and upkeep
−25% Resources from Jobs | |
異星天然氣是具有多種用途的稀有氣體,特別是在先進能源武器和力場的操作中。一些氣體也可以用作星際飛船燃料,甚至用作娛樂性藥物。 | |
稀有水晶 |
展開 Advanced buildings cost and upkeep
−25% Resources from Jobs | |
These crystals have properties that make them extremely effective at focusing laser beams, and they are also a critical component in most advanced electronics. In addition, many cultures treasure them as decorations and adornments. | |
易爆顆粒 |
展開 Advanced buildings cost and upkeep
−25% Resources from Jobs | |
These preternatural particles contain a tremendous amount of energy which could be exploited in energy production, as fuel or even as explosives.' | |
Zro | Cannot have shortages | |
An extremely rare aerosol of exotic particles. It has been deposited on a number of worlds through meteor impacts, but its true origin is a mystery. If ingested by psionically-gifted individuals, zro acts as a very potent (and addictive) drug that enhances PSI abilities. | ||
Dark Matter | Cannot have shortages | |
This exotic substance has many properties that seemingly defy several natural laws. Harvestable concentrations can only be found near Black Holes or in certain nebulas. | ||
Living Metal | Cannot have shortages | Living Metal | This inorganic metal shows characteristics usually seen only in biological life forms. It will always attempt to regenerate back into the shape it was stabilized into. | ||
Nanites | −100% Nanite Transmuter Output | Simple but powerful nanoactuators, allowing for complex manipulations and experiments of macroscopic scales. |
Abstract resources[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Abstract resources represent non-physical assets that an empire has access to. They are mostly concepts that represent complex sociopolitical activity within the empire's leadership and population.
Resource | Main uses | Shortage effects | Description & notes |
Influence | −20% Happiness | Influence () represents political clout and is used for things like making Claims and building Outposts. The gain rate remains fairly constant throughout the game, but can be increased by declaring other empires your Rivals or increasing you Power Projection.
Power Pojection grants up to 2 Influence depending on how many ships you have compared to your Empire Size. | |
Unity |
Unity () is used to unlock new Traditions, recruit Leaders and enact Edicts. We can increase our output by building an Autochton Monument or other buildings that provide jobs which produce Unity. | |
Research |
Cannot have shortages | Physics / Society / Engineering Research () is used to research new technologies. We can increase out putput by:
Naval Capacity | +1% Ship Upkeep per point above | Exceeding you Naval Capacity will cause your ships to have an increase upkeep cost. The Naval Capacity is increased by your number of Pops and Starbase Anchorages, and also by certain Technologies and Traditions. |
Trade value[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
- See also: Trade
Trade value cannot be stockpiled and instead is collected at the capital via trade routes and converted monthly into
參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
治理 | 帝國 • 思潮 • 政府 • 國民理念 • 政策 • 法令 • 領袖 • 派系 • 人口 • 物種權利 • 經濟 • 科技 • 傳統 • 犯罪率 |
探索 | 探索 • 地圖 • 物種 • 異常現象 • 事件 • FTL • 失落帝國 • 前超光速物種 • 先驅者 • 太空生命體 |
殖民 | 殖民 • 天體 • 行星特徵 • 行星管理 • 區劃 • 建築 • 艦船 • 恆星基地 • 巨型結構 |
外交 | 外交 • 貿易 • 附屬國 • 聯邦 • 星海共同體 • AI 性格 • 情報 |
戰爭 | 戰爭 • 太空戰 • 地面戰 • 艦船設計器 |
其它 | 特質 • 環境改造 • 種群修飾 • 奴役 • 危機 • 預設帝國 • AI 玩家 • 彩蛋 |