
Factions screen

派系 Faction 派系Factions represent political parties and have a potentially high impact on pop 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness. There is at least one faction for each ethic and in most cases every pop joins the faction corresponding to its ethic. Faction names are randomly generated but can be manually changed at any point.

格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness empires don't have factions.

Faction Properties[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Every faction has all of these properties. Approval and size/support are usually the most important figures to keep in mind.

Spawn limitations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

A faction can only spawn if at least 10 years have passed and there are at least 5 pops capable of joining it. There is also a 180-day lockout between factions spawning. While many also require having met another species, this is not a universal rule.

A faction will despawn if it no longer has enough members, although it may form again under a new name later.

Approval[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Mod faction approval.png Faction Approval is a value from 0 to 100 that's calculated based on whether or not you're fulfilling the faction's demands regarding the issues it cares about, as well as by faction actions you take. Faction approval adds a 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness modifier to all Pops who are members of the faction:

Mod faction approval.png Approval 0-19% 20-39% 40-59% 60-79% 80-100%
幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness -40% –10% 0 +5% +10%

Size[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

人口 Pop Faction Size is the number of pops who are members of the faction. A pop can only join a faction if it's sentient, has Full Citizenship or Residence 公民权 Citizenship 公民权Citizenship species rights, and does not suffer from Stellar Culture Shock. A pop can only join one faction. As a Pop has to have the corresponding ethic to join a faction, 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction Ethics attraction plays a major role in faction size. Both systems interact to a degree, with many issues aiming to create (or curb) conflicting attractions.

Ideally you want to maximize the size of factions with high approval and minimize (or eliminate) factions with very low approval. Depending on the size, an unhappy faction will be listed as white, yellow, or red in the outliner.

Pops with the 精神阉割 Nerve Stapled 精神阉割Nerve Stapled and 僵尸 Zombie 僵尸Zombie traits cannot join factions.

Support[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

File:Faction support.png Faction Support is the percentage of an empire's 政治权力 Political Power 政治权力Political Power held by pops in the faction. A faction can have higher support than another faction with a larger size if the smaller faction has many members who are 统治者 Ruler 统治者Rulers with 生活标准 Living Standards 生活标准Living Standards that increase their political power.

Issues[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Issues indirectly translate to happiness: the more issues that are fulfilled, the higher the faction approval, and the happier the faction members. By their nature factions with opposing ethics have opposing issues, making it impossible to make all factions happy. An issue can be either fulfilled or not fulfilled. In either case, it might produce a happiness penalty (red), a happiness bonus (green) or be neutral (yellow). Many issues have requirements before they can appear, making it sometimes hard to know what will please a faction before unlocking the proper options.

As they can only have two states, issues come in a few common shapes that can each only have two of the above states:

  • Positive issues increase approval if fulfilled and don't effect it if not fulfilled.
  • Negative issues decrease approval if not fulfilled and don't effect it if fulfilled.
  • Extreme issues increase approval if fulfilled and decrease it if not fulfilled, .
  • Timed issues belong into one of the above, but rely on having a timed country flag.
  • Stacking issues are a set of positive issues with 2 or more "levels" to fulfilling them. The higher level is the same basic mechanic/check, but with a higher threshold (i.e., being 10, 20 and 50 years at peace; having 1, 3 or 5 Non-Aggression Pacts). Fulfilling one level will unlock the next one and disable the previous, so that you can't get an approval increase from fulfilling more than one level and you only see one unfulfilled level at a same time.

Effects[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

All factions produce 凝聚力 Unity 凝聚力Unity for the empire, unless they have extremely low approval. The higher the faction approval and support the more Unity will be produced. All factions produce 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity 0.5 Unity per pop. This value is then multiplied by faction approval, resulting in the total yield.

每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity Faction Unity Gain can be improved by the following:

  • 平等主义 Egalitarian 平等主义Egalitarian ethic: +25%
  • 极端平等主义 Fanatic Egalitarian 极端平等主义Fanatic Egalitarian ethic: +50%
  • 议会制度 Parliamentary System 议会制度Parliamentary System civic: +40%
  • 寡头制 Oligarchic 寡头制Oligarchic authority: +15%
  • 活体国度 The Living State 活体国度The Living State technology: +10%

Leader[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Every faction has a faction leader chosen randomly from the empire's 领袖 Leader 领袖Leaders, including its 特使 Envoy 特使Envoys but excluding leaders created by events. If an Empire's 统治者 Ruler Ruler is also the leader of a faction, the attraction for the faction's ethic will increase by +25%. Some factions have restrictions or weights on which leader classes or species can lead them.

Faction Ethic Faction leader
进步派 Progressive Faction 进步派Progressive Faction 平等主义 Egalitarian 平等主义Egalitarian 帝制 Imperial统治者 Ruler 0% if leader is the empire's Ruler and the empire has Imperial authority
繁荣派 Prosperity Faction 繁荣派Prosperity Faction 和平主义 Pacifist 和平主义Pacifist 舰队司令 Admiral 陆军将领 General 0% if leader is an Admiral or General
至高派 Supremacist Faction Supremacist 排外主义 Xenophobe 排外主义Xenophobe
  • 科学家 Scientist –50% if leader is a Scientist
  • 0% if leader isn't the empire's main species
  • 机械体 Mechanical 0% if leader's species has the Mechanical trait[1]
传统派 Traditionalist Faction 传统派Traditionalist Faction 唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist 机械体 Mechanical 0% if leader's species has the Mechanical trait
亲外派 Xenoist Faction 亲外派Xenoist Faction 亲外主义 Xenophile 亲外主义Xenophile
  • 科学家 Scientist –50% if leader is a Scientist
  • +100% if leader isn't the empire's main species
Unknown.png Manifesti 平等主义 Egalitarian亲外主义 Xenophile和平主义 Pacifist 独裁制 Dictatorial帝制 Imperial统治者 Ruler 0% if leader is the empire's Ruler and the empire has Imperial or Dictatorial authority

If the faction leader is killed or fired, a new faction leader will be chosen randomly. If no existing leaders can replace them, the faction will remain leaderless for the rest of the game.[Verification needed]

Actions[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

There are three actions available to manipulate your empire's factions:

Action Effects Requirements Notes / Description
Embrace Faction Time.png For 10 years:
  • Mod faction approval.png +10 faction approval
  • Mod faction approval.png –35 faction approval for all other factions
  • No.png You can't embrace factions
凝聚力 Unity Costs 5000 Unity
File:Faction support.png At least 20% faction support
No.png Don't have the fanatic version of this faction's ethic
No.pngDiplomacy hasvassal.png Not a dominion

Embrace the policies and values of the [Root.GetName], bringing them into our government. This will permanently change our Governing Ethics and displease all other Factions in our empire.
Promote Faction Until you Stop Promoting Faction:
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction.png +100% faction ethic attraction
None This can be used either to promote the governing ethics or to prepare for an ethics switch.
Promote the policies and values of the [Root.GetName]. This will make their ethics more attractive to our population for as long as it is active.
Suppress Faction Until you Stop Suppressing Faction:
  • Mod pop government ethic attraction.png –75% faction ethic attraction
  • Mod faction approval.png –50 faction approval
None Can - in the long run - eliminate the faction. But its main use is to limit the size of factions with low approval.
Suppress the policies and values of the [Root.GetName]. This will make their ethics less attractive to our population for as long as it is active.

AI empires won't embrace a faction unless their ruler is the faction's leader, and they won't embrace a faction if doing so would shift their ethic from moderate to fanatic unless that faction has at least 50% support. AI empires will never promote or suppress factions, and an AI empire with the 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers 种族洁癖Fanatic Purifiers civic will never embrace a faction.

Factions[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

There are 10 factions, one for each ethic except 排外主义 Xenophobe 排外主义Xenophobe and 平等主义 Egalitarian 平等主义Egalitarian which both have two. Many faction issues are not present if the empire has the 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers 种族洁癖Fanatic Purifiers civic or require the empire to have established Navbar icons galaxy.png communications with a certain number of empires.

Faction & Ethic Cat Issue Yes.png No.png 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers Communications DLC Additional requirements to appear Requirements to fulfill
Faction icons imperialists.png


军国主义 Militarist 军国主义Militarist
政策 Policy Strong Diplomacy +10 0 No.png None 恃强凌弱 Belligerent霸权主义 Supremacist Diplomatic Stance policy is Belligerent or Supremacist
Weak Diplomacy 0 –10 No.png乐于合作 Cooperative Diplomatic Stance policy isn't Cooperative
政策 Policy Aggressive Diplomacy 0 –30 1 None 政策 Policy War Philosophy policy is Unrestricted Wars or Liberation Wars
Time.png战争 War Conquest +10 0 None File:Planet invasion.png Conquered a planet within the last 10 years
Diplomacy alliance.png Local Rivalry +5 –5 No.png 3 Less than 2 宿敌 Rivalry rivals 宿敌 Rivalry 1 rival
Neighborhood Rivalries +10 0 Yes.png Fulfilled 宿敌 Rivalry 2 rivals
Galactic Nemeses +15 宿敌 Rivalry 3+ rivals
Diplomacy alliance.png Imperial Hegemony +5 0 No.png 3 None 附庸国 Vassal Having a subject or being the president of a 霸权 Hegemony 霸权Hegemony Federation
Diplomacy alliance.png Subject State 0 –25 附庸国 Vassal Being a subject No.png附庸国 Vassal Not being a subject
Menu icon edicts.png Fanatic Purifiers +10 0 Yes.png Yes.png Fulfilled 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers 种族洁癖Fanatic Purifiers civic
Time.png Leviathan Slayer +10 0 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack Contact with a Guardian or Yes.png fulfilled Killed a Guardian within the last 20 years
Time.png稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Military Requisition of Artifacts +5 0 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack 奥术解密 Arcane Deciphering 奥术解密Arcane Deciphering technology 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Find Military Applications temporary empire modifier from the Find Military Applications Minor Artifact action
Waste of Artifacts 0 –5 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Find Peaceful Applications temporary empire modifier from the Find Peaceful Applications Minor Artifact action
Faction & Ethic Cat Issue Yes.png No.png 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers Communications DLC Additional requirements to appear Requirements to fulfill
Faction icons isolationists.png


排外主义 Xenophobe 排外主义Xenophobe
(alien pops or Pacifist empire only)
政策 Policy Isolationist Diplomacy +10 –10 No.png No.png企业政府 Corporate Not 企业政府Corporate authority 孤立主义 Isolationist Diplomatic Stance policy is Isolationist
政策 Policy Stalwart Defense 0 –25 Failure risk icon.png 1 Communications Communications with a non-附庸国 Vassalsubject default empire No.png政策 Policy War Philosophy policy isn't Unrestricted Wars
Time.png战争 War Unwilling Aggression 0 –25 3 战争 War At 战争War as an attacker No.png战争 War Not attacking or joining another empire in an offensive war
Diplomacy alliance.png Strong Alone 0 –25 1 None No.png联邦 Federation Not a 联邦Federation member
政策 PolicyDiplomacy alliance.png Restricted Movement 0 –10 3 None

No.png移民协议 Migration Treaty No 移民协议Migration Treaty with or migration access from another empire
No.png政策 Policy Refugees policy isn't Refugees Welcome

Diplomacy alliance.png Non-Aggression Pact +5 0 Failure risk icon.png 3 Less than 2 互不侵犯条约 Non-Aggression Pact 互不侵犯条约Non-Aggression Pacts and/or 联邦合作国 Federation Associate 联邦合作国Federation Associates 互不侵犯条约 Non-Aggression Pact 互不侵犯条约Non-Aggression Pact or is a 联邦合作国 Federation Associate 联邦合作国Federation Associate
Non-Aggression Covenant +10 Yes.png Fulfilled 互不侵犯条约 Non-Aggression Pact 2 互不侵犯条约Non-Aggression Pacts and/or 联邦合作国 Federation Associate 联邦合作国Federation Associates
Non-Aggression Protocol +15 互不侵犯条约 Non-Aggression Pact 3+ 互不侵犯条约Non-Aggression Pacts and/or 联邦合作国 Federation Associate 联邦合作国Federation Associates
Time.png战争 War Peace +5 0 1 None Diplomacy truce.png At peace for more than 9 years
Extended Peace +10 Time.pngDiplomacy truce.png At peace for more than 9 years Diplomacy truce.png At peace for more than 24 years
Peace Everlasting +15 Time.pngDiplomacy truce.png At peace for more than 24 years Diplomacy truce.png At peace for more than 49 years
Time.png政策 Policy Cautious First Contact Protocols 0 –10 Failure risk icon.png Time.png Either no more than 75 years have passed or has started a first contact procedure within the last 20 years No.pngContact friendly.png First Contact Protocol policy isn't Proactive
Faction & Ethic Cat Issue Yes.png No.png 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers Communications DLC Additional requirements to appear Requirements to fulfill
Faction icons progressives.png


平等主义 Egalitarian 平等主义Egalitarian
Menu icon edicts.png Anti-Autocratic +10 –15 None No.png独裁制 Dictatorial帝制 Imperial Neither Dictatorial nor Imperial authority
政策 Policy Cooperative Diplomacy +5 0 No.png None 乐于合作 Cooperative Diplomatic Stance policy is Cooperative
人口 Pop Free Movement +10 –10 Encountered another species

政策 Policy Resettlement policy is Prohibited
No.png移民控制 Migration Controls 移民控制Migration Controls species rights are No Migration Controls for every free species

政策 Policy Reproductive Freedom +5 –20 None 政策 Policy Population Controls policy is Prohibited
人口 Pop Anti-Stratification 0 –25 None 生活标准 Living Standards 生活标准Living Standards species rights aren't Stratified Economy for any species
政策 Policy Born Equal +5 –5 择优血脉 Selected Lineages 择优血脉Selected Lineagesnology 政策 Policy Leader Enhancement policy is Natural Selection
Faction & Ethic Cat Issue Yes.png No.png 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers Communications DLC Additional requirements to appear Requirements to fulfill
Faction icons prosperity.png


和平主义 Pacifist 和平主义Pacifist
Empire economy.png Solid Liquidity +10 0 行星 Planet At least 3 colonies 能量币 Energy Credits At least 5000 energy credits
政策 Policy Defensive Stance +10 –10 Failure risk icon.png 1 None 政策 Policy War Philosophy policy is Defensive Wars
Time.png战争 War Keep the Peace +5 –10 None No.png战争 War Not at war
Time.png战争 War Nonviolence 0 –30 3 None No.png战争 War Not attacking or joining an aggressor empire in war for 20 years
Menu icon edicts.png政策 Policy Mercantile Diplomacy +10 0 No.png Yes.png Fulfilled 经贸至上 Mercantile Diplomatic Stance policy is Mercantile
Aggressive Diplomacy 0 –10 No.png Unfulfilled No.png恃强凌弱 Belligerent霸权主义 Supremacist Diplomatic Stance policy isn't Belligerent or Supremacist
Time.png稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Embetterment of Society +5 0 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack 奥术解密 Arcane Deciphering 奥术解密Arcane Deciphering technology 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Find Peaceful Applications temporary empire modifier from the [[_]] Minor Artifact action
Waste of Artifacts 0 –5 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Find Military Applications temporary empire modifier from the [[_]] Minor Artifact action
Faction & Ethic Cat Issue Yes.png No.png 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers Communications DLC Additional requirements to appear Requirements to fulfill
Faction icons supremacists.png


排外主义 Xenophobe 排外主义Xenophobe
(main species only)
Menu icon edicts.png No Xeno Ruler +10 –30 No.png None 统治者 Ruler Ruler belongs to the primary species
Diplomacy alliance.png Strong Alone +10 –20 1 None No.png联邦 Federation Not a Federation member
政策 Policy Invasive Xeno Studies +5 –10 No.png Contact with a primitive civilization 政策 Policy Native Interference policy is Unrestricted Studies
人口 Pop Xenos Disenfranchised +5 –10 No.png Sapient non-robotic alien Pop.png pops in empire that aren't being 正在净化 Purging purged No.png公民权 Citizenship 公民权Citizenship species rights aren't Full Citizenship for any sapient, non-robotic alien species
Diplomacy alliance.png No Immigration 0 –10 No.png 3 None No.png移民协议 Migration Treaty No Migration Agreement with any empire
Time.png战争 War Asserting Dominance +10 0 No.png Contact with a default empire that you aren't in a 联邦 Federation 联邦Federation with 战争 War At war as attacker
Menu icon edicts.png Fanatic Purifiers +10 0 Yes.png Yes.png Fulfilled 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers 种族洁癖Fanatic Purifiers civic
政策 Policy Strong Diplomacy +10 0 No.png Yes.png Fulfilled 恃强凌弱 Belligerent霸权主义 Supremacist Diplomatic Stance policy is Belligerent or Supremacist
Weak Diplomacy 0 –10 No.png Unfulfilled No.png乐于合作 Cooperative Diplomatic Stance policy isn't Cooperative
Time.png政策 Policy Aggressive First Contact Protocols +10 –5 Time.png Either no more than 75 years have passed or has started a first contact procedure within the last 20 years Contact hostile.png First Contact Protocol policy is Aggressive
Time.png Giant Massacre +10 0 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack Contact with a Guardian[2] Killed a Guardian within the last 20 years
Time.png稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Disdain of History +5 0 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Yes.png Fulfilled 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Proclaim Superiority temporary empire modifier from the Proclaim Superiority Minor Artifact action
Celebrating Weakness 0 –5 No.png Unfulfilled 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Celebrate Diversity temporary empire modifier from the Celebrate Diversity Minor Artifact action
Faction & Ethic Cat Issue Yes.png No.png 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers Communications DLC Additional requirements to appear Requirements to fulfill
Faction icons technologists.png


唯物主义 Materialist 唯物主义Materialist
政策 Policy Cooperative Diplomacy +5 0 No.png Yes.png Fulfilled 乐于合作 Cooperative Diplomatic Stance policy is Cooperative
政策 Policy AI Allowed +10 –30 None

No.png政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy isn't Outlawed
No.png政策 Policy Artificial Intelligence policy isn't Outlawed

相对实力 Relative Power Bleeding Edge +10 –20 1 None 相对实力 Relative Power No Default Empire has a Superior or Overwhelming relative technology level
Diplomacy alliance.png Science Without Borders +10 0 No.png 4 No.png内圣之道 Inward Perfection Don't have 内圣之道Inward Perfection civic 科研协议 Research Agreement Either 3+ Research Agreements or member of a 研究合作组织 Research Cooperative 研究合作组织Research Cooperative federation
人口 Pop Synth Envy 0 –10

Time.png 50+ years have passed
No.png合成进化 Synthetic Evolution Don't have the 合成进化Synthetic Evolution ascension perk
Contact with an empire that has 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical or 神经机械 Cybernetic 神经机械Cybernetic Pop.png Pops

机器人劳工 Robotic Workers Any 人口 Pop 人口Pop has either the 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical or the 神经机械 Cybernetic 神经机械Cybernetic trait
Time.png Secret Knowledge +10 0 None Menu icon technology.png One of the following temporary empire modifiers:
Time.png稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Knowledge of the Past +5 0 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack 奥术解密 Arcane Deciphering 奥术解密Arcane Deciphering technology 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts One of the following temporary empire modifiers from using the Reverse-Engineer Arcane Technology minor artifact action:
  • Arcane Insights (5 years)
  • Arcane Deciphering Cooldown (2 years)
稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Precursor Secrets +5 0 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Found your Precursor's homeworld 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Completed a Precursor secrets special project
Faction & Ethic Cat Issue Yes.png No.png 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers Communications DLC Additional requirements to appear Requirements to fulfill
Faction icons totalitarians.png


威权主义 Authoritarian 威权主义Authoritarian
Menu icon edicts.png Autocracy +10 0 No.png民主制 Democratic Not 民主制Democratic authority 帝制 Imperial独裁制 Dictatorial Imperial or Dictatorial authority
Anti-Democratic 0 –25 No.png帝制 Imperial独裁制 Dictatorial Neither Imperial nor Dictatorial authority No.png民主制 Democratic Not 民主制Democratic authority
人口 Pop Stratified Society +10 –20 None One of the following:
  • 生活标准 Living Standards 生活标准Living Standards species rights for every species is Stratified Economy or Academic Privilege
  • 公民权 Citizenship Any species is 奴隶 Slave enslaved or being 正在净化 Purging purged
  • 奴贩公会 Slaver Guilds 奴贩公会Slaver Guilds civic
政策 Policy Elitism +5 –5 择优血脉 Selected Lineages 择优血脉Selected Lineagesnology 政策 Policy Leader Enhancement policy is Selected Lineages or Capacity Boosters
Diplomacy alliance.png Extranational Authority +10 0 3 None 附庸国 Vassal Having a Subject[3]
Diplomacy alliance.png Underling 0 –10 附庸国 Vassal Being a subject No.png附庸国 Vassal Not a subject
Faction & Ethic Cat Issue Yes.png No.png 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers Communications DLC Additional requirements to appear Requirements to fulfill
Faction icons traditionalists.png


唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist
政策 Policy Life Organic 0 –5 None 政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy is Outlawed
政策 Policy No Synth Rights 0 –10 正电子人工智能 Positronic AI 正电子人工智能Positronic AI technology 政策 Policy Artificial Intelligence policy is Outlawed
Profane Machines –20 No.png政策 Policy Artificial Intelligence policy isn't Citizen Rights
Menu icon edicts.png Pious Polity +5 –5 None 唯心主义 Spiritualist极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist Empire is some degree of Spiritualist
行星 Planet Unhallowed Ground 0 –5

Fleet task survey system.png Has surveyed a 死寂星球 Tomb World 死寂星球Tomb World
No.png后启示录 Post-Apocalyptic Don't have the 后启示录Post-Apocalyptic origin
Did not accept the Worm’s offer
No.png记念主义 Memorialists Don't have the 记念主义Memorialists civic

死寂星球偏好 Tomb World Preference No Tomb World within borders is colonized or being 环境改造 Terraforming 环境改造Terraforminged
飞升天赋 Ascension Perks行星 Planet Hallowed World +5 0

Fleet task survey system.png Has surveyed a 盖亚星球 Gaia World 盖亚星球Gaia World
祝圣世界 Consecrated Worlds 祝圣世界Consecrated Worlds ascension perk

Pm consecrated worlds.png Consecrate a 盖亚星球 Gaia World 盖亚星球Gaia World
人口 Pop Homogeneity +10 0 At least 10% of all Pop.png Pops in the empire are 唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist At least 25% of all Pop.png pops in the empire are 唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist
Embattled Minority 0 –10 Less than 25% of all Pop.png Pops in the empire are 唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist At least 10% of all Pop.png pops in the empire are 唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist
飞升天赋 Ascension Perks Psionic Pursuit +10 0 乌托邦 Utopia At least one 飞升天赋 Ascension Perks 飞升天赋Ascension Perks or ascension perk slot 心胜于物 Mind over Matter 心胜于物Mind over Matter ascension perk
飞升天赋 Ascension Perks The Flesh is Strong 0 –30 乌托邦 Utopia 血肉苦弱 The Flesh is Weak 血肉苦弱The Flesh is Weak ascension perk No.png Not completing the The Flesh is Weak special project
Time.png飞升天赋 Ascension Perks Shrouded Boon +5 0 乌托邦 Utopia Yes.png Fulfilled 超凡入圣 Transcendence Positive outcome when using the Shroud
Shrouded Blight –5 超凡入圣 Transcendence Negative outcome when using the Shroud
Time.png稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Comfort in the Past +5 0 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Yes.png Fulfilled 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts唯心主义 Spiritualist极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist Proclaim Religious Revelation temporary empire modifier (10 years) from the Proclaim Religious Revelation minor artifact action
Faction & Ethic Cat Issue Yes.png No.png 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers Communications DLC Additional requirements to appear Requirements to fulfill
Faction icons xenoists.png


亲外主义 Xenophile 亲外主义Xenophile
政策 Policy Cooperative Diplomacy +10 0 No.png Yes.png Fulfilled 乐于合作 Cooperative Diplomatic Stance policy is Cooperative
政策 Policy Indirect Xenology +10 –5 Failure risk icon.png Contact with a pre-FTL civilization 政策 Policy Native Interference policy is Passive Studies
人口 Pop No Species-Wide Slavery 0 –25 人口 Pop Sapient non-robotic alien Pops in empire 公民权 Citizenship 公民权Citizenship species rights isn't Slaves for any species[4]
政策 Policy No Purges 0 –25 Failure risk icon.png None No.png不可接触者 Undesirable、​ 正在净化 Purging Purge policy is Prohibited
人口 Pop Multicultural Society +10 0 4 人口 Pop Empire contains an alien pop without the 机械体 Mechanical 机械体Mechanical, 机械 Machine 机械Machine, or 蜂巢思维 Hive-Minded 蜂巢思维Hive-Minded trait 人口 Pop 4+ species in empire
政策 Policy All Refugees Welcome +10 –10 Failure risk icon.png 1 None 政策 Policy Refugees policy is Refugees Welcome
Time.png人口 Pop Recent Uplift +10 0 Failure risk icon.png 表观遗传学机制 Epigenetic Triggers 表观遗传学机制Epigenetic Triggers technology 特质点数 Trait Point Uplifted a species within the last 20 years
Time.pngDiplomacy alliance.png Recent Enlightenment +10 0 Failure risk icon.png One of the following: Fleet task technological enlightenment action.png Enlightened a primitive civilization within the last 20 years
政策 Policy Pre-Sapient Survival 0 –10 Failure risk icon.png

政策 Policy Pre-Sapients policy is Tolerated or Extermination
Either have encountered a pre-sapient species or have a non-sapient 人口 Pop 人口Pop

政策 Policy Pre-Sapients policy is Tolerated[5]
Time.png战争 War Landgrab Objections 0 –15 Encountered a primitive civilization No.pngFile:Planet invasion.png No invasion of a primitive civilization within the last 20 years
Diplomacy alliance.png Federated +20 0 4 None 联邦 Federation 联邦Federation member
Time.png New Contact +5 0 A default or fallen empire you don't have communications with exists Navbar icons galaxy.png Established communications with another empire within last 10 years
Time.png政策 Policy Proactive First Contact Protocols +10 0 Failure risk icon.png

No.pngContact hostile.png First Contact Protocol policy isn't Aggressive
Time.png Either no more than 75 years have passed or has started a first contact procedure within the last 20 years

Contact friendly.png First Contact Protocol policy is Proactive
Aggressive First Contact Protocols 0 –10

Contact hostile.png First Contact Protocol policy is Aggressive
Time.png Either no more than 75 years have passed or has started a first contact procedure within the last 20 years

No.pngContact hostile.png First Contact Protocol policy is Aggressive
Enclaves Incorporated +5 0 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Contact with an enclave Station Enclave station within borders
Time.png稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Celebrate Diversity +5 -0 Failure risk icon.png 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack Yes.png Fulfilled 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Celebrate Diversity temporary empire modifier from the Celebrate Diversity Minor Artifact action
Book Burner 0 –5 No.png Unfulfilled 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Proclaim Superiority temporary empire modifier from the Proclaim Superiority Minor Artifact action

Manifesti[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Manifesti is a special 10th faction that can appear during the Rise of the Manifesti event chain. Pops that have 平等主义 Egalitarian 平等主义Egalitarian, 和平主义 Pacifist 和平主义Pacifist or 亲外主义 Xenophile 亲外主义Xenophile ethic can join it. If the faction approval falls below 35% for an extended period of time the faction will disband and will not appear again. They have 5 odd issues:

Cat Issue Yes.png No.png Additional requirements to appear Requirements to fulfill Description
行星 Planet Alluvio-Liberalism +10 –10
  • 大气过滤 Atmospheric Filtering Atmospheric Filtering technology
  • No.png虚空居者 Void Dwellers Origin isn't 虚空居者Void Dwellers
One of the following: It will please the [faction name] to see unrestricted movement of water in all its forms as glaciers, swamps and oceans.
Menu icon ship designer.png Personal Autonomy for Munitions +20 –20
  • 拓展战斗算法 Extended Combat Algorithms 拓展战斗算法Extended Combat Algorithms technology
  • 政策 Policy Robotic Workers policy is Allowed
  • 知性战斗模拟 Sapient Combat Simulations 知性战斗模拟Sapient Combat Simulations technology
  • Tech combat computers 3.png Any ship with a Sapient Combat Computer component
  • No.png奴隶部队 Slave Army No 奴隶部队Slave Army
  • No.png不死军 Undead Army No 不死军Undead Army
The [faction name] are keen for military vessels to be granted sapience, and thus liberty of choice in the manner of their deployment.
领袖 Leader Heads in the Clouds +10 –10 None 科学家 Scientist Every Scientist leading research has either the 无忧无虑 Carefree 无忧无虑Carefree or the 漫游者 Roamer 漫游者Roamer trait The [faction name] assert that technology research should be entrusted only to a visionary council of carefree roamers.
Diplomacy alliance.png Silent Partner +5 –5 Member of a 联邦 Federation 联邦Federation or the 星海共同体 Galactic Community 星海共同体Galactic Community
  • No.png特使 Envoy No 特使Envoy is assigned to your 联邦 Federation 联邦Federation or the 星海共同体 Galactic Community 星海共同体Galactic Community
  • No.png Not proposing a resolution
It will please the [faction name] to wield political or diplomatic power and refuse to deploy it, engaging in staring contests instead of sending envoys.

参考资料[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  1. If an empire's main species is mechanical, usually after taking the 合成进化 Synthetic Evolution 合成进化Synthetic Evolution ascension perk, the Supremacist faction can't get a faction leader.
  2. The Giant Massacre Supremacist faction issue is only available if you have contact with a Guardian, so if you kill the last Guardian you won't get the +10 faction approval since the issue will disappear even though it's fulfilled.
  3. Unlike the similar Imperial Hegemony 帝国主义派 Imperialist Faction 帝国主义派Imperialist Faction issue, being president of a 霸权 Hegemony 霸权Hegemony federation doesn't fulfill this.
  4. The No Species-Wide Slavery Xenoist issue is still fulfilled in cases where you're enslaving individual pops but not the entire species, such as when you have the 奴贩公会 Slaver Guilds 奴贩公会Slaver Guilds civic.
  5. The Pre-Sapient Survival 亲外派 Xenoist Faction 亲外派Xenoist Faction issue isn't visible if 政策 Policy Pre-Sapients policy is Protected, so you only fail the demand if you have the Extermination policy.