
(重定向自Defense station
Mammalian Citadel

A starbase is the primary space station used throughout the game and is used for determining the ownership of a given star system, construction, repair and maintenance of ships, collection and transportation of Trade Value in addition to it acting as a strategic fortress during warfare.

Mechanics[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Constructing a starbase requires first fully surveying the desired system. The build cost is 100 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys and an additional 影响力 Influence 影响力Influence cost on top of that. The influence cost is determined by a fixed cost which is then multiplied by the shortest path of hyperlane jumps (gates and wormholes act as "shortcuts") between the target systems and the empire's closest owned system.

Once built, the starbase will appear orbiting the center point of the system. It cannot be destroyed by any regular means but it can still be dismantled by its owner during peacetime if it is of no more than outpost level (higher-level starbases will need to be downgraded first) and the system is not colonized. If a starbase is dismantled, the system reverts to being neutral and unclaimed and can then claimed by any empire.

Besides the initial influence cost, upgrading the starbase to a higher level above outpost level will cost only alloys. Aside from making the starbase more powerful due to better base stats and the addition of more weapon components, the upgrade also allows the owner to fit the starbase with different buildings and modules to increase its defensive capabilities and improve its contribution to the empire beyond its basic role of system control and defense. One such important module is the 恒星基地 Starbase Shipyard which enables the construction of military ships in the starbase. Having multiple shipyards on a starbase allows it to effectively act as a "fleet manufactory" by constructing several ships in parallel, simultaneously. Shipyards build order is independent from the main build order of starbase.

Though it is not possible to design a starbase, its components will be auto-fitted with the latest advanced technology as soon as they are made available (at no additional cost to the owner).

Starbase capacity[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

An empire can in theory have as many starbases as their economy can support but an empire can only maintain a limited number of upgraded starbases bigger than outposts. The number of upgraded starbases an empire can support is dictated by the starbase capacity and exceeding that capacity will cause all upkeep costs for starbases to increase by +25% Maintenance.png  for every starbase exceeding the cap. This is an empire-wide modifier, and thus affects all starbases owned by the empire. This modifier also affects the maintenance of any modules and buildings on the starbases. Regardless of their level, each starbase bigger than an outpost occupies only one capacity slot and if the need arises, an empire can always downgrade existing starbases back to outpost level to reduce the number of upgraded starbases to within the cap limit.

The base starbase capacity is 3, which can be increased by the following:

  • +1 for every 10 systems owned by the empire
  • +2 传统 Traditions adopting the Unyielding tradition tree
  • +2 Tradition unyielding fortress doctrine.png Fortress Doctrine from Tradition icon unyielding.png Unyielding tradition tree
  • +2 Tech galactic ambitions.png Stellar Expansion technology
  • +2 昭昭天命 Manifest Destiny 昭昭天命Manifest Destiny technology
  • +2 法令 Edict Fortify the Border edict
  • +4 交易所 Trading Posts 交易所Trading Posts civic
  • +5 Ap grasp the void.png Grasp the Void ascension perk
  • +10 Mod shroud unavailable.png Covenant: End of the Cycle
  • +1 星际扩张 Interstellar Expansion 星际扩张Interstellar Expansion repeatable technology (can only be researched 5 times)
  • +2 for each Strategic Coordination Center level, except the site of the megastructure (Total: +6)

Warfare behavior[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Systems with starbases bigger than outposts require a higher influence cost to claim (25 influence). Consequently, those starbases grant a higher war-score if occupied successfully (10 occupation value). An additional benefit of upgraded starbases manifests in their including an FTL inhibitor which, as long as the starbase remains active, prevents enemy ships from leaving the system via any hyperlane other than the one they arrived through. This allows an FTL inhibitor-equipped starbase to turn strategically important systems into efficient choke points, delaying hostile fleets from leaving the system and advancing further by forcing them into an engagement which may last long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

During war, an attacker must disable the enemy's starbase within the system in order to be able to seize control of any planets within said system. As starbases cannot be destroyed, this is achieved by reducing their 船体值 Hull Points Hull points down to 0, disabling them. The starbase will then remain incapacitated for a duration of Time.png 30 days (after the latest attack), during which time any military ships in close proximity to the starbase will be able to gain control over it. If the starbase is left unoccupied and is not attacked, it will enter a self-repair phase and become operational again as soon as it regains 船体值 Hull Points 5% Hull points. If there are multiple empires fighting on one side of the war, the newly occupied system will then be assigned to the empire with the strongest claim, even if the system wasn't conquered by them.

Occupied starbases are fully operational and can repair ships of the side that controls it, inhibit FTL for "enemy" ships, and manage defense platforms, all empire-wide bonuses will also be applied, including home territory modifiers (The Eternal Vigilance ascension perk's platform cap of the original owner is also temporarily retained). However their buildings and modules cannot be changed, and they cannot be upgraded or downgraded, although they can be returned to the owner.

It's worth noting, that auto-upgrading a starbase can "gift" higher tech components to occupied starbases (including FTL inhibitors), while keeping their own more advanced components. They will stay equipped even if said starbase is reclaimed back, so repeated re-conquering might become harder both sides.

Systems containing an unoccupied starbase or unoccupied colonized planets will not be transferred in a forced status-quo peace.

Level[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

A starbase is auto-fitted with the latest components as soon as they are available to the empire. This is done automatically and has no additional cost for the empire - as such this also does not affect a starbase's level upgrade cost.

The weapon slots are fitted with the most effective kinetic and energy weapons (though not necessarily by equal division). The utility slots are divided equally between 护盾 Shields shield and 装甲 Armor armor components (auto-fitting does not add hull components here), while the auxiliary slot uses standard auto-fitting of a shield capacitor or auxiliary fire-control (whatever is available in order of priority).

Upgrading a starbase requires technology of the same name and can only be done in sequential order - meaning that if one started with a basic outpost and wants to upgrade it to a citadel, they have to go through every single level in between in order to get to the desired level. Downgrading a starbase, however, reduces its level to the basic outpost level (outpost) straight away - regardless of what level the starbase initially was - and removes any present buildings, modules, and any defense platforms over the outpost's capacity limit. Any resources invested into the starbase prior to downgrading will not be refunded.

Starting from the starport level all starbases can have an FTL inhibitor FTL inhibitor onboard if technology is available.

Constructing a new Starbase requires 75 影响力 Influence 影响力Influence per hyperlane jump from the nearest owned system.

Note: The table lists the base properties of each starbase level. The actual values themselves will differ due to one's progress in-game (technology, tradition, and etc.), existing modifiers (if any) as well as individual starbase composition (buildings, modules, and etc.).

Level 合金 Alloys Cost Time.png  能量币 Energy Credits Upkeep Modules Buildings Defense platform cap Platforms Mod starbase trade protection add.png Trade protection 船体值 Hull Points Hull 装甲 Armor 装甲Armor 伤害 Damage Weapons Utilities 船体修复速度 Hull Repair Rate Repairs docked fleets
Tech starbase 1.png Outpost 100 100 1 0 0 3 0 5000 1000 G槽 1
  • L槽 2
  • A槽 1
Tech starbase 2.png Starport 200 360 2 2 1 6 8 10000 2000
  • G槽 1
  • M槽 2
  • L槽 6
  • A槽 1
Tech starbase 3.png Starhold 500 720 3 4 2 9 16 20000 5000
  • G槽 1
  • M槽 4
  • L槽 10
  • A槽 1
Tech starbase 4.png Star Fortress 1250 1080 4 6 3 12 24 40000 10000
  • G槽 1
  • M槽 6
  • L槽 14
  • A槽 1
Tech starbase 5.png Citadel 3500 1440 5 6 4 15 32 80000 20000
  • G槽 1
  • M槽 12
  • L槽 26
  • A槽 1

Affecting modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Additional modifiers which affect various starbase parameters are summarized below:

Construction and maintenance modifiers
影响力 Influence Outpost influence cost
−50% 噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm 噬杀蜂群Devouring Swarm
−40% 极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe 极端排外主义Fanatic Xenophobe
−30% 铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator 铁心灭绝者Determined Exterminator
  • 排外主义 Xenophobe 排外主义Xenophobe
  • Ap interstellar dominion.png Interstellar Dominion
−15% 扩张主义者 Expansionist 扩张主义者Expansionist
−10% Tradition expansion reach for the stars.png Reach for the Stars
Build cost.png Outpost build cost
−15% 扩张主义者 Expansionist 扩张主义者Expansionist
+50% Machine Empire
Maintenance.png Upkeep cost
−20% Tradition expansion galactic ambition.png Galactic Ambition
−20% Tradition icon unyielding.png Unyielding Finisher Effect
+25% "Exceeding starbase capacity" modifier per excess starbase
Upgrade related modifiers
Build cost.png Upgrade cost

Tradition unyielding fortress doctrine.png Fortress Doctrine

−15% 工兵部队 Corps of Engineers 工兵部队Corps of Engineers
  • 筑防者 Fortifier 筑防者Fortifier
  • 星辰大海 Home in the Sky 星辰大海Home in the Sky
Build time.png Upgrade speed
+100% 法令 Edict Fortress Proclamation
+50% Tradition icon unyielding.png Unyielding Adoption Effect
+25% 工兵部队 Corps of Engineers 工兵部队Corps of Engineers
Military properties related modifiers
伤害 Damage Damage
+25% Ap eternal vigilance.png Eternal Vigilance
+33% Tradition unyielding defensive zeal.png Defensive Zeal
船体值 Hull Points Hull points
+33% Tradition unyielding defensive zeal.png Defensive Zeal
+25% Ap eternal vigilance.png Eternal Vigilance
  • 恒星基地 Starbase Gun Battery
  • 恒星基地 Starbase Hangar Bay
  • 恒星基地 Starbase Missile Battery
装甲 Armor Armor hit points
  • 恒星基地 Starbase Gun Battery
  • 恒星基地 Starbase Hangar Bay
  • 恒星基地 Starbase Missile Battery

Modules[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

A fully upgraded starbase can support up to 6 modules. It is possible to construct multiple modules of the same type and the starbase will be called in the outliner accordingly. Each module takes 180 Time.png days to build and costs 50 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys. The alloy cost can be lowered by the following:

  • −25% 模块化工程 Modular Engineering 模块化工程Modular Engineering technology
  • −20% 星辰大海 Home in the Sky 星辰大海Home in the Sky
  • −10% "Zero-G Innovations" modifier
Module Maintenance.png  Effects Requirements
Shipyard 的图标
A Shipyard may build one ship at a time, in parallel with other Shipyards.
能量币 Energy Credits −1 Mod starbase shipyard capacity add.png +1 Shipyard capacity None
Anchorage 的图标
Fleet anchorages are necessary to support the growth of our navy.
能量币 Energy Credits −1 海军容量 Naval Capacity +4 Naval capacity None
Gun Battery 的图标
Gun Battery
Adds two medium-size weapon slots to the Starbase.
能量币 Energy Credits −1
  • M槽 +2 Medium weapon components
  • Mod starbase trade protection add.png +5 Trade protection
  • Protection range +1 Protection range
  • 装甲值 Armor Hit Points +10% Starbase armor hit points
  • 船体值 Ship Hull Points +10% Starbase hull points
Missile Battery 的图标
Missile Battery
Adds two torpedo weapon slots to the Starbase.
能量币 Energy Credits −1
  • G槽 +2 Guided weapon components
  • Mod starbase trade protection add.png +5 Trade protection
  • Protection range +1 Protection range
  • 装甲值 Armor Hit Points +10% Starbase armor hit points
  • 船体值 Ship Hull Points +10% Starbase hull points
Hangar Bay 的图标
Hangar Bay
Adds a hangar for strike craft to the Starbase.
能量币 Energy Credits −1
  • H槽 +1 Hangar weapon components
  • Mod starbase trade protection add.png +10 Trade protection
  • Protection range +1 Trade protection range
  • 装甲值 Armor Hit Points +10% Starbase armor hit points
  • 船体值 Ship Hull Points +10% Starbase hull points
航母作战 Carrier Operations 航母作战Carrier Operations technology
Solar Panel Network 的图标
Solar Panel Network
Advances in solar panel technology could offset the operating costs of our starbases.
  • 能量币 Energy Credits +6 Energy
  • With 解放知识 Unchained Knowledge 解放知识Unchained Knowledge resolution 3:
    • 能量币 Energy Credits +6 Energy
  • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.pngBlack Hole.png Black Hole
  • No.png戴森球 Dyson Sphere Stage II+ Dyson Sphere
Trade Hub 的图标
Trade Hub
A civilian docking area where merchants and traders can conduct business.
能量币 Energy Credits −1 Collection range +1 Collection range No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness

Buildings[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

A fully upgraded starbase can support up to 4 buildings. Unlike modules, it is only possible to construct a single building of any type. Building cost is reduced by −25% by the 模块化工程 Modular Engineering 模块化工程Modular Engineering technology.

Building 建筑花费 Building Cost Cost Mod planet building build speed mult.png Time Maintenance.png  Effects Requirements DLC
Crew Quarters 的图标
Crew Quarters
Provides accommodation and support for spaceship crews, reducing the logistical burden on fleets that are berthed here.
合金 Alloys 50 Time.png 180 能量币 Energy Credits –1 舰船维护费 Ship Upkeep –25% Docked ship upkeep No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Crew Gestation Chambers 的图标
Crew Gestation Chambers
The ability to birth and gestate crew drones directly on-site is a logistical boon to local fleets.
合金 Alloys 50 Time.png 180 能量币 Energy Credits –1 舰船维护费 Ship Upkeep –25% Docked ship upkeep 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind 乌托邦 Utopia
Service Umbilicals 的图标
Service Umbilicals
Service Umbilicals connect berthed fleets directly to the core intelligence of the station, allowing it to assist with repairs and refits.
合金 Alloys 50 Time.png 180 能量币 Energy Credits –1 舰船维护费 Ship Upkeep –25% Docked ship upkeep 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
Fleet Academy 的图标
Fleet Academy
For our newly recruited crews to be truly combat ready, they must have capable officers leading them. The Fleet Academy will ensure those officers have up-to-date knowledge on the doctrines and practice of interstellar warfare.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –2 Ship starting experience +100 Ship starting experience
  • Sb shipyard.png Shipyard module
  • 星际舰队传统 Interstellar Fleet Traditions 星际舰队传统Interstellar Fleet Traditions technology
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Battle Simulators 的图标
Battle Simulators
Repeated simulation of various battle scenarios will better prepare our shipboard combat drones for real combat.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –2 Ship starting experience +100 Ship starting experience
  • Sb shipyard.png Shipyard module
  • 星际舰队传统 Interstellar Fleet Traditions 星际舰队传统Interstellar Fleet Traditions technology
  • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
乌托邦 Utopia智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
Resource Silo 的图标
Resource Silo
Massive resource silos and energy storage facilities where large quantities of minerals and energy can be safely kept.
合金 Alloys 50 Time.png 180 None
  • 资源储存上限 Resource Storage Capacity  +2000 资源储存上限Resource Storage Capacity
Sb naval logistics.png
Naval Logistics Office
A minimal-but-extant bureaucratic layer increases the theoretical capacity of the Starbase's Anchorages.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –2 海军容量 Naval Capacity  +2 海军容量Naval Capacity from Sb anchorage.png Anchorages
  • Sb anchorage.png Anchorage module
  • 星际舰队传统 Interstellar Fleet Traditions 星际舰队传统Interstellar Fleet Traditions technology
Sb titan assembly yard.png
Titan Assembly Yards
Specialized drydocks erected on the Starbase's hull allow for the construction of gargantuan Titan-class ships.
合金 Alloys 500 Time.png 720 能量币 Energy Credits –10 Feature Titan construction enabled
  • 恒星基地 Starbase Citadel
  • Sb shipyard.png Shipyard module
  • 泰坦 Titans 泰坦Titansnology
启示录 Apocalypse
Sb colossus assembly yard.png
Colossal Assembly Yards
Abandoning the traditional concept of drydocks, colossal spaceships are assembled by a number of highly mobile independent construction platforms.
合金 Alloys 1000 Time.png 720 能量币 Energy Credits –20
  • 启示录 Apocalypse Colossus construction enabled
  • 纵横捭阖 Federations Juggernaut construction enabled
  • 灭世天罚 Nemesis Star-Eater construction enabled
  • 恒星基地 Starbase Citadel
  • Sb shipyard.png Shipyard module
  • 巨像 Colossi 巨像Colossinology or 主宰 Juggernaut 主宰Juggernautnology
纵横捭阖 Federations启示录 Apocalypse
Sb dragon hatchery.png
Dragon Hatchery
Cutting-edge facilities for the rearing of young dragons.
合金 Alloys 750 Time.png 720 能量币 Energy Credits –10 与龙共舞 Here Be Dragons Allows the construction of Fledgling Dragons if the starbase also has a Sb shipyard.png Shipyard module (does nothing otherwise)
  • 恒星基地 Starbase Citadel
  • 与龙共舞 Here Be Dragons 与龙共舞Here Be Dragons origin conclusion
水生类物种包 Aquatics Species Pack
Sb communication jammer.png
Communications Jammer
These powerful jammers interfere with enemy ship-to-ship communications, making it difficult to coordinate fleet movements.
合金 Alloys 50 Time.png 180 能量币 Energy Credits –1
  • 战斗撤离几率 Combat Disengagement Chance –20% Enemy Combat Disengagement Chance in system
  • 亚光速航速 Sublight Speed –20% Enemy Sublight Speed in system
Sb disruption field generator.png
Disruption Field Generator
Generates localized fields of agitated subatomic particles around hostile ships in the system, significantly reducing the effectiveness of their shields.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 180 能量币 Energy Credits –2 护盾 Shields –20% Enemy Shield Hit Points in system
Sb target uplink computer.png
Target Uplink Computer
An advanced targeting computer that collects and analyzes data from all friendly sensor sources in-system. This makes it far easier for the Starbase to achieve targeting solutions.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –2 舰船武器射程 Ship Weapons Range +50% Starbase and Defense Platform Weapons Range
Sb command center.png
Command Center
All system defense efforts are coordinated from this large facility, buried deep within the hull of the Starbase. Map arrays and 3D projections track all space traffic passing through the system at any given time.
合金 Alloys 250 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –5 舰船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +10% Allied Fire Rate in system
  • 恒星基地 Starbase Star Fortress
  • 指挥矩阵 Command Matrix 指挥矩阵Command Matrix technology
Sb defense grid supercomputer.png
Defense-Grid Supercomputer
A powerful supercomputer coordinating the relative orbit and firing arcs of the Starbase's defensive platforms, increasing the number of defensive platforms that can be supported.
合金 Alloys 150 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –2 Mod starbase defense platform capacity add.png +8 Defense platform cap 同步防御 Synchronized Defenses 同步防御Synchronized Defensesnology
Sb hydroponics bay.png
Hydroponics Bay
By dedicating a section of this Starbase to Hydroponic farming, the station will be able to feed itself and even export excess produce to other systems.
合金 Alloys 50 Time.png 180 能量币 Energy Credits –1 食物 Food  +10 食物Food Orbital Hydroponic Farms.png Eco Stimulation technology
Black Hole Observatory
By building a specialized science facility dedicated to studying a black hole, our empire will surely be able to see improvements in our understanding of Physics.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –2
  • Physics Research.png
  • With 暗物质收集 Dark Matter Drawing 暗物质收集Dark Matter Drawing technology:
    • 暗物质 Dark Matter  +1 暗物质Dark Matter
  • Black Hole.png Star is a black hole
  • 亚空间传感器 Subspace Sensors 亚空间传感器Subspace Sensorsnology
Sb nebula refinery.png
Nebula Refinery
By processing the dust clouds of a nebula, we are able to refine and extract valuable minerals.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –2
  • 矿物 Minerals  +10 矿物Minerals
  • With 异星天然气开采 Exotic Gas Extraction 异星天然气开采Exotic Gas Extraction technology:
    • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases  +1 异星天然气Exotic Gases
  • Yes.png System is inside a nebula
  • 零重力精炼厂 Zero-G Refineries 零重力精炼厂Zero-G Refineries technology
Sb deep space black site.png
Deep Space Black Site
A large part of this Starbase has been set aside as a Black Site that does not officially exist. The entire system is closely monitored from here, while intelligence operatives carefully manipulate local media and social events to the best of their ability.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –2
  • 凝聚力 Unity  +1 凝聚力Unity
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction +25% System Governing Ethics Attraction
  • 稳定度 Stability +5 System Stability
  • 殖民者 Colonist System has a colony
  • 活体国度 The Living State 活体国度The Living State technology
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Spaceport module pioneering terminal.png
Transit Hub
Dedicated infrastructure for non-military vessels, enabling a smooth and convenient transit network.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 180 能量币 Energy Credits –3 自动重新安置几率 Automatic Resettlement Chance +100% Automatic resettlement chance for every colony in system 超空间航道突破点 Hyperlane Breach Points 超空间航道突破点Hyperlane Breach Points technology
Sb hyperlane registrar.png
Hyperlane Registrar
Assists friendly ships in the system with FTL travel by identifying ideal conditions for entering the hyperlanes and optimizing projected travel routes.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 180 能量币 Energy Credits –2 Mod starbase trade collection range add.png +1 Collection Range
  • 星际经济学 Interstellar Economics、​ 星际经济学 Interstellar Economics 星际经济学Interstellar Economics 星际经济学Interstellar Economics technology
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Sb listening post.png
Listening Post
The Listening Post houses a team of dedicated operators tasked with analyzing hyperlane reverberations, functionally extending the range of the Starbase's sensors.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –2
  • 探测范围 Sensor Range  +2 探测范围Sensor Range
  • 探测范围 Sensor Range +4 Hyperlane detection range
重力传感器 Gravitic Sensors 重力传感器Gravitic Sensorsnology
Sb offworld trading company.png
Offworld Trading Company
The offices of a non-governmental organ dedicated to improving the conditions of interstellar trade.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 None Trade value.png  +2 Trade value per Sb trading hub.png Trading Hub module
  • Sb trading hub.png Trading Hub module
  • Tech space trading.png Space Trading technology
Sb ice mining station.png
Ice Mining Station
This system is a plentiful source of unexploited ice. By setting up a harvesting station here, we could see it put to better use, creating habitable oceans for our kind.

Ice asteroids can be mined once, frozen worlds up to 3 times.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 None
  • 矿物 Minerals +15% System Mining Station Output
  • Decision arctic planet.png Enables the Expand Planetary Sea decision
  • 水之心 Hydrocentric 水之心Hydrocentric ascension perk
  • Planet frozen.png System has a frozen world or ice asteroids
水生类物种包 Aquatics Species Pack
Sb curator think tank.png
Curator Think Tank
By constructing a research facility entirely focused on learning from, and cooperating with, the Curators, we are able to make significant contributions to our scientific progress.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –2 研究 Research +5 Research
  • Enclaves flag curator.png System has a Curator enclave
  • 评价 Opinion A diplomatic agreement with the Curators
星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
Sb artist college.png
Art College
This zero-g Art College, operated in conjunction with the nearby Artisan Enclave, celebrates the beauty of outer space in the works produced by its talented students.
合金 Alloys 200 Time.png 360 能量币 Energy Credits –2 凝聚力 Unity +10 Unity
  • Enclaves flag artist.png System has an Artisan Troupe enclave
  • 评价 Opinion A diplomatic agreement with the Artisan Troupe
星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
Sb offworld trading company.png
Trader Proxy Office
The Trader Enclave enjoy special privileges on the Galactic Market, which can also benefit us.
合金 Alloys 100 Time.png 360 None 市场中介费 Market Fee -5% Market Fee
  • Enclaves flag trader.png System has a Trader enclave
  • Yes.png Galactic Market access
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack

Defenses[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Mammalian Ion Cannon

Because starbases are vital targets during warfare, an empire must ensure that they can maintain control over their own starbases to prevent their opponents from seizing control of the system. Investing resources into arming a starbase can allow to function as a strong deterrent to enemy invasions, a powerful supporting power during a fleet battle in the system and a starbase that is heavily armed enough can potentially even repel an entire enemy fleet by itself. Successfully maintaining control over every single starbase in the empire is by itself enough to allow an empire to end the war through a status-quo without losing any systems, earning them a defensive victory.

A starbase's self-defense capabilities can be reinforced with the construction of defense platforms. Defense platforms are smaller military stations that are deployed around the starbase and act as weapons platforms. Defense platforms have two sections for weapon slots which can be outfitted with a wide variety of weapon configurations. They will engage any incoming hostile ships, effectively acting as a supporting weapon, by attacking and distracting them from focusing their efforts on the starbase itself, allowing the starbase to engage the enemies and support the defense platform(s). When compared with ships, platforms are situated between Destroyers and Cruisers classes, their hull and armament slightly better than the former, while their armor-potential is equivalent to the latter. However, due to them having no 闪避 Evasion 闪避Evasion whatsoever, individual platforms are still very vulnerable, and if a strong, sustainable firepower is a priority it is wiser to put more turrets on the base itself and only add in Defense platforms once the starbases available armaments have been maxed out.

As opposed to the auto-fitting of the starbase's components, defense platforms can be altered through the ship designer allowing for several designs to be built based on the different needs in each front and upgraded based on this designs. However, unlike ships, their designs cannot be switched once built, necessitating dismantling and complete rebuilding. It also renders any transferred platforms non-upgradeable.

Each starbase can support only a certain number of defense platforms based on its level. However, the defense platform capacity can be increased with the following:

  • Globally: +5 Ap eternal vigilance.png Eternal Vigilance, +4/+8/+12 巨型结构工程 Mega-EngineeringStrategic Coordination Center galactic wonder, +50% Tradition icon unyielding.png Unyielding tradition finisher
  • Locally: +8 恒星基地 Starbase Defense-Grid Supercomputer

If all of these modifiers are applied, a single starbase can support up to 60 Defense platforms when upgraded to Citadel level. And more if a player gets more than 1 Strategic Coordination Center galactic wonders.

In addition to the regular defense platforms, a citadel-level starbase is also capable of hosting an Ion Cannon, a more powerful platform type that carries a weapon identical to the Perdition Beam titan weapon. It is titan-class hull-wise, but only battleship-class armor-wise. Each Ion Cannon has an upkeep of 8 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits.

An ion cannon platform is equivalent to 8 defense platforms in terms of capacity slots and can only be constructed on citadel-level starbases.

Defense platform modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Additional modifiers which affect various defense platform parameters are summarized below:

Mod shipclass military station damage mult.png Defense platform damage
  • Ap eternal vigilance.png Eternal Vigilance
  • 议程 Agenda Secure the Borders
+10% 同步开火模式 Synchronized Firing Patterns 同步开火模式Synchronized Firing Patterns
Mod shipclass military station hull mult.png Defense platform hull points
+25% 议程 Agenda Secure the Borders
  • 强化核心层 Fortified Core Layers 强化核心层Fortified Core Layers
+500 改善结构完整性 Improved Structural Integrity 改善结构完整性Improved Structural Integrity
装甲 Armor Armor hit points
Mod shipclass military station build cost mult.png Defense platform build cost
−33% 筑防者 Fortifier 筑防者Fortifier
−15% 议程 Agenda Secure the Borders
Build time.png Build speed
+100% 法令 Edict Fortress Proclamation

Types[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Non-outpost starbases have a designation type automatically assigned to them. This has little effect on a human player aside from aesthetics, but AI empires use these rules to determine what to build on their starbases.

Type Requirements Weight AI type ratio AI design priorities
Shipyard Either:
    • Sb shipyard.png Shipyard module
    • No owned starbase has a shipyard module[1]
100 per Shipyard module
  • 1100 if no owned starbase has a shipyard module
  • 0.25 base
    • 军国主义 Militarist  +0.10 军国主义Militarist
    • 极端军国主义 Fanatic Militarist  +0.05 极端军国主义Fanatic Militarist
    • 1.00: Shipyard
    • 0.50: Anchorage
    • 0.45: Hangar Bay
    • 1.00
      • Colossal Assembly Yards
      • Crew Quarters
      • Dragon Hatchery
      • Fleet Academy
      • Hydroponics Bay
      • Ice Mining Station
      • Titan Assembly Yards
Anchorage Sb anchorage.png Anchorage module 100 per Anchorage module
  • 0.45 base
    • 军国主义 Militarist  +0.05 军国主义Militarist
    • 极端军国主义 Fanatic Militarist  +0.02 极端军国主义Fanatic Militarist
    • 1.00:
      • Anchorage
      • Solar Panel Network
    • 2.00:
      • Art College
      • Curator Think Tank
      • Dragon Hatchery[2]
      • Hydroponics Bay
      • Ice Mining Station
      • Nebula Refinery
    • 1.00: Naval Logistics Office
    • 0.05:
      • Communications Jammer
      • Defense-Grid Supercomputer
Trade Hub
  • Sb trading hub.png Trade Hub module
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
100 per Trade Hub module
  • 0.30 base
    • 唯物主义 Materialist  +0.05 唯物主义Materialist
    • 极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist  +0.10 极端唯物主义Fanatic Materialist
    • 1.00: Trade Hub
    • 1.00:
      • Offworld Trading Company
      • Nebula Refinery
      • Art College
      • Curator Think Tank
      • Ice Mining Station
      • Dragon Hatchery[2]
      • Hydroponics Bay
    • 0.25: Resource Silo
    • 0.05:
      • Defense-Grid Supercomputer
      • Communications Jammer
Bastion Sb gun battery.pngSb missile battery.pngSb hangar bay.png any weapon module 75 base
  • +75 per weapon module
  • 0.25 base
    • 军国主义 Militarist  +0.10 军国主义Militarist
    • 极端军国主义 Fanatic Militarist  +0.10 极端军国主义Fanatic Militarist
    • 1.00:
      • Gun Battery
      • Missile Battery
    • 0.80: Hangar Bay
    • 3.00:
      • Dragon Hatchery[2]
      • Ice Mining Station
    • 1.00:
      • Command Center
      • Defense-Grid Supercomputer
      • Target Uplink Computer
    • 0.90:
      • Communications Jammer
      • Disruption Field Generator
      • Hyperlane Registrar
    • 0.25: Hydroponics Bay

参考资料[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  1. If you delete all shipyard modules from all your starbases, perhaps because you've built a Mega Shipyard, all of your starbase will change designation to shipyard.
  2. 跳转至: 2.0 2.1 2.2 Dragon Hatcheries have no effect when built on a starbase with no Shipyard.