
机械天团的群星3.0 T34详解

The Ship Designer (Hotkey F9) is where players may create, update and customize ship templates and defense stations. If a ship of a design is under construction or being upgraded, the design cannot be edited. Many naval strategies advise that their empires deploy several types of warships to fill different tactical roles and face different opponents, and it is convenient for these to have different class names.

Clicking the Auto-Generate box on the lower left of the menu orders computer designers to continually update ship designs based on the latest technology research. Note that they do not take account of the enemies that the fleet is facing or may face, so it might choose components that an opponent can counter instead of a less up-to-date component that has proven successful. For example, the computer might auto-generate a design with an advanced laser that is statistically superior although the current enemy has heavily invested in shield technology that will heavily impair laser weapons but is vulnerable to attacks with the existing missile weapons.

Direct involvement in ship design is optional. An alert icon will appear if a ship design is obsolete, and a toggle enables automatic upgrading of components for player convenience. Stellaris can be played without touching this menu very often, but it is always advisable to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential enemies.

Cost[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Every ship design has an associated cost to build. This is the sum of the costs of its sections and components. All of them cost 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys and some advanced components also cost 战略资源 Strategic Resources 战略资源Strategic Resources. The build time is determined by the ship type.

The base monthly upkeep of a ship is determined as a percentage of its total build cost. Civilian vessels only cost 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits as upkeep, while Military ships also cost 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys. Upkeep is split into 2 parts:

  • Hull Upkeep: determined by the ship type.
  • Component Upkeep: around 0.833% of its build cost in 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits and around 0.15% of its build cost in 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys. Strategic Resource will also increase upkeep by a bit.

Upgrading[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

If a ship design is edited, a fleet containing ships of that design can be ordered to return to a shipyard to upgrade. Upgrading will take all ships of a given name to the most recent design with the same name (e.g. a Victory-class will upgrade to the design for the Victory-class). Switching designs is done in the fleet manager via the Retrofit button - in this case, "upgrading" the fleet will switch all ships of the appropriate hull type to the newly selected ship design. This is useful for maintaining two designs of a type and switching between them.

If you delete a ship design that is currently in use, ships in a fleet will automatically be designated for a retrofit to the most recently changed ship design of that hull type. There must always be one design per hull type. The upgrade button will send the fleet back to a shipyard to change designs. (e.g. if you have a fleet of Victory-class corvettes and then make a Constellation-class of corvette and delete the design for the Victory-class, all Victory-class corvettes will be automatically marked for upgrading to the Constellation-class)

The upgrade cost is the difference in build cost between the new ship type and the old ship type. This will refund resources if the new design is cheaper or uses different strategic resources in construction. (e.g. Hyper Shields require 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 异星天然气Exotic Gases while Dark Matter Deflectors require 暗物质 Dark Matter 暗物质Dark Matter. Switching from Hyper Shields to Dark Matter Deflectors will cost Dark Matter but also refund Exotic Gas to your stockpile.)

Power[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Power is generated by the ship's reactor, as well as any Reactor Booster components the ship might have. Many components and subsystems require power to operate. A ship design cannot be approved if it has a negative power balance.

Excess power will give a small bonus to the ship's evasion, speed, and weapon damage using the following formula: excess power bonus =10%(1required powersupplied power)

Types[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The type of the ship determines its base statistics.

Type Sections 舰队规模 Fleet Size Command Points 合金 Alloys Base cost Time.png Build time Small Slot Equivalent (W/U/A) 船体值 Ship Hull Points Base hull 闪避 Evasion Base evasion 亚光速航速 Sublight Speed Base speed 战斗撤离几率 Combat Disengagement Chance 战斗撤离几率Combat Disengagement Chance 海盗镇压度 Piracy Suppression 海盗镇压度Piracy Suppression 舰船维护费 Ship Upkeep Upkeep
Corvette 1 1 30 60 3 3 1 300 60% 160 1.0 10 1% build cost in 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits
0.33% build cost in 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys
Destroyer 2 2 60 120 6 6 1 800 35% 140 1.5 8
Cruiser 3 4 120 240 12 16 2 1800 10% 120 1.5 6
Battleship 3 8 240 480 24 24 2 3000 5% 100 1.25 4
Titan 3 16 480 1800 24+T 48 3 10000 5% 100 1.25 0
Juggernaut 1 32 1032 3600 50 84 4 100000 2% 80 No.png 0 0.3% build cost in 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits
0.1% build cost in 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys
Colossus 1 0 10000 20000 W 24 0 30000 2% 80 No.png 0
Defense platform 2 1 60 120 8 12 2 1000 0% 6 No.png 2 None
Ion Cannon 1 8 2000 1080 T 24 0 10000 0% 6 No.png 0

Defense platforms also have +20% bonus to 舰船武器射程 Ship Weapons Range 舰船武器射程Ship Weapons Range.

Menacing ships[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Menacing ships are only available to empires that took the Ap become the crisis.png Become the Crisis ascension perk and reached the required Crisis Level. Menacing ships' cost and upkeep are not impacted by installed components, but they can be reduced by percentage modifiers. They only have one section each.

Type 舰队规模 Fleet Size Command Points Cost Time.png Build time Small Slot Equivalent (W/U/A) 船体值 Ship Hull Points Base hull 闪避 Evasion Base evasion 亚光速航速 Sublight Speed Base speed 战斗撤离几率 Combat Disengagement Chance 战斗撤离几率Combat Disengagement Chance 海盗镇压度 Piracy Suppression 海盗镇压度Piracy Suppression 能量币 Energy Credits Upkeep 矿物 Minerals Upkeep
Menacing Corvette 1 矿物 Minerals 300 30 3 3 2 350 60% 160 1.0 10 0.30 0.20
Menacing Destroyer 2 矿物 Minerals 550 60 6 6 2 700 25% 140 1.5 8 0.60 0.40
Menacing Cruiser 4 矿物 Minerals 900 120 10 12 2 2000 10% 140 1.5 6 1.20 0.80
Star-Eater 0 暗物质 Dark Matter 10000 6000 53 80 4 150000 5% 120 No.png 0 0 0

部件[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The capabilities and statistics of a ship are based not just on the ship's type but on what components are equipped to the ship. Most components have an individual cost that adds to build cost and to upkeep cost for ships with upkeep costs. The initial cost may be in 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys or any of several strategic resources, but upkeep costs are limited to 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits and 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys. Downgrading components or leaving slots empty can lower the build and upkeep costs of ships of that design. When changing components in a design, ships can be upgraded at a shipyard for the change in costs (downgrading designs is also done with the "upgrade" button, but will return resources). Upgrading ships when you do not have sufficient resources will cause them to wait at the shipyard until the resources become available and upgrade as soon as the resources become available. If you have neither reserves nor income of the required resources (e.g. you have 0(+0) 暗物质 Dark Matter 暗物质Dark Matter for Dark Matter Thrusters) then the ships will idle at the shipyard indefinitely.

All Ships have similar Core components, displayed on the right side of the star-background part of the ship designer UI. Most of these slots cannot be left empty (the exception being an FTL Drive, but this component is necessary for inter-system travel; a ship without one will be stuck in the system it was built in). Immobile ship types (Defense Platforms and Ion Cannons) have limited slots to reflect that they are immobile. Titans and Juggernauts have an additional slot for auras. The article on core components goes into detail on what options are available, what stats those options have, and any special mechanics related to the components.

All Ships have slots for Weapon components and Utility components. These slots can be left empty. What specific slots are available will change based on what Sections are used in the design (see below). Weapon component slots are at the top of the star background part of the UI, separated by section. Utility component slots are on the bottom, also separated by section. There are a great amount of options for these types of slots, so please reference the articles on each type for what can be fitted in the slots as well as statistics and mechanics.

舰船区段[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Each ship and station is made up of 1-3 sections, and each section may have its own design. Ship section designs vary based on where they are in the ship (bow, core, stern), while station section designs are all the same. Each section design has space for a variety of offensive and defensive modules. For example, one station section may be designed to carry a single L槽 L槽 weapon or four S槽 S槽 weapons. Changing sections is done by clicking the section name in the top-center of the Ship Designer UI, above the star background. Changing sections will reset all component slots to being empty.

To add an item to a module, click on the module (in the center part of the menu, identified by S槽 , M槽 , L槽 , XL槽 , PD槽 , G槽 , H槽 , A槽 , C槽 , T槽 , WD槽) to see what items can be added.

The components that can be placed in S槽 , M槽 , L槽 , and XL槽 weapon slots, as well as PD槽 , G槽 , H槽 , T槽 , and WD槽 slots, can be found on the Weapon components page. The components that can be placed in S槽 , M槽 , and L槽 utility slots, as well as A槽 slots, are found on the Utility components page.

All sections of the same type have the same utility slots, with only the weapon slots being different. Weapon slots trade at a fixed ratio, with the following being equivalent:

  • XL槽
  • L槽 or H槽
  • M槽 or G槽
  • S槽 or PD槽

The only exception is the Destroyer section Bow / Picket Ship, which lacks 1× S槽 or PD槽 compared to the other sections.

Corvette sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Interceptor S槽 3 S槽 3 A槽 1
Missile Boat S槽 1 G槽 1 S槽 3 A槽 1
Picket Ship S槽 2 PD槽 1 S槽 3 A槽 1

Destroyer sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Artillery L槽 1 S槽 6
Gunship S槽 2 M槽 1 S槽 6
Picket Ship S槽 2 PD槽 1 S槽 6
Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Gunship M槽 1 A槽 1
Interceptor S槽 2 A槽 1
Picket Ship PD槽 2 A槽 1

Cruiser sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Artillery L槽 1 M槽 4
Broadside M槽 2 M槽 4
Torpedo S槽 2 G槽 1 M槽 4
Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Artillery M槽 1 L槽 1 M槽 4
Broadside M槽 3 M槽 4
Hangar PD槽 2 H槽 1 M槽 4
Torpedo S槽 2 G槽 2 M槽 4
Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Broadside M槽 1 A槽 2
Gunship S槽 2 A槽 2

Battleship sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Artillery L槽 2 L槽 3
Broadside S槽 2 M槽 1 L槽 1 L槽 3
Hangar M槽 1 PD槽 2 H槽 1 L槽 3
Spinal Mount XL槽 1 L槽 3
Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Artillery L槽 3 L槽 3
Broadside M槽 2 L槽 2 L槽 3
Carrier S槽 2 PD槽 2 H槽 2 L槽 3
Hangar M槽 4 H槽 1 L槽 3
Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Artillery L槽 1 A槽 2
Broadside M槽 2 A槽 2

Titan sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Titan Bow T槽 1 L槽 6
Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Titan Core L槽 4 L槽 6
Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Titan Stern L槽 2 A槽 3

Colossus sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Colossus WD槽 1 L槽 6

Juggernaut sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Juggernaut XL槽 2 H槽 6 M槽 5 L槽 21 A槽 4

Menacing Corvette sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Brawler S槽 1 M槽 1 S槽 3 A槽 2
Interceptor S槽 3 S槽 3 A槽 2

Menacing Destroyer sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Multirole M槽 1 G槽 1 S槽 1 PD槽 1 M槽 3 A槽 2
Artillery L槽 1 S槽 2 M槽 3 A槽 2

Menacing Cruiser sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Menacing Cruiser L槽 1 M槽 2 S槽 2 M槽 6 A槽 2

Star-Eater sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Star-Eater WD槽 1 H槽 4 L槽 3 M槽 9 S槽 6 PD槽 6 L槽 20 A槽 4

Defense platform sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Defense platforms consist of two sections, both having the same set of choices.

Defense platform
Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Light S槽 4 M槽 3 A槽 1
Medium M槽 2 M槽 3 A槽 1
Heavy L槽 1 M槽 3 A槽 1
Point-Defense PD槽 4 M槽 3 A槽 1
Missile G槽 2 M槽 3 A槽 1
Hangar H槽 1 M槽 3 A槽 1

Ion Cannon sections[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Name Weapon Slots Utility Slots
Ion Cannon Core T槽 1 L槽 6