Stellaris 有 154 个不同的 Steam 成就(Achievements)。成就没有游戏内效果,只在游戏内弹出提示框并被添加到玩家的 Steam 档案。可以到游戏的 Steam 全球成就统计 看见按成功完成每个成就的用户百分比排序的所有成就。
每个成就的难度各异;一些成就非常简单(例如,殖民一颗行星),而一些极其困难(例如,终末危机成就)。 以下列表由百科编辑者评估按难度水平分组各个成就(尚未分类——UC——成就尚未评估)。 成就只能获得在 铁人模式 游戏中。它们能在游玩更旧的游戏版本时获得,只要所说的成就已经出现在那个版本,以及在任何帝国取得 胜利 之后。
一般提示[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
成就列表[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
“版本”列指明了某一个成就在哪个版本添加的。 成就不能在它们被添加的版本之前取得。
“难度”列是由百科编辑者所评估的难度。“非常简单、简单、普通、困难、非常困难、疯狂、尚未分类”对应官方百科的“Very Easy、Easy、Medium、Hard、Very Hard、Insane、Uncategorized”七级。
基础游戏[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
成就 | 要求 | 提示建议 | 版本 | 难度 |
Archaeologist 考古学家 成功调查一座考古遗址 |
完成一座考古遗址的全部阶段(没有失败) | |
2.3 | 非常简单 |
Brave New World 美丽新世界 殖民一颗行星 |
拥有的行星数 > 1 | 游戏开始时,将“确保宜居世界”选项设置为1或2,可在母星系附近找到合适的宜居星球 | 1.0 | 非常简单 |
Break On Through... 突破 完成对一项稀有科技的研究 |
获得的稀有科技数 > 0 | 用某些特质、思潮和国民理念开局,能增加研究速度和候选项 | 1.0 | 非常简单 |
Domo Arigato 非常感谢 建造一个机械人口 |
已建造一个 机械 人口 | |
1.0 | 非常简单 |
Emissary 特使 探索一个天然虫洞 |
需要 虫洞稳定 并且穿越任何虫洞。 | 开局把 虫洞对的数量 设置到 X5 | 2.0 | 非常简单 |
Energetic 能源充沛 储存1000能量币 |
已积累能量币 > 999 | 1.0 | 非常简单 | |
Explorer 探险家 调查所有基础行星类型,每种至少一个 |
已调查全部 16 种天体类型 | 1.0 | 非常简单 | |
Mutual Understanding 相互理解 成功签署一项贸易协定 |
已与其他帝国贸易 | 如果没有帝国想要贸易,单方面送礼物也算数 | 1.0 | 非常简单 |
Resourceful 富足 需要星系内的每种资源月收入均在1以上 |
收入 >= 1. | 需要有 >=1 收入给全部 11 种可贸易资源。英文成就工具提示过时了。 | 1.4 | 非常简单 |
Suffer not the Alien 外星人必须死 作为一个排外帝国,净化星系中其他所有智慧生物 |
Has, as a |
The You will automatically obtain the achievement if you start a game with no other empires (set number of AI empires, fallen empires, primitive, and marauders to 0). |
1.4 | 非常简单 |
They Come In Pieces 他们为和平而来 活体解剖一个外星人 |
The option is not available to all ethics. You are not guaranteed to catch the alien ships, so this may require multiple attempts. | 3.0 | 非常简单 |
We Come In Peace 我们为和平而来 完成与一个帝国相互友好的第一次接触,在没有负面事件的情况下 |
在第一次接触期间对于你或另一个帝国没有负面事件发生。 | The player has to have the Proactive First Contact Protocol policy to get the achievement. | 3.0 | 非常简单 |
A Home Away From Home 远方的家 占领另一个物种的母星 |
已征服另一个物种的母星 | Custom empires with nothing but bad traits can be created. | 1.0 | 简单 |
Battle Thralls 奴隶兵 拥有3个附庸国 |
附庸国数 >2 | Creating 3 sectors and releasing them as vassals may be faster than forcefully vassalizing empires | 1.0 | 简单 |
Building Better Worlds 建设更好的世界 对一颗星球进行环境改造 |
已环境改造一颗行星 | 1.0 | 简单 | |
Clever Girl 聪明的女孩儿 提升一个物种 |
已提升一个物种 | 1.0 | 简单 | |
Digging Deep 充分挖掘 每月矿物收入超过250 |
矿物的每月收入 > 249 | 1.0 | 简单 | |
League of Nations 国际联盟 成为星海共同体的创始成员 |
选择支持星海共同体,当它第一次提出时 | The Common Ground and Hegemon Origins guarantee this achievement unless another empire has the same origins | 2.6 | 简单 |
Megapolis 大都会 有一颗星球上面有至少100人口 |
有一颗行星有 > 99 人口。 | 2.2 | 简单 | |
New Shining Star 闪耀的新星 首都行政建筑升至综合性帝国首都 |
Have an System-Capital Complex on your capital | 1.0 | 简单 | |
Old Friends 老朋友 从失落帝国那里收到礼物 |
Has accepted a gift from a patronising Enigmatic Observer or Keepers of Knowledge fallen empire | Accepting a request or completing a task will eventually lead to a gift being bestowed | 1.4 | 简单 |
Omnicultural 多元文化 拥有一个非初始选择物种类别的国家领导人 |
你的帝国的统治者不同于你的创始物种 | |
1.4 | 简单 |
Payback 反攻V星 作为类人种族,潜入前超光速时代的爬行类物种的母星 |
As a humanoid species, has completed Covert Infiltration of a primitive reptilian species and incorporated them into the empire | Setting Habitable Worlds to 0.25X and Primitive Civilizations to 5X[1] ensures a reptilian civilization is found more easily. | 1.4 | 简单 |
Peacekeeper 和平守护者 游玩和平主义国家,同时其它所有独立国都是和平主义国家 |
Don't go to war for 200 consecutive years as a Pacifist or Fanatic Pacifist empire | Starting the game with no AI empires makes getting this achievement a matter of time | 1.4 | 简单 |
Power Overwhelming 能量过载 储存5000能量币 |
已储存能量币 >4999 | 1.0 | 简单 | |
Supremacy 至高 赢得一场对外战争 |
已赢得一场战争 | Must be the empire that declared war or was declared war against; being brought into a war via Defensive Pact, Independence Guarantee or Federation doesn't count | 1.0 | 简单 |
The Grand Fleet 大舰队 建设一支占用舰队容量超过120的舰队 |
有一支舰队的规模 >119 | See Command Limit on how to increase the Command Limit | 1.0 | 简单 |
... To the Other Side 到达彼岸 一局里完成对15项稀有科技的研究 |
获取稀有科技数 >14 | 1.0 | 中等 | |
Birth of a Federation 联邦的诞生 创建一个联邦 |
是联邦主席国 | Empires with the Fanatical Befrienders personality offer the highest acceptance rate
You can also create a custom empire with the Common Ground or Hegemon Origin |
1.0 | 中等 |
Center of Trade 贸易中心 每月从贸易中赚取至少1000能量币 |
得到 > 999 能量币来自贸易路线。 | Wealth Creation trade policy needs 1000 Trade Value, all others require 2000 | 2.2 | 中等 |
Citadel of Death 死神城堡 拥有一座40k舰队实力的擎天堡 |
拥有一座擎天堡 > 40000 舰队实力 | 2.0 | 中等 | |
Enlightened Times 启蒙时代 启蒙一个青铜时代的文明 |
Has enlightened a primitive civilization from the Bronze or Stone Age | Setting Habitable Worlds to 0.25X and Primitive Civilizations to 5X[1] ensures a civilization with the correct era is found more easily. | 1.4 | 中等 |
Faster, Stronger, Better 更快,更强,更好 对一个物种进行基因改造(非提升) |
已基因改造了一个物种 | 1.0 | 中等 | |
Grand Admiral 伟大舰队 帝国全部舰队战斗力总和高于100k |
有舰队实力 > 99999 | 1.0 | 中等 | |
Imperial Highway 帝国高速公路 拥有4座已激活的星门 |
拥有 4 座星门已被激活 | Setting the Abandoned Gateways setting to 5X increase the number of abandoned Gateways and thus the chance to research the technology to build Gateways. | 2.0 | 中等 |
It belongs in a museum! 它应该放在博物馆里! 找到一个遗珍 |
拥有至少 1 个 遗珍 | DLC 让这个成就更容易 | 2.3 | 中等 |
Opposites Attract 异性相吸 有全部八种思潮出现在您的联邦中 |
Have empires representing every ethic (it can be fanatic or normal) in your Federation | It is easier for the player's empire to change their own ethics when already in a federation with five unique ethics from other empires. The |
2.6 | 中等 |
Paradise Found 创造天堂 通过环境改造将一个星球变成盖亚世界 |
Has terraformed a planet into a Gaia world | Gaia Worlds created by events also count | 1.4 | 中等 |
Slave to the Systems 体制的奴隶 作为一个集体主义帝国,在拥有500个人口的情况下,拥有200个被奴役的人口。 |
有总人口 > 500 并且被奴役人口 > 200 | The |
1.4 | 中等 |
Star Struck 追星族 拥有200个恒星基地(哨站也算) |
有 200 个恒星基地包括哨站 | 2.0 | 中等 | |
The Industrial Re-Revolution 工业再革命 每月矿物收入超过1000 |
矿物的月度收入 > 999 | 1.0 | 中等 | |
Tradition is Everything 传统就是一切 解锁全部42个传统 |
解锁全部 42 个 传统 | 2.0 | 中等 | |
Unlimited Power! 无限的力量! 启用一个遗珍的效果 |
通过消耗 影响力或其他资源使用遗珍的激活效果 | 2.3 | 中等 | |
Victorious 获胜 通过任意胜利条件来取得游戏胜利 |
通过 胜利条件 之一完成游戏 | 设置末期事件起始年份和胜利年份尽可能早,而且游玩在低难度上,使得这个成就更容易得到 | 1.4 | 中等 |
What Came Before 先贤 找到一个先驱者帝国的母星系 |
Has completed a precursor event chain and travelled to the subsequently revealed system | Starting the game with no AI empires makes getting this achievement a matter of time | 1.4 | 中等 |
All-Seeing Eye 全视之眼 同时有100情报等级在五个不同的帝国 |
Have 100 Intel on five different empires at the same time. | The Sentry Array (Megastructure) elevates your passive Intel level by 40. It is easiest performed by building the Megastructure and then releasing 5 vassals. | 3.0 | 困难 |
Outside Context 外敌来犯 入侵处于世界大战中的前超光速时代地球 |
Has invaded Earth, found in the Sol system, while it is in the machine age. Earth must spawn already in the Machine Age, not reach it via event or progress over time. | Sol has a 50% chance to spawn regardless of galaxy size if no empires have it as its starting system, therefore it is recommended that a tiny galaxy be used to make it easier to find and claim the Sol system. If it spawns, it has a 25% chance of being at the correct era for this achievement, for a total chance of 12.5%. | 1.4 | 困难 |
Planned Obsolescence 计划性淘汰 游玩唯物主义国家,拥有至少两百单位人口且其中超过75%的人口是机器人 |
有总人口 > 200 并且其中 75% 是 机器人 | Best done by going for Synthetic Evolution Ascension Perk | 1.4 | 困难 |
Put A Ring On It 一环恒久远 拥有一处环形世界区段作为您的首都 |
Either go the route of building one, repairing one or capturing one from a Fallen Empire. | This achievement is disabled by the |
1.4 | 困难 |
Then Virgil, Now Beatrice 大难不死必有后福 复活一个灭亡已久的物种 |
Has completed the In Limbo anomaly either after having researched synths, or prior to accepting an enigmatic observer fallen empire's relevant request following. | See Limbo for event chain details | 1.4 | 困难 |
Tourist Trap 旅游陷阱 拥有一个上面至少有10个不同物种的星球 |
在一个行星上不同物种数 > 10 | Best done by resettling Pops obtained from Migration Treaties or conquests or by conquering The Preserve from an Enigmatic Observers Fallen Empire. Curiously, as |
1.4 | 困难 |
Unboxing 开箱有喜 打开一个被屏蔽的星球 |
Has chosen and completed the project to lower the barrier on a shielded world | Shielded worlds appear inside the borders of the Militant Isolationists | 1.4 | 困难 |
Very Open Borders 大开疆界 游玩亲外主义国家,与至少10个其它国家签订移民条约 |
Be a Xenophile or Fanatic Xenophile empire and have migration treaties > 10 | Easiest done by releasing as many 1-planet vassals as needed towards the end of the game | 1.4 | 困难 |
Deus Vult 以父之名 游玩唯心主义国家,拥有4个圣地 |
Colonize 4 worlds with the Holy World modifier | Best strategy is to have the Scion Origin story and be a fanatic spiritualist empire. You will start with a spiritualist Fallen Empire as overlord, with the required Holy Worlds within 10-20 jump of them. Since you are their vassal they will allow you and only you to colonize them. Turning off AI empires helps speed this up. This same effect can be achieved if the Head of Zarqlan Relic is obtained. Alternatively, you can get the achievement as long as there is a Holy Guardians Fallen Empire and you take over and start to colonize the nearby Holy Worlds. |
1.4 | 非常困难 |
Does Not Compute 不要计算 阻止肃正协议计划。 |
Destroy the Contingency Secret Lair | Like all crises lowering setting the Crisis Strength setting to 0.25x makes this a lot easier to achieve. | 1.8 | 非常困难 |
Queening 女王 成功俘获索林原虫虫后 |
已捕获 索林原虫虫后 | Like all crises lowering setting the Crisis Strength setting to 0.25x makes this a lot easier to achieve. | 1.0 | 非常困难 |
Rift Sealed 关闭裂缝 摧毁高维入侵者的传送门 |
摧毁最后一座异次元入侵者传送门 | Like all crises lowering setting the Crisis Strength setting to 0.25x makes this a lot easier to achieve. | 1.0 | 非常困难 |
Voight-Kampff 人性测试 找到防止合成人渗透的手段 |
已找到方法阻止合成人的渗透 | Complete the event chain to detect synthetic infiltrators during the Contingency crises. | 1.0 | 非常困难 |
What Was Will Be 已行之事,终将再行 完成循环,或打破循环 |
已完成 视界信号事件链 的任一结果 | 接受时之螶的提议是更容易的选择 | 1.4 | 非常困难 |
Leviathans[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
成就 | 要求 | 提示建议 | 版本 | 难度 |
Mad Genius 疯狂天才 从策展人处招募一位科学家 |
Has purchased a scientist from a curator enclave after having developed sufficient opinion with them to do so | Even though the Curator Enclave appears with Distant Stars as well, this achievement requires the player to have Leviathans | 1.4 | 简单 |
Patron 赞助人 支持艺术家联盟10年 |
Has chosen to become a patron of an artisan troup enclave and waited 10 years for the initial |
This achievement appears to be bugged and will not always unlock properly. | 1.4 | 简单 |
The Good Stuff 好东西 从商人处购买一项稀有资源 |
Has purchased a strategic resource from a trader enclave | 1.4 | 简单 | |
Return to Dust 尘归尘,土归土 毁灭一个太空城邦 |
已摧毁 一个太空城邦 | It is recommended to destroy an artisan enclave if going for this achievement, as it will not incur a negative opinion penalty with other empires, unlike the other types of enclave, and to also keep in mind that such stations generally possess ~8k fleet power. | 1.4 | 中等 |
Dreadnought 无畏战舰 修复一艘古老的战舰 |
已击败 自动无畏战舰 并且选择修复它 | See the Dreadnought main article for information in how to defeat it. | 1.4 | 困难 |
Hear Me Roar 谛听我的咆哮 孵化龙蛋 |
已击败 以太巨龙, placed a mining station on Dragon Hoard and chosen to incubate the dragon egg once the event fires | The MTTH for this event is 600 months after the mining station is placed. See the Ether Drake main article for information in how to defeat it. | 1.4 | 困难 |
Infinite Creation 无限创造 新宇宙的诞生 |
Has peacefully completed the Infinity Machine event and, by luck, resulted in the black hole gaining The Mirror Of Knowledge modifier, among other things | Agree to assist the Infinity Machine (must not be |
1.4 | 困难 |
Stellar Performance 星际展览 从噬星者身上取得纪念物 |
已击败 噬星者 并且选择把它做成战利品(需要 xenophobe 或 militarist 思潮) | See the Stellarite Devourer main article for information in how to defeat it. | 1.4 | 困难 |
Unravelling Enigma 揭开谜团 揭开古代要塞的秘密 |
Has successfully defeated and completed the event chain of the Enigmatic Fortress | The Enigmatic Fortress article contains a guide to complete the event chain | 1.4 | 困难 |
Warrior of Light 光之战士 消灭一个幽魂 |
已击败 幽魂 | See the Spectral Wraith main article for information in how to defeat it. | 1.4 | 困难 |
Last, Best Hope 最后,最好的希望 领导不结盟运动成功击败了一个觉醒帝国 |
Has taken up the position of the Leader of the League of Non-Aligned Empires during a War in Heaven which has then defeated both awakened empires. | Best time to go for this is when a crisis is happening at the same time near an awakened Fallen Empires. Requires you to be the leader when the war is over, and since the League starts with rotation, you may need to wait to finish the war or change the League's laws. | 1.4 | 非常困难 |
Whence It Came 它来自何方 击败一个恐怖的入侵者 |
已击败 位面之魇 | See the Dimensional Horror main article for information in how to defeat it. | 1.4 | 非常困难 |
Utopia[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
成就 | 要求 | 提示建议 | 版本 | 难度 |
Towards Utopia 迈向乌托邦 作为一个平等主义帝国,在您的帝国中至少有500人口生活在乌托邦生活条件中 |
有 >499 人口在乌托邦 生活标准 | Even though Utopian Living Standards are available in the game without the Utopia DLC, this achievement requires the player to have it | 1.5 | 中等 |
View from the End of the World 世界尽头的风景 在黑洞恒星系建造一个居住站 |
任何拥有的 居住站 在有黑洞的恒星系 | Achievement does not trigger on stars that were turned into black holes by events | 1.5 | 中等 |
We Are Legion 吾乃军团 成为生物蜂巢思维有至少1000子个体人口 |
是 |
Only the overall amount of pops in the empire is checked for this achievement, so conquering pops of any species with or without the hive mind trait, will help in getting this faster | 2.2 | 中等 |
Xenophage 异星美食家 在您的帝国中至少将5个物种视为牲畜 |
有 > 4 个物种被奴役为 牲畜。 | The |
1.5 | 中等 |
Beyond the Veil 掀开面纱 突入虚境 |
已解锁 超凡入圣飞升天赋 并且进入虚境 | 1.5 | 困难 | |
Captive Star 征服恒星 建造一个完整的戴森球 |
已建造一座完整的 戴森球 | A repaired destroyed Dyson Sphere does not count | 1.5 | 困难 |
Controlled Evolution 掌控进化 基因改造一个物种使其具有特质的总价值为7个基因修饰点 |
一个物种有 > 7 特质点数 | Requires the Evolutionary Mastery Ascension Perk | 1.5 | 困难 |
Giga-Engineering 十亿工程 有至少4座完全运作的巨型结构在您的边境之内(居住站、环形世界和星门不算) |
有 4 座完整的巨型结构。 | Repaired destroyed Megastructures also count, which can be useful if you lack enough DLC to get 4 normally. | 2.2 | 困难 |
I Can See Forever 我能看到永恒 建造一个完整的哨兵阵列 |
已建造一座完整的 哨兵阵列 | A repaired destroyed Sentry Array does not count | 1.5 | 困难 |
Like Tears in Rain 就像雨中的泪水 至臻完美,机械永生 |
已解锁 合成进化飞升天赋,完成项目,并将所有符合条件的帝国公民转换为合成人 | 1.5 | 困难 | |
Ringworld Engineers 环形世界工程师 建造一个完整的环形世界 |
已建造一座完整的 环形世界 | A repaired destroyed Ringworld does not count | 1.5 | 困难 |
Think Tank 智库 建造一个完整的科学枢纽 |
已建造一座完整的 科学枢纽 | A repaired destroyed Science Nexus does not count | 1.5 | 困难 |
Synthetic Dawn[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
成就 | 要求 | 提示建议 | 版本 | 难度 |
Rise of the Machines 机器的觉醒 作为一个铁心灭绝者,征服或消灭银河系中的所有生物帝国。 |
As a Determined Exterminator, have the number of organic empires be < 1 | Curiously, the You will automatically obtain the achievement if you start a game with no organic empires (set number of AI empires, fallen empires, and marauders to 0). One can also get this achievement after getting the "suffer not the aliens" achievement by switching to a synthetic species through the synthetic ascension path. |
1.8 | 非常简单 |
Distinctiveness Added 吸纳特性 作为一个同化斗士,拥有至少5个不同物种的义体人人口 |
As a Driven Assimilator, have 5 different cyborg species | Easily accomplished by conquering primitives. Setting Habitable Worlds to 0.25X and Primitive Civilizations to 5X[1] ensures many systems will have primitive civilizations. | 1.8 | 中等 |
Planet of the Mechs 人机星球 把一颗行星环境改造为机械星球。 |
Has terraformed a planet into a Machine World | Two ascension perks are required to be chosen before the option to unlock machine worlds is made available. | 1.8 | 中等 |
Retirement Home 养老院 作为一个失控机仆,拥有至少10人口来自失落帝国。 |
Have the |
Refugee pops do not count | 1.8 | 非常困难 |
Apocalypse[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
成就 | 要求 | 提示建议 | 版本 | 难度 |
Exterminatus 灭绝令 使用地爆天星摧毁另一个帝国的首都行星 |
已摧毁另一个帝国的首都行星,用地爆天星巨像 | Custom empires with nothing but bad traits can be created. Can be achieved by destroying a Contingency planet. Using one on a Fallen/Awakened Empire planet will also not give the usual diplomatic penalties with other empires. |
2.0 | 中等 |
No Khan Do 没有可汗 在战斗中杀死大可汗 |
在战斗中摧毁 大可汗 及其舰队 | The Great Khan is killed in battle when his fleet is destroyed or defeated in a battle twice. | 2.0 | 困难 |
Pandora's World 潘多拉的世界 使用安乐天使屏障隔绝一颗属于种族洁癖、贪婪虫群或者铁心灭绝者的行星 |
Use a Global Pacifier Colossus to shield a planet belonging to a Fanatic Purifiers, Devouring Swarm, Determined Exterminator | 2.0 | 困难 | |
Stay on Target 瞄准目标 摧毁另一个帝国的巨像,当它正在向一颗行星开火的过程中 |
摧毁一座敌对巨像,当它正在向一颗行星开火的过程中 | The process of "firing on a planet" includes both the preliminary three-month "charging" phase as well as the one-month "firing" phase. Fallen Empires can spawn with one Colossus, and may build one after awakening (the Spiritualist FE will immediately awaken if you crack a holy world). The AI will have its Colossus try to run away when you enter the system with your fleet(s). It is therefore advisable that you extend your weapons range as much as possible, and/or enter as close as possible to the Colossus so that you may engage it before it leaves orbit (as you will not get the achievement if the firing process is interrupted by leaving orbit before your attack). | 2.0 | 困难 |
Clash of the Titans 泰坦之战 击败一个失落帝国的泰坦舰队,用您拥有的泰坦 |
击败一个失落帝国泰坦,用你自己拥有的泰坦。 | Not all FE spawn with a Titan. It is recommended to increase number of FE in the galaxy to increase the chance of one of them posessing a Titan. A lone Titan won't move to systems where there are superior enemy fleets. | 2.0 | 非常困难 |
Distant Stars[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
成就 | 要求 | 提示建议 | 版本 | 难度 |
...and Hope? ……以及希望? 解封通向L-星团的道路 |
Has been the first to open a L-Gate | Starting a game with no AI empires make getting this achievement a matter of time | 2.1 | 中等 |
It Followed Me Home 它跟我回家 善待太空变形虫 |
与太空变形虫交朋友 | See Lost Amoeba for event chain details | 2.1 | 中等 |
1999 A.D. 公元1999年 杀死虚空孳孽 |
已击败 虚空孳孽 | See the Voidspawn main article for information in how to defeat it. | 2.1 | 困难 |
A Hump Like a Snow-Hill 隆起像雪丘一样 捕猎缇扬奇族母 |
已击败 缇扬奇族母 | See the Tiyanki Matriarch main article for information in how to defeat it. | 2.1 | 困难 |
Who Scraps the Scrapper 谁去铲了那个铲土的 摧毁那个铲土的拾荒者机器人 |
已击败 拾荒者机器人 | See the Scavenger Bot main article for information in how to defeat it. | 2.1 | 困难 |
MegaCorp[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
成就 | 要求 | 提示建议 | 版本 | 难度 |
Franchising 特许经营 作为一个企业帝国,有分部在5个不同的帝国的首都 |
有企业政府类型并且在其他帝国的首都有分部 > 5 | The capital of a subject empire counts for this achievement, this could help in case the galaxy is full of unfriendly empires that won't accept a commercial pact by making them your subsidiaries. Note that opening branch offices as Criminal Syndicate does not award this achievement. | 2.2 | 中等 |
Black Hole Mining 黑洞采矿 建造一座物质解压器 |
已建造一座完整的 物质解压器 | A repaired destroyed Matter Decompressor does not count | 2.2 | 困难 |
Obscure Tastes 晦涩的品味 在星云中建造一座巨型艺术设施 |
已建造一座完整的 巨型艺术设施 (including the Perfection stage) in a system within a nebula | A repaired destroyed Mega-Art Installation does not count | 2.2 | 困难 |
Strategic Initiative 战略主动权 建造一座战略指挥中心 |
已建造一座完整的 战略指挥中心 | A repaired destroyed Strategic Coordination Center does not count | 2.2 | 困难 |
United Space 联合太空 建造一座星际集会 |
已建造一座完整的 星际集会 | A repaired destroyed Interstellar Assembly does not count | 2.2 | 困难 |
Inscrutable Power 不可思议的力量 我赢得了银河之星,而我到手的只是这个糟糕的成就 |
Win the Galatron in the Reliquary or take it from another empire | The Galatron is a very rare reward from the Caravaneers reliquaries. Each reliquary has a 0.5% chance of containing the Galatron, and only 6 reliquaries can be bought during a game, requiring an average of 34 games to obtain it... or you can make a save file just before you buy a reliquary, and make dozens of copies to load and discard until you find what you're looking for (Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\save games). This may also be obtained along with "Raiders of the Lost Galatron" by taking the Galatron from an AI empire that has it.
2.2 | 非常困难 |
Raiders of the Lost Galatron 夺星奇兵 从另一个帝国夺取银河之星 |
用战争从另一个帝国夺取银河之星 | Getting the Galatron gives all empires a CB for taking it from its current owner, because of that there are two ways of going about with this. Either wait and hope an empire gets it from the reliquaries and then declare war on them, or get the Galatron yourself, lose it in a war and reconquer it after the truce. | 2.3 | 疯狂 |
Ancient Relics[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
成就 | 要求 | 提示建议 | 版本 | 难度 |
Arcana 奥秘 研究稀有文物并且发现一项随机科技 |
Use the Reverse-Engineer Arcane Technology relic option | Requires the Arcane Deciphering technology which unlocks Reverse-Engineer Arcane Technology option, which for 5 |
2.3 | 简单 |
Artificer 熟练技工 有100稀有文物 |
有 >99 稀有文物 | Getting the Rubricator relic may help in cases where no other way to obtain minor artifacts is available. | 2.3 | 简单 |
Dust Off 除尘 完成泽珞族先驱者事件链 |
完成泽珞族先驱者事件链 | 从考古遗址开始的泽珞族事件链只能在宜居行星上发现,因此只调查这些行星可能有助于防止触发另一条事件链。 | 2.3 | 中等 |
Green Thumb 擅长园艺 完成巴奥先驱者事件链 |
完成巴奥先驱者事件链 | 2.3 | 中等 | |
Relic Hunter 遗珍猎人 在一局游戏中,找到5个遗珍来自上古之遗故事包 |
拥有至少 5 个 遗珍 | Starting a game with no AI empires and on a Huge galaxy makes getting this achievement a matter of time. | 2.3 | 中等 |
Federations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
成就 | 要求 | 提示建议 | 版本 | 难度 |
Let Us Go Forward Together 让我们一起前进 升级您的联邦 |
升级你所在的联邦 | The Common Ground and Hegemon Origins make this achievement much easier | 2.6 | 非常简单 |
Throw Your Weight Around 把你的份量扔出去 有超过9000的外交权重 |
你的外交权重 > 9000 | Achievement is easily achieved by the endgame of a typical playthrough. | 2.6 | 简单 |
We're Number One 我们是第一 成为一个最高等级联邦的主席国 |
成为一个 5 级联邦的主席国 | The Common Ground and Hegemon Origins make this achievement faster to get | 2.6 | 简单 |
Whatever it is, I'm against it 不管是什么,我都反对 拒绝加入任何会让你成为会员的俱乐部 |
拒绝创建 星海共同体 并且已经至少一次脱离 联邦 | 你必须已经离开一个联邦,在星海共同体创建之前,否则成就不会触发。成就只会在星海共同体创建之后授予,而不是当你拒绝加入时。 | 2.6 | 简单 |
Humble Pie 卑微的派 羞辱一个处于霸权主义外交姿态的帝国,强制他们放弃它 |
击败一个使用 |
To humiliate another empire, you must have a rivalry against them and no access to Ideology war goals. See Warfare. You may have to send envoys to harm relations first. For this achievement, the other empire must be in 展开Detailed walkthrough
2.6 | 困难 |
Our Fleets will Blot Out the Stars 我们的舰队遮天蔽日 建造一座巨型船坞 |
已建造一座完整的 巨型船坞 | A repaired destroyed Mega-Shipyard does not count. Can be gotten without the DLC if a completed Mega-Shipyard is acquired from an Awakened Empire. | 2.6 | 困难 |
Unstoppable Force 不可阻挡的武力 建造一艘主宰 |
建造一艘主宰级舰船 | 2.6 | 困难 | |
You've Been Served 你被指控了 当所有重度制裁都已通过时,谴责一个实际上并未违反星系法的帝国 |
Pass any Denounce resolution on an Empire that isn't in breach of Galactic Law | Remember that all Major Sanctions must be active first.
Curiously, you don't have to be the denouncer or even be part of the Galactic Community. |
2.6 | 困难 |
Nemesis[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
成就 | 要求 | 提示建议 | 版本 | 难度 |
Burn Notice 火线警告 在一次行动期间除名一名线人 |
When an operation fails, disavow an Asset instead of trying to re-establish contact. | 3.0 | 非常简单 | |
Shoot To Kill 格杀勿论 在通讯已完全建立之前发动全面的第一次接触战争 |
摧毁 10 条船或者征服一颗行星,从一个你没有与其建立通讯的帝国。 | An easy way to get this achievement is to start the game as a Fanatic Purifier (or similar) and engage spaceborne aliens that are already hostile to you.
The achievement will only unlock once the communications are established. |
3.0 | 非常简单 |
Modern Cincinnatus 当代辛辛纳图斯 作为星海监管人,击败终末危机然后结束该称号而不是完成您的任期 |
Become Galactic Custodian, defeat the end-game Crisis, and then end the Custodianship before finishing your term. | This can be done more easily using a mid-game Crisis to become the Custodian. Then approve the Galaxy Defense Force and built an army to be prepared for the end-game Crisis. The term limit is 30 years, but you can increase it with the resolution: Extend Custodianship. After defeating the Crisis, approve the resolution: End Custodianship. | 3.0 | 困难 |
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Blorg 焊匠,裁缝,士兵,布洛葛 在一局游戏期间完成至少十次不同的行动 |
Complete 10 different operations (none of the same) during one game | There are only 9 distinct operations by default. More are unlocked by having the End Game Crisis Active (easier) or by using a spy network against the Galactic Emperor (harder). The "Target Seditionists" operation does not count towards this achievement. | 3.0 | 困难 |
With Thunderous Applause 雷鸣般的掌声 成为星海帝皇 |
Pass the Proclaim Galactic imperium resolution with you as Galatic Custodian | To do this, first you must get on the galactic council, then become the custodian, then remove your term limit. Finally, declare the Galactic Imperium. Keep in mind that the AI will be more inclined to grant you greater powers if there is a crisis. (Great Khan and Grey Tempest also have the same effect) | 3.0 | 困难 |
Big Red Button 大红按钮 摧毁银河系 |
化身天灾并摧毁银河系 | You must become the crisis using the ascension perk. You must reach the Existential Threat crisis level by getting 10000 |
3.0 | 非常困难 |
Sic Semper Tyrannis 这就是暴君的下场 领导一场起义成功地罢黜星海帝皇 |
With the Galactic Imperium proclaimed, be the instigator of a successful rebellion. You will need to Enforce Demands, not Status Quo, to unlock this achievement. | The hardest part is getting an AI empire to nominate itself the Galactic Custodian and later to proclaim the Galactic Imperium. There are some ways to improve the chances or force an AI empire into this role. Once the AI is Galactic Emperor, you have to bring them down by undermining their authority and sparking a rebellion. You can choose one of these paths:
展开The waiting game
展开AI rebellion
展开The multiplayer trick
3.0 | 非常困难 |