Policies modding

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This page is about how to modify existing and how to create new Policies.

Policies are defined at "common/policies/xxx.txt".

Data Structure[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • potential - A block of Conditions to determine is an empire able to see this policy. If an empire can't see a policy, it won't have any of its options active. (Country scope)
  • allow - A block of Conditions to determine is an empire able to change this policy. Vanilla use this to prevent switching diplomatic stance and war philosophy during a war. (Country scope)
  • option - An instance that adds an option to this policy. Multiple allowed. A policy should have at least one valid option for each empire.
    • name - A localisation key that determines the name and description of this option.
    • icon - A reference to a GFX entry that determines the icon of this option. Only diplomatic stance has this. Other policy options will never have their icons displayed.
    • potential & valid - Blocks of Conditions to determine is an empire able to see / choose this option. If either is rendered false while the empire have this option active, the empire will be forced out of it and switched to a valid choice of highest ai_weight, even for players. (Country scope)
    • policy_flags = { flag_xxx flag_yyy } - A list of strings to be checked by the condition has_policy_flag. A policy option without any policy flags can't be checked by Conditions.
    • modifier - A block of Modifiers that applies to the empire with this option active.
    • on_enabled & on_disabled - Blocks of Effects to be executed to the empire when this option is selected / switched out. (Country scope)
    • AI_weight - The AI will always choose a option of highest weight for each policy. The player will also have each policy fall into an option of highest ai_weight by default.

Vanilla Example[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

This is the Diplomatic Stance policy.

diplomatic_stance = {
	potential = {
		OR = {
			is_country_type = default
			is_country_type = fallen_empire
			is_country_type = awakened_fallen_empire
			is_country_type = primitive
			is_country_type = awakened_marauders

	option = {
		name = "diplo_stance_belligerent"
		icon = "GFX_diplomatic_stance_belligerent"

		potential = {
			OR = {
				is_country_type = default
				is_country_type = awakened_fallen_empire

			is_homicidal = no # They have their own variants of this
			NOT = { has_valid_civic = civic_inwards_perfection }

		policy_flags = {

		modifier = {
			country_war_exhaustion_mult = -0.1
			country_naval_cap_mult = 0.1
			country_claim_influence_cost_mult = -0.1

		ai_weight = {
			weight = 10

			modifier = {
				factor = 0
				NOT = { has_country_flag = has_encountered_other_empire }


	option = {
		name = "diplo_stance_cooperative"
		icon = "GFX_diplomatic_stance_cooperative"

		potential = {
			OR = {
				is_country_type = default
				is_country_type = awakened_fallen_empire
			is_unfriendly = no # Not homicidal or barbaric despoilers
			NOT = { has_valid_civic = civic_inwards_perfection }

		policy_flags = {

		modifier = {
			diplo_weight_mult = 0.25
			envoy_improve_relations_mult = 0.5
			country_border_friction_mult = -0.5

		ai_weight = {
			weight = 10

			modifier = {
				factor = 0
				NOT = { has_country_flag = has_encountered_other_empire }




相关的动态修改语句[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


  • has_policy_flag = <policy flag key> - Checks if the empire has any active policy option with this policy flag.
  • last_changed_policy = <policy key> - Checks if the last policy the empire has changed was the specified policy. Used for on_action events.


# changes an empire's policy
set_policy = {
	policy = <policy key>
	option = <policy option name>
	cooldown = <yes/no> # determines should this effect set a 10-year cooldown of policy change
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