Fleet modding:修订间差异

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This is a quick reference for the different aspects of scripting some fleet events, triggers etc.

Fleet Orders[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The list of known fleet orders, used to define the current fleet action (i.e. has_fleet_order, used in Conditions).[1]

Order Description
aggressive_stance_fleet_order Fleet stance is aggressive
assist_research_order Ship/fleet is going to assist research on planet
auto_explore_order Ship/fleet is going to automatically explore space
build_orbital_station_order Ship/fleet is going to construct any orbital, mining or research station
build_space_station_order Ship/fleet is going to construct a military station
collect_data_fleet_order Fleet is going to collect data from debris or ambient object
colonize_planet_order Ship is going to colonize a planet
follow_order Ship/fleet is following the ship/fleet
merge_fleet_order Fleet is going to be merged
move_to_system_point_order Ship/fleet is moving to a point
land_armies_order Ship/fleet is going to land troops on planet
orbit_planet_order Ship/fleet is going to enter orbit of planet
rally_point_fleet_order Fleet is rallying to a point
research_anomaly_order Ship is going to research anomaly
return_fleet_order Fleet is returning
survey_planet_order Ship is going to survey planet
upgrade_design_fleet_order Ship/fleet is going to be upgraded
repair_fleet_order Ship/fleet is going to be repaired
repair_ship_fleet_order Ship/fleet is going to be repaired
build_megastructure_fleet_order Fleet is going to construct a megastructure
destroy_planet_order Ship/fleet is going to destroy a planet
  • italics orders - orders which are not studied or probably not working

Fleet Locking[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Fleet could be locked by set_event_locked = yes effect.
This will prevent any orders to this fleet. Don't forget to unlock it later.

Code examples[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Merge fleets
solar_system = {
	random_fleet_in_system = {
		limit = {
			is_ship_class = shipclass_military
			NOT = { is_same_value = root }
			owner = { is_same_empire = root.owner }
			fleet_power > 0
		save_event_target_as = EXAMPLE_merge_fleet
queue_actions = {
	find_random_fleet = {
		found_fleet = {
			merge_fleet = {
				target = event_target:EXAMPLE_merge_fleet
				allow_ftl = no
  • Note: Vanilla doesn't use this (plain) command at all. Mods using this are e.q. "Aggressive Crisis Engine" and "A Deadly Tempest".
Change fleet leader on army/transport fleets.

As simple leader assign to transport fleets is not working (as to military fleets) and furthermore the documented scope from ships to army unexpectedly is not working (possible bug), there is a workaround to solve this supposed scope problem.[2]

# Just find the right army to the fleet to assign a leader to the appropriate army.
random_fleet_in_system = {
	limit = {
		exists = owner
		owner = { is_same_empire = event_target:EXAMPLE_empire }
		is_ship_class = shipclass_transport
		# NOT = { exists = leader }
	owner = {
		random_owned_army = {
			limit = {
				exists = fleet
				fleet = { is_same_value = PREVPREVPREV }
				# NOT = { exists = leader }
			assign_leader = event_target:EXAMPLE_leader
  • Note: Vanilla doesn't use this (plain) at all, e.q. mod using this is "Decentralized Empires (Regentmaker)".
"Jump" fleet to the scope

Transfers fleet to the selected scope.[3]

# Jumps to the capital scope.
fleet_event = {
    id = acemod_fleet.600
    hide_window = yes
    is_triggered_only = yes
    immediate = {
        set_location = {
            target = owner.capital_scope
            distance = 5
            angle = random
            direction = in_system
        clear_orders = yes
        clear_fleet_actions = this
Order colossus to fire on a planet in the same system[4]
solar_system = {
	random_system_planet = {
		limit = {
			has_planet_flag = shroud_target
		save_event_target_as = killtarget
queue_actions = {
	if = {
		limit = {
			exists = event_target:killtarget
		clear_orders = yes
		clear_fleet_actions = THIS # Colossus fleet scope	
		find_closest_planet = {
			trigger = {
				id = schroud_target_1
				is_same_value = event_target:killtarget
			found_planet = {
				move_to = this
				orbit_planet = this
				destroy_planet = this

References[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  1. Some samples of orders usage: https://gitlab.com/stellaris/irm/snippets/29660
  2. An example from FirePrince.
  3. An example from OldEnt.
  4. An example from OldEnt.
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Other 控制台命令存档编辑Steam 创意工坊模组制作教程