
自由之民讨论 | 贡献2022年5月11日 (三) 05:47的版本 (2022年5月7日 (六) 22:47‎ Kami-sama)
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File:Vassalization request.png
Vassalization request towards a Machine Intelligence empire

A subject empire is an Empire that has a special diplomatic relationship with another empire of superior strength. In the default galaxy map mode subjects have the same color as their overlord.

An empire can become a subject either forcefully through 宣战理由 Casus Belli wargoals or willingly, though the latter requires both a superior 相对实力 Relative Power 相对实力Relative Power and a positive attitude towards the superior party. If an empire becomes a subject willingly it brings a temporary +30 评价 Opinion 评价Opinion. If it becomes a subject forcefully it brings a temporary -30 评价 Opinion 评价Opinion

If they have fleets available, subject fleets tend to follow the overlord's.

Subject types[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

There are a number of types of subjects available depending on the overlord's government. Most of them have to pay a certain tribute to the overlord.

Type 朝贡国 Tributary Tribute 基础情报等级 Base Intel Level Menu icon expansion planner.png Can engage in diplomacy Diplomacy war 2.png Diplomacy war.png Diplomacy integrating.png Other effects 宗主 Overlord 宗主Overlord requirements
Diplomacy istributary.png
  • 能量币 Energy Credits 25% Energy income
  • 矿物 Minerals 25% Minerals income
30 Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png No.png No.png No.png企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate
Diplomacy isvassal.png
40 No.png No.png Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png
  • No.png企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate
  • 相对实力 Relative Power Less than 50% technological superiority
  • No.png Neither empire has 内圣之道 Inward Perfection 内圣之道Inward Perfection
Diplomacy isprotectorate.png
40 No.png No.png Yes.png No.png Yes.png
  • Overlord:
    • 影响力 Influence +0.25 Monthly Influence
  • Subject:
    • 研究 Research −80% Research Cost towards technologies researched by the overlord
    • Cannot sign 科研协议 Research Agreement 科研协议Research Agreements
    • At less than 相对实力 Relative Power 50% Technological Level difference the Protectorate becomes a Vassal
  • No.png企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate
  • More than 50% technological superiority
  • Neither empire has 内圣之道 Inward Perfection 内圣之道Inward Perfection
Diplomacy istributary.png
能量币 Energy Credits 25% Energy income 40 Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png No.png
  • 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate authority
Diplomacy hasvassal.png
  • 能量币 Energy Credits 25% Energy income
  • 矿物 Minerals 25% Minerals income
30 Yes.png Yes.png No.png No.png No.png
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness If not 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness:
    • Ethics are shifted towards 极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist 极端唯心主义Fanatic Spiritualist
    • Can't embrace factions
Diplomacy hasvassal.png
研究 Research 33% Research income 30 Yes.png Yes.png No.png No.png No.png
Diplomacy hasvassal.png
30 Yes.png No.png Yes.png No.png No.png
  • 政策 Policy Subject's Slavery and Purge policies stay set to Prohibited
Diplomacy hasvassal.png
  • 能量币 Energy Credits 25% Energy income
  • 矿物 Minerals 25% Minerals income
30 No.png Yes.png No.png No.png No.png
Diplomacy hasvassal.png
40 Yes.png Yes.png No.png Yes.png No.png
  • 宣战理由 Casus Belli Subject can use the Bring Into Fold Wargoal
  • 先辈子弟 Scion 先辈子弟Scion origin
Diplomacy issatrapy.png
  • 能量币 Energy Credits 10% Energy income
  • 矿物 Minerals 20% Minerals income
  • 海军容量 Naval Capacity 30% Naval capacity
10 Yes.png Yes.png No.png No.png No.png
  • Subject houses a Void Dwelling in their capital system

If an empire switches its authority to or from 企业政府 Corporate 企业政府Corporate, its subjects' types remain unchanged.

Subjects of an empire with the 封建社会 Feudal Society 封建社会Feudal Society civic may expand even if their subject type normally is not allowed to (e.g. vassals).

Subject actions[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Subject empires have their attitude towards their overlord replaced by loyalty, expressing how content they are living under their Overlord’s rule. If a subject becomes disloyal they refuse any deal with the overlord and have a chance to start a war for independence, always waiting for an opportunity when something depletes the overlord's relative power (a taxing war, a larger uprising, a crisis, etc.). The loyalty is determined by the subject's opinion of the Overlord, which aside from the normal factors is also affected by the total military strength of all the subjects relative to the Overlord as well as that of those who support their independence.

An Empire is able to 支持独立 Support Independence support the independence of another Empire's vassal. Doing this will count the supporting empire's fleet for the "relative power of subjects" opinion modifier, causing the subject to rebel if they stand a good chance of victory. If they do, the Empire supporting them automatically joins their war for independence.

Subject empires do not suffer from border friction and can therefore in some cases be utilized as buffer states between two empires that otherwise would have significant border friction issues.

The opinion penalty from Relative Power is reduced by 50% with the 封建社会 Feudal Society 封建社会Feudal Society civic and by 33% with the 特许经营 Franchising 特许经营Franchising civic.

Integration[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Vassals and Protectorates that an empire possess for longer than 3 600 Time.png days can be peacefully 正在被整合 Is being integrated 正在被整合Is being integratedd by paying 影响力 Influence 影响力Influence, at a rate of 5 影响力 Influence 影响力Influence a month. The base cost is 50, increased by 1 for each pop and 10 for each planet. Empires with the 共同命运 Shared Destiny 共同命运Shared Destiny ascension perk benefit from a -50% 影响力 Influence 影响力Influence cost to integrating subjects. Only one subject can be integrated at a time.

Once the integration is completed, all planets and ships of the subject are transferred to the overlord; the ships and starbases retain their graphic type. All leaders, resources and armies are removed; new scientists are required for their science ships.

Warning! If the player's empire is integrated by another empire the game is automatically lost!

Releasing as a vassal[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

A player can create a vassal from their own territory by releasing one of their sectors as a vassal from the "Sectors" tab by clicking the "Create Vassal" button next to the sector they want to release. The player can then transfer additional systems to their vassal through the Trade option "Transfer System" if they so choose.

Sometimes it is preferable to conquer systems and then release them as a vassal since this will create a vassal that shares the overlord's ethics and government. Notably, the vassal will be granted all its overlord's technology. The option to release a vassal is not available to 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligences (except when you have no robot pops in the sector), 不可接触者 Undesirable Genocidal empires, species with 掠袭 Raiding Stellar Culture Shock, or the 蜂巢思维 Hive-Minded 蜂巢思维Hive-Minded and 精神阉割 Nerve Stapled 精神阉割Nerve Stapled traits.
