AI empires act and behave based on their AI Personality type which in turn is dictated by factors like what ethics, traits and government type the empire has. The personality type will direct the empires' behavior in terms of foreign- and domestic policy, fleet budgeting, political behavior and general empire characteristics. The empire's personality can be found in the diplomacy screen, just under the ethics list.
Behavior[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
AI behavior can be broken down into characteristics and behavior modifiers:
Characteristics[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Characteristics determine whether an empire will take certain actions or not:
- Attack neutrals - Attacks neutral entities (Tiyanki, Nomads, Enclaves, Caravaneers and the Infinity Machine)
- Conqueror – Uses the Claim Wargoal during offensive or defensive wars
- Displacer - Uses the Displacement Purge policy against xeno pops and does not accept refugees
- Dominator – Invades pre-FTL civilizations
- Infiltrator – Uses the Covert Infiltration Observation mission when dealing with pre-FTL civilizations
- Isolationist - Always keeps borders closed and does not accept refugees
- Liberator – Uses the Liberation Wargoal during offensive or defensive wars
- Multispecies – Gives all species Full Citizenship rights
- Opportunist – Is likely to attack another empire if that empire is fighting a war
- Propagator - Aggressiveness changes to 10 when it can't expand
- Purger – Purges xeno pops
- Robot exploiter – Uses the Servitude Artificial Intelligence policy
- Robot liberator – Uses the Citizen Rights Artificial Intelligence policy
- Slaver – Enslaves aliens
- Subjugator – Adopts the Domination tradition tree early and uses the Subjugation Wargoal during offensive or defensive wars
- Uplifter – Uplifts pre-sapients and technologically enlightens pre-FTL civilizations that reached at least Steam Age
Behavior modifiers[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
Behavior modifiers indicate the modification of certain common actions happening as compared to a generalized norm (1.0x).
- Aggressiveness – Affects the chance of declaring wars against empires they hold negative Attitude towards. Can be lowered or increased by the AI Aggressiveness game setting.
- Border friction – Affects how much negative Opinion Border Friction generates.
- Bravery - Affects how willing the empire is to declare rivalry or go to war with someone stronger. List below shows required relative power of the empire with the personality compared to potential targets.
- Colony spending – Affects how many resources the empire will spend in setting up new colonies.
- Combat bravery - Affects the chance of retreating from battle. At 1.0 they will attempt to retreat from an engagement after losing 50% of their fleet.
- Military spending – Affects how many resources the empire will spend on its fleets and armies.
- Threat concern – Affects how much negative Opinion Threat generates.
- Trade willingness – At 1.0 willingness the empire will accept a deal that is equally good for both sides. Lower values mean the empire will only accept deals shifted in its favor.
Ships[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
These preferences determine how an empire designs its ships. They are ignored if the AI is facing an enemy heavily focused on a certain type of weapon or defense.
- Weapon preference - Preferred weapon type the AI personality will use on its ships.
- Hull ratio - Amount of utility slots used for hull boosters on ships.
- Armor ratio - Amount of utility slots used for armor on ships.
- Shields ratio - Amount of utility slots used for shields on ships.
As an example, an empire with 0.5x Shield ratio and 0.5x Armor ratio will design ships where the Utility slots will contain 50% Shield and 50% Armor components.
AI personalities[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
When the game is started the personality with the highest weight will be assigned to the AI empire. Any behavior modifier listed above that is not included in a given entry in the below table means its value is equal to the norm (1.0x).
Note: Species with the Lithoid, Necroid or Aquatic archetype will use a racial room regardless of personality.
Personality | Characteristics | Behavior modifiers | Prerequisites | Weight & Modifiers | Description |
Hegemonic Imperialists![]() |
Base: 5 | Hegemonic Imperialists consider themselves the rightful rulers of the galaxy, and will attempt to expand their empire by any means possible. | |
Federation Builders![]() |
Base: 5 | Federation Builders consider all sentient life to have value and will seek to form a strong federation to protect themselves and others from expansionistic empires. | |
Democratic Crusaders![]() |
Base: 100 | Democratic Crusaders believe that it is their moral imperative to spread their democratic way of life. They tend to get along well with other democracies, but are more than willing to use military force to "liberate" the populations of less democratic empires. | ||
Evangelizing Zealots![]() |
Base: 10 | Evangelizing Zealots seek to spread their faith across the galaxy, and are not above using military might to force others to accept their beliefs. | ||
Migratory Flock![]() |
Base: 50 | Migratory Flocks seek to spread their species across the galaxy through peaceful means, and will happily migrate to the worlds of other Empires if permitted to do so. | |
Spiritual Seekers![]() |
Base: 10 | Spiritual Seekers believe that all life is connected through some higher power that can be understood through its creations. They will seek peaceful cooperation with other empires in the hopes of studying their connection to the divine. | |
Decadent Hierarchy![]() |
Base: 200 | Decadent Hierarchies are isolationist slave societies that have few concerns aside from maintaining their rigid way of life. | |
Slaving Despots![]() |
Base: 200 | Slaving Despots are slave societies that rely on military expansion to secure a steady supply of slaves for their mines and farms. They prefer to attack the weak and defenseless. | |
Erudite Explorers![]() |
Base: 10 | Erudite Explorers value exploration and discovery process above all other things. They will gladly trade for the knowledge they seek, but are not above taking it by force if it proves necessary. | |
Fanatical Purifiers![]() |
Base: 1000 | Fanatical Purifiers view all alien life as a cosmic mistake and seek to purify the galaxy of its taint. They will never engage in diplomacy with other species. | |
Metalheads![]() |
Base: 1000 | Metal. | |
Harmonious Collective![]() |
Base: 10 | Harmonious Collectives are authoritarian societies where the citizens are devoted to the state without the need for coercion. They are usually friendly towards others, so long as they do not meddle in their internal affairs. | |
Peaceful Traders![]() |
Base: 100 | Peaceful traders are chiefly concerned with the flow of commerce, and prefer trading to fighting. | |
Xenophobic Isolationists![]() |
Base: 12 | Xenophobic Isolationists want little to do with the rest of the galaxy, preferring to stay within their borders and have as few dealings with aliens as possible. | |
Ruthless Capitalists![]() |
Base: 100 | Ruthless Capitalists are willing to go to any length to acquire more wealth and resources for themselves and for their empire. They tend to avoid evenly matched fights, preferring to pounce on the weak and helpless. | |
Honorbound Warriors![]() |
Base: 50 | Honorbound Warriors value honor and martial prowess above all other things. They will seek out worthy foes to fight and have little respect for weaklings and pacifists. | ||
Fanatical Befrienders![]() |
Base: 100 | Fanatical Befrienders are highly friendly but deeply lonely individuals. They will attempt to make friends by any means necessary. | |
Hive Mind![]() |
Base: 1000 | Hive Minds concern themselves with the propagation of their species above all else. So long as they have room to expand, there is little to fear from them, but if boxed in they will think nothing of seizing worlds and slaughtering their native population. | |
Devouring Swarm![]() |
Base: 1000 | Devouring Swarms have a single-minded devotion to self-propagation and view all other forms of life as prey to be consumed. They are not amenable to diplomacy in any form. | |
Machine Intelligence![]() |
Base: 1000 | Machine Intelligences have largely put their troubles with organic lifeforms behind them, and are usually open to diplomatic exchanges with other spacefaring races. | |
Driven Assimilators![]() |
Base: 1000 | Assimilators are machine intelligences driven by a search for knowledge and diversification. Because Assimilators expand their comprehension of the universe by forcibly sublimating and absorbing organic civilizations into their neural mainframe, they tend to be unpopular with organics. | |
Determined Exterminators![]() |
Base: 1000 | Exterminators are machine intelligences who view all sapient organic lifeforms as an intolerable threat to the galaxy. Though they may cooperate with other machines, exterminators are unlikely to interact with organic empires in any capacity beyond attempting their annihilation. | |
Rogue Servitors![]() |
Base: 1000 | Having come to the conclusion that organic leadership is fraught with chaos and self-destructive tendencies, Servitors are machine intelligences focused on ensuring organics live a safe and comfortable existence, even if that means co-opting their civilization. | |
Keepers of Knowledge File:Personality fallen empire cyan room.png |
Base: 100 | This Fallen Empire dedicates itself to the hoarding of technologies that it believes should be kept out the hands of young and irresponsible races. Pursuing dangerous lines of research may draw their ire. | |
Holy Guardians File:Personality fallen empire teal room.png |
Base: 100 | This Fallen Empire dedicates itself to the preservation and defense of its holy sites. Colonizing systems that they consider sacred is likely to incur their ire. | |
Enigmatic Observers File:Personality fallen empire blue room.png |
Base: 100 | This Fallen Empire dedicates itself to the study of the younger races. Purging and enslaving other species may draw their ire. | ||
Militant Isolationists File:Personality fallen empire red room.png |
Base: 100 | The Fallen Empire dedicates itself to the defense of its borders against any intrusions. Colonizing systems that border them is likely to draw their ire. | |
Ancient Caretakers File:Personality fallen empire machine room.png |
Base: 100 | This Fallen Empire is an ancient artificial intelligence that appears to be operating on some sort of caretaker protocol. It behaves erratically but seems to post no direct threat to us. | |
Watchful Regulators File:Personality fallen empire cyan room.png |
Base: 100 | This Awakened Empire seeks to control the technological level of all other civilizations in the galaxy. They are likely to attack any empire that will not surrender its technological independence. | |
Doctrinal Enforcers File:Personality fallen empire teal room.png |
Base: 100 | This Awakened Empire seeks to impose its religious doctrines on the galaxy. They are likely to attack any empire that will not willingly convert | ||
Benevolent Interventionists File:Personality fallen empire blue room.png |
Base: 100 | This Awakened Empire seeks to protect the lesser races from each other. They are likely to attack any empire that does not accept their enforced peace. | |
Jingoistic Reclaimers File:Personality fallen empire red room.png |
Base: 100 | The Awakened Empire seeks to restore its lost dominion over the galaxy. They are likely to attack any empire that does not acknowledge their overlordship. | |
Galactic Custodians File:Personality fallen empire machine room.png |
Base: 100 | This Awakened Empire is an ancient artificial intelligence acting as a galactic custodian. It will focus all its efforts on defending sapient life against the ongoing crisis. | |
Rampaging Machines File:Personality fallen empire machine room.png |
Base: 100 | This Awakened Empire is an ancient artificial intelligence that has gone berserk. It is likely to attack anything and anyone around it. | |
Crisis Aspirant![]() |
Base: 10000 | Crisis Aspirants are would-be harbingers of galactic doom, backed by unknowable powers. |
Fallback personality[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
If the process of assigning an AI personality to an empire fails (usually due to a glitch) and the AI empire in question is left without an assigned personality when the game begins, the game will assign it the Despicable Neutrals personality as a fallback. Otherwise, this personality type should not appear in a normal playthrough (though it has been known to appear on occasion, especially in older versions of the game). As a fallback personality, Despicable Neutrals has no behavior modifiers, but it does have a rather funny and memorable description: "What makes a species turn neutral ... Lust for gold? Power? Or were they just born with hearts full of neutrality?" This is a quote from the Futurama television series.
References[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
治理 | 帝國 • 思潮 • 政府 • 國民理念 • 政策 • 法令 • 領袖 • 派系 • 人口 • 物種權利 • 經濟 • 科技 • 傳統 • 犯罪率 |
探索 | 探索 • 地圖 • 物種 • 異常現象 • 事件 • FTL • 失落帝國 • 前超光速物種 • 先驅者 • 太空生命體 |
殖民 | 殖民 • 天體 • 行星特徵 • 行星管理 • 區劃 • 建築 • 艦船 • 恆星基地 • 巨型結構 |
外交 | 外交 • 貿易 • 附屬國 • 聯邦 • 星海共同體 • AI 性格 • 情報 |
戰爭 | 戰爭 • 太空戰 • 地面戰 • 艦船設計器 |
其它 | 特質 • 環境改造 • 種群修飾 • 奴役 • 危機 • 預設帝國 • AI 玩家 • 彩蛋 |