
Diplomacy between plantoids and arthropoids

Diplomacy in Stellaris draws on the model of previous Paradox games and offers an alternative to warmongering.

Envoys[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Envoys are minor leaders and can be assigned to various diplomatic tasks. Once an envoy is assigned to a task it cannot be reassigned again for a year. Envoys can be assigned to the following tasks:

  • Improve Relations with another empire, which grants +1 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion per month to and from the target empire (up to +100) and removes the relation requirement for positive diplomatic actions
  • Harm Relations with another empire, which grants −1 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion per month to and from the target empire (up to −100) and removes the Relation requirement for negative diplomatic actions
  • Assign to the Federation, which grants by +1 團結度 Cohesion 團結度Cohesion per month to the federation
  • Assign to the Galactic Community, which grants +10% 外交權重 Diplomatic Weight 外交權重Diplomatic Weight
  • Assign to a first contact and they will discover the aliens for you

Envoy Capacity can be modified by the following:

Source 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys 可派遣的特使Available Envoys
內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection civic −1
親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile ethic +1
極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile 極端親外主義Fanatic Xenophile ethic +2
外交使團 Diplomatic Corps 外交使團Diplomatic Corps civic +2
星海霸業 Galactic Sovereign 星海霸業Galactic Sovereign / Corporate Sovereign civic +1
心有靈犀 Empath 心有靈犀Empath civic +2
公共關係專家 Public Relations Specialists 公共關係專家Public Relations Specialists civic +2
Tradition diplomacy the federation.png The Federation tradition +1
法令 Edict Diplomatic Grants edict +1
法令 Edict Bureau of Espionage edict +1
法令 Edict Enhanced Surveillance edict +1
Source 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys 可派遣的特使Available Envoys
建築 Building Embassy Complex building +1
建築 Building Grand Embassy Complex building +2
星系聯盟 Galactic Union 星系聯盟Galactic Union president (level 2) +1
霸權 Hegemony 霸權Hegemony president (level 2) +1
貿易聯盟 Trade League 貿易聯盟Trade League president (level 2) +1
軍事同盟 Miltiary Alliance 軍事同盟Miltiary Alliance president (level 3) +1
研究合作組織 Research Cooperative 研究合作組織Research Cooperative president (level 4) +1
寰宇企業 Megacorp Interstellar Assembly stage II +1
寰宇企業 Megacorp Interstellar Assembly stage IV +2
共同命運 Shared Destiny Shared Destiny ascension perk +2

Diplomatic actions[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Many diplomatic actions have a 10-year cooldown once chosen. Some of these are unilateral while others need to be accepted by both sides which becomes a matter of acceptance. Most diplomatic actions require certain Relations or an envoy being sent to improve or harm Relations.

Maintaining any form of lasting treaty generates Diplomacy trust.png Trust, which increases 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion. The maximum amount of Trust obtainable is limited by the most valuable treaty between both parties. Finishing the Diplomacy tradition tree grants +50 trust cap. Trust decays if there is no new income.

Action Effects 評價 Opinion 信任度增長 Trust Growth 信任度上限 Trust Cap 影響力 Influence Relations Requirements Civic inwards perfection.png
Envoy action improving relations.png Improve Relations Sends an 特使 Envoy 特使Envoy to increase 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion up to +100 0 0 50 0 Any Not Envoy action harming relations.png Harming Relations
滲透等級 Infiltration Level Build Spy Network Sends an 特使 Envoy 特使Envoy to build a Spy Network 0 0 50 0 Any No Spy Network
Envoy action harming relations.png Harm Relations Sends an 特使 Envoy 特使Envoy to lower 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion up to -100 0 0 50 0 Any Not Envoy action improving relations.png Improving Relations
戰爭 War Declare War Enters the Wargoals menu to declare a war −50 0 50 0 Any No Diplomacy truce.png Truce, pact, or federation with target
No branch offices on target's planets
Menu icon claims.png Make Claims Switches to the Claims interface. 0 0 0 0 Any
貿易 Trade Offer Trade Deal Allows the negotiation of a one-time or timed duration deal 0 0 50 0 Any
宿敵 Rivalry Declare Rivalry Closes borders and grants the Animosity Casus Belli

-20% 影響力 Influence cost to Claim

−100 0 50 +0.5 Terrible
Relative Power is not Pathetic or Overwhelming
Limit of Rivalries is 3, and cannot be increased
宿敵 Rivalry End Rivalry Removes the Animosity Casus Belli 0 0 50 0 Any At least 10 years passed since the Rivalry was declared No.png
保障獨立 Guaranteed Independence Guarantee Independence The guaranteeing empire will come to the target empire's defense if attacked. Recipient must accept the offer first. If canceled, the guarantor will have a truce towards the recipient, but closed borders may still be in effect. +10 +0.25 50 −0.5 Neutral
Both empires are independent
The independence of up to 3 empires can be guaranteed
支持獨立 Support Independence Support Independence The supporting empire will join the war against the overlord if the subject starts a war for independence. The supporting empire's power will be added to the relative power of subjects opinion modifier between the subject and the overlord. +10 +0.25 50 0 Any Target is a subject No.png
Diplomacy closed borders.png Close/Open Borders Controls border access. The initial stance is determined by the Initial Border Status policy. −20 0 50 0 Any No Diplomacy truce.png Truce or 宿敵 Rivalry Rivalry
Not available between overlords and subjects
聯邦 Federation Invite to Federation / Form Federation Invites the target empire to form a federation or join an existing one. +50 +1 100 −2 Excellent Tradition diplomacy the federation.png The Federation tradition or in an existing federation
Both empires at peace
聯邦 Federation Ask to join Federation Requests to join an already existing Federation. +50 +1 100 −2 Excellent Existing Federation and requestor both at peace No.png
聯邦 Federation Kick from Federation Starts a vote to kick the member from the Federation 0 0 50 0 Any Member of the same Federation, at peace No.png
聯邦 Federation Ask to leave Federation Requests to leave the Federation. Refusing grants the Secession Casus Belli and a decaying −45 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion. 0 0 50 0 Any 霸權 Hegemony 霸權Hegemony Federation (at peace)
Target is the Federation president
聯邦合作國 Federation Associate Association Status The empire and the Federation will not be able to declare war upon each other. +10 +0.50 100 0 Positive
The majority of federation members must agree to granting or removing the status but the associate member can cancel it at any time
宗主 Overlord Demand Vassal/Protectorate/Subsidiary Status Asks the empire to become your Vassal/Protectorate/Subsidiary.
Refusing grants the Subjugation Casus Belli.
+25 +0.25 50 0 Any Superior or Overwhelming Relative Power
Both empires are at peace
朝貢國 Tributary Demand Tribute Asks the empire to become your Tributary.
Refusing grants the Subjugation Casus Belli.
+25 +0.25 50 0 Any Superior or Overwhelming Relative Power
Both empires are at peace
宗主 Overlord Ask to be their Vassal/Protectorate/Subsidiary Turns your empire into a Vassal/Protectorate/Subsidiary. Request is only accepted by empires holding a Protective or Domineering attitude, which both require inferior relative power. 0 0 50 0 Any Requestor and superior empire both at peace
朝貢國 Tributary Offer Tribute Turns your empire into a Tributary. Request is only accepted by empires holding a Protective or Domineering attitude, which both require inferior relative power. 0 0 50 0 Any Requestor and superior empire both at peace
宗主 Overlord Release Subject Used to avoid risking wars of independence if the relative power of subjects becomes too great.
Diplomacy truce.png Sets a 10-year truce
0 0 50 0 Any
正在被整合 Is being integrated Integrate Subject Integrates a Vassal or Protectorate into the overlord empire. 0 0 50 Variable Any Sufficient 影響力 Influence 影響力Influence
宗主 Overlord Request to become A subject Become a subject of an Awakened Empire. Awakened Empires holding an Imperious attitude will agree while those holding a Belligerent attitude will prefer a more aggressive subjugation. 0 0 0 0 Any Target is an Awakened Empire
Requestor (but not necessarily AE) at peace
羞辱 Insult Insult Decaying −200 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion Modifier 0 0 50 0 Terrible
Diplomacy seize council seat.png Add to/Kick from Imperial Council Decides who is member of the Imperial Council. 0 0 50 0 Any 100 影響力 Influence 影響力Influence
Galactic Emperor
Target is a member of the Galactic Imperium

Agreements[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Agreements are mutually-beneficial diplomatic actions that when offered by an empire the other must accept for them to take effect. Agreements can be ended at any time by either empire but will bring a temporary 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion malus. Defensive Pacts can only be made or broken when neither empire is at war with anyone.

Agreement Effects Min Relations Diplomacy truce.png Truce when ended 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion if ended 信任度增長 Trust Growth 信任度上限 Trust Cap 情報 Intel 影響力 Influence Civic inwards perfection.png 野蠻掠奪者 Barbaric Despoilers 罪犯世家 Criminal Heritage 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 聯邦 Federation 附庸國 Vassal
Embassy our.png Embassy Envoys improve relations 3 time faster
Diplomatic pacts give 20 more 情報 Intel 情報Intel
Neutral No.png 0 +0.75 100 0 0 Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png
Diplomacy non aggression pact.png Non-Aggression Pact Neither empire can declare war upon each other Neutral Yes.png -50 +0.50 75 20 -0.25 Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png No.png No.png
Diplomacy research agreement.png Research Agreement +25% 研究速度 Research Speed 研究速度Research Speed for technologies discovered by the other empire Positive No.png -25 +0.10 50 30 -0.25 No.png Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png No.png
Diplomacy commercial pact.png Commercial Pact Both empires will gain the economic bonuses of 10% of each other's Trade value.png Trade Value Positive Yes.png -25 +0.25 50 20 -0.25 No.png Yes.png No.png No.png Yes.png No.png
Diplomacy migration pact.png Migration Treaty Pops can migrate between the empires and both empire can use each other's Pops in colony ships Positive No.png -15 +0.25 50 30 -0.25 No.png No.png Yes.png No.png Yes.png No.png
Diplomacy defensive pact.png Defensive Pact If either empire is attacked the other will join the war as a defender
Both empires gain +20 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion towards each other
Excellent Yes.png -100 +0.75 100 40 -1 No.png Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png No.png No.png

Acceptance[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The acceptance of diplomatic agreements by computer empires is determined by multiple factors.

Agreement Friendly Attitude Receptive / Cordial / Protective Attitude Neutral / Wary Attitude Overwhelming Relative Power Superior Relative Power Shared Rival Opinion Distance Other factors
Embassy our.png Embassy +100 +40 -25 +20 +10 +30 per Rival +5 per 10 Opinion -0.5 per hyperlane
Diplomacy non aggression pact.png Non-Aggression Pact +100 +20 0 +100 +50 +50 per Rival +2 per 10 Opinion -1 per hyperlane -30 per existing Non-Aggression Pact
Diplomacy commercial pact.png Commercial Pact +100 +20 0 0 0 0 +4 per 10 Opinion -1 per hyperlane +1 per given Trade Value
-30 per existing Commercial Pact
Diplomacy research agreement.png Research Agreement +100 +20 0 0 0 0 +4 per 10 Opinion -1 per hyperlane +1 per tech either empire doesn't have
-30 per existing Research Agreement
Diplomacy migration pact.png Migration Treaty +10 0 0 0 0 0 +5 per 10 Opinion -1 per hyperlane +10 Loyal Attitude
Diplomacy defensive pact.png Defensive Pact +50 +20 -50 +20 +10 +30 per Rival +2 per 10 Opinion -1 per hyperlane +30 per shared Defensive Pact
-50 per existing Defensive Pact
Diplomacy federation.png Federation +30 0 -50 +20 +10 +10 per Rival +1 per 10 Opinion -1 per hyperlane +100 Federation Associate
+30 Crisis
-50 Different War Philosophy policy
Diplomacy hasvassal.png Subject Demand +20 0 -50 +100 +50 0 0 -5 per hyperlane -1 per 4 owned Pops

Personality[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The most specific factor that determines an empire's acceptance rate is its AI personality.

AI personality 互不侵犯條約 Non-Aggression Pact NAP 防禦條約 Defensive Pact 防禦條約Defensive Pact 科研協議 Research Agreement Research 商業協議 Commercial Pact 商業協議Commercial Pact 移民協議 Migration Treaty Migration Federation default.png Galactic Union Federation trade.png Trade League Federation military.png Martial Alliance Federation research.png Research Cooperative Federation hegemony.png Hegemony 貿易吸引力 Trade Attractiveness Trade Willingness
Decadent Hierarchy +20 −10 0 0 −100 −30 −30 −30 −30 −10 90%
Democratic Crusaders 0 +20 0 0 0 +10 0 +10 0 −50 90%
Erudite Explorers +5 +5 +50 +10 0 0 0 0 +10 0 90%
Evangelizing Zealots 0 0 −20 −20 0 −20 −20 −10 −20 −20 75%
Federation Builders +25 +25 +15 +15 +10 +20 +10 +10 +10 +10 95%
Harmonious Collective +20 0 +10 +10 −10 0 0 0 0 0 90%
Hegemonic Imperialists −10 +10 −10 −10 −50 −20 −20 −10 −20 0 80%
Honorbound Warriors −100 +20 0 −20 0 −10 −20 0 −20 −10 70%
Migratory Flock +20 0 +20 +20 +100 +20 +20 +10 +20 +10 110%
Peaceful Traders +20 0 +10 +20 +20 +10 +20 −10 +10 +10 100%
Ruthless Capitalists −10 0 +10 +20 0 −10 +10 −10 −10 −10 100%
Slaving Despots −20 0 0 0 −100 −10 −10 −10 −10 0 80%
Spiritual Seekers +20 +10 +10 +10 +20 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 90%
Xenophobic Isolationists +20 −20 −20 −20 −100 −50 −50 −50 −50 −50 50%
Fanatical Befrienders +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +30 +30 +30 +30 100%
Fanatical Purifiers 0 0 0 0 0 No.png No.png No.png No.png No.png 50%
Hive Mind −10 −10 0 No.png No.png −50 −100 −30 −50 −50 70%
Machine Intelligence 0 0 0 No.png No.png −30 −100 −20 −20 −30 80%
Rogue Servitors 0 0 0 No.png No.png 0 0 0 0 +10 90%
Driven Assimilators 0 0 0 No.png No.png −50 −50 −50 −50 −50 50%
Determined Exterminators 0 0 0 No.png No.png No.png No.png No.png No.png No.png 100%
Crisis Aspirant 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50%

Trade deals[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Trade deals are instant or monthly transfers of resources between two empires. Deals that transfer monthly resources will last between 10 and 30 years and once AI fills their stockpile long-term contracts become only viable option.. It is possible to break long-term trade contracts if not enough resources are stockpiled, but will create an 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion penalty. Diplomatic trade often can yield better deals than the market. AI will never accept mixed long-term/instant trades. Although 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness empires have no use for 消費品 Consumer Goods 消費品Consumer Goods or 澤珞 Zro 澤珞Zro, they are still willing to trade for them.

Trading requires a neutral or positive attitude between the two empires. Empires holding a negative attitude will accept only gifts. Fallen empires only trade if they're patronizing towards the proposing empire.

In addition to resources the following things can be traded diplomatically:

  • Trade cat favor.png Favors: Each favor has a trade acceptance of 10, raised or lowered by the AI empire's trade willingness.
  • Trade cat sensor.png Communications: Valued based on the number of new contacts.
  • Trade cat sensor.png Active Sensor Link: Valued based on distance, neighboring empires being more interested.
  • Trade cat transfer control.png Transfer System: Available only towards neighbors during peacetime, it is the most valued trade option and can be used to offer to cede one of your star systems, usually non-preferred planets that are too expensive to terraform or adapt pops to, or as a way to ease opinion penalty of claims or border tension. The AI will always refuse to accept systems that contain colonized Holy Worlds or border the Militant Isolationists.

貿易吸引力 Trade Attractiveness Trade willingness shows how much an empire is open to trading with other empires and is dependent on their AI personality. The lower their trade willingness is, the more favorable a trade deal has to be for them to see it as fair. Empires with less than 75% trade willingness will never make offers.

Trade acceptance[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The trade acceptance number shows how much the other empire favors a deal. A trade acceptance lower than 1 means that the other empire sees the deal as disadvantageous for them and will always refuse it. A trade acceptance of 1 means that AI empire sees the deal as fair and will always accept it. A trade acceptance higher than 1 means that the other empire sees the deal as advantageous for them and will give a temporary bonus to their 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion, although this has a limit of +100.

Favors[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Favors can be traded via diplomatic trade or obtained through events and have two purposes. First, an empire can call upon Favors to add another empire's Diplomatic Weight to theirs (10%per favor) when voting Resolutions in the Galactic Community as long as they don't already vote identically. This does not decrease the other empire's diplomatic weight for the vote. Second, Favors increase the acceptance rate of certain diplomatic agreements or federation laws by +5 for each Favor. An empire can owe another empire up to 10 Favors.

Multiple empires can call upon Favors from the same target empire.

Attitude[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Each empire will have a specific attitude towards other empires dictated by their AI personality, diplomatic interactions and the relative power of both empires.

Attitude Trade & Pacts Prefer peace Other Effects Requirements Description
Neutral Yes.png Yes.png none This Empire does not consider us relevant to their interests.
Wary Yes.png Yes.png none inferior relative power and shared border This Empire maintains a cautious attitude towards us.
Receptive Yes.png Yes.png more inclined to accept diplomatic pacts diplomatic AI personalities This Empire is interested in closer relations with us.
Cordial Yes.png Yes.png more inclined to accept diplomatic pacts high opinion This Empire is amenable to peaceful coexistence and trading with us.
Friendly Yes.png Yes.png more inclined to accept diplomatic pacts and join a federation high opinion and successful past diplomacy This Empire views us as a friend and may be willing to form an alliance with us.
Protective Yes.png Yes.png more inclined to accept diplomatic pacts and may ask you to become their subject high opinion and superior relative power This Empire believes that we are weak and need their protection.
Suspicious No.png Yes.png none low opinion This Empire views us with suspicion and mistrust.
Rival No.png Yes.png none rival with low opinion This Empire views us as their rival.
Hostile No.png No.png none very low opinion This Empire views us as their enemy. They are likely to attack us if they think they can win.
Domineering No.png No.png only uses the Subjugation Casus Belli low opinion and Subjugator AI This Empire believes that we would make a fine vassal.
Threatened No.png No.png none high threat rating This Empire views us as a threatening menace.
Overlord Yes.png Yes.png none overlord This Empire is our overlord.
Loyal Yes.png Yes.png none subject with positive opinion This subject is loyal to us.
Disloyal No.png No.png considers the relative power of other subjects as well subject with negative opinion This subject resents its subservience to us.
Dismissive No.png Yes.png none Fallen Empire This Fallen Empire considers us largely beneath their notice.
Patronizing Yes.png Yes.png may bestow gifts Fallen Empire with high opinion This Fallen Empire views us as errant children in need of their guidance. They may deign to bestow gifts of technology, resources or ships on us.
Angry No.png No.png will send a demand which will grant them Casus Belli if refused Fallen Empire with low opinion We have angered this Fallen Empire with our actions, and they may declare war to punish us.
Arrogant No.png Yes.png no effect distant Awakened Empire This Awakened Empire views us with dismissive arrogance.
Imperious No.png Yes.png will ask you to become their subject nearby Awakened Empire This Awakened Empire views us as a future subject. They are likely to demand we surrender our independence.
Belligerent No.png No.png none Awakened Empire with low opinion This Awakened Empire views us as a target of conquest. They are likely to attack us.
Custodial Yes.png Yes.png accepts joining a Federation Guardian Awakened Empires This Awakened Empire believes that it needs to protect us from the crisis currently threatening the galaxy. They are likely to attempt to ally us.
Enigmatic Yes.png Yes.png opinion is hidden and has no impact Ancient Caretakers This Fallen Empire is an ancient artificial intelligence that behaves in a strange and unpredictable manner. We do not know what to expect from it.
Berserk No.png No.png attacks any empire nearby Malfunctioning Custodians This Awakened Empire is an ancient artificial intelligence that has gone berserk. It is likely to attack anything and anyone around it.

Genocidal Diplomacy[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Empires with the 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers civic can only engage in diplomacy with empires of the same primary species. Note that this other empire will still have −1000 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion towards Fanatic Purifier, unless it is also a Fanatic Purifier (in which case they have +200 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion towards each other).

Empires with the 鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator 鐵心滅絕者Determined Exterminator civic can only engage in diplomacy with empires with 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence authority or the Ap synthetic evolution.png Synthetic Evolution Ascension Perk.

Empires with the 噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm 噬殺蜂群Devouring Swarm or Terravore civics cannot engage in diplomacy at all, not even with identical empires.

參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
