

在遊戲中有兩種 前超光速物種(pre-FTL species):土著文明和未開智物種。

土著文明(Primitive civilizations)是尚未開發星際太空旅行所需技術的文明。隨著他們的歷史被書寫,他們經歷了多個時代,如果他們在技術上受到另一個帝國的啟發或獨自發展到足以獨立發展的程度,他們就可以成為成熟的星際帝國。 原始文明可以通過 galaxy generation options.

未開智物種(Pre-sapient species)是展示出特殊前景的動物物種。如果他們被單獨放置幾百萬年,他們可能會自行進化出某種程度和方式的智能,但帝國可以加速這一過程,在短短幾十年內富有成效的將前智能人轉變為富有成效的銀河公民。

土著文明[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


時代 每月進度 啟蒙時間 建築 崗位 部隊 政府 描述
石器時代Stone Age
Preindustrial 01 city.png
0.1% 1000 個月 Building crude huts.png 1 Crude Huts 4 Hunter-Gatherers 沒有部隊 部落社會 這個文明目前處於石器時代。他們掌握了火,並發展出了基本的口頭語言,但我們還沒有發現他們有任何冶金或文字交流的證據。
青銅時代Bronze Age
Preindustrial 01 city.png
0.2% 500 個月
  • Building stone palace.png 1 Stone Palaces
  • Building crude huts.png 1 Primitive Dwellings
1 Feudal Noble
1 Cleric
1 Scholar
1 Warrior
4 Peasants
3 支土著部隊 部落社會 這個文明目前處於青銅時代。早期金屬冶煉技術和第一批書面語言開始出現,而城市和較大的聚落也初見雛形。
鐵器時代Iron Age
Preindustrial 01 city.png
0.3% 334 months
  • Building stone palace.png 1 Stone Palaces
  • Building crude huts.png 1 Primitive Dwellings
1 Feudal Noble
1 Cleric
1 Scholar
1 Warrior
5 Peasants
3 支土著部隊 封建王國 這個文明目前處於鐵器時代。文明擴張的足跡遍布他們的星球,而鋼鐵的冶煉和鍛造技術使他們有能力製造原始但卻有效的工具和武器。
中古時代後期Late Medieval Age
Preindustrial 01 city.png
0.4% 250 個月
  • Building stone palace.png 1 Stone Palaces
  • Building crude huts.png 2 Primitive Dwellings
1 Feudal Noble
1 Cleric
1 Scholar
1 Warrior
6 Peasants
3 支土著部隊 封建王國 這個文明目前處於中古時代後期。他們對金屬冶煉技術的掌握愈發嫻熟,而印刷機的發明也開始推動知識的傳播。
文藝復興時代Renaissance Age
Preindustrial 01 city.png
0.5% 200 個月
  • Building stone palace.png 1 Stone Palaces
  • Building crude huts.png 2 Primitive Dwellings
1 Feudal Noble
1 Cleric
1 Scholar
1 Warrior
8 Peasants
3 支土著部隊 封建王國 這個文明目前處於文藝復興時代。各種科學知識正在以極快的速度被發現,火藥的發明也徹底的改變了戰爭的格局。
蒸汽時代Steam Age
Preindustrial 01 city.png
1% 100 個月
  • Building stone palace.png 1 Stone Palaces
  • Building residence.png 1 Urban Dwellings
  • Building primitive factory.png 1 Primitive Factory
  • Building primitive mine.png 1 Primitive Mine
1 Feudal Noble
1 Cleric
1 Scholar
1 Warrior
8 Peasants
2 Miners
2 Labourers
3 支土著部隊 封建王國 這個文明目前處於蒸汽時代。蒸汽機的發明對他們的社會產生了深遠的影響,他們正處於工業革命的風口浪尖上。
工業時代Industrial Age
Industrial 01 city.png
1.5% 67 months
  • Building primitive capital.png 1 Regional Capitals
  • Building residence.png 1 Urban Dwellings
  • Building primitive factory.png 1 Primitive Factory
  • Building primitive mine.png 1 Primitive Mine
  • Building primitive power plant.png 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • Building crude huts.png 1 Primitive Farms if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
2 Bureaucrats
2 Priests
2 Researchers
2 Soldiers
2 Miners
2 Labourers
2 Technicians
8 Farmers if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
6 支工業時代部隊 各國獨自為政 這個文明已經得以進入工業時代早期。電力和內燃機逐漸被廣泛運用,城市化進程突飛猛進。
機械時代Machine Age
Industrial 01 city.png
2% 50 個月
  • Building primitive capital.png 1 Regional Capitals
  • Building residence.png 1 Urban Dwellings
  • Building primitive factory.png 1 Primitive Factory
  • Building primitive mine.png 1 Primitive Mine
  • Building primitive power plant.png 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • Building crude huts.png 1 Primitive Farms if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
2 Bureaucrats
2 Priests
2 Researchers
2 Soldiers
2 Miners
2 Labourers
2 Technicians
10 Farmers if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
6 支工業時代部隊 各國獨自為政 這個文明已經進入了機械時代,相當於工業時代後期。他們的工廠實現了消費品和載具的大批量生產,而空中旅行也變得越來越普及。
原子時代Atomic Age
Industrial 01 city.png
2.5% 40 個月
  • Building primitive capital.png 1 Regional Capitals
  • Building residence.png 1 Urban Dwellings
  • Building primitive factory.png 1 Primitive Factory
  • Building primitive mine.png 1 Primitive Mine
  • Building primitive power plant.png 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • Building crude huts.png 1 Primitive Farms if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
2 Bureaucrats
2 Priests
2 Researchers
2 Soldiers
2 Miners
2 Labourers
2 Technicians
2 Unemployed
10 Farmers if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
6 支後原子時代部隊 各國獨自為政 這個文明已經進入了原子時代。他們已經可以使用原子能,但還沒有將其運用在太空探索中。他們生產了大量的核武器,足以在一瞬間給整個物種以滅頂之災。
太空時代早期Early Space Age
Industrial 01 city.png
2.5% 40 個月
  • Building primitive capital.png 1 Regional Capitals
  • Building residence.png 1 Urban Dwellings
  • Building primitive factory.png 1 Primitive Factory
  • Building primitive mine.png 1 Primitive Mine
  • Building primitive power plant.png 1 Primitive Power Plant
  • Building crude huts.png 1 Primitive Farms if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
2 Bureaucrats
2 Priests
2 Researchers
2 Soldiers
2 Miners
2 Labourers
2 Technicians
2 Unemployed
10 Farmers if not 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid
6 支後原子時代部隊 各國獨自為政 這個文明已經進入太空時代早期。他們已經在自己母星的軌道上布置了早期衛星,也第一次實現了低軌道的載人航天。他們將很快準備好離開他們的星球進入太空。


土著進步[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Humanoid civilization advancing through the ages

原始文明可以在他們的歷史被書寫的同時通過自己的時間前進。 對於蒸汽時代之前的所有進步來說,發生這種情況的平均時間是 160 年,之後的所有進步都是 100 年。 年齡增長後至少有 60 年的冷卻時間,然後才有可能進一步發展。 建立一個觀察哨會通知你每個年齡的進步。

超光速發現[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

一個行星軌道上沒有觀測站的前超光速文明最終會發展出超光速科技,成為一個AI帝國。如果該文明所在的恆星系的恆星擁有一個恆星基地,該文明會請求恆星基地的擁有者給予其恆星系的控制權,如果請求被同意,他們會獲得該恆星系所有行星的資源,並獲得一個對原主一個臨時的 +100 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion。而拒絕請求會使原主吞併該文明。對於親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile 極端親外主義Fanatic Xenophile的帝國,吞併該文明(拒絕請求)將會消耗 200 影響力 Influence 影響力Influence。而排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe 極端排外主義Fanatic Xenophobe的帝國給予文明控制權(同意請求)需要消耗 200 影響力 Influence 影響力Influence。而擁有 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm 噬殺蜂群Devouring Swarm鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator 鐵心滅絕者Determined Exterminator理念的國家只有吞併一個選項。

這些新生國家不具備追趕機制。除非他們很早就開始發展超光速科技,否則他們很可能被迅速征服或淪為保護國 Protectorate 保護國Protectorate, 並且,在遊戲開局的前25年,他們無法發展超光速科技

核戰爭[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

原子時代和太空時代早期的文明有一個較小的概率發動核戰爭,秘密滲透的失敗可能會引發核戰爭。核戰爭可以通過特殊事件的干預以阻止。如果發生核戰爭,他們的行星會變為死寂星球Planet nuked.png或毒素星球Planet toxic.png,觀測站可以發現核戰爭的發生。

太空時代早期的文明發動核戰爭的概率是原子時代的十分之一,在 庇護所Sanctuary的文明不能發動核戰爭


征服[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Primitive civilizations can always be invaded and conquered as long as their system has been claimed and the Native Interference policy is set to Unrestricted. Primitive civilizations have no means to resist a technologically superior invader, although Industrial and especially Post-Atomic civilizations can be harder to conquer early game. The prize one can obtain from an invasion is the planet itself, any and all resources and buildings on it along with the primitives that can be used as a source of cheap labor once enslaved or integrated as citizens.

Conquered worlds will get the Stellar Culture Shock modifier for 10 years, which locks out the former primitive pops from using colony ships, joining Factions or being released as a Vassal. It also brings -20% 穩定度 Stability 穩定度Stability, -33% 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production Resources from Jobs, and -50% Empire sprawl.png Empire Sprawl from Pops. It is no longer possible to resettle pops from planets with the Stellar Culture Shock modifier.

A Neutron Sweep or Nanobot Diffuser can be used on a primitive world instead of conquest but will generate a temporary -40 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion from every other empire.

觀測任務[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Empires might prefer the construction of hidden Observation Posts in high orbit over primitive worlds. This allows for the safe study and, if one so desires, influencing the primitive civilization. Observation posts typically have a number of exclusive missions that can be undertaken. Each mission can trigger various events.

任務 效果 核戰機率 前提
Fleet task passive study action.png 被動觀測Passive Observation
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +8 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was not passed
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +12 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was passed
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods +2 Consumer Goods if the Galactic Commerce Resolution 3 was passed
Fleet task active study action.png 主動觀測Aggressive Observation
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +10 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was not passed
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +16 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was passed
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods +8 Consumer Goods if the Galactic Commerce Resolution 3 was passed
  • Can shift civilization Ethics towards 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist or 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe
+25% Active Study or Unrestricted Native Interference Policy
Fleet task technological enlightenment action.png 科技啟蒙Technological Enlightenment
  • 社會學研究 Society Research -5 Society Research
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits -10 Energy
  • When the mission is complete, the civilization will become an empire.
  • The civilization will be given full ownership of their home system and everything in it
  • The civilization will have a temporary +100 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion
  • The observation post will be dismantled after the completion of the enlightenment
  • If the enlightening empire is not a Subject the civilization will become their 保護國 Protectorate 保護國Protectorate and can be integrated after 10 years has passed.
  • 內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection empires cannot have protectorates and their enlightened primitives will become a 朝貢國 Tributary 朝貢國Tributary instead.
  • 企業政府 Corporate 企業政府Corporate empires will not create a protectorate, but a 附屬公司 Subsidiary 附屬公司Subsidiary.
  • The following events can take place after more than 20% progress has been made and any of the requirements is met by the primitive civilization:
前提 效果
極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile 極端親外主義Fanatic Xenophile +70% mission progress
  • 親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile
  • 聰穎 Quick Learners 聰穎Quick Learners
  • 天生工程師 Natural Engineers 天生工程師Natural Engineers
  • 天生物理學家 Natural Physicists 天生物理學家Natural Physicists
  • 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists 天生社會學家Natural Sociologists
  • 聰慧 Intelligent 聰慧Intelligent
+20% mission progress
極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe 極端排外主義Fanatic Xenophobe -70% mission progress
  • 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe
  • 愚笨 Slow Learners 愚笨Slow Learners
  • 令人厭惡 Repugnant 令人厭惡Repugnant
  • 思潮轉化 Ethics Shift Opposing ethics
-20% mission progress
Civilization shifts ethics towards 親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile
Civilization shifts ethics towards the benefactor's
  • 允許對原住民進行啟蒙政策
  • 文明不是 極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe 極端排外主義Fanatic Xenophobe
Fleet task covert infiltration action.png 秘密滲透Covert Infiltration
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits -10 Energy
  • 社會學研究 Society Research -5 Society Research
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods +4 Consumer Goods if the Galactic Commerce Resolution 3 was passed
  • When the mission is complete the civilization will be annexed and receive a temporary happiness boost
  • 基因剪裁 Gene Tailoring 基因剪裁Gene Tailoring technology
  • Active Study or Unrestricted Native Interference Policy
  • Civilization reached at least Industrial Age
  • Not 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal
  • Not 內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection
Fleet task indoctrination.png 教化Indoctrination
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits -3 Energy
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +10 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was not passed
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +14 Society Research if the Unchained Knowledge Resolution 4 was passed
  • Slowly shifts the civilization's ethics towards your empire ethics
  • 烏托邦 Utopia 烏托邦Utopia
  • Active Study or Unrestricted Native Interference Policy
  • Not 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness

未開智物種[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Pre-sapient species can be discovered on each planet type after investigating certain anomalies. 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal empires cannot discover them through anomalies but can encounter those discovered by other empires.

As opposed to primitives, planets of pre-sapient species can be colonized. The pre-sapient pops do not require either Housing or Amenities. The Pre-Sapients policy determines their status. Unlike sapient species, pre-sapients can be purged without diplomatic repercussions from any empire.

提升[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

For pre-sapient species the option to create templates is replaced with the option to Uplift them. The planet must be colonized and within the player empire's borders. Uplifting a species requires the 表觀遺傳學機制 Epigenetic Triggers 表觀遺傳學機制Epigenetic Triggers technology and costs 3000 社會學研究 Society Research 社會學研究Society Research Research. Uplifted species become part of the empire that uplifted them and get a +10% 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness bonus when inhabiting that empire's planets due to getting the 受提升 Uplifted 受提升Uplifted trait. Finishing an uplift also grants 500 影響力 Influence 影響力Influence.

When an uplift is complete, the pre-sapient species receive the default species rights according to the host empire, even if it is displacement from their own home. Most uplift processes tend to be rocky (70% chance of -5% planet mineral output).

Unlike primitive civilizations, pre-sapients will never advance to sapients on their own in-game.

References[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
