

Intelligence and espionage are two important factors in gaining the upper hand over other empires. While an empire can only be defeated militarily, espionage can be used to significantly weaken it or gain substantial advantages over it.

Intel[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

情報 Intel 情報Intel is a value between 0 and 100 that represents how much information an empire has about another empire. Intel automatically increases or decreases towards the intel cap for the target empire. Some intelligence on systems, including fleets and colonies, can also be gained via sensors (fleets, starbases, or colonies).

Intel level[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

There are 5 categories of intelligence, and 5 intel levels for each category: No.png none, low, medium, high, and full. Every 10 points of intel will raise the intel level in at least one category of intelligence, revealing additional information about the target empire.

Intel Intel level
Government Diplomacy Economy Technology Military
0-9 No.png No.png No.png No.png No.png
10-19 Intel level low.png No.png No.png No.png No.png
20-29 Intel level low.png Intel level low.png No.png No.png No.png
30-39 Intel level low.png Intel level low.png Intel level low.png Intel level low.png No.png
40-49 Intel level mid.png Intel level low.png Intel level low.png Intel level low.png Intel level low.png
50-59 Intel level mid.png Intel level mid.png Intel level low.png Intel level low.png Intel level low.png
60-69 Intel level mid.png Intel level mid.png Intel level mid.png Intel level mid.png Intel level low.png
70-79 Intel level high.png Intel level mid.png Intel level mid.png Intel level mid.png Intel level mid.png
80-89 Intel level high.png Intel level high.png Intel level mid.png Intel level mid.png Intel level mid.png
90-99 Intel level high.png Intel level high.png Intel level high.png Intel level high.png Intel level high.png
100 Intel level full.png Intel level full.png Intel level full.png Intel level full.png Intel level full.png

Besides increasing intel, intel levels can be gained temporarily via intel reports from operations. Each intel level reveals the following information:

Level Category
政策 Policy Government Diplomacy alliance.png Diplomacy Trade value.png Economy Op cat technology.png Technology 艦隊規模 Fleet Size Military
Intel level low.png Low
  • Authority
  • Ethics
  • Capital Location
  • Ruler
  • Casus Belli
  • Relative Power
  • Rivalries
  • Federation Names
  • Low Intel on Colonies (names and locations of colonies on galaxy map)
  • Relative Economic Power
  • Relative Technological Power
  • Number of Researched Technologies
  • Casus Belli
  • Relative Fleet Power
  • Location of Starbases
Intel level mid.png Medium
  • Civics
  • Origin
  • Governors
  • Opinion Breakdown
  • Diplomatic Pacts
  • Low Intel on Systems (locations of and numbers of planets in owned systems)
  • Medium Intel on Colonies (locations of colonies within their systems, planet classes of colonies)
  • Location of Civilian Ships
Location of Military Fleets
Intel level high.png High Empire Size
  • Medium Intel on Systems (planet classes of all planets in owned systems, fleets and orbital stations in owned systems)
  • High Intel on Colonies (reveals all other information about colonies)
  • Current Orders of Civilian Ships
Military Fleets Details
Intel level full.png Full
  • High Intel on Systems (orbital deposits in owned systems)
  • Full Intel on Colonies (redundant with high intel on colonies)
  • Current Orders of Military Fleets
  • Fleet Ship Design Details

If an intel level is reduced, the information for that category and level will no longer be updated and be marked as stale, but it will remain available.

Intel cap[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Intel cap is determined by base intel, diplomatic pacts, trust, or infiltration, whichever is the highest. While current intel is below the intel cap, it will increase by +12 per year. While current intel is above the intel cap, it will decrease by -1 per year. Intel cap from trust is equal to half the trust amount, while intel cap from infiltration is equal to the infiltration level. Diplomatic relations provide the following benefits to intel:

Relationship Information Gained Minimum Intel Cap
Diplomacy alliance.png First Contact 10
Embassy Diplomatic Pacts +20
商業協議 Commercial Pact 商業協議Commercial Pact
  • Relative Economic Power
  • Medium Intel on Systems
保障獨立 Guaranteed Independence 保障獨立Guaranteed Independence
互不侵犯條約 Non-Aggression Pact 互不侵犯條約Non-Aggression Pact
移民協議 Migration Treaty 移民協議Migration Treaty Low Intel on Systems 30
科研協議 Research Agreement 科研協議Research Agreement Relative Technological Power
星海共同體 Galactic Community Galactic Community Member
宗主 Overlord 宗主Overlord (from subjects)
  • Low Intel on Systems
  • Low Intel on Colonies
  • 30 from tributaries
  • 40 otherwise
防禦條約 Defensive Pact 防禦條約Defensive Pact
  • Low Intel on Systems
  • Relative Fleet Power
聯邦合作國 Federation Associate 聯邦合作國Federation Associate Low Intel on Systems
霸權 Hegemony 霸權Hegemony federation
Galactic Custodian (from 星海共同體 Galactic Community Galactic community members) Relative Fleet Power 45
軍事同盟 Miltiary Alliance 軍事同盟Miltiary Alliance federation
  • Low Intel on Systems
  • Relative Fleet Power
研究合作組織 Research Cooperative 研究合作組織Research Cooperative federation
  • Low Intel on Systems
  • Relative Technological Power
貿易聯盟 Trade League 貿易聯盟Trade League federation
  • Low Intel on Systems
  • Relative Economic Power
星系聯盟 Galactic Union 星系聯盟Galactic Union federation Low Intel on Systems 60
Galactic Imperium Galactic emperor (from 星海共同體 Galactic Community Galactic Imperium members)
  • Relative Fleet Power
  • High Intel on Systems
  • High Intel on Colonies
Galactic Imperium Galactic emperor with Resolution imperial institutions.png Imperial Security Directorate
(from 星海共同體 Galactic Community Galactic Imperium members)

Each level of federation centralization also adds +10 to the intel cap provided by the federation type.

Base intel[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Base intel grants a minimum on intel cap towards every empire. It starts at 10 and can be increased by +10 by each of the following:

  • 殖民官僚制 Colonial Bureaucracy 殖民官僚制Colonial Bureaucracy technology
  • 星河官僚制 Galactic Bureaucracy 星河官僚制Galactic Bureaucracy technology
  • 法令 Edict Bureau of Espionage edict
  • 法令 Edict Observation Instinct edict
  • 法令 Edict Covert Analysis Algorithm edict
  • 超凡入聖 Transcendence 超凡入聖Transcendence ascension perk
  • 烏托邦 Utopia Every Sentry Array megastructure stage (max +40)

Spy networks[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Spy networks are created by assigning an 特使 Envoy 特使Envoy to build one in a target empire via the diplomacy or espionage menu. Creating a spy network allows an empire to launch various operations once they have a sufficient 滲透等級 Infiltration Level 滲透等級Infiltration Level level. Infiltration level grows over time as long as a spy network exists, especially if the infiltrated empire struggles with 帝國規模 Empire Size 帝國規模Empire Size. If the envoy is removed or the maximum infiltration level drops below the current infiltration level, the current infiltration level falls by -1 each month.

The current and the maximum 滲透等級 Infiltration Level 滲透等級Infiltration Level level are shown at the top of the espionage window and should not be confused with the 情報 Intel 情報Intel level that is shown on the diplomacy screen. Maximum infiltration level is initially 50, modified by 10 for each point of difference between your codebreaking and the target's encryption. It can also be increased by +5 for each acquired asset, and the Gather Information operation raises the maximum infiltration level by +5 temporarily (to a maximum of +20).

Codebreaking and Encryption[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Encryption represents an empire's defense against foreign infiltration while Codebreaking represents the ability to overcome another empire's said encryption. When an operation takes place the infiltrating empire's Codebreaking is pitted against the infiltrated empire's Encryption to determine the difficulty of the operations.

Source 加密 Encryption Codebreaking
面具帝國 Cutthroat Politics 面具帝國Cutthroat Politics civic +1
惡性競爭 Ruthless Competition 惡性競爭Ruthless Competition civic +1
靜態研究分析 Static Research Analysis 靜態研究分析Static Research Analysis civic +1
內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection civic -1
法令 Edict Bureau of Espionage edict +2
法令 Edict Observation Instinct edict +2
法令 Edict Covert Analysis Algorithm edict +2
傳統 Traditions Subterfuge tradition opener +1
傳統 Traditions Operational Security tradition +1
超凡入聖 Transcendence 超凡入聖Transcendence ascension perk +2
量子駭客 Quantum Hacking 量子駭客Quantum Hacking technology +2
模擬社會工程 Simulated Social Engineering 模擬社會工程Simulated Social Engineering technology +2
准維映射 Quasi-Dimensional Reflection 准維映射Quasi-Dimensional Reflection technology +2
Resolution imperial institutions.png Imperial Security Directorate resolution +2
Whisperers in the Void empire modifier +2
Rock Brain Linguistics empire modifier +2
Mycelial Network empire modifier +1
Improved Mycelial Network empire modifier +1
Found Encryption Key empire modifier +1
Source 加密 Encryption Encryption
格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness ethic +2
內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection civic +1
集中知識 Pooled Knowledge 集中知識Pooled Knowledge civic +1
自檢 Introspective 自檢Introspective civic +1
法令 Edict Tracking Implants edict +1
法令 Edict Thought Enforcement edict +1
法令 Edict Enhanced Surveillance edict +1
傳統 Traditions Information Security tradition +1
天機工程 Enigmatic Engineering 天機工程Enigmatic Engineering ascension perk +2
超凡入聖 Transcendence 超凡入聖Transcendence ascension perk +2
量子防火牆 Quantum Firewalls 量子防火牆Quantum Firewalls technology +2
同時崩塌存儲 Simultaneous-Collapse Storage 同時崩塌存儲Simultaneous-Collapse Storage technology +2
負時間密鑰 Negative-Time Keys 負時間密鑰Negative-Time Keys technology +2
Resolution imperial institutions.png Imperial Security Directorate resolution +4
Disinformation Protocols empire modifier +1
Lost Encryption Key empire modifier -2

Operations[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

All operations except for Gather Information require the 滅世天罰 Nemesis 滅世天罰Nemesis DLC.

Operations are targeted events that can be triggered within a specific empire. To run an operation an empire must have an 特使 Envoy 特使Envoy assigned to build a spy network in the target empire. All operations have an 滲透等級 Infiltration Level 滲透等級Infiltration Level level requirement and 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits cost as well as an an ongoing 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits upkeep until they are completed.

The difficulty of an operation is affected by the infiltrating empire's codebreaking against the infiltrated empire's encryption. If problems arise during an operation, the spymaster for that network will contact you to make a decision. Progressing an operation functions similarly to the archeology mechanic. Most operations will reduce the spy network's current infiltration level upon completion. Completing the Subterfuge 傳統樹 Subterfuge 傳統樹 will refund half of the spent 滲透等級 Infiltration Level 滲透等級Infiltration Level on success of the operation.

Operation Operation category Intel category Phases Base difficulty Costs Requirements Effects
Launch Upkeep Finish 滲透等級 Infiltration Level Others
Gather Information 密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge None 1 4 能量幣 Energy Credits 200 能量幣 Energy Credits -4 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -5 10 None
  • +5 Maximum Infiltration Level for 10 years. Stacks to a maximum of +20, after which further operations only reset the duration.
Randomly receive one of:0
    • 4.5% per intel category to gain an intel report one level above current (19.2% with an asset of that category).
    • 45.5% to gain 情報 Intel  +5 情報Intel.
    • 22.7% to gain 情報 Intel  +10 情報Intel (12.8% if already have 情報 Intel 40 情報Intel or more).
    • 9.1% to gain 情報 Intel  +15 情報Intel (2.4% if already have 情報 Intel 50 情報Intel or more).
Spark Diplomatic Incident 操控信息 Manipulation 操控信息Manipulation Diplomacy alliance.png Diplomacy 3 5 能量幣 Energy Credits 300 能量幣 Energy Credits -5 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -10 25
  • Communications with 4+ empires
  • No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness target
  • No.png種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers target
Prepare Sleeper Cells 密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge 政策 Policy Government 2 6 能量幣 Energy Credits 450 能量幣 Energy Credits -6 None 30 None
  • +1 Operation Skill and no Spy Network Decay for 15 years
  • Can sacrifice an asset to double the duration
Acquire Asset 密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge 政策 Policy Government 3 5 能量幣 Energy Credits 450 能量幣 Energy Credits -6 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -15 30 None
  • Acquires a random asset against the target empire
Extort Favors 操控信息 Manipulation 操控信息Manipulation Diplomacy alliance.png Diplomacy 3 6 能量幣 Energy Credits 600 能量幣 Energy Credits -7 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -20 35
  • No.png種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal
  • No.png種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal target
  • 80% chance to gain +1 外交支持 Diplomatic Favors 外交支持Diplomatic Favors from the target
  • 20% chance to gain +1 外交支持 Diplomatic Favors 外交支持Diplomatic Favors from the target
Smear Campaign 操控信息 Manipulation 操控信息Manipulation Diplomacy alliance.png Diplomacy 3 7 能量幣 Energy Credits 600 能量幣 Energy Credits -7 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -20 35 Communications with 4+ empires
  • Target's Federation loses -20 團結度 Cohesion 團結度Cohesion
  • If target is not part of a Federation it loses -100 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion with a random empire
Steal Technology 密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge Op cat technology.png Technology 3 8 能量幣 Energy Credits 800 能量幣 Energy Credits -8 One of:
  • 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -20
  • 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -30
  • No.png天機工程 Enigmatic Engineering 天機工程Enigmatic Engineering target[1]
  • Time.png At least 6 years since the last Steal Technology operation
  • +30% Research progress in a random technology
  • If target has no technology you don't have gain +1000 研究 Research 研究Research in each category instead
  • With a Hacker or Memory Cache asset can give the target -10% 研究速度 Research Speed 研究速度Research Speed for one year at the cost of 10 滲透等級 Infiltration Level 滲透等級Infiltration Level and 25 影響力 Influence 影響力Influence
Additional options on superior codebreaking:0
    • Research backdoor
      • Requirements: Relative codebreaking/encryption > 1.4, 密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge asset or Op cat technology.png Technology asset
      • Cost: Op cat technology.png -1 Technology asset, or -1 密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge asset if you don't have a Technology asset
      • Effect: 研究速度 Research Speed  +10% 研究速度Research Speed for two years.
    • Steal extra technology
      • Requirements: Smooth exit, 密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge asset and[2] Op cat technology.png Technology asset, 16.7% chance (or 37.5% with relative codebreaking/encryption > 1.6)
      • Cost: Op cat technology.png -1 Technology[2] asset, 滲透等級 Infiltration Level  -10 滲透等級Infiltration Level
      • Effect: Gain 10% progress in a random technology the target has and you don't.
Sabotage Starbase 破壞 Sabotage 破壞Sabotage 艦隊規模 Fleet Size Military 3 9 能量幣 Energy Credits 1000 能量幣 Energy Credits -9 One of:
  • 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -30
  • 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -45
45 Target 恆星基地 Starbase 恆星基地Starbase with a non-Shipyard module or building If any non-shipyard modules are present, destroys a random non-shipyard module, otherwise destroys a random building.
  • Destroys a random non-shipyard starbase module
  • If there isn't any destroys a random starbase building
Additional options on success:0
    • Collateral Damage (Module)
      • Requirements: 破壞 Sabotage 破壞Sabotage asset and starbase has at least 2 non-shipyard modules, base 16.7% chance (50% with a Op cat technology.png technology asset, no 艦隊規模 Fleet Size military asset, and relative codebreaking/encryption > 0.6)
      • Cost: Op cat technology.png -1 Technology asset
      • Effect: Target starbase loses random non-shipyard module.
    • Collateral Damage (Platform)
      • Requirements: 破壞 Sabotage 破壞Sabotage asset, at least 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 2 易爆微粒Volatile Motes and starbase has a defense platform, base 16.7% chance (50% with a 艦隊規模 Fleet Size military asset, no Op cat technology.png technology asset, and relative codebreaking/encryption > 0.6)
      • Cost: 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes  -2 易爆微粒Volatile Motes
      • Effect: Target starbase loses a random defense platform
  • Arm Privateers Op cat provocation.png Provocation Trade value.png Economy 3 10 能量幣 Energy Credits 1800 能量幣 Energy Credits -12 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -60 60 Time.png At least 3 years since any empire successfully armed privateers in this empire A scaling pirate fleet attacks one of the target's systems
    Target's fleet power Ships
    0-299 1
    300-599 2
    600-999 6
    1000-1999 7
    2000-3999 11
    4000-7999 14
    8000-11999 20
    12000-19999 26
    20000-29999 34
    30000+ 38
    Crisis Beacon Op cat provocation.png Provocation Op cat technology.png Technology 3 12 能量幣 Energy Credits 3200 能量幣 Energy Credits -16 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -80 80
    • The nearest crisis fleet attacks the target's closest system
    Imperium: Weaken Imperial Authority 密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge Op cat technology.png Technology 3 7 能量幣 Energy Credits 600 能量幣 Energy Credits -7 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -15 35
    • Galactic Imperium Galactic Imperium member
    • Galactic Imperium Galactic Emperor target
    • Galactic Imperium loses -20 Diplomacy imperial crusade.png Imperial Authority
    Imperium: Target Seditionists 密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge Op cat technology.png Technology 3 7 能量幣 Energy Credits 600 能量幣 Energy Credits -7 None 35
    • Galactic Imperium Galactic Emperor
    • Galactic Imperium Galactic Imperium member target
    • Target is a rival or undermining Imperial Authority
    • Target empire cannot undermine Imperial Authority for 5 years
    Imperium: Spark Rebellion 密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge Op cat technology.png Technology 5 11 能量幣 Energy Credits 2500 能量幣 Energy Credits -14 滲透等級 Infiltration Level -50 70
    • Galactic Imperium Galactic Imperium member
    • Galactic Imperium Galactic Emperor target
    • Diplomacy imperial crusade.png Imperial authority 50 or less
    • Declares war against the Galactic Emperor with the Restore Community wargoal
    • Every member of the Galactic Imperium will be asked to join either side
    • This operation will be terminated if imperial authority is at least 80 when a phase concludes

    Assets[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

    Assets are characters gained from the Acquire Asset operation that can be assigned to improve the skill of any operation. Each asset will grant +4 skill bonus per category that matches with the operation. Some operations allow for sacrificing an asset to obtain a greater reward. Each asset also increases the maximum level your spy network can reach by +5.

    An asset that is assigned to a Gather Information operation gives a 50% chance that the intel gained matches the asset's intel category.

    Operation category Intel category Non-Gestalt asset 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind asset 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence asset
    密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge Diplomacy alliance.png Diplomacy Clerk Ephapse Relay Engagement Protocol
    密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge Trade value.png Economy Economist Labor Drone Logistics System
    密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge 政策 Policy Government Bureaucrat Synapse Drone Coordination System
    密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge 艦隊規模 Fleet Size Military Junior Officer Warrior Drone War Algorithm
    密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge Op cat technology.png Technology Scientist Research Drone Research Database
    操控信息 Manipulation 操控信息Manipulation Diplomacy alliance.png Diplomacy Newscaster Pheromone Emitter No.png
    操控信息 Manipulation 操控信息Manipulation Trade value.png Economy Pop Icon Resource Distribution Node No.png
    操控信息 Manipulation 操控信息Manipulation 政策 Policy Government Agitator Behavioral Regulator No.png
    操控信息 Manipulation 操控信息Manipulation 艦隊規模 Fleet Size Military Veteran Subspace Tendril No.png
    操控信息 Manipulation 操控信息Manipulation Op cat technology.png Technology Academic Cortex Node No.png
    破壞 Sabotage 破壞Sabotage Diplomacy alliance.png Diplomacy Attache No.png Dispatch Uplink
    破壞 Sabotage 破壞Sabotage Trade value.png Economy Laborer No.png Resource Pylon
    破壞 Sabotage 破壞Sabotage 政策 Policy Government Criminal Underling No.png Command Relay
    破壞 Sabotage 破壞Sabotage 艦隊規模 Fleet Size Military Arms Smuggler No.png Weapons Platform
    破壞 Sabotage 破壞Sabotage Op cat technology.png Technology Hacker No.png Memory Cache

    Internal Organs[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

    Internal Organs are a unique asset that can only be obtained by vivisection during an aggressive first contact. Unlike other assets, it provides a bonus to two operation categories: 密謀 Subterfuge 密謀Subterfuge and 操控信息 Manipulation 操控信息Manipulation.

    參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

    1. The first time you launch the operation it will fail in phase 1.
    2. 移至: 2.0 2.1 Bug (3.2.2): Requires both assets instead of at least one of them. This causes the if statement that chooses which one to sacrifice to always destroy the Technology asset.
    3. The 遙遠繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack Gray Tempest and 啟示錄 Apocalypse Great Khan midgame crises also qualify.