
Ethics types interface

思潮(Ethics)是一個帝國及其 人民 的指導原則,並且決定了帝國或者人口喜好的行動導向以及對形勢的反應。Empires and individual populations don't always align ethically which can cause internal strife in large nations. AI species follow the same ethics rules and their behavior is heavily dependent on the ethics they follow. Naturally, a Militarist Xenophobe alien empire will react very differently to the player than a Pacifist Xenophile. AI empires will, however, compromise on their ethics if circumstances are dire enough, for instance, if threatened with imminent conquest.

Every empire except Fallen Empires can have either three moderate ethics or one fanatic and one moderate ethic. Fallen Empires have only one fanatic ethic. Pops have only one moderate ethic each.

帝國思潮[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Each empire has 3 ethic points which can be spent on ethics. Each moderate ethic costs 1 point and each fanatic ethic costs 2 points. Gestalt Consciousness is the "true neutral" ethic for collective societies without individual agency; it costs 3 ethic points and requires either the 烏托邦 Utopia 烏托邦Utopia DLC or the 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack 智械黎明故事包Synthetic Dawn Story Pack DLC.

Empire ethics have a profound effect on options available during the game. For instance, diplomatic options with alien species are affected by ethics, as are some options for dealing with anomalies. As a result, ethics choices have a greater impact on game experience than the bonuses and maluses listed on this page.

There are 4 ethic axes present:

  • The Authoritarian-Egalitarian axis looks at whether the empire's political power belongs in the hands of the few or the many.
  • The Materialist-Spiritualist axis looks at whether the unknowns of the universe can be explained by science or the existence of something greater.
  • The Militarist-Pacifist axis looks at whether the empire's military should be used offensively or strictly defensively.
  • The Xenophile-Xenophobe axis looks at whether alien species and cultures should be embraced or distrusted.
Fanatic Spiritualist.png Fanatic Spiritualist
  • 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +20% Monthly unity
  • 法令花費 Edict Cost −20% Edict cost
  • 法令花費 Edict Cost −20% Edict upkeep
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Veneration of Saints edict
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Can build Temple buildings
  • Cannot use Full AI Rights policy
政策 Policy Description0
  • Our science has proved that Consciousness begets reality. We regard with patience the childlike efforts of those who delude themselves it is the other way around, as they play with their blocks of 'hard matter'.
Fanatic Militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • 宣稱影響力花費 Claim Influence Cost −20% Claim influence cost
  • 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +20% Ship fire rate
政策 Policy Principles0
政策 Policy Description0
  • The ability to project force is of paramount importance. The only way to preserve our way of life is to make sure everyone shares it; willingly or not...
Fanatic Xenophobe.png Fanatic Xenophobe
  • 恆星基地影響力花費 Starbase Influence Cost −40% Starbase influence cost
  • Mod pop growth req.png +20% Pop growth speed
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Fear Campaign edict
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Can Purge and Displace aliens
  • Can enslave aliens
  • Decreased Opinion with alien empires
  • Cannot give aliens Full Citizenship
  • Cannot allow aliens Full Military Service
  • Cannot use Refugees Welcome species policy
  • Cannot use Proactive first contact stance
政策 Policy Description0
  • Any alien influence must be ruthlessly quashed. Only by staying pure, and true to ourselves and the planet that gave us life can we guard against insidious Xeno plots. Even mastery over the Alien might not be enough to guarantee our own safety...
Spiritualist.png Spiritualist
  • 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +10% Monthly unity
  • 法令花費 Edict Cost −10% Edict cost
  • 法令花費 Edict Cost −10% Edict upkeep
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Veneration of Saints edict
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Can build Temple buildings
  • Cannot use Full AI Rights policy
政策 Policy Description0
  • There are those think it behooves us to remember how tiny we are, how pointless our lives in this vast uncaring universe... What nonsense! The only truth we can ever know is that of our own existence. The universe - in all its apparent glory - is but a dream we all happen to share.
Militarist.png Militarist
  • 宣稱影響力花費 Claim Influence Cost −10% Claim influence cost
  • 艦船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate +10% Ship fire rate
政策 Policy Principles0
政策 Policy Description0
  • The only true virtues are courage and discipline, and channeled properly they can overcome any obstacle. Therein lies true strength; force withheld, a promise made.
Xenophobe.png Xenophobe
  • 恆星基地影響力花費 Starbase Influence Cost −20% Starbase influence cost
  • Mod pop growth req.png +10% Pop growth speed
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Fear Campaign edict
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Can Purge and Displace aliens
  • Can enslave aliens
  • Decreased Opinion with alien empires
  • Cannot give aliens Full Citizenship
  • Cannot allow aliens Full Military Service
  • Cannot use Refugees Welcome species policy
  • Cannot use Proactive first contact stance
政策 Policy Description0
  • The stakes could not be higher as we reach into the vast uncharted expanses of the galaxy, for we are gambling with the very survival of our species! Never trust the alien; its false smile hides an unknowable mind...
Fanatic Authoritarian.png Fanatic Authoritarian
  • 每月影響力 Monthly Influence +1 Monthly influence
  • 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +10% Worker output
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Information Quarantine edict
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Allows Stratified Economy Living Standards
  • Can enslave aliens
  • Must use 帝制 Imperial獨裁制 Dictatorial Autocratic authority
政策 Policy Description0
  • A single voice, a single throne, a single state. It is the solemn duty of the masses to obey those enlightened few who have been charged with the great responsibility of leadership.
Authoritarian.png Authoritarian
  • 每月影響力 Monthly Influence +0.5 Monthly influence
  • 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +5% Worker output
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Information Quarantine edict
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Allows Stratified Economy Living Standards
  • Can enslave aliens
  • Cannot reform into or start with 民主制 Democratic 民主制Democratic authority
政策 Policy Description0
  • A strong, guiding hand is essential to the success of any civilization - the alternative would be anarchy and chaos. It is the duty of the state to steer its citizens towards the paths that are the most productive
Gestalt consciousness.png Gestalt Consciousness
  • 厭戰度 War Exhaustion −20% War exhaustion gain
  • 每月影響力 Monthly Influence +1 Monthly influence
  • 加密 Encryption +2 Encryption
  • No.png Cannot change ethics
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Cannot reform into or start with any 民主制 Democratic寡頭制 Oligarchic獨裁制 Dictatorial帝制 Imperial default or 企業政府 Corporate corporate authority
  • Can use the Indiscriminate Orbital Bombardment policy
  • Factions cannot form
  • Native Pops are not affected by happiness
  • Native Pops cannot survive in empires with a different authority
  • Non-native Pops hold regular jobs in Gestalt Consciousness empires
  • Can use the No Retreat War Doctrine
  • Pops use Menial Drone and Complex Drone strata
政策 Policy Description0
  • We reach into the void.
The vast expanse becomes us.
Egalitarian.png Egalitarian
  • 幸福度 Happiness +25% Faction unity gain
  • 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +5% Specialist output
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Encourage Political Thought edict
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Allows Utopian Living Standards
  • Cannot reform into or start with 帝制 Imperial獨裁制 Dictatorial Autocratic authority
政策 Policy Description0
  • Any society that does not embrace equality between its members - where an individual can rise to any position with enough hard work - is not only deeply unfair, but ultimately counterproductive.
Fanatic Egalitarian.png Fanatic Egalitarian
  • 幸福度 Happiness +50% Faction unity gain
  • 人口資源產出 Pop Resource Production +10% Specialist output
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Encourage Political Thought edict
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Allows Utopian Living Standards
  • Must use 民主制 Democratic 民主制Democratic authority
政策 Policy Description0
  • Beware always those who would be despots, under the false presumption that their desires and agendas are somehow more imperative than those of their fellows. A society that does not see to the needs and rights of all of its members is not a society - it is a crime.
Xenophile.png Xenophile
  • Trade value.png +10% Trade value
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys +1 Available envoys
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Land of Opportunity edict
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Increased Opinion with alien empires
  • Cannot use No Refugees species policy
  • Cannot Displace aliens
  • Cannot use Aggressive first contact stance
政策 Policy Description0
  • There exists, in all of us, a deep-seated fascination for the unknown. An adventurous spirit that rejects the familiar and glories in the unfamiliar, whatever - or whomever - it may be.
Pacifist.png Pacifist
  • Empire sprawl.png −15% Empire size from pops
  • 穩定度 Stability +5 Stability
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Peace Festivals edict
政策 Policy Principles0
政策 Policy Description0
  • Conflict as a means to an end is a ridiculous concept. It is by nature destructive, destroying what was to be obtained or giving room to grow that which was to be destroyed.
Materialist.png Materialist
  • 機器人維護費 Robot Upkeep −10% Robot upkeep
  • 研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research speed
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Allows Academic Privilege living standards
  • Cannot use AI Outlawed policy
  • Cannot use Robotic Workers Outlawed policy
政策 Policy Description0
  • As we reach for the stars, we must put away childish things; gods, spirits and other phantasms of the brain. Reality is cruel and unforgiving, yet we must steel ourselves and secure the survival of our race through the unflinching pursuit of science and technology.
Fanatic Xenophile.png Fanatic Xenophile
  • Trade value.png +20% Trade value
  • 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys +2 Available envoys
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Land of Opportunity edict
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Increased Opinion with alien empires
  • Cannot use No Refugees species policy
  • Cannot Displace aliens
  • Cannot use Aggressive first contact stance
政策 Policy Description0
  • If there ever was such a thing as an absolute moral imperative, it would be to explore the cosmos and embrace all within it. We were never meant to journey alone.
Fanatic Pacifist.png Fanatic Pacifist
  • Empire sprawl.png −30% Empire size from pops
  • 穩定度 Stability +10 Stability
  • 法令 Edict Can use the Peace Festivals edict
政策 Policy Principles0
政策 Policy Description0
  • As civilized beings, the end of all armed conflict should be our primary concern. War is an evolutionary dead end, as futile as it is wasteful.
Fanatic Materialist.png Fanatic Materialist
  • 機器人維護費 Robot Upkeep −20% Robot upkeep
  • 研究速度 Research Speed +10% Research speed
政策 Policy Principles0
  • Allows Academic Privilege living standards
  • Cannot use AI Outlawed policy
  • Cannot use Robotic Workers Outlawed policy
政策 Policy Description0
  • Although it hurts, we must grow up and put aside our outdated notions of morality. There is no 'divine spark' granting special value to a living mind. No object has any intrinsic value apart from what we choose to grant it. Let us embrace the freedom of certitude, and achieve maximum efficiency in all things!

人口思潮[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Each pop in an empire will embrace a single, moderate ethic, which determines the Faction a pop will eventually join. At the start of the game the population's ethics will match the empire ethics but as an empire grows its population will become more diverse in its views and wants. Each ethic has an attraction value for each pop in an empire depending on both the empire's situation and their own situation.

Over time, the ethics of the pops will drift in such a way that it roughly matches the overall attraction of that value. For example, if the materialist attraction sits at 10% for decades, it's likely that after that time, around 10% of all pops will be materialist. There is some random factor so it's likely never going to match up perfectly, but the system is built to try and go towards the mean, so the more over-represented an ethic is compared to its attraction, the more likely pops are to drift away from it and vice versa.

The following attraction factors are valid for each ethic:

  • +2 if the empire has the ethic in moderate form
  • +3 if the empire has the ethic in fanatic form
  • +2 if the empire does not have the ethic and the Faction representing it has formed
  • +0.5 if the leader of the Faction representing the ethic is the empire ruler

Each ethic has its own multitude of factors that will increase or lower its attraction.

Ethic Attraction Requirement Attraction Ethic
威權主義 Authoritarian
1.50 Member of a 霸權 Hegemony 霸權Hegemony 1 平等主義 Egalitarian
1.50 A pop of this species is enslaved. Ignores robot Pops. 1
1.25 Pop is 頹廢 Decadent 頹廢Decadent 0.50
1.25 Authority is 帝制 Imperial 帝制Imperial 0.75
1.25 A pop from another biological species is enslaved. Unless a pop of this species is also enslaved. 1.50
1 Pop does not have Full Citizenship 1.25
1 Is in Defense Pact, Commercial Pact or Federation with a 平等主義 Egalitarian 平等主義Egalitarian or 極端平等主義 Fanatic Egalitarian 極端平等主義Fanatic Egalitarian empire 1.50
1 Any non-subject 平等主義 Egalitarian 平等主義Egalitarian or 極端平等主義 Fanatic Egalitarian 極端平等主義Fanatic Egalitarian empire has migration access 2.00
0.75 Authority is 民主制 Democratic 民主制Democratic 1.25
0.75 Pop has social welfare, utopian or shared burden living standards 1.25
唯物主義 Materialist
2.00 Pop is 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical 0.25 唯心主義 Spiritualist
1.50 Member of a 研究合作組織 Research Cooperative 研究合作組織Research Cooperative 1
1.50 Pop is 神經機械 Cybernetic 神經機械Cybernetic 1
1.33 Research Agreement with a 極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist 極端唯物主義Fanatic Materialist or 唯物主義 Materialist 唯物主義Materialist 1
1.25 Citizen Rights Artificial Intelligence policy 0.75
1.25 Origin is 機械師 Mechanist 機械師Mechanist 1
1.25 Pop is not a robot but Robot pops live on the planet 1
1.25 Pop has trait 天生工程師 Natural Engineers 天生工程師Natural Engineers 1
1.25 Pop has trait 天生社會學家 Natural Sociologists 天生社會學家Natural Sociologists 1
1.25 Pop has trait 天生物理學家 Natural Physicists 天生物理學家Natural Physicists 1
1 Has 靈能理論 Psionic Theory 靈能理論Psionic Theory technology 1.10
1 Pop is 潛在的靈能 Latent Psionic 潛在的靈能Latent Psionic 1.11
1 Pop is 靈能 Psionic 靈能Psionic 1.12
1 Has 心勝於物 Mind over Matter 心勝於物Mind over Matter ascension perk 1.50
1 Has 超凡入聖 Transcendence 超凡入聖Transcendence ascension perk 1.50
1 Has defense pact, commercial pact or Federation with a 極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist 極端唯心主義Fanatic Spiritualist or 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist 1.50
1 Is Subject of a 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist or 極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist 極端唯心主義Fanatic Spiritualist empire 2.00
1 Non-Subject 極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist 極端唯心主義Fanatic Spiritualist or 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist empire has migration access 2.00
0.00 Pop has 祭司 Priest 祭司Priest or 大司祭 High Priest 大司祭High Priest job 1
軍國主義 Militarist
3.00 Planet is occupied 1 和平主義 Pacifist
2.00 Another empire controls a planet you were the original owner of 1
2.00 Pop has citizen rights or can be military leader and is in a war 1
2.00 Pop has citizen rights or can be military leader and has recently lost a war 1
1.50 Pop has citizen rights or can be military leader and a neighbor is hostile, domineering or a rival 0.50
1.50 Member of a 軍事同盟 Miltiary Alliance 軍事同盟Miltiary Alliance 1
1.20 Pop is 非常強壯 Very Strong 非常強壯Very Strong 1
1.10 Pop is 強壯 Strong 強壯Strong 1
1 Has 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers civic 0.50
0.75 Has been at peace for over 20 years (After year 2250) 1.33
0.75 Has been at peace for over 40 years (After year 2250) 1.33
0.75 Has been at peace for over 60 years 1.33
0.75 Has been at peace for over 80 years 1.33
0.75 Has been at peace for over 100 years 1.33
0.75 Pop is 纖弱 Weak 纖弱Weak 1.10
0.33 Has 內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection civic 1.50
親外主義 Xenophile
2.00 Pop is not enslaved and a sapient free alien pop is on the world 0.50 排外主義 Xenophobe
2.00 Pop is an alien, does not have full citizenship and is not enslaved 1
1.50 Allows alien leaders 0.75
1.50 Non-subject alien empire has migration access 0.75
1.50 A 魅力非凡 Charismatic 魅力非凡Charismatic alien pop is on the world 1
1.33 In a defensive pact, commercial pact or Federation with an alien empire 1
1 A 令人厭惡 Repugnant 令人厭惡Repugnant alien pop is on the world 1.50
1 Pop is not enslaved but an alien is enslaved on the world 2.00
1 In a defensive war against an alien empire 3.00
0.50 Pop is 屍化體 Necrophage 屍化體Necrophage 1
0.50 Has 內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection civic 1.50
0.50 An alien empire has enslaved a pop of the empire's primary species 2.00
0.33 Has 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers 種族潔癖Fanatic Purifiers civic 1.50
0.25 An alien empire has committed genocide on the empire's primary species 4.00

Governing ethics attraction[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Governing ethics attraction is a modifier that attracts pops towards the primary ethics of an empire rather than unrelated ethics. As the factions corresponding to the governing ethics tend to have more faction approval, having pops match those ethics to join those factions is desirable. The main factor that determines governing ethics attraction is the 幸福度 Happiness 幸福度Happiness of pops. In addition, an empire's governing ethics attraction can be affected by the following:

Source Effect
Empire capital.png Empire Capital +100%
法令 Edict Hearts and Minds ambition edict +100%
Ap one vision.png One Vision ascension perk +50%
法令 Edict Information Quarantine edict +50%
從眾 Conformists 從眾Conformists species trait +30%
孤立主義 Isolationist 孤立主義Isolationist diplomatic stance +25%
Tradition harmony the greater good.png The Greater Good harmony tradition +25%
Sb deep space black site.png Deep Space Black Site starbase building +25%
保守主義 Conservative 保守主義Conservative species trait +25%
天選之人 Chosen One 天選之人Chosen One ruler trait +20%
縱橫捭闔 Federations Full Circle empire modifier +20%
靈媒 Psychic 靈媒Psychic ruler trait +10%
縱橫捭闔 Federations Spurred by the Past empire modifier +10%
天性反常 Deviants 天性反常Deviants species trait −15%
罪犯世家 Criminal Heritage 罪犯世家Criminal Heritage: Disinformation Center 企業政府 Corporate 企業政府Corporate Building −25%

Ethics change[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Empire ethics can be changed once every 20 years by embracing a faction. You will also receive a notification if another empire does so. Embracing a faction causes an ethic shift to the faction's ethic, having it added or promoted into fanatic if you have it. Other ethics gets demoted or removed to keep the total ethic points the same as before, using the following rule:

Situation Example
Ethics Shifts to Result
Shifting to a new ethic 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist唯物主義 Materialist 威權主義 Authoritarian 軍國主義 Militarist唯物主義 Materialist威權主義 Authoritarian
軍國主義 Militarist唯物主義 MaterialistUnknown.png
Shifting to an existing ethic 軍國主義 Militarist極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist 軍國主義 Militarist 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist唯物主義 Materialist
軍國主義 Militarist唯物主義 MaterialistUnknown.png
Shifting to an opposite ethic 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist唯物主義 Materialist 和平主義 Pacifist 和平主義 Pacifist極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist
軍國主義 Militarist極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist
軍國主義 Militarist唯物主義 MaterialistUnknown.png 和平主義 Pacifist唯物主義 MaterialistUnknown.png
Unknown.png means the ethic with the lowest attraction

One way to ensure an ethic has the lowest attraction and will be removed is to suppress it and promote other factions with the game paused, shift ethics and then undo the suppression and promotions before unpausing.

參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
