

Technology in Stellaris is divided into 3 research areas with each area corresponding with one of the research resources: Engineering research Engineering, 物理学研究 Physics Research 物理学研究Physics Research and 社会学研究 Society Research 社会学研究Society Research. Additionally, each of the ~300 techs belongs to one of 12 subcategories divided between the areas (most appearing pre-dominantly in one area though not exclusively).

The user interaction aspect utilizes a card shuffle approach rather than a traditional tech tree presentation, thereby introducing an element of semi-randomness into the system.

Research areas & fields[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Technology interface. Every slot here can have one research project active at a time and every research area has its own slot.

There are three different main research areas in-game, with each area corresponding with one of the research resources. Additionally, each research area has multiple subcategories, for a total of 12 such subcategories, and every tech belongs to one of these subcategories.

The areas and their subcategories are as follows:

Engineering research Engineering research

  • 工业技术 Industry 工业技术Industry: Mineral production and storage, robots, building construction.
  • 材料科学 Materials 材料科学Materials: Armor, strategic resources.
  • 推进力学 Propulsion 推进力学Propulsion: Kinetic and explosive weapons, thrusters.
  • 宇航技术 Voidcraft 宇航技术Voidcraft: Ship types and hulls, starbases, strike craft.

物理学研究 Physics Research Physics research

  • 计算技术 Computing 计算技术Computing: Science Labs, research, science ships, ship computers, point-defense, sensors.
  • 力场操控 Field Manipulation 力场操控Field Manipulation: Power Plants, shields, some strategic resources.
  • 粒子物理 Particles 粒子物理Particles: Ship reactors, energy weapons, FTL, some strategic resources.

社会学研究 Society Research Society research

  • 生物学 Biology 生物学Biology: Food production, leader lifespan and policies, species modification, army types, some strategic resources.
  • 军事理论 Military Theory 军事理论Military Theory: Fleet command limit, naval capacity, army buildings and statistics, claim cost.
  • 新世界理论 New Worlds 新世界理论New Worlds: Tile blocker clearance, terraforming, starbase capacity, administrative capacity.
  • 治国术 Statecraft 治国术Statecraft: Unity, edicts, leader pool and recruitment, planetary and empire capitals.
  • 灵能理论 Psionics 灵能理论Psionics: Exotic mid- to late- game technologies. Unlocked through the 灵能理论 Psionic Theory 灵能理论Psionic Theory technology.

The card system[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The "card" system. Every time a research project is to be initiated, the game will draw a hand of cards like this one from which the player then can pick one technology to research.

Although the underlying technology system is based on the familiar tech tree structure, it does away with its standard interaction/presentation in favor of the card shuffle approach. This injects a semi-random element into research, making it somewhat less predictable as well as more non-linear.

Whenever the player is prompted to initiate a research project, the game gives them a "hand of cards" consisting of a semi-random selection of technologies available for research which are picked randomly from a hidden "deck of cards" consisting of all valid research options that can appear.

Technologies are divided into 6 levels (T0 to T5) of advancement. Higher tier technologies require obtaining a certain number of technologies from the preceding tier in the same area of research (set at 6 for all tiers[1]) before they become available as research alternatives.

Every time the player meets the requirements for a given technology to become obtainable, the technology in question is added into the main "card deck" and will then have a chance of appearing in the "card hand" whenever the game draws a new hand for the player to pick from. There are one basic parameter affecting a tech's chances of appearing in a given card hand:

  • Weight – A base value denoting the relative chance (out of all the valid options) of a particular technology to be drawn as an alternative. This may be further modified by an empire's composition (ethics, civics, etc.) and its current state (scientist's traits, past tech, etc.).

To further increase variation, a tech which appeared as an alternative in the previous card hand will have its weight set to 0 in the next prompt.

As a rule of thumb, the more advanced a technology is, the lower its weight (and the higher its cost). Systematically important techs (e.g. terraforming) have a higher weight (typically between 150% and double normal) to help ensure empires get a chance to research them, whereas rare technologies have significantly lower weight (typically one-eighth normal without the matching expertise). Some factors increase the weight of rare techs:

  • Being in a level 3 or higher Federation research.png Research Cooperative federation with another member who knows the tech doubles the weight.
  • The Ap technological ascendancy.png Technological Ascendancy ascension perk increases the weight of rare technologies by 50%.

Example[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Let's assume the game draws a card hand of 3 techs: 装甲鱼雷 Armored Torpedoes Armored Torpedoes, 机关炮 Autocannons Autocannons, and 异星天然气精炼 Exotic Gas Refining 异星天然气精炼Exotic Gas Refining. Additionally, the lead engineering scientist has a 推进力学 Propulsion 推进力学Propulsion field expertise (matching Armored Torpedoes) and the previous card hand had 机关炮 Autocannons Autocannons as an available option.

Total weight=Armored Torpedoes weightexpertise bonus+Autocannons weight+Exotic Gas Refining weight

Total weight=751.25+752+170=93.75+37.5+170=301.25

If these were the only three valid techs and only one tech were to be drawn, then each tech's chances of being drawn would be 29.1%, 12.5%, and 56.4% respectively (rounded to 1 decimal place). Realistically there are usually many more valid picks and so the probability of picking any given tech is significantly lower than the figures given here.

Research alternatives[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Each card hand drawn will contain 3 research alternatives, which may be further increased by 1 for each of the following:

  • 法令 Edict Scientific Revolution unity ambition
  • 自我演化逻辑 Self-Evolving Logic Self-Evolving Logic technology
  • Tradition discovery science division.png Science Division / Mindlink / Research Path Optimization discovery tradition
  • 天然神经网络 Natural Neural Network 天然神经网络Natural Neural Network civic
  • 静态研究分析 Static Research Analysis 静态研究分析Static Research Analysis civic
  • 研究合作组织 Research Cooperative 研究合作组织Research Cooperative level 2

Additionally, some research cards may be gained as permanent alternatives. They appear below the regular alternatives and are distinguished from them by a golden border surrounding the tech card's bezel. These alternatives are usually acquired (along with some partial progress) through post-battle debris analysis, from special projects or event chains. These options will always appear as available options when drawing a new card hand and will remain as such until completed.

If need be, it is possible to change an on-going research project at any point – without incurring penalties – in order to continue researching it at a later time. It is important to note, however, that the saved progress does not scale with changes occurring to technology costs (for better or for worse). This tends to lead to the tech's completion percentage getting lower as the empire continues to further exceed its administrative capacity.

As opposed to a permanent alternative, there is no guarantee that the technology in question will appear in the next card hand drawn.

Research output[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Each research area employs the use of a different research resource.

Each of these individual resources has a base production of 5 research points a month. This can be further increased by pops working the appropriate Jobs or 模块 Module research stations on the galactic map.

The research production may then be modified by the following:

Research.png Population Governance Planet Technology
  • "Pleased" modifier
  • "Precursor Data Cache" modifier
  • 博学多识 Erudite 博学多识Erudite
  • 合成人 Synthetic 合成人Synthetic
  • PM assist research.png Research Assistance (improved)
  • PM Strong Magnetic Field.png Magnetic Miracle
  • 法令 Edict Spirit of Science
  • "Curator Insight" modifier
  • 聪慧 Intelligent 聪慧Intelligent
  • Logic engines.png Logic engines
  • 灵能 Psionic 灵能Psionic
  • 消费品 Consumer Goods Living standards – Academic privilege
  • Leader trait intellectual.png Analytical
  • 知识分子 Intellectual 知识分子Intellectual
  • PM assist research.png Research Assistance
  • PM Irradiated.png Uncertain History
  • 模块 Module Observatory
  • Latent Psionic.png Latent psionic
  • 不可接触者 Undesirable、​ 正在净化 Purging Labor Camps
  • Ghost Signal Ghost Signal
  • "AIs Patched" modifier
  • 政策 Policy AI – Servitude
  • "Stellar Culture Shock (early space age)" modifier
  • "War Protester" modifier
  • "Withdrawal Symptoms" modifier
  • 奴性 Serviles 奴性Serviles
  • "Enraged" modifier
  • Ghost Signal Ghost Signal (2)
  • Ghost Signal Ghost Signal (machine 4)
  • Trait robotic 2.png Droid
  • 政策 Policy AI – Outlawed
  • Ghost Signal Ghost Signal (3)
  • Ghost Signal Ghost Signal (machine 5)
  • "Stellar Culture Shock (atomic age)" modifier
  • Slavery.png Battle Thralls
  • Ghost Signal Ghost Signal (4)
  • 消费品 Consumer Goods Living standards – Chemical Bliss
  • "Stellar Culture Shock (machine age)" modifier
  • Ghost Signal Ghost Signal (5)
  • 精神阉割 Nerve Stapled 精神阉割Nerve Stapled
  • Slavery.png Chattel Slavery
  • Slavery.png Domestic Servitude
  • Trait robotic 1.png Robot
  • "Stellar Culture Shock (industrial age)" modifier
  • "Stellar Culture Shock" modifier

Additionally, each of the resources may also have the following modifiers affecting them (these apply only to a single resource rather than to all of them):

工程学研究 Engineering Research Population Governance Planet Technology
  • Pm unstable tectonics.pngPm frame 1.png 不稳定的构造Unstable Tectonics
  • 天生工程师 Natural Engineers 天生工程师Natural Engineers
  • "Subterranean Tech Provision" modifier
Physics Research Population Governance Planet Technology
  • 暗物质 Dark Matter 暗物质Dark Matter
  • Pm wild storms.pngPm frame 1.png 狂野之风Wild Storms
+15% 天生物理学家 Natural Physicists 天生物理学家Natural Physicists
  • "Prismatic Lenses" modifier
  • Pm strong magnetic field.pngPm frame 1.png 强力磁场Strong Magnetic Field
Society research Population Governance Planet Technology
  • PM Dangerous Wildlife.png Odd Animal Life
  • Pm titanic life.pngPm frame 1.png 泰坦巨兽Titanic Life
  • "Pharmaceutical Innovation" modifier
  • Pm dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 1.png 闹事的动物Hostile Fauna
+15% 天生社会学家 Natural Sociologists 天生社会学家Natural Sociologists
  • "Well Rested Scientists" modifier
  • Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 1.png 致幻大气Atmospheric Hallucinogen
  • PM Atmospheric Hallucinogen.png Filtered Atmospheric Hallucinogen
  • PM Hollow Planet.png Subterranean Civilization
  • "Loss of Personnel" modifier
  • PM faith in science.png AI Failure
  • PM Unknown.png Unproductive Without Experiments

Stored research[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Research output which is not being used for research at the time is being accumulated as stored research. Alternatively, it may also include research resources gained from other avenues such as debris analysis, anomalies, events, and etc.

This method allows for a more "relaxed" research by eliminating the loss of research points due to forgetting to pick a research project while, at the same time, also simulating accelerated periods of research (as opposed to sudden "jumps") caused by newfound knowledge sources. The current storage levels can be seen by hovering over the appropriate resources.

The expenditure rate of stored research can be expressed as follows:

Stored research expenditure length=Research resource storedResearch resource produced


An empire produces 工程学研究 Engineering Research +24 Engineering research a month and has just finished debris analysis granting it 工程学研究 Engineering Research +1000 Engineering research (stored research).

Stored research expenditure length=100024=41.67 months

The empire will supplement its 工程学研究 Engineering Research Engineering research by an additional +24 research points for the first 41 months and by another +16 research points in the following month, after which the 工程学研究 Engineering Research Engineering stored research bank will completely deplete.

Research speed[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Research speed represents a given expertise in a particular research area or field leading to shortened research time of related technologies.

Research speed boosts the perceived research production in the following manner:

Perceived research production=Research resource producedResearch speed modifiers

The most immediate sources of research speed modifiers are the 3 lead scientists. As the applied bonus depends on a scientist's skill level and overall traits, it is recommended to assign newly recruited scientists to command a science ship. Scientists on exploration duty tend to gain experience faster and, if one is in luck, they may also gain a new trait beneficial to research while leveling up.


An empire is a 唯物主义 Materialist 唯物主义Materialist and produces 工程学研究 Engineering Research +24 Engineering research a month. It has a lead engineering scientist with a 推进力学 Propulsion 推进力学Propulsion field expertise while researching 装甲鱼雷 Armored Torpedoes Armored Torpedoes.

Perceived research production=24(1+0.05+0.15)=28.8

Note: A research area without an acting lead scientist receives a penalty to research speed.

Research Speed can be affected by the following:

Source Research Speed
法令 Edict Scientific Revolution edict +20%
法令 Edict Nanite Actuators edict +10%
议程 Agenda Scientific Leap agenda +10%
传统 Traditions Discovery tradition tree finish +10%
Ap technological ascendancy.png Technological Ascendancy ascension perk +10%
极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist 极端唯物主义Fanatic Materialist ethic +10%
唯物主义 Materialist 唯物主义Materialist ethic +5%
管理型人工智能 Administrative AI 管理型人工智能Administrative AI technology +5%
正电子人工智能 Positronic AI 正电子人工智能Positronic AI technology +5%
博学多识 Erudite 博学多识Erudite ruler trait +5%
R galaxy.png Miniature Galaxy relic +5%
研究合作组织 Research Cooperative 研究合作组织Research Cooperative level 2 +5%
Tech science nexus.png Science Nexus megastructure (stage I) +5%
Tech science nexus.png Science Nexus megastructure (stage II) +10%
Tech science nexus.png Science Nexus megastructure (completed) +15%
星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack The Singularity Processor empire modifier +5%
星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack The Mirror of Knowledge empire modifier +10%
星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack Curator Insight empire modifier +10%
乌托邦 Utopia Covenant: Whispers of the Void empire modifier +10%
纵横捭阖 Federations Spurred by the Past empire modifier +5%
纵横捭阖 Federations Full Circle empire modifier +5%
纵横捭阖 Federations Cover Around, Goes Around empire modifier +5%
Resolution technological sanctions.png Minor Research Sanctions resolution -5%
Resolution technological sanctions.png Moderate Research Sanctions resolution -10%
Resolution technological sanctions.png Major Research Sanctions resolution -15%

Technology cost[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

As a game progresses, research option choices will begin to include progressively more advanced and correspondingly more expensive technologies.

Each technology has a base cost that applies as long as an empire does not exceed its Administrative Capacity. Once that happens, the research cost will be increased by 0.4% for each point of exceeded Administrative Capacity. This can be fixed by employing more bureaucrats.

Research progress[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

In general, research time can be summarized as the following formula:

Research time=Research costPartial research doneMonthly research progress

Research progress is one of the key elements affecting the time it takes to discover new technologies. It is formulated as follows:

Monthly research progress=Research resource producedResearch speed modifiers+min[Research resource stored,Research resource produced]

While it is possible for the monthly research progress to remain constant during the course of researching a certain technology, it is more than likely to fluctuate – for better or for worse – due to consequences of various actions (such as exploration, empire development, expansion, etc.). This, in turn, may increase or decrease the total research time of a given tech.

Example[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The empire from the previous examples (same setup) has just finished debris analysis granting it +10% research progress in 装甲鱼雷 Armored Torpedoes Armored Torpedoes along with 工程学研究 Engineering Research +1000 Engineering research (stored research).

This setup will generate the following monthly research progress:

Monthly research progress=24(1+0.05+0.15)+min[1000,24]=52.8

Assuming no further changes will impact the above setup, the total research time of the tech would be:

Research time=186218620.152.8=31.74 months

Note: Partial research can refer to debris analysis, previous research, event rewards and etc.

参考资料[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  1. See Stellaris/common/technology/tier/00_tier.txt for details.