

GiorgiaSistina讨论 | 贡献2022年8月22日 (一) 13:46的版本 →‎互动
掠夺者Marauders是游牧和军国主义的FTL社会群体,他们不在宜居行星上居住,而是生活在船只和空间站上,主要依靠相互袭击和向定居型帝国勒索贡品以生存。掠夺者总是敌对的,但通常不会攻击帝国,除非他们进入掠夺者的星系或勒索贡品无果后进行掠夺。掠夺者帝国可以通过摧毁其母星系中的所有空间站和虚空居所来消灭,但这些都有很好的防御,需要强大的中后期海军来应对。除此之外,摧毁一个掠夺者帝国有可能触发星帐汗国的崛起(见下文)。每个掠夺者帝国拥有3个星系(一个主星系和两个附加星系),其中主星系具有非常多的能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals矿藏。掠夺者星系由虚空居所、防御平台和掠夺者舰队组成。



掠夺者偶尔会袭击与他们建立联系的定居帝国。在袭击之前,他们将为目标帝国提供一个机会,要求他们支付巨额贡品(矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits食物 Food 食物Food三者之一)。如果他们得不到报酬,袭击就会开始。在袭击过程中,他们仍然可以用贡品收买,但价格翻了一番。一旦掠夺者舰队到达一个未设防的星球,他们将轰炸它,直到它到达 15 破坏度 Devastation 破坏度Devastation。此时,掠夺者将会掠夺走资源或最多4个人口。

定居帝国还可以付钱给掠夺者,花费 3000 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits,让他们对自己的某个宿敌进行袭击,这既转移了他们的注意力,也可能削弱宿敌的军事和经济。当掠夺者代表一个帝国进行袭击时,掠夺者被视为盟军,则他们的星系可以安全通行。这种形式的掠夺是不可能被收买的,虽然他们总是会透露他们是被雇佣来袭击的,但他们永远不会说出哪个帝国。掠夺者一次只能袭击一个帝国,但多个掠夺者帝国可以袭击同一目标。掠夺者永远不会袭击失落帝国,如果被要求,他们总是会拒绝。


帝国还可以支付 2000 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits以永久雇佣一名掠夺者海军司令或陆军将领。雇佣的领袖如果死亡,将被替换,经验等级从3级开始,并具有佣兵战士特性,拥有以下属性:

  • 海军司令: +10% 闪避 Evasion 闪避Evasion舰船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate 舰船武器射速Ship Fire Rate
  • 陆军将领: +10% 陆军伤害 Army Damage 陆军伤害Army Damage

一旦到达游戏中期年份,将会解锁雇佣不同规模的佣兵舰队的选项。所有玩家将被告知此信息。一个掠夺者帝国拥有佣兵舰队的几率每年会随机决定,每个帝国拥有佣兵舰队的权重为30,而什么都没有的权重为80。佣兵舰队需要大量的预付款,由固定规模的舰队组成,不能拆分、合并或解散,并且不能重新分配领队。舰队不计入海军容量 Naval Capacity 海军容量Naval Capacity,但只服务5年,之后帝国将不得不再次支付全部费用来续约。

游戏经过的年份 掠夺舰队配置
  • 6 护卫舰
  • 4 驱逐舰
  • 1 巡洋舰
  • 12 护卫舰
  • 6 驱逐舰
  • 2 巡洋舰
  • 18 护卫舰
  • 10 驱逐舰
  • 3 巡洋舰
  • 24 护卫舰
  • 14 驱逐舰
  • 4 巡洋舰
佣兵舰队名称 舰队配置 能量币 Energy Credits 雇佣花费
  • 第234泥蛮突击者234th Dwamak-Bashers
  • 虚空之裔舰队Armada of the Voidborn
  • 神选冠军Her Chosen Champions
  • 6 巡洋舰
  • 8 驱逐舰
  • 16 护卫舰
  • 狂啸者舰队Unhinged Screamer Flotilla
  • 星辰骑手舰队Star Rider Flotilla
  • 永夜教团Order of Eternal Night
  • 4 巡洋舰
  • 6 驱逐舰
  • 12 护卫舰
  • 疯狂志愿者小队Frenzied Volunteer Squadron
  • 第一风暴之翼First Storm Wing
  • 暮光先遣队Twilight Congregation
  • 2 巡洋舰
  • 4 驱逐舰
  • 8 护卫舰


掠夺者帝国拒绝与种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator种族灭绝帝国互动,这意味着他们不能利用佣兵或袭击服务。

The Horde

The Great Khan

After the Mid-Game year starts, one of the Marauder empires might unify under a Great Khan, an expansionist but ultimately benevolent leader. If the game manages to reach the end game year without the event triggering, it can no longer occur after that. It can happen on its own at any point but there's also a 2% chance for the event to be triggered each time a Void Dwelling is destroyed. Once this happens, the Marauder empire becomes a Horde (labeled as a "Marauder Khanate") and will begin expanding in all directions, invading the systems of any empire that will not submit to the Khan, including other Marauder empires but excluding Fallen Empires.

At any time, it is possible for an empire to submit to the Khan and become a Satrapy, a type of subject that has to pay a large part of its income and naval capacity in tribute to the Horde and house a Void Dwelling for both protection and submission, but is otherwise left to do as they please.

AI empires that lose more than two planets to the Horde have a yearly chance to submit, with the chance increasing the more planets are lost.

When the Horde forms, all mercenary fleets and leaders hired from that Marauder empire will cancel their contracts and return home to join it. The Horde will also create a new fleet every few years, the size of the fleet depending on the 海军容量 Naval Capacity 海军容量Naval Capacity provided by Satrapies.

The main Horde fleet, called "Chosen of the Great Khan", is led by the Great Khan personally. They start as a level 10 admiral and has the unique "The Great Khan" trait, which gives large bonuses to every possible fleet stat. When the Great Khan's fleet is destroyed for the first time, they will escape the battle and within a year the Khan will return with a second fleet. If the fleet is destroyed again the Khan will make no attempt to escape and will die in that battle. If the Great Khan is not killed in battle, then after 20 years have passed since the rise of the Horde, The Khan may also die by disease or assassination. If neither of these happens, then the Khan will die a natural death between 15 and 45 years after the Horde was created.

Once the Great Khan dies the Horde will become unreachable, leaving an automatic message if diplomatic contact is attempted. All of its fleets will retreat back to within the borders of the Horde's territory and stay there. Within a year the Horde will change into one of the following:

  • If the Horde owns no planets it will turn back into a Marauder Empire.
  • If the Horde owns between 1 and 5 planets it will turn into a strong regular empire and keep all existing Horde fleets while all its Satrapies will become Vassals. The empire will also have a unique civic granting +10% 舰船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate 舰船武器射速Ship Fire Rate.
  • If the Horde owns between 6 and 9 planets it will split into two regular empires with claims on each other's systems. The empires will also have a unique civic granting +15% 海军容量 Naval Capacity 海军容量Naval Capacity.
  • If the Horde owns at least 10 planets it will shatter into four regular empires with claims on each other's systems. The empires will also have a unique civic granting +15% 海军容量 Naval Capacity 海军容量Naval Capacity.
    • Regular empires created from the Horde are 极端军国主义 Fanatic Militarist 极端军国主义Fanatic Militarist and 排外主义 Xenophobe 排外主义Xenophobe Hegemonic Imperialists that have the 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitats 轨道居住站Orbital Habitats technology.
  • If the Horde owns at least one planet and has at least two Satrapies, then there is a 10% chance it will instead turn into a 极端平等主义 Fanatic Egalitarian 极端平等主义Fanatic Egalitarian and 亲外主义 Xenophile 亲外主义Xenophile Federation Builders regular empire. The Horde Successor State will then form a Federation with every former Satrapy, with the Horde Successor State becoming its first president.

The number of ships the Horde will have depends on the game difficulty setting, although the Horde will also spawn new fleets regularly until the death of the Great Khan.

If an empire recaptures a colonized system that belonged to another empire it will get the option to return the system to its original empire for +40 评价 Opinion 评价Opinion or keep control of it for -20 评价 Opinion 评价Opinion.

As with Marauder Empires, the Great Khan has no intention of coexisting with 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator genocidal empires and will not offer them to become a Satrapy.


Marauder designs may look similar to Pirate ships but they have better technology.

Ship size Base stats Weapon components Utility components Core components
  • 船体值 Ship Hull Points 350 Hull
  • 装甲值 Armor Hit Points 3 Armor
  • 闪避 Evasion 60% Evasion
  • 速度 Speed 160 Speed
  • S槽 3x Tech autocannons 2.png Ripper Autocannon
  • S槽 1x Ship part shield 2.png Small Improved Deflectors
  • S槽 2x Ship part armor 3.png Small Plasteel Armor

  • A槽 Ship part afterburners 1.png Afterburners
  • A槽 Ship part auto repair.png Regenerative Hull Tissue
  • C槽 Ship part reactor 3.png Cold Fusion Reactor
  • C槽 Ship part hyper drive 2.png Hyper Drive II
  • C槽 Ship part thruster 3.png Plasma Thrusters
  • C槽 Ship part sensor 2.png Gravitic Sensors
  • C槽 Tech combat computers 1.png Combat Computer (Swarm)
  • 船体值 Ship Hull Points 700 Hull
  • 装甲值 Armor Hit Points 15 Armor
  • 闪避 Evasion 25% Evasion
  • 速度 Speed 140 Speed
  • L槽 1x Tech mass drivers 3.png Large Railgun
  • S槽 2x Tech lasers 3.png Small UV Laser
  • M槽 1x Ship part shield 3.png Medium Shields
  • M槽 2x Ship part armor 3.png Medium Plasteel Armor

  • A槽 Ship part afterburners 1.png Afterburners
  • A槽 Ship part auto repair.png Regenerative Hull Tissue
  • C槽 Ship part reactor 3.png Cold Fusion Reactor
  • C槽 Ship part hyper drive 2.png Hyper Drive II
  • C槽 Ship part thruster 3.png Plasma Thrusters
  • C槽 Ship part sensor 2.png Gravitic Sensors
  • C槽 Tech combat computers 1.png Combat Computer (Picket)
  • 船体值 Ship Hull Points 2000 Hull
  • 装甲值 Armor Hit Points 34 Armor
  • 闪避 Evasion 10% Evasion
  • 速度 Speed 140 Speed
  • L槽 1x Tech lasers 3.png Large UV Laser
  • M槽 2x Tech mass drivers 3.png Medium Railgun
  • S槽 2x Tech autocannons 2.png Ripper Autocannon
  • M槽 3x Ship part shield 3.png Medium Shields
  • M槽 3x Ship part armor 3.png Medium Plasteel Armor

  • A槽 Ship part afterburners 1.png Afterburners
  • A槽 Ship part auto repair.png Regenerative Hull Tissue
  • C槽 Ship part reactor 3.png Cold Fusion Reactor
  • C槽 Ship part hyper drive 2.png Hyper Drive II
  • C槽 Ship part thruster 3.png Plasma Thrusters
  • C槽 Ship part sensor 2.png Gravitic Sensors
  • C槽 Tech combat computers 1.png Combat Computer (Line)
  • 船体值 Ship Hull Points 40000 Hull
  • 闪避 Evasion 35% Evasion
  • 速度 Speed 80 Speed
  • L槽 4x Tech lasers 3.png Large UV Laser
  • L槽 4x Tech mass drivers 3.png Large Railgun
  • S槽 1x Tech autocannons 2.png Ripper Autocannon
  • G槽 1x Tech missiles 3.png Antimatter Missiles
  • PD槽 3x Tech flak batteries 1.png Flak Battery
  • L槽 4x Ship part shield 3.png Large Shields
  • L槽 6x Ship part armor 3.png Large Plasteel Armor

  • A槽 Ship part auto repair.png Regenerative Hull Tissue
  • C槽 Ship part reactor 3.png Cold Fusion Reactor
  • C槽 Ship part hyper drive 2.png Hyper Drive II
  • C槽 Ship part thruster 3.png Plasma Thrusters
  • C槽 Ship part sensor 2.png Gravitic Sensors
  • C槽 Tech combat computers 1.png Combat Computer (Artillery)
Asteroid Outpost
  • 船体值 Ship Hull Points 2000 Hull
  • 装甲值 Armor Hit Points 35 Armor
  • 舰船武器射程 Ship Weapons Range  +20% 舰船武器射程Ship Weapons Range
  • S槽 3x Tech mass drivers 3.png Small Railgun
  • L槽 2x Ship part shield 3.png Large Shields
  • L槽 1x Ship part armor 3.png Large Plasteel Armor

  • A槽 Ship part auto repair.png Regenerative Hull Tissue
  • C槽 Ship part sensor 2.png Gravitic Sensors
Void Dwelling
  • 船体值 Ship Hull Points 8000 Hull
  • 装甲值 Armor Hit Points 11 Armor
  • L槽 3x Tech kinetic artillery 1.png Kinetic Battery
  • L槽 3x Tech plasma 2.png Large Plasma Accelerator
  • M槽 3x Tech mass drivers 3.png Medium Railgun
  • M槽 3x Tech plasma 2.png Medium Plasma Accelerator
  • S槽 6x Tech autocannons 2.png Ripper Autocannon
  • G槽 4x Tech missiles 3.png Antimatter Missiles
  • PD槽 4x Tech flak batteries 1.png Flak Battery
  • L槽 4x Ship part shield 3.png Large Shields
  • L槽 6x Ship part armor 3.png Large Plasteel Armor

  • A槽 Ship part auto repair.png Regenerative Hull Tissue
  • C槽 Ship part sensor 2.png Gravitic Sensors

Stations have around 4k Fleet Power, the primary Fleets around 11k with 8k Galleons. Raiding fleets vary in size based on gameyear.

If the Horde formed nearby and an empire has resources and naval capacity to spare but not enough to fight the Horde then becoming a Satrapy is recommended, as it's only temporary until the Great Khan dies 15 to 45 years later, assuming that they are not killed by another empire. Submitting as a satrapy, however, can be highly dangerous for your independence in the long run, as once the Great Khan dies, the Horde may turn into a regular empire, which will cause all of its satrapies to turn into vassals and allow the former Horde to integrate them. This will necessitate you to declare war on the Successor Khanate to win back your independence to avoid being annexed and given that the Successor Khanate will still retain a large chunk of its (very powerful) Khan-era fleet, this may make it impossible to become independent again. Post-khan empires can be vassalised and integrated just like any normal empire. Integrating those empires is the only way for a player to acquire galleon-class warships in unmodded gameplay.
