
(07:16, 26 March 2022‎ SirBlackAxe)
(2022年4月19日 (二) 20:16‎ SirBlackAxe)
第960行: 第960行:
| agrarian idyll || width=30px; | {{icon|agrarian idyll}}
| agrarian idyll || width=30px; | {{icon|agrarian idyll}}
| anglers || {{icon|anglers}}
| aristocratic elite || {{icon|aristocratic elite}}
| aristocratic elite || {{icon|aristocratic elite}}
第1,120行: 第1,122行:
| catalytic processing corporate || {{icon|catalytic processing corporate}}
| catalytic processing corporate || {{icon|catalytic processing corporate}}
| corporate anglers || {{icon|corporate anglers}}
| corporate death cult || {{icon|corporate death cult}}
| corporate death cult || {{icon|corporate death cult}}

2022年5月11日 (三) 05:39的最新版本

这是 Template:Icon模板文档

This template can be used for embedding icons in the Stellaris wiki, thus making them more colorful, easy to read and standardized. The available icons link to the concept they represent.


The first parameter is the identifier for the icon. It has no default value and is always required.
The second parameter is the width of the icon. It is optional. The default value is 24px.


{{icon|identifier}}} or {{icon|identifier|width}}
Insert the relevant identifier in the above syntax. The available identifier can be found in the table below.
{{icon|militarist}}} will generate 军国主义 Militarist.

Also see: Template:Iconify

Creating new icons[编辑源代码]

Icons are created by adding a new entry to one of the icon subtemplates, found here: Category:Subtemplates.

  • New icons must also be manually added to this doc page.
  • From SolSys: An important thing to note when adding new entries to the icon template is how often an icon is going to be used. If an icon is going to be used only a couple of times, and in a specific page, it is best to directly link the file. The reasoning is the that templates are being called as a whole each time they are used. If they are being loaded with one-time use icons it means they become more "expensive" to use and lead to slower page loads. Due to this please use caution when adding new icons.

Icon images

  • Images for icons can be found in Category:Icons on the wiki, and in Stellaris/gfx/interface/icons/ in the game files.
  • The default width for most icons is 24px, although certain categories are at 52px (buildings, modules, technology, avatars).
    • If the icon image is taller that it is wide, set the height with x24px instead.
  • Images for modifier icons should preferably be modified to add a black circle background, but I've been unable to get anyone who makes these images to locate or upload the template to do so.

Improve this template[编辑源代码]

This template is protected due to high traffic. If you have suggestions for improvements or extensions please note them on the talk page.

List of available icons[编辑源代码]


ste, stellaris 群星 Stellaris
utp, utopia 乌托邦 Utopia
apc, apocalypse 启示录 Apocalypse
mgc, megacorp 寰宇企业 Megacorp
fed, federations 纵横捭阖 Federations
nem, nemesis 灭世天罚 Nemesis
lev, leviathans 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
snd, synthetic dawn 智械黎明故事包 Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
dst, distant stars 遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack
anr, ancient relics 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
pln, plantoids 植物类物种包 Plantoids Species Pack
hum, humanoids 人型生物物种包 Humanoids Species Pack
lit, lithoids 石质生物物种包 Lithoids Species Pack
nec, necroids 死灵类物种包 Necroids Species Pack
aqu, aquatics 水生类物种包 Aquatics Species Pack
check Situation log tick.png
cost Build cost.png
duration, speed Build time.png
no No.png
time Time.png
unknown Unknown.png
upkeep Maintenance.png
yes Yes.png
archaeology 考古 Archaeology
archaeology site 考古遗址 Archaeology site
component 部件 Component
feature Feature.png
module 模块 Module
pop 人口 Pop
ship class Menu icon ship designer.png
starbase 恒星基地 Starbase
agenda 议程 Agenda
ascension perk 飞升天赋 Ascension Perks
edict 法令 Edict
election 选举 Election
faction 派系 Faction
mandate 承诺 Mandate
policy, policies 政策 Policy
political power 政治权力 Political Power
tradition 传统 Traditions
leader 领袖 Leader
ruler leader 统治者 Ruler
envoy 特使 Envoy
governor 总督 Governor
admiral 舰队司令 Admiral
general 陆军将领 General
scientist 科学家 Scientist
building 建筑 Building
decision 决议 Decisions
district 区划 District
job 岗位 Jobs
planet 行星 Planet
planet modifier Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png
terraform 环境改造 Terraforming
tile blocker 地块障碍 Tile Blocker
tile blocker removal TB Removal.png
Pop categories
ruler 统治者 Ruler
specialist 专家 Specialist
worker 劳工 Worker
slave 奴隶 Slave
不可接触者 Undesirable
assimilation 同化 Assimilation
complex drone 复合子个体 Complex Drone
menial drone 低级子个体 Menial Drone
Species rights
citizenship 公民权 Citizenship
colonization rights 殖民权利 Colonization Rights
living standards 生活标准 Living Standards
migration controls 移民控制 Migration Controls
military service 军事服役 Military Service
population controls 人口控制 Population Controls
purge type 净化方式 Purge Type
slavery type 奴役类型 Slavery Type

Resources & values[编辑源代码]

Basic & advanced resources
alloys 合金 Alloys
consumer goods 消费品 Consumer Goods
enc, energy, energy credits 能量币 Energy Credits
eng, engineering, engineering output, engineering research 工程学研究 Engineering Research
food 食物 Food
min, minerals 矿物 Minerals
phy, physics, physics output, physics research 物理学研究 Physics Research
research 研究 Research
soc, society, society output, society research 社会学研究 Society Research
unity 凝聚力 Unity
Strategic resources
strategic resources 战略资源 Strategic Resources
dark matter 暗物质 Dark Matter
exotic gases 异星天然气 Exotic Gases
living metal 活体金属 Living Metal
nanites 纳米机器人 Nanites
rare crystals 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals
volatile motes 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes
zro 泽珞 Zro
Other resources
inf, influence 影响力 Influence
menace 威慑力 Menace
minor artifact,
minor artifacts
稀有文物 Minor Artifacts
Empire values
diplomatic weight 外交权重 Diplomatic Weight
empire size 帝国规模 Empire Size
encryption 加密 Encryption
fleet command limit 舰队指挥上限 Fleet Command Limit
fleet size 舰队规模 Fleet Size
market fee 市场中介费 Market Fee
naval capacity 海军容量 Naval Capacity
war exhaustion 厌战度 War Exhaustion
Planet values
amenities 舒适度 Amenities
crime, deviancy 犯罪与异常
devastation 破坏度 Devastation
housing 住房 Housing
planet capacity 行星承载力 Planet Capacity
planet size 行星规模 Planet Size
stability 稳定度 Stability
Other values
piracy risk 海盗风险 Piracy Risk
trade protection 贸易保护 Trade Protection
trait point 特质点数 Trait Point


Default size: 98px, resized here to 50px for ease of viewing.

reassembled ship shelter 舰船改装庇护所 Reassembled Ship Shelter
planetary administration 行星首府 Planetary Administration
planetary capital 行星都城 Planetary Capital
system capital-complex 复合型恒星系首府 System Capital-Complex
deployment post 部署前哨 Deployment Post
administrative array 管理阵列 Administrative Array
planetary processor 行星处理器 Planetary Processor
primary nexus 主控枢纽 Primary Nexus
hive core 蜂巢核心 Hive Core
hive nexus 蜂巢枢纽 Hive Nexus
habitat administration 居住站行政中心 Habitat Administration
Resource buildings
crystal mines 水晶矿井 Crystal Mines
energy grid 输电网络 Energy Grid
energy nexus 能源中枢 Energy Nexus
mineral purification plants 矿物处理站 Mineral Purification Plants
mineral purification hubs 矿物处理中心 Mineral Purification Hubs
Manufacturing buildings
alloy foundries 合金铸造厂 Alloy Foundries
alloy mega-forges 巨型合金熔炉 Alloy Mega-Forges
alloy nano-plants 纳米合金工厂 Alloy Nano-Plants
chemical plants 化学厂 Chemical Plants
civilian fabricators 民用工业中心 Civilian Fabricators
civilian industries 民用工业体 Civilian Industries
civilian repli-complexes 民用复制厂群 Civilian Repli-Complexes
exotic gas refineries 异星天然气精炼厂 Exotic Gas Refineries
synthetic crystal plants 水晶合成厂 Synthetic Crystal Plants
Trade & Amenity buildings
commerce megaplexes 超级商业复合区 Commerce Megaplexes
commercial zones 商业区 Commercial Zones
galactic stock exchange 星际交易所 Galactic Stock Exchange
communal housing 公共住房 Communal Housing
cyto-revitalization center 细胞修复中心 Cyto-Revitalization Centers
drone storage 无人机库 Drone Storage
expanded warren 拓展养殖场 Expanded Warren
gene clinic 基因诊所 Gene Clinics
paradise dome 乐土园 Paradise Dome
Unity buildings
administrative array 管理阵列 Administrative Array
administrative offices 行政办公楼 Administrative Offices
administrative park 行政园区 Administrative Park
autochthon monument 先驱者纪念碑 Autochthon Monument
auto-curating vault 自新博物馆 Auto-Curating Vault
citadel of faith 信念堡垒 Citadel of Faith
confluence of thought 思想集簇 Confluence of Thought
heritage site 传承遗迹 Heritage Site
holotemple 全息神殿 Holotemple
hypercomms forum 超光速通讯论坛 Hypercomms Forum
sacred nexus 神圣中枢 Sacred Nexus
temple 寺庙 Temple
Military buildings
dread encampment 恐惧营地 Dread Encampment
fortress 堡垒 Fortress
military academy 军事学院 Military Academy
planetary shield generator 行星护盾生成器 Planetary Shield Generator
stronghold 要塞 Stronghold
Special buildings
alien zoo 异星动物园 Alien Zoo
betharian power plant 贝塞里安发电站 Betharian Power Plant
chamber of elevation 升格之室 Chamber of Elevation
clone vats 克隆仓 Clone Vats
psi corps 灵能军团 Psi Corps
class-4 singularity 四级奇点 Class-4 Singularity
dimensional fabricator 次元制造机 Dimensional Fabricator
empyrean shrine 苍穹古龛 Empyrean Shrine
crude huts 简陋棚屋 Crude Huts
primitive factory 原始工厂 Primitive Factory
primitive farms 原始农场 Primitive Farms
great pyramid 大金字塔 Great Pyramid
omega alignment 欧米伽同调装置 Omega Alignment
Other buildings
corporate culture site 企业文化馆 Corporate Culture Site
embassy complex 大使馆大楼 Embassy Complex
research institute 研究中心 Research Institute
slave processing facility 奴隶处理设施 Slave Processing Facility


favor 外交支持 Diplomatic Favors
insult 羞辱 Insult
opinion 评价 Opinion
relative power 相对实力 Relative Power
trade, trade deal 贸易 Trade
trade attractiveness 贸易吸引力 Trade Attractiveness
closed borders 关闭边境 Closed Borders
commercial pact 商业协议 Commercial Pact
defensive pact 防御条约 Defensive Pact
guarantee independence 保障独立 Guaranteed Independence
migration treaty 移民协议 Migration Treaty
non-aggression pact 互不侵犯条约 Non-Aggression Pact
research agreement 科研协议 Research Agreement
rival 宿敌 Rival
rivalry 宿敌 Rivalry
Diplomatic policy
belligerent 恃强凌弱 Belligerent
cooperative 乐于合作 Cooperative
dormant 韬光养晦 Dormant
expansionist diplomatic stance, expansionist policy 扩张主义 Expansionist
extermination 赶尽杀绝 Extermination
hunger 如饥似渴 Hunger
isolationist 孤立主义 Isolationist
mercantile 经贸至上 Mercantile
purification 涤净宇内 Purification
supremacist 霸权主义 Supremacist
infiltration 渗透等级 Infiltration Level
intel 情报 Intel
intel level full 情报等级:完全
manipulation 操控信息 Manipulation
provocation 煽风点火 Provocation
sabotage 破坏 Sabotage
subterfuge 密谋 Subterfuge
cohesion 团结度 Cohesion
federation 联邦 Federation
federation associate 联邦合作国 Federation Associate
galactic union 星系联盟 Galactic Union
hegemony 霸权 Hegemony
martial alliance 军事同盟 Miltiary Alliance
research cooperative 研究合作组织 Research Cooperative
trade league 贸易联盟 Trade League
Galactic Community
galactic community 星海共同体 Galactic Community
resolution 议案 Resolutions
divinity of life 生命之神圣 Divinity of Life
ecological protection 生态保护 Ecological Protection
galactic commerce 星系贸易 Galactic Commerce
industrial development 工业发展 Industrial Development
mutual defense 共同防御 Mutual Defense
rules of war 战争规则 Rules of War
the greater good 上上善道 The Greater Good
unchained knowledge 解放知识 Unchained Knowledge
independence 正在合并 Is integrating
integrate 正在被整合 Is being integrated
overlord 宗主 Overlord
protectorate 保护国 Protectorate
satrapy 辖地 Satrapy
support independence 支持独立 Support Independence
tributary, subsidiary 朝贡国 Tributary
vassal 附庸国 Vassal
casus belli 宣战理由 Casus Belli
defender, defensive 防御方 Defender
force ideology 输入意识形态 Impose Ideology
war 战争 War


Icons for specific traditions can be created using template:tradition

democratic 民主制 Democratic
oligarchic 寡头制 Oligarchic
dictatorial 独裁制 Dictatorial
imperial 帝制 Imperial
corporate 企业政府 Corporate
hive mind 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind
machine intelligence 机械智能 Machine Intelligence
authoritarian 威权主义 Authoritarian
egalitarian 平等主义 Egalitarian
materialist 唯物主义 Materialist
militarist 军国主义 Militarist
pacifist 和平主义 Pacifist
spiritualist 唯心主义 Spiritualist
xenophile 亲外主义 Xenophile
xenophobe 排外主义 Xenophobe
gestalt consciousness 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
Ethics (Fanatic)
fanatic authoritarian 极端威权主义 Fanatic Authoritarian
fanatic egalitarian 极端平等主义 Fanatic Egalitarian
fanatic materialist 极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist
fanatic militarist 极端军国主义 Fanatic Militarist
fanatic pacifist 极端和平主义 Fanatic Pacifist
fanatic spiritualist 极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist
fanatic xenophile 极端亲外主义 Fanatic Xenophile
fanatic xenophobe 极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe
imperialist 帝国主义派 Imperialist Faction
isolationist faction 孤立派 Isolationist Faction
progressive 进步派 Progressive Faction
prosperity 繁荣派 Prosperity Faction
supremacist faction 至高派 Supremacist Faction
technologist 技术派 Technologist Faction
totalitarian 极权派 Totalitarian Faction
traditionalist 传统派 Traditionalist Faction
xenoist 亲外派 Xenoist Faction
Tradition trees
adaptability 适应 Adaptability
diplomacy tradition
外交 Diplomacy
discovery 探索 Discovery
domination 支配 Domination
expansion 扩张 Expansion
harmony 和谐 Harmony
mercantile tradition 经贸 Mercantile
prosperity tradition 繁荣 Prosperity
subterfuge tradition 密谋 Subterfuge
supremacy 至高 Supremacy
synchronicity 同调 Synchronicity
unyielding tradition 不屈 Unyielding
versatility tradition
普适 Versatility
Ascension Perks (A-I)
arcology project 理想城计划 Arcology Project
become the crisis 化身天灾 Become the Crisis
colossus project 巨像计划 Colossus Project
consecrated worlds 祝圣世界 Consecrated Worlds
defender of the galaxy 星河卫士 Defender of the Galaxy
engineered evolution 设计进化 Engineered Evolution
enigmatic engineering 天机工程 Enigmatic Engineering
eternal vigilance 戒心永存 Eternal Vigilance
evolutionary mastery 掌控进化 Evolutionary Mastery
executive vigor 高效行政 Executive Vigor
galactic contender 逐鹿星河 Galactic Contender
galactic force projection 星河力量投射 Galactic Force Projection
galactic wonders 星河奇迹 Galactic Wonders
grasp the void 掌握太虚 Grasp the Void
hive worlds 蜂巢星球 Hive Worlds
imperial prerogative 中央特权 Imperial Prerogative
interstellar dominion 星际主权 Interstellar Dominion
Ascension Perks (M-X)
machine worlds 机械世界 Machine Worlds
master builders 建筑大师 Master Builders
mastery of nature 掌控自然 Mastery of Nature
mind over matter 心胜于物 Mind over Matter
nihilistic acquisition 强取豪夺 Nihilistic Acquisition
one vision 万众一心 One Vision
shared destiny 共同命运 Shared Destiny
synthetic age 合成时代 Synthetic Age
synthetic evolution 合成进化 Synthetic Evolution
technological ascendancy 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy
the flesh is weak 血肉苦弱 The Flesh is Weak
transcendence 超凡入圣 Transcendence
transcendent learning 卓越学术 Transcendent Learning
universal transactions 寰宇贸易 Universal Transactions
voidborne, voidborn 太空子民 Voidborne
ap world shaper 星球塑形师 World Shaper
xeno compatibility
跨物种杂交 Xeno-Compatibility

Origins & Civics[编辑源代码]

calamitous birth 降世灾星 Calamitous Birth
clone army origin 克隆大军 Clone Army
common ground 共同命运 Common Ground
doomsday 末日将临 Doomsday
galactic doorstep 繁星门阶 Galactic Doorstep
hegemon 一方霸主 Hegemon
life-seeded 生命之籽 Life-Seeded
lost colony 失落行星 Lost Colony
mechanist 机械师 Mechanist
necrophage origin 食尸文化 Necrophage
on the shoulders of giants 屹于巨人之肩 On the Shoulders of Giants
post-apocalyptic 后启示录 Post-Apocalyptic
prosperous unification 繁荣一统 Prosperous Unification
remnants 复国孑遗 Remnants
resource consolidation 资源统合 Resource Consolidation
scion 先辈子弟 Scion
shattered ring 破碎之环 Shattered Ring
syncretic evolution 协同进化 Syncretic Evolution
tree of life 生命之树 Tree of Life
void dwellers 虚空居者 Void Dwellers
NPC Origins
elder race 长者之裔 Elder Race
enlightened 启蒙开化 Enlightened
separatists 分离主义者 Separatists
khanate successor 可汗的继业者 Khanate Successor
hegemon subordinate 霸主部从 Hegemon Subordinate
Civics (regular)
agrarian idyll 田园牧歌 Agrarian Idyll
anglers 渔夫 Anglers
aristocratic elite 贵族精英 Aristocratic Elite
barbaric despoilers 野蛮掠夺者 Barbaric Despoilers
beacon of liberty 自由灯塔 Beacon of Liberty
byzantine bureaucracy 拜占庭式官僚 Byzantine Bureaucracy
catalytic processing 催化加工 Catalytic Processing
citizen service 公民兵役 Citizen Service
corporate dominion 企业国度 Corporate Dominion
corvée system,
corvee system
徭役制 Corvée System
cutthroat politics 面具帝国 Cutthroat Politics
death cult 死亡教团 Death Cult
diplomatic corps 外交使团 Diplomatic Corps
distinguished admiralty 卓越海军 Distinguished Admiralty
efficient bureaucracy 高效吏治 Efficient Bureaucracy
environmentalist 环保主义者 Environmentalist
exalted priesthood 崇高圣职 Exalted Priesthood
fanatic purifiers 种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers
feudal society 封建社会 Feudal Society
free haven 自由庇护所 Free Haven
functional architecture 实用建筑 Functional Architecture
imperial cult 帝国信仰 Imperial Cult
idealistic foundation 理想本心 Idealistic Foundation
idyllic bloom 田园绽放 Idyllic Bloom
inward perfection,
inwards perfection
内圣之道 Inward Perfection
masterful crafters 能工巧匠 Masterful Crafters
merchant guilds 商人公会 Merchant Guilds
memorialists 记念主义 Memorialists
meritocracy 精英政治 Meritocracy
mining guilds 矿业工会 Mining Guilds
nationalistic zeal 国民主义热忱 Nationalistic Zeal
parliamentary system 议会制度 Parliamentary System
philosopher king 哲人王 Philosopher King
pleasure seekers 寻乐者 Pleasure Seekers
pompous purists 夸耀纯净派 Pompous Purists
police state 警察国度 Police State
reanimators 逝者军势 Reanimators
shadow council 影子内阁 Shadow Council
shared burdens 同甘共苦 Shared Burdens
slaver guilds 奴贩公会 Slaver Guilds
technocracy 技术治国 Technocracy
warrior culture 尚武文化 Warrior Culture
galactic sovereign 星海霸业 Galactic Sovereign
Civics (gestalt consciousness)
Hive Mind
ascetic 禁欲主义 Ascetic
catalytic processing hive 催化加工 Catalytic Processing
devouring swarm 噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm
divided attention 一心多用 Divided Attention
empath 心有灵犀 Empath
idyllic bloom hive 田园绽放 Idyllic Bloom
memorialist hive 记念主义 Memorialist
natural neural network 天然神经网络 Natural Neural Network
one mind 唯一意志 One Mind
pooled knowledge 集中知识 Pooled Knowledge
strength of legions 军团之威 Strength of Legions
subspace ephapse 亚空间突触 Subspace Ephapse
subsumed will 意志整合 Subsumed Will
terravore 噬岩者 Terravore
Machine Intelligence
catalytic processing machine 催化加工 Catalytic Processing
constructobot 施工机器人 Constructobot
delegated functions 模块化功能 Delegated Functions
determined exterminator 铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator
driven assimilator 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator
factory overclocking 超负荷工厂 Factory Overclocking
introspective 自检 Introspective
maintenance protocols 维护协议 Maintenance Protocols
memorialist machine 记念主义 Memorialist
ota updates 空中下载升级 OTA Updates
rapid replicator 快速复制者 Rapid Replicator
rockbreakers 碎岩机 Rockbreakers
rogue servitor 失控机仆 Rogue Servitor
static research analysis 静态研究分析 Static Research Analysis
unitary cohesion 一体化 Unitary Cohesion
warbots 战争机器 Warbots
zero-waste protocols 零废弃物协议 Zero-Waste Protocols
Civics (corporate)
brand loyalty 品牌忠诚 Brand Loyalty
catalytic processing corporate 催化加工 Catalytic Processing
corporate anglers (unrecognized string “corporate anglers” for Template:Icon)
corporate death cult 死亡教企 Corporate Death Cult
corporate hedonism 企业享乐主义 Corporate Hedonism
criminal heritage 罪犯世家 Criminal Heritage
franchising 特许经营 Franchising
free traders 自由商人 Free Traders
gospel of the masses 百姓福音 Gospel of the Masses
indentured assets 契约资产 Indentured Assets
mastercraft inc. 巧手公司 Mastercraft Inc.
media conglomerate 传媒集团 Media Conglomerate
naval contractors 舰队承包商 Naval Contractors
private military companies 私营军事公司 Private Military Companies
private prospectors 民营勘探者 Private Prospectors
public relations specialists 公共关系专家 Public Relations Specialists
ruthless competition 恶性竞争 Ruthless Competition
trading posts 交易所 Trading Posts


politician 政客 Politician
executive 执行官 Executive
high priest 大司祭 High Priest
merchant 商人 Merchant
noble 贵族 Noble
science director 科研主管 Science Director
artificer 熟练技工 Artificer
artisan 工匠 Artisan
bureaucrat 官僚 Bureaucrat
catalytic technician 催化技师 Catalytic Technician
chemist 化学家 Chemist
colonist 殖民者 Colonist
culture worker 文化工作者 Culture Worker
death chronicler 死亡书录官 Death Chronicler
death priest 死亡司祭 Death Priest
duelist 决斗者 Duelist
enforcer 执法者 Enforcer
entertainer 演艺人员 Entertainer
gas refiner 气体精炼工 Gas Refiner
manager 经理 Manager
medical worker,
healthcare worker
医务工作者 Medical Worker
冶金师 Metallurgist
necromancer 死灵法师 Necromancer
necrophyte 死徒 Necrophyte
priest 祭司 Priest
reassigner 再指派员 Reassigner
researcher 研究人员 Researcher
roboticist 机器人专家 Roboticist
telepath 灵能使 Telepath
translucer 转化师 Translucer
clerk 职员 Clerk
crystal miner 水晶矿工 Crystal Miner
farmer 农夫 Farmer
gas extractor 气体采集工 Gas Extractor
miner 矿工 Miner
mortal initiate 凡体先烈 Mortal Initiate
mote harvester 微粒捕获工 Mote Harvester
prosperity preacher
繁荣传道者 Prosperity Preacher
scrap miner 拆解矿工 Scrap Miner
soldier 士兵 Soldier
technician 技工 Technician
Complex Drone
artisan drone 工匠工蜂 Artisan Drone
brain drone 脑部工蜂 Brain Drone
calculator 演算者 Calculator
catalytic drone 催化子个体 Catalytic Drone
chemist drone
化合子个体 Chem-Drone
chronicle drone 书录子个体 Chronicle Drone
coordinator 协调者 Coordinator
crystal mining drone 水晶开采无人机 Crystal Mining Drone
evaluator 评估者 Evaluator
fabricator 制造者 Fabricator
foundry drone,
alloy drone
铸造工蜂 Foundry Drone
gas extraction drone 气体采集无人机 Gas Extraction Drone
hunter-seeker drone,
patrol drone
猎寻者子个体 Hunter-Seeker Drone
lensing drone, translucer drone 透镜子个体 Lensing Drone
mote harvesting drone 微粒捕获无人机 Mote Harvesting Drone
refinery drone,
gas refiner drone
精炼子个体 Refinery Drone
replicator 复制者 Replicator
spawning drone 繁殖工蜂 Spawning Drone
synapse drone 突触工蜂 Synapse Drone
Menial Drone
agri-drone 农业子个体 Agri-Drone
maintenance drone 维护子个体 Maintenance Drone
mining drone 采矿子个体 Mining Drone
tech-drone, technician drone 技工子个体 Tech-Drone
warrior drone 作战子个体 Warrior Drone
grid amalgamated 并入电网 Grid Amalgamated
livestock 牲口 Livestock
servant 仆从 Servant
slave overseer
监工 Overseer
slave toiler
苦工 Toiler
bio-trophy 活体陈设 Bio-Trophy
cave cleaner 洞穴清理者 Cave Cleaner
cave cleaner drone 洞穴清理子个体 Cave Cleaner Drone
corrupt drone 腐化子个体 Corrupt Drone
criminal 罪犯 Criminal
deviant drone 反常工蜂 Deviant Drone
dimensional portal researcher 位面传送门研究者 Dimensional Portal Researcher
dimensional portal drone,
dimensional portal researcher gestalt
位面传送门研究子个体 Dimensional Portal Drone
gas plant drone 气体工厂子个体 Gas Plant Drone
gas plant engineer 气体工厂工程师 Gas Plant Engineer
nemma miner 尼玛矿工 Nemma Miner
nemma mining drone 尼玛采矿子个体 Nemma Mining Drone
odd factory drone 古怪工厂子个体 Odd Factory Drone
odd factory worker 古怪工厂的工人 Odd Factory Worker
purging 正在净化 Purging
scavenger 拾荒者 Scavenger
scavenger drone 拾荒子个体 Scavenger Drone
subterranean contact drone 地底交流子个体 Subterranean Contact Drone
subterranean liaison officer,
underground trade worker
地下住民联络官 Subterranean Liaison Officer
transmuter 转换者 Transmuter
transmuter drone 转换者工蜂 Transmuter Drone
unemployed 失业 Unemployed
Fallen Empire
acolyte farm, acolyte of the plow 犁耕侍者 Acolyte of the Plow
acolyte mine, acolyte of the hammer 焰锤侍者 Acolyte of the Hammer
acolyte generator, acolyte of the hyperspanner 圣钳侍者 Acolyte of the Hyperspanner
acolyte artisan, acolyte of the workshop 圣坊侍者 Acolyte of the Workshop
archivist 档案管理员 Archivist
augur, augur of the shroud 虚境灵使 Augur of the Shroud
maintenance bot
看护者 Caretaker
guardian bot
守护者 Guardian
hedonist 享乐主义者 Hedonist
overseer fallen
监督者 Overseer
protector 保护者 Protector
sky cardinal 天空主教 Sky Cardinal
xeno-keeper 异种监护者 Xeno-Keeper
xeno-ward 异种收容使 Xeno-Ward
primitive bureaucrat 官僚 Bureaucrat
cleric, primitive priest 牧师 Cleric
primitive priest 2 祭司 Priest
feudal noble, primitive noble 封建贵族 Feudal Noble
hunter-gatherer 猎集者 Hunter-Gatherer
laborer, primitive laborer 工人 Laborer
peasant 农民 Peasant
pre-sapient 未开智物种 Pre-sapient
primitive farmer 农夫 Farmer
primitive miner 矿工 Miner
primitive technician 技工 Technician
scholar, primitive researcher 学者 Scholar
primitive researcher 2
研究人员 Researcher
warrior, primitive warrior 战士 Warrior
primitive warrior 2
士兵 Soldier


Defense armies
defense army,
defense armies
防御部队 Defense Army
Assault armies
assault army,
assault armies
进攻部队 Assault Army
clone army,
clone armies
克隆人部队 Clone Army
gene warrior army,
gene warrior armies
基因战士部队 Gene Warrior Army
psionic army,
psionic armies
灵能部队 Psionic Army
rebel army,
rebel armies
叛军 Rebel Army
slave army,
slave armies
奴隶部队 Slave Army
undead army,
undead armies
不死军 Undead Army
xenomorph army,
xenomorph armies
异形部队 Xenomorph Army
Component slots
slot a auxiliary A槽
slot c core C槽
slot g guided G槽
slot h hangar H槽
slot l large L槽
slot m medium M槽
slot pd point defense PD槽
slot s small S槽
slot t titan T槽
slot wd world destroyer WD槽
slot xl extra large XL槽
Weapon Types
energy weapons 能量武器 Energy Weapons
explosive weapons 制导武器 Missile Weapons
kinetic weapons 动能武器 Projectile Weapons
Laser Weapons
ship red laser small Ship part laser 1 small.png
ship blue laser small Ship part laser 2 small.png
ship uv laser small Ship part laser 3 small.png
ship x-ray laser small Ship part laser 4 small.png
ship gamma laser small Ship part laser 5 small.png
Orbital Bombardment
light bombardment
选择性 Selective
limited bombardment
无差别 Indiscriminate
armageddon bombardment
末日审判 Armageddon
raiding bombardment
掠袭 Raiding
javorian pox 贾沃疹 Javorian Pox
Starbase modules
solar panel network 太阳能电池板 Solar Panel Network
Starbases buildings
crew quarters 船员居住舱 Crew Quarters
fleet academy 舰队学院 Fleet Academy
transit hub 运输枢纽 Transit Hub


Modifiers (misc)
anomaly discovery chance 异常现象发现机会 Anomaly Discovery Chance
anomaly research speed 异常现象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed
edict cost 法令花费 Edict Cost
empire size penalty 帝国规模效果 Empire Size Effect
leader experience gain 领袖经验获得 Leader Experience Gain
leader lifespan 领袖预期寿命 Leader Lifespan
leader pool size 领袖储备规模 Leader Pool Size
leader recruitment cost 领袖招募花费 Leader Recruitment Cost
leader level cap,
leader skill levels
领袖等级上限 Leader Level Cap
megastructure build speed 巨型结构建造速度 Megastructure Build Speed
research alternatives 备选科技 Research Alternatives
research speed 研究速度 Research Speed
research speed (engineering) 研究速度( 工程学) Research Speed (Engineering)
research speed (physics) 研究速度('"`UNIQ--item-1--QINU`"' 物理学) Research Speed (Physics)、​ 研究速度( 物理学) Research Speed (Physics)
research speed (society) 研究速度('"`UNIQ--item-2--QINU`"' 社会学) Research Speed (Society)、​ 研究速度( 社会学) Research Speed (Society)
survey speed 调查速度 Survey Speed
Modifiers (diplomatic)
available envoys 可派遣的特使 Available Envoys
base intel level 基础情报等级 Base Intel Level
claim influence cost 宣称影响力花费 Claim Influence Cost
diplo weight mult,
diplomatic weight mult
外交权重 Diplomatic Weight
diplo weight economy mult 来自经济的外交权重 Diplomatic Weight From Economy
diplo weight naval mult 来自舰队实力的外交权重 Diplomatic Weight From Fleet Power
diplo weight technology mult 来自科技的外交权重 Diplomatic Weight From Tech
subject power penalty 附属实力关系惩罚 Subject Power Relations Penalty
trust cap 信任度上限 Trust Cap
trust growth 信任度增长 Trust Growth
Modifiers (economic)
consumer goods cost 消费品消耗 Consumer Goods Cost
food output 岗位生产的食物 Food from Jobs
monthly influence add 每月影响力 Monthly Influence
monthly influence mult 每月影响力 Monthly Influence
monthly unity add 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity
monthly unity mult 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity
resource storage capacity 资源储存上限 Resource Storage Capacity
trade value add 贸易额 Trade Value
trade value mult 贸易额 Trade Value
Modifiers (planet)
amenities add 舒适度 Amenities
amenities mult 舒适度 Amenities
building cost 建筑花费 Building Cost
building slot, building slots 建筑槽位 Building Slots
clear blocker cost 清除障碍花费 Clear Blocker Cost
clear blocker speed 清理地块障碍速度 Clear Blocker Speed
clear blocker time 清理障碍时间 Clear Blocker Time
colony development speed 殖民地发展速度 Colony Development Speed
crime add 犯罪度 Crime
crime mult 犯罪度 Crime
district cap 最大区划数 Max Districts
emigration push,
emigration push mult
迁出推动力 Emigration Push
emigration push add 迁出推动力 Emigration Push
habitability 宜居性 Habitability
housing add 住房 Housing
housing mult 住房 Housing
immigration pull,
immigration pull mult
迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull
immigration pull add 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull
max agriculture districts 农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts
max districts 最大区划数 Max Districts
max generator districts 发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts
max mining districts 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts
migration attraction 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull
planetary build speed,
building build speed
行星建造速度 Planetary Build Speed
stability add,
planet stability add
稳定度 Stability
terraforming cost 环境改造花费 Terraforming Cost
terraforming speed 环境改造速度 Terraforming Speed
Modifiers (pops)
ethic shift, ethics divergence 思潮转化 Ethics Shift
ethics shift chance 思潮转化几率 Ethics Shift Chance
governing ethics attraction 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction
habitability pop 宜居性 Habitability
happiness 幸福度 Happiness
biological pop happiness 生物人口幸福度 Biological Pop Happiness
lithoid pop happiness 其他物种幸福度 Other Species Happiness
food consumption 食物消耗 Food Consumption
mineral consumption,
mineral upkeep
pop amenities usage 人口舒适度使用 Pop Amenities Usage
pop consumer goods upkeep 消费品维护费
pop housing usage,
housing usage
人口住房使用 Pop Housing Usage
Growth & Migration
automatic resettlement chance 自动重新安置几率 Automatic Resettlement Chance
pop assembly speed 人口组装速度 Pop Assembly Speed
pop decline speed 人口降低速率 Pop Decline Speed
pop growth from immigration 迁入导致的人口增长 Pop Growth from Immigration
pop growth speed 人口增长速度 Pop Growth Speed
pop growth reduction 人口增长减少 Pop Growth Reduction
resettlement cost 强制迁移花费 Resettlement Cost
alloys from jobs 岗位生产的合金 Alloys from Jobs
consumer goods from jobs 岗位生产的消费品 Consumer Goods from Jobs
pop enc Mod resource energy mult.png
pop eng Pop resource engineering research mult.png
pop food Pop resource food mult.png
pop min Mod resource minerals mult.png
pop phy Pop resource physics research mult.png
pop soc Pop resource society research mult.png
pop resource output,
resources from jobs
人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production
robot resource output 机器人资源产出 Robot Resource Production
robot upkeep 机器人维护费 Robot Upkeep
slave food output 奴隶食物产出 Slave Food Production
slave mineral output 奴隶矿物产出 Slave Mineral Production
slave pop resource output 奴隶人口资源产出 Slave Pop Resource Output
Modifiers (army)
army build speed 陆军建造速度 Army Build Speed
army collateral damage 陆军连带伤害 Army Collateral Damage
army cost 陆军花费 Army Cost
army damage 陆军伤害 Army Damage
army health 陆军生命值 Army Health
army morale 陆军士气 Army Morale
army upkeep 陆军维护费 Army Upkeep
Modifiers (ship & weapons)
ship accuracy 命中率 Chance to Hit
ship armor 装甲值 Armor Hit Points
ship build speed 舰船建造速度 Ship Build Speed
ship cost 造舰费用 Ship Build Cost
ship evasion 闪避 Evasion
ship fire rate,
ship attack speed
舰船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate
ship health 船体值 Ship Hull Points
ship hull,
ship hull points
船体值 Ship Hull Points
ship hull regen 每日船体再生 Daily Hull Regen
ship shield 护盾承受值 Shield Hit Points
shield hit points 护盾承受值 Shield Hit Points
ship speed 速度 Speed
ship tracking 追踪 Tracking
ship upgrade cost 舰船升级花费 Ship Upgrade Cost
ship upkeep 舰船维护费 Ship Upkeep
weapons damage 舰船武器伤害 Ship Weapons Damage
weapons range 舰船武器射程 Ship Weapons Range
Modifiers (starbase)
defense platform build cost 防御平台建造花费 Defense Platform Build Cost
defense platform hull points 防御平台船体值 Defense Platform Hull Points
defense platform damage 防御平台伤害 Defense Platform Damage
module cost 恒星基地模块花费 Starbase Module Cost
starbase capacity 恒星基地容量 Starbase Capacity
starbase capacity add 恒星基地容量 Starbase Capacity
starbase influence cost 恒星基地影响力花费 Starbase Influence Cost
starbase upgrade cost 恒星基地升级费用 Starbase Upgrade Cost
starbase upgrade speed 恒星基地升级时间 Starbase Upgrade Time
Stat icons
armor 装甲 Armor
armor damage 装甲伤害 Armor Damage
attack speed Fire rate.png
combat speed 战斗速度 Combat Speed
cooldown shots Cooldown shots.png
damage 伤害 Damage
disengagement chance 战斗撤离几率 Combat Disengagement Chance
evasion 闪避 Evasion
fire rate 舰船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate
health 船体值 Hull Points
hull damage 船体伤害 Hull Damage
maximum damage Maximum damage.png
minimum damage Minimum damage.png
maximum windup Maximum windup.png
minimum windup Minimum windup.png
monthly hull regeneration 船体修复速度 Hull Repair Rate
piracy suppression 海盗镇压度 Piracy Suppression
power 能源 Power
sensor range 探测范围 Sensor Range
shield 护盾 Shields
shield damage 护盾伤害 Shield Damage
special 特殊值 Special Values
sublight speed 亚光速航速 Sublight Speed
tracking 追踪 Tracking


Additional planet modifier icons can be assembled using Template:Planet modifier

Celestial bodies
ai world 人工智能星球 AI World
alpine world 高山星球 Alpine World
arctic world 极地星球 Arctic World
arid world 干旱星球 Arid World
continental world 陆地星球 Continental World
desert world 沙漠星球 Desert World
ecumenopolis 都市星球 Ecumenopolis
gaia world 盖亚星球 Gaia World
habitat planet 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat
hive world 蜂巢星球 Hive World
machine world 机械星球 Machine World
ocean world 海洋星球 Ocean World
relic world 遗落星球 Relic World
ring 环形世界 Ring World
savannah world 草原星球 Savanna World
shattered ring world 破碎之环 Shattered Ring World
shrouded world 虚境星球 Shrouded World
tomb world 死寂星球 Tomb World
tropical world 热带星球 Tropical World
tundra world 苔原星球 Tundra World

Disambiguation pages
alpine 高山星球偏好 Alpine Preference
arctic 极地星球偏好 Arctic Preference
arid 干旱星球偏好 Arid Preference
continental 陆地星球偏好 Continental Preference
desert 沙漠星球偏好 Desert Preference
gaia 盖亚星球偏好 Gaia World Preference
habitat 轨道居住站 Orbital Habitat
ocean 海洋星球偏好 Ocean Preference
ring world 环形世界 Ring World
savannah 草原星球偏好 Savanna Preference
tomb 死寂星球偏好 Tomb World Preference
tropical 热带星球偏好 Tropical Preference
tundra 苔原星球偏好 Tundra Preference

Colony designations
designation 殖民地规划 Colony Designations
empire capital 帝国首都 Empire Capital
habitat designation 居住站 Habitat
hive capital 蜂巢首都 Hive Capital
hive world designation 蜂巢星球 Hive World
hive world foundry 铸造型蜂巢星球 Hive World Foundry
Planet modifiers
asteroid belt Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png
asteroid impacts Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 1.png
atmospheric aphrodisiac Pm atmospheric aphrodisiac.pngPm frame 1.png
atmospheric hallucinogen Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 1.png
bleak Pm bleak.pngPm frame 1.png
carbon world Pm carbon world.pngPm frame 1.png
chthonian planet Pm chthonian planet.pngPm frame 1.png
exceptional quality minerals Pm ultra rich.pngPm frame 1.png
extensive moon system Pm extensive moon system.pngPm frame 1.png
hazardous weather Pm hazardous weather.pngPm frame 1.png
high gravity Pm high gravity.pngPm frame 1.png
high quality minerals Pm mineral rich.pngPm frame 1.png
holy world Pm consecrated worlds.pngPm frame 1.png
hostile fauna Pm dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 1.png
irradiated pm Pm irradiated.pngPm frame 1.png
Planet modifiers
low gravity Pm low gravity.pngPm frame 1.png
lush Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png
natural beauty Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png
penal colony Pm penal colony.pngPm frame 1.png
poor quality minerals Pm mineral poor.pngPm frame 1.png
resort world Pm resort planet.pngPm frame 1.png
strong magnetic field Pm strong magnetic field.pngPm frame 1.png
terraforming candidate Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png
thrall-world Pm slave colony.pngPm frame 1.png
tidal locked Pm tidal locked.pngPm frame 1.png
titanic life Pm titanic life.pngPm frame 1.png
unstable tectonics Pm unstable tectonics.pngPm frame 1.png
weak magnetic field Pm weak magnetic field.pngPm frame 1.png
wild storms Pm wild storms.pngPm frame 1.png


Planet districts
agriculture district 农业区划 Agriculture District
city district 城市区划 City District
generator district 发电区划 Generator District
hive district 蜂巢区划 Hive District
industrial district 工业区划 Industrial District
mining district 采矿区划 Mining District
nexus district 中枢区划 Nexus District
Ecumenopolis arcologies
administrative arcology 行政理想城 Administrative Arcology
ecclesiastical arcology 教会理想城 Ecclesiastical Arcology
industrial arcology 工业理想城 Factory Arcology
foundry arcology 铸造理想城 Foundry Arcology
leisure arcology 休闲理想城 Leisure Arcology
residential arcology 居住理想城 Residential Arcology
sanctuary arcology 庇护所理想城 Sanctuary Arcology
Habitat districts
astro-mining bay 航天采矿湾 Astro-Mining Bay
habitation district 居住站区划 Habitation District
industrial habitat district 工业区划 Industrial District
leisure district 休闲区划 Leisure District
trade district 贸易区划 Trade District
reactor district 反应堆区划 Reactor District
research district 研究区划 Research District
Ring World segments
agricultural segment 农业区段 Agricultural Segment
city segment 城市区段 City Segment
commercial segment 商业区段 Commercial Segment
generator segment 发电区段 Generator Segment
hive segment 蜂巢区段 Hive Segment
industrial segment 工业区段 Industrial Segment
nexus segment 中枢区段 Nexus Segment
research segment 研究区段 Research Segment


cybrex war forge 赛博勒克斯兵工厂 Cybrex War Forge
ether drake trophy 以太巨龙战利品 Ether Drake Trophy
extradimensional warlock 异次元术士 Extradimensional Warlock
head of zarqlan 扎克兰的头颅 Head of Zarqlan
javorian pox sample 贾沃疹样本 Javorian Pox Sample
khan's throne 可汗王座 Khan's Throne
yuht cryo core 尤特冷冻核心 Yuht Cryo Core


Technology fields[编辑源代码]

industry 工业技术 Industry
materials 材料科学 Materials
rocketry 推进力学 Propulsion
voidcraft 宇航技术 Voidcraft
computing 计算技术 Computing
field manipulation 力场操控 Field Manipulation
particles 粒子物理 Particles
biology 生物学 Biology
military theory 军事理论 Military Theory
new worlds 新世界理论 New Worlds
psionics 灵能理论 Psionics
statecraft 治国术 Statecraft


active countermeasures 主动反制 Active Countermeasures
adaptive bureaucracy 灵活机构 Adaptive Bureaucracy
adaptive combat algorithms 自适应作战算法 Adaptive Combat Algorithms
administrative ai 管理型人工智能 Administrative AI
administrative efficiency 行政效率 Administrative Efficiency
advanced afterburners tech 先进加力燃烧室 Advanced Afterburners
advanced mineral purification 先进矿物提纯 Advanced Mineral Purification
advanced railguns tech 先进轨道炮 Advanced Railguns
advanced shields tech 先进护盾 Advanced Shields
advanced strike craft 先进型舰载机 Advanced Strike Craft
afterburners tech 加力燃烧室 Afterburners
automated exploration protocols 自动探索协议 Automated Exploration Protocols
aggressive conditioning 主动适应 Aggressive Conditioning
ai-controlled colony ships 人工智能殖民船 AI-Controlled Colony Ships
amoeba breeding program 变形虫育种计划 Amoeba Breeding Program
antimatter missiles tech 反物质导弹 Antimatter Missiles
antimatter power 反物质能源 Antimatter Power
applied quantum physics 应用量子力学 Applied Quantum Physics
applied superconductivity 超导应用 Applied Superconductivity
arc emitters tech 电弧发射器 Arc Emitters
armored torpedoes tech 装甲鱼雷 Armored Torpedoes
artificial dragonscales 人造龙鳞装甲 Artificial Dragonscales
artificial moral codes 人工道德规范 Artificial Moral Codes
ascension theory 飞升理论 Ascension Theory
assembly algorithms 组装算法 Assembly Algorithms
assembly patterns 装配模式 Assembly Patterns
atmospheric filtering 大气过滤 Atmospheric Filtering
autocannons tech 机关炮 Autocannons
automated curation algorithms 自动综合处理算法 Automated Curation Algorithms
autonomous mining drones 自动采矿无人机 Autonomous Mining Drones
battleships tech 战列舰 Battleships
betharian refining 贝赛里安精炼 Betharian Refining
binary motivators 二进制内驱程序 Binary Motivators
biodiversity studies 生物多样性研究 Biodiversity Studies
biomechanics 生物力学 Biomechanics
bio-reactor tech 生物反应堆 Bio-Reactor
blue lasers tech 蓝激光发射器 Blue Lasers
capacity boosters tech 能力增强 Capacity Boosters
carrier operations 航母作战 Carrier Operations
cell revitalization 细胞活力 Cell Revitalization
centralized command 集中指挥 Centralized Command
ceramo-metal materials 瓷金复合材料 Ceramo-Metal Materials
chemical thrusters tech 化学推进器 Chemical Thrusters
climate restoration 气候复苏 Climate Restoration
cloning 克隆 Cloning
cloud lightning conduits 雷云导线 Cloud Lightning Conduits
coilguns tech 线圈炮 Coilguns
cold fusion power 冷核聚变能源 Cold Fusion Power
colonial bureaucracy 殖民官僚制 Colonial Bureaucracy
colonial centralization 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization
combat training 战斗训练 Combat Training
command matrix 指挥矩阵 Command Matrix
consecration fields 授圣力场 Consecration Fields
construction templates 建造模板 Construction Templates
corps of engineers 工兵部队 Corps of Engineers
corvettes tech 护卫舰 Corvettes
cross-model standardization 交叉模组标准化 Cross-Model Standardization
cruisers tech 巡洋舰 Cruisers
crystal-infused plating tech 水晶复合镀层 Crystal-Infused Plating
crystal-forged plating tech 水晶锻造镀层 Crystal-Forged Plating
curator archeology lab tech,
curator archaeology lab tech
策展人考古实验室 Curator Archaeology Lab
curator exploration lab tech 策展人探索实验室 Curator Exploration Lab
cyto-revitalization 细胞修复 Cyto-Revitalization
dangerous wildlife removal 清除危险野生动物 Dangerous Wildlife Removal
dark matter deflectors 暗物质偏导护盾 Dark Matter Deflectors
dark matter drawing 暗物质收集 Dark Matter Drawing
dark matter power 暗物质能源 Dark Matter Power
dark matter propulsion 暗物质推进 Dark Matter Propulsion
deep core mining 地心开采 Deep Core Mining
deflectors tech 偏射盾 Deflectors
destroyers tech 驱逐舰 Destroyers
devastator torpedoes tech 毁灭者鱼雷 Devastator Torpedoes
disruptors tech 裂解炮 Disruptors
doctrine: armada battle formation 学说:舰队阵型 Doctrine: Armada Battle Formation
doctrine: fleet support 学说:舰队支援 Doctrine: Fleet Support
doctrine: fluid fleet templates 学说:机动舰队模板 Doctrine: Fluid Fleet Templates
doctrine: interstellar warfare 学说:星际战争 Doctrine: Interstellar Warfare
doctrine: reactive formations 学说:灵巧编队 Doctrine: Reactive Formations
entropic recursion 熵递归 Entropic Recursion
doctrine: space combat 学说:太空战斗 Doctrine: Space Combat
doctrine: strange loop 学说:奇异循环 Doctrine: Strange Loop
droids tech 智能人 Droids
durasteel materials 耐钢材料 Durasteel Materials
dyson sphere tech 戴森球 Dyson Sphere
eco simulation 生态模拟 Eco Simulation
ecological adaptation 生态适应 Ecological Adaptation
eco-integration studies 生态整合研究 Eco-Integration Studies
enigmatic decoder tech 神秘解码器 Enigmatic Decoder
enigmatic encoder tech 神秘编码器 Enigmatic Encoder
epigenetic triggers 表观遗传学机制 Epigenetic Triggers
exotic materials labs 外星材料实验室 Exotic Materials Labs
extended combat algorithms 拓展战斗算法 Extended Combat Algorithms
extraction patterns 提取模式 Extraction Patterns
extradimensional weaponry 高维武器 Extradimensional Weaponry
field modulation 力场调制 Field Modulation
fission power 裂变能源 Fission Power
flash coolant 快速冷却剂 Flash Coolant
focused arc emitters tech 聚能电弧发射器 Focused Arc Emitters
focusing arrays 聚焦阵列 Focusing Arrays
fortified core layers 强化核心层 Fortified Core Layers
flak artillery tech 重型高射炮 Flak Artillery
flak battery tech 高射炮 Flak Battery
frequency tuning 频率调谐 Frequency Tuning
fusion missiles tech 聚变核导弹 Fusion Missiles
fusion power 聚变能源 Fusion Power
galactic ambitions 星际扩张 Stellar Expansion
galactic administration 星系管理 Galactic Administration
galactic bureaucracy 星河官僚制 Galactic Bureaucracy
galactic campaigns 星河战役 Galactic Campaigns
galactic markets 泛星系贸易市场 Galactic Markets
gamma lasers tech 伽马激光 Gamma Lasers
gauss cannons tech 高斯炮 Gauss Cannons
gene banks 基因库 Gene Banks
gene crops 转基因作物 Gene Crops
gene seed purification 基因种子纯化 Gene Seed Purification
gene tailoring 基因剪裁 Gene Tailoring
genetic healthcare 基因健康保障 Genetic Healthcare
genetic resequencing 基因重组 Genetic Resequencing
genome mapping 基因图谱 Genome Mapping
geothermal fracking 地热水力压裂 Geothermal Fracking
giga cannon tech 千兆级加农炮 Giga Cannon
global energy management 全球能源管理 Global Energy Management
gravitic sensors tech 重力传感器 Gravitic Sensors
gravitational analysis 引力分析 Gravitational Analysis
heat recyclers 热力循环器 Heat Recyclers
heritage sites 传承遗迹 Heritage Sites
high-density munitions 高密度弹药 High-Density Munitions
high-energy capacitors 高能电容器 High-Energy Capacitors
holographic casts 固态全息铸模 Holographic Casts
holographic rituals 全息仪式 Holographic Rituals
hostile environment adaption 恶劣环境适应 Hostile Environment Adaptation
hydroponics 水培农业 Hydroponics Farming
hyper shields tech 超级护盾 Hyper Shields
hyper-entertainment forum tech 极乐广场 Hyper-Entertainment Forum
hyperlane breach points 超空间航道突破点 Hyperlane Breach Points
hyperspace slipstreams 超空间滑流 Hyperspace Slipstreams
hyperspace travel 超空间移动 Hyperspace Travel
interlinked support systems 互联支援系统 Interlinked Support Systems
interstellar campaigns 星际战役 Interstellar Campaigns
interstellar fleet traditions 星际舰队传统 Interstellar Fleet Traditions
improved deflectors tech 改良偏射盾 Improved Deflectors
improved strike craft 改良型舰载机 Improved Strike Craft
ion disruptors tech 离子裂解炮 Ion Disruptors
ion thrusters tech 离子推进器 Ion Thrusters
impulse thrusters tech 脉冲推进器 Impulse Thrusters
industrial base 工业基地 Industrial Base
jump drive tech 跃迁引擎 Jump Drive
kinetic battery tech 动能火炮 Kinetic Battery
kinetic artillery tech 先进动能火炮 Kinetic Artillery
living metal tech 活体金属 Living Metal
loader efficiency 装载效率 Loader Efficiency
local hypercommunication 本地超通讯 Local Hypercommunication
long-range mineral scanners 远距离矿物扫描仪 Long-Range Mineral Scanners
manifest destiny 昭昭天命 Manifest Destiny
marauder missiles tech 掠夺者导弹 Marauder Missiles
mass drivers tech 质量投射器 Mass Drivers
matter compression 物质压缩 Matter Compression
mechanized mining 机械化开采 Mechanized Mining
mega cannon tech 兆级加农炮 Mega Cannon
mega-engineering 巨型结构工程 Mega-Engineering
metacognitive faith 超意识信仰 Metacognitive Faith
micro-replicators 微型复制机 Micro-Replicators
miniature containment fields 微型遏制力场 Miniature Containment Fields
mineral cutting beams 矿石切割束 Mineral Cutting Beams
mineral isolation 矿物分离 Mineral Isolation
mineral purification 矿物提纯 Mineral Purification
miniaturized pre-igniters 小型预点火装置 Miniaturized Pre-Igniters
mining drone lasers tech 采矿无人机激光 Mining Drone Lasers
morphogenetic field mastery 形态发生学精通 Morphogenetic Field Mastery
multi-dimensional analysis 多维分析 Multi-Dimensional Analysis
multi-dimensional studies 多维研究 Multi-Dimensional Studies
nanite assemblers 纳米装配机 Nanite Assemblers
nanite mineral probes 纳米矿物探测器 Nanite Mineral Probes
nanite repair system tech 纳米修复系统 Nanite Repair System
nanite transmutation 纳米变形 Nanite Transmutation
nano-vitality crops 纳米活性作物 Nano-Vitality Crops
nanocomposite materials 纳米复合材料 Nanocomposite Materials
nanomechanics 纳米力学 Nanomechanics
nano-circuit assembly 纳米电路装配 Nano-Circuit Assembly
nano-separators 纳米分离器 Nano-Separators
new worlds protocol 新世界协议 New Worlds Protocol
nerve dampeners 神经抑制器 Nerve Dampeners
neural implants 神经植入体 Neural Implants
neutron torpedoes tech 中子发射器 Neutron Launchers
neutronium materials 零素材料 Neutronium Materials
nuclear missiles tech 核导弹 Nuclear Missiles
nutrient replication 营养复制 Nutrient Replication
offworld construction 外太空建设 Offworld Construction
omega theory 欧米伽理论 Omega Theory
particle lances tech 粒子光矛 Particle Lances
phase disruptors tech 相位裂解炮 Phase Disruptors
planetary defenses 行星防御 Planetary Defenses
planetary government 行星政府 Planetary Government
planetary power grid 行星电力网 Planetary Power Grid
planetary shields 行星护盾 Planetary Shields
planetary unification 行星统一 Planetary Unification
plasma accelerators tech 等离子加速器 Plasma Accelerators
plasma cannons tech 等离子加农炮 Plasma Cannons
plasma throwers tech 等离子发射器 Plasma Throwers
plasma thrusters tech 等离子推进器 Plasma Thrusters
plasteel materials 塑钢材料 Plasteel Materials
powered exoskeletons 动力外骨骼 Powered Exoskeletons
precognition interface 预知接口 Precognition Interface
predictive algorithms 预测算法 Predictive Algorithms
proclamation broadcasts 公告广播 Proclamation Broadcasts
proton launchers tech 质子发射器 Proton Launchers
psi jump drives 灵能跃迁引擎 Psi Jump Drives
psionic shields tech 灵能护盾 Psionic Shields
psionic theory 灵能理论 Psionic Theory
quantum probes 量子探测器 Quantum Probes
quantum theory 量子理论 Quantum Theory
quantum energy states 量子能态 Quantum Energy States
quantum field manipulation 量子场操控 Quantum Field Manipulation
quantum missiles tech 量子导弹 Quantum Missiles
railguns tech 轨道炮 Railguns
red lasers tech 红激光发射器 Red Lasers
refit standards 改装标准 Refit Standards
regenerative hull tissue tech 再生舰体组织 Regenerative Hull Tissue
replicator kiosks 复制机终端 Replicator Kiosks
ring world tech 环形世界 Ring World
ripper cannons tech 撕裂者机关炮 Ripper Cannons
robotic workers 机器人劳工 Robotic Workers
science nexus tech 科学枢纽 Science Nexus
scientific method 科学方法 Scientific Method
scourge missiles 天灾导弹 Scourge Missiles
secrets of life 生命的秘密 Secrets of Life
selected lineages tech 择优血脉 Selected Lineages
self-assembling components 自动组装部件 Self-Assembling Components
self-aware colony ships 自我意识殖民船 Self-Aware Colony Ships
sentry array tech 哨兵阵列 Sentry Array
shield capacitors 护盾电容 Shield Capacitors
shield harmonics 护盾数律分析 Shield Harmonics
shields tech 护盾 Shields
sociocultural history 社会文化历史 Sociocultural History
space torpedoes tech 太空鱼雷 Space Torpedoes
space-time theory 时空理论 Space-Time Theory
specialized combat computers 特种作战计算机 Specialized Combat Computers
standardized battleship patterns 标准化战列舰模板 Standardized Battleship Patterns
standardized cruiser patterns 标准化巡洋舰模板 Standardized Cruiser Patterns
stimulant diet 刺激性饮食 Stimulant Diet
stormfire cannons tech 火风暴机关炮 Stormfire Cannons
subdermal stimulation 皮下刺激 Subdermal Stimulation
subspace sensors tech 亚空间传感器 Subspace Sensors
superfluid materials 超流体材料 Superfluid Materials
supersolid materials 超固体材料 Supersolid Materials
swarm spawning pools 虫群产卵池 Swarm Spawning Pools
swarmer missiles tech 蜂群导弹 Swarmer Missiles
synapse interceptors 突触拦截器 Synapse Interceptors
synchronized defenses tech 同步防御 Synchronized Defenses
synchronized firing patterns 同步开火模式 Synchronized Firing Patterns
synthetic personality matrix 合成人人格矩阵 Synthetic Personality Matrix
synthetic thought patterns 综合思维模式 Synthetic Thought Patterns
synthetics tech 合成人 Synthetics
tachyon lances tech 快子光矛 Tachyon Lances
tachyon sensors tech 快子传感器 Tachyon Sensors
talent acquisition 人才获取 Talent Acquisition
targeted gene expressions 基因定向表达 Targeted Gene Expressions
telepathy 心灵感应 Telepathy
terrestrial sculpting 地表塑造 Terrestrial Sculpting
the collective self 集体自我 The Collective Self
the living state 活体国度 The Living State
thermodynamic yield control 热力学当量控制 Thermodynamic Yield Control
transgenic crops 转基因作物 Transgenic Crops
uv lasers tech 紫外激光发射器 UV Lasers
vitality boosters 活性增强剂 Vitality Boosters
whirlwind missiles tech 旋风导弹 Whirlwind Missiles
xeno diplomacy 异种外交 Xeno Diplomacy
xeno relations 异星关系学 Xeno Relations
xenobiology 异种生物学 Xenobiology
xenology 异种生物学 Xenology
x-ray lasers tech X射线发射器 X-Ray Lasers
zero-g laboratories 零重力实验室 Zero-G Laboratories
zero-g refineries 零重力精炼厂 Zero-G Refineries
zero point power 零点能源 Zero Point Power
zro distillation 蒸馏泽珞 Zro Distillation


Leader traits[编辑源代码]

Generic Leader traits
adaptable 开明 Adaptable
arrested development 没有前途 Arrested Development
brain slug host leader 脑蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host
chosen one 天选之人 Chosen One
cyborg 义体人 Cyborg
eager 活力四射 Eager
erudite leader 博学多识 Erudite
increased lifespan 延长寿命 Increased Lifespan
newboot 新上任 Newboot
psychic 灵媒 Psychic
resilient leader 快速复原 Resilient
rigid programming 死板编程 Rigid Programming
stubborn 顽固 Stubborn
substance abuser 药物依赖 Substance Abuser
synthetic 合成人 Synthetic
Unused leader trait icons
chemicals Leader trait chemicals.png
financial Leader trait financial.png
food leader Leader trait food.png
invader Leader trait attacker.png
reluctant Leader trait reluctant.png
ship leader Leader trait ship.png
Ruler traits
hive mind (trait) 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind
machine intelligence ruler 机械智能 Machine Intelligence
architectural sense 重视建筑 Architectural Sense
battleship focus 战列舰专精 Battleship Focus
champion of the people 人民公仆 Champion of the People
charismatic ruler 魅力非凡 Charismatic
corvette focus 护卫舰专精 Corvette Focus
cruiser focus 巡洋舰专精 Cruiser Focus
deep connections 关系深厚 Deep Connections
destroyer focus 驱逐舰专精 Destroyer Focus
expansionist 扩张主义者 Expansionist
explorer 探险家 Explorer
eye for talent 伯乐之眼 Eye for Talent
fertility preacher 重视农耕 Fertility Preacher
fleet organizer 舰队组织者 Fleet Organizer
fortifier 筑防者 Fortifier
from the ranks 出身士卒 From the Ranks
frontier spirit 开拓精神 Frontier Spirit
home in the sky 星辰大海 Home in the Sky
industrialist 实业家 Industrialist
investor 投资者 Investor
logistic understanding 深通后勤 Logistic Understanding
military pioneer 军事先驱 Military Pioneer
recruiter 征募者 Recruiter
reformer 改革家 Reformer
space miner 太空矿工 Space Miner
warlike 好战 Warlike
world shaper 星球塑形师 World Shaper
Governor traits
agrarian upbringing 土地培育师 Agrarian Upbringing
ai-aided design AI辅助设计 AI-Aided Design
amplifier 放大电路 Amplifier
analytical 善于分析 Analytical
architectural interest 建筑学爱好者 Architectural Interest
army veteran 退伍老兵 Army Veteran
bulldozer 推土机 Bulldozer
corrupt 贪婪腐败 Corrupt
enclave trader 城邦商人 Enclave Trader
environmental engineer 环境工程师 Environmental Engineer
intellectual 知识分子 Intellectual
iron fist 铁拳 Iron Fist
merchant of numa 拜金教商人 Merchant of Numa
mindfulness 正念 Mindfulness
nanite entity 纳米机器个体 Nanite Entity
oracle 神谕 Oracle
retired fleet officer 退伍海军军官 Retired Fleet Officer
righteous 正义凌然 Righteous
unifier 上下同心 Unifier
warbot tinkerer 杀器焊匠 Warbot Tinkerer
waste management specialist 废物处理专家 Waste Management Specialist
Scientist traits
archaeologist 考古学家 Archaeologist
carefree 无忧无虑 Carefree
cataloguer 目录编纂者 Cataloger
curator 策展人 Curator
custom ai assistant 定制AI助理 Custom AI Assistant
expertise: biology 专长:生物学 Expertise: Biology
expertise: computing 专长:计算技术 Expertise: Computing
expertise: field manipulation 专长:力场操控 Expertise: Field Manipulation
expertise: industry 专长:工业 Expertise: Industry
expertise: materials 专长:材料科学 Expertise: Materials
expertise: military theory 专长:军事理论 Expertise: Military Theory
expertise: new worlds 专长:新世界理论 Expertise: New Worlds
expertise: particles 专长:粒子物理 Expertise: Particles
expertise: propulsion 专长:推进力学 Expertise: Propulsion
expertise: psionics 专长:灵能理论 Expertise: Psionics
expertise: statecraft 专长:治国术 Expertise: Statecraft
expertise: voidcraft 专长:宇航技术 Expertise: Voidcraft
maimed 伤残 Maimed
maniacal 狂热 Maniacal
meticulous 细致 Meticulous
paranoid 偏执 Paranoid
roamer 漫游者 Roamer
sapient ai assistant 智能AI副官 Sapient AI Assistant
spark of genius 灵光一闪 Spark of Genius
towel-bearer 毛巾携带者 Towel-bearer
traumatized 受挫 Traumatized
Admiral traits
aggressive 火力全开 Aggressive
ascendant clone army admiral 先裔克隆部队司令 Ascendant Clone Army Admiral
caravan counter 行商拦截者 Caravan Counter
cautious 谨慎 Cautious
clone army admiral 克隆人部队司令 Clone Army Admiral
cybrex databases 赛博勒克斯数据库 Cybrex Databases
descendant clone army admiral 末裔克隆部队司令 Descendant Clone Army Admiral
dimensional stutter 次元巡航 Dimensional Stutter
dragonslayer 屠龙者 Dragonslayer
engineer 工程师 Engineer
ethereal 虚无缥缈 Ethereal
fleet logistician 舰队后勤专家 Fleet Logistician
foredoomed to a rendezvous 命中注定相会 Foredoomed to a Rendezvous
gale speed 其疾如风 Gale-Speed
hell's heart 地狱雄心 Hell's Heart
hive affinity 蜂巢亲和 Hive Affinity
lethargic 懒散 Lethargic
maintenance loop 维护循环 Maintenance Loop
mercenary warrior admiral 佣兵战士 Mercenary Warrior
nervous 神经质 Nervous
scout 侦查专家 Scout
sentinel training 哨兵训练 Sentinel Training
the great khan 大可汗 The Great Khan
trickster 战略家 Trickster
unstable code base 不稳定代码库 Unstable Code Base
unyielding 不屈 Unyielding
void hunter 虚空猎手 Void Hunter
General traits
armchair commander 纸上谈兵 Armchair Commander
army logistician 陆战队后勤专家 Army Logistician
butcher 屠夫 Butcher
charismatic leader 魅力非凡 Charismatic
demoralizer 灌输恐惧 Demoralizer
erratic morality core 不稳定道德核心 Erratic Morality Core
glory seeker 身先士卒 Glory Seeker
mercenary warrior general 佣兵战士 Mercenary Warrior
parts cannibalizer 零件再利用 Parts Cannibalizer
restrained 克制 Restrained

Species traits[编辑源代码]

Basic habitability traits
alpine preference 高山星球偏好 Alpine Preference
arctic preference 极地星球偏好 Arctic Preference
arid preference 干旱星球偏好 Arid Preference
continental preference 陆地星球偏好 Continental Preference
desert preference 沙漠星球偏好 Desert Preference
ocean preference 海洋星球偏好 Ocean Preference
savannah preference 温顺 Docile
tropical preference 热带星球偏好 Tropical Preference
tundra preference 苔原星球偏好 Tundra Preference
Exotic habitability traits
ai world preference 人工智能星球偏好 AI World Preference
gaia world preference 盖亚星球偏好 gaia world preference、​ 盖亚星球偏好 Gaia World Preference
habitat preference 居住站偏好 Habitat Preference
hive world preference 蜂巢星球偏好 Hive World Preference
machine world preference 机械星球偏好 Machine World Preference
relic world preference 遗落星球偏好 Relic World Preference
ring world preference 环形世界偏好 Ring World Preference
tomb world preference 死寂星球偏好 Tomb World Preference
Biological traits (Initial)
adaptive 善于适应 Adaptive
agrarian 农民 Agrarian
charismatic 魅力非凡 Charismatic
communal 合群 Communal
conformists 从众 Conformists
conservationist 节约 Conservationist
decadent 颓废 Decadent
deviants 天性反常 Deviants
enduring 延年益寿 Enduring
extremely adaptive 极易适应 Extremely Adaptive
fleeting 快节奏 Fleeting
industrious 勤勉 Industrious
ingenious 足智多谋 Ingenious
intelligent 聪慧 Intelligent
natural engineers 天生工程师 Natural Engineers
natural physicists 天生物理学家 Natural Physicists
natural sociologists 天生社会学家 Natural Sociologists
nomadic 四海为家 Nomadic
nonadaptive 水土不服 Nonadaptive
quarrelsome 好斗 Quarrelsome、​ 好斗 Quarrelsome
quick learners 聪颖 Quick Learners
rapid breeders 快速繁殖 Rapid Breeders
repugnant 令人厌恶 Repugnant
resilient 快速复原 Resilient
sedentary 安土重迁 Sedentary
slow breeders 缓慢繁殖 Slow Breeders
slow learners 愚笨 Slow Learners
solitary 孤僻 Solitary
strong 强壮 Strong
talented 天赋异禀 Talented
thrifty 节俭 Thrifty
traditional 传统 Traditional
venerable 尊者 Venerable
very strong 非常强壮 Very Strong
wasteful 挥霍 Wasteful
weak 纤弱 Weak
Biological traits (Special)
bioadaptability 生物适应性 Bioadaptability
brain slug host 脑蛞蝓宿主 Brain Slug Host
clone soldier 克隆人士兵 Clone Soldier
clone soldier ascendant 克隆人士兵先裔 Clone Soldier Ascendant
clone soldier descendant 克隆人士兵末裔 Clone Soldier Descendant
cybernetic 神经机械 Cybernetic
hive-minded 蜂巢思维 Hive-Minded
latent psionic 潜在的灵能 Latent Psionic
limited regeneration 有限再生 Limited Regeneration
necrophage 尸化体 Necrophage
numistic administration 拜金教管理模式 Numistic Administration
survivor 幸存者 Survivor
psionic 灵能 Psionic
social pheromones 群体荷尔蒙 Social Pheromones
Uplifted species traits
conservative 保守主义 Conservative
earthbound 故土情怀 Earthbound
irradiated 辐照化 Irradiated
natural intellectuals 天资聪颖 Natural Intellectuals
proles 无产者 Proles
serviles 奴性 Serviles
starborn 仰望星空 Starborn
unlifted 未受提升 Unlifted
somewhat uplifted 略受提升 Somewhat Uplifted
uplifted 受提升 Uplifted
Advanced traits
delicious 美味 Delicious
erudite 博学多识 Erudite
fertile 好生养 Fertile
nerve stapled 精神阉割 Nerve Stapled
robust 强健 Robust
Species Archetype traits
Botanic traits
budding 出芽生殖 Budding
phototrophic 光合作用 Phototrophic
radiotrophic 辐射合成 Radiotrophic
Lithoid traits
lithoid 石质 Lithoid
gaseous byproducts 气态副产物 Gaseous Byproducts
scintillating skin 闪烁表皮 Scintillating Skin
volatile excretions 易爆排泄物 Volatile Excretions
Robotic traits
machine 机械 Machine
mechanical 机械体 Mechanical
bulky 笨重 Bulky、​ 笨重 Bulky
custom-made 定制 Custom-Made
domestic protocols 侍奉协议 Domestic Protocols
double-jointed 双向关节 Double-Jointed
durable 耐用 Durable、​ 耐用 Durable
efficient processors 高效处理器 Efficient Processors
emotion emulators 情感模拟器 Emotion Emulators
enhanced memory 强化存储 Enhanced Memory
harvesters 收割套件 Harvesters
high bandwidth 高宽带 High Bandwidth、​ 高带宽 High Bandwidth
high maintenance 维护频繁 High Maintenance、​ 维护频繁 High Maintenance
learning algorithms 学习算法 Learning Algorithms
logic engines 逻辑引擎 Logic Engines
loyalty circuits 忠诚植入体 loyalty circuits、​ 忠诚电路 Loyalty Circuits
luxurious 奢华 Luxurious
mass-produced 量产 Mass-Produced
power drills 动力钻头 Power Drills
propaganda machines 宣传机器 Propaganda Machines、​ 宣传机器 Propaganda Machines
repurposed hardware 特制硬件 Repurposed Hardware
recycled 循环利用 Recycled
streamlined protocols 流线协议 Streamlined Protocols
superconductive 超导性 Superconductive
uncanny 可怕 Uncanny


Obsolete buildings

obelisk of zanaam
replaced by ?? in 1.3
扎娜姆方尖碑 Obelisk of Zanaam
symbol of unity
removed in 1.6
团结之识 Symbol of Unity
frontier clinic
renamed 'Gene Clinic' in 1.8
Building clinic.png
frontier hospital
renamed 'Cyto-Revitalization Hospital' in 1.8
Building clinic.png
basic hydroponics farm
removed in 2.0
基础水培农场 Basic Hydroponics Farm
basic mine
removed in 2.0
基础开采站 Basic Mine
basic power plant
removed in 2.0
基础发电站 Basic Power Plant
mineral silo, mineral silo i
removed in 2.0
矿物储蓄仓 I Mineral Silo I
mineral silo ii
removed in 2.0
矿物储蓄仓 II Mineral Silo II
mineral silo iii
removed in 2.0
矿物储蓄仓 III Mineral Silo III
Buildings removed in 1.5
betharian power plant i
Building betharian power plant 1.png
betharian power plant ii
贝塞里安发电站 II Betharian Power Plant II
betharian power plant iii
贝塞里安发电站 III Betharian Power Plant III
betharian power plant iv
贝塞里安发电站 IV Betharian Power Plant IV
grand mausoleum
宏伟陵墓 Grand Mausoleum
hyper-entertainment forum
极乐广场 Hyper-Entertainment Forum
monument to purity
至纯纪念碑 Monument to Purity
power hub i
renamed 'Energy Grid'
Building power hub 1.png
power hub ii
renamed 'Energy Nexus'
Building power hub 2.png
royal gardens
皇室花园 Royal Gardens
virtual combat arena
虚拟竞技场 Virtual Combat Arena
Civic buildings
neuro-electric amplifier
神经电流放大器 Neuro-Electric Amplifier
war factory
战争工厂 War Factory
Tradition buildings
hive synapse
蜂巢突触 Hive Synapse
symbol of purity
removed in ??
纯净之识 Symbol of Purity
visitor center
removed in ??
游客中心 Visitor Center
Event buildings
alien toy factory
became a deposit in ??
外星玩具厂 Alien Toy Factory
art monument
became a deposit in 2.2.2
艺术纪念碑 Art Monument
dragonslayer monument
became a deposit in ??
Building guardian dragon monument.png
ether drake shrine
became a deposit in 2.2.2
Building guardian dragon shrine.png
machine park[note 1]
Building primitive farm.png
mutant landfill
became a deposit in ??
突变体填埋场 Mutant Landfill
odd factory
became a deposit in ??
古怪工厂 Odd Factory
particle accelerator
became a deposit in ??
粒子加速器 Particle Accelerator
plague memorial
removed in ??
疫病纪念碑 Plague Memorial
plague research station
removed in ??
疫病研究站 Plague Research Station
stellar devourer trophy
became a deposit in ??
Building zanaam obelisk.png
underground vault[note 2]
became a deposit in ??
地下避难所 Underground Vault、​ 地下避难所 Underground Vault
Horizon Signal buildings
loop institute
圆环学院 Loop Institute
spiral-feed power hub
螺旋发电池 Spiral-Feed Power Hub
  1. Called "Underground Vault" in game. This icon refers to the non-empty vault building.
  2. Refers to the abandoned vault.

Obsolete technologies

Technologies removed in 1.5
alien visitor centers
replaced by 'Alien Tourism' tradition
Tech visitor center.png
frontier collectives
Tech frontier collectives.png
frontier commissars
边疆委员会 Frontier Commissars
frontier initiatives
边疆开拓 Frontier Initiatives
frontier traditions
边疆传统 Frontier Traditions
paradise dome tech
replaced by 'Paradise Dome' tradition
Tech paradise dome.png
propaganda transmissions
Tech repeatable improved border range.png
purity campaigns 纯净运动 Purity Campaigns
virtual combat simulations Tech virtual combat arena.png
xeno integration 异种整合 Xeno Integration
Obsolete technologies
global research initiative
renamed 'Interplanetary Research Initiative' in 1.6
Tech global research initiative.png
symbols of unity
removed in 1.6
团结之识 Symbols of Unity
climate transformation
renamed 'Climate Restoration' in 1.8
Tech climate restoration.png
frontier health
remamed in 1.8
Tech frontier health.png
frontier hospital tech
remamed in 1.8
Tech frontier health.png
atmospheric manipulation
removed in 2.0
大气操控 Atmospheric Manipulation
capacitor fields tech
removed in 2.0
电容场 Capacitor Fields
doctrine: command matrix
renamed 'Command Matrix' in 2.0
Tech doctrine command matrix.png
doctrine: refit standards
renamed 'Refit Standards' in 2.0
Tech doctrine refit standards.png
enigmatic deflectors
renamed 'Dark Matter Deflectors' in 2.0
Tech enigmatic deflector.png
enigmatic disruption field tech
removed in 2.0
神秘干扰力场 Enigmatic Disruption Field
enigmatic power generation
renamed 'Dark Matter Power' in 2.0
Tech enigmatic power core.png
gaia creation
removed in 2.0
Tech gaia creation.png
proton torpedoes tech
renamed 'Proton Launchers' in 2.0
Tech energy torpedoes 1.png
Obsolete technologies
databank uplinks
数据库上行链路 Databank Uplinks、​ 数据库上行链路 Databank Uplinks
uplink miniaturization
removed in 2.0
上行链路小型化 Uplink Miniaturization
communication protocols
通讯协议 Communication Protocols
ethical equations
道德方程 Ethical Equations
hull integrity
removed in ??
舰体完整性 Hull Integrity
interplanetary expeditionary forces
removed in ??
星际远征军 Interplanetary Expeditionary Forces
planetary signal boosters
行星信号增强器 Planetary Signal Boosters
quantum destabilizer tech
removed in ??
量子去稳器 Quantum Destabilizer
organic probability theory
removed in ??
有机生命概率论 Organic Probability Theory
probability theory
renamed 'Organic Probability Theory' in ??
Tech probability theory.png
sapient resource management
智慧资源管理 Sapient Resource Management
singularity core
removed in ??
奇点核心 Singularity Core、​ 奇点核心 Singularity Core
self-aware logic
renamed 'Self-Evolving Logic' in 1.8
Tech self aware logic.png
sentient ai
renamed 'Positronic AI' in 1.8
Tech sentient ai.png
sentient combat simulations
renamed 'Sapient Combat Simulations' in 1.8
Tech combat computers 3.png
sentient resource management
renamed 'Sapient Resource Management' in 1.8
Tech repeatable improved leader cap.png
xeno outreach
removed in ??
异星扩张 Xeno Outreach
xeno supremacy
removed in ??
异星霸权 Xeno Supremacy
xeno zoo tech
replaced by 'Xenology' in ??
异星动物园 Xeno Zoo
Obsolete FTL techs
removed in 2.0
hyperlane mapping 超空间航道测绘 Hyperlane Mapping
warp travel 曲速移动 Warp Travel
warp field stabilizers 曲速场稳定器 Warp Field Stabilizers
warp drive ramscoops 曲速引擎冲压发动机 Warp Drive Ramscoops
subspace wormholes 亚空间虫洞 Subspace Wormholes
wormhole calibration matrix 虫洞校准矩阵 Wormhole Calibration Matrix
wormhole containment fields 虫洞控制场 Wormhole Containment Fields
Blocker removal techs
renamed in 1.5
deep sinkhole removal
renamed 'Subterranean Colonization'
Tech tb deep sinkhole.png
dense jungle removal
renamed 'Selective Defoliants'
Tech tb dense jungle.png
massive glacier removal
renamed 'Climate Control Network'
Tech tb massive glacier.png
mountain range removal
renamed 'Planetary Resurfacing'
Tech tb mountain range.png
noxious swamp removal
renamed 'Xeno-Hydraulic Mastery'
Tech tb noxious swamp.png
quicksand basin removal
renamed 'Soil Remediation'
Tech tb quicksand basin.png
toxic kelp removal
renamed 'Ocean Ecology Management'
Tech tb toxic kelp.png
volcano removal
renamed 'Deep Crust Engineering'
Tech tb volcano.png

Other obsolete icons

Removed in 3.3
replaced by 'Politician'
Job administrator.png
bureaucrat trait
replaced by 'Unifier'
Leader trait bureaucrat.png
edict cap add, edict capacity add
File:Mod edict cap add.png
edict capacity
Edict capacity.png
edict duration
法令持续时间 Edict Duration
administrative cap
Mod country admin cap add.png
empire sprawl
replaced by 'empire size'
Empire sprawl.png
empire sprawl penalty
replaced by 'empire size penalty'
Mod empire size penalty mult.png
Other obsolete icons
precious metals
removed in 1.1
Precious Metals.png
removed in 1.3
Diplomacy alliance.png
alliance influence cost
removed in 1.3
Diplomacy alliance.png
pioneering terminal
removed in 1.5
Pioneering Terminal.png
anomaly fail risk
removed in 2.1
异常现象失败风险 Anomaly Fail Risk
removed in 2.1
警惕 Careful
adjacency, adjacency bonus, adjacent
removed in 2.2
reanimated armies
renamed 'Reanimators' in 3.1
Civic reanimated armies.png
alien test subjects
removed in ??
Alien Test Subjects
head researcher
renamed 'Science Director' in ??
Job researcher.png
replaced by 'Mechanical' in ??
Trait robotic 1.png
replaced by 'Mechanical' in ??
Trait robotic 2.png
sentient ai assistant
renamed 'Sapient AI Assistant' in ??
Leader trait sentient AI assistant.png
war happiness
战争幸福度 War Happiness
Mod war economy offensive.png
Obsolete modifiers
alien migration attraction
Mod planet migration xeno pull.png
alien slavery tolerance
construction time
replaced by 'Building Build Speed' in 1.5
建设时间 Construction Time
empire leader capacity
removed in 2.2
帝国领袖容量 Empire Leader Capacity
growth time
renamed 'Pop Growth Speed' in 1.6
成长时间 Growth Time
growth speed
Mod pop growth req.png
maximum rivalries
removed in ??
最大宿敌数量 Maximum Rivalries
migration time
removed in ??
Mod pop migration time.png
military production
Mod ship speed mult.png
planet border extrusion
renamed 'Border Growth' in 1.5
行星边界推进 Planet Border Extrusion
planet fortification toughness
rivalry influence gain
宿敌影响力收益 Rivalry Influence Gain
robot build speed
Mod pop robot build speed mult.png
ship repair speed
Mod ship build speed mult.png
slavery tolerance
removed in ??
Mod pop slavery tolerance.png
became a planet modifier?
Mod pop food req.png
replaced by 'Crime' in 2.2
Obsolete armies
army potential
Army potential.png
android army, android armies
Army robotic.png
elite guard army, elite guard armies
Army assault.png
machine army, machine armies
Army assault m.png
machine defense army, machine defense armies
Army defense m.png
robotic army, robotic armies
Army robotic.png

Obsolete strategic resources, buildings, and technologies (removed in 2.2)

Obsolete resources
aldar crystals 傲古水晶 Aldar Crystals
alien pets 外星宠物 Alien Pets
betharian stone 贝塞里安石 Betharian Stone
lythuric gas 莱素气体 Lythuric Gas
muutagan, muutagan crystals 穆塔根水晶 Muutagan Crystals
neutronium ore 零素矿石 Neutronium Ore
orillium ore 奥利姆矿石 Orillium Ore
pitharan dust 皮萨兰星尘 Pitharan Dust
riggan, riggan spice 里甘香料 Riggan Spice
satramene gas 萨特拉烯 Satramene Gas
teldar crystals 特尔达水晶 Teldar Crystals
terraforming gases 环境改造气体 Terraforming Gases
terraforming liquids 环境改造液体 Terraforming Liquids
xuragel 雪拉凝胶 XuraGel
yurantic, yurantic crystals 育兰水晶 Yurantic Crystals
Obsolete resource techs
aldar polishing Tech mine aldar.png
engos vapor refining Tech engos vapor.png
garanthium mining 珈蓝矿开采 Garanthium Mining
lythuric gas refining Tech lythuric gas.png
neutronium extraction 零素提取 Neutronium Extraction
orillium extraction Tech mine orillium.png
pitharan dust refining 精炼皮萨兰星尘 Pitharan Dust Refining
satramene refining 萨特拉烯精炼 Satramene Refining
teldar crystal mining Tech mine teldar.png
yurantic crystal mining Tech mine yuranic.png
Research buildings
basic science lab i Building basic science lab 1.png
biolab i 生物实验室 I Biolab I
biolab ii 生物实验室 II Biolab II
biolab iii 生物实验室 III Biolab III
biolab iv 生物实验室 IV Biolab IV
engineering facility i 工程实验室 I Engineering Facility I
engineering facility ii 工程实验室 II Engineering Facility II
engineering facility iii 工程实验室 III Engineering Facility III
engineering facility iv 工程实验室 IV Engineering Facility IV
physics lab ii 物理实验室 II Physics Lab II
physics lab i 物理研究所 I Physics Lab I
physics lab iii 物理实验室 III Physics Lab III
physics lab iv 物理实验室 IV Physics Lab IV
Resource extraction buildings
hydroponics farm i 水培农场 I Hydroponics Farm I
hydroponics farm ii 水培农场 II Hydroponics Farm II
hydroponics farm iii 水培农场 III Hydroponics Farm III
hydroponics farm iv 水培农场 IV Hydroponics Farm IV
hydroponics farm v 水培农场 V Hydroponics Farm V
mining network i 复合矿场 I Mining Network I
mining network ii 复合矿场 II Mining Network II
mining network iii 复合矿场 III Mining Network III
mining network iv 复合矿场 IV Mining Network IV
mining network v 复合矿场 V Mining Network V
power plant i 发电站 I Power Plant I
power plant ii 发电站 II Power Plant II
power plant iii 发电站 III Power Plant III
power plant iv 发电站 IV Power Plant IV
power plant v 发电站 V Power Plant V
Other buildings
agricultural zone 农业区 Agricultural Zone
matter replicator Building matter replicator.png
mineral processing plant i
renamed 'Mineral Purification Plants'
Building mineral processing plant 1.png
mineral processing plant ii
renamed 'Mineral Purification Hubs'
Building mineral processing plant 2.png
ministry of benevolence Building ministry benevolence.png
Fallen empire buildings
agri-processing complex
replaced by 'Nourishment Center'
农业加工厂 Agri-Processing Complex
autonomous fabricators
replaced by 'Dimensional Fabricator'
自动化工厂 Autonomous Fabricators
dark matter power plant
replaced by 'Class-4 Singularity'
暗物质发电站 Dark Matter Power Plant
Obsolete building technologies
galactic benevolence
Tech galactic benevolence.png
matter generation
Tech matter generator.png
mineral processing
renamed 'Mineral Purification'
Tech mineral processing 1.png
advanced mineral processing
renamed 'Advanced Mineral Purification'
Tech mineral processing 2.png

Spaceports and military stations (replaced by starbases in 2.0)

Spaceport modules
battleship assembly yards
replaced by 'Shipyard'
Battleship Assembly Yards.png
corvette assembly yards
replaced by 'Shipyard'
Corvette Assembly Yards.png
cruiser assembly yards
replaced by 'Shipyard'
Cruiser Assembly Yards.png
destroyer assembly yards
replaced by 'Shipyard'
Destroyer Assembly Yards.png removed with patch 2.0 -->
engineering bay
Engineering Bay.png
laser defense module
replaced by 'Gun Battery'
Laser Defense Module.png
missile defense module
replaced by 'Missile Battery'
Missile Defense Module.png
Spaceport modules
navigator's guild
renamed 'Listening Post'
Navigator's Guild.png
replaced by 'Black Hole Observatory'
orbital hydroponic farms
replaced by 'Hydroponics Bay'
Orbital Hydroponic Farms.png
orbital mind control laser
Orbital Mind Control Laser.png
projectile defense module
replaced by 'Gun Battery'
Projectile Defense Module.png
synchronized defenses
同步防御 Synchronized Defenses
Military station technologies
deep space outposts
renamed 'Deep Space Defenses'
Tech space defense station 1.png
deep space stations
深空驻地 Deep Space Stations
deep space installations
深空据点 Deep Space Installations
Spaceport technologies
spaceport tech
Tech spaceport 1.png
improved spaceport
Tech spaceport 2.png
advanced spaceport
Tech spaceport 4.png
Spaceport module technologies
orbital energy conversion
轨道能源转化技术 Orbital Energy Conversion
orbital sensor arrays
轨道传感器阵列 Orbital Sensor Arrays
will to power
Tech will to power.png
Spaceport modifiers
spaceport build cost
replaced by 'starbase build cost'
Mod country spaceport cost mult.png
spaceport module cost
replaced by 'starbase module build cost'
Mod spaceport module cost mult.png

Obsolete army attachments (removed in 2.0)

Army attachments
clone commandos Attachment genetic.png
commissar squads Attachment slaves.png
hunter-killer drone swarms Attachment mechanical.png
neo-concrete fortifications Attachment shield.png
psi warriors Attachment special forces.png
xeno cavalry Attachment xeno.png

Obsolete ethics (replaced with Authoritarian and Egalitarian in patch 1.5)

collectivist Collectivist.png
individualist Individualist.png
fanatic collectivist Fanatic Collectivist.png
fanatic individualist Fanatic Individualist.png

Obsolete government types (reworked in patch 1.5)

ai overlordship AI Overlordship.png
awakened ascendancy Awakened Ascendancy.png
democratic utopia Democratic Utopia.png
despotic empire Despotic Empire.png
despotic hegemony Despotic Hegemony.png
direct democracy Direct Democracy.png
divine mandate Divine Mandate.png
enlightened monarchy Enlightened Monarchy.png
fragmented nations Fragmented Nations.png
illuminated technocracy Illuminated Technocracy.png
indirect democracy Indirect Democracy.png
irenic democracy Irenic Democracy.png
irenic monarchy Irenic Monarchy.png
irenic protectorate Irenic Protectorate.png
machine consciousness AI Overlordship.png
martial democracy Martial Demarchy.png
martial empire Martial Empire.png
mega corporation Mega Corporation.png
military dictatorship Military Dictatorship.png
military junta Military Junta.png
military order 军事教团 Military Order
military republic Military Republic.png
moral democracy Moral Democracy.png
neural network administration AI Overlordship.png
ordered stratocracy Ordered Stratocracy.png
peaceful bureaucracy Peaceful Bureaucracy.png
pirate codex Pirate Codex.png
plutocratic oligarchy Plutocratic Oligarchy.png
primitive feudalism Primitive Feudalism.png
science directorate Science Directorate.png
stagnant ascendancy Stagnated Ascendancy.png
star empire Star Empire.png
subconscious consensus Subconscious Consensus.png
theocratic oligarchy Theocratic Oligarchy.png
theocratic republic Theocratic Republic.png
transcendent empire Transcendent Empire.png
transcendent oligarchy Transcendent Oligarchy.png
transcendent republic Transcendent Republic.png

Obsolete technologies, resource buildings, and spaceport modules (removed in 1.3)

Climate colonization techs
arctic colonization 极地殖民 Arctic Colonization
arid colonization 旱地殖民 Arid Colonization
continental colonization 陆地殖民 Continental Colonization
desert colonization 沙漠殖民 Desert Colonization
ocean colonization 海洋殖民 Ocean Colonization
tropical colonization 热带殖民 Tropical Colonization
tundra colonization 苔原殖民 Tundra Colonization
Crystalline entity weapon techs
blue crystal capacitors 蓝水晶电容 Blue Crystal Capacitors
green crystal capacitors 绿水晶电容 Green Crystal Capacitors
red crystal capacitors 红水晶电容 Red Crystal Capacitors
yellow crystal capacitors 黄水晶电容 Yellow Crystal Capacitors
Resource buildings
engos habitation station Building engos plant.png
garanthiumworks Building garanthiumworks.png
lythuric atmospheric manipulator Building lythuric manipulator.png
orillium explosives factory 奥利姆炸药厂 Orillium Explosives Factory
pitharan fertilizer plant 皮萨兰肥料厂 Pitharan Fertilizer Plant
teldar plant Building teldar plant.png
Spaceport modules
dark matter reactor Dark Matter Reactor.png
engos refinery Engos Refinery.png
garanthium forge Garanthium Forge.png
living metal armory Living Metal Armory.png
lythuric gas refinery Lythuric Gas Refinery.png
neutronium forge Neutronium Forge.png
neutronium fission plant Neutronium Fission Plant.png
orillium plant Orillium Plant.png
pitharan refinery Pitharan Refinery.png
satramene atmospheric dispenser Satramene Atmospheric Dispenser.png
teldar ammunition factory Teldar Ammunition Factory.png