

物理學研究 Physics Research 物理學研究Physics Research research area comprises the fields: 計算技術 Computing 計算技術Computing, 力場操控 Field Manipulation 力場操控Field Manipulation and 粒子物理 Particles 粒子物理Particles.

The area provides access to several key points, including: additional research capabilities, strategic resources reveal, point-defense & energy weapons, improved FTL capabilities, improved energy production & storage, and more.

表格用法[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

顏色識別: 初始 , 獲取 , 稀有 , 危險 , 可重複 .


  1. The table shows the default names/icons of techs. Flavor entry is displayed if accompanied by a change to effects/requirements.
  2. If a tech has been available as a research option in the as part of the last choice then its (total) weight will be halved in the coming choice.
  3. The table denotes the base cost of a tech. Actual in-game tech cost will scale with the empire's size (number of colonized planets and population).
  4. To research techs of higher tiers it is first needed to acquire 6 techs of the preceding tier.
  5. Sorting the table by tiers will place all Starter tech at the top and Repeatable end-game tech at the bottom.
  6. Most icons also double as links. For more information about an unlocked effect (buildings, components, etc.) click on the accompanying icon.

Computing[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The 計算技術 Computing 計算技術Computing tech tree focuses on 研究 Research 研究Research, sensors and espionage.

Technology Cost Tier Effects Prerequisites Weight & Modifiers Description
主動反制 Active Countermeasures 主動反制Active Countermeasures 0 部件 Component Sentinel Point-Defense The best defense is a good offense.
互聯支援系統 Interlinked Support Systems 互聯支援系統Interlinked Support Systems 6000 2 部件 Component Barrier Point-Defense 主動反制 Active Countermeasures 主動反制Active Countermeasures Base: 70
  • 1.25x if scientist expertise is 計算技術 Computing 計算技術Computing.
Arrays of defensive armaments prove much more effective than independent countermeasures.
預測算法 Predictive Algorithms 預測算法Predictive Algorithms 16000 4 部件 Component Guardian Point-Defense 互聯支援系統 Interlinked Support Systems 互聯支援系統Interlinked Support Systems Base: 45
  • 1.25x if scientist expertise is 計算技術 Computing 計算技術Computing.
Advanced prediction greatly increases the accuracy of active countermeasure systems.
科學方法 Scientific Method 科學方法Scientific Method 0 建築 Building Research Labs Testable predictions of observable phenomena.
外星材料實驗室 Exotic Materials Labs 外星材料實驗室Exotic Materials Labs 3000 1 建築 Building Research Complexes
  • 科學方法 Scientific Method 科學方法Scientific Method
  • 異星天然氣 Exotic Gases Access to Exotic Gases through tech or galactic market
Base: 90
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
As we explore the galaxy, we continually encounter new materials and substances that are unfamiliar to us. Cataloging and analyzing these discoveries will require new facilities.
多維研究 Multi-Dimensional Studies 多維研究Multi-Dimensional Studies 8000 3 建築 Building Advanced Research Complexes
  • 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization
  • 外星材料實驗室 Exotic Materials Labs 外星材料實驗室Exotic Materials Labs
Base: 130
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
To expand our knowledge base, we must consider all levels of existence. A new realm of science awaits us!
跨行星研究倡議 Interplanetary Research Initiative 跨行星研究倡議Interplanetary Research Initiative 8000 3 建築 Building Research Institute
  • 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization
  • 外星材料實驗室 Exotic Materials Labs 外星材料實驗室Exotic Materials Labs
Base: 97.5
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
  • 0.25x leading scientist does not have 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing or 策展人 Curator 策展人Curator traits
A bid for interplanetary resource pools and more flexible research grants.
自動探索協議 Automated Exploration Protocols 自動探索協議Automated Exploration Protocols
機械智能 Machine Intelligence Autonomous Exploration Algorithms
2500 1
  • 調查速度 Survey Speed +25% Survey Speed
  • Fleet task auto explore.png Automatic Surveying
Time.png Year is > 2205 Base: 95
  • 2x year is >2210
  • 2x year is >221
  • 2x year is >2220.
  • 2x number of owned planets is >5
  • 2x number of owned planets is >10
  • 2x number of owned planets is >15
  • 2x number of owned planets is >20
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon discovery.png Discovery tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
An advanced AI will aid science officers in their task to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no Blorg has gone before. The Science Ship will be able to explore the galaxy with help from an AI.
管理型人工智能 Administrative AI 管理型人工智能Administrative AI
蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Synaptic Enhancers
機械智能 Machine Intelligence Academic Optimization
2000 1 研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research speed 科學方法 Scientific Method 科學方法Scientific Method Base: 100
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Organizational circuitry rerouting academic.
自我演化邏輯 Self-Evolving Logic 自我演化邏輯Self-Evolving Logic
蜂巢思維 Hive Mind Autonomous Synapses
5000 2 備選科技 Research Alternatives +1 Research alternatives 管理型人工智能 Administrative AI 管理型人工智能Administrative AI Base: 75
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Introspective prioritization.
正電子人工智能 Positronic AI 正電子人工智能Positronic AI
蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 正電子腦植入體Positronic Implants
機械智能 Machine Intelligence Positronic Processors
16000 4
  • 研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research speed
  • Button automate.png Can automate research
自我演化邏輯 Self-Evolving Logic 自我演化邏輯Self-Evolving Logic Base: 45
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Evolving artificial intellects are opening the door to the possibility for true synthetic sapience.
同步防禦 Synchronized Defenses 同步防禦Synchronized Defenses 20000 4 Sb defense grid supercomputer.png Defense-Grid Supercomputer 自我演化邏輯 Self-Evolving Logic 自我演化邏輯Self-Evolving Logic Base: 20
  • 1.5x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • 1.2x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.1x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 0.75x 和平主義 Pacifist 和平主義Pacifist.
  • 0.65x 極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist 極端和平主義Fanatic Pacifist
  • 0.25x leading scientist does not have 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing or 策展人 Curator 策展人Curator traits
Aligning defensive and offensive weapon execution paradigms allows for increased efficiency.
特種作戰計算機 Specialized Combat Computers 特種作戰計算機Specialized Combat Computers 3000 1 部件 Component Basic Combat Roles 管理型人工智能 Administrative AI 管理型人工智能Administrative AI Base: 90
  • 2x 驅逐艦 Destroyers Destroyers technology
  • 2x 巡洋艦 Cruisers Cruisers technology
  • 2x 戰列艦 Battleships Battleships technology
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Active matrices tuned for specific combat-centric tasks greatly improve engagement efficiency.
拓展戰鬥算法 Extended Combat Algorithms 拓展戰鬥算法Extended Combat Algorithms 8000 3 部件 Component Advanced Combat Roles
  • 自我演化邏輯 Self-Evolving Logic 自我演化邏輯Self-Evolving Logic
  • 特種作戰計算機 Specialized Combat Computers 特種作戰計算機Specialized Combat Computers
Base: 65
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Further advances in predictive algorithms allow for augmented tactical decision-making in the field.
知性戰鬥模擬 Sapient Combat Simulations 知性戰鬥模擬Sapient Combat Simulations 20000 4 部件 Component Sentient Combat AI
  • 拓展戰鬥算法 Extended Combat Algorithms 拓展戰鬥算法Extended Combat Algorithms
  • 正電子人工智能 Positronic AI 正電子人工智能Positronic AI
  • No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png政策 Policy Artificial Intelligence policy Outlawed
Base: 20
  • 1.5x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait and skill level 3
Running sapient AIs through high-intensity combat simulations yields valuable insight into potential optimizations for risk-evaluation techniques.
知性戰鬥模擬 Sapient Combat Simulations 自律艦船智能Autonomous Ship Intellects 20000 4 部件 Component Autonomous Ship Intellects
  • 拓展戰鬥算法 Extended Combat Algorithms 拓展戰鬥算法Extended Combat Algorithms
  • 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
Base: 20
  • 1.5x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait and skill level 3
Granting our ships their own semi-autonomous intellect will greatly enhance their responsiveness in combat.
輔助火控 Auxiliary Fire-control 輔助火控Auxiliary Fire-control 3000 1 Ship part computer default.png Auxiliary Fire-control 特種作戰計算機 Specialized Combat Computers 特種作戰計算機Specialized Combat Computers Base: 90
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
By installing an auxiliary fire-control system our ships can afford to make more advanced calculations, increasing accuracy.
人工智能殖民船 AI-Controlled Colony Ships 人工智能殖民船AI-Controlled Colony Ships
機械智能 Machine Intelligence Colony Fabrication Drones
3000 1 殖民地發展速度 Colony Development Speed +50% Colony development speed
  • 新世界協議 New Worlds Protocol 新世界協議New Worlds Protocol
  • 管理型人工智能 Administrative AI 管理型人工智能Administrative AI
Base: 90
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
By giving control of the colony ship to an Artificial Intelligence, the crew and colonists can be suspended in a deep sleep.
自我意識殖民船 Self-Aware Colony Ships 自我意識殖民船Self-Aware Colony Ships 6000 3 殖民地發展速度 Colony Development Speed +50% Colony development speed
  • 人工智能殖民船 AI-Controlled Colony Ships 人工智能殖民船AI-Controlled Colony Ships
  • 自我演化邏輯 Self-Evolving Logic 自我演化邏輯Self-Evolving Logic
Base: 70
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Sufficiently advanced systems are capable of optimizing themselves if they are made acutely aware of the purpose for which they were made.
零重力實驗室 Zero-G Laboratories 零重力實驗室Zero-G Laboratories 2000 1 研究 Research +10% Research Station Output 外太空建設 Offworld Construction 外太空建設Offworld Construction Base: 100
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
A lot of critical research can only be done in a zero gravity environment, which these specialized laboratories are eminently designed for.
微型遏制力場 Miniature Containment Fields 微型遏制力場Miniature Containment Fields 3000 1 研究 Research +10% Research Station Output 零重力實驗室 Zero-G Laboratories 零重力實驗室Zero-G Laboratories Base: 90
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Containment force fields are excellent for isolating and holding various substances or specimens so they can be analyzed in detail.
量子探測器 Quantum Probes 量子探測器Quantum Probes 4000 2 研究 Research +10% Research Station Output 微型遏制力場 Miniature Containment Fields 微型遏制力場Miniature Containment Fields Base: 85
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Advanced probes that can thoroughly analyze subjects on a sub-atomic level, generating a wealth of valuable research data.
自主運行空間站協議 Autonomous Station Protocols 自主運行空間站協議Autonomous Station Protocols 6000 2 研究 Research +10% Research Station Output 量子探測器 Quantum Probes 量子探測器Quantum Probes Base: 70
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Increased automation of station functions will free up more staff for research duties.
多維分析 Multi-Dimensional Analysis 多維分析Multi-Dimensional Analysis 8000 3 研究 Research +10% Research Station Output 自主運行空間站協議 Autonomous Station Protocols 自主運行空間站協議Autonomous Station Protocols Base: 65
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Studying something from the limited perspective of a single dimensional reality does not paint the whole picture. Every angle must be considered.
重力傳感器 Gravitic Sensors 重力傳感器Gravitic Sensors 4000 2
  • Ship part sensor 2.png Gravitic Sensors
  • Sb listening post.png Listening Post
Base: 85
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon discovery.png Discovery tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
These sensors have been tuned to look for any gravitational changes in space, such as those produced by the presence of a starship.
亞空間傳感器 Subspace Sensors 亞空間傳感器Subspace Sensors 8000 3
  • Ship part sensor 3.png Subspace Sensors
  • Observatory.png Black Hole Observatory
重力傳感器 Gravitic Sensors Gravitic Sensors Base: 65
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon discovery.png Discovery tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Sensors that detect the subspace fluctuations left in the wake of traveling starships. Their sensitivity and range is greater than that of a gravitic sensor array.
快子傳感器 Tachyon Sensors 快子傳感器Tachyon Sensors 16000 4 Ship part sensor 4.png Subspace Sensors 亞空間傳感器 Subspace Sensors Subspace Sensors Base: 45
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon discovery.png Discovery tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Advanced sensors that rely on rotating tachyon beams to detect ship movements even at extreme distances.
量子理論 Quantum Theory 量子理論Quantum Theory 2000 1 物理學研究 Physics Research +20% Physics Research from Researchers Base: 100
  • 2x year is >2205
  • 2x year is >2210
  • 2x year is >2215
  • 2x year is >2220
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Exploring the mediation of fundamental forces through subatomic Particles.
應用量子力學 Applied Quantum Physics 應用量子力學Applied Quantum Physics 6000 2 物理學研究 Physics Research +20% Physics Research from Researchers 量子理論 Quantum Theory 量子理論Quantum Theory Base: 70
  • 2x year is >2225
  • 2x year is >2230
  • 2x year is >2235
  • 2x year is >2240
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
The seemingly erratic behavior of tiny things can dramatically alter the way we think about bigger things.
時空理論 Space-Time Theory 時空理論Space-Time Theory 20000 4 物理學研究 Physics Research +20% Physics Research from Researchers 應用量子力學 Applied Quantum Physics 應用量子力學Applied Quantum Physics Base: 40
  • 2x year is >2225
  • 2x year is >2230
  • 2x year is >2235
  • 2x year is >2240
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Three dimensions, inextricable from the fourth.
引力分析 Gravitational Analysis 引力分析Gravitational Analysis 50000 5 建築花費 Building Cost −5% Building Cost 應用量子力學 Applied Quantum Physics 應用量子力學Applied Quantum Physics Base: 12.5
  • 0.01x another repeatable tech was drawn
Increasingly powerful computation paradigms allow us to adapt individual construction projects to planetary and ultra-local gravitational conditions.
量子防火牆 Quantum Firewalls 量子防火牆Quantum Firewalls 2500 1 加密 Encryption +2 Encryption
  • 量子理論 Quantum Theory 量子理論Quantum Theory
  • 殖民官僚制 Colonial Bureaucracy 殖民官僚制Colonial Bureaucracy
Base: 90
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Advances in computing technology have given us new ways to protect our data from prying eyes.
同時崩塌存儲 Simultaneous-Collapse Storage 同時崩塌存儲Simultaneous-Collapse Storage 5000 2 加密 Encryption +2 Encryption
  • 量子防火牆 Quantum Firewalls 量子防火牆Quantum Firewalls
  • 應用量子力學 Applied Quantum Physics 應用量子力學Applied Quantum Physics
Base: 70
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Further advances in unstable entanglement have given us new ways to prevent unauthorized intrusions into our databases.
負時間密鑰 Negative-Time Keys 負時間密鑰Negative-Time Keys 20000 4 加密 Encryption +2 Encryption
  • 同時崩塌存儲 Simultaneous-Collapse Storage 同時崩塌存儲Simultaneous-Collapse Storage
  • 時空理論 Space-Time Theory 時空理論Space-Time Theory
Base: 50
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Our latest advances in encryption exploit recently discovered quirks of physics to require inputting a specialized key before it has been generated.
量子駭客 Quantum Hacking 量子駭客Quantum Hacking 2500 1
  • 加密 Encryption +2 Codebreaking
  • 法令 Edict Bureau of Espionage
  • 量子理論 Quantum Theory 量子理論Quantum Theory
  • 殖民官僚制 Colonial Bureaucracy 殖民官僚制Colonial Bureaucracy
Base: 90
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Primitive encryption systems stand no chance against modern decryption tools.
模擬社會工程 Simulated Social Engineering 模擬社會工程Simulated Social Engineering 5000 2 加密 Encryption +2 Codebreaking
  • 量子駭客 Quantum Hacking 量子駭客Quantum Hacking
  • 應用量子力學 Applied Quantum Physics 應用量子力學Applied Quantum Physics
Base: 70
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
The weakest link in any security system are the individuals within it. By modeling their weaknesses in computer simulations we can find novel ways to bypass their security - or trick them into bypassing it for us.
准維映射 Quasi-Dimensional Reflection 准維映射Quasi-Dimensional Reflection 20000 4 加密 Encryption +2 Codebreaking
  • 模擬社會工程 Simulated Social Engineering 模擬社會工程Simulated Social Engineering
  • 時空理論 Space-Time Theory 時空理論Space-Time Theory
Base: 50
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Our operatives can access data from adjacent realities without risking setting off alarms in this reality.
市場分析算法 Market Analysis Algorithms 市場分析算法Market Analysis Algorithms 4000 2 工匠 Artisan +10% Artisans Output
  • 納米電路裝配 Nano-Circuit Assembly 納米電路裝配Nano-Circuit Assembly
  • 管理型人工智能 Administrative AI 管理型人工智能Administrative AI
  • No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness unless Rogue Servitor
Base: 170
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Basic administrative AIs can be used to streamline supply and demand lines, reducing waste.
預測消費 Predictive Consumerism 預測消費Predictive Consumerism 16000 4 工匠 Artisan +10% Artisans Output
  • 複製機終端 Replicator Kiosks 複製機終端Replicator Kiosks
  • 自我演化邏輯 Self-Evolving Logic 自我演化邏輯Self-Evolving Logic
  • 市場分析算法 Market Analysis Algorithms 市場分析算法Market Analysis Algorithms
  • No.png格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness unless Rogue Servitor
Base: 90
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 計算技術 Computing Expertise: Computing trait
Using advanced AIs, we can reliably predict consumer demand before it exists.
科學樞紐 Science Nexus 科學樞紐Science Nexus 48000 5 Fleet order button build megastructure.png Science Nexus megastructure
  • 烏托邦 Utopia 烏托邦Utopia DLC
  • 巨型結構工程 Mega-Engineering 巨型結構工程Mega-Engineering
Base: 5
  • 9x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • 6x 建築大師 Master Builders 建築大師Master Builders ascension perk
  • 4x 星河奇蹟 Galactic Wonders 星河奇蹟Galactic Wonders ascension perk
  • 2x leading scientist has 狂熱 Maniacal 狂熱Maniacal trait
  • 2x leading scientist has 靈光一閃 Spark of Genius 靈光一閃Spark of Genius trait
The research labs and databanks of a Science Nexus generate an immense flow of raw, undiluted science.
哨兵陣列 Sentry Array 哨兵陣列Sentry Array 48000 5 Fleet order button build megastructure.png Sentry Array megastructure
  • 烏托邦 Utopia 烏托邦Utopia DLC
  • 巨型結構工程 Mega-Engineering 巨型結構工程Mega-Engineering
Base: 5
  • 6x 天機工程 Enigmatic Engineering 天機工程Enigmatic Engineering ascension perk
  • 6x 建築大師 Master Builders 建築大師Master Builders ascension perk
  • 4x 星河奇蹟 Galactic Wonders 星河奇蹟Galactic Wonders ascension perk
  • 2x leading scientist has 狂熱 Maniacal 狂熱Maniacal trait
  • 2x leading scientist has 靈光一閃 Spark of Genius 靈光一閃Spark of Genius trait
  • 1.5x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
The stages of the Sentry Array gradually expand sensor range, eventually covering the entire galaxy.
策展人考古實驗室 Curator Archaeology Lab 策展人考古實驗室Curator Archaeology Lab 4000 2
  • 異常現象發現機會 Anomaly Discovery Chance +10% Anomaly Discovery Chance
  • 異常現象研究速度 Anomaly Research Speed +25% Anomaly Research Speed
  • 上古之遺故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack +2 Archaeology Skill
策展人 Curator 策展人Curator scientist or the Curator Insight empire modifier Base: 85
  • 3x leading scientist has 策展人 Curator 策展人Curator trait
  • 0.5x Curator Insight empire modifier
These shipboard lab facilities incorporate advanced technologies from the ancient Curator Order to further increase survey speeds.
策展人探索實驗室 Curator Exploration Lab 策展人探索實驗室Curator Exploration Lab 4000 2 調查速度 Survey Speed +33% Survey Speed 策展人 Curator 策展人Curator scientist or the Curator Insight empire modifier Base: 85
  • 3x leading scientist has 策展人 Curator 策展人Curator trait
  • 0.5x Curator Insight empire modifier
These shipboard lab facilities incorporate advanced technologies from the ancient Curator Order to further increase survey speeds.
神秘編碼器 Enigmatic Encoder 神秘編碼器Enigmatic Encoder 50000 5 Ship part enigmatic encoder.png Enigmatic Encoder 星神獸故事包 Leviathans Story Pack Enigmatic Fortress event chain outcome The Enigmatic Encoder scrambles flight path data according to some indeterminable design before feeding it back to fleet command.
神秘解碼器 Enigmatic Decoder 神秘解碼器Enigmatic Decoder 50000 5 Ship part enigmatic decoder.png Enigmatic Decoder 星神獸故事包 Leviathans Story Pack Enigmatic Fortress event chain outcome While producing average results in standard tests, the accuracy of Enigmatic Decoder's prediction algorithms seemingly increases as the target's flight path grows more erratic.

Field Manipulation[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The 力場操控 Field Manipulation 力場操控Field Manipulation tech tree focuses on 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits production and shields.

Technology Cost Tier Effects Prerequisites Weight & Modifiers Description
高能電容器 High-Energy Capacitors 高能電容器High-Energy Capacitors 0 發電區劃 Generator District 發電區劃Generator District Capacitors capable of storing vast amounts of energy is one of the cornerstones for any modern civilization.
力場調製 Field Modulation 力場調製Field Modulation 2000 1
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +20% Energy from Technicians
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +10% Energy from Starbase Constructions
高能電容器 High-Energy Capacitors 高能電容器High-Energy Capacitors Base: 100
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon prosperity.png Prosperity tradition tree
Modulated fields allow for increased production and improved energy yield.
量子能態 Quantum Energy States 量子能態Quantum Energy States 4000 2
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +20% Energy from Technicians
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +10% Energy from Starbase Constructions
力場調製 Field Modulation 力場調製Field Modulation Base: 85
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon prosperity.png Prosperity tradition tree
Basic entanglement principles applied to energy generation provide a substantial increase in energy output.
量子場操控 Quantum Field Manipulation 量子場操控Quantum Field Manipulation 8000 3
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +20% Energy from Technicians
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +10% Energy from Starbase Constructions
量子能態 Quantum Energy States 量子能態Quantum Energy States Base: 65
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon prosperity.png Prosperity tradition tree
Quantum superposition of energy coils, simultaneously drained and charged.
超導應用 Applied Superconductivity 超導應用Applied Superconductivity 20000 5 Mod resource energy mult.png +5% Energy from Jobs 量子能態 Quantum Energy States 量子能態Quantum Energy States Base: 12.5
  • 0.01x another repeatable tech was drawn
Minor improvements to transmission efficiency adds up to a sizeable reduction in overall energy loss.
全球能源管理 Global Energy Management 全球能源管理Global Energy Management 3000 1
  • 建築 Building Energy Grid
  • 法令 Edict Capacity Overload
高能電容器 High-Energy Capacitors 高能電容器High-Energy Capacitors Base: 90
  • 2x adopted the Tradition icon prosperity.png Prosperity tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
Load-balancing facilities can greatly improve the stability of local grids and feed excess power back into centralized capacitors.
行星電力網 Planetary Power Grid 行星電力網Planetary Power Grid 6000 2 建築 Building Energy Nexus
  • 殖民集中 Colonial Centralization 殖民集中Colonial Centralization
  • 全球能源管理 Global Energy Management 全球能源管理Global Energy Management
  • 異星天然氣 Exotic Gases Access to Exotic Gases through tech or galactic market
Base: 70
  • 2x adopted the Tradition icon prosperity.png Prosperity tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
A re-engineered and unified grid further reduces energy losses over distance.
偏射盾 Deflectors 偏射盾Deflectors 0 Ship part shield 1.png Deflectors 科學方法 Scientific Method 科學方法Scientific Method Energy deflector screens can stop a limited amount of incoming enemy fire before overloading. Their main drawback is that they consume large amounts of power.
改良偏射盾 Improved Deflectors 改良偏射盾Improved Deflectors 3000 1 Ship part shield 2.png Improved Deflectors 偏射盾 Deflectors 偏射盾Deflectors Base: 112.5
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
These updated deflector screens are capable of soaking up even more punishment before they overload.
護盾 Shields 護盾Shields 護盾Shields 6000 2 Ship part shield 3.png Shields 改良偏射盾 Improved Deflectors Improved Deflectors Base: 87.5
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
These new shield generators represent the next generation of energy screens, replacing the older deflector technology. They offer significantly better protection.
先進護盾 Advanced Shields 先進護盾Advanced Shields 12000 3 Ship part shield 4.png Advanced Shields 護盾 Shields Shields Base: 62.5
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
An updated shield generator that produces an even stronger energy field. Only sustained enemy fire can penetrate this barrier.
超級護盾 Hyper Shields 超級護盾Hyper Shields 24000 4 Ship part shield 5.png Hyper Shields 先進護盾 Advanced Shields Advanced Shields Base: 43.75
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
These reinforced and hardened energy shields are incredibly powerful. The protection they offer is second to none.
暗物質偏導護盾 Dark Matter Deflectors 暗物質偏導護盾Dark Matter Deflectors 50000 5 Ship part dark matter shield.png Dark Matter Deflectors These deflectors utilize dark matter to deflect incoming projectiles in a way that seems to utterly defy the laws of nature.
護盾數律分析 Shield Harmonics 護盾數律分析Shield Harmonics 50000 5 護盾 Shields +5% Shield hit points 先進護盾 Advanced Shields Advanced Shields Base: 12.5
  • 0.01x another repeatable tech was drawn
The basic mechanics of ship shields are complex, but they can be adjusted and improved in a multitude of ways.
護盾電容 Shield Capacitors 護盾電容Shield Capacitors 6000 2 Ship part shield recharger.png Shield Capacitor 護盾 Shields Shields Base: 70
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
These capacitors store surplus energy which can quickly be transferred to reinforce a ship's shields.
行星護盾 Planetary Shields 行星護盾Planetary Shields 8000 3 建築 Building Planetary Shield Generator 護盾 Shields Shields Base: 32.5
  • 1.5x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
Generating a strong energy shield within a planetary atmosphere is a greater challenge than in the vacuum of space, but it offers a potent defense against orbital bombardment.
試驗性超空間導航 Speculative Hyperlane Breaching 試驗性超空間導航Speculative Hyperlane Breaching 6000 2 Fleet task mia jump.png Experimental Subspace Navigation 重力傳感器 Gravitic Sensors Gravitic Sensors Base: 37.5
  • 1.5x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
Solitary Science Ships can break out of the naturally-occurring hyperlanes and attempt to navigate to known but otherwise unreachable destinations.
暗物質收集 Dark Matter Drawing 暗物質收集Dark Matter Drawing 12000 3 暗物質 Dark Matter Can use Dark Matter resource
  • 快子傳感器 Tachyon Sensors Tachyon Sensors
  • 暗物質 Dark Matter 暗物質Dark Matter within borders or encountered an empire with tech
Base: 50
  • 1.5x leading scientist has 力場操控 Field Manipulation Expertise: Field Manipulation trait
This exotic substance has many properties that seemingly defy the laws of physics. Harvestable concentrations can only be found near Black Holes or in certain nebulas.
安樂天使 Global Pacification 安樂天使Global Pacification 20000 5 Ship part global pacifier.png Global Pacifier colossus weapon
  • 啟示錄 Apocalypse 啟示錄Apocalypse DLC
  • 巨像 Colossi 巨像Colossi
  • Yes.png Completed the Colossus Project
Base: 10
  • 2x 和平主義 Pacifist極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist Pacifist
  • 1.5x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
A shielding field is deployed around a planet, creating a barrier that is permanent and impenetrable (save for some wavelengths of light).
熵遞歸 Entropic Recursion 熵遞歸Entropic Recursion 4000 3 Feature.png Continues the Horizon Signal event chain Yes.png Horizon Signal event chain The universe tends irresistibly onwards and downwards. That tendency cannot be reversed... but it can be subverted, for a price.
戴森球 Dyson Sphere 戴森球Dyson Sphere 48000 5 Fleet order button build megastructure.png Dyson Sphere megastructure
  • 烏托邦 Utopia 烏托邦Utopia DLC
  • Ap galactic wonders.png Galactic Wonders ascension perk
A Dyson Sphere fully envelops a given star, converting all solar output directly to 能量幣 Energy Credits Energy Credits.
物質解壓器 Matter Decompressor 物質解壓器Matter Decompressor 48000 5 Fleet order button build megastructure.png Matter Decompressor megastructure
  • 寰宇企業 Megacorp 寰宇企業Megacorp DLC
  • Ap galactic wonders.png Galactic Wonders ascension perk
The Matter Decompressor lenses a black hole's gravity, forming a drill of gravitational forces to retrieve 礦物 Minerals Minerals from the singularity.

Particles[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The 粒子物理 Particles 粒子物理Particles tech tree focuses on lasers, reactors and FTL.

Technology Cost Tier Effects Prerequisites Weight & Modifiers Description
裂變能源 Fission Power 裂變能源Fission Power 0 Ship part reactor 1.png Fission Reactor This energy source generates power for ships through induced fission, but it also produces harmful nuclear waste.
聚變能源 Fusion Power 聚變能源Fusion Power 2500 1 Ship part reactor 2.png Fusion Reactor 裂變能源 Fission Power 裂變能源Fission Power Base: 190
  • 2x 驅逐艦 Destroyers Destroyers technology
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
Nuclear fusion processes generate a great amount of power for ships, but without many of the risks associated with fission power.
冷核聚變能源 Cold Fusion Power 冷核聚變能源Cold Fusion Power 5000 2 Ship part reactor 3.png Cold Fusion Reactor 聚變能源 Fusion Power 聚變能源Fusion Power Base: 150
  • 2x 巡洋艦 Cruisers Cruisers technology
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
The ability to sustain a fusion reaction at relatively low temperatures will result in a new generation of fusion reactors for our ships.
反物質能源 Antimatter Power 反物質能源Antimatter Power 10000 3 Ship part reactor 4.png Antimatter Reactor 冷核聚變能源 Cold Fusion Power 冷核聚變能源Cold Fusion Power Base: 120
  • 2x 戰列艦 Battleships Battleships technology
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
By harnessing the energy produced by matter/antimatter annihilations, our efficiency at generating ship power will be orders of magnitude better than fusion.
零點能源 Zero Point Power 零點能源Zero Point Power 20000 4 Ship part reactor 5.png Zero Point Reactor 反物質能源 Antimatter Power 反物質能源Antimatter Power Base: 80
  • 2x 戰列艦 Battleships Battleships technology
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
These generators extract vacuum energy, providing an almost limitless supply of ship power. There is no more efficient way to generate energy.
暗物質能源 Dark Matter Power 暗物質能源Dark Matter Power 50000 5 Ship part dark matter power core.png Dark Matter Reactor
  • 零點能源 Zero Point Power 零點能源Zero Point Power
  • Yes.png Analyzed Fallen empire debris
These generators appear to somehow draw energy directly from dark matter, providing more ship power than should be possible according to the laws of physics.
躍遷引擎 Jump Drive 躍遷引擎Jump Drive 32000 5
  • Ship part jump drive 1.png Jump Drive
零點能源 Zero Point Power 零點能源Zero Point Power Base: 3
  • 1.5x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon discovery.png Discovery tradition tree
A groundbreaking technological marvel, the Jump Drive shreds the local space-time continuum and rearranges it on the quantum level to be identical to that of the target destination - and thus the ship appears to near-instantly "jump" from system to system.
反應堆增壓器 Reactor Boosters 反應堆增壓器Reactor Boosters 0 Ship part reactor booster 1.png Reactor Booster 裂變能源 Fission Power 裂變能源Fission Power Additional power generation systems increase the ship's reactor output.
改良反應堆增壓器 Improved Reactor Boosters 改良反應堆增壓器Improved Reactor Boosters 3000 1 Ship part reactor booster 2.png Improved Reactor Booster
  • 反應堆增壓器 Reactor Boosters 反應堆增壓器Reactor Boosters
  • 聚變能源 Fusion Power 聚變能源Fusion Power
Base: 135
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
The discovery of fusion power allows for better reactor boosters to be fitted onto our ships.
先進反應堆增壓器 Advanced Reactor Boosters 先進反應堆增壓器Advanced Reactor Boosters 12000 1 Ship part reactor booster 3.png Advanced Reactor Booster
  • 改良反應堆增壓器 Improved Reactor Boosters Improved Reactor Boosters
  • 反物質能源 Antimatter Power 反物質能源Antimatter Power
Base: 75
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
The discovery of antimatter power allows for highly advanced reactor boosters that can greatly enhance ship reactors.
超空間移動 Hyperspace Travel 超空間移動Hyperspace Travel 0 Ship part hyper drive 1.png Hyperdrive I 科學方法 Scientific Method 科學方法Scientific Method Like the strands of a spider web, the extra-dimensional realm of hyperspace runs between the gravity wells of most stars. Faster than light travel is theoretically possible along these hyperlanes.
超空間航道突破點 Hyperlane Breach Points 超空間航道突破點Hyperlane Breach Points 5000 2
  • Ship part hyper drive 2.png Hyperdrive II
  • Spaceport module pioneering terminal.png Transit Hub
超空間移動 Hyperspace Travel 超空間移動Hyperspace Travel Base: 75
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon discovery.png Discovery tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
We have identified the existence of points in space where a ship expends less energy to "breach" their way into a hyperlane. This will lead to a new generation of hyper drives.
超空間滑流 Hyperspace Slipstreams 超空間滑流Hyperspace Slipstreams 12000 3 Ship part hyper drive 3.png Hyperdrive III 超空間航道突破點 Hyperlane Breach Points 超空間航道突破點Hyperlane Breach Points Base: 50
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon discovery.png Discovery tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
A new generation of hyper drives capable of accessing the subspace slipstreams that are present within hyperspace. This leads to dramatically improved drive performance.
星門激活 Gateway Activation 星門激活Gateway Activation 24000 4 Feature Can reactivate Gateways
  • 超空間滑流 Hyperspace Slipstreams 超空間滑流Hyperspace Slipstreams
  • Yes.png Encountered an inactive gateway/L-gate or an empire with the tech
Base: 17.5
  • 4x Gateway or L-Gate inside borders
  • 1.5x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon discovery.png Discovery tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
The ability to reactivate the derelict Gateway stations that can be found scattered throughout the galaxy has the potential to dramatically shorten travel times.
星門建造 Gateway Construction 星門建造Gateway Construction 48000 5 Fleet order button build megastructure.png Gateway megastructure
  • 星門激活 Gateway Activation 星門激活Gateway Activation
  • 巨型結構工程 Mega-Engineering 巨型結構工程Mega-Engineering
Base: 10
  • 4x Gateway inside borders
  • 1.5x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon discovery.png Discovery tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
The construction of new Gateway stations enables us to build a fast-travel network that could revolutionize interstellar travel.
L-星門啟動 L-Gate Activation L-星門啟動L-Gate Activation 12000 3 Feature.png Special Project to open L-Gates 遙遠繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack Gathered 7 L-Gate Insights The L-Gates defy our current understanding of subspace mechanics. This must be remedied before they can be opened for travel.
蟲洞穩定 Wormhole Stabilization 蟲洞穩定Wormhole Stabilization 8000 3 Feature Science ships can stabilize Wormholes
  • 超空間航道突破點 Hyperlane Breach Points 超空間航道突破點Hyperlane Breach Points
  • Yes.png Encountered a wormhole or an empire with the tech
Base: 32.5
  • 4x Wormhole inside borders
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon discovery.png Discovery tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
A naturally occurring subspace wormhole is a fickle thing, and its fluctuating energy levels typically make it impossible to travel safely between its linked apertures. There are ways to temporarily stabilize its matrix, however.
超光速抑制 FTL Inhibition 超光速抑制FTL Inhibition 4000 2 FTL magnet.png Starbases and Fortresses gain FTL inhibitors 超空間移動 Hyperspace Travel 超空間移動Hyperspace Travel Base: 340
  • 1.25x adopted the Tradition icon unyielding.png Unyielding tradition tree
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
Gravity well projectors can be used to create localized pockets of space where safe entry into hyperspace is impossible. The immense power requirements and the size of the projectors prohibits their use on anything smaller than a starbase.
紅激光發射器 Red Lasers 紅激光發射器Red Lasers 0 部件 Component Red Laser Laser weapons fire focused beams of light at targets, causing damage through the generation of intense heat.
藍激光發射器 Blue Lasers 藍激光發射器Blue Lasers 2500 1 部件 Component Blue Laser 紅激光發射器 Red Lasers 紅激光發射器Red Lasers Base: 95
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
More powerful than red lasers, these blue variants emit electromagnetic radiation at a wavelength that appears blue or violet to most organics.
紫外激光發射器 UV Lasers 紫外激光發射器UV Lasers 4000 2 部件 Component UV Laser 藍激光發射器 Blue Lasers Blue Lasers Base: 85
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
Ultraviolet lasers are an updated and more powerful version of their blue predecessors. Accurate and destructive, these weapons are capable of inflicting great damage.
X射線發射器 X-Ray Lasers X射線發射器X-Ray Lasers 8000 3 部件 Component X-Ray Laser 紫外激光發射器 UV Lasers UV Lasers Base: 65
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
These lasers have a shorter wavelength than UV-based laser weaponry, but are even more destructive.
伽馬激光 Gamma Lasers 伽馬激光Gamma Lasers 16000 4 部件 Component Gamma Laser X射線發射器 X-Ray Lasers X-Ray Lasers Base: 45
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
The electromagnetic radiation emitted by gamma lasers is of an extremely high frequency. Their destructive potential is unmatched in the field of laser weapons.
粒子光矛 Particle Lances 粒子光矛Particle Lances 20000 4 部件 Component Particle Lance
  • 戰列艦 Battleships Battleships
  • X射線發射器 X-Ray Lasers X-Ray Lasers
Base: 40
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
These heavy energy weapons fire focused particle beams that cause massive damage. The size of the emitter arrays limits their use to battleships and titans.
快子光矛 Tachyon Lances 快子光矛Tachyon Lances 24000 4 部件 Component Tachyon Lance
  • 粒子光矛 Particle Lances Particle Lances
  • 伽馬激光 Gamma Lasers Gamma Lasers
Base: 35
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
A more powerful version of the particle lance, this weapon fires a tachyon beam of immense power. Like its predecessor, its use is limited to battleships and titans.
質子發射器 Proton Launchers 質子發射器Proton Launchers 12000 3 部件 Component Proton Launchers X射線發射器 X-Ray Lasers X-Ray Lasers Base: 50
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
These energy projectiles consist of tightly concentrated protons capable of causing immense damage to the hull of enemy ships.
中子發射器 Neutron Launchers 中子發射器Neutron Launchers 20000 4 部件 Component Neutron Launchers 質子發射器 Proton Launchers Proton Launchers Base: 40
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
Upgraded energy projectiles that rely on neutrons instead of protons for their destructive power.
快速冷卻劑 Flash Coolant 快速冷卻劑Flash Coolant 20000 5 Fire rate.png +5% Energy weapon attack speed 藍激光發射器 Blue Lasers Blue Lasers Base: 12.5
  • 0.01x another repeatable tech was drawn
New developments in tech cooling regularly surface, improving the stability and efficiency of our weapons systems, keeping them from blowing up the ships upon which they are mounted.
聚焦陣列 Focusing Arrays 聚焦陣列Focusing Arrays 20000 5 傷害 Damage +5% Energy weapon damage X射線發射器 X-Ray Lasers X-Ray Lasers Base: 12.5
  • 0.01x another repeatable tech was drawn
Perfecting the firing cadence of laser weaponry is a task that could keep the engineering elite of any given planet busy for centuries.
裂解炮 Disruptors 裂解炮Disruptors 5000 2 部件 Component Disruptor 藍激光發射器 Blue Lasers Blue Lasers Base: 75
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
Disruptors fire high-energy bolts that weaken and destroy the molecular bonds that hold the target's constituent atoms together. They are capable of passing through shields and armor to wreak havoc directly on enemy hull and crew.
離子裂解炮 Ion Disruptors 離子裂解炮Ion Disruptors 8000 3 部件 Component Ion Disruptor 裂解炮 Disruptors Disruptors Base: 65
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
These upgraded disruptors fire bolts of more destructive ion Particles at targets.
相位裂解炮 Phase Disruptors 相位裂解炮Phase Disruptors 16000 4 部件 Component Phase Disruptor 離子裂解炮 Ion Disruptors Ion Disruptors Base: 45
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
Extremely high-yield disruptors that fire quantum energy charges causing incredible damage to those unfortunate enough to get in their way.
電弧發射器 Arc Emitters 電弧發射器Arc Emitters 20000 4 部件 Component Arc Emitter
  • 戰列艦 Battleships Battleships
  • 相位裂解炮 Phase Disruptors Phase Disruptors
Base: 40
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
Powerful weapons that launch a lightning arc of chaotic energy at targets, which in part can ignore armor and shields.
聚能電弧發射器 Focused Arc Emitters 聚能電弧發射器Focused Arc Emitters 24000 4 部件 Component Focused Arc Emitter 電弧發射器 Arc Emitters Arc Emitters Base: 35
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
These upgraded emitters are equipped with better focusing lenses, resulting in a more powerful energy discharge.
等離子發射器 Plasma Throwers 等離子發射器Plasma Throwers 5000 2 部件 Component Plasma Thrower 藍激光發射器 Blue Lasers Blue Lasers Base: 75
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
Weapons that eject destructive balls of high-energy plasma at targets. These plasma projectiles are extremely effective at eating through ship armor.
等離子加速器 Plasma Accelerators 等離子加速器Plasma Accelerators 8000 3 部件 Component Plasma Accelerator 等離子發射器 Plasma Throwers Plasma Throwers Base: 65
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
These new accelerators launch projectiles of high-energy plasma with improved containment fields. This results in less energy leakage as the projectile travels in space towards its target.
等離子加農炮 Plasma Cannons 等離子加農炮Plasma Cannons 16000 4 部件 Component Plasma Cannon 等離子加速器 Plasma Accelerators Plasma Accelerators Base: 45
  • 1.5x 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • 1.25x 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
The latest in plasma weaponry, these cannons are fully militarized versions of the older, somewhat improvised plasma throwers. Their plasma projectiles are even deadlier.
中子滅殺 Neutron Sweeping 中子滅殺Neutron Sweeping 20000 5 Ship part neutron sweep.png Neutron Sweep colossus weapon
  • 啟示錄 Apocalypse 啟示錄Apocalypse DLC
  • 巨像 Colossi 巨像Colossi
  • Yes.png Completed the Colossus Project
  • No.png和平主義 Pacifist極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist Pacifist
  • No.png唯心主義 Spiritualist極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist
Base: 10
  • 2x 唯物主義 Materialist極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist Materialist
  • 1.5x 科技至上 Technological Ascendancy 科技至上Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
An accelerated plume of neutron radiation "paints" the planet surface, severely degrading most materials and directly destroying biological tissue.
採礦無人機激光 Mining Drone Lasers 採礦無人機激光Mining Drone Lasers 5000 2 部件 Component Mining Drone Lasers Yes.png Analyzed Ancient Mining Drones debris Using strong-focus lenses in combination with an oscillating firing frequence help create lasers strong enough to mine asteroids, or shoot down hostiles.
雷雲導線 Cloud Lightning Conduits 雷雲導線Cloud Lightning Conduits 6000 2 部件 Component Cloud Lightning Yes.png Analyzed Void Clouds debris Void Clouds use the electrical charges generated by the dense gases that make up most of their core to release bolts of burning plasma. Using the same gas composition together with a specialized conduit allows for powerful lightning weaponry.
太虛光束 Null Void Beam 太虛光束Null Void Beam 6000 2 部件 Component Null Void Beam Yes.png The Doorway event outcome By harnessing the entropic nature of the Null Void, this beam can actually destroy energy.
高維武器 Extradimensional Weaponry 高維武器Extradimensional Weaponry 48000 5 部件 Component Matter Disintegrator Yes.png Analyzed Extradimensional Invaders debris Applying 5th-dimensional energy manipulation principles on lower dimensional planes allows for the creation of powerful energy weapons.
微粒穩定化 Mote Stabilization 微粒穩定化Mote Stabilization 4000 2
  • 建築 Building Mote Harvesting Traps
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes Can use Volatile Motes resource
  • 外太空建設 Offworld Construction 外太空建設Offworld Construction
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 易爆微粒Volatile Motes deposit within borders
Base: 170
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
Volatile Motes are fickle particles that are dangerous to work with. In order to safely harvest them without setting off a chain-reaction of explosions, energy fields must be used to stabilize the motes.
易爆材料生產廠 Volatile Material Plants 易爆材料生產廠Volatile Material Plants 4000 2
  • 建築 Building Chemical Plants
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes Can use Volatile Motes resource
工業基地 Industrial Base 工業基地Industrial Base Base: 170
  • 1.25x leading scientist has 粒子物理 Particles Expertise: Particles trait
  • 0.5x no celestial body within borders has a deposit of 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 易爆微粒Volatile Motes
Aside from the obvious safety concerns, the artificial creation of Volatile Motes is an extremely delicate and complicated process that requires highly specialized equipment.
生物反應堆 Bio-Reactor 生物反應堆Bio-Reactor 生物反應堆Bio-Reactor 0 建築 Building Bio-Reactor 機械體 Mechanical 機械體Mechanical, 機械 Machine 機械Machine or 石質 Lithoid 石質Lithoid main species A facility where organic matter is converted into energy at a highly efficient rate.
歐米伽理論 Omega Theory 歐米伽理論Omega Theory 10000 3 建築 Building Omega Alignment
  • 學說:奇異循環 Doctrine: Strange Loop 學說:奇異循環Doctrine: Strange Loop
  • 熵遞歸 Entropic Recursion 熵遞歸Entropic Recursion
Base: 60 When a temporal paradox becomes tangled, a kind of consciousness arises, with its own needs, its own desires. This is what has occurred with the consciousness that some call the Worm-in-Waiting. If we can align ourselves with that consciousness, we might just achieve a kind of immortality.

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