
(重定向自Space combat


Combat[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Space battle between mammalians and pirates


Each fleet is shown on the screen with a strength number. This number represents the power of this fleet, measured by the combined offensive strength of all of the ships in the fleet. This is a rough guide to a fleet's prowess, but cannot be understood as an absolute determinant in how combat will play out. A fleet that has a lot of offensive weapons that are unsuited for the enemy it is facing (Alien creatures with regenerating hulls or skins, enemies with sophisticated and appropriate countermeasures) may still lose to this enemy even though its strength number is considerably higher.

When a fleet engages an enemy ship, enemy station or alien creature in combat, the player gets an alert and the fleet listing in the Outliner has a red battle icon beside it. Select this fleet and you will see a real-time report of the ongoing combat.

At the top of the results sub-screen is a bar measuring the approximate strength of the opposing sides in combat. This bar changes as combat progresses and the odds shift in favor of one or the other side. As the battle progresses, the report sub-screen shows breakdowns of the effectiveness of the weapons systems in use and how much damage the shields, armor and hulls have taken. Analyzing this data helps determine whether current ship builds are effective against this opponent and may indicate ways to improve.

Damage[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Damage by space combat is distributed onto three components: Hull Points, Armor, and Shields. Different weapons do different amounts of damage to each.

  • 船体值 Ship Hull Points Hull Points is the most important attribute for any ship. When Hull Points reach 0, the ship will be destroyed. Furthermore, ships will have their fire rate decreased by a percentage equal to half of the percentage of Hull Points lost. Hull Points are determined by ship size and tech bonuses.
  • 装甲值 Armor Hit Points Armor provides an anti-kinetic layer of protection, based on the type of Armor component added, and tech bonuses.
  • 护盾承受值 Shield Hit Points Shields provides an anti-energy layer of protection, based on the type of Shield component added, and tech bonuses. Shields require energy from the ship's reactor and always regenerate, unlike Hull Points and Armor.

When being attacked, Shields will absorb damage first. After Shields are depleted, Armor will be damaged. After Armor is depleted, Hull Points will be damaged. Some weapons are better, or worse, than others at depleting Shields and/or Armor, and some weapons deplete Hull Points directly.

When the Hull, and Armor, are damaged the most common way to repair them is by docking the fleet with a Starbase. It is possible to repair ships other than by docking, such as a ship having the 'regenerative hull tissue' component, or a fleet's commanding Admiral having the 'engineer' trait. However, self-repairing is slower than dock-repairing (2% per day or 60% per month). Defense Platforms have a base self-repairing rate of 2% per day. It takes 30 days before a Starbase starts to repair itself after combat and there not being any hostile warships in the system. Disabled Starbases reactivate after 6 ticks of regen (36 days).

Ship protection modifiers are sparse, only two for each defense layer existing:

Source Hull bonus
不屈 Unyielding 不屈Unyielding Admiral trait +10%
噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm 噬杀蜂群Devouring Swarm civic +25%
Source Armor bonus
法令 Edict Volatile Reactive Armor edict +25%
物质压缩 Matter Compression Matter Compression repeatable technology +5%
Source Shield bonus
法令 Edict Exotic Gases for Shield Boost edict +25%
护盾数律分析 Shield Harmonics Shield Harmonics repeatable technology +5%

Accuracy, Tracking, Evasion[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Three parameters determine the chance of a weapon to hit its target: the accuracy and tracking of the attacker, and the evasion of the defender.

Accuracy comes primarily from the weapon stats. Accuracy is the percentage chance to hit a target with no evasion. Weapons with high accuracy tend to have comparatively low damage or other weaknesses. Accuracy is capped at 100.

Tracking comes primarily from the weapon stats as well. Tracking will cancel out some or all of the defender's evasion, and the actual chance to hit is the attacker's accuracy minus the defender's remaining evasion, if any. Smaller weapon sizes usually have significantly higher tracking, with some exceptions.

Evasion is primarily based on hull type and is a defining feature of the Corvette, Destroyer, Transport and similar small ships. It can be increased by thrusters, by the combat computer for some hull sizes, and by Auxiliary modules like the Enigmatic Encoder and by having surplus power in the ship design. The evasion rate is capped at 90%.

The formula to calculate the chance of a specific attack to hit the target is (remember that evasion is capped at 90 and accuracy is capped at 100):

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{chance to hit} = max(0, \text{accuracy} - max(0, \text{evasion} - \text{tracking})) }[/math]

Generally, the goal is to pick a weapon that has just enough tracking to maintain the weapon's baseline accuracy, i.e. tracking equal to the enemy's evasion. Thrusters and Sensors mostly cancel each other out when on the same level, so without a serious tech disadvantage, the hull size and weapon sizes matter the most. Large weapons sport much higher damage than smaller weapons, allowing them to destroy their intended targets in just a few shots. However, since said large weapons also tend to have low tracking, ships with high evasion may become nigh-invulnerable to them as they can simply dodge the shots. Weapons with higher tracking, such as small weapons or missiles, are needed when engaging ships with high evasion, such as Corvettes. Conversely, small weapons have high tracking, ensuring that they are able to hit their target without missing much at all. However, they also have low damage and therefore struggle to deal with larger ships such like Cruisers and Battleships due to them having very high shield/armor/hull values, allowing them to absorb shots from small weapons without much difficulty. Large weapons with high damage are needed for dealing with ships that have such high durability.

Combat Computers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

When in combat, every military ship will advance to within a certain range of its intended target and fire its weapons; combat computers determine what range the ship will engage its target from when in combat. Bold ships will use the combat computer of that behavior by default when the design is auto-generated. Ships that have similar combat computers tend to cluster together, stay in formation with each other and attack in groups.

Behavior Ship class Description
Swarm Corvette The ship will charge straight at enemies and try to deal as much damage as possible from point-blank range.
Picket Corvette, Destroyer, Cruiser The ship will move to close (30) range and attempt to intercept the enemy.
Line Destroyer, Cruiser, Battleship, Star-Eater The ship will advance to medium (50) range and hold formation.
Artillery Destroyer, Cruiser, Battleship, Titan, Juggernaut, Star-Eater The ship will stay at long (80) range and fire its long-range weapons on the target.
Carrier Cruiser, Battleship, Titan, Juggernaut, Star-Eater The ship will stay at extreme (150) range and fire its long-range weapons on the target.
Ignore Colossus The ship will ignore any attackers and carry on with its current task.

Force Disparity[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Force Disparity is a combat bonus applied when a smaller force is engaged with a larger one in battle (clarification required: is a smaller force one with fewer ships, lower total command limit points or military power? The English is ambiguous, but fewer ships makes most sense due to the target rich environment, whilst smaller ships evasion would mitigate the rate of fire effect) and gives a bonus to the 舰船武器射速 Ship Fire Rate 舰船武器射速Ship Fire Rate of all ships belonging to the smaller force. Force Disparity scales linearly with the fleet size difference, so, for example, a ship force that is engaging a hostile ship force twice as big will gain a 50% bonus to its firing speed, representing the fact that the smaller force has an easier time maneuvering and targeting the larger enemy force.

Force Disparity will never make a smaller force win unless it has a significant technological advantage. It will, however, ensure that all but the most overwhelming forces will take casualties and bear a cost for their victory.

Ship disengagement[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Any ship that takes hull damage while already below 50% hull points has a chance to disengage from battle, scaled with the amount of damage inflicted. A ship that disengages will instantly leave the battle and rejoin the fleet at the end, until then appearing in the combat interface with a flag icon indicating that it has disengaged. If a fleet contains only disengaged ships it will make an emergency retreat.

Ships will never disengage if the owner uses the No Retreat War Doctrine policy. The presence of a black hole reduces disengage chance by half.

Colossi and Juggernauts cannot disengage.

The chance for a ship to disengage after a hit is determined by:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{chance} = \frac{\text{damage}}{\text{hull}} \times 1.5 \times \text{friendly} \times \text{ship multiplier} }[/math]

damage: Amount of damage the hit inflicted
hull: The ship's maximum hull points
friendly: 1.25 while in friendly space, 1 otherwise
ship multiplier: Ship type multiplier

Ship multiplier Ship type
2 Science Ship
1.5 Destroyer, Cruiser, Transport Ship
1.25 Battleship, Titan
1 Corvette, Construction Ship
0.5 Colony Ship
0.2 Meteor Colony Ship

The chance for ships to disengage can also be affected by the following modifiers:

Source Modifier
政策 Policy Hit and Run War Doctrine policy +0.33
战略家 Trickster Trickster admiral trait +0.25
博学多识 Erudite Erudite admiral trait +0.1
Sb communication jammer.png Communications Jammer starbase building -0.2
Subspace Snare.png Subspace Snare titan aura -0.2
地狱雄心 Hell's Heart Hell's Heart admiral trait -0.33
不屈 Unyielding Unyielding admiral trait -0.33

As an example, if a battleship with 1300 of 3000 hull points left took a 300 damage hit while under the influnce of an admiral with the Erudite trait (+10%) and a hostile Subspace Snare titan aura (-20%) while outside of friendly space:

[math]\displaystyle{ 0.16875 = \frac{300}{3000} \times 1.5 \times 1 \times 1.25 \times (1 + 0.1 + -0.2) }[/math]

The battleship would have a 16.875% chance to disengage after the hit

If this battleship were to instead take 300 damage hits until it either disengaged or was destroyed on the 5th hit, it would have a likelihood of 52.255% to disengage before destruction.

[math]\displaystyle{ 0.52255 = 1 - (1 - 0.16875)^4 }[/math]

Emergency retreat[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

All ships of a fleet in combat have the opportunity to trigger an emergency retreat in the middle of a battle. This is a sudden escape using each individual ship's equipped FTL engine whether it is a Hyperdrive or Jump Drive that allows the fleet to escape destruction. The order is given by pressing the Retreat button in the combat sub-screen and the retreat can be triggered even from deep within the system. While on Evasive stance, a fleet will automatically retreat once the option is available. AI fleets in neutral or hostile territory will always retreat if half of the fleet is destroyed.

There are some tradeoffs, however:

  1. The fleet will go "missing in action" upon a retreat for a number of months, depending on how far the ship was from its home starbase. As such it can be neither controlled nor attacked while moving back to its home starbase.
  2. Ships require 30 days after entering combat before they can retreat.
  3. The shock of the emergency retreat causes each ship to have a 10% chance to take 20% hull damage. If a ship would be destroyed by this, it has a 50% chance to survive at 1HP instead.
  4. There is a 1% chance for each ship to be destroyed when retreating.

The chances to take damage (both the 10% chance to take 20% hull damage and the 1% chance to be destroyed) can be reduced by Emergency FTL Damage Risk modifiers:

Source Modifier
政策 Policy Hit and Run War Doctrine policy -25%
战略家 Trickster Trickster admiral trait -15%
城邦商人 Enclave Trader Caravan Counter admiral trait -10%

The 30 day charge time can be increased by Emergency FTL Jump Cooldown modifiers:

Source Modifier
Subspace Snare.png FTL Inhibitor starbase aura +100%
Subspace Snare.png Subspace Snare titan aura +100%
Black Hole.png Black hole +50%
政策 Policy No Retreat War Doctrine policy +50%