Terraforming events

(重定向自Terraforming event

The first time a planet is 环境改造 Terraforming 环境改造Terraforminged there's a chance that a terraforming event will take place. Most events can happen multiple times per game. Planets terraformed into an Ecumenopolis cannot trigger these events. Several events are prevented from triggering if the planet is terraformed into a 死寂星球 Tomb World 死寂星球Tomb World, although there is currently no way to do this in the game.

The chance of any specific event triggering is that event's weight divided by the sum of the weights of all currently valid events, plus a weight of 10 for no event. When terraforming an uncolonized planet that isn't a 死寂星球 Tomb World 死寂星球Tomb World or Planet barren.pngPlanet barren cold.png Barren World to your main species' preferred non-盖亚星球 Gaia World 盖亚星球Gaia World climate, the sum of all valid event weights is 26 for regular empires and 28.5 for 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness empires (some other minor conditions also apply). This gives the following set of minimum weights for no event or a specific event (and maximum weight for any event):

Event No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness
Any event 61.5% 65%
No event (weight 10) 38.5% 35%
Event weight 3 11.5% 10.5%
Event weight 2 7.7% 7%
Event weight 0.5 N/A 1.8%

Events[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


Superfluous Terraforming Equipment

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt drilling for gas.png

After completing the terraforming of [planet name], our terraforming specialists have spotted a golden opportunity. The remaining terraforming equipment can potentially be repurposed as infrastructure for the planet.

  • 区划 District Planet has at least 1 free district slot

3/SUM% chance


Event trigger.png在以下情况下启用: the planet has at least 1 free district slot

Event button on.png
We could use more housing.
  • Adds a 城市区划 City District 城市区划City District to the planet if not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • Adds a 蜂巢区划 Hive District 蜂巢区划Hive District to the planet if 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind
  • Adds a 中枢区划 Nexus District 中枢区划Nexus District to the planet if 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence

Event trigger.png在以下情况下启用: the planet has at least 1 free district slot

Event button on.png
Build some foundries.
  • Adds an 工业区划 Industrial District 工业区划Industrial District to the planet

Event trigger.png在以下情况下启用: the planet has at least 2 free district slots

Event button on.png
Expand this world's energy capabilities.
  • Adds 2 发电区划 Generator District 发电区划Generator Districts to the planet

Event trigger.png在以下情况下启用: the planet has at least 2 free district slots

Event button on.png
You can never have enough mines.
  • Adds 2 采矿区划 Mining District 采矿区划Mining Districts to the planet

Event trigger.png在以下情况下启用: the planet has at least 2 free district slots

Event button on.png
More farms for [From.GetName].
  • Adds 2 农业区划 Agriculture District 农业区划Agriculture Districts to the planet

Event trigger.png总是可用:

Event button on.png
Just scrap the equipment.
  • Minerals Gained: 矿物 Minerals 300

Engineered Beauty

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt alien nature.png

Terraforming on [planet name] has finished faster than initially estimated, which has left our terraforming specialists with time to experiment, and the results are impressive. The planet's natural traits have been enhanced to be both aesthetically pleasing and utilitarian.

  • None

3/SUM% chance


Event trigger.png总是可用:

Event button on.png

The planet gets the modifier:

Engineered Nature

Outliner top.png
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 舒适度 Amenities +10 Amenities
This [Root.GetPlanetMoon] has been engineered to provide both form and function to its inhabitants.

Event trigger.png在以下情况下启用: No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness Not 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness

Event button on.png
Does it have to look so artificial?

The planet gets the modifier:

Natural Beauty

Outliner top.png
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +25% Immigration pull
The scenery on this planet is simply beautiful, anyone living on this planet will be constantly finding new wonders to behold.

Terraforming Complications

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt aggressive flora.png

Our long project on [planet name] has frustratingly ended in partial success. As the final valleys were undergoing terramorphing, a malfunction occurred in the biomass realigner, leading to the creation of large swaths of Terraforming Residue. While not dangerous to our colonists, it means that the planet is a bit more cramped for the time being.

  • 区划 District Planet has at least 4 free district slots

3/SUM% chance

Event button on.png
Don't let this happen again.
  • Adds 3 D organic landfill.png Terraforming Residue blockers to the planet, which trigger the Learning From Mistakes event when they're all cleared

Learning From Mistakes

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt desert.png

Our [Owner.GetTerraformerPlural] have now cleared the final Terraforming Residue on [Root.GetName]. While the cleanup was painful and quite sticky, it was not all for naught. Analysis of the cause of this issue and the fallout has led to furthering our understanding of terralurgy.


Clearing all D organic landfill.png Terraforming Residue blockers on the planet

Event button on.png
At least some good has come of it.
  • Gain 20% progress in the 气候复苏 Climate Restoration 气候复苏Climate Restoration technology if you have the 生态适应 Ecological Adaptation 生态适应Ecological Adaptation technology
  • Gain 40% progress in the 生态适应 Ecological Adaptation 生态适应Ecological Adaptation technology if you have the 地表塑造 Terrestrial Sculpting 地表塑造Terrestrial Sculpting technology
  • Gain 80% progress in the 地表塑造 Terrestrial Sculpting 地表塑造Terrestrial Sculpting technology

[homeworld name] II

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric flight.png

We have not only succeeded in terraforming [planet name], but we have done something even better. During the final stretch of the process, our terraforming specialists managed to make it a perfect home for our local fauna, creating a [planet or moon] eerily similar to [homeworld name]. All our local plant life is there but none of the familiar terrain.

  • Once per empire
  • Planet's new planet class matches the primary species' climate preference

2/SUM% chance

Event button on.png
This [planet or moon] shall be known as [homeworld name] II
  • Second Home modifier added, giving the following effects:
    • 宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability +20%
    • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull Immigration Pull +50%
  • Planet is renamed to [homeworld name] II
Event button on.png
A fortuitous development.
  • Second Home modifier added, giving the following effects:
    • 宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability +20%
    • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull Immigration Pull +50%

A Planetary Gambit

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt atmospheric flight.png

A unique situation has occurred on [planet name] just as the terraforming efforts are winding down. Our terraforming specialists have discovered that it's possible to tidally lock the [planet or moon]. This occurring naturally can be quite a detriment to a colony. However, doing it during the terraforming process could allow us to exploit the endless solar hours the dayside will receive and generate an obscene amount of energy. We would still have to make a concentrated effort to set up the rest of our industry and housing on the twilight and night side.

  • No.png殖民者 Colonist Planet isn't colonized
  • No.png盖亚星球 Gaia World死寂星球 Tomb World Planet was not terraformed into a Gaia World or Tomb World
  • No.png死寂星球 Tomb WorldPlanet barren.pngPlanet barren cold.png Planet was not terraformed from a Tomb World or Barren World

2/SUM% chance

Event button on.png
Set the [planet or moon] spinning again, the risk is too great.

No effect

Event button on.png
Do it.
  • Intentionally Tidally Locked modifier added, giving the following effects:
    • 农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts 农业区划最大建造数量Max Agriculture Districts -3
    • 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts 采矿区划最大建造数量Max Mining Districts -3
    • Enables the Decision divine algorithm.png Expand Dayside Infrastructure decision

Excess to Success

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt drilling for gas.png

As the terraforming of [planet name] is settling down, we discover that the project has put us in an unanticipated situation. We did not need as many resources as we initially set aside to finish this project, and now we have the chance to add-on one additional feature to the [planet or moon]. Our terraforming specialists have presented us with three different options.

  • No.png盖亚星球 Gaia World Planet was not terraformed into a Gaia World
  • No.pngPlanet barren.pngPlanet barren cold.png Planet was not terraformed from a Tomb World or Barren World

3/SUM% chance

Event button on.png
We could use more Generator Districts.
  • Adds a planetary feature that adds 发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts  +2 发电区划最大建造数量Max Generator Districts to the planet
Event button on.png
See if we can't develop more space for Mining Districts.
  • Adds a planetary feature that adds 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts  +2 采矿区划最大建造数量Max Mining Districts to the planet
Event button on.png
This world could use more Agriculture Districts.
  • Adds a planetary feature that adds 农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts  +2 农业区划最大建造数量Max Agriculture Districts to the planet


Outliner top 500px.png
Evt hive mind.png

While turning [planet name] into [planet class] world, the terraforming drones managed to link not only the local fauna to the mind but, through freak mutations when exposed to the terraforming gasses, link the mind to the world itself. The collective now has the opportunity to become whole in a truer sense than before.

  • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png死寂星球 Tomb World Planet was not terraformed into a Tomb World
  • No.png死寂星球 Tomb WorldPlanet barren.pngPlanet barren cold.png Planet was not terraformed from a Tomb World or Barren World

0.5/SUM% chance

Event button on.png
Yes, the mind wills it.
  • Planet becomes a 蜂巢星球 Hive World 蜂巢星球Hive World
Event button on.png
No, this is not the intention for this world.
  • Influence Gained: 影响力 Influence 200

Perfect Organization

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt fleet from surface.png

Surpassing nature is not something new for this collective. During the terraforming process of [planet name], every hill was considered, and every piece of fauna was strategically placed. The [planet or moon] has now ended up being a perfectly organized logistical paradise for our Autonomous drones to produce for the collective.

  • 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png死寂星球 Tomb World Planet was not terraformed into a Tomb World
  • No.pngPlanet barren.pngPlanet barren cold.png Planet was not terraformed from a Barren World

2/SUM% chance

Event button on.png
How pleasing.
  • Perfect Organization modifier added, giving the following effects:
    • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production Resources from Jobs +10%
    • 最大区划数 Max Districts Max Districts +20%
    • 幸福度 Happiness  −50% 幸福度Happiness
    • If an empire that's not 格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness owns the planet, enables the Decision victorious army.png Introduce Chaos decision

A Helpful Blemish

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt drilling for gas.png

What our terraforming specialists first took for a nasty gas pocket on [planet name] has turned out to be a blessing! The toxic fumes it was releasing are an unrefined version of Exotic Gas. With this new natural resource, the energy required to introduce an atmosphere to the [planet or moon] has drastically decreased, and we can harvest the gas for years to come!

  • Planet barren.pngPlanet barren cold.png Planet was terraformed from a Barren World

3/SUM% chance

Event button on.png
  • Adds a D fuming bog.png Fuming Bog planetary feature to the planet
  • Gain an amount of Energy Credits depending on what the world was being terraformed to and from:
    • 能量币 Energy Credits  2500 能量币Energy Credits if terraforming from Planet barren.png Barren World to 干旱星球 Arid World沙漠星球 Desert World草原星球 Savanna World Dry climate or from Planet barren cold.png Barren World (Cold) to 高山星球 Alpine World极地星球 Arctic World苔原星球 Tundra World Cold climate
    • 能量币 Energy Credits  5000 能量币Energy Credits if terraforming to 陆地星球 Continental World海洋星球 Ocean World热带星球 Tropical World Wet climate
    • 能量币 Energy Credits  7500 能量币Energy Credits if terraforming from Planet barren.png Barren World to 高山星球 Alpine World极地星球 Arctic World苔原星球 Tundra World Cold climate or from Planet barren cold.png Barren World (Cold) to 干旱星球 Arid World沙漠星球 Desert World草原星球 Savanna World Dry climate

Unexpected Mutations

Outliner top 500px.png
Gaia planet.png

Our terraforming specialists have good news and bad news for us about [planet name]. The good news is that the terraforming process went swimmingly, and we have a beautiful Gaia World. The bad news is that everyone living on the [planet or moon] was exposed to the terraforming gasses and now can't live on non-Gaia Worlds. These Gaia-trapped inhabitants have surprisingly been showing an increase in their productivity while on the Gaia World. Far better than workers that weren't affected by the gas that migrated there later.

  • 盖亚星球 Gaia World Planet was terraformed into a Gaia World
  • No.png生命之籽 Life-Seeded Not 生命之籽Life-Seeded origin
  • 殖民者 Colonist Planet is colonized
  • 消费品 Consumer Goods Empire uses Consumer Goods

2/SUM% chance

Event button on.png
At least they don't seem to be uncomfortable.
  • All biological pops on the planet have their climate preference trait changed to a special version of 盖亚星球偏好 gaia world preference、​ 盖亚星球偏好 Gaia World Preference 盖亚星球偏好gaia world preference 盖亚星球偏好Gaia World Preference that also gives 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production  +5% 人口资源产出Pop Resource Production on 盖亚星球 Gaia World 盖亚星球Gaia Worlds

Paradise is a Place on [planet name]

Outliner top 500px.png
Event trigger.png 以下描述是多个可用于这个事件的描述之一。
Gaia planet.png

Amongst our terraforming specialists assigned to [planet name], there seem to have been followers of an ancient sect from [homeworld name] among them. These [main species plural] believe that there is a paradise for our people, and instead of looking for it, they have now created it. [planet name] has now been turned into a [planet or moon] of the blessed, looking like an illustration manifested from the pages of our ancient history.

  • Once per empire
  • 盖亚星球 Gaia World Planet was terraformed into a Gaia World
  • No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness Not 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.png帝国首都 Empire Capital Not the owner's homeworld

2/SUM% chance

Event button on.png
It's beautiful.
  • Paradise Made modifier added, giving the following effects:
    • 凝聚力 Unity Unity from Jobs +25%
    • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull Immigration Pull +50%
    • 唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist Ethics Attraction +50%
    • 建筑花费 Building Cost District Cost +25%

Event trigger.png在以下情况下启用: 唯物主义 Materialist极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist Materialist

Event button on.png
唯物主义 Materialist极端唯物主义 Fanatic Materialist It's just a normal Gaia World?
  • Influence Gained: 影响力 Influence 100


Radioactive Flora

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt tomb world.png

While cleaning out the radiation in [planet name]'s atmosphere and soil, our terraforming specialists had to call in our xenobiologists. They had found a species that seemed to thrive off the radiation and was now wilting. Even more curious, this species appears to be presapient and on the cusp of achieving sentience. Now, as the final soil scrubbers are approaching, we have to decide what to do with this new life.

  • 植物类物种包 Plantoids Species Pack 植物类物种包Plantoids Species Pack DLC
  • 死寂星球 Tomb World Planet was terraformed from a Tomb World
  • No.png辐射合成 Radiotrophic Main species does not have the Radiotrophic trait
  • No.png帝国首都 Empire Capital Not the owner's homeworld
  • Empire hasn't gotten this event before and chosen the "Harvest their genetic material." option

2/SUM% chance


Event trigger.png在以下情况下启用:

  • No.png种族洁癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬杀蜂群 Devouring Swarm铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator Not genocidal
  • No.png排外主义 Xenophobe极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobic
Event button on.png
We have destroyed their habitat, now we have to preserve them.
  • Planet gains 4 pre-sapient plantoid pops with the 死寂星球偏好 Tomb World Preference 死寂星球偏好Tomb World Preference, 辐射合成 Radiotrophic 辐射合成Radiotrophic, 足智多谋 Ingenious 足智多谋Ingenious, 快节奏 Fleeting 快节奏Fleeting, and 天性反常 Deviants 天性反常Deviants traits
  • Adds a D bunker door.png Radiotrophic Preserve planetary feature to the planet

Event button on.png
Why not let them join us?
  • Enables the Enlighten the Radiotropic special project, which costs 社会学研究 Society Research 5000 社会学研究Society Research and triggers the A Radiating Reception event when completed
Event button on.png
Harvest their genetic material.
  • Unlocks the 辐射合成 Radiotrophic 辐射合成Radiotrophic trait for genetic modification on all non-lithoid biological pops
Event button on.png
Why are we even bothering with this weed. Finish the terraforming.
  • Food Gained: 食物 Food 5 (if empire uses food)

A Radiating Reception

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt hand shake.png

Having spent years acclimating and adjusting the radiotropic plants found on [FromFromFrom.GetName], we now are ready to allow them into our society. While an incredibly young species, they seem to excel in harvesting energy.


Completing the Enlighten the Radiotropic special project

Event button on.png
  • Planet gains 6 plantoid pops with the 死寂星球偏好 Tomb World Preference 死寂星球偏好Tomb World Preference, 辐射合成 Radiotrophic 辐射合成Radiotrophic, 足智多谋 Ingenious 足智多谋Ingenious, 快节奏 Fleeting 快节奏Fleeting, and 天性反常 Deviants 天性反常Deviants traits. If the planet is not a colony (or no longer exists), the pops are created on the empire's capital instead.

Weapons Cache

Outliner top 500px.png
Evt tomb world.png

Restoring a Tomb World is always hard work and often very repetitive: section off an area, clear out any rubble, replace the soil, purify any remaining water, and add new fauna. As the terraforming process on [planet name] was winding to a close, our [Root.GetTerraformerPlural] discovered a sizeable underground metal container, and based on its fortifications, it is assumed that this is a weapons cache.

  • 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack 上古之遗故事包Ancient Relics Story Pack DLC
  • Once per empire
  • 死寂星球 Tomb World 死寂星球Tomb World Planet was terraformed from a Tomb World
  • No.png帝国首都 Empire Capital Not the owner's homeworld

2/SUM chance
×50 if Earth

Event button on.png