

Each planet has a small chance of containing a modifier that will affect the colony should the world be colonized. They may be positive, negative or mixed, identified by the color of the modifier's border.

Random anomalies can generate a great variety of planet modifiers but those usually do not have any effects.

#Bleak #poor

Random modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

These modifiers can appear at random on any planet outside an empire's home system. Some of them can be removed if the planet is terraformed.

Modifier Effects Spawn chance Removed by terraforming Description
Pm bleak.pngPm frame 3.png Bleak
  • 宜居性 Habitability −5% Habitability
  • Pop resource food mult.png −10% Food from Jobs
  • 农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts −2 Max Agriculture Districts
  • x0 if Planet tropical.png Tropical
  • x0 if Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png 郁郁葱葱Lush
Yes.png  Life struggles to survive here, and while some clings to a tenacious existence it is anemic and sickly.
Pm mineral poor.pngPm frame 3.png Poor Quality Minerals
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png −25% Minerals from Jobs
  • 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts −3 Max Mining Districts
  • x4 if Pm low gravity.pngPm frame 1.png 低重力Low Gravity
  • x0 if Pm carbon world.pngPm frame 1.png 碳化世界Carbon World
No.png  It is unknown if this planet simply formed this way, or if some unknown race once stripped it of its more valuable resources. However, we do know that the minerals present on this planet are of unusally poor quality.
Pm tidal locked.pngPm frame 3.png Tidal Locked 最大区划数 Max Districts −30% Max Districts
  • x3 if moon
  • Always present on Proxima Centauri b
No.png  This world is tidally locked around its star, meaning that one side always has daylight while the other is locked in eternal darkness. If life exists here, it is likely limited to the twilight regions where the two sides meet.
Pm weak magnetic field.pngPm frame 3.png Weak Magnetic Field
  • 宜居性 Habitability −5% Habitability
  • Mod pop growth req.png −5% Pop Growth speed
  • x2 if Pm low gravity.pngPm frame 1.png 低重力Low Gravity
  • x0 if Pm strong magnetic field.pngPm frame 1.png 强力磁场Strong Magnetic Field
No.png  Although habitable, this world has a weak or non-existent magnetic field that offers little protection against cosmic radiation.
Pm hazardous weather.pngPm frame 2.png Hazardous Weather
  • 宜居性 Habitability −10% Habitability
  • 幸福度 Happiness −5% Happiness
  • Mod resource energy mult.png +20% Energy from Jobs
  • 发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts +4 Max Generator Districts
Yes.png  This world suffers from unstable weather patterns, with violent storms frequently appearing out of nowhere to wreak havoc on the surface.
Pm dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 2.png Hostile Fauna
  • 宜居性 Habitability −10% Habitability
  • 幸福度 Happiness −5% Happiness
  • Pop resource society research mult.png +20% Society From Jobs
  • x2 if Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png 郁郁葱葱Lush
  • x2 if Pm high gravity.pngPm frame 1.png 高重力High Gravity
  • x0 if Pm titanic life.pngPm frame 1.png 泰坦巨兽Titanic Life
Yes.png  This world has evolved extremely Hostile Fauna, and the surface is rife with lethal predators waiting to ambush their next meal. Their biology offers great research opportunities, however.
Pm high gravity.pngPm frame 2.png High Gravity
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost +10% Building cost
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost +10% District cost
  • 宜居性 Habitability −5% Habitability
  • 最大区划数 Max Districts +2 Max Districts
  • x2 if 行星规模 Planet Size 行星规模Planet Size > 19
  • x0 if 行星规模 Planet Size 行星规模Planet Size < 12
  • x0 if Pm low gravity.pngPm frame 1.png 低重力Low Gravity
No.png  This planet is unusually dense and so has uncomfortably high gravity.
Pm low gravity.pngPm frame 2.png Low Gravity
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost −10% Building cost
  • 宜居性 Habitability −5% Habitability
  • x0.5 if 行星规模 Planet Size 行星规模Planet Size >19
  • x0 if Pm high gravity.pngPm frame 1.png 高重力High Gravity
No.png  This planet has an unusually low density and therefore much lower gravity than most planets of comparable size.
Pm wild storms.pngPm frame 2.png Wild Storms
  • 宜居性 Habitability −5% Habitability
  • 幸福度 Happiness −5% Happiness
  • Pop resource physics research mult.png +20% Physics from Jobs
Yes.png  Spectacular electrical storms wrack this planet's atmosphere on a semi-regular basis.
Pm atmospheric aphrodisiac.pngPm frame 1.png Atmospheric Aphrodisiac
  • 宜居性 Habitability +5% Habitability
  • 成长时间 Growth Time +10% Pop Growth speed
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction −20% Government ethics attraction
Planet nuked.png Tomb World
Planet ai.png Machine World
Planet infested.png Hive world
Something in the air of this planet seems to put people in the mood to reproduce.
Pm carbon world.pngPm frame 1.png Carbon World Mod resource minerals mult.png +15% Minerals from Jobs x0 if not Planet barren.png Barren No.png  This world has been formed mostly out of carbon, and contains little oxygen.
Pm ultra rich.pngPm frame 1.png Exceptional Quality Minerals
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png +25% Minerals from Jobs
  • 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +8 Max Mining Districts
  • x8 if Pm high gravity.pngPm frame 1.png 高重力High Gravity
  • x0 if Pm carbon world.pngPm frame 1.png 碳化世界Carbon World
No.png  The exceptional quality of the minerals in this planet's crust provides a truly staggering opportunity for mining.
Pm extensive moon system.pngPm frame 1.png Extensive Moon System
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png +10% Minerals from Jobs
  • 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +1 Max Mining Districts
  • x0 if not Planet gas giant.png Gas Giant
  • x0 if no moons
No.png  This gas giant has an unusually large amount of natural satellites. Hundreds of small moons and moonlets orbit the planet.
Pm mineral rich.pngPm frame 1.png High Quality Minerals
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png +15% Minerals from Jobs
  • 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +4 Max Mining Districts
  • x4 if Pm high gravity.pngPm frame 1.png 高重力High Gravity
  • x0 if Pm carbon world.pngPm frame 1.png 碳化世界Carbon World
No.png  An abundance of high quality minerals in this planet's crust makes mining here a lucrative business.
Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png Lush
  • 宜居性 Habitability +10% Habitability
  • Pop resource food mult.png +20% Food from Jobs
  • 农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +4 Max Agriculture Districts
  • x3 if Planet gaia.png Gaia
  • x2 if Pm low gravity.pngPm frame 1.png 低重力Low Gravity
  • x0 if Pm bleak.pngPm frame 1.png 苍茫大地Bleak
Planet nuked.png Tomb World
Planet ai.png Machine World
Planet infested.png Hive world
Life thrives here, the fauna is plentiful and the flora grows rapidly.
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png Natural Beauty
  • 幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +25% Migration Pull
x3 if Planet gaia.png Gaia Planet nuked.png Tomb World
Planet ai.png Machine World
Planet infested.png Hive world
The scenery on this planet is simply beautiful, anyone living on this planet will be constantly finding new wonders to behold.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Terraforming Candidate
  • 气候复苏 Climate Restoration Can be terraformed
  • Barren World anomaly
  • Worlds made Barren by a crisis
  • Always present on Mars
Yes.png  Though barren and devoid of life, this planet has water in frozen form and may once have been home to a thriving ecosystem. With the right technology, it could be terraformed into a habitable world.

Event triggering modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The following random modifiers will cause an event roughly one year after the planet is colonized. The event can only trigger once per colony.

Modifier Effects Spawn chance Removed by terraforming Event
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Asteroid Belt
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png +10% Minerals from Jobs
  • 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +3 Max Mining Districts
  • No.pngPlanet gas giant.png Base 10 if not Gas Giant
  • Pm low gravity.pngPm frame 1.png  x2 低重力Low Gravity
  • x0 if is or has a moon
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 2.png Asteroid Impacts
  • 宜居性 Habitability −5% Habitability
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png +5% Minerals from Jobs
  • 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +2 Max Mining Districts
  • 行星 Planet Base 10 if regular habitable planet class
  • 遗落星球 Relic World Base 1 if Relic World
  • No.png Events removed.
Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 2.png Atmospheric Hallucinogen
  • 生物人口幸福度 Biological Pop Happiness +5% Biological pop happiness
  • 其他物种幸福度 Other Species Happiness +5% Lithoid pop happiness
  • Pop resource physics research mult.png +10% Physics from Jobs
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction −30% Government Ethics Attraction
  • 行星 Planet Base 10 if regular habitable planet class
  • 盖亚星球 Gaia World Base 10 if Gaia World
死寂星球 Tomb World 死寂星球Tomb World
机械星球 Machine World 机械星球Machine World
蜂巢星球 Hive World 蜂巢星球Hive World
Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 1.png Crackdown
Pm irradiated.pngPm frame 3.png Irradiated
  • 宜居性 Habitability −10% Habitability
  • 生物人口幸福度 Biological Pop Happiness −20% Biological pop happiness
  • Pop resource food mult.png −50% Food from Jobs
  • 农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts −6 Max Agriculture Districts
  • 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +2 Max Mining Districts
Never Yes.png  研究 Research What Happened Here?
Pm strong magnetic field.pngPm frame 1.png Strong Magnetic Field
  • Mod resource energy mult.png +5% Energy from Jobs
  • Pop resource physics research mult.png +5% Physics from Jobs
  • 发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts +2 Max Generator Districts
  • 行星 Planet Base 10 if regular habitable planet class
  • 遗落星球 Relic World Base 10 if Relic World
  • Pm high gravity.pngPm frame 1.png  x2 高重力High Gravity
  • Pm weak magnetic field.pngPm frame 1.png  x0 弱磁场Weak Magnetic Field
Pm titanic life.pngPm frame 1.png Titanic Life
  • 社会学研究 Society Research +25% Society from Jobs
  • 行星 Planet Base 10 if regular habitable planet class
  • 盖亚星球 Gaia World Base 10 if Gaia World
  • 遗落星球 Relic World Base 10 if Relic World
  • Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png  x2 郁郁葱葱Lush
  • Pm high gravity.pngPm frame 1.png  x8 高重力High Gravity
  • Pm low gravity.pngPm frame 1.png  x0.5 低重力Low Gravity
  • Pm dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 1.png  x0 闹事的动物Hostile Fauna
No.png  Army xenomorph.png Titanic Life
Pm unstable tectonics.pngPm frame 3.png Unstable Tectonics
  • 宜居性 Habitability −10% Habitability
  • 幸福度 Happiness −5% Happiness
  • Pop resource engineering research mult.png +20% Engineering from Jobs
  • 行星 Planet Base 10 if regular habitable planet class
  • 遗落星球 Relic World Base 1 if Relic World
  • Pm high gravity.pngPm frame 1.png  x4 高重力High Gravity
No.png  Pm unstable tectonics.pngPm frame 3.png Earthquake!

Unique modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Unique modifiers will always appear on certain predetermined planets and cannot be found anywhere else.

Modifier Effects Planet Description
Pm consecrated worlds.pngPm frame 3.png Holy World 评价 Opinion −200 Opinion with Holy Guardians if colonized
  • Prophets Retreat
  • Walled Garden
  • Emerald Mausoleum
  • Pristine Jewel
The planet is considered sacred by a nearby Fallen Empire. Colonizing it will anger them greatly.
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 2.png Wenkwort Gardens
  • 官僚 Bureaucrat +20% Administrator Output
  • 研究人员 Researcher +10% Researcher Output
Wenkwort Artem The ecologies of this world show signs of having been designed, fitting some arcane and romantic ideal.
Pm atmospheric aphrodisiac.pngPm frame 3.png Wenkwort Custodian
  • 官僚 Bureaucrat +40% Administrator Output
  • 研究人员 Researcher +20% Researcher Output
  • 岗位生产的消费品 Consumer Goods from Jobs -30% Consumer Goods from Jobs
  • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production -70% Minerals from Jobs
  • 岗位生产的合金 Alloys from Jobs -70% Alloys from Jobs
Wenkwort Artem In accordance with a directive from the Audon Caretakers, industrialization of this botanical world has been drastically curtailed.
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png Paridayda
  • 幸福度 Happiness +10% Happiness
  • 凝聚力 Unity +10% Unity from Jobs
  • Pop resource food mult.png +20% Food from Jobs
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +25% Migration Pull
Paridayda A paradiasaical world of unparalleled beauty.
Pm resort planet.pngPm frame 2.png Sea of Consciousness
  • 宜居性 Habitability 0.25% Habitability
  • 研究 Research +10% Research from Jobs
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction -25% Government Ethics Attraction
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png -25% Planetary Build Speed
Living Planet Though the nature of this planet's sea eludes us, it is somehow, unquestionably, alive. Thoughts, visions, and impulses like soft songs dance in the minds of organic beings who come into contact with it.

Homeworld modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Homeworld modifiers can only be added to the capital world of an empire by Origins when the game starts.

Modifier Effects Origin Description
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Prosperous Unification
  • 幸福度 Happiness +15% Happiness
  • 舒适度 Amenities +25% Amenities
  • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production +10% Resources from Jobs
Origins default.png Prosperous Unification Since Unification Day the economy has been booming!
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Colonial Spirit
  • 幸福度 Happiness +10% Happiness
  • 舒适度 Amenities +15% Amenities
  • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production +15% Resources from Jobs
  • 宜居性 Habitability +10% Habitability
Origins lost colony.png Lost Colony Determined to forge a new life on the frontier, the forefathers of this colony had an astounding work ethic which became a time-honored tradition.
Pm ocean paradise.pngPm frame 1.png Ocean Paradise
  • 幸福度 Happiness +15% Happiness
  • Mod pop growth req.png +10% Pop Growth Speed
  • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production +5% Resources from Jobs
Origins ocean paradise.png Ocean Paradise Few worlds boast conditions so fortunate. At the top of this planet's food chain, there is bliss. Its rich, flourishing resources could potentially last an eternity - if properly managed.
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 3.png Lithoid Crater 宜居性 Habitability -50% Habitability Origins lithoid.png Calamitous Birth This large crater is the result of a Lithoid-bearing meteorite slamming into the planet.

Doomsday[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Empires that start with the 末日将临 Doomsday 末日将临Doomsday origin start with a homeworld modifier that goes through 4 stages. Each stage lasts roughly 10 years and increases the effects of the previous stage.

Pm exploding planet.pngPm frame 2.png Stage 岗位生产的合金 Alloys from JobsMod resource minerals mult.pngMod resource energy mult.png Job output 宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability 稳定度 Stability 稳定度Stability 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull Immigration pull 迁出推动力 Emigration Push Emigration push Description
I +30% −30% −10 −50% +100 This planet is doomed. It is tectonically unstable and will eventually explode.
II +60% −50% −15
III +90% −70% −20
IV +120% −90% −30

Decision modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

主条目:Planet modifier decisions

These mutually-exclusive modifiers can be added to (and removed from) a planet once an empire has researched the technology enabling the corresponding 100 影响力 Influence 影响力Influence 决议 Decisions 决议Decisions to do so.

Modifier Effects Decision Description
Pm resort planet.pngPm frame 1.png Resort World
No.png建筑 Building Cannot support certain buildings:0

  • Effects on other colonies:
    • 舒适度 Amenities +15% Amenities
    • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +15% Immigration pull
Decision resort colony.png Create Resort World Landscaped to perfection and featuring a fully customizable global weather control system, every facet of this world's design is devoted to providing a wide range of vacation options for citizens in need of relaxation.
Pm penal colony.pngPm frame 2.png Penal Colony
  • 犯罪与异常 Colony designation locked to Penal Colony
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +33% Immigration pull
  • 犯罪与异常 +100% Crime

  • Effects on other colonies:
    • 犯罪与异常 −25% Crime
Decision penal colony.png Create Penal Colony This world is filled with strictly controlled criminals, paying off their debt to society in labor camps. For many, the debt will never be repaid.
Pm slave colony.pngPm frame 2.png Thrall-World
  • 苦工 Toiler Colony designation locked to Thrall-World
  • Mod pop growth req.png +50% Pop growth speed
  • Building capital 1.png Unique Governor's Palace and Governor's Estates capital buildings
  • link-Buildings#Slave Huts Can build Slave Huts buildings
  • link-Buildings#Overseer Residences Can build Overseer Residences buildings
  • No.png Cannot grow free pops
  • No.png Cannot support 城市区划 City District 城市区划City Districts
  • No.png Cannot support 专家 Specialist 专家Specialist buildings except:
    • 官僚 Bureaucrat 官僚Bureaucrat buildings
    • Alien Zoo
Decision slave colony.png Create Thrall-World This world is purpose-built to maximize the growth rate of its enslaved population.
Pm arctic planet.pngPm frame 1.png Flooded Habitat
  • 宜居性 Habitability Habitability -20%
  • Considered an Ocean world for 水生 Aquatic Aquatic species
Decision satellite in orbit.png Flood Habitat This habitat has been flooded with water, imitating the natural environment of Aquatic creatures.

Event modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Event modifiers can only be added by events.

Modifier Effects Event Description
Pm hollow planet.pngPm frame 1.png Subterranean Civilization Pop resource society research mult.png +10% Society from Jobs Seismic Disturbances
(Establish Communications Special Project)
A subterranean alien civilization on this world enjoys a good relationship with the colonists on the surface, and both parties frequently engage in trade and cultural exchanges.
Pm hollow planet.pngPm frame 1.png Subterranean Cities 最大区划数 Max Districts +3 Max Districts Seismic Disturbances
(Preemptive Strike Special Project)
A indigenous subterranean civilization that once lived on this world has been exterminated, and colonists are now free to expand into their abandoned underground cities.
Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png Ancient Terraforming Mod pop growth req.png +20% Pop Growth Speed Abandoned Terraforming Equipment
(Resume Process Special Project)
Ancient terraforming techniques have turned this world into a lush paradise.
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 3.png Abandoned Terraforming Project
  • Pop resource food mult.png −20% Food from Jobs
  • 幸福度 Happiness −10% Happiness
Abandoned Terraforming Equipment
(Dismantle Equipment Special Project)
This world was partially terraformed thousands of years ago, but the process was interrupted for unknown reasons. The result is a highly unstable climate system and biosphere.
Pm strong magnetic field.pngPm frame 1.png Magnetic Miracle 研究 Research +20% Research from Jobs Magnetic Miracle
(Colonize three planets with the Strong Magnetic Field modifier and investigate the Magnetic Mystery Special Project)
Somehow the Magnetic Field of this planet is interfering with our computers, but rather than a simple disruption it is actually making them more efficient!
Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 1.png Filtered Atmospheric Hallucinogen
  • 幸福度 Happiness +10% Happiness
  • Pop resource physics research mult.png +10% Physics from Jobs
(Hallucinogen Removal Special Project)
The air of this planet once contained a natural hallucinogen. Now, with the aid of massive filters, the effect has been diluted. This has reduced the benefits it once gave, but has also eliminated the negatives.
Pm irradiated.pngPm frame 2.png Uncertain History
  • 研究 Research +10% Research from jobs
  • 幸福度 Happiness −10% Happiness
What happened here?
(40% chance)
The people of this planet are troubled by not knowing what caused the disaster which befell it long ago, and are driven to try to find out.
Pm titanic life.pngPm frame 1.png Delicious Titans
  • 农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +6 Max Agriculture Districts
  • Pop resource food mult.png +30% Food from Jobs
  • 战士 Warrior +1 Titan Hunter Job
  • 战士 Warrior +1 Titan Hunter Job per 20 Pops
Titanic Life
极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe排外主义 Xenophobe 排外主义Xenophobe or 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind option
Harvesting the Titanic life for research data has had an unexplained side benefit: They taste great!
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png Engineered Nature 舒适度 Amenities +10 Amenities Engineered Beauty This planet has been engineered to provide both form and function to its inhabitants
Pm tidal locked.pngPm frame 2.png Intentionally Tidally Locked
  • 农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts -3 Max Agriculture Districts
  • 采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts -3 Max Mining Districts
A Planetary Gambit During the terraforming process, this world was intentionally left tidally locked to take advantage of the amount of energy that could potentially be gathered on the dayside.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Second Home
  • 宜居性 Habitability +20% Habitability
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +50% Immigration Pull
Homeworld II This planet bears an uncanny resemblance to its creator's homeworld.
Pm unity symbol.pngPm frame 1.png Paradise Made
  • 凝聚力 Unity +25% Unity from Jobs
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull +50% Immigration Pull
  • 唯心主义 Spiritualist +50% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost +25% District Cost
Paradise is a Place This planet was terraformed to look like its creators' promised land.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Surviving Infrastructure 建筑花费 Building Cost −25% District Cost Surviving Infrastructure There is still a significant amount of infrastructure left on this world, built by its original inhabitants before they destroyed themselves in a nuclear war. This will aid in the construction of new buildings.
Pm nanite world.pngPm frame 1.png Tamed Nanite Swarm
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost -25% Building Cost
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png -25% Planetary Build Speed
  • Pop resource engineering research mult.png +30% Engineering Research from Jobs
On the Origin of Nanites
(Tame the Swarm special project)
A self-evolved nanite swarm was domesticated on this planet and now helps the colonists with their day-to-day life.
Pm machine sapience.pngPm frame 1.png Zen World
  • 幸福度 Happiness +3% Happiness
  • Maintenance.png -15% Upkeep from jobs
Interpretation Signal
(Pure, Dry Landscaping special project)
Vast ripples appear in the regolith here. Whatever their origin, they exude a calming influence.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Loop Temple Visitor Center 幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness The Loop Temple: Time and Stone Cheery, efficient staff guided tours past primordial sigils bright under floodlights and marked with helpful plaques.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Loop Temple Pilgrims' Way 幸福度 Happiness +10% Happiness The Loop Temple: Time and Stone
极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist唯心主义 Spiritualist 唯心主义Spiritualist option
Once again, the basalt arches whisper with the hushing of feet and the echo of prayers.
Pm assist research.pngPm frame 1.png Superflare Shielding 凝聚力 Unity +10% Unity from Jobs Superflare
(Superflare Shielding special project)
This planet's populace is shielded from the harmful effects of it's sun's superflare activity.
Pm engineering research.pngPm frame 1.png C.A.R.E Interactive Interface Mod resource energy mult.png +10% Energy from Jobs C.A.R.E.
(Develop A Cure For The Ferrophage special project)
The ancient C.A.R.E Interactive Interface is working at full capacity on this planet - with some modern improvements, of course.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Colonial Remains
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost −25% Building Cost
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost −25% District Cost
Colonizing Guaranteed Habitable Worlds
(复国孑遗 Remnants 复国孑遗Remnants Origin)
Some remnants of our former colony remain. Using them as a base will make it easier to re-colonize this planet.

Anomaly modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Anomaly modifiers can only be added by random anomalies from the Distant Stars DLC. Anomalies from the base game can add modifiers as well but those do not have any effects.

Modifier Effects Description
Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png Ancient Harvesters
  • Pop resource food mult.png +20% Food from Jobs
Ancient solar-powered harvesters assist in gathering the planet's crops
Pm ultra rich.pngPm frame 1.png Resonant Crystals
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction +33% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • 幸福度 Happiness +10% Happiness
The resonant crystals that line this planet's tectonic crust resonate at a medically therapeutic frequency for our species.
Pm ultra rich.pngPm frame 1.png Soothing Magnetism
  • 凝聚力 Unity +50% Unity from Jobs
This planet's magnetosphere resonates at a frequency very conductive to our neural network.
Pm wild storms.pngPm frame 1.png Watery Grave
  • Pop resource society research mult.png +33% Society from Jobs
The ruins of an ancient arthropoid collective stretch from pole to pole on this planet, long-buried beneath its waves.
Pm dead god.pngPm frame 2.png Dead God
  • 唯心主义 Spiritualist +200% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
The corpse of some gargantuan alien creature keeps silent vigil in orbit over this planet.
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 3.png Predatory Plants
  • 宜居性 Habitability −10% Habitability
  • Pop resource society research mult.png +10% Society From Jobs
Vicious megaflora dominates this planet's landscape, creating opportunities for research, but also dangerous obstacles for any inhabitants.¸
Pm unstable tectonics.pngPm frame 3.png Exofungus Infestation
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png −20% Planetary build speed
  • 宜居性 Habitability −10% Habitability
  • Pop resource society research mult.png +33% Society From Jobs
An extremophilic exofungus spreads on this planet like a cancer, choking the terrain.

Archaeological site modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Event modifiers can only be added by Archaeological site outcomes.

Modifier Effects 考古遗址 Archaeology site 考古遗址Archaeology site Description
Pm surreal visions.pngPm frame 1.png The Memorex
  • 人口资源产出 Pop Resource Production +20% Resources from Jobs
  • 稳定度 Stability +10 Stability
考古遗址 Archaeology site Ix Belèn outcome The Memorex Enhanced Learning Program trains the population to better fit the needs of the empire, as they sleep, improving their output significantly.

Pm artist monument erected.pngPm frame 1.png The Sentinels
  • 唯心主义 Spiritualist +10% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
  • 凝聚力 Unity +15% Unity from Jobs
考古遗址 Archaeology site The Sentinels "Leave them alone" outcome Ancient guardians watch over the planet inspiring unity and spirituality in our people.
Pm glitchy matrix.pngPm frame 1.png Cheap Thrills
  • 消费品维护费 -10% Pop consumer goods upkeep
  • 幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness
考古遗址 Archaeology site The Sentinels "Purge and repurpose" outcome The Evermore, originally a virtual realm in which the digitized consciousnesses of aliens lived in eternal bliss, has been repurposed into a playground for the masses.
Pm glitchy matrix.pngPm frame 1.png Cheap Thrills Evil
  • 军国主义 Militarist +10% Militarist Ethics Attraction
  • 排外主义 Xenophobe +10% Xenophobe Ethics Attraction
  • 消费品维护费 -10% Pop consumer goods upkeep
  • 幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness
考古遗址 Archaeology site The Sentinels "Virtual hunting ground" outcome The Evermore, originally a virtual realm in which the digitized consciousnesses of aliens lived in eternal bliss, has been repurposed into a playground for the masses.
Pm glitchy matrix.pngPm frame 1.png The Evermore
  • 研究 Research +10% Research from Jobs
考古遗址 Archaeology site The Sentinels "Lab rats" outcome In the Evermore paradise everyone is locked in a never-ending abstract board game centered on galactic domination through the accumulation of legumes. It makes for an endlessly dull, albeit informative, source of anthropological data.
Pm glitchy matrix.pngPm frame 1.png Ever More Joy
  • 消费品维护费 -10% Pop consumer goods upkeep
  • 幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness
Defeated and purged by the 考古遗址 Archaeology site The Sentinels outcome This world's population can live out their fantasies together with the digitized population in the Evermore paradise.
Pm glitchy matrix.pngPm frame 1.png Ever More Science 研究 Research +10% Research from Jobs Defeated and purged by the 考古遗址 Archaeology site The Sentinels outcome The digitized population residing within the Evermore have been assigned to assist with scientific research.

Unorganized planet modifiers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The following modifiers were found in the game files and are unorganized. The list is still being updated. There are over 370 planet modifiers, including decisions and previously identified modifiers, that were found within the game files. (WIP)

Modifier Effects Key code Description
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Annexation Fever
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.3% Happiness
infiltration_happiness The people of this planet are celebrating their integration into a more advanced civilization.
Pm chthonian planet.pngPm frame 1.png Chthonian Planet chthonian_planet This planet was once a gas giant, but its proximity to its star has burned away the thick atmosphere. All that remains now is a super-dense and mineral rich metallic core.
Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png Migrating Forests migrating_forests The mobile forests of this world frequently migrate en masse to new regions, disrupting efforts at building roads, power lines and other infrastructure.
Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png Docile Migrating Forests
  • 最大区划数 Max Districts -1 Max Districts
migrating_forests_2 §W§YMigrating Forest Reserve§! added, improving £society£ §YSociety Research§! on the planet.§!\n\nThe wandering forests on this world now avoid populated areas and no longer cause damage to settlements. Their presence still limits the amount of free land available to colonists.
Pm wasteland.pngPm frame 1.png Dead Space Creatures dead_creatures This gas giant served as an ancient graveyard for a species of spacefaring creatures. Many corpses can still be found in orbit, offering valuable research.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Starship Graveyard starship_graveyard A great battle took place in orbit of this world millennia ago, and the surface is still littered with the wreckage of ancient starships. Studying their advanced designs will yield valuable knowledge.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Organic Starship organic_starship Some sort of organic starship crashed on this world more than three billion years ago. Though only its ancient bones remain, the site offers a wealth of research opportunities.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Abandoned Cities abandoned_cities The original inhabitants of this world have mysteriously vanished, leaving behind their cities and infrastructure almost intact. This will make it much easier for a potential colony to develop.
Pm wild storms.pngPm frame 1.png Subterranean Ocean subterranean_ocean There is a large ocean heated by hydrothermal vents hidden beneath the ice mantle of this world. It is teeming with life, and much can be learned by studying these unique organisms.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Fortified Enclaves
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png -0.3% Minerals from Jobs
colony_enclaves The colony on this world is limited to several fortified enclaves. An indigenous Stone Age proto-civilization has been left in peace to develop independently on the remaining land.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Alien Reservation
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png -0.1% Minerals from Jobs
primitive_reservation A part of this world has been turned into an enclosed reservation for an indigenous Stone Age proto-civilization. This has somewhat limited the land and resources available to colonists.
Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 1.png Atmospheric Ecosystem atmospheric_ecosystem The upper atmosphere of this gas giant features a significant ecosystem that is home to many strange alien life forms. Their interesting biology is a promising research subject.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Asteroid Life Forms asteroid_life This asteroid is home to a colony of large worm-like lithovores that burrow through the rock. Much could be learned by studying these unique life forms.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Coprolite Asteroid asteroid_coprolite This asteroid is actually a gigantic coprolite - an ancient piece of fossilized feces from some kind of massive lifeform.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Derelict Shipyard derelict_shipyard A large shipyard was built in the interior of this asteroid eons ago. It has been stripped of valuable artifacts, but remains a marvel of engineering.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Junkyard junkyard This asteroid served as a junkyard at some point and the surface is covered in metallic debris. Some of it can still be salvaged.
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 1.png Weapons Target Range target_range Someone used this poor asteroid as a target to test subspace weapons among other things. Anomalous energy echoes still linger on the surface.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Crashed Ore Freighter ore_freighter A massive superfreighter carrying ore crashed on this asteroid thousands of years ago, and the contents of its cargo bays can still be found scattered on the surface.
Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 1.png Aerostat Colonies aerostat_colonies A crumbing network of ancient aerostat colonies can still be found in low orbit of this gas giant. Their unusually sturdy design is the product of advanced engineering.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Debris Field debris_field A dense layer of space debris has been captured by the strong gravity well of this gas giant. Most of it is worthless, but the metal can be recycled.
Pm wild storms.pngPm frame 1.png Extreme Storms extreme_storms Dozens of massive storms are raging in the atmosphere of this gas giant. Climate models have failed to explain their presence, making the planet an interesting subject of research.
Pm extensive moon system.pngPm frame 1.png Precious Moon precious_moon A small moonlet largely consisting of precious metals and minerals can be found within the extensive system of natural satellites that orbit this gas giant.
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 1.png Asteroid Collision asteroid_collision A massive asteroid impacted this world less than a thousand years ago, depositing a large amount of minerals.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Microsingularity microsingularity A microsingularity passed clean through the core of this world, causing some interesting energy emissions.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Alien Writing alien_writing Someone has carved a large body of text into the surface of this world with a mining laser. The alien letters are large enough to be visible from orbit.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Towed Asteroid towed_asteroid Someone has towed a large asteroid into a stable orbit around this world, presumably to mine it for resources.
Pm irradiated.pngPm frame 1.png Nuclear Devastation nuclear_devastation The toxic atmosphere of this world is the result of a destructive global war fought between factions of an indigenous civilization. Valuable research can be done by studying the lifeless ruins.
Pm strong magnetic field.pngPm frame 1.png Gamma-Ray Burst gamma_ray Long ago, this world was in the path of a gamma-ray burst from a collapsing star. The ozone layer has yet to fully recover, meaning that any potential colonists will need extra protection against UV radiation.
Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 1.png Runaway Greenhouse Effect greenhouse_effect An indigenous industrial civilization polluted this world to the point where a runaway greenhouse effect was triggered. The lifeless ruins of ancient factories and population centers can still be found on the toxic surface.
Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 1.png Ammonia Biosphere ammonia_biosphere This toxic world is home to a rare ecology where life uses ammonia instead of water as a solvent. These ammonia-based life forms have developed in unique ways, and studying them would advance our understanding of biology.
Pm carbon world.pngPm frame 1.png Silicon Life Forms silicon_lifeforms Burrowing, semi-intelligent life forms made out of silicon inhabit a large tunnel network beneath the surface of this world. Their digging efforts frequently shuffles valuable metals and minerals to the surface.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Colony Ruins colony_ruins Ancient ruins from a small abandoned colony belonging to an unknown interstellar empire can be found on this world.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Alien Mural alien_mural An ancient mural on the surface of this world recounts the technological knowledge of a long-dead alien civilization.
Pm wasteland.pngPm frame 3.png Damaged Ecology
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.2% Happiness
damaged_ecology The destruction of the wandering forests on this world has had a significant effect on the ecology.
Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png Forest Adaptation
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.2% Happiness
friendly_trees The forests and colonists on this world have adapted to each other, raising spirits for a time.
Pm chthonian planet.pngPm frame 1.png Dathnak Capital gas_giant_civ This world is the new capital and adopted homeworld of the Dathnak. These sapient gaseous beings have no industry or technology, but they appear to be quite social.
Pm chthonian planet.pngPm frame 1.png Dathnak Colony gas_giant_colony The sapient gaseous life forms known as the Dathnak have established a small colony within the atmosphere of this gas giant.
Pm dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 3.png Marauding Creature
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.1% Happiness
mutant_stalker A mutated creature is hunting the colonists on this world, spreading terror in the countryside. The development of our colony has been impacted, as workers are reluctant to venture into the wilderness.
Pm irradiated.pngPm frame 3.png Wasteland Radiation
  • 生物人口幸福度 Biological Pop Happiness -0.1% Biological pop happiness
  • 其他物种幸福度 Other Species Happiness -0.1% Lithoid pop happiness
wasteland_radiation High levels of radiation near several settlements are having an adverse effect on the health of the colonists living there.
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 1.png Orbital Debris
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost 0.1% Building cost
wasteland_orbital_debris The orbital space over this world is littered with debris. Satellites cannot be launched from the surface, and the dense field has become a navigational hazard. This is seriously hampering the development of the colony's infrastructure.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Upliftable Species upliftable_species There are species here which can be uplifted, creating a colony on this planet would remove our option to uplift them.
Pm assist research.pngPm frame 1.png Research Assistance
  • Pop resource physics research mult.png 0.10% Physics from Jobs
  • Pop resource society research mult.png 0.10% Society From Jobs
  • Pop resource engineering research mult.png 0.10% Engineering from Jobs
assist_research Planetside research facilities are assisted by a Science Ship in orbit.
Pm robots.pngPm frame 2.png Ancient Automation ancient_automation Ancient, yet helpful, machines aid our production on this planet.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 2.png Ancient Factory ancient_factory An ancient factory on this planet is still in operation condition.
Pm robots.pngPm frame 2.png Robot Workers robot_workers Robot workers from a forgotten civilization remain on this planet. With the proper precautions, they could be put to work for us.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 2.png Ancient Forgeworld ancient_forgeworld This planet was once some kind of center of production for a forgotten civilization. Although only a shadow of its former capacity remains in working condition, it is still an impressive example of industry.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 2.png Ancient Orbital Weapon ancient_weapon It seems that some long-forgotten race once build some kind of huge weapon in orbit above this world. While it doesn't work, indeed it doesn't appear to have been completed, we can likely learn a few things by studying it.
Pm unstable tectonics.pngPm frame 3.png Recent Tectonic Event
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.05% Happiness
recent_quake This planet was recently rocked by a violent Tectonic Event
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Comet sighted
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.1% Happiness
recent_comet A comet recently passed through this planet's Asteroid Belt, which was a spectacular sight!
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 3.png Recent Impact
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.05% Happiness
recent_impact The local colony was recently rocked by the impact of a large Asteroid
Pm strong magnetic field.pngPm frame 3.png Magnetic Disruption
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.05% Happiness
  • Pop resource physics research mult.png -0.1% Physics from Jobs
  • Pop resource society research mult.png -0.1% Society From Jobs
  • Pop resource engineering research mult.png -0.1% Engineering from Jobs
magnetic_disruption The Magnetic field of this planet is interfering with our computers, greatly disrupting research work and upsetting the populace.
Pm wasteland.pngPm frame 3.png Forest Fire
  • Pop resource food mult.png -0.2% Food from Jobs
forest_fire A forest fire resulted in a stampede by this world's wandering forests, causing temporary damage to several farming regions.
Pm nationalist corruption.pngPm frame 3.png Nationalist Corruption
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.1% planet_jobs_produces_mult
nationalist_corruption Subversive members of a Nationalist faction on this planet reduce output efficiency.
Pm planet separatist supporter.pngPm frame 3.png Separatist Strikes
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.4% planet_jobs_produces_mult
planet_separatist_strikes Members of a Separatists faction are striking on this planet, reducing potential output.
Pm planet separatist supporter.pngPm frame 3.png Planet separatist supporter
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.1% Happiness
planet_separatist_supporter Planet separatist supporter
File:.pngPm frame 3.png Sector separatist supporter
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.1% Happiness
sector_separatist_supporter Sector separatist supporter
Pm unstable tectonics.pngPm frame 3.png Increased Temperature
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.25% Happiness
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.25% Habitability
stellarite_high_temp A radiant monstrosity present in this system is increasing the surface temperature of the planet.
Pm carbon world.pngPm frame 3.png Lowered Temperature
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.25% Happiness
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.25% Habitability
stellarite_low_temp A radiant monstrosity has devoured part of the star in this system, making the planetary bodies in orbit colder than usual.
Pm land appropriated.pngPm frame 1.png Land Appropriated
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull 1 Migration Pull
land_appropriation Land was seized from the native population of this planet to make room for citizen settlers.\n\n§YWhile this modifier is in effect, non-citizen species are not allowed to grow their population on this planet.§!
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Vultaum Homeworld vultaum_homeworld The ancient homeworld of the Vultaum. Though the planet has been shattered and no longer supports life, the remnants of vast cities can still be found on the surface.
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 1.png Orbital Facility Debris vultaum_minerals A massive Vultaum orbital facility of some kind crashed on this planet eons ago. The surface is littered with debris.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Aerostat Mining Network vultaum_energy This gas giant once supported a vast network of aerostat mining facilities that were used by the Vultaum to extract helium-3.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Yuht Homeworld yuht_homeworld The ancient Yuht originated on this planet. Orbital bombardment has pulverized most structures on the surface, but there are still pockets of abandoned subterranean habitats that could be studied.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Solar Collector Arrays yuht_energy Several ancient solar collector arrays were placed in orbit around this gas giant by the Yuht. Incredibly, some of them are still functional.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png First League Capital
  • (unrecognized string “country_society_research_produces_add” for Template:Icon) 10 country_society_research_produces_add
  • (unrecognized string “country_physics_research_produces_add” for Template:Icon) 10 country_physics_research_produces_add
  • (unrecognized string “country_engineering_research_produces_add” for Template:Icon) 10 country_engineering_research_produces_add
first_league_homeworld This planetary mausoleum was once the shining administrative center of the First League. It no longer supports life, but ruins from the city that once stretched across the entire surface can be found everywhere.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Abandoned Mining Facilities first_league_minerals This asteroid belt was densely populated in the heyday of the First League. Abandoned mining facilities can be found on thousands of asteroids.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Maintenance Platform first_league_energy This gas giant was home to several colossal maintenance platforms that serviced the hundreds of thousands of freighters in the First League merchant marine. Some of the energy transfer equipment is still functional.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Irassian Homeworld irassian_homeworld Despite later attempts to sterilize its surface through orbital bombardment, the ancient homeworld of the Irassians is still home to a tremendous amount of artifacts from their advanced civilization.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Former Anchorage irassian_minerals Once a major anchorage of the Irassian Starfleet, the ruined naval yards that litter the orbit of this planet have deposited a wealth of mineral resources to its surface.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 1.png Energy Production Site irassian_energy This gas giant served as the key energy production site of the Irassian Concordat in the early stages of its interstellar expansion. A dense belt of ancient orbital power stations still ring the planet.
Pm planet surface.pngPm frame 1.png Moving Islands
  • (unrecognized string “planet_housing_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.1% planet_housing_mult
  • Pop resource society research mult.png 0.15% Society From Jobs
turtle_world_modifier What were initially regarded as islands on this planet have instead turned out to be the backs of massive, live reptiles. This forces the inhabitants to take greater pains when parceling out housing.
Pm planet surface.pngPm frame 1.png On the Backs of Nemma
  • (unrecognized string “planet_housing_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.1% planet_housing_mult
  • Pop resource society research mult.png 0.15% Society From Jobs
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.15% Happiness
turtle_world_modifier_alone $turtle_world_modifier_desc$ The inhabitants have decided to leave them alone.
Pm planet surface.pngPm frame 1.png Enslaved Nemmas
  • (unrecognized string “planet_housing_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.1% planet_housing_mult
  • Pop resource society research mult.png 0.15% Society From Jobs
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost -0.1% Building cost
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost -0.1% District cost
turtle_world_slaves_modifier This world has enslaved the native giant Nemmas living there, optimizing their use of the planet.
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png Synth Paranoia
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -20 planet_stability_add
synth_planet_paranoia There is a high level of paranoia on this world regarding Synth infiltrators. Some believe that all government officials have already been replaced by them.
Pm resources 2.pngPm frame 1.png Inter-dimensional Trade dportal_trade_normal Trade with our Mirror-selves will benefit both our realms.
Pm resources 2.pngPm frame 2.png Reduced Inter-dimensional Trade dportal_trade_low Recent events in the Mirrorverse have reduced the volume of trade through the Portal.
Pm resources 2.pngPm frame 1.png Booming Inter-dimensional Trade dportal_trade_high Our Mirror-selves are prospering and trade is booming through the Portal!
Pm expel population.pngPm frame 2.png Inter-dimensional Crisis
  • 成长时间 Growth Time 0.25% Pop Growth speed
dportal_trade_crisis Our Mirror-selves are experiencing a crisis. Beset by the Warp beasts their trade is at an all-time low, and refugees stream daily through the portal. Each wave looks increasingly desperate.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 3.png Inconvenient Space Elevator
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png -0.2% Minerals from Jobs
drone_space_elevator Efforts to demolish a gigantic space elevator slows down production on this planet.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png Drone Mineral Gift drone_mineral_gift Drones from a bygone era dumped a cache of minerals here. For your benefit, apparently.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png Crashed First League Satellite drone_fl_satellite An old satellite spews prehistoric communications into the ether.
Capital.pngPm frame 1.png Rock Brain rock_brain The stone seems to be... thinking. Is such a thing possible?
Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png Cunning Flora cunning_flora Plants on this planet exhibit both extreme aggression and a relatively complex social order.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png Fascinating Flora fascinating_flora This planet is home to the wonderful Mharin Kharin flower.
Capital.pngPm frame 1.png Ancient Genetic Library old_genetic_library This asteroid houses an old DNA storage facility.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png Zro Ice zro_ice There are pockets of Zro trapped in the ice giant's roiling atmosphere.
Pm extensive moon system.pngPm frame 1.png Dark Matter Funnel dark_matter_funnel A miniature wormhole allows easy access to Dark Matter.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Pheromoned, First Stage
  • 幸福度 Happiness +0.10% Happiness
pheromoned_1 The pollen in the atmosphere interacts with your people's pheromone receptors, making them happy.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 3.png Pheromoned, Second Stage
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.15% planet_jobs_produces_mult
pheromoned_2 The pollen in the atmosphere interacts with your people's pheromone receptors, making them less productive.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Pheromoned, Workaround
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) +0.10% planet_jobs_produces_mult
depheromoned_1 The paradigms implemented by upper management interact with your people's ability and willingness to work, making them more productive.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 2.png Pheromoned, Third Stage
  • (unrecognized string “planet_migration_all_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.75% planet_migration_all_mult
pheromoned_3 The pollen in the atmosphere interacts with your people's pheromone receptors, making them less likely to migrate.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 2.png Pheromoned, Fourth Stage
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) +0.05% planet_jobs_produces_mult
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.10% Happiness
pheromoned_4 The pollen in the atmosphere interacts with your people's pheromone receptors, making them more productive but less happy with outside interference.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 3.png Pheromone Detox pheromoned_detox The Mharin Kharin bloom has killed the planet's biosphere, along with everything within it. A new cycle begins.
Capital.pngPm frame 3.png Rocky Start
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png -0.05% Minerals from Jobs
uplift_rocky The uplifted species on this planet has some trouble adjusting to the new social order.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 3.png Unhappy With Experiments
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.15% Happiness
unhappy_with_experiments The planet's $XenophileY$ population is unhappy with unethical experiments on native life-forms.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 3.png Unproductive Without Experiments
  • Pop resource society research mult.png -0.20% Society From Jobs
unproductive_without_experiments The planet's $Society researchY$ output suffers as excellent opportunities for experimentation and clinical tests pass scientists by.
Pm extensive moon system.pngPm frame 1.png Projecting Moon projecting_moon A powerful comms device capable of convincingly faking survey readings is active on this moon.
Pm lush.pngPm frame 3.png Unbalanced Ecosystem
  • Pop resource food mult.png -0.20% Food from Jobs
unbalanced_ecosystem The biosphere's tendencies toward extreme homogeneity in plant life makes the planet unsuitable for agricultural pursuits.
Pm lush.pngPm frame 1.png Cornucopia cornucopia This planet is home to an abundance of viable food sources.
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 1.png Raw Materials raw_materials This planet is home to an abundance of easily-accessible minerals and ores.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png Shadow Play shadow_play Shadows drift across the surface of this planet, forming shapes of apparent intent but indeterminable meaning.
Pm wasteland.pngPm frame 1.png Grimacing grimacing This planet's internal turmoil makes for an interesting object of study.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 3.png Comet Sighted
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.05% Happiness
comet_sighted_negative The menacing comet has a negative influence on your Capital's Pops.
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png Comet Sighted
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.05% Happiness
comet_sighted_positive A majestic comet inspires your Capital's Pops.
Pm extensive moon system.pngPm frame 1.png Skid Marks skid_marks There are signs of rather violent bouts of vehicular racing having taken place on this asteroid.
Pm extensive moon system.pngPm frame 1.png Circuits in the Dust dust_circuits Some kind of immense orbital installation bumped into this asteroid in the distant past, leaving a partial but very clear imprint on the surface.
Pm wasteland.pngPm frame 1.png Unusual Tectonics unusual_tectonics This planet exhibits highly unusual tectonophysical properties.
Pm robots.pngPm frame 3.png Congregating Robots
  • 凝聚力 Unity -0.10% Unity from Jobs
syndaw_congregating_robots They just stand there. Completely still. Staring.
Pm planet surface.pngPm frame 2.png Acid Jungles
  • Pop resource society research mult.png 0.2% Society From Jobs
acid_jungles Evolution has produced trees and foliage that exude acids and make the terrain dangerous to traverse or settle in.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 3.png Hostile Environment
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.3% Happiness
hostile_environment The environment is dangerous and not optimal for survival.
Pm asteroid belt.pngPm frame 2.png Ex-Planet ex_planet The asteroid belt used to be a planet with the promise of life.
Pm mineral rich.pngPm frame 1.png Starship Graveyard ship_graveyard A multitude of starships have crashed here, creating a figurative graveyard full of materials to scavenge.
Pm robots.pngPm frame 1.png Crashed AI-Fleet ai_fleet A fleet controlled by an AI lies destroyed on the planet, giving us valuable engineering data to research.
Pm irradiated.pngPm frame 3.png Irradiated Wasteland irradiated_wasteland The planet has been bombarded with radiation, making large parts of it dangerous to most living creatures.
Pm titanic life.pngPm frame 2.png Ancient One ancient_one An ancient being, living deep beneath the waves, is the dominating life force on this planet.
Pm robots.pngPm frame 2.png Robotic Remains fallen_robots The planet holds old robots built by a fallen society, giving us engineering material to research.
Pm hazardous weather.pngPm frame 3.png Liquid Sands
  • Pop resource physics research mult.png 0.3% Physics from Jobs
liquid_sands Sand covers this planet, so fine grained it resembles a liquid. The odd composition of minerals provide ample amounts of research.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Abandoned Mining Facility abandoned_mining An old mining station was orbiting the planet, showing that there's potential resources to be had here.
Pm atmospheric aphrodisiac.pngPm frame 2.png Responsible Gas Mining gas_responsible_mining Saving a sparse yet valuable gas resource on this planet helps to make its energy production more efficient in the long term.
Pm atmospheric aphrodisiac.pngPm frame 1.png Rich Gas Deposits gas_rich_planet Construct a colony on this planet to begin tapping its resource.\n£energy£ §G+50%§!
Pm atmospheric aphrodisiac.pngPm frame 1.png Rich Gas Mining
  • Mod resource energy mult.png 0.5% Energy from Jobs
gas_rich_planet_fo_realz The sparse natural resources on this planet are currently being mined to boost the overall energy production.
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png Nutritious Food
  • 成长时间 Growth Time 0.2% Pop Growth speed
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.1% Happiness
food_rich_planet The planet's flora provides nutritious fruits and substances that improves living conditions.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png Superior Sensor Array
  • (unrecognized string “planet_sensor_range_add” for Template:Icon) 4 planet_sensor_range_add
  • (unrecognized string “planet_hyperlane_range_add” for Template:Icon) 6 planet_hyperlane_range_add
super_sensor_array A strong sensor array provides a greater overview of the surrounding area.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Forced Animal Labor
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost -0.05% Building cost
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png 0.05% Planetary Build Speed
horse_powered_factories_low Domesticated quadrapeds help alleviate work conditions, although not willingly.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Reluctant Animal Labor
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost -0.10% Building cost
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png 0.10% Planetary Build Speed
horse_powered_factories_medium Domesticated quadrapeds help alleviate work conditions, although reluctantly.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png Willing Animal Labor
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost -0.15% Building cost
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png 0.15% Planetary Build Speed
  • Pop resource food mult.png -0.1% Food from Jobs
horse_powered_factories_high Allied quadrapeds help alleviate work conditions.
Pm dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 2.png Dangerous Animal Life
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.1% Happiness
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png -0.20% Planetary Build Speed
hostile_animal_life The planet is host to hostile creatures that are not happy to see us.
Pm dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 1.png Odd Animal Life
  • Pop resource society research mult.png 0.25% Society From Jobs
society_animal_life Particularly odd animals inhabit this planet. They provide interesting society research opportunities.
Pm wasteland.pngPm frame 3.png Shifting Sands
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.20% Habitability
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost 0.33% Building cost
shifting_sands The desert planet consists of a near-liquid grained sand that makes construction extremely difficult.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 3.png Suppressed Opposition
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.15% Happiness
suppressed_opposition A certain part of the population of this planet has been violently suppressed for their opposition of the government.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 3.png Scared Populace
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.15% Happiness
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.15% Habitability
scared_population The population works in fear that an alien factory will take more lives.
Pm factory.pngPm frame 3.png Safety Checked Alien Factory
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost 0.15% Building cost
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png -0.25% Planetary Build Speed
secured_factory Cost and effort goes into making sure an alien factory is secure to work in.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Iron Rule
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.20% Happiness
  • (unrecognized string “edicts_cost_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.25% edicts_cost_mult
  • (unrecognized string “army_morale” for Template:Icon) 0.25% army_morale
fear_as_control Offenders have been punished in order to motivate the people to action.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png Iron Rule
  • (unrecognized string “edicts_cost_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.25% edicts_cost_mult
  • (unrecognized string “army_morale” for Template:Icon) 0.25% army_morale
fear_as_control_militarist Offenders have been punished in order to motivate the people to action.
Pm atmospheric aphrodisiac.pngPm frame 3.png Infectious Disease infectious_disease A highly infectious disease has been let loose, creating new strands and endangering the population.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 3.png The Skyborn War
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.4% Happiness
pyramid_wars The people have broken out into an all out war due to a religious conflict regarding the true nature of the "Skyborn God.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png
  • 唯心主义 Spiritualist 1 Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
spiritualist_attraction '
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png
  • 唯物主义 Materialist 1 Materialist Ethics Attraction
materialist_attraction '
Pm robots.pngPm frame 3.png Automated Work Processes
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.05% Happiness
syndaw_automated_work Whether justified or not, fears of unemployment due to automation are affecting this planet.
Pm robots.pngPm frame 3.png Robot Integration Tensions
  • (unrecognized string “country_unity_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.10% country_unity_produces_mult
syndaw_unfriendly_robots Tensions between robotic and organic populations on the planet have reduced our £unity£ Unity output.
Pm faith in science.pngPm frame 3.png AI Failure
  • Pop resource society research mult.png -0.10% Society From Jobs
syndaw_research_malus A lab AI involved in societal research has suffered terminal hardware damage and is being replaced.
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png Celebrating Idyllic Transformation
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.1% Happiness
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull 0.5% Migration Pull
celebrate_idyllic_bloom A planet-wide celebration is taking place following the successful transformation of this world into an idyllic paradise.
Pm nanite world.pngPm frame 3.png Nanite Swarm
  • 宜居性 Habitability -2 Habitability
  • 幸福度 Happiness -1 Happiness
nanite_swarm_modifier This planet is infested with a swarm of alien nanomachines, attacking anything that enters the atmosphere - biological or mechanical.
Pm crime.pngPm frame 1.png Local Mycelial Network
  • 犯罪与异常 -25 Crime
fumongus_monitor_pops We have managed to harness local fungal networks to monitor our colonists on the planet.
Pm drilling for gas.pngPm frame 1.png Perfect Organization
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.10% planet_jobs_produces_mult
  • 最大区划数 Max Districts 0.20% Max Districts
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.5% Happiness
perfect_organization_modifier Everything is so perfectly organized on this [Root.GetPlanetMoon] that any single-minded ones visiting will be feeling severe distress.
Pm drilling for gas.pngPm frame 1.png Imperfect Organization
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.05% planet_jobs_produces_mult
imperfect_organization_modifier This world was once perfectly ordered, so much so that it caused the population distress.
Pm planet surface.pngPm frame 2.png Patron of the Arts
  • (unrecognized string “country_unity_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.10% country_unity_produces_mult
enclave_artist_patron You are dedicating time and effort to supporting the development of new art.
Pm planet surface.pngPm frame 1.png Organized Panic
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.20% Happiness
  • Mod resource energy mult.png -0.10% Energy from Jobs
enclave_artist_festival_outrage The Festival of Worlds brought about chaos on this planet as the crowds trampled their fellow citizens.
Pm assist research.pngPm frame 1.png The Mirror of Knowledge black_hole_pantagruel The Pantagruel black hole has become a mirror into a newly created universe, opening up tremendous potential for research if we build a station in its orbit.
Pm strong magnetic field.pngPm frame 3.png Pulse Germination germinating_wraith Something wicked this way comes.
Pm planet surface.pngPm frame 1.png Festival of Worlds
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.15% Happiness
  • 成长时间 Growth Time 0.1% Pop Growth speed
enclave_artist_festival A festival organized by the Artisan Troupe, spreading joy across the empire.
Pm hollow planet.pngPm frame 2.png Forlorn Ruins
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.05% Happiness
waiting_world_ruins The wind sighs in the ruins. No one goes there.
Pm irradiated.pngPm frame 3.png Quarantined
  • 宜居性 Habitability -2 Habitability
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 3.png Shroud-Marked covenant_shroud_marked This world is marked by the Shroud.\n\n§RSomething very bad is going to happen here.§!
Pm nationalist corruption.pngPm frame 3.png Terror Victims
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction -0.33% Government Ethics Attraction
minor_terrorist_action §HUnrest§! on this colony caused Pops to be victimized in a terror attack and lose faith in the regime.
Pm nationalist corruption.pngPm frame 3.png Terror Victims (Severe)
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction -0.75% Government Ethics Attraction
major_terrorist_action §HUnrest§! on this colony caused Pops to be victimized in a terror attack and lose faith in the regime.
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png Valiant Citizens
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction 0.33% Government Ethics Attraction
riots_averted Despite high §HUnrest§!, Pops on this colony banded together to prevent further violence.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Unrest (Spiritualist Attraction)
  • 唯心主义 Spiritualist 1 Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
spiritualist_unrest §HUnrest§! on this colony has caused local Pops to become more attracted to §YSpiritualism§!.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Unrest (Authoritarian Attraction)
  • 威权主义 Authoritarian 1 Authoritarian Ethics Attraction
authoritarian_unrest §HUnrest§! on this colony has caused local Pops to become more attracted to §YAuthoritarianism§!.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Unrest (Xenophobe Attraction)
  • 排外主义 Xenophobe 1 Xenophobe Ethics Attraction
xenophobe_unrest §HUnrest§! on this colony has caused local Pops to become more attracted to §YXenophobia§!.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Unrest (Materialist Attraction)
  • 唯物主义 Materialist 1 Materialist Ethics Attraction
materialist_unrest §HUnrest§! on this colony has caused local Pops to become more attracted to §YMaterialism§!.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Unrest (Xenophile Attraction)
  • 亲外主义 Xenophile 1 Xenophile Ethics Attraction
xenophile_unrest §HUnrest§! on this colony has caused local Pops to become more attracted to §YXenophilia§!.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Unrest (Egalitarian Attraction)
  • 平等主义 Egalitarian 1 Egalitarian Ethics Attraction
egalitarian_unrest §HUnrest§! on this colony has caused local Pops to become more attracted to §YEgalitarianism§!.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Unrest (Pacifist Attraction)
  • 和平主义 Pacifist 1 Pacifist Ethics Attraction
pacifist_unrest §HUnrest§! on this colony has caused local Pops to become more attracted to §YPacifism§!.
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 2.png Unrest (Militarist Attraction)
  • 军国主义 Militarist 1 Militarist Ethics Attraction
militarist_unrest §HUnrest§! on this colony has caused local Pops to become more attracted to §YMilitarism§!.
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png Slaves Radicalizing
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -20 planet_stability_add
adding_unrest_slaves Radical slave elements are rallying, spreading unrest.
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png Slave Revolt Suppressed
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) 20 planet_stability_add
revolt_suppressed The slaves will not dare to reconsolidate anytime soon.
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png Revolt Suppressed
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) 20 planet_stability_add
revolt_suppressed_2 The rebels will not dare to reconsolidate anytime soon.
Pm hunger strike.pngPm frame 1.png Hunger Strike
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_slave_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.50% planet_jobs_slave_produces_mult
  • (unrecognized string “pop_category_slave_upkeep_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.50% pop_category_slave_upkeep_mult
slave_hunger_strike It's hard to work when you're doubled over from hunger pangs.
Pm slave riots.pngPm frame 1.png Slave Riots
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_slave_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -10 planet_jobs_slave_produces_mult
  • 成长时间 Growth Time -0.5% Pop Growth speed
  • (unrecognized string “planet_army_build_speed_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.50% planet_army_build_speed_mult
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png -0.50% Planetary Build Speed
slave_riots Slave riots inhibit population growth.
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png Free at Last
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) 20 planet_stability_add
slaves_defected The former slaves are pleased to be a part of our nation.
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png Free at Last
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) 20 planet_stability_add
free_at_last The former slaves are finally free from their oppressors.
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png Free at Last
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) 20 planet_stability_add
insurgents_free At last the rebels are free from the tyranny of the occupying power.
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png Nobody's Safe
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -50 planet_stability_add
pop_disappearances A wave of mysterious disappearances is causing planetwide unrest.
Pm surreal visions.pngPm frame 3.png Shroud-Madnes
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -30 planet_stability_add
whisperers_madness The population of this world is rioting as a result of madness brought on by the Whisperers in the Void.
Pm surreal visions.pngPm frame 3.png Shroud-Psychosis
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -100 planet_stability_add
whisperers_psychosis This planet is in complete anarchy as a result of madness brought on by the Whisperers in the Void.
Pm shroud eaten population.pngPm frame 3.png Shroud-Eaten Population
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.2% Happiness
eater_unhappiness_planet_1 A part of this planet's population was devoured by the §YEater of Worlds§!.
Pm shroud eaten population.pngPm frame 3.png Shroud-Eaten Population
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.4% Happiness
eater_unhappiness_planet_2 A part of this planet's population was devoured by the §YEater of Worlds§!.
Pm surreal visions.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 主流思潮吸引力 Governing Ethics Attraction -1.00% Government Ethics Attraction
instrument_deviance_planet '
Pm default.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 最大区划数 Max Districts 2 Max Districts
master_builders_habitats '
Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 2.png
  • 唯心主义 Spiritualist 9.99% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
god_rayed '
Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.30% Habitability
neutron_bombarded '
Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.20% Happiness
uneasy_faith '
Pm consecrated worlds.pngPm frame 1.png holy_player_planet '
Pm factory.pngPm frame 1.png frozen_in_time '
Pm star.pngPm frame 3.png superflare_star '
Pm star.pngPm frame 3.png superflare_planet '
Pm irradiated.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.10% Habitability
  • Mod resource energy mult.png -0.15% Energy from Jobs
superflare_struck '
Pm black hole.pngPm frame 2.png black_hole_hologram '
Pm black hole.pngPm frame 1.png black_hole_energy '
Pm robots.pngPm frame 2.png primitive_robots '
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png
  • Pop resource society research mult.png -0.50% Society From Jobs
researcher_rage '
Pm faith in science.pngPm frame 1.png clones_in_cryo '
Pm dead god.pngPm frame 2.png dead_god '
Pm atmospheric hallucinogen.pngPm frame 2.png
  • 唯心主义 Spiritualist 2 Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
dead_god_planet_hidden '
Capital.pngPm frame 2.png life_electric '
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -20 planet_stability_add
brainslug_woes '
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -40 planet_stability_add
brainslug_woes_phobe '
Pm unrest.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -20 planet_stability_add
brainslug_hive '
Pm strong magnetic field.pngPm frame 3.png
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png -0.50% Planetary Build Speed
phaseshifted '
Pm seismological disturbances.pngPm frame 1.png building_blocks '
Pm faith in science.pngPm frame 1.png nanite_network '
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.10% Happiness
  • 凝聚力 Unity 0.10% Unity from Jobs
  • Pop resource food mult.png 0.20% Food from Jobs
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull 0.25% Migration Pull
paradise_planet '
Pm seismological disturbances.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.10% Habitability
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.05% Happiness
  • 成长时间 Growth Time -0.20% Pop Growth speed
  • Pop resource society research mult.png 0.20% Society From Jobs
seismological_phenomena '
Pm seismological disturbances.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.20% Habitability
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.15% Happiness
  • 成长时间 Growth Time -0.20% Pop Growth speed
  • Pop resource society research mult.png 0.20% Society From Jobs
seismological_phenomena_2 '
Pm seismological disturbances.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.05% Habitability
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.05% Happiness
  • Pop resource society research mult.png 0.20% Society From Jobs
egg_rifts '
Pm enigmatic cache.pngPm frame 1.png Alien Studies
  • Pop resource physics research mult.png 0.30% Physics from Jobs
  • Pop resource society research mult.png 0.30% Society From Jobs
  • Pop resource engineering research mult.png 0.30% Engineering from Jobs
enigmatic_cache_in_orbit As long as the enigmatic cache remains in orbit our scientists will have ample opportunity for research.
Pm resources.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_housing_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.10% planet_housing_mult
bunkbeds_deployed '
Pm resources.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_pops_organics_food_upkeep_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.10% planet_pops_organics_food_upkeep_mult
tupperware_deployed '
Pm resources.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull 0.30% Migration Pull
  • (unrecognized string “pop_growth_from_immigration” for Template:Icon) 0.10% pop_growth_from_immigration
atmospheric_deodorizer_deployed '
Pm faith in science.pngPm frame 1.png racket_energy_extractor '
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_technician_energy_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.25% planet_technician_energy_produces_mult
racket_generator_regulator '
Pm contingency sabotage.pngPm frame 1.png
  • Mod resource energy mult.png -0.20% Energy from Jobs
contingency_sabotage '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 犯罪与异常 15 Crime
  • (unrecognized string “job_criminal_add” for Template:Icon) 1 job_criminal_add
  • (unrecognized string “job_criminal_per_crime” for Template:Icon) 0.03% job_criminal_per_crime
criminal_underworld '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_crime_no_happiness_add” for Template:Icon) 15 planet_crime_no_happiness_add
  • (unrecognized string “job_deviant_drone_add” for Template:Icon) 1 job_deviant_drone_add
  • (unrecognized string “job_deviant_drone_per_crime” for Template:Icon) 0.03% job_deviant_drone_per_crime
drone_deviancy '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_crime_no_happiness_add” for Template:Icon) 15 planet_crime_no_happiness_add
  • (unrecognized string “job_corrupt_drone_add” for Template:Icon) 1 job_corrupt_drone_add
  • (unrecognized string “job_corrupt_drone_per_crime” for Template:Icon) 0.03% job_corrupt_drone_per_crime
drone_corruption '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 犯罪与异常 30 Crime
  • (unrecognized string “job_criminal_add” for Template:Icon) 3 job_criminal_add
gang_wars '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 犯罪与异常 30 Crime
  • (unrecognized string “job_criminal_add” for Template:Icon) 3 job_criminal_add
center_of_drug_trade '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 犯罪与异常 30 Crime
  • (unrecognized string “job_criminal_add” for Template:Icon) 3 job_criminal_add
mob_rule '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -20 planet_stability_add
bribed_officials '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.20% planet_jobs_produces_mult
substance_abuse '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “trade_value_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.20% trade_value_mult
smuggler_activity '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 犯罪与异常 30 Crime
crime_wave '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “trade_value_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.20% trade_value_mult
travel_advisory '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -20 planet_stability_add
cartel_war '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.20% planet_jobs_produces_mult
protection_racket '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -20 planet_stability_add
corrupt_administration '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “trade_value_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.20% trade_value_mult
trade_pilfering '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 犯罪与异常 -30 Crime
crime_boss_arrested '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -30 planet_stability_add
deviant_interference '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -30 planet_stability_add
drone_signal_interference '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 犯罪与异常 -30 Crime
ringleader_killed '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 犯罪与异常 -30 Crime
corrupt_network_terminated '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “show_only_custom_tooltip” for Template:Icon) no show_only_custom_tooltip
  • (unrecognized string “custom_tooltip” for Template:Icon) anticrime_campaign_tooltip custom_tooltip
anticrime_campaign '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 2.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) 10 planet_stability_add
  • (unrecognized string “planet_crime_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.5% planet_crime_mult
  • (unrecognized string “job_criminal_add” for Template:Icon) 2 job_criminal_add
  • (unrecognized string “job_criminal_per_crime” for Template:Icon) 0.03% job_criminal_per_crime
crime_lord_deal '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 2.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -10 planet_stability_add
  • (unrecognized string “job_criminal_per_crime” for Template:Icon) 0.03% job_criminal_per_crime
crime_lord_deal_broken '
Pm resources 2.pngPm frame 2.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_pops_unemployed_consumer_goods_upkeep_add” for Template:Icon) 2 planet_pops_unemployed_consumer_goods_upkeep_add
unemployment_benefits '
Pm resources 2.pngPm frame 2.png
  • (unrecognized string “custom_tooltip” for Template:Icon) activity_program_tooltip custom_tooltip
activity_program '
Pm resources 2.pngPm frame 2.png
  • (unrecognized string “unemployment_resources_energy_upkeep_add” for Template:Icon) 2 unemployment_resources_energy_upkeep_add
  • (unrecognized string “custom_tooltip” for Template:Icon) standby_mode_tooltip custom_tooltip
standby_mode '
Pm robots.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_pops_robotics_upkeep_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.1% planet_pops_robotics_upkeep_mult
numistic_magnetostrips '
Pm slave riots.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.33% planet_jobs_produces_mult
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -20 planet_stability_add
  • (unrecognized string “species_empire_size_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.5% species_empire_size_mult
planet_culture_shock '
Pm high gravity.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 成长时间 Growth Time 0.10% Pop Growth speed
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.10% Happiness
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -5 planet_stability_add
tissue_growth_stimulants '
Pm resources.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “pop_housing_usage_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.10% pop_housing_usage_mult
explosive_fungifoam_housing '
Pm museum.pngPm frame 1.png Artifact Exhibition
  • (unrecognized string “planet_culture_workers_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.20% planet_culture_workers_produces_mult
planet_museum_exhibits The display of alien artifacts reinvigorates our museum exhibits.
Pm museum.pngPm frame 1.png Performance Competition
  • (unrecognized string “planet_executives_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.10% planet_executives_produces_mult
  • (unrecognized string “planet_managers_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.10% planet_managers_produces_mult
planet_manager_awards Executives and Managers on this planet are competing to maximize business synergies and exceed key performance indicator goals.
Pm museum.pngPm frame 1.png Artifact Exhibition
  • (unrecognized string “planet_bio_trophies_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.10% planet_bio_trophies_produces_mult
planet_sanctuary_exhibits The display of alien artifacts is all our $job_bio_trophy_plural$ are talking about!
Pm minor artifact decision.pngPm frame 1.png Artifact Relays
  • (unrecognized string “custom_tooltip” for Template:Icon) decision_artifact_relays_hivemind_effect custom_tooltip
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_simple_drone_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0 planet_jobs_simple_drone_produces_mult
planet_artifact_relays_hivemind Our Synapse Drones are using minor artifacts to enhance our Menial Drones.
Pm minor artifact decision.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “custom_tooltip” for Template:Icon) decision_artifact_relays_machine_effect custom_tooltip
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_simple_drone_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0 planet_jobs_simple_drone_produces_mult
planet_artifact_relays_machine '
Pm archaeology.pngPm frame 3.png
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png -0.50% Minerals from Jobs
lithoids_arc_site_minerals '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) 10 planet_stability_add
  • (unrecognized string “planet_crime_no_happiness_add” for Template:Icon) -15 planet_crime_no_happiness_add
oracle_software_integration '
Pm natural beauty.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 宜居性 Habitability 0.10% Habitability
pm_yuht_cleansing '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 1.png Loud Minority
  • 犯罪与异常 10 Crime
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.10% Happiness
  • 成长时间 Growth Time 0.2% Pop Growth speed
feral_overload_00 A small proportion of the population is behaving a bit... primitive.
Pm burning settlement.pngPm frame 1.png Rowdy Bunch
  • 犯罪与异常 25 Crime
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.25% Happiness
  • 成长时间 Growth Time 0.35% Pop Growth speed
feral_overload_01 A fair amount of inhabitants are openly behaving like wild beasts.
Pm microscopic life.pngPm frame 1.png The Lesser Evil
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.05% Happiness
  • 成长时间 Growth Time 0.2% Pop Growth speed
feral_overload_02 Thanks to science, the population enjoys positive effects of the Cave Shroom spores.
Pm wasteland.pngPm frame 2.png ancient_glassed_planet '
Pm engineering research.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “show_only_custom_tooltip” for Template:Icon) yes show_only_custom_tooltip
  • (unrecognized string “custom_tooltip” for Template:Icon) pm_extradimensional_experimentation_tooltip custom_tooltip
pm_extradimensional_experimentation '
Pm bleak.pngPm frame 3.png
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png -0.5% Planetary Build Speed
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.25% planet_jobs_produces_mult
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_upkeep_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.10% planet_jobs_upkeep_mult
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -5 planet_stability_add
no_lifetree '
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.5% Habitability
lithoid_crater '
Pm exploding planet.pngPm frame 2.png doomsday_1 '
Pm exploding planet.pngPm frame 2.png
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.3% Habitability
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.3% planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png 0.3% Minerals from Jobs
  • Mod resource energy mult.png 0.3% Energy from Jobs
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -10 planet_stability_add
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull -0.5% Migration Pull
  • (unrecognized string “planet_emigration_push_add” for Template:Icon) 100 planet_emigration_push_add
doomsday_2 '
Pm exploding planet.pngPm frame 2.png
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.5% Habitability
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.6% planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png 0.6% Minerals from Jobs
  • Mod resource energy mult.png 0.6% Energy from Jobs
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -15 planet_stability_add
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull -0.5% Migration Pull
  • (unrecognized string “planet_emigration_push_add” for Template:Icon) 100 planet_emigration_push_add
doomsday_3 '
Pm exploding planet.pngPm frame 2.png
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.7% Habitability
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.9% planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png 0.9% Minerals from Jobs
  • Mod resource energy mult.png 0.9% Energy from Jobs
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -20 planet_stability_add
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull -0.5% Migration Pull
  • (unrecognized string “planet_emigration_push_add” for Template:Icon) 100 planet_emigration_push_add
doomsday_4 '
Pm exploding planet.pngPm frame 2.png
  • 宜居性 Habitability -0.9% Habitability
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 1.2% planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png 1.2% Minerals from Jobs
  • Mod resource energy mult.png 1.2% Energy from Jobs
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -30 planet_stability_add
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull -0.5% Migration Pull
  • (unrecognized string “planet_emigration_push_add” for Template:Icon) 100 planet_emigration_push_add
doomsday_5 '
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.15% Happiness
  • (unrecognized string “planet_amenities_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.25% planet_amenities_mult
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.1% planet_jobs_produces_mult
prosp_uni_mod '
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_amenities_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.25% planet_amenities_mult
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.1% planet_jobs_produces_mult
prosp_uni_mod_gestalt '
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.1% Happiness
  • (unrecognized string “planet_amenities_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.15% planet_amenities_mult
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.15% planet_jobs_produces_mult
  • 宜居性 Habitability 0.10% Habitability
colonial_spirit_mod '
Pm surreal visions.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “pop_citizen_happiness” for Template:Icon) 0.1% pop_citizen_happiness
  • (unrecognized string “planet_amenities_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.2% planet_amenities_mult
dancing_fad '
Pm surreal visions.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 成长时间 Growth Time -0.5% Pop Growth speed
  • (unrecognized string “pop_growth_from_immigration” for Template:Icon) -0.5% pop_growth_from_immigration
  • 幸福度 Happiness -0.15% Happiness
dancing_to_death_modifier '
Pm alien propaganda.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.2% Happiness
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_specialist_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.3% planet_jobs_specialist_produces_mult
planet_manifesti_joy '
Pm smugglers in bar.pngPm frame 1.png Planet Uslurp
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -10 planet_stability_add
  • Pop resource society research mult.png 0.2% Society From Jobs
planet_manifesti_uslurp_mod Frivolity and satire are becoming widespread, causing friction for our military and civic organizations.
Pm smugglers in bar.pngPm frame 1.png Speaking Uslurp
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.1% Happiness
manifesti_uslurp_mod A subversive dialect has taken root within our art centers and educational institutions, criticizing our military in particular.
Pm museum.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “country_society_research_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.15% country_society_research_produces_mult
manifesti_reflections_mod '
Pm museum.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “country_society_research_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.1% country_society_research_produces_mult
  • (unrecognized string “pop_ethics_shift_speed_mult” for Template:Icon) 1 pop_ethics_shift_speed_mult
manifesti_sweet_dreams_mod '
Pm medieval alien civilization.pngPm frame 1.png A Helping Hand
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost -0.2% Building cost
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost -0.2% District cost
the_lonely_bot_welcome The little robot who lives on the planet has gone out of its way to help our colonists settle down and establish themselves.
Pm arcology project.pngPm frame 1.png Crystalline Architecture
  • (unrecognized string “planet_housing_add” for Template:Icon) 8 planet_housing_add
  • 建筑花费 Building Cost -0.1% Building cost
crystalline_architecture_mod Improvements made to the layout have opened up more space for the residents on the habitat.
Pm ancient clone vat.pngPm frame 3.png Insufficient Ancient Clone Vats
  • (unrecognized string “pop_decline_speed” for Template:Icon) 1 pop_decline_speed
modifier_clone_pops_decline There are not enough 建筑 Building Ancient Clone Vat buildings here to sustain the current population.
Pm arctic planet.pngPm frame 3.png Ice Mined Planet
  • (unrecognized string “station_gatherers_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) -0.25% station_gatherers_produces_mult
ice_mined_planet The planet has recently been diminished, in the literal sense, by ice mining operations.
Pm ocean paradise.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 幸福度 Happiness 0.15% Happiness
  • 成长时间 Growth Time 0.1% Pop Growth speed
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.05% planet_jobs_produces_mult
ocean_paradise '
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png market_nominee_level_1 '
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png market_nominee_level_2 '
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png market_nominee_level_3 '
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png market_nominee_level_4 '
Pm planet from space.pngPm frame 1.png market_nominee_level_5 '
Pm assist research.pngPm frame 1.png pm_study_the_sea '
Pm mastery of nature.pngPm frame 1.png Mastery of Nature
  • 最大区划数 Max Districts 2 Max Districts
mastery_of_nature Our population requires room to grow, and so we shall make that room. Nature must not stand in the way of progress.
Pm resort planet.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_amenities_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.15% planet_amenities_mult
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull 0.15% Migration Pull
resort_colony_other_planets '
Pm atmospheric aphrodisiac.pngPm frame 1.png
  • 成长时间 Growth Time 0.20% Pop Growth speed
species_crossbreeding '
Pm robots.pngPm frame 1.png
  • Mod resource energy mult.png 0.10% Energy from Jobs
  • (unrecognized string “job_technician_drone_add” for Template:Icon) 1 job_technician_drone_add
divine_algorithm '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • 犯罪与异常 15 Crime
criminal_gambling '
Pm crime.pngPm frame 3.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) -5 planet_stability_add
festival_aftermath '
Pm resources.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “trade_value_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.15% trade_value_mult
slot_machine_bounty '
Pm asteroid impacts.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.10% planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult
heavy_metal '
Pm resources 2.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.10% planet_jobs_alloys_produces_mult
alloy_relic '
Pm resources 2.pngPm frame 1.png
  • Mod resource minerals mult.png 0.10% Minerals from Jobs
minerals_relic '
Pm resources 2.pngPm frame 1.png
  • Mod resource energy mult.png 0.10% Energy from Jobs
energy_relic '
Pm unknown.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_amenities_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.15% planet_amenities_mult
  • 迁入吸引力 Immigration Pull 0.50% Migration Pull
artist_monument_erected '
Pm ocean paradise.pngPm frame 1.png
  • (unrecognized string “planet_stability_add” for Template:Icon) 10 planet_stability_add
  • 成长时间 Growth Time 0.1% Pop Growth speed
  • (unrecognized string “planet_jobs_produces_mult” for Template:Icon) 0.05% planet_jobs_produces_mult
ocean_paradise_hive '