SW Fallen Republic/Minor factions


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This article has been verified for version 0.9.3
This page is actively being worked on and contains incomplete information

Minor Factions are similar in concept to Primitives from the base game, however they are technologically equivalent and simply choose not to get involved with galactic politics. Therefore, much more direct action at the observation post is possible. Invading them and therefore forcing them to join a players empire is still possible, if the according native interfearence allowes it, however it will also apply the Stellar culture Shock malus to its inhabitants. Regardless of how the World is aquiered it will start with no buildings and there will be a lot of unemployed pops.

Observation Missions[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Mission Effects Description Requirements
Tribute Mission
  • SWFR credit.png +5 Credits
  • Minerals.png +5 Minerals
  • Consumer goods.png +2 Consumer Goods
  • SWFR tibana gas.png +1 Tibana Gas
  • SWFR hypermatter.png +1 Hypermatter
Seek a tribute of this faction's material goods to the greater good under our protection.
Research Efforts
  • Research.png +3 Research
  • Society Research.png +7 Society Research if a specific GalacticCommunity mainButton single.png Galactic Senate Resolution is passed
Engage in research agreements with this minor faction for the benefit of us both
Active Diplomacy
  • SWFR credit.png -5 Credits
  • Food.png -5 Food
  • Influence.png -0.5 Influence
  • SWFR bacta.png -1 Bacta
  • When complete, full ownership of the system is given to the empire conducting the diplomacy
Seek to bring this planet into your Empire.